j-. JIE 8,~ 1904 I jUDuIIgu ilties iii the rmen and f for men, s and chuild- lo~ IN I-LLINE,,RY j' 4 The Balance of oui' High-Class 04o ISIIBURN- Spring Millinery 'r 4 SATU RDAY, tGreen Satin Straw and former price $9.50, JUNE lOth. Chiffon Trimmed-Rat, Saturday $8.000 iBrown Chiffon Picture Hat, former price $6.507Saturday $4.750 JBlack Satin-straw and former price $7.50, Chiffon Trimmed Rat, Saturday 85.00. iPale Biue Shirred Chiffon Hat, former price $5.00,, Saturday 83.50. 1 Black Chiffon Torpedo Turban, former price $6.607Saturday 64.75. 1 Red Chiffon Polo Turban, former price $6.00, Saturday 84.50. 1 Black Shirred Chiffon Rat, former price $6.00, Saturday 84.50. 1 Black Straw and Chiffon Trimmed Rat, f or- mer price $4-50, Saturday 83.25. 1 Straw Sandwich Hat, former price $3.50, Saturday 82.2J5. i Green Foliage Hat, former n'oe $350, 1 Black Silk Polo Hat, former price $4.00,. StVurday 82.75, IAR2 Ail our Trlmmed Hats am~ the latent styles fr-om Fahion Centme, eswtly stylish and suitable for June's Joyous events, diuplicat- ed nowhere The Cash Store ijw BOSS g,! '-'r B, Fo.md.d i 792 eRGS. Iuou'.raei1794 I~nsricoCsupun 0t Norh Aoia ~-uI Capital # .- Assets Jan. 1904 141er andi one voi, invited- tà ie krt witki chld- a of soldieos the chilcirezi king ln <hei' ir Imp*5*lbie.- eles a party tbing lu, ite. he breaios-- et 'ntlirent. thuit and p~rpare- Su oInfus ituf itronaide. the Icacy -evens- falleci ta anal Quard lu actixal :h ýunder 84000*000 The Keysone Tm» ZaHU Bugding,Bro e< Wkftby, OsSar,, mirmam b" it= LO.,inhitby.t lu 19 1h. b=n orb The 5cub 15Pr :lufo Sfty-twoisums, w bn p id la av an e 4-m" The AdvertiI5tsa&»re uasouable and w'li boqutflonapl't'oa. jfYru sb bcr- 7 tthm i ugh asKxvTorE. c Ur Q =5ng. otdvouisinta miiôuld 'r, h d of &6@ mot ater thbauTueuday noon, toiu ae tien la the. curnt ilue. Atouts Wstd inU alparta of Lb. Coiifty- G. A. 6IOODFELLOW, Edfito? s u DMO. A Much Needed Improvemete Mayor flobaon ia fortunatP ta be presilng aven the deiibel'atODR Of the Town Council ut a perioci whei starting chaà ngee are Introduced. This lu a progressive ugeoad thinga are passlng away; ail thingu are be- eomlng new. For years the Chief Magistrats 0f this town bas hadti t ait hnoe eoa the maut uncomturtable of chairs at a desk an whlch it wao misery to try to write. Whether prenions Mayors ever k1eced. or whetber prevlous Councllors had not the perception ta sec tbat a neain oufit was needeti andi the courage ta ordor the baine, the hlstorbhai) may he abie ta gay. Certain ut Io Lhat the Property Commit tee af 1905 saw the condition of thingè a.nd were equai ta the occasion. The remit lu th&at he Mo.ycr now bas a desk andi chair creditahie alike ta the townu anti the Incomben t ai the office Ur Chief Magistrats. 1Mr. Roi> son expressed imnself au feeling hon- oreti by belng the May or ta t iret use the new f urnituro The desk and chair ceat *21 ut the peopie'ii n.oney, but they are of the ».est material aud wil hast a lifetime. A Valued Officer. The town has a maut admirable and wartby servant in Chief of Police Thos. Bell. lie is diligent. flà dthful, oblglng, courteous, intelli-ý gent, anti asun atticen excoodingly capable. As caretakor ef the tawu hall be tshows a degre. of tbought- fuinesu wblcb mus-t be groatly ap- preclateti. The latesi evideuce of hlm oniginaixty waas hls decoratlng of the council chamber on Monda.y nigbt. lt wss au act kinda.y tbougbt af andiar-tiisticaily carniedout. 