'jý ~HE NOTE the. NEWNES-s 0F. 2Oth1 Cent'ury..CIoÙÈthin~ I Fashion, ýFabpîe,. Fit, Finish. and -value., Mon who follow the fashion and men whom the fashions, follow. both will find somethlng of Interest In- our OLOTHING DEPARTVENT We a showîng the smùaPtest, and beat of a rwtyles. I t Is extl'avaWance, to go tQ- hafE rloecl taliors for. clothixugi Our laro ýweap"rtIOWe 1p 1grauea a~ t s.5 If you want, te soe how the clothes wifl look on you, eome hln at any time t.o - -The Cash ,Store RBoss Fomded> 1792 BRýOSIà I.oorporat.d 1794 InsrenemCoepny et -North .Ainrica Capital Assets Jan. 1904 83,000,000o Why take any risk when you can get the best. * Gonoral Agnt, Dundas et. Whltby. Seed, Potatoés 'the Coiborne agent fer Chase Bros. reports that after lengthened ex- periment of the various kinds of good Potatoes, ho lias fouud two varie- tics, "Vermont Beauty" and "Pride of Britain," better than any others. 'They are medium,' smooth, firm, whiite potatoe. Large yielders, free- from rot ana choice cookers. A car *ith a supply of these potatoes ia expected in a few dayr. Price only tOc per bag mcre than Uxbridge potatoes. Wc supply both kinds. Seed Corn, Mangold Seed, Tuni p Seed. Ail of finest quality.. lW. B.PRINGLE &CO. The K-ystion efl"- Tu NEW COUMTYfPR KeutsePrvioeettie eytos .)us a tseand the BritahEpir"-J E.Yarwel. K Whiby. neltther shailti wMtua EYtOe .. inde, enide u ltio ! ndformer brout et -thse commuait>'. Tiso I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ë foraurpis rel nhnde et o Ofty-two i!ues, w u npaid in aduee-4L15 wheu- beau se not se pa.d. ~ appe. T.g AÂvetIsaat.. are reasonatile and<I wiibat, tO beu otedmon iscon., If ycu w1i1i to ho heabs be saîeittsrughçeaKETSTONIE. aor C.angest Ativertisementa sbould reacls tb!s,01- i8a a"e e la ttiai TuemUda>noa, te masure inser- Pe Mton i theciîrent issue. Afenti Wimtud in ail parla oftlie ouny. periencg Iworld t C. A. 'GODFELLQW, I row a D Miiter amind terf. wbereE tbingo Lesson from the Chiftgurder. I own One of the saddest cafel I thel criminal records -o! C (anada ,is rtbnt whieb was reveetin Toronto last week. A young- girl of tbirteeni lyeairs, bas- confosseti to stcaling and " killlng a, babe o! ninc menths. The Infant wsleft 'by Its -motber ln -a go-cart là the lane beside tic Platon ce's store, wbIle -s1e *went to do1 sorne shopping. Wben, sie returun-', cd- the -babe and cartl were gotie. Noô -trace .of eitlier could,«,be founbd.1, Anti the dIéappeà araoeWOUld deslbt- le as baveý remalncd a mystery'-yct bad the. chid-murderea nt become uneasy, -andi said slip had !ound -iv, dead baby. A skilied detective ioon hou thc stery 0o! tht> crimeunravel- led, and it nOw stands exposed to -thc pubilic gaze ln -a i ts beart- ý rending pIifuineas. A. mania fer. stealing bab)y-car.- niages possesedi the girl, and on this day, as she coulti not find an euipty carniage, ube stele- one with its baby occupant. Taking it , fair away to the euut, epd: o! the -uit>', she, murdercd thc poor littie babe by drowning it Iu a pool, o! muddy water. Later sbe teck U the dead body, strippeti it of it'(5 cietling, andi bld both ln separate places. The next day she teld ahe founti a deati baby. The chilti confesses to, bave becoe a frequent visitor' to the cbeap theatres. also a reader o!fturne - Wisrds arc inadequate to exwess tise lamentablé sadneee 'o! this ut- tony heartless and unprovoket,ý crime. Lt was se. dçvoit of motive as te re'nder'it thse more remarkable., Actuatet -apparantly by an- uncon- trolable u unirs for steaiing, te whkh lle 'Yielded, -the girl now lids- hor- self a -murdereisâ, an object-et plty a r»ad, exanipie oet-tepravet youth.