The vol IIIe J W HITBYg ONTAIRIO, IU]RSDAY UE 291 May Clearing Sale. Sensationai in(lucements t( shoppers. Parloi' Sets Dining Room Sets Bed Room Sets Fancy Chairs and Rockers Ladies' Secretaries, ýMorris and wire back easy Chairs, Spring Beds and Mattrasses, S cree s, Carpet Sweepers, Window Shades. AT SENSATIONAL PRICES A cali solicited. WM. TILL & SON. RAILWAY TIME TABLE. WHITL'Y J7rI GoIng WeRt 6.2p A. m (toing Exast FE-1)o A. . S. 28 a .ini. 3.01 2. 05 P. . C19 p 7.5p.m. sinniay 9.55 fp in. Th-P 5.42 a.rn. rtin tioti. nut go we8t M'in-.ay iornig. WHITRY STATION. c o o \. CIing Sotti .nS n ru. 12.40 1).111. 2.240 au KT A. E$. Lear, A w1btîy f 'r (.xaut 10. a.. an 4 pin. Leur-a, for tt 10 arn. J. A. Ijoyt pro. MAILS ARFl.IvR. Frorn W. fnnd F, c94 ! azu. Froru W-et l 45.a W-est, .-I.:z an. East 9:e jar Frolp Iirgtam 5..W P.rn, MAIL8 For Nortir 745 Ar. Ra'9- .31).:ln a. . West 1.15 oi PROFESSIONJ CI E. Fo r0shna, lqn rpu W- and EF urco p rn. Veg 9t>Pn IAL CARDS. RIEDICAL Dr. floidrumj P1YSICIAN, SURGEON AND -4 () u lE UR. Graduate tif Uîi-eraity oif Toronto, anrd Licerîtite ut Royal Cpoings of Physicianç. Edlntirlgim. ,-THE TEIIRArF,," BvzoN ST. Pl one 4 2. 0. Orunl.ton, B. I. So(irit4)r f-ir t lie Wetitern Iiaok. Noîairv Pulie. ete. Mon.; uLt. Offi1e .ne%*. Petà ottice: Wrhiti. On(tt. Dow& ctlva l-itrisrm, rliho. t'. M ey to Lana. J B h ~ . 'I N*ill I.IýItRAY1.1. R. James Rutiedge Ilarrister, Et. . SInty La P:t eAmy Tf-nus. 05k,, lllrnrrIti.îely sol!h tif RoYal IlU t.!, WVlt, Ont. John E. Farewell, K. C., I3Irrister, Couîîty Crownl Attoraîey, iid Cowity Solieitor. Olico-South wixîg of court H ouse, \Viitbv. DENTAL W. Adams Dontlst. <fîit, nor.1. i ;1ru*- rvn iiit t ... ,enNo. 4, 'lue Tl'îrr,,ev t n, V.iLitov Dr. Jas. B3. Johnstouo Dentist. O<int te i o kn,i Cnllegc% ni en 111, urgoorîd.ririritte. limiT rc Kltt: .t* eMin!'nli. ve, ity, gradîrîit., t (hlci.go (Uee,o(f h)elta itirgtion«. Oflic'v riî. 3 lru ule. l.s&re etore. Corner Ilrock and Dhndri tiW CHURCU OIRECTORY. on TLnrsday "b5Iing ut S ocbsk. Mothodist Taisornatiet fllW. V. il. EXORtYI"rrit day eweriug At 8 oc iwk. Ail Saints' Ohuz'ch, Amp11.a Iu T(I..I.A. IL "WUWT. -ooknuio Prit'f, eo MY8«4#<liI n'elm. Etiii"etiea- ityV.ii.P 5yg l iA31. 14, St. John"* Otum@b ugS~ mh. k. .ulpnuit;, seboeîaiS-1P-. llwe Nt M,1 P..-- -j - 1 .. *1J-4 - x% 4,%ai our artrîce tatelq th&t"le liastot4ttauý w il at4or thpir active, wiltew-as blowvn every few aihu- lt,-Iîî. lir hiati-souglit tlu 1w lt1utçs ec. ...but ihieme was .neo iirid Strailghit torard iitlis thepipit, fase 11n hnNVitj Z linl 1.11 eenroiis1e t ou 11 111m racheti unes sRomte angwer te. thte hils VOi. liecmaide liîaaîng allusion!1 whfstlee eould lie licard." TPin 11 t,, tlî. tact ithaî tiuring tic four year 1oî utu nt îladîu. , andrîîî iti rbrogappoitelilit Wlecufçgçhorm we use alt> Wihby hunbocr offl 111 110 ant alLltl aiîc'ît I&Jy"' ".good 'One."et iii kiwi, but .nt ouîy î:tu tct itithi 11141 lO. tub est cannot lie beard lartiter. titan tip1eab.ire'oh rete-ici rg itto lte' cpe eh ilso:îeak.f 14 * clilîrrei iâsore u ohim .w-ho lti Ccliv - utfher t les lork thbae. w, uIfte ~îs îiiristr.b.o,.of knowlng vlicretthîcy aire lu thne! Nr. Einory ltt,tas UheTabprnaree ut hog, low ' si.