manufact Tri .g pl nt r o n u tymth i «n f -or a ote dv tae Whtyoeln c'tetwn andcoveinlyseitat rsidentia1 town iaof aTHE bEYT E tta td he re Cad t eyb ut e e owhith t ji,ýoe f the-' t o ~ C ohslay r ,nthreof Jnectheiy wdb e nra aur d. îou re pva tIis4 s f r a vof bèneleot- itheusWwb Whitby iso an o ei igpoà t of. e o wll pe a, goodWadve aî. th edvd abnestaes prett b nd tathr heal.tha'townshoun thefleD om -:IonAlwefh4' ef OL~ o T h o u g h o e d f t h e o d T es tYl O t r o , i t n e e r w a p sho r e c h a m i sg s u e a T epla c b l ih v e a o m eo f t h a n o w r . - t h s r 6f1 e J t ~ e l t ~ ~ e u I [ ~ 4 i J ~ ~ ~ o t t o ~ e I~~ ~ Embôeredinsptres, tsesidpetial streeofts ae- nvting-anthebreattaive or ot rad s, .ofh. t o l i v e i n a b e a d tu br in p r c es . b u s r e n t 8 a r y t n k m r a b ft ~e o , a d a t h e a ep ent y o ft n ~ ~ i e ~ o t & e o , a d b I d e n f ~ t Ã" ~ e ~ r ~ . l t ~ ~ s ç I g asgr a eln wsustrtumto ctesuracso il-atthat ellhareasin , a breutlyfoab tifded. SpaCode , o LIv" ýé' suthe Ofhord Qe7 ~ om of Whitby butaseearlybinÃŽ,thS, en- tury, it was n o st untl 1854 etat ow #y lo e ttat1 h re this seay ome hofd etn w dbeerptrd in- -hs n-(,l ar ln corortyd, andher~edeasar e r-.i t e n f h at elh own nte oiimta-à 9 the ou nety eo munjiipOa ri, tnandWs or hamic a apac o av h -ethn o. 3bi t- judicial ad inistrationeF-,mOtheneas' iý 1- i.mbweedntrmy s t e datialsresaems niig adteeaéatatv rprisrayet or k xm e' sri îaè ao osna-a capliv talo th eout.renpie.Huernsaeytcmaatveylw n hr r lnyýf-i, an. dI Môdel~ T he to niis s tuated in-one oil wo turêtv the fmoat buifld gloti onewhch ld i1h orfl2n whcW x ,ý mCh y-o eau initys lirruend 1.O oeo hr tedang i opre -esh argi' ia spgce foi aessesmas welltthes- boYf e ug ,the fi est s toen te ei g -sit t4 .0tnadae at ne o ofake, capae ofshlteig o orno M ejestya ineethTh e eau i u u - T e B n r w l o t i s e t r .et ao ur nishes amptuntle54 ad Ne tto ad«ons 'WibJucin usna fei h aNigdstit - and theesmianderin ineessp iite. run teouîngySstof unicipealRfge eaenndrore n batfl ossl(htsofsmo fn lhiglhhlb abo u fà ,Pane ite trblet iedeo d Mcia financeaio. F omtud 14éaw iîgasit o 'w hlch w ill em fo u nda nth s ed tio n , t e tluhglhe m g i i e n r f lg r C s i,aRe s n a n a a hi g o h e m l r o e f r m t e r e t re a m ad-tfda totalalLmoot fiçe illionsgandua quar toap it of th Toont o ahn5 -ntsrd fta ct. Ll hs coepoiiy udte mk a pitd facmd- Tedlas rT h e C .n P . R . t h ru ht h e in o n s d t h x t n i o ffh o r n o a d o k a i a .lw- l t li I t h r o i c tion uway any branch et any o! ~~~th aR tr d o p tr n i d fo re o s fate f ut h e r a trb a c t r ei d e l c a nts i g s r c lp r a n d a k i h o i i o .i g p r t y t h t y e î e o6veperoet. t te a era e pidOspeeîlly tha o! fhs lîhit pl etures, l wbout receptto Jrohn Drydevn g & So n sud o 1 t uh n t d b e drru m p r e s a h e ss-D v d o , M efJhn t n h n u y s at h t y i h p~ a i tg Cal e t he ank. a nd beii e .Ih e n w e g s n L e î Smih, rah ili Brgh, H dgs n, uru tt Ho den and oth rs.I ,-; ~ ¶ he ep sit ha e icre sed by ove i osi dificlt nif Cartikne- hrna'-VI G UUb~iiter sti g s a f27, OO th cicaltio s L60. o hi prfesio . E peeaII dos The ownook n aVaue tpwhel,, in 1903, it sdoptcd municipal 6wuership of!