Whitby Keystone, 1 Jun 1905, p. 7

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THlE KEYSI'O0NE, -WHITBY, THURSDAY'. JUNE ,10 - ,'Ii- Cias h ii. iîeid~tKi, KING. BROS. Tanneras,- etc. g hlm-mia. major ln the -34th Regiment o! Militia, with, heatiquarters liere. He- has a nice home on iýyron street, and is altogether most comfortably situated. Wrn. Newport Buss and Frelghte -Newportb bus line Lu and, fr-oi the Stationtw a t Wlî'iy -antti WlîIir.by J unction ta about as 'wei kuownt as LtUe lown itisehf. Tite proprîetuî uif ibis faunous Aine is ül.. WîiI. Ni port. a very eourteoug; and oblîgîng t!aIerer W )the rnaiiy i-yirîg dtimids imade upon. itab3 a iîraveîîing pub- lie. Mr. Newpou-tibasa. aV9.î SLabie and ibarns on Eiaî. streýýt, wlhure lie stables over tia if a zscore ol liorseta. tie inelts ail trainis ad-ibuai.s stop)- pîa li bre, aîld aisue carria- i.is Maj- -NlYs ail. ilicdoe*.sa large cavt- aLge anti IreigliL uîîs about tuwii. andi suppies îai td divers f or pieutecs, -parties, etc. It requtres a nawi-ou rare patience ant iunInli natural aii aequired CI u-- tes'y lu cater t l tt.L-aveiling public lu tiie-Capacaty*-,eliich Mr. Newport Mil, anti leir aucceeti ab sveil as dues lie. Tu keep lus nuimerous leainîs- r-, ployed> %W. -Newport wu-ks 70 acres . f land, and i nay be saiti to be a MR. A.. D. FRASER9 TAILOR Mr. Alex. D. fra'ser, the inerchant tailor, is too well *kniowii in whliv. and Ihas work is of -sncb a superior -nature. that rnellier Mr. Fra-, ser uer bis work ineed mueh Commaent. Mir. Fraser carne to Wilitlbv in.the vear l$;74 anîd bas resided h-cru curîin-, uaillv for the last thirtv-oîîe suai-s. 1 uing ythlis ii e lie lias muade aeputatioti for ti'rst-elass iwork.-aîîd lbis nan1ie hais spreaîd far and wide. Mir. Fraser iîakes orîlured cloth- mrg 'onl-v, andi bis terniis -aile cash, anc bv djl~businiess oui a cash basis lie is ini a position te quote to -custuri-- crs much lewer pt-ices-ithax prevail at stores doitiîg busi- ness un the credit plan. Nlr. Fraser's store is locaàted on, Brock street near the Post Office. W. J.- Luxe Wliat would WbitbY do -wittout Mr. Luke's.- repair shfâp,? If anythiîne goes W 'rong wîth -nachinery,. peopý.e- send- for Mr. Luk-ei. If.-the bicycle~ is-punctureti, or bruken i aanypart, r.Luke le appealedto'r. -If a: hole le to be drilled.ariv et tu ba fsh ioriet, a spring to be -made a brokeni casting to bbracedto tuethier.. a îawvnemowr, or bueksasv sharpcned,' - in snorz,. if ainy of a tli;usand thîngs la wanted. te be dune tlziti uîîiy shll1, experieince,- andi a tborouglb equipaient outoLuis tai i-tscil accmpial-te twnappeai.s '1tu ,ýr. Liuke. As a resuit lie -enjoys a- t rade wiilieli. keeps iflai 011 tule liustle early antdate. " .-tr. Luke la otie -ftU*e most gen- lai cf men, la a; i Oeý>t as thle suii enjoys tuie estecm anid*.réspec.i of *ali- -nio know hîm, zanti-bas aluoveiy 1utIle houe on Centre- îer.aîîd a muost interestîng r:am .ily. Mr, Luke' is t7has year a' meiber u1 the îown c ,oun- cil,-anti bas tiic hunulr uf being echair- wati of 111e*,i-'marîee Comimitteu. 11e la. aiso a.,memiber- 0f, the lire bri- gatie-and'belicÉ~s lu seve rai frat er- -qiial societji. Onei,îi' w.vays -knr.