>Yu sçOuOt ývi vri -rmy n uy waraai frienda iad for xuuelr, brngnqutbeir chargei ont sit) tîii'ieis. and as ti> 'a direcz course front Turni~. beu atipi!;!tl ii b ait théic ttemestï îs ïntan4#pKul - -~~~~~~~~~ g-tlr ih itfaîatFWU ttla y.oîe ad te andî wié-liu sOC Oice viiole vitureli oai vî u. in hwL;s 1 iIllnîels better oudthiay 'Other. - - ~ -.oh lite Torfnto >bt. t Ma lune Wmdades. foîur 1 Igis Uwhou h it eo»r gtaruint Tôroto, e4Muig twi çU DIIeksî Whbltby, t itreCal* 4b sba5 T'r h orne o! Mr., andi Mca. Motv lnd tto10<ca1it lua"14 im'i, !)Oihcwax lte senk of- a wi'ry lair Up leu*a I unaihou r au, Ima Ptite niter (i I>Y*x UêtW bu 1-oy titis gt>*> topr jd ln marrigu lueMr.1 (lniaes 1>11ec5-araeht w-ho 4ui014 em A (d o lilujos. ' At l Û*clcc"k tu'. :~ putids uapou a hte or I n>ealajt~e ftrîm -of!te at fx onnth,#10e f , ru on the 'd lsw. *Iwlerte tle cr an> > ~41 C*t*t u'O wau- enormted by S b$aiýi OO t6#, brîler ie. bi.. ooiti. f.A.Iis teMMI a1* titi0> b&r lot Vttonla. augiseti I>y Iii>auao campa*.,-U' I j, #-* 4 11. Il. IlIogIhatu. The bride w-asi pret. of0<the b4t t muw bu tb ý anicons;raumte -oe.tsd4 mt 4mwta nd im ~rtook-ç>r it reae ý IO&t.V II, t 48# . jg dinhier n*r -tu kt'.e p tléy,41eeomfft nd illumlatoey g1> eOV iO leton tût e*lg 12 ~ for tiiei, honoe l'a bU#i. arite; wi îlte beot wt.b*d09- a nj tary driii, and on thîs occasiOn, the -boys wvere liorry when thnibtd -tîîn cafe to au end- and an êarly t tour Saturd:,y nmorning saw themij~ il Packlug UP ready fur returri. î _ r The flegimetît lef t Nisara't 7 au»ebark!nL, on the steamer Ar. - gyle, anîd, a.fter a nicc $îaila'ros i, the Calai, bine w.aters, reaclied, Whit-J »bydock ait Il o'cîoek. WitLBil. od deal or delgpatcli the trooPs'anfd FO equipage Wvere dcba.rked andî un- q 100,dodoand a speclai tralir lu Nwatt- IgCoinveym Jthee à to the up-tbwn stattion. liere the troops ianed up b.y cOuianes. and hettded by t.belr Band, martebed up Dundas streetý to J3oknorth ici Mary, -wbgirciu By- roà outl, to Colbojrne, eîu.ti toM iaÎOý cand tof cie s le tet $rckan teueto ar mories. A Street$ to WltneBu the Imposin g.rej *tu= iof the Couuîry's detenders" hi wà ,.s remare more than-mine« t hait tue enPreneted a Verygood;ap-je Pearance They had . gone away Somelatetu'de as to .Marc >iig forai. they retsirnod smart, ilud Well tralued aîud quite liposing-I<iok.. ing. At the Lead of thi reglkne»tit li the-procession rode Major A.. (. }ten. derson, looklug a znost handso-me of- fle*er Iu bis mWitary uniform: It:did Dot take very long fori the hinu to lay aside their amnis and aé,co:î re- mnts ut the 'îrmory. and those fiomu the north souiî proceeded tq 'tb walting speclal train, whiie the kïèica men w-re relcuued t return te tbaeir ce varlous homecs. Sundajy Church Parade. - On SUUday afternoon No. 1 dem * Phn 4. PaaY Paraded to Ailt Saints' Chu çcb, Pon t headed bY the Regliental Bo~nd. playlng apprepriate tunes. A ialrge orowd llned the street ttx see tue. z'ed ceut, and bear teBancdor w1ilch the town l'as reasonp to 4 b l)roud. The service ait tbgchul'c wae apptoprhdte te the occa$lon,. lie reCtor. Rer. A..-1U. Wright., delive ng a splendid address. .a -Mr. .. H. Ailla speuît a day _or lJWof at Ca pNiagara L st week. âtr. IL . IWiling went te Nlagëra, lt week to see the rnlltary .als piey and drill. 'ne yeung inember Jof the 114nd à w"a denuded of ai. heavyq slîock of hait 'betoealie IILIepermltted to 4 on " " tbe regimeutois. ed11h caplast weiek st thé Invkta. tion of a comumandiug efficer. 