Whitby Keystone, 1 Jun 1905, p. 4

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alii is ne wer, tcommand o! ,n fleet,,.has oit ,y in the. tropfi o-Admirai Skr -"iI-innoil Thers wiul b., gets thora."t ea figlit uoîdl" Ile rnplied: ie canot afferd o reaeh *VIadi- ~ement. 1 per- * place in the. aiût the. admit- lI.jetvensky*'I mperou having in reedomucf se- ndits i their em- ies of demonstra- imte nerili of Fia- are finding great ingu trenehes- n wng-te the late- lie soldiers, who [ter since the re- Se been building 'pingt the snow. sla June, wilen leu~ favorable il, aigthaxi tkey' ERWAYSI.' 0f INTERIA- Ma'24.-Týhe firet meet- terzationaî Deep Water- s"Ous comPOsed cf -threc hýesen$ing -Canada and Inted-c&tate, %ilbe held 1to-merrow.' La members cf the cern- ý- Kng ad Lois oste, d J.P.M-ayee c-f Te- in Washington . te-day. 'eseveit, in reeiving the On at accu te-day- at the declared Canada should Lé Brutish Embassty a Cun- tatUve, a kind of Charge wculd linour thoreughly usesl aud costume, sud lu& % iotn te ex et ti;e u0 emets of the] ïtem Im.. te deal te- reakmet trei4ed the (3an- i witli the utmnee-t coin,- Hlity. The. mting o! Wo! great impertaxice.. Lu ~Ilembers cere to tii instructions te- talc. ,ns pertaiig te navigu-. ;t Johbn River., On,.'this ited States Gvrmn with the.autiiozities cf and the outeome will hut the American ýmenu- 1te, discuesthé. St. John eau comision urus .pro- Congres li1902 -i the. [suber Ilill. Ité sole. oh- , t tthe interpretation of ft, which ha beexi, ipheld i uecextly rendéred b>.the. iral, is to diseusthe. le levelu cf the waters on ikes.. TiieCanadias athinke Fers o! thi.e onmiuuýRiox ex-- the St. John River, urhich ne sud New -Busik dammning Of the. river'at s snd the maintenance of- Maine luniberMexié-. ago Secretar>. Tafte.. i- Caadiau Gevernuueht that aoir. of tlils Govermexit 5t101157.15ti11¶,to the. St, y aspelal Ind that Senator Hale,-o! d at the. next session cfo let a bill fer the. crea- ay go Hugh &OBeine faire. for Great Mritine mettry Taft ths.t tue Can- mient would net consent Mimmis,ion, sud that it the qii!ferencell _ ceuld lha lie presout cowmusslcn. la -S=etarY Tsf t procured rani the .&ttereey-General Senut clumis.lon's inria- Ot extend tu tthe St. John I déeqping the waters c! (ROCh[TO Jura- k urere loadedt other olpr te- The. $3,000 - S.-] had bDeLnholding tfeir regular we-,Ily meeting. They.maieébed up into the City Hall and madestraigrht for Mayar Wea- ver's office. Lnnxediately semni three score inisters. feil upou theàir kneei while'their speaking, eommittee addiess ed Rlis Worsbhip.. Ministers, Who had de- uedneed the M-iayor dufing, the great praver meeting a inth ago, called hlim "the City'.s savigur." Theë Mayor finally raised bis bands. "Oh, ministers,' lie 'said, "ibn24 heurs after, the passage of the gas biM by the <Joupeils, i -made up my.idiuc ýWbat I would do. No living seul kuoDw5 whtI propose to do, but 1 shall carry- eut xiv-plirpose te the end" - he preseut lease lu iufinlitely- better 1ttheti etixer two, 1 !Pdwhy àhouid,] be aked te consextlb e city giving &ava a onttract that we.-now have, by wMà .hwe must. réeive i'annual ,rev- enues, at leaut $21.gWWO.0iii thelneat 24 yearsq,. and 'with the increnSýe !à the ICOPSumption 1e.!9 gsprobablv .$40.000,i and ý-then uat the,-euld of- yarget back, witbont any chaàrge against it,- t.he greàt'gas plant,«with ail its franchises ami -with ail _tbe mciney expended up*ný it ~ ~ ~ ~ . bveLnte a mrve Uomrlany! 