Whitby Keystone, 1 Jun 1905, p. 6

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18 Iow at hand, buy a si rgaii Underwear at 35e 1 they aaz' II oue, ýurouto, lae spent thueN Farewell W-ho hal r ln heaith. route. bas _ ule visited with vir $nnday. £k, or Wooedtoek r bia hoIlayd. 1 Of the O.L. la on Frlday, june Wapa.nee, la via-, Eronto, la; on a. ter.. Mn. (Judge) LDow, of Trlnity. Uni1- outo, la home for the of st, John'm ohurch. in apendlng a tew dayit son, of-, Toroutcv, la- via-. F. Richardson, andi fans- lilton iasit week visIing Sha-w wau home, tram ption on, Victoria Day anmd mias. Laura Gale, arxe virltinz with port Davey, ofttha TrInlty itvisltlng Ëuarne ,liasreturnedti t or r>pendng.the holiday landi MIS@ Cranter, o! lotion, wet gusaofo awý on5 Victoria Dar. ,eUl ha.the eontract- the Queenl~i -iatel, begau workonit an* Carry, B.*A4,-of Ral- I town a. few dayrthia bl rsis lter, Mrs.-. Jas. L. Ma.nning, 'au Old Dow of 1Delleffle, cail- ends on 8a.turda.on bis lxortlswebt. ;eof LAdies' Ve.tr, wlth eleevesa, troux Sto '25. On the Wiag. son.- WbitbY, bas ticket- ring. Mr. anti lra. rutnvîié, .John Barclay k, Mfr. -Fred.. Wôodruf. Mr. and XMn.- L.-Seale. d, Rolit. Furnesta and M-lra.W. .Wr ýralII, John Vernon. ta Iiev. V. IL.Rzory ta iftrne ta' lontreal, ituttan ta Leamlngtoe, 9ta llbroak and Peter- nunel ta Buffalo, M.., Y., li ta Beavertan, Ui. icheter, Miss Atdile CieagoiI., 1e-v. A. C.- ýeton, Mr. lnd -Ms. phit- on, Misb Farewvellta larie. J.- *1.]Ride» ta , lira.-Rogers to ,Lçpan- w ta SamkuktGon, Sask., Èta Port .Hlope, Riehard ?ilevlle, G,. OXeitly ta 1 89 athens-to Toranto that1 Store ere wc las and ie the i.Al ,tcnded o-wear lIES us,,ane at h eleetrie ? of _gra.nticg~ ri the hlghway ? Wlio-l ta n- the- EttV <of, Mo bol ai ahý g -to former, 25e. ternit!nt, grafrpetual an&ý exclusive Jrnoi.sow" the hlghway- -the oui.y ternis upon wlileh théy tan ever hoIe -to çet a. raiiway. Thbe Toronto --saturday Nlght," ___________ 1whlch uauali l so -sane on al 'but reiius-questions, ln ita Iast week's of value to- themd. But asw ,iseenter. iuto. tho question 'at nOver bce the case,. and no Iength and haminers the Liberals,C03>afYwudtnkora becausfe the Liberai membe ra ef the of &ttempting to. buld 'ýa rail Ralwaycomitte vtaiforthe tending through several miu perpetual franchise, whle oniy one 'tIcs withaouVthle assurance t] Co6nservative:ý voted>tlàe, same way. OneOof the èorporationu Part of the article lu as toilows: not break ont a. link atsomi The Liberai party , a repreaented timueandI render the wbule.ch la- t he Onario Legllature and' the Ieei. Federal PIrlIIament, Seemg enga.ged 'Ph. stean . rè.Ulways. eùjôy in a. strenuonatruUgle for ita 'own petual -franchise. It is iir effacement. -Âtter javlnig beeu lntleyhv uc'etbi power. in thIN province for over t>yliv ucae hi thlrtr vêars. entre~nehinoeittplf lit wnav. but the minniipIalitiez ei'ery possible proper-orgamn represented bi wblcb they passa anti tbe-m 1bave 1usd .-to- ixý proven by the çonduct of tbé mes-, biera of It wbo lu comvittee support- ed the perpetuai franchise of - the Radial Railwuy Bill. Perpetuai f ran- chises have r one out o! fashion to such an-exte.ut that the suppcart, of any- sncb proposition ehoUlti be enough to put à publils-man ont of business. The application of the hlgb-banded :beb&uilibte -a franchisé asked fir ln' the -nelghborboo d 01- Toronto ln' ordes te force tis ei tyr ta elther -acec-t th Ûe- otrance of trade- under buth conditions' .Lfld thereby endanger its contrai of' Ita local franchise, or else,- refuse- it a.nd apparently put ltself l'-a. aalostiion ta, b.