- '.e_ýta-blasted lile bel ore lier. f fruit mratnà litr ves aMacuea- and iced, ber own lite Irretrievâabl d 1 as tlie case is, h t teachses les- that may 'produce valuable If tisis terrible crie uhouid, bave tise effeet of- prevontîng- nicUiers and. nurses ieaving bobos in carniages atone outside tise stores- epecially tepartuiental stores - o! thse clt inwib ave acconîpllised senie gooti. At ainusit anyý time dunl.ng fine toys, baises lu carniages znaj be *ien in tise loue f nom wisere th!@s bobo wamsteolen, aone anti un- protected, .semetirnes sleeping sweet- îjy, o!teu awrake aüd crying piti!uily for theln mothens. Lt îa a sight te wnlng tise heurt with compassion te sec ont heor bo"bos crying tiscir isearte dut fer maxima. whule that mamma las initise mad vertex o! a bar-gain-doy crutil wlthin tise>store. Hew any womnan, wltis a rnotlcr's love.. ceuiti nuleov'e 1cr off-sîint le beyond cen conception. For many oa day thiI crime will bic reinemberet, ona muthers wmli be a! raid te leove tieir littie Ouneai the Mnercy .0f aey paseing fient 'ir isemglt make or!* - witlu ond ultimaieiY tesitre>' 1theni.. Mr&. Murray, tise mothen et thé' aloin babo, la raying a bilg pnice tisat a soiutary leson zay lie tauglit- the motltors of Ton)onto, ont it, la gneatiy- te be lopedt tîat tise bacon inay lie -aken te heart. - Scribblings. -Thée Oshawa Rleformer o! 1Moyr 19 publiriset an intuctrial edition of four extra pages, uoetatuing an il- lust»atet - write-up ot tise oanntoo. turiiig. business and. fidntucia i listi- tutions ofthtie town. Tishe issue Wa eoxcellenily getton np, anti was atike- creditable te the town and tise pubtisisers oet the Refermer. (Croirdet euutoft it issur-) If tise nevelatiens ne w leing mate in *"Everybody's Magazine" isy Law- son, Russell and oiers as- t tle i- Iqulties e! thse Standardi Oit Co,, tise Bec! Trust ondt tht*LandiGraftere o! Calilornia. tise United States iroulti seeni t e e ' goot country te keep away front. The terrile powrer cf nuonopoly and grafft ls nMost vividy portrayed, ont' if lte Conditions are as dep *ler able as tbey are saidtote e, oee may wyell ask wkot 'ili tise ont ie ? ln Tuesday's déspatches a. re- 1 pent fronu Ottalva indicates t'bat the nuetiseaof the Standard oit are leing put iuteo porotion hi the -villages, near by. Tise merchante are conupellet tOe souStandard 0i1 pirodct, or -sec IL sioldt i ces ce 10w as te monepolize the entire trate. Tiiere la a LMtim-otecm- petition, lut it sisouildete preog-1 -ative ef Government te prevent cO-i ercien o! the kindi reportet front Ottewa. a-S 1tnae c;widi its singing brcS t ud il, piaylui hIc ; Thjýse aif Ltidnt te nak~e this earti .itu Uiand dcsirabte. But Ã"h 1,W1,0011tilesa teaui~tes W fade awa.y flefozre iiee&--üs8inig bWoiw 1 o! aorrow ajisu is Uiutis -0how c~jo>' a ii marréd by ur antitrube, -11.w gtve es -pzesure, anLil how iongiigty r. the beaný cu rus'and seek3 for joys mobre ablkliog alnt i ceesfOL chan9- 'ea with -;tue lcyzg cr ftiinie. Toflnd thd fleart's satisfaction we j itüirnaway,'frour eari±h te the fRea- venu! L;ýlme wbieh led tbroughi. Christ ba" rpireÈWxe for aUl wlio lovee Hîinm ".Thé. question la: fg ,How Doés Hâeoaven di! fer frord the .~athl Along:ts nUc Bible g Ives -us smrne vaisable l-nformatiôsk The C firast differen e.e' icwrIter sees fit to. mention,15 L. Tisere à ià sbJ ne more seu. gA.nd'there was ne- mo re, sea.", 11ev. 21:. I. Ail - tbrouigll Vite 11ev- elation wo bear Uic dash - of! waves. lu neariy' everyî vision tbe 'sea 'l; rnentioned, but ab tUic grandest Vision. Cones before him -of 'tise-ew uo yens- and, uew earth," liefecîs it o! sufficient- signaWcanîce -to-state "ltiere was nu niqre- sa.