'tbateplant,e 'Ibelieveld be worth te the cit.y froxu $80,OW000 te $l0,00U,-ý 000, se that by the proposed lea7se,.we, ahould be pracýticallygivi%- away-with- eut any return the present gas Bpla;nt,ý which "411 le wortl ut the expiration of 2 er from - 800,000ffto $100,000,- The miinikters seemed quit.s ove rjoyed st this, but 'afterWaErd, wheu they had houird_- that he. haci taken lunch with Leader1 Durhanm, sorne of titexu were not 50 suie. MAJOR, GRAY DEAD. ENSGINEER Or DEPART*XENT 0FP - rom the effecte cf as eld, which de- veloped. ixto pneumomia<,- Major Henry Gray, engineér o! -the- Deprtmnef cf Public Wcrke of Canacja;-.uied Jyeeter- day ut bis ýresidence, 80 Wellesley street, Toronto,. sbortly after 1 e'clock on Tues-- day afternooxi. -Tii.cold cansed -a* rut- ture e! a lLaeut -lu tue cheet, and de Ivelcped, ualtin-iateyiite a n attack - etI pneumonia, vhieh lie urus miable te threw off, us bis health hud been seri- ously xinderiued. !Major Glray. came te Canadla in' 1866, joiuîiug the. engineering staff on thé. location surveys o! the. Thter colonialj Railway, acting on, surveys location -until J 1871, asassistant engineer. Major Gray wras appointed te tthe Public Works Departinent cf Canada under Si-rViiarieis -Tuüpper ln 18-18., uud urss placed lu charge o! the wveterni Ontario divirion, with- bcndqçuar.e.-s' ut .Strst!erd, nutil 188(k Freux 188te 1882 ýhé urus resident 1superluteudeut- for Canàaa in the Mtari '- caliedte take.charge of the district o! w tenOtarie. , A widow _ind these ehidren -survive i: laerry St.. George Gray, manager Bank. o! Hamlton, Mor- deo,: Maxi.; ýCiaude Gru>., St:.-Cathiarirnes; Alice 1Marlon*, u!. f e*owalter P. Mer- ifI, sud three infant- ob ëildreU--Lillian,. Kathleen sud George. -Major Gra>'- rus a Roman, Catholie, sud bail been an ac tive meixher lu thie Deeeaed !eqnenly vsited KHamlton, especiali>y duriug the. paut tuo or three, yeaua, li coxinection i wth bay front im- proyvetmtnatters. - - SENSORY NERVES., Remsrkable Disýovery ýo! D9ile- Set by Jprison at Madr.id, thýe S-patis1. postal, re. BrEitish ScieutiitL tmu uds- on a nd Me ie 'BIank, London, Ma>.y .TeMxsa Hall --- prize, given every five years: by tise I TO COLONIAL SLIR Royal Médical Sociçty, ha been uwarded te eur. Hudforau mpotan di- Piuc cfWales* Unveils Memolial-uSt cever>. o! the workings cf thxe -erx-ous - -Pa'. systeux. Pr of, Head iiad the. sexisor>. aul nerves o! bis urm di-v-ded,« sud then b. London, M,1ay 29.-The"Price. o>f. Wales wamtched the, sensations thut.,folllo Wed. tius afrerInOon atSt Paui3's -Cathedral. Thon h. iiad the, neuves. renuited b>. nnveiled a uîeinorial te ti. colonial rol- stitelslng, sud h. urutched thfe; progresu diers ivho f cil during tho war. Lord und e!f recover>. --- Ldy Stratheona, Premier Bulfour,- Rigilt The. resuit urss that lic discovered that lion. Josephi Chamberlain;.Iliglit lion tire r e - t urc distn t -el1s o !, se u's or>. Alfred Lyttleton. grl a d o n Ms nerces.