1 A~~.FS . . e PURE FRESH Dce-rie.s' GO0TO *Death of Mms. Hawley, sr. The happy couple lef t towfl on te7.55 p.m. train for Toron Lu. To- day tbey expect to sali for Mont- Tiiere Ided at lier lo te residence reai aud Quebec. and wilI be absent ou Ash strept lu -the towu c f Wlîitby, ten daye. On thelr returut they wli on Ttîursdn-y caenlîîg. Junte 22, after reie lu the Pringle bouse, corner a short Illnese, Mrs. Charlotte Haw- of Green and Coiborte streetts. lilY <ueeruai>relîct ef the laie The Keystoue exteuds congratula- Jamem Hawley, ln lier 83t11 year. She i tiens. N-as the motner of« 7 cilidren, 3 ofj wliomu survive lier. viL., Esther Ann.Hls apr i Mrs. Ruais Jolmnsétun), Mary Etlza-; Wednegay uLfernoon w-as the o0 bllth. who resîded with lier niother, casion or the tuarriage of Mise Flor. and 0p<iorge P.. now living ni Aliston, ence flupper and Mr. Chas. HiltuS *ont., ail of w-bom qwere present lat botît of Toronto. The cerenxony lier funerai. and except (li-orge 1,.,! took place ait the home of Nir. W. at lier bedside ait the time oh lier H. flopper, brother ofthîe bride, dc.ath ..Wlitby, there bcing a considerabie Mrs. lia wley w-as the lat stirvivor, nuniber of relatives and frlends pre- of an ll.nglil tamiy of 8 elijidrcen.;Isent. RerT. V. H. EmorY 'made thte niost of wlioîi reached a goud oid, two one at tbree o'cloeëk. The bride * e;te itst b pre-deceaselier be- Jw-as attended by Miss Williamn.-- eho i- ig lier brother, Wîilliam Pýarl*ian . TOoito, and the groom by hie bro- Wvho disd about two rmou LIs aigu at ther.1 : W'aubaushrrie. aged 9<3 years. One oh The bride w-es gowued ini peari gray lcr a4ons MAonza Hawley, died lîcre ciee de chene, trimmed with alover lace,' i i February last, and ainothler, Chits. anti carried a 'sheaf of carnations and J1.. in Chiacago il) the hall or 1903. ftweet peas. The bridcsmaid wore cream Few, Ir any ofthte oAt residents of! crepe de Paris, with accordion pleatedi %ýVitby were bet '1er known or muore, chiffon front. The rooni wfs handsorne- liîigIY eL;ceate. tbilie lias - sien t a; y deoorated, and the bride sitood on a long a ntia rduous -lite. f uli oh toili,! wreatb of d.-isies. but always brightI anti cheerful. INOWThe weddlng march wais piayed by idie lite avai, liert. .Her hîandrowere t W914 rtalmy Lawler, of Wliitby. Af- iîusy andi lieîrlpl îs.niu. andi lier iter. the reemuony ail ont down to avoîds w-ri '%bords or kiuitness, fluai-! a sMleniitiwcdding iinuer, anti the ing frein' a beart w-ai witii the! l.appy coupfle lett by the eveniîig love oIf Goti ad uîihtuanity. anfd fill!- train te Tuorontw. wlîere they will ed with th1e hope of îinUotaltyj reKiîe, -Mr. Hilts being an eniployee brouglit to Iig Il . ilaougli tic gospel Oft the Toronto (las Co. of otîr Lord Jc.sus Cirlist. The bride receiveti a large nuraber The runemal service was conduct- of pregentN. rnany oftlî;em inrg sent ('l atthe 11home by -lier late loistor.' to lier home la Tomonto. Mr. and Itu. . ii.Etuory. oit, SaturdaY Sf- Mrs. Hilta have the betýt w-laIes of icroun zat 4 o'ciock, af ter wliicii all w-ho know thien. hvr erttIay iîcîîî,-dîîs 'vre depusltedi in t-Ar line eing place lI the Hall- Wood. L. niofl ctiiettry. iiu hie tîrcsieice of. Under an arch of evergreens bedocked sorrav!g ~laLl~~.ant neilibrs. wjth flowero, sud in the presenceolo fifiy ____- "~'- - -guesta, Mary Jane, the second daughior Mr. morys FreweI. of Mr. and Mr&. James Wood, wvas united in mamrageono Wednesdy aftemnoon to lMr. Wallace Ball, the onlyy son cf Mr. At the Tabernacle on Su ndayî and Mrs. David J. Hall, bath of Piokar- niglît 11ev. NIm. E.