Whitby Keystone, 22 Jun 1905, p. 2

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r SOME FACTS ABOUT SAE One of the straîge, or as ïsome deein it, unnatural features 'h anake histcry, la that the principal foocd of certain spe- cesâ iâetiher anakes. The feeling as to the habit being unnatural arises frorn the general knowledge ex the f net that carni- yerujaniuiais eldom kW tand cat otlier eurnivuira. liy a veiry curious chance, Il iL 18 a crhancîe, and noL pàrt of the order ci nature anioug .uakeis,two out cf every threc ku:glitiu b2crl).alLb live naa:nly, if not un .nak's, oi other snutkeiîke ci'eui tures. 'Thetaer foobd, hotu cf the *uncuth s:îiake andi of the atider is the slow worm, whuclu though a huzard, is i appearance nothing buL a snake. Tihe sumoeth sanake a believed te byve mainly on slcmwuorns and lizards. Its range, whieh is very ljnuîttd, and isl steadiy dt'creuâing, st'enub tu depend airnuat cn- turcly on tu lîrtsecîocf lizards. Wvriting in >80, A. L. Laldry saiti: "As 1 lived f or isorie voars at 1Boumne- nuontil, in Iainphire, formerly iL.. chiot habitat, 1 have hati many opportunîties ef observiifaie huocreeilla(khat is, the smooth sna .ke). In the year iSGS Bout- nernouth was but a very camali village, surroundt'd by a large exparuse of mer- land, int,'rsectet b\' narblhy alleys, and Wits a fanouls huutinground for ejier naturulsus or cttu iji ýogist.%. mAt tis imie the coronellia uvs extraordinarilv abundant. I)uing the very hot wenther of thp sumtrnmer of 1,468 these enakes m-ere t., ho set-n literaly' in scores. Since tlu'uu their rtupiblers have gradiuually de- ceL<l"'he favorite buttait of tÂte cor- ont-lia is a dry, sandv lii.ido, ci urgruwn Nvith short heathi, gorse adunieirograss. and s1!' p1iDçg dunte a rnar.,Iiv alley, î.Iu're water us ut ail tirneâ obtinuible.. '1'lure, oni sonie bare patch cf sand, the snak's 1!e ciosely cciled andi baske in the bun, and tluere ît cari, when thir9ty, get wuter vvithuut an>' great expenditure il Cnlt': gy A untiong ythle undergrowt h it t'a i lbou at an>' time find its proy, the ('011111011<iz iax'd. t-rv ellcnM saany on' have the chance te uý.teth an Egwlish snalo. hurting and feedinig. Th.y do thii er gedonfor a nival et mone anialsichas a i7ard or a u1e-wormn or, in the'ca7ýe of a î'ipr. a yeung bird, a menuoe or a young watèr rut, mev suf- fi' then for a w-e'k or a fortn'ghit. Tlhe folluwing interesting descr'iption of thp maniner of hîunting of of the minooth truaheo l giv'en bv Mr. Baldrv: "-\s bcofl as iL sces its victiil withiui eai.y roehi, it slowlY approaclu's, keep- ing ita. body con"tal.-d, lut slightly rais- ilng i ts liîtq aIboéve thlu i' tiltU- ' nd coarfe gnuuss. V e it gris within striking dis-.1 lawo iu.' fi or r' inii ng mnot ionless for a fi-w s4'-î nus, it ilart- tisddenly aind with ti.- ou'ue- f t houight at the' thruat of tuel'pls lizardl. If its alii 1%sur. cessfu! t1: v snake lu-tart ly grasps with luis tai iln Steinmofil catllîer or t1ift cf grass, uAl proteedsa tt one te the en- jum.'n.'nt tuf il * mii. Tt first gradually pliutt. its bild frotn thie throat to the sit <>)f1whelizurd by slow andi n!most uTflWVu p he dcrevis. WVhueî once it huis the li'iurî's hi-ad fairly in iLs jaws the proces of swall(uwilng l rapid, andi the strig protest.s of itsrvy:ctitu are unavahl.. !ng, ni; the Lsnake, with its tail knotted round the' grass, is ab:e teo r'ercormic al rî'o-Sfi111vv. lu tiis mwny it wiii diqpose of a luzu. r!uas lau ge aruitind as itbelf anti o~ îtutl'tf iLs 1lerugîlu. 