- One coxiveys the. sensations of- ixt Earl sud Countess Roberts, Gen- pain, heat >sud -eoid. sud thi.e tier,fthe eraIs .Badeu-Powell -and. Methuen, and sensations o! tcucb, aud alse- enables- oee thers -urere present. Cao ctt tBcl- te -Iccalize the. sensations -.ac=uateiy. land, lu a- short, address, uaid tbut the. Tii. healing power of thé. skia depeuds coilnes had cone to Gi-eut Britaidt a;d entirel>. u the fermer. - t *a tinte cf blac, 'diz-mul dreadir- dlesaetei-fdloed disuster, und -wien the WIFE-BATER KILLED By S N- retof tue wcrld iiad gi-i-ca a verdict augainst us. e B r asmted gt--.au unveiling memocrial te «col onial- troops who bad fallen iu the 'late wvar, which lie described as an of- ficial ucal te a magnificent PagOe!f Im t -perial hbistbry. In bis period 'ef office lie,-e hd seen great protýperity, the- de- 11velopinent .tf-veaith and with it 'a feel- iîngcof power,. ambition and natienalIty iinked Nvith the Imperial' feeling. Re< Ihardly .knew %vh2ther the -people of Greate Britain grasped it aUl, He hep- èd Great Britain would always hoId oui rthe -hand of friendsbip and that little differences between' them would never become-a plaything, fer paity pôlitiesi lun cenclusion - be>said, the fuiture Dom- Mien weuld ýalways hold -a warm place r~ bi'isher. Right H on. Alfred- Lyttelton, Colonial Seretary,'desribed -tbe Canadan Gv-ý erument ats ingïularly free from -eofrup- tie'n, andi mentio.ned- th reent, speechbes et Sir Wilfrîd -Laurier as equal to anything, in -the eratory of 'the berne. Parliament. The evolution cf the' Dom- inion could.proeed along- twe uUnes- could concentrate -r centralize ber fed-. eration; aee could work eut- ber des- tiny in partnership with the- mothber-«' ladd,, or ehe ight,- be ýone .cf the aggre- gate of, independent nations owig- ai- legiance to.eue Sovereign.'in eitber case ýShe'-would attain agreat place mnth world.. Lord Stratheona ýrèplying, -said that Canada would greatly appreciate the pos- tage of,,newvspapers te C anada u t re- duced rates. ne- hoped, the, French con- vention 1wojuld be- a step toward'tii. un- ioni ofNevfoundland with Caànada and- ventured te say -that ý-Canadian people* vere anaious for a -clouer union with the mcitercoun-try, and were prepared te. give even more substanti ence than niw.Iprf- Owing partly t(tmefferts ->cf Eaui; Ileatb, Empire iay *as oelèbrated ixis scountry rmorethan lun previeus, years. Besidés the Canada Club dinner' thé Canadien Society gave oeue, the fluke of- Argyle and the Duke. of Marlborough- benîhe prinàcipal speakers. Rn d ward. spent tiiday- ut Aldershot 'it- ýesb.the manceures f twnty .tho- ,sàdtroops. Reports -frein Gibraltar, Malta , Br- idandAustralia speg1k of the. day asbeing observed - lu a similar-faebion. The papers gk-eerallv exuphasize that fact tt lpire Day was efir-t ori' _aed i Canada. GANG CAýPTURED4O i EN WRO WORXEDTHE SAIS2 Madrid, May 29.ý-An examination o. papers found i.tlii. cffic'es of the. baxi of thievescéaptured by the ie yester- day on charges cf fihaving wre the hidden-treasure s,-%indle '-nthée-United States and Europe was -mu"de to-day. These, papers sho w -that the sffindlers. have realized 11M9,000 from their victinis but tuis- is supprsed te be only a frac- ton cftheir- zaine. The.firn c3nduct.ed its business Witnout any attcm.&at Son cealment in luain.roeou the Galle Chul-s.They employed ten clerke- and, kept their aeccourts xi ,.a systemat.ie nianner.- Th uiess was divided into sectioxis> coiucidir.g with. the ceuntries -where thé' swindle mar-j.:Orked.- %wliclî rs chiefir by the Spanishpriscner trick.-1 )>Several caunterfcit dyes %vere found tain BO'y West te Defence o! Zis Xotiref ard [Jsed Revoclver. Bllport, UL.L, SMa>.29-Wul efimud-' ing hie mother fi-cm the att-uaciz oi -ter husbaànd, Joseph Cbnnell, uged 19, shot sud kilIed bis father, Johin -E. Conueil, yesterday.