-t-. w -. wnere to rind Mr. Luke on. ari *question. 'rherre elusho citîzcns w-ho are more. populai T th ie w-car, andi tear uf [armer as w-Cii as. iveryluan. But M'm-. J. Luke. tile-. ta prohîîlbîy thîe igliest recoin- Ucie aalways willing lu oblige atcus- Whtiriii uc-h cati li giveîî- to a tomner by taking a1 team f rom ie f ro mOshawa. He. entereti the cm- M jrH r e o buaesClersfor be iL kio . plow, or tu Ulteai up a* team, lu, do piuy of the 1aterson Mtg- Co. ais J.ajr F.e S . Pire tîîitt but a - ery enuail percenhage -U ithtîle -job for oine ini neei. lias wurk manager ufthte Wliilby wurks. Later MRachinists.J. l in tto-h-lt trLl 1e race for'iS une of tUje eâbentialis o! the t0w]), lic wia bqokkeepa-ýr o! the Musvat M.ýfg. vae -pýae- *ucasl ite 'fiwld ouf iantactur-* anti we couîdti uLwpil do ssitluul Co., w-lieU tuuk uver the IPattersonj One ufthte permanetlanti -vaudPmmk Ilig iitusti;v j iaege-to pass the -it. businless. - Iti 1894 Mr.. Warner iliitutiorw u t MWhitLby is the maâchine Go w-Uere une ililu inSouthA Posrt . puai - - ntothecoa an wod bsi- Tilt-King Bt-os.Cou., liowever, staa-l-. ssw- n w h cullasntin-od bus- wrke of>rthe abusa- tiru luezli ud n atiditUe- name o! J. F. Pirhe hi o! a aucessful, expè efd fit-st anauîig the tnaiutacînrang Miss.1 M orley t lutbé present. 11e w-ns a -0 ie.%lary strcet. This firru, beste dQ- ý-anti reliable. pumpmaketr.. O $ant1 Ls 0ut %filt(bY, atsay ackii ~6ihome on Euclid- street and also--isigal td unactterparwu:sebsnmeupup.Ilo ali-t Lle-day 1tlîey'itoion their waj MiIinery the landi anti bildings eumpusinig iîs ametnai. maalv of rouh e)'UI'tîde(l(avu, uco fthatvcain euiinmar aaty-yadb- - requ ireti- by the ,tuwn. section o ofeunitry. -- lie shuç hodei ita' tîhe resutlt o! years l taao mninr.Sctut evicinity, manufactures 'planing.Dna tetwswhr tu stcaiy uigla ai- bu Vt-- alm Àvcto eurn aea"lt large stock o! . purape bun orgutybyrgbs aeîenVt i hadth amuch pten emut at-- --anti al kintis. ut woodtorkiîg rua- 'suppîy the neetis.o! bus patro erlî l lteeloîe ! awmae ia jisîle temperament,- a tiorougliun- E . vn~i ehinery. Tlfeir îuaine-plate bas been addition tu pumps-Mr.Pirie Tîn y &uy .hiae best unly, tvhiciltierstan'dîng o! female hunaam nature, Pump Maker. carrted f rom thie Atiantie, 1 tUe.ant installa wuoden cisten ti1ey niltinafactuî-e lmb oevei-ytluing [d-JJ IDi t1e way ot staple leat bers. and must always keep .very much tip-, The cmpnyg photo gives a Pacifile, tu ail parts o! the Domin- ail kinda of piping, ià agent f« Theytaie ii-uem. tî pprto-date. The Millineny store o! Miss- striking hîkenesa of Mr. E. W. Evans,j ion, anti whenever iL gues it le a':milles, o! w-bleU he sells,à consi lezitlius 0or aIl tiescrip)tiona.', incluti- itug po-himi, grai,- il, etc., alwoý rul i-t ant i uack coîlar gootis.- Tht- bsîi atse-taes»ltby altanost il iliot ntîrcly av-uuti thue motiii ,Llin'> senti t-il podu.tts - lui tmiîad~a 1hwtuhie Atijîti tictlu huef l'avîlîc coasts, as w-l as ho - Eng- lail, asoujli 41ied., î, nd ti ter lai- p)ff pons- - ,- - --. Attoimet î Liuitg for LIe resitictts of là i L ita t e> di-aw- ati i tai- gi-d -- - - - --- bld s ftroiîn tacsui-ruudltîg counîLrY; --- --- in shuoint tii 'y do tiieti buying at- - -- boue anti senuth le- fiîîîeti materiai -!