'ùihoglit ilpers ar.' îî'ry uitiidattui n DIMu)n litit bth cof Eniglanti anti Scot- lut rd. t hi-in'i n o mtu'h tgene~ral feeling atgur a -t tlit as1-4calusui nutry to i lockis Lié i. ul (ý'neit inithte uiWuMî iiount-auls. Dii ohi'ss t ht'v are thera î'ery uichiei'- us tt u lut, aundi In ' En.Lanti ne s1u plui d ti-r reckonâ the viper as anuîîng iuis nntural enernîca, except on t1w. Ciî,'i:ot hil.Oui those green mooun- tains, suîuarnnirig with slieep, the injuny dt-hted tu the' vipers lias led tu, the sur- vival of a vcry ancient race cf quite wii.t gîs. These geats, correotly on net, are ht-iieved te kill numbers of vipers, and! etnseqtentiy no shepherd or fariner uver kilts one or secs one muet as is ac- a far moto deadly stecrtioni th. efct o! wbih ihapanlyzing. $Oo l five Cains iii aIH are on m-eord of ebUuide dylug frein tito bite et vipers. 'lite poýi&on sets f irat on tâo heurt, depressing 114 actiof and eut usngfatuth,# Later It fcuises generul blooi!. tOJng of t epart, 0. lce.Thon. m doubt t t.t uh'I te vo;ld paraimz a sumulrat in a 1,-w mir- Utea, and thut tlii. àlths et ah.ep aWa cattle and doga troi uk -aws are ofteu due te p'. M'. notem u aIe.odhr uu~k~ lock wu wfomud ca'!'viti e WMITTII JTONO»ILE ILDbO aboard," be off t' b tii, floui!eto though It may be miles 'avay. ' The. téuning car vill become a .& . factor la education aid remratioi. machineswi* i'ig amin>modatlonh will be used for any journey from.the tnutie to tii. pacifie, or for an sgree-, able jËunt viien the louàve. begWtn t fat), from HullionBay te Panama, or may be Patagonin.; while the asial! rUn- about viii beýome 'ahouiehold n.ces' sity. The raeing car vil continue to g o ut increasing speed upon the. earthuiti1 pre- riently outgrowing its limitations it soars of f into space.Wiiether it muat alvays romnain un the atmospb.re or May smre day ris. superior te gravitation, turne alone can tell. ARRANGE VOUR VACATION ACCORD INGLY The popular time for a trip to New York wull be about the time of the West Shore or New York Central excursion o1August 14th and August 24th, respect. i ve lV. Loýuis Drago, uit 69% Yonge street, To- ronto, will gladly furuish particulars on application. WAR ON WAISTCOATS. This Men'. Garment le Generally Con- demned ini Englaud. The war- derlared against vaistcats by E. N. 'Marshall,, beat master of King- stLun Granuaar choo1, le generm3y,hbat' <ondfitionally, approt-et by hygiemec ex- perte, says tieLondon Express. A repre'emtative found aeveai Iby- gienic experts at t-he office cf the Incor- porateti Society of Me-ducal Officers of HleaIlth willing te express their opinion on the mat ter, and i wth one accord hy were in favur cf relorming 'the vaLt-- coat, but itot cf s.boliihing It. fluey agreed t-bat- the ivaist-cositthiek in front andi with only thin âing &.t thbe back, wurs a death trap. "lua vin t-er every boy and man ahould have bÈls waistcoat lineti at the back witii flan- ne]," said one expert, "8.04ail tae year lhey' agreed that t-he waigtoost, t.hick n ess." "i7oo much care cmnot be taken of the back," saiti anot-her authority. '-Tae spinal cord, whiouh is a continuation