-" I ucèt flot occupy your tinte. siowing- yon that lus words -are s.ymbolleal rather than Ilterai. . He is telling us -ne-ý thing oethtie geograpby of the lu- ture worid, wisn lhe 8peaks thug. Thse apositie_ ohn miglit jusit have fittingiy >saiti there îbal le no moire J.. The uea, la a sy-mbol .ormystcry. 'i1he Jews ;were flot à a se-rovlngpeo- plc. .Tliey lolced- out acro"îs the bewildring -waves and wendercd SWbere they wouid 11e led Ifthey vexi-; turot on its untried tidos. IPo-tbem. wiat la>' beyont the' horizon waa 'a rnYstery, -Its. sa.tiness aise andi its and -tlle1 noxpleteà eà s of!. rveation.' eo seelks In vain te look beont 'the, horizon of a f ow factg, ant ln vi seorches tbe ecean depths of! lie se hitien andi darlk. But on lie.wrestlerd witb the problems la the darkness as tic Angel, wilh the. Patriarcit, net te let theui g0 thi the norning dawneth. and . when that ,luerniùg' dawns whata -flootioo! divine truths anti knowiedge will flod in upon bis soul, and problerna and mysteries thot bave -filedtheicwholo ihorizon »f bis mnd wel l e answered and expiainedf by a mere-change ef posi- tion.' In faut muet> cf th know- letige e! earth itili cease te lie ap- plicable. - so ny dear - ra -ndes let net theme tiings whieis ie Cal "a usysterieus provideque,"l unduiy worry or d.'stu.i b your« if e. for while you xnay lie nef u.cd tUi lknoiedge now sqrn-e .day you'l -undnstanê 2. The sea is a symuboi 3! Unreet. Even le thse caîrnesidays when tbe- wavossaeom tu e l3imbering lazily le thse sunlight,- euhl there la motion and unrebt. -Tisey await only. for. thc sighing o! the enstern wInds te zeeve themeselves from their, elunîber, anti as thse stormn approaches 'tihe Uittle wavelets gather together ý like mlgbty battallons whicbà dasit with. their foamIîîg niuthe ogainat ,la- lande, roaks, éihoale and ships, bring- ing destruction anti ýwoete le ail directions. Oh tbtat troubleti, heurt- [cas working of tisemnoaning ecean- what a picture it le 'et a mon with- eut Christ,. without , ed, * without pouce or paLrdoni!' "Thse wicked' Io like a treubled o ea, which cannot' rest, wisosc waters at np rntmapd tînrt." A seul entrencbed lu seething waves of! cÙliititîe, over' wisose 11f e sweeps the howiling winds of temptatien; a seul wliese best ef- forts occurnulate. notising but- boam and mire, oh what a resttess, shitt-- le-cc, waetetul lite audit must lie! le your ife such toû-night-?ý Have yeu ne peace of mid, ne restfutnees o! iseart ? -Teyou let me speak ont> say that as thse midnigistbrouglit te thie fÈil craf t on. Goiilee's .take, a Pilot, who otîy. lad to speak andth ie ang'ry biliows cee sed te close> each other là seething fury, auat nestled themcoIl es imte a peaceful, . ripplinig 'lauqbiter at Hic word; se tlaf saine l>lot-even Cluit-cean optier into your stoen tossed coùVis! sin, will cast -out thse démon of iurest, andi give yeou a pleace wisich- cornesý aloe f rom: God. Ye.s, at1i i1-u.Yonder heaven the, stornu an& struggle-_ wilI, il lie oi-er, for -theretii li e -ne mfiore sea et unreet -in* that fair land whsero "6there -Pmaiueti.- a rest for ise chidren of Got. llea-'-en differst; reni eartli ogain in tisat: IL! Tisere saolilie ne more Pain,1 Sorruw oi' Death. This le thc glad proclamation o! cen text. Tise- saints of heaven wifl lie detîveret lrein al1 tisose p4yaieal ovîts- whieh -go marÉred their, poace andÊ cemfort -wite- lu this wenid. lere the infant wails almeest 'frin tise binai brea tis, .