- itri afiuelt ttongihuuî te w-or-id aiL-- -- à-MVý a rcm e~e ut la iîby';s *piace on the- Tih e ut licerb oà thie Cotupany are' Chtas. 1kîiîg, Vtesitein; C. . jobepli! jKiuig. % ice-i>res.; anti Tleoioae'# Jiu%%L hîtitdie a.a o!Wlu fîldes - i - -ei, repîeet¶ig a lar-geui 1Qtie lLîotp'tti fcelawcciity to go îtu cirenitttioli 1 lit otitiabout huie tosný'. Tht>- w-a-rae utunatise, uccupày- ing a1boUlut, acres, a-0*-itU us otao mliquite a few nen. M j W h îtli g IL - u a t,-t g o ol u 40pa n *rociuco, etc. Il 551î i, ..rliti Le ceveaid la ttee uiîs li e l hcîps thbe land,. by ,p at1g a1ts utiL aI uLiii- mu-kèt. ataId e lýlibs t il sv o recüisc e iesaune proglucta, bli tt-uiug tbcîu over ho t1e1coît1uier pj iulc andi 'wigill tUe balance aïs lu Ilacî-i .actuai WOî'lhî.lu bshuit, ait huonetAtideckler goeh a long %wiy tl i»eîp proilucere tu produce III aui ionebt andti Llere- foro pi-odtucliveumanner. .1 James I.4m ui cîs uniy> gooti goutté. wlichuh alé;u îo say> Liantlie buye tUe sanie; lut tiis way Ulie a -benefactor both to tUe taOnil alti tiose Whto lis-e neiarby';iiite Ibis ,icason lice desîti ses ato lige e deais lun 1kluî-, Cpuna, 0etnel ran, bilitzs, Va te, ett. Ïi Il-Iti À Uci deat l ha siWmpl,y 'titose thuiiga ss aiVIL tiip mic itunmilaiu- lîY oaî-o--Ct, Lut Mt-.,Long secs lu il, tbat. ouc beamLb of butuinare in fitIcote-li Lion, atadiasbilégoteshave' - betaps-~odb>' cam-efui Litai*ilt-i la veigtagatliaî Lulbe uftutie lir-t. 'lie Most cei-taimuty lbas carai Lte gOuti wilil ul >lie pince wliereeon bis ent1 la pttvîeli ,Wiîeli ile luckiîy iVlitby. - W. do £le Richardsoni View of tleydnsl-ore Park, New Power House, Harbor-, etc., Whitby -- - -~The accompanying erigras-ing gis-es une a glimpse of a fringe -of Whitby's lake front Park, the beautiful sandy beecl, the, harbor with the steamer 14Arqyle "ah the dock, -the new Power-hoîaise of the waterWorks anti eleetrie liglit plants, the liglit'bouse, etc. A look at the cugî-aving gis'es une a "spriîug feeling«" andi makes une yea-rntî bu4"go iniiswrMUin'," "ltic the fellers elutheq in knuts," andi other- wise sbake off duil care andi have a romp. The Park te owned by a company of Whitby busîiess -anti professional inen, who have ex- pendeti large sunîs of money toý make il a place where a day may be spent pleasantly and happily. There. is a large pavillon f or shade; for danîcinîg, for refrcshmeaît, etc, provideti with stove aniduCher utensils for the use andi convenience of picriie parties. T7here is also ample groundt for gamnes and'sports; the bathirug privileges are excellent; and there is a sandy beach un which to asit and watch 'the Nwaves cisport themselves when the breeze f reehens from the aoîîh. west or east. or whért- the ohild-ren c'au haila nvrmnit- of.