-wsterworks sud! enjoyable social Rie, which, with and thé grosse assets. $718,000, mr lgojigscia ,llt eleetrie highting. The publie control of these utilities la making such headway, and, bas resulted luscit mnue neuainlm t lan: what ti'ey, werc a.:year gadudor.rk îsowIng flot merely a Wbty btakBt i i a f nagn general success, that there le a strong tendency at the pentiethrdughout Ontario towardst the -ters, mnakes the town a most de- 1 truîy idarac.mnauepht«lasleha o inunîcipahizationý of waterworks, electric light sund telephone systems.. sirable place. - 'There are svear Mr-. E.- D. Warren, uthe local a-ad~cpsu eprec;i so fl cvrs banhotatit Jiurîng the past few months by-laws have been passed by the ratepayr oadteFres oo-inutiîetbihet hta-ager, 15 too .well anti. favorai htgahuknlcwvr eratÃŽve Haiwestixig Machine Co.,, the -Standard Windmnill Co., sud the Keystone Sugar Co.' sud this wil fordoeigsfrtenehiclkiwi iadabuWhbyfrUSscatyT P X1tor ina -9 Peins ortb mchnialy, to presume to say moretia tha t izs mean the addition of these three'industries to the*munufacturing, enterprises of the County Town. -it* Srone ~apoie.le fairly ekhales assurac,-ai r1eas seI~ îtnma The water supply of Whitby 18 drawu fromn Lake Outario. and the quautity available, therefore, isi aUy rich agricultural Conè hee urance of good ho c .113tm ra- rlsseli wl cneth ýY jgoes on. wrtp'sms iig h en unlimited. Iun are wslkÈ sud drives in ail direc.!o h cîyaoefr igca. point of pu i atnosi)Onr&tci n ~ Lionsof exeeding beauty«..p j.J NEceae rchigertrl ti the water i On the whole there la uo fluer poledboermlioa smr suitable for -do- Itown l ntrothnth oH -arnes& -Maker. --ta a etutil hty lty P.furna-ion esisit. wili - prcv-ati mestie sud ilu- Old .town of Whitby. .1octeergtcnt; rienort hem.k o-sîco dustrial ~~~, - alte harncsb, dealer, bas bîs plaeoi rtio lisbifrtiw esltôuret.WM. ROBSON, ESQ. È m~~~~nent of anyl ao-fWib. kind. The sys-' ao f hty te i o cure- 3r.Wuu. Robson, Mayor- of Wbit-* by, le ode of our-oldeest r>dut.H a pumping sys- camé to Whitby many years ago, lenm., The water inhicrerlou-nishasbeen - ~ - tone o!. honest integrity and upriglit 15 umpu iOll dellu à toal witb whonx lie camet au intake. pipe lIn contact. Mayor Robson is ev 600. feet bt in ing ]hie firEt term ae,- chie!-magis-! -trate of tbe, town o! Whitby...a!te'r thplake through hIaýving spent.Inai;y years'ilu the!,. ,a ten iuch- main councl .Dnring the ýpast ycar, th&eý to a water tower town has Progressed, sud"- Mayor Robuo6 eau look -back.onh terni distant, -About Of office 'and ln ith others take 12,0W0 feeti thé pridelu the- tact tbât durimg bis oc-j b - base beingaboù . uancr o! tue rnyor's chair sever- 60> feet above te Wbitby.- Mayor Roibson -bà s- al- kthe p i M p's %aystaken an, active PAr- inumuni-L Th Ion aiwhtbw1ee heKysou aîe glo&d.Thiwaert6 c ipal and Public affaire. in -the . - fle'. wa Hal, kIbywhro Ti. K yuou Ufic l les& d. - lii w to ~ year 1874 he was elected, tu the The 'Couny B uec eu e