-dlselplined by the Legisiature, 'IFa a.gkà.ring instance 91t wha.t pro- matera belleve'-thaj-,cau1acoinplish. wltb memÙb ers-out the I:glslatureLý That PreWier Wbhitney finaily- had, ta -vit tue conittee conuiderlig the proposition, denounoe the.whoie' affair, andI practlcally teli bis foi-' law*ers -ta vote ýagainst the bill or be would-aee that It was voteti downe lu tià, Bouse, ivas. a.trenuous mev. that aboaki not' bave been' neéed at e meetiugý of 'busIness *-or repre- sentative -mén. 1Tihlat it iasneeded ivWas proven' by th«- vote, for. vr Libarai ou the cammlitte iasl favýor of, reporLinÈ the hbiI ta %th a Haua.em-which ordinaiy meanh its US ~m,...uil g.tnfftpt.Liu"bYr +h of a Coservative, member, they aeC diUdfospgJ7 ivithin ana o! carrying the day. death -thé veili of the t,.emple vas rient TeLiberai members, who--voted.as. le tiain, opening ta the public-tbe, they did are siuiply foliawing -the -way ta h ypacgvn i tradtion o!the oveeniet wicb - accese ta the Tbroue o! Graee, show- -w-cnt ta, the country hast Jan-uary leg - that -each'one for hîiseif - might* iu a hearse - andqi never camè back.1 appraoach tbe' mercy seat througbi ThcY had no - nterest lu TorontO, the atonement andI intercession oU andi apparently hase O 111 lu -any' the great 111gb Priest. Let us lean other pa.rt of the province, an -t4ey' thaï acceptable warsbip consista net wauid Dot -bave votesj for - a,.,per- in outivard ponip andi display, ori petuaI !ranchlse, which le adudîtted- imotgextereal forme; *eut lethe a. acurse everywhere. lioreever, i'dîr *elgions ighlt- ibat steals tliey seens to ho. aff ected, by thlat trougit. 'Use oreaurented, panes, non w-ave o! pailticai inisanity which bas te lor-ey arches, bedecked -wlith .gr. cannidthe iLiberai party. la Fe&ral geoumsaauany, boivever geai theiel affaira into a situation ftrn hidi may- be lu themseiîve&- Whbat >_we It cannot possible recoerIt.elf. na n ei-'as,,orhppra awh The gae ~emer hieey~ii 0 manhfested - preseece o! that Great. pontunity to demunstrate bis good Beîng whom we prafesà ta make -the sense,, courage andi strength-man op. subject o! .our: honiiagc(, Rather par-tuuity whieb w-as not,acceptai would 1 w-orshîp ile the bum4bicsti by -Mr. Wh]tucy until appeal af ton, cabin witb sluves, If the presence - of appeal ta the -geai senseand jus- Goa. were there, w-lUi Paul and Silas tice o! the -commuittee bâd failed.-lefe -prison ,withb Jobn alone ou-a From- the forégoieg anceinigltitnl-I rockry .Island w-here visions. of fer that anly iviekeci Onits are inle eaven are, than beùeatb f rettai favor of graetîng the franchise ask- dames, whene- inceese ascencis,. but wvhere GotI by the ýsanctifled. influence cd, w-hile as a mtter of fact Ille- oùL- fils lioLy Spinit la neyer keoive. long andI pralmnent Conservatives in Wtiat, ne temple. in beave D? Nop. this towvam anti l-the towesip l- gacrif ice for,. sin, ne laive ou tablets teresteci. just as strongly. support or Stones ,Mo forgivenesa eed« Nodenomination 'there, -no Baptiste, the - perptuai andI eselusive clauses Metbodists or Presby-teriansg, -but al as do'Liberals. It le eut a question a hah lie onc as Christ andI Goa ro e! panty,,poljiie,.notwitli1Standing ane.- At that d ay -the. great' ques- th0efrto Saturd.1y Nightt tien wl libe net w*erc did' these pee-î -pie -worship ? cf wLîat sect arè tbey? nuake it se. . But 'w"be are tbeýyanti wec There -le uotluing essentiaily cvii cametliey "?,Thiesé are tbey- w-be- le the grantinig o! tbe franchise ask- bave veoule up . out. ai great tribula-1 edl if tha munielpalitics inteýrested tin;u bde -ab .i heir robe an de thenu w-ite ile the blood thlnk it ili pay ta have the- tall- Of the Laeu1]ý Anti thon ailde- w a y ft - t ba t p r ic e . . Ple f a c i e i o i a i n s, a l p *o p le s , a l a