îif t a id or patter with bare feet upon the firmn or fromù year to year as improvements are n The exgraving show some of the col The Park Co. is open to make ternii place. The Cou.has yet a limited numbt wîth Toronto and extending to the Park who have in mind a summer home near1 mer* retreat and pienie ground between 1 Sâtationory, tG.1IMorleyon Brock etreet. WhitbY. bas Bantimaster - long been the reridezi-ous .o!' the and -Whitby WiUltitls u, how-n vithbout a -goKi; fair sex durlng the several millineny stLhioller' and ilaicY-gootui store ! sea-sons of the year. Mise Morley Wluiby is fav-uued w.w-l as large anti las liat a long ýnti thonouglu exper- copt tt> quipjoe-, i tstcre ut tlîis'lence la tUe practice o! Uer- art, anti - kifi as one- tntgîît expec-t to sec - le now an expert. She keepe abreast OUts4do a uit>' Mr. %%. J. lil, Iicli-'uf the. imes, lias.ia courteous fand -at-tson ais oune 01i tc wett-kuowa obliging manner. anti bas acquineti youIîIg bttIeIýss aîcuî o1 SVIttby. lic a trade.wbieh le large anti netuunet- wus bOVIn atuti lgilît rpt-ri', and ative. A Visit ho lier show- soon lias bî"nkoii iow avoi-abiy as bjoy is usually W-cil rapaiti.- 8111 UILm a.tic cujoys IL targe pal- - - rouae ut ie alInutw-iacilIWc c-til- - n ai--ety iîag taala>' fouitti' ait W . He W arner treslutLýi1tîklitl- stituioliery, booksdiiiwnî,gtîssar- aneiy Coal and Wood. - aines, etc. ilesidles hle tocs a large 1 ut e- ,of'tUe Mitlanti Raiiway trivdeain ütîewsîmapet, o! wiîiclu lic track on Dundas street may befouînti bnlsailthue Toronto tiagies andtihte coal and wouti yard of "%r. W. - otiiu'rs. . Mr. llichartison isleagenh for il. Warncr, whbene the . neetis of sever-iiifin e insunance cotuiprnies, fr hibyetizens înay Uc met lu these' whlc-b a large local butineas is se-, ecessîîîesa oflife. - .Mn. -Warncr, tlue, eu 1, (,(1--. 2r. l Iihrtsii "uilsa. ivocelI- proprietorn, bas beon a residetît. o! list of no nic-ai liîtlitlyantiusalso a ý- lîe 10w-a since 1tSaS5, coming lierei E R.BLOWI Ticket Agent, etc. y muorail The- au.)et_ ut tli;ske-tehlishaby irt, f-decet te etrmi t i ooul bu- ar andi ne iNhlo-,a ahe.M-,. -Aid. .îo ioi,.iain vtie iî cn UIlepîioer Inierlmatî t u oftire îuwn, - ais w-cii a:s:serv itig tso ternie as Mayor- *Thé firr.t Conis Iginl. lLOfcoal re- ecîivetiby Mr. Bowuo ut110111eti tu)Oly as 3,500) os*-i t0o10lime. -Ontarlo At tii-lir se~ut tire I, las thrce sknown sfloonersÊ conîmig, viZ.Ï itle .~l èrienced w-cil." ss'itlî i75 L.otis; -Oliver Muw- rie may_ at," 550 tolas; 57-z~"Zi~0 tonts, Ù11 -er this loaded witi Svtran Lonit Anthilracite, 0 .hi on while aI ail -timeýs lie Is re-Ceivimîg sof t e keeps c-ual. by ratil.. ShandIotu it may 'Do. mecitioned title 'hus ýns. .In just brong1, lît nL 'ilViLbY, LUe, very adues-coal -cicr bUtuugîit luitu Lie 10wn a Zt r wind-* unle lue, anti lie lîab-moi-outtlie dder'able! saine sort lu follow. 1 He ticals in ii ai!srts anti grades ol cuoali, aîli iugli t act i b.n uborn - anti Lý-uougli.. upr li t thirbusitiess, lie lias hkt o ay ugooti and 11llough Lo bc lt-tcta.s ail1roundti expert Â-lILt.atiù ltsLclis înig 1'emaalwaye - -- - Lkureou~i peuîie, svc feei sur'e nu-O o nt' coulti lbt- mure ,capa.b.Le uf -Sup- pîyttîg ui*rtioni1 evds rit hlîs hine, -IBoisides tiie coaul business, M r. lolw ta botil Litckçý>tandi Lelegrapfi agent tor ltre C.l'At. anti - ue ii ominion Ex- pt-cas (co., lsouetticket agenlt îo.r t1lý-- Miaîî, State, Domninion, Oan- atdihan Pacifie> aitu llur ceanU nes,. t -ti dalso [or ait lako 'uies as,- wel, sucti a.the PRiciiilleu & Ontarlo, Nia- igarai-,iver, ant