- Âoeording to the stâtemesits o!flira. Cherneli sud -ILer tue sons,, Couneli, on eonÙnlg.home freux a visit to the village, IEW ILORD. 0F, THE. TREASURY. Lord Eamund Talbot WIU Replace Geruld ,Loder, Defeaàted.ut Election. Lonxdon, May- '29. -Lordý Ednd- Berurard Talbot, member o! Parliam ext for- Chichester, Sussex, bas been appoint- ed Junior Lord o! the. Treasur>.,to re-_ place Gerald Ioder,- uhe, follourig us appointmnt te the office, urus egnally defeated for re-eection ut Brighton b>. E. Vifliers, tue Liberal candidate. Sin&e the defeat cf Mr-. Loder the. peut hue been 1.ft vacant oulug te the. leur cf auctiier such reverse for. the Gvyern-t -«Lstuimoj -Was 5150give» Dy Mus a. I 5 fortKj Carlstroni, -uidleurof the deoeaised;,, krred IDurecter. 0 L. Mleekel, -for whom Carsronewrk-- -'cf--Publiec d; Attorney Louis A. Heiley cunsel. for 180 Direct the. Employer, associgtion, - and persons- sistance. Who itnesedthe. assault o:n-_ Cari- guard ati -1 The. membere cf the Ex 1ecutive 1Board at-Neweàs were ndiced pixiepally upon evidence cf kei of that character--which" tended te shcw "Aire you that moue>. Lad been appropriated at a- the magisi meeting e! thé exécutive- hoard for use mOdestly i b>. the. "eduêationall committee. fouud. teel -lowed--to 1 ýTHE SA VANNA TRAUE»Y 'penaltyble' WEALTHY CITIZEN sUICID)ED ON Severai UiM DEINO QUESTIONED ABOUT PIÏSTOL. Savan~nah, El.<, May 2q.-BRotwell pul- HaIifaxý ford, reputed te be the ureaithierst citi- resUn'ig i zen f Savanna, committed suicide te.. and the pe day a feur moments after being qus- 'lu edthe i tioned regarding the wherabout& o! a re- in the ibed vlver with urich he urs suspeted of Arialclra aývig lain- Attrney Daniel S. -'Ferr ybis, emas former Ieadinçg ýmeniber of the IlIl~is ý1made a ga. Legisiature. ePuIf' rd iiad denied an-y ueut lu su knowledge f-telinof, >.>erybuit the middle becaux. - agitated . heu qqnestioued con- aura> mitii cerniing the revolver.-; The story bas cramp and been uride.1y eirculated that Perry was shore. killed as a resuit of attention paid'by LiteB hlmn to a murwied weman.- --- - LtI Pulford on ariving ut his atere to-àay eld. 'son o!f-i found axineurpaper maxi uaiting for hum tn ck a o f ,1< uith queries as te the revolver.~ As 80<1 ka as tic Inàterviewer had léft Pulford hur-tjeipc rÏied- home, -sud going te the ha>. toi'. den-oeui .f, hiB barn, hot bimself dead. deth o! ur - * - ~Sergeani-M CÂANZGIE MEDr:tL - - - Gm*rlon IR For Liudsauy Mani Who Saved ]BOY Pi s - and in the'wrlst of bis cou -Pttsubrg, -May ý2q.-The f i-st a*rrdsofetColor-Sergeant Fergùsoi under tii. Carug"ei. ero fund cf $5,700,- regimeut. Tii. latter, heur 000,- 'created by -Andiew- -Carneglei e rioainijued.Tii.se APril, 1904, were made t-day. - i k ow tyi nbo ur er l r ýA îxxog those rec i.ving 'Silver m dals karrest e b>. tii. mi i a iAI. xaUder Cameron, aged 27; s Puinter o! Lindsay, Victoria county, Ont., Ca1.n-' -- FR MUS -eron saw- George IL Bryans, aged 8, failîl J TFR1NS iuto- the Seugog River uriule attemrpting Young'l ady -S otaBuI to catch 11mb. - H. jumped iu a.fter theShtsaBl boy, whe ilad Eunk:twine.. Head-Re May Re - -Th be sukfor the -third time li-ai Winnipeg, May 29.-Mi urbirîpool,'but Camàeron eaught hlm sud 1 Souris wurs brouglit inte 1suaint hr.Byssrcvudrup night urith- a bullet in his idI>., but -Cameron. sufféed- frcm ?oû, Sun-da>. evenig last Mu. eéxhaiustion suad uerveui sho ck.