of the bnain, dominat-os every vital organ. "The' aisteouit as generalY matie la tube niSct absura garmeait conceiva-be, from aslincpoint o! miev," v as Lie ait 1Uother medical mai.. Eiher abollish it Lor a cardigan ja*let, wiiich lu really thicker at the baek thin theii front, or for sore ai iailar _rnment, or ,elae insist upomi having sàwbo-ot maid.e ofunifoiranthickiesa" The manager o! a. large ou1ttng fIns saiti that not une iuno. hsldrdeors 'for clothiug «tipulatés for *j fIan.xfl- lined waistcos1 "I think,"' he saad, "acichbfya theis' selves voulti reveilt e.t li.suggested abo-. ltion ot co4lrs..My experienc.àlatRia Èosare gro-uiing lncr.aalngy fond of,, lookijng amnart about, the, *eok.ý the. boye have siX inen sbrb or tour flauiiel 011, aidthie latté alterna tive ià veny larely elauie. "From le hygienie point 6f vsev, lthe suiggestion cf wearing jerseys over Mie fluimuel shirt iniwinter Li &a exceilent one, but I arn sure It veut! not fini favrteitiier aulOn thi.boys 'oer their parents. hlm. oz causf e eboys ho grow carelessa<>! tlheir appeasesae sthey grc-W Up. Ilavixîg neyer accutournd thenizetves to collars, they would net rclLsýh tce fire.t few weeks o! disceistont on adopting tliem, sud voulti probïbly deciine to ear any et-hen than a flamme) shbirt te the end o! t.heir lires.» ITCIWG, BURNING SKI DISJ- RASES CURED FOR TRTY,-FIVE CENTS-Dr. Agnew's Glistent relleves ln one day. andI curee Tetter, Salt Eheuis. ScaltI Head. Eczema, Barbes Itohi, Uleer Bloebhee aud a&H erptions cf the..". Uis1j sots-ing a.ud quieting and acU itkosigle la thie cure of aIl baby humoms i.4 Best for the Retallor In an adultess before tiie Nowv Rglan! Dr? Goode Assocition la..& veek Nath- aelC. -?owler, juts., of Boston,#ma-. "Witiiout depredathng tb.evalue of ani of the . good sdvertin¶ mediuma--fodr lier, are imny-l v auto <ispwa taniad - 'wi huit qu&Uflcshon, ~t tiie nevappoilatise and eapest advenhlnmediwn for tie rets» sdver. tisera There are a huadre! xias thons ot die tact etated by Mr.=.o!e Tii. oneic.vlih. oftered vas t": 41Ti reader buys lhe paper for Ibe advertlhn as wel! as for *tii. " *-beoma uselep tor the. pgper rooes ta elhu kPouef'l vorti, taot l nuioney's Worth unies. b. eu4a tt Pa> per, adv«UrtWug sd s)!. Po*d,sea boas te auy bee. 16 didl. Il an bh- aluawf. U If. ah por sle-ltvoatpln- To Hold plant&. Rustic porch boxes an always pieu- ing, A carpenter wil! make wooden windoy boxes cheap; Thetê are utunning garden vases fi It.allan terra cotta. Any one who handies tools may make boxe atthe cost of thewood. There must b. drainage holes in the bottom of every plant holder. Many 11ke painted zinc flowet boxes. These cost from $1.50> each up. Tiles and Antwerp oak mnake some at- tractive porch and window boxes. A wooden buoket wel eovered with vines ms.kes an admirable lawi vase. Hanging baskets of twisted brown fagots ire usuafly artistic for porch de- coration. A very good ruI. la to paint boxes to match the house exactly, ieaving the plants to -shine in their glcsry In painting flower boxes green, the favorte color, choose a duli dark shs.de or a duil pale one. GIaring greens kil the. sof t-hued folhage IIE'S 0H11 ONE OUT OF BCDGR!8 But Dodd's Kldney Plils Made Hlm a New Mana Richard Quirk Doctored for a Do=a Years aid Tiiougit Ris Case Incurable -Dodd'a Didney Pilla Cured Hlm. Fortune Harbor, Nfld., June 12.