à ntibas - everÈ 'à o be guarded against sickn<'cc. Ohtis É aiùful nights andth ie iong-ichsecl for rnorningg, wiuilebbrnfeg ne r elief t.vén. the plantS - se.em to e wcome- sigi turnà r frein bis weairy for rcst. -."Tise birds neits, tie'animais tQ 1. WVhat. more beautifili liglit. It, even causes poctic*nature toe êcii Tisine la the breathIng, Wlien un1ieavenly,,pa ,Wben -lieIîo's1-re4ys, a power And zephyrs- softiy Thon again does ni [reeai.natur e tou 5I .""et 4pu-u .1dilli. a .I- p nîgut for r epoüe ad rebt, - for- -Our -~aa-. spiritual. bodies,. shah no-ver thie. Btl tbere us anothen aspect lu --whIiýh -- tnere s8hahlie ine night. -Ligit Iraa- - favorite image Ws the Biblle for trutis, knowlodge, Joy ýant prospenity, whils&t darkncas and- nîglt are usot for 1- - norîance, unblfif errer ant i sn..I le dlurng th ikhnilt, the workers o!f XOS iniq#lty..prowl .around on theur mia. -_ sien or tiseft anti- crime. It lu 4ur- ing -tise nigît. that tise drunken NflRI brawls are.-.t their heighit, --d nigït. lute htcusby tbeir y.els3 -innpegé;..$31) and ouùrses. - 'risc dxîeknesa -of, - tie Mowbra'y..-> nlig4 is euset te ýconceoL tise bizek. Déorane.... nes o! titehum-an-hieart. 'But let î me tell yen tear f rients tiiat- -not a -Iad....... sIrà tew e! thlisdarknessa eau -ever enter beaven. No da'rkneea te super. ~oe . etitien,-e! errer:or sin. M- Intel- j lectual anti. splritu*al- darkness wiUl- Miniots...~ fige as tisenIgît befere tise '.uerning Binsgarth..-....32 sun. Tise 'wà ole e!,that*biappy landi Moîion....,m8 will lie enllgbtenct -with- tise glorjy tcola .....1 o! thse Lor& Insteat et thé mater- *.rï !la oms o! lIhlt coring f rein' thcGoingJuiit, Te sky anti reveaiing thiege te us but Going June 2Mti, ru ipe*eetiy. 7(lod *1WM, te.tise isab- - Qng July 5tis, Tel htante ýo! heaven .reveai l imlîmcf.Hia Flor-further p lety cbaà racter anti wi.- Tite glery P'actl<e AEit. - et tiseLord misalIt 11thc place',» and * tise Sun e! t gistuouà neea stal l u-Tikt eeg dweil évery Illte. No tankened, indTkeeeg tiser e, graïiptng alter. Cod ë fer they- shal see }tinvface: te face. Lt was or write O. B.-' De. Kane who- teck rjecently an - c'x-- peditien- te -tise Airetit- esa nt Who-- became ; c-bount :<there. .Tise ulg tist season came-upon, tien,* ond 'for 11-ik weeks thsey.saw ne saigu o! the sun.-- Tise salions became iii, many e! tisem 2E tying.; Dr. Kane was becerning veny tis ~ amg :bis mou, wien PtoLJs atAs sun-i a began te ,appear a1tngcab.p tis nlght te pos.-Re Iiwediatelir favorable terrns gathereti hie - mlnrxers- teether, anai reflected theo s4ii ' ight xIi» tise DOW cabin. . Tise lght efthtie sun - again se* cUeeret the- iseonts o!.tise siek soilers tisat. tbey-don, -.recovee%1,, o ndtihe expetltion recumot. - Andise tbèin. mabe somelucre, to-niglit wiso 'bave: wor i l n etise reg o fTh o spiritual daèlres, ùntil yciur seuls T are -si ck, andi yeur -"minà s titecen- tentet. - Corne at once te the greot Capil (Paid Pisysician, 'tise Ligbt et tise worlti and thou choit lie heoled- ont cieau- cd frcm sin ont fittet for tise Land ReseivO Fund wisere taness and, niglnt con never enter. , ~ -undivided1 IV. citaitm-1 b ne tenmpleicn. Godileupone arth té tmpe ..i - WHITE etitution, andi must f u11 it il'mission. Gnra lu tise eariy <ayse -epopulace, wèe allowed 'ne nearer - tison tise outer ITl court., Only the fligh: -Pniek;t - was4 allowed adiîsimhon once a -ycarl Into EýrSpecial the, fIeiy 0f houes tisere. te int'ercede fer tise people. Wisee Cli>ist" am collection cf F 'He gar-ctise worid a new idea of notes. N'oresipping Got- i . PI' ýtelttisen the tinie' wouid cerne wisexs neither EOI r in jerusaenu, at.ttat magnificent UPOUS - tenipile, noryé-t in thut bily Meunt]INTEEST a weaid tliey lie cemlpeiied to werhp for Goti was o spirit, omnnipre-sent,icmoN anti wherever there 'ias a contritel heant te ,worehip, tisere iras atwa,.ys a Ged to. han andionLcwe-r. At HisE n n ootr it capage-J10. [ l 1