- sitting on th>e bunk -cf th, - Souris cbatting'with a coil YACHTSMAN DROWNED. ladies and a gentleman ln o f- tihe la4es picked up- a r Sad Ending «of a Day'aPleamuire-ou Lake-'lli the caxice,- sud,- notthi St LOUs.& loaded; jýoiuted it ut Huti -Itrigger, sud Hunter ueceivi Motr eul,.Meiy 29. B>. the upsettingI in bis mouth. It -passed o! a yacht 'on Lake St.1 Louis, off PointJroc! c! -bis unouth, aud It Clair, tuis.eveungijevi Jfrks 25 vicinity cf the. I.ft ,ar7 1 X years- cf ge, wio rcsîded ut- Dorval, uras wuas toucbed, sud' tie grave drewned, ami tur c cmpani-ons uho urere 1be f eàred ' £rom the wou lu 'the, bout uith him had auarl-ow -es- P oeng. cape. *Jeffries, urith a- n4mxber o!frieuds, - otrtd-ct,-early lu tii. day . witb 'a -Myutery of Paul jt party for a cruise ou the lake. n The'- ekl. .weatber urussqu ally sand:thie lake %vus J-- oupx- aiy roug. Everthig uent ell borevr, A curions bit ef bistory'cce roug - Evryt-iýn wet. wllhoweerjoues lu brought te li glt by a until - lut.e In -the' day, when after leav- unropos te General Horace P iugsem o!thèpar>. t Pinte Claird1scvery In Paris of the.olS aî and u-hile making. for Beuconiield,- a. When Pani-Jones ti4 liParis, -2 '- uci ru Jthe -correspondent, Jones' -mot st ôr In. spruug Up u..r . 'e y ac t s lvng lunlier ne tve village e f M cipsized. Dumfries. Scotlund, and about -Two fri-end-s'urbo uere -vith Jeffries ut -her request und èxpense. il lu ii.yact cungte iisid, bt-j.! shinped'th.ere. buried in the] i n t e y a h t -l u n u ,t ý .t h s i e b u e i s g r a v e x nm a r h e d b y a s i n p i f ries urus- carried eut into the'luke -an _I with bis real name--JohnaPui. -owned before iielp eould b. given hlm.i celveïd. wonders the correspondi Bouts urere -sent te thie assistance cf theii. trreelvntherb edy or 1 n.anas, i- s s 5ud, of a drunucen Prom nax, ' urss discharge& sand th SPREAD F CIICAGO0SIRII(L Swearinq 10 Special -Pflice-Puetn the-Amris mpaizi )n of- veveýr, ;ldier ange. autho Ilet U env.' Dncer Lcon' 'ortu. aisi Sau bher C-irkî tay is :kirk- le Èl -Wh lent- *r- si spreding eah hur lu the. lumber. dis- e nt. Fifty -' ftr i unid , n e signs o! p oace, -i sig bt u- j-i n h v faiis îr te tam'tes'strk, asu.edfour reglme fuis li ti. euileers etikeassinid1val militia. ax . erious aspect t-d-ay. tUnue- te sucet J tue demanda for police protection, May.- 'IN e rl or Dine issued..a ceuh for 1,M0 able- compuxiies 'V bodiod citizens te -report- t Chie!. '- tiexn ti.>. h -the. teamste Xeil's office sud b. suera lxi aspolice- men te do strîke dut-y.'- steutTh Sherif!f Barirett coxtiuued te surear thei.~ted LI l u d e p u ti e s. T h e . n u m b r o f 'd ~ te s n t r x swer l in si. ebeg-iining o! the. itile o!fjtheaffect .1Wnumbere 4,000, ene-fourtir e! whom -o! the reae uct'- as deputies'assistunce, te pretect o f that uttii non-union drivers sud wagons-.- Aimedj positive Sta sentries were guarding- the various -arm- - divjiers lu oees ocated li the cit>', sud thefi.c. e-pîcyed. - tlosuud rounds of! u bea distributed union, uts iu the CtyndIl Ven't Be Taken Back-, k, May 29.-The-t the, 'vill not recçýo freux ti ave tuken iu conmectlc -ra' strike lunChiago , made to-dayV by Unxtxd ornas C. Plutt-, Presidq States Express Cempal plained a-t lengtls the.a !ed ompanties, gavehi Qns tor- and the. rlgtei itude, Mud eonolnd.A w 1- cmSvi May 29.-With the strik-e- ers -ey4-èèted a càU tc'armr, aî 1 --.. . - . ý -

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