'Po1 many public anti pivate empluyeou wil do whist tbey'are paid for sud no moro. Their unetuinosu lu con-" fluai to the routine of duty pro-1 sonlhed. Not se Thos. Beil. Rçe dos not hesitate ta do wbat ho tieu -la rIght te do. even tbough itdoms not tcomnewlthln bis ailottoci tauke. ie lsa amucli pnhzeci off iciL Long m* 1y h. enjoy this distinction. A ladyr reeeutiy salt," Mr. Bell lu tts mot polit. chiet of police Whitby sit«, hati.! We are nuttri$g to fjlattor, but to givo use wontà y Chiot a luit meatioftapprociation. hle wbociies yet -wJ moulu, andi that Our spirits. sha ,lve - tbroughout the eterult1es, -pltheeor "-forev~er wîth the, Lrd,1 or forevýr ý wlhthe devu and bls. leçio'nr d angels.- But, let me 8117 tbat lu tLe future life -We -shall -o uionre tbaân1 Teeti'a,11t èi "ot coiiteâ*it l a 'C' bodileâs lUnnrtlity or a ualked spirltualism. if -we belleve.,the-t Christ rose frouw tue deà dadciwe canuot Prove a dental of it-w. mustt alao belleve lu spiritual bodies, bodies ý that Saailrime froxthe @graves.ofl the Iast day %Vhen the. signal of heaven saltb. given, namly, tho i about of the Aredxangel audi the1 tflhuP 'If Goa. lBut morne may sar-c oestly aiuk where shal Dour spirita dwell awaling the reaurrection andt the spiritual bodies we' are to In- habit ? .1wIuisi t wero possible Inu the short tUnie at aur disposai to' fuiIY anmwer the question, 1ut time will onlY permit a passlug remark. I beileve God's wordj touches no tbat I iuxmediately after deatb the spirit enters the flcavenly Home, or ouf. fers the tormen Ls of eternai separ- Io mentioneil i the Biblp in refer- ation f roui God. Wber éver ,,sieeW'" ence to dea Lb. it tipeah f the body. flot the bpirit. is he iphy- sicai deati, tha L 1-scalied IL-ieli. Tnec spirit shaih i,î.ol sunber in uncort- scOiusfess, but stail continue Ini absent f rol,ltiid body" ik -u lbe acttltY. Ta tio elà Ctî.tan to be1 present wi&.i the Lord \-2 Cor. 5.:8. P>aul gays, -I have a desire to dellrirt and be lvlti christ; wbbhis lïfar betterI 111111. -1:: 2. i u had Do deuire to sîeej MIiithie reeurrection day. He waei too fond of workand activIty for tliat, but the desire came beeause b li new the moment the body mlept hl@ spirit would ba with Christ. Stephen couid willng- IY stand death when ha 19 dying saw the heaveus open andi Jeans standing on the right hand of Go4. It was no hallucnation, no dreani,- but a glorlous reallty loto whlcbhbe entered. The rich man litted up bis eyes ln torpent and sawt Lazarum In Abrahamt bsom, or lu other words, ln heaven. Were flot' botb spirite Conscious and active? Wouid Christ represent thr a 9,o von in parabie If much a tbougbt.were a contradiction tu the trutb?1 Oh not1 1 tblnk of the saints of (3o4 gone ho- fore flot as spendlug the ye*rs gone1 by or the thousanci years that may corne, ln some unoonselous lumher,1 but 1I lhink 0of <hem 'as living spirits. actie, iu the Klngdon> of (obd. But thp main question upon wbieh1 we seek ilght to-aîglit la the ques-. tion that nias beau aikeci for two thousanci years by Corînthian, Jsw and Qe»ile alie. The question le; I. 110w shail- the Deac Rime-? The question infDot so muob shaih they rnue?7 We wbo bel1r l od ' Gf word cannot but belleve In the re- surrection. But the great Question lu s"ailthese smre bodies rifsti rom the -grave? 