-(Spe. elal)-8cores of people In ti. aeghbor- hood are living proofs that Dodd's KU- ney Pills cure ail Kldney alimenta trois 3sokache ta--Bright'& leae. DO< thie moast remarkabi, cure s fi Mr. Richard Qurk, and hoiSgives thie atory of it to the pulic as folio,.: "I autfered for over twenty yeans froni Lumbago and Kidney Diase, a&M at Ine val as totally tanable te, work. Atter ten or twelve rare of doctore' treatment, I had made up my miMtiat my cornplaint vas incurable. Red of cure. by Dodd's Kldney Pilla tcmpte me to try theni. I dld 50 vth lîtt.Ie falth, but to my great surprise I had not taken thore than hait a box beto*e I feit relief, and after the. use of seven or elght boxes, I was7tufly cured and a »w "Y.., Dodd'is Kidney Pilla eured MY Lumbago and Ridney Diseaée, and thée Le t of a 1 bave Stayed cUr.d."* Siioe Trade WIaom, "You're hourd of tiie mai wiio sali! ho drank on two oecaioni-whea ho wui flahusig, aid viien h.o aa', remarks Ti.Sho. Trade Joutal. 'Me i. 1ke the. wlae ehoe dealer who oney adrertises «U tvo %<Wcaslau-wben buahi la good aid *iienit t.'t' od timlaep rebtter for the regular advertflertisa for hi. Coonstltor who neglectq, tonialce haj laM unahune of pubUci'te a4bard times 1nover, malte sucii7"u;bS inra on the business otftthe former a on thout of the latter. Inipet" of etpr.spelty- a"d adv.rslty ahike 'ela. suust -Vour sic.., and th" ybuy t ikm h"a Ma FREt! à 41Wbat la iour ýa&me. little boy?" ushked the. tescher.anertti.o. d"John»y Lmz. "W Lsebjornlamo.?" dthe bCo. 1U9~ Aid it va s se rcorded on the te)!. U CHAPTER IH. tht bg r. 5,000Rowad wUti bejaid by Which Umited, Tprontou Io any persan who CHAPTER M. eau prove that thi soap contains tur ae i?"ei h oleeui any form of adulteratiOn wi opvr, IVDenntson ILemon," retponjedtbe 1.young Or' Coflaifli ani>ijur.Ã"us c 0 kals. mai, who vas about 40 enroîl himeit uas s-frteOigaN, i inscribed ia aeoordmane tbsrswlh. CHÂPTER IV. May i1ask 7OUP isune?".queried the 80- SWvation Army Chickens. * ciet notes contributor to the Dah1t Bresà. "Je0an D'Entice Le Mon," replietI the Iahi- louable personage In the opera boi. Andt vu thus Jotted dowa.-Chicago Chronscle. PAOTECT YOUR FOOD Wl LSON'S FLY PADS KILL THEU AU. ÀAVWfl nPOORItmIrTTO: Electrlclty la the~ Home. A whole chapter eould b. written up. on eletrleal appliances for houaehold Use if you h4V4 the. eectricityt, intth. place it cau b. appfleinlualmist any way desired. Penbape oie of, the mnt appreciated d0vios vil prove to bý the.nursery bottie heater. You slmply «st t. bottie camtalning mÏ]k Inside a b"u.ull3 nlck.lled Tes", set It by yoiýr bedside, aid if baby criés fi the. nght turn on the. electnlclty vithout getti< iout of bed. The. milk wlf heat la two or three miue. Thon there la the.electrical 1broller -two d«oortlve "b.te of metal, b.. Uprlght position.* It f. said that mat fi neyer so, de- liclous as-viien broilell by ele#titncfty. Womtà wiioroom villil pprecIate tii. coavenie. 0 f a stovelid, mimu the btove.àAduc heaterr it fi cahed, being SIMIPlY &sheet of metal, whlch becomes .