IeMrciatlIL' tites. -For goud a- aiIa-uysrice . in ail lUe ofut-goin' -LUe 1Ceystone - eàrnestly catil,6 .Lhe-attenîtionî.outits rentiers -lu Mr. ls' attainnuents, anti assurpia LIterai!tirebeLat pî-omptest -attentioni -beiug -gi% en - iti iieeds as a resuli uof.tleil' tak- - ing titis lIînt1. SiMr. îBlow lias Wcrsed Whitby lui municipal thttr, 1e saine ais tbiso - allier. bef6re lîlî, haxîîîg been inu -the coummit t el%-ueas, anti in tire MztYor'S (Ilair rfoi,- -,LWucuv -eîtv - - >ears. -atît ne hÈs autci-rene ut ue iîae -of Lngiaud, lia,, been - ~m rti natduferent tIumSý aitd at - hresent l hm rai Ld u ssut.11 peiiîieitei tcr ite uthé :m eilool --- The.Queen's Hotel The <çàuceltfs aalg--sLbic- hotet. but, lias r L nly Lakeîi - on new liteý.- 'FoiLihe past y e; r it. bas nul hati alirense, bcat ire iouse !li - iifot, suhppIY adteilute "accoînifo- - dation for tlte trkiýVelling public. A fwmontlis ago Lili- prenies were p1urch.aseti by Mir. 1D. W.1 MegaffinI, -- -la te of bond Hieat,-svlîu ah Onecomn- r yielding surfa!e as they please. It is a niee spot- is- Heydnshfore, and it, will* become nicr siill lc.-Tu îu1isiebsbe made by mari and nature. tausoriid, and i uow-a very pie- ttages where Whitby.citizens are wont to spend the summer months, "néar to nature's heart.". tueu eatcuilue s argedlo s with any society, sehool, church or other body'desiring to,.pienic at this healthful, *pleasant appnc. TU uruîmie new, uit.itu.e aIi leiLS excellent ýer of cottage lots to dispose of, and ini view of the advent of the radial railway c9nnecting i ~eypr~ua. The bouse le an atrfon tanerl aen im hol o otin secumring .a. building site by those - splenudidiY lîli Led . --.t h elect'ricity, the water.. Heydrishore has been pronounced by visitors as the most admirable- site. for a sumn- Very- liatidsoipte sfila.des bzing used in. Toronto and Kingston. the office. and si-Liug roui I'r e parationsi are being made tueW clai thée buiidinig, and WwheiJthis 15 completi n !L wùr look like -a new, _______________________________________________ Ibuilding enLtirely. It t; safu to as- I sert tUjaL nu,ôtlîer dollar--a-dazy bouse of the 34th Regimental guarantre of excellence in construe- number in Uicl'ro and*bf.Onaaio issu ivei ,aearly, and le aIgeneralhe Citizens' Band. and one thon and u tility. Th1ei, machines ail-round me6hainie. .Mr. Pirie- came, a n cPs nterUl oi Y itbd uî> as i are of'the mus4t moderni type, and to Whitby from Brooklin some four'.loe tWiib. L a are built to do-and do well-every years ago. As a business, nan,>ofouily wfllt 1%Lt5 tlpeett2-d f Vhie3 the class of .work required of this thc village to the nortli lie lad be- ordo Litrs omiSsione- niachinery.. The head of the firm come widely, known aud liad- worked' A~ he~ue' aienebe-t la MaÏor IHarper, ]Police Magistrate up.a lairgetae O ig to iginniiag> titiMy1,lOZ bu: Ilf1the'owh of Vhitby. Mr. Har- Whitby lie retained n ucli of the ta aet9buewsoec o per bas, been for long years one ofi forwer trade anîd Soon attracteç a bu4ýinC-s, and' in a very shortL timne the substantial c-itizcuti of the town, largene business. So thato-M.Mg*,itun îsacmoa respected bY and useful tothte corn- ,day 'àlr. Pirie le kept very