tio n s . h a neearhl us toSe ini iduland trîbes shall maktthé concaves e! -haen ring- as tbey SIng theco- -auicialzýy an n us elilr t .onation soe- aud. "Croivu Hlm-Lordi -he railw-ay comapaey exept as eaeb tof ail." lsa a.u Iinl a -ehaln, but the links musat lbe lone to taeiutitute the lir's. arranit and siauzbter. of *ben p*rmitted teo-rue alou' thé' highway renderi; it doubly -valuaie ta. the .pubilc. -iadth te r-ompaùy ta purchase a. rlgtt el way -they eould locate wbere the landi côuld lue secured most reasouably, ý,whIcb would flot llkely be where the Une -wo,üId le most coavenient. And it -vould u1so lie a perpetuai franchise. TPhe -advanLtage ta a cunHnmunity of~ a- line -of rallway upon the blgbway, le se0 great tbat it maore ian makes up for -napy apparent sacrifice-,-a!, future value or privilege that mig4 occur frous rctnining the nlght-'- tëi resume possession of. the f ranche at saune distaqt day.,. On the w-hale %ve subumit that the Premier, the pres dSome Other@ have allowad the anti-PerPéItual and aniti-exclusive bug ta, gt eté i.their hair, and tbey thiek thcy are-fu- ture wise and ikbve Ithe-,"lo.aking- down-thFagea" faeulty, ingteati o! whieh they have bece uneddling with other -peoôpie's businegs." Heaven H.B. Notice to Çreditolrs. Ie the uatter o! the Beenett MaeufacturÈng Coiprpany. :Notice 'ta bereby given tluat th - - Beniectt Mauulaàcturing Oompany'af DON'T 1 the Village of 3ickring in the Ooue-- t'y or Ontania, carFysg on businwtSS as manufactureraw at the. saitI Viliage' h o! Pickeng, have niaaJe an afflign- ment under RS..18b7, C. 147, -andI BSt ine ilmon a m e n d in g A c t ., o f a il t h e i r e s t a t -; tSt n s w h y eu E'-V w y eggmen credits and'effece ta - nme, for~ the onu or office hi gererai benefitoa .h.ir eredîtori3. -10 erecelvedi A: meetin o t ixeir ereditr wi l e-nenerat-n lie ekiat i ffc et-Cor some catalogue. Hanse at the Town cfWIVtby . -.oraton < Wfiesaybethe thlrty-first day of Dominion Bh Mayattelieur:o! twu :o*clock In the atternoon, £. receive a State- nment, o!.affairs, to - ppolbt inspect- Confederation ors, -andfor Lb. orden*no! the a!- R .? fairs -o! -the etitategenerally.- _______ Crcditoee are.-. roq aired ta file their daims with the siugcwt _______ the -proofr, and, part1eularq_ therco! 1 rcquircd by the said Act1s onl or lie- fore. the- -day o! s nchb nectlng. And. notice le. further glven, that af ter the tbirtietn day of. June, 1905, the' asslgnce wili proceed te distri- amongst'- Ui parties entitled therc-ý.11 N ALL CI ta,,having regard onljy té' thée daims o!- wbioh, notice. shall then have been HAVE YOI given, and thlat he wili -no eli ble 1I o ntfraep , for the assets or any part t hereof) e l -pv,"«c) wlit se distri:bute-d te, any per.-on or ýper- 0P0 sons of whose daimis lie shall.net i~ aetnye then. bave. had notice. ptet u -m ý,c J. F P~XON, ssige~.To any one sendin DO0W &McGILLIFVIi.2Y, of i t 1.eo Solicitors for. Assiguec. cdLt Baby Eczoma- s5BaGf, i.butod "My ~ter was a wtýdufflicteci wlt4 czema from *w1lenthiree iveeke aid.P à11w &SHeriey R H er entire face à-nt]. heaci,. were raW,ý' hIuksEb6l andI sbe ias in awful distrees.,Whenl doctors faileci we began.the -use e!of avîIul Dr. Chase's Ointment,..whicli ba's en-I MARION' tirely- cured ber, andI -she« bas never bad>the Ieast Syniptem or theReltd trouble sinee.'-Mrs. Patrick *Sull-1 isiees a DI .v.1an,- Wclland Ave., St. ,. Catbarin es, New ork ie TORONtot ONT. Corner of Yonge and Alexander.-Sts. SUMMNER SESSION dnring- July and Angust for Publie Sehool. Teachers and othera. Ail of our graduates get 'posi- -CottagLe om Centre chrl.Apply ati lue W. J. ebo! I. O.LC.

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