1*0w eau much a thlng b. possible 1 Thjy return to their native dust and lWcOme- elitrely dits organueci. iow shal h t be . ns- coliocted ? Borne are burneê' at the stake, otbors devoured by iioamts of the fleidai, by, Mouters oftbte' deep, nomoe becomne food for tres plants and leaves. and whase essence le utilieci la the, tagranço of" *t'le f lovera. -Mlow <eau snchb bdies eV"r b@r reçsted ail d claubîtss<lt. Bq.c bjete ta-,the = etouh . 1tfié ratslg oiiliterail odieje. and ex-. claitÉ8 : "low *la At possible ?>The bodies Of the d fa trtilUlasil the flelda dl Wst.rloo, and xw.r th@*e battis ildifor' Vtar@ have' boeia ba&vie iknâ delt beOan"~ ont pei uoe to »ature-tba.t boo e Our e~gye~s ts xa nltr we ivoui-,,tUdY - At moreà 1-as Paul di&i and *ee God'p' power dluplayed lu bringlnig fôrth resiarrectei bodies. ýW1at\ mmà à d,-boWaoever fertile 'lun ,,âin,at1ve powes .Coukl bavo pro- dte ed--that frour a cIngleý grain o! wbDfttp.tbrown luto' the ground to 'A~ tbèeocouil rnue a body so, dif-i te e "and mW> bea-utîful au meeun thé stalk of wavlng grain ? - who coulci baye fonetolci that froni the duet of the ttuy ac orn tbere couid rme a tree 50 attractive, andi No MalestIc as tbe mlghty ýook unlema ho ixad neen botb the &corn and the ] Oak ? And so It is hecause "it doth jB mot yet aippoar wbat w. shall ha"81 that w. stumbie aiong ln our Ignor- ance woudering bow It wiil ho pos- sible for our budiex. of dlay ta o b raiseci 11ke unto the glorlous body of Christ. te to ho nature of the( rearrectedi, body Godai wurd- teachos 1 us many truthsu 1. It shall b. nalset an incorrupt- ible body.. W. beed scarcely hie recà - mîndeci that ourý precent bodies are 1 corruptible; <bat the tlesh lecontin- C ualiy undergoing change through the B wate andi repair of the systexu, n- 1 tii, i t lis saici. that overy seven years 1 ouir bodies are couxipetely new. Liv- j iug ln a niorid'ot decay and change 1 these Lexhio~b ut w eds confurtu to the sarne und bicoine subject to Pain. ihscas-u-aund deatht. But while the bDdy s.wtà îu.y bc poor. corrupt- ible, lame, cemaciatocil or defornied. lot us thiurk Uud tIîat the body whiicîi l 0Suwn 6i-4 not thes hody that shall be," for It stiall haraiteci ln- corrup.tible, unifurm andi perfect. 410 ni-other V" excatmeti a cripple boy when by hie bedalde of ouf foriug they taiketi to hMn of heaven, 1140 motuer 1 »hall 1 ho taigbt there andi reaily happyVI Opening Godls word the mother comtorted th. child by readlng "Thon the eyes of the bind shall hooeec, and tii. ours of the deat shlail be uustopped. Thon shall the lame leap as a hart and the tongue of the dumh itng. Ged shail wlpe -MIaiura from thelreys for ail former- tbiogu aie Pasa away." WI1th toem wordm mooth- ing the muùloft th boy ho foUl asloep lu Jesus to ruse at the rewurrection with a body incorruptible, strippai of ail dotormèty sud fawioned lke unto, the body-,6f Christ. 2. It shail be raseci a Qiorious Body. True w.