buîey, tion foL -rubj:irs if.vuiitidtti ti munity. l'or yrears lie lias been a. in Tact too busy for comfort. As aà r~ie5hv laiL i uu niember ofthLe Board of Educat-o, citizen lit, is weil liked and is useful.. e 4a. . ant isl this yeur its chairman. TUe .He is a ruember of the town fire isliincLooI r.Mafn junior member of the firm 18 Mr. ý!brigade, a inember of! sev'eral Ira- l run asrîLy[irL-ceass and Ernest Harper, a member this year ternal souietiesl a8anbpe- hruli î-odL ilousie. wbere ut tthe Tobwn Councîl. engineer of the~ byter.ian, a constant -reader o! -The_ the cola imercial aîîd lias <lliiig public volunteer tire brigade, and- an act-l Reystone, and lis a good, Gritor silb ~îfeo~y.ace u ive and popular -youngrý man in f ra- eleaCosratv omtt'er where the. weary afid tiredi traveller ternal society and social circles. whc.Will lie sure of ' iu laîî.licd atI tasty major Harper & Son give emiploy- n r .ii eîe, ihbsitr leai- wii lie dues flot alwaYsý find ment to a considerable number -.of esting family.cre f -Mary and ii11 crgiain~ men the -year round, and could keep Centre strects, where ema be Mr. Megaff lu liais nad.the Queen's miany more buésy.had they -the room. fotînd after 'sliop heours fÃ"r emer-1 credit thte town, andtihe- will Thssop le 'a very busy place, for - geney cals. -bt Spuit by iliis entcrprise. there aiwaye seems t& be a ruùsh of. - work with them. ____ ___ ____ ___M. W. Collins. - - B3oots and Shoos o! Wlitby's valu à business mnen and There is une thing tbat everybody citizens,. A few ycars ago Mr. w-as1 lio ungnc rpu- 1z'ans 'came'bu Ithe county tow-n front Claremutit, anti engageti in andti tt l boots andi shues. Foot- thp pump-nuaking business. 1He- - w-ean le a ,neeeseity, anti le w-l i caleti in ,a ehop besitie the Royal teicas.ilu bhs line les aseured,.o! bush- Hutel . Bnock street, anti las built np. ness Mn. M. W. Collins car-ries a a credilable trd. Mn. Evans le know-n fanr anti wide, :anti hie w-or-k large stock o! bouts anti shues, nubr- us of tUe kinti any une might be: bers, aippera, legginç-s--ever-ything tu Proutiout. In a -ddition bo pumpmak- make tUe feet corfurtable anti keep- lng, Mr. Evains liandi-s windmUlls, ant i aso takes cohitracha for piumb- lerwa-.fl tr scnnî> ng, tn-w-hic-la w-or-k. he laprof icient. locateti un Bnock Strecet soanhh, anti -Mn. Evans is wveL andti -dtly kuiovn is quibe a large one 10 lie tevoteaN. fo un lis musical abilhties. When at -exciusivcly to fuutvear. The pr-o-' Claremuti-tlic w-as- leader,-o! tUe- -Jiarennont h3uud, anti upo)n lis local-, pr-jeton .15 one of tUe pm-voaierous busm-> - ing lîcre enteredth te Banud anti w-as ncsS men o! the t-w-n, anti las U4%d soon appoînteti leader. H1e le also a. large extpenlence ln tUe shoe busi- a ve-aret ani lati th chir ! ese. He car-ries un a repair de- the. Baptist ciretu, andi singe in thie Wlitby Male Quartette.-- partmient in conneettujl. Mn. -Col- Mr. Evans is one o! the muet ga ison uniome .borne lin lai men, anti is pupulîr with eveny- R aydnsb orec]Park, where lie and hi&- fbodiy. i lfriily spend the summer. Home ôf the Dominion Bank, Whithý. County Court Houee, Whit by.

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