îory preacheoisliiM tart'weil sermon tu the ugregation 1uîg Township The bride was prettfly to wvîoni lie laus ninisî.emed for the! gowned inýos silk, sud ber brideszuaid, iast tour years wlîli sud aeceptance1 Miss Ana Fogler, of Port Hgope, wore andi ta'or. The interruption b.>'the!'a navy bIna royal. Xm. Bail Ws s8up- lIEavy ftorm wam rendereti as lttIe ported by Mr. PuSrtt of Pickering. distractlng as pobssible by lIc econ-! i gregat ionzil sipçkkag of a couple or~ 1 E. Moore, of Pi kerilg. per- I , ynîns. ',%r.iinuery tuok as text. formoed the ceremony,,auâted byPastor - Tim. 4.z 6. 7. -Pus vaiedletory. fH, B. Bingham of' Whuîby. At the Hli-ojulated out te outéîtaudlng feu-! cl4tse of the. cerenoýnY the gus eailesat tures ut h Ie glorlons lite' o f the dc*wn te ithe weddingdinuer. The happy Altuatle to tho 0<entlies, demonstrat- chl a~Wib nii vnn ri lIng thc tmuth ofhils closing w-ordsie n for1tii. eu, wby onetexect to a this let tom to Tluotiiy, uiagnlfyitig teeut r thiry ep ospend liiis unswervlng fidëlity te île Sav-ier honeymnoon. The. presents were leur andi the cause hlîid nmade bis glumerous and appropriai. "ne Key- oivn. It lo possible for every Christ- Stolne sleniZ wifh heir frienîdt4 exterds laIn inls aîlîciro iqlilve. the *aetihicongratulationi kliad oft liteas 1Mie rupotl.s j to have a sliilftr conneiouanesas cluty donc wlieu tte ed shaih cegne. h I a ~ a ThatIRlathe only kinti ef lite thai Tenr4gyî[z e Y/t,, andied. sîtatl bc% wortlî li-dng Lilved w-It one c.oines to the montent w-len lie muoi teFiooft- elte. faee toeîle Edtoreutitles, thetone. Ilae hi j o tmnblste ne ear Sýir-In the issue of,.you a nlia 11falbehliniallth Iceue tluut p ou>fye puah an [Les ail ahiea*d. Thaut l îhe le 1etat pir ted July_1»y oîi.. lgi a the~ preaclier coveteti foi, ail lits atceudo h edugýuh on thi," evIdeniiy f roum yuur Opte.Ow-n lieen. wlilhli able te create a ni a {ew wvords of liersenal fat%-very %wrong Impression lni regtird ta~ w-cIl '%r. Emaory ec.£I.reà îoed lus heart- tl rI ,preltlntu lt kitnashandlifng oh the steamer A'r- svnu.tiliy cti[lhs rurle dtri . l f Iywlti@' Standing oný the favor * of, di -buyerm. It sellsc art and hope8ty i lightedi 4. 15 . r t Vest IrIn- ion, ( v n Hnrand< Emoluoit for 11the Rev.1*. . MciIIvray th~13e Ct1l1Vi Standd'.Irof, 8 -he [>*wn ln i 1eretýig ltenuIn lureheetuce te'-tIi. Rev, K.ýM me»ivray otaen -- At a meetliigof tthe congregat on ef! ti. Jonu'e churcho -'Ild on .W d, uesday event4g, h 'waa unaitilm MY dc-cided to Inereabp the îo.Utryom t ii Rev. N. R. mCGUIllvrY. trom'#,I Ao, bio a. j(ear1 aund1tu give -lm the Iree use -oh a iUsUe. - Th TI ePv.-. & ciiry beel sîalliýl ted ategatt; u the H jgli !Court*ot Eatuýorii >uta.rlo oet eu dependent tOrder or Foreeters. *icli Mc-et$ lu Opthull»in iIle i 11 l ot he lte Ge», . A. Uaut. 'Plie -muemtubc.s r et cotfr$torUit>t, -NO. 8. lhzdepepd4in 1 ,rder of uqt 1-mrb, I tle fe ulIùberlt wetyfv# au eloquent s~nerouwt&bdeliUre 4y tinzntook tur lit .textt il ai t Éirestît tI tlia the hi ward impar ,Ud Lu lte itipa-Vrt ilion sftait i*k oom ~ ~ ~ an anesn<î.aixiorr.ed 4latIwberw o 'ate b fe1;hfgadi t. sudduxi -of h:! w-le Ib" c s 4ali.,.- IlA LAWLER'S WIIITBY