& .whm y«ou ra a button, and whlch Vil boil or bak.. or fry, or do anythung .loteumUaYeormed on a istoye in. T i.aure letrle trous whlch work on the. me pninciple a&s gaiIrons, aid1 whlch ae a#i!d to givo f deul unifor4~ty, Of héât. The. .I.cttic ciiafhag diii z*ed no explolting, and there b een aspe0. tel arangeent for the. rites of aitemnoon Àboon, to, tii. ack muat surély b. the. trio v armhng pddfeddte take paeof thi. t watef bag, It fa coVer4 idvtli soit caton flan.)l, sud ho. emuse It la a pad, cun b. appliel to aay j rof the bod f't body onfiýenl.t. ouppl= u ni hebt, *whhout r 0 '~P~or nre, stih a.U susy PAGIFIC COAST EXCURtSIONS. »utong.ejeut. AUgUataiSȈ ubo *#b dow Clansd -No*i Westsua aïw vo tasim fracksoag. o »»&d bnp »rqIsn tie mtinou e*t0trmH Lipo b Aiàm oub "e. = 1 luM' Not only the. largeat bùt the moat profitable poultry yardLi~n Engiand. ia thnt. conducted by tie Salvation Army, vhichiilatiie pride of General Booth, the. founder of'lie army. Il houa., more than tvo thousand ciiickens, and last yean 18,340 eggs ver. produoed for u'se intii. Salvation Army entepries sud for general sale. In addi- tion 1,18&.-birds veto sold and 2286 chieka vers- resred. Oie would carceiy imagine tii. Salva- lion Army as chicken fanciers, yet of a total of 104 birda exhhbited at siiovs nlîety-thnee in prizes, a. record of vici any oie might b. proud. Altiough the poullry tarmis laintend- ed prncipslly as a mens of giving em- ployment to those preaenthîg tiemselves al the resce missions, It bas proven a iêeidediy seUf-totpportlm« seheme. lie sa"e for laut year amounthng te Sa lit- tle more than four tiiousaad dollars Tefan exc«M&alaus"zany other la England devot.d to poultry rafilng aid bas beei siiov to be sucb as uccess liat Il viii sooa b.' stili further eulnrged. ENCLISH 8PAYIN LINIMENT Esmovesail bard, 'sot or culloued lmsaid biemnhuhes trois hors.., blood svieurbu, spifita, ningbon., sveeney, stiie, prin &ore anct wu*oilec: tiroat, eaughe, etc. &a*e 00 oy use of on» bob. tii-e yearss ays: "'Alter trying &Il kinds le. Warrnte! the most vonderN lof adverhising we became convinced' that Blah'b& Cure ever kuovu. newspapers cover the viiole fielti. 1ev- e ral years ago we decidedti o put --utr Va" mut& aIs.conviction b lthe lest, and vo abandon- Untîl a ciUla fi4 years of ag» Il should cd ail othet forma o! advertiusng. 1lh. have au bour# aloep la tié mlde ef the remuit iias been enlhrely saaisfactory. Bust '~~ioa bs ben utmb an:s, las fhcreased, sud altiougii 1 don't &eh a i en pu noataot sy ems flit to occaalonally use ltehukatone e Me wt tboln octhermdus, -we are satisfied that vater. Ilfi a great saistake to puf newapapens occupy lie first place mo liar only a 0tl do o aler on lhe leaves as- retsul la are conceried." filling the pot un a flervardi. cu to i6" bml black Is- lte TWITCHY MUSCLES ANiD SLEXP- pettescutaie obisekngilto wamui! soESSI .-ru ehopeleus heart shekuiemu pleoe, putInto sa keIporatier issu e o é mnor-voman whàee nores a h e reaui. (Blacking mlxed fa tht.'iabattered by disease cati bout b. pictured a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~t tuc1*t rva b ~ rc'iicontrast vtth a tient who hua heen lu lng. -tbex by Southi Americun Nervine. George Alvys keep a sissîl bord usnldWebster of Forest. Ont.. saye: 'l ove aMI vili ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~lf su i ae Ihn inIo-!!to 1t. Evr"tilng -#Ie faii.d ho cure. lng.I he iron b.passd toorhree limes over tie sait on tie bourd the0 Curious Trade Uni on. rougbneua cften notlceabie vien Il bas been use! for a length oftlme vili i. Thcre la a baîjuers and wvig ma-kerie remove!. 