- are sown lu dis- honor andi shame, but out uft iis dimbonor saah corne a new and ex- panded foraL 0f lite, a lire gloritioci wbkbh caî Ouly cone las the fruit, af Ceats. It -wooid ha Impossible to bo tbus gloulfied if we linlgerai lu the tabernacle of 'the fieà b. 'Phis pninciple of. glorification tbreugh death lea l-iustrated lu ',tu anhxuate aswell as lu aulnate1 wblah sais up thbe floor of thei. 1 on whlcb At creepa, until by and by ht realsse- that ishIde la nearly dons, enshries Itself lu a silkon sbroud 0f lus -owu weavlug,. andi awaltm the rpsrrectlon dawu, wbeu lt sanas away a beautlfut-wigedý 'buttertty. A- 'truc llutration of ý"sow n là dîshonox, riseti an lu .. W.' me thls - px'lnple aitausbin, us deatté ot Ju4aisn. it I rai to -têli the world .« thdi dowlidge '0f ,the tUne - trd 4 "atxeu.4 lpail lii enrguste Ive biruhte Jeus eto Maitaie.t à Z n,>.thé'tbo«-.O-f the . white ...... gos......... Bu ............... . -aa............... PêMke N. .............. i.. ............ tgc WNeat..... .. lidNO 1......... ........ ReNo. 2.......... Tted, -ý N ........... FLoty OUR...... FLOUEpe At ....D.... C'1oun, por cwt..... copaed Fe.d.......... .MU r ton].......... .. Shrn, pr ton.......... KEAT, POULTRY ANM Bof by quarter per cwt aî<tqet live weight, but. MiAtou, per lb ....... - amb, each.......... logs, lxv. eig opg, light fat .... Eloge, heavy fat....... loes, dresai per lOOibs Chiekens, per lb .... E)ucks, per lb........... Geese, dressed per lb....- rurkeya, dresaed, per lb Butter, roil!............ iad........ .1...... Eggs, per don....... Potatoes, per bag.... Apples, per barrl .... )niona, Per bus ..... Blay. per ton ......... btraw, per load....... Ridesper e I ........ Ries per e.......... bhep;................. Deaous..........er l rall, udorhedprl WooI uwShod.... Laub 8...........1.... QoUNT?0OSOTAU00 19062 Wurnr D. C..IKoaSe% Whilbyo eÇlerk J 1% b9 "ýApfil 0 May 4, JUM 796,july O et .<o. ;.]* Yi D à 7 SJep. 7900. BaoU7GEx M.OlsoQeuod PmJ. W. Buwn1aan, lPort suy1,ept.-% Nov. fflau ,î3o -XUnEJomph L - e oWidt "b9i*geOIrk, jian 1 Nrh 7l Oo ioô*-Gor mit,ua=4 bOC. O'ev'LJan14, df Ile1. Mayi.&.1 809010 80 085 teo0 080 t.0 - 0 40 teo0 O 60 teo0 070 to0O Q-40 tao0 85 00 ta 4 00 to 9 '00 te 0 00 te 4 5Q ta 90 te IEED. $2 -75 2100 ou000 1) PRODUCE. -80 5to -7 50. 000 te 50 3O00 te 010O 0 00 te 6 00 0O0Oto '560 0 OOti' 75 000 tc '87 oo e aOn 0 Il te-O.12é Oli to oie 0 12 te OIS 0 12 to OIS~ 0 160te018 0 12 tO1 o 120w O -100 te 015 10 ob 1 g5 8 00 to, 00 28- OUi3 00 $600 500 t-00 5 50, te- P *OU. te i 25 te 2 50 te 20-00 $000 i. te-0Q, 0O25to O* OOUito 0-m' Ileav'en Thé .*foinags.No. 3 of aeds>s mou « ila above subjeet hy- M. IL IL Blugam, B.A., of the aaptwi et hib. &.bJeot:h. %ÎXsiro e Sii Toit. L. Cor. 1ý:833; 42 -44 "But euuoeamas- wihI4", IBoy i the dffaraaod &qp?1 Ânwith wbal sonloorruption. ih la irslbod 1 hon'or, > t te raie" la *tore.: %t' sous là usabuoei.. Stlit ris A pwsr: lb a 4 a.naturai l 3 ht la rateti nspiriasi o# Au Artla ltfeLs,~a~s thse cffla OC bis* botIsé -4.1, the IlM ai athoha..bhlnà 4'ýg oâ spiritual vw aie owumdI $fr are arivvals bstscstb iAiii ,l strivelà sainLn 0*ab*à f U Why take any risk *heu yeoi g e i.bos&. Se And. Trimmed H-ats on sale 1 1; 11- - 1 lý'