1Union-in Vienna. vhieh las tnîngent in XAnLY STIMNOTii S MOMAN- 'e" examination before il admits any LY EEÂUTY depeMi on purity ofthe. ne member ho 1h. mocety. Only fulry bl.@4. aid Macelofth"l lupurty depeni. cm:ecupetont perisons a>tre lo4t"pr-. perqe klduejftgtertâg. If thmoe orgene ice , and Vo provo i they thAoroughly an m ss suma d nd l)net perforisheuue- undermtand lhe dhiifectiiof et arots, tlena,- mma viii 4«k t'a via sfor u' tength. a»4 voutsfdrive t. out a mpuitiesbrushei, etc., used Iu their craf t, and for eesti.SOUII mou4uaaio.how b keep lie raira sharp aud tiegis cm bdrivs ouuse hem L" hie best adr'asaage. Exvea' spots- ___________go_ he i.man vio sueceastuiIy passes- lb. c ~~examlnall6of t"bcuno lequalied fo "w G d Dwe seeusb.fore ha can taRie a siiop of hii owu. outly bleu bt pltues' wlih a dyait Wemen barbera âre aise admaitted't., vhm wllrGoveruor , of Ibý tis,,4uslàrlan v-uon, but. hbey are ne- tbora~lt 'eui i &<oo ida. t s~ rqlre 't apren-icetI~mîevesfornthree 09 >Ltt îcàty eudo. yearsbefote they eau., go< fate busines ~ Q heirouaccua. INTEBN&1 -JU hi' Itei ii 0 s'e ISSTE09 ,259* 1905.e s.lwayi be uaed (ofOb l4s 1w» h. to'otau the. hhild, uoft.ai thé emgm uqW164 FOR SALE. ORt SÂLU-UNDER MORTOAGE, ON F j ters,valu blé ienproperty inlu $1.000 down or secured, balance et 5% per cent Loion--Loan CpMpany. London. Ont. FOR SALE TWO* ELIOTRIC MOTORS. *Drece outrent. 1% amd 8 horse-power. Ad-j drees Box 10, 7 TIMES OPFICE, Hamhlttn 1 WOULD LIKI EVERY WOMAN fe New Styles and! Sample. et 84.50 to f819 Suits in ciolh. aux. ienasud, liatzw; at3o rtI.¶u. mkfrt a"d wvàâ& ,ta.n aW ut u inhawn. amen. iii.. p5o up. Manaer SOUTHGOTT SUIT 00. tr"a"lOan 1-w Hamlilton- iE~uIkMontreal Steamers Belleville, Hailton and Picton A&ve Hamilton 12 noon andI Tôronto 7.30 p.m. 4 VTuesday, Thurudays andI Baturdays for By of Quinte. Montra andI Intertue- dlate porta. LOW RATES ABOVE LINE. TORONTO-MONTREAL LUNE BTEAMERS 'TORONTO ANDINGSTON Leave Toronto at 3 p. m. tIaliy. except Eu <575. From Juty i1tIaUy, Roobieeter, Thou% sbo Ishude Rs.pldsSt LA*renoo. Montreal. Quebecand Murray Bay. Tadousac, Saguenay River. Fot information .applip to R. R. agents or wrIte HK Poster Chattee, Western Peser Agent, Toronto. A Theory Put to the Test. The advertlsing manager or a coznpany whose preparation of cod liver où bas been exploited by meana cf evçry knowui fo.riu of publicity for upward of twenty ter reeerin .0OUnnt of tii. claimi te havi ekiaii's cities, -More thai 2C bult towers a Hmeekiah lu .4.1 vais wa bis servante- tan ,or genera thie ounuchs; chief Cup-bms wbicli theur 1 "ot-. l-o ec Tartan vas ti Ornan geneTa ti.unendit< and cptL nachenb vss ±liixty nuiies scated Wn'sta monuments,c À&*boy and a and hop iathe pris turod City. F senit a large They took up of tÃŽle City, 4 knovwn' as t Hezekiali feai careful fhu bis court,vWh thcs. oSut. 1 nov chiot rab hfia.ra.S 'bist sniàî lo. wlhee UlVerecm are restrai'-l ance wM and refeience IL K1nwxvii by n4sm3'iiý t Nvit-h danger wealth. 'IL 1 kiah is asuauns gaine&"oàflde ed caioeiâted- asd istruction foe -the displeum -ion h. gave ý weal va tii lut them 40 tenupted, -eau power u t ti* aMdd eeotyýh purhU1 s Ieavysfn Ld more t e Vau

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