1' iJL NATIONAL, 11EAD* Dragoons and Cossacks Attack Procession of Work- inqgmen and Kiff Twenty-two Persons. Count Cassini, Russian Ambassaodr, Will Not -Take Part in Peace Conference. Emperor of Austria Participates in Corpus Christi Procession 4 -parentty for the La st lime. î St. Petersburg cable: T'ne Rués troruble and bis physician to-day for- maya it is autlhorizcd to say that Count baihm ta leave bis room. but proin- Cassini, the retiring Russian Ambassador Cisc e sow te mistr tegotot at Washinaton. wiIi nt nrf i<tnnte i ncclr oaor mlw r...a thie peace negotiations, but -ill le. ve the United States imnetiiately on the arrivai of Baron Roigen, bis successor. Frein independent sources the Aqsoci.itedl vonfirms the stat-îient of the nuss that Count Cass-ni wiii have no part ini the L esce negotiations. Foreign Minister Lamsdorf is îndisposedl. It is understood that bis con)ditionl i. flot seious but his physician wns called in la>st night an.d ordieredt he Mini!ý1er flot to leave his beroom to*day. There was no infimen- tion, howcver. that t1iis ili dehia' the pending negotiations. The qtceQtnn iiof a trnporar y suçljicnsion of liostilities speens to rest with Japan. In the m<'an- tinie the Chiincellerips of St. Petersburg and Tokin, are occu;pied'u-itli tho eee- tion of the 1) lenpotentia ries. CORPUS CHRISTI Aged Emperor of Austria Takes Part in Prxession Ceremony. A Vienil a -.lIe Aînid :Ict'onîpni - pyente <,f nie, .tl îI pan:d cemeinoiay the aged Eniperor of Aus-tria, King of Hungary and Bohenie c., Francis Jlos- eph, took part in the 3-eariy Corpus Christ i procession in Vietna t-o-dav. Ifis Majesty wvas greeted eiithiusiesticaliv tv hie people, but it was thLe uiiii-pi-sal (LeC- t-urn of t-be ienese t-bat their Einpe-or had aged ireetly since t-beY Last snw ,hlmi partake ini this (erenncny, tyo Ncars ago, and- the appearanc of bis ÉMjesty suiz- gePst-ed that t-is niey be tiie lest tin-te Ihe vpnerable monarch will appear as a participant- in t-is fest-ivni of the Cat- o iec Chiîrch. The procession startel f ront t-be 1ofburg, proreeded ta the Cnthledral of the Steffansplatz. vherc t-be religinsi terernonies were held, and then returned ta t-be Iiofburg. The ceremonies carne ta an end witb the defiiing before Ilis Maj- estty of t-le t-i-cps whirh had takea part therein. RUSSIA REJOICES Over Promise cf National Assembly- Plain Wordu to Czar. ýA St-. Peteréburg cable seys: 'rhe li- pwoisiaa produccd by Emperor Nicholas« speech 31onday at Pet-erbof, te thbe dele- gat-lon representing thbe ali-Ruf aia Con- gres. of Zemot-voibta and Mayorswhiciî asuembicd at- Moseow is reflected in t-ho joyful acclaim wtitb wbich it bas becît received by the Russian pres..T'le ques- tion et peace and the report-s t-bat an. at-ber great- battie has begun inMxi churia hîave became etofscandary îm- portsne in thn publie mind befone t-be g-est- fat-t that the Emperor lias egain pledged Ibimllgf ta poprilar representa- tIon. The Ruse declareg that thé his*torj ef reprement-ative govenut in usIt e dat-e. fi-oui Wit , 1cnday. 9 Tite voe Vrerîîyn ttilîka thrt t-iis rJncwed assnirance edii -t t rain the throae "imposes the obligation on &11 classesaof society which have Rugois et beant- te unit-e fer -a,,itat-ion w1lichiî i shaking t-le fau-xrdatior.m tf t-be eo-tintrv." The t-ext of Prince T7roubetskov!'s id- dress ta t-be Emperor when hi. Xajest y received the delegation, i. pow publishel It re-veais the plain spoken yet- wit-ha.l penfeet-iy loyal fasibion in which he spoke te t-he Empenar, teiiing hlm cof the uni- Versel distruat whieh perviiided &Il class- ri; attnibut-able t-o t-be convýction ireat his Majesty wag bcinig derciwtd by t-hose zibent'11m who wvere ixteg'esd not ini t-bereshizston. but- in -i'dct-uthr of thie proposed reforma. Prince Troubet- skoy, rose ebove detailit. 1t imuet net- b. Lased upon ertates" tire prince con- tinued, 'You ai-e t-be Empercir not- of t-he land owner, meroliants or pe-sants, but et *Il Russie. The burraucrary which -bas a place la every goveranert, miait have a placs in yours, but- the national repreent-ation amust- beIndependent- of ire bureatcnriey whicb muet net b. al-' lotted Io build a w«ll between yen and t-h. e Mpe. 'Vour lMaeoty wliiIreiaiue' that Whou Yoi gtanîd face te face wt- t-he peeple's delegates." NO ARMISTICE YJLT. japma lflhagte F ]orego ler Mvm-~ AÀ U.Petersburg Mclei~o la net- likeIy t,obe any furt-W the- directln 0cf su mrmnstite unit-tu C I=iýOt-entIaxieâ ore appoited . edetJapan -meeting îdlr e& jaau tema tawllling t. "nY nov Iau*O nat-il t-be.. $V*ýmit are ettleid. ýThb. dees sot lnu tat. a,11boit. et amantin thbe RUSSIANS REPTJLSED. A Thousand Russians Driven Back With Heavy Loss. A Tokio cabiesanys: The foliowing, officiai despatch bas been recelved to- day froein the beadquarters of the Japau- ese arniies in Nlanchtiria: ln the vicin- ity of Yingecbeng, June 21, a tlîousand of thbe enemy's iinfantry pressing oiir scouts advanced and wbcn tlîey rcacbhd lHiang Yang-Cheu, teîî miles southeast of Wankautzkeau, our forces repuised theni with heavy los. and piîrsîîed theru in vicinity of Weiyîîanpaoien. Afier aur force, whîch occýupied Yanginulintzu on June 19., hlie oinpieted their mis- Sion, tlîey returned. The eneuiv, con- sisting of three battalions and four squadrons %with twelg-e guns, advanced tbrough the eastern districts et th&gKî- rn read and moved southwnrd on lune 21. Froan 11.30 in the morning bis in- fantry graduaily lrippeared on the hieight. betwçn Chapengan and 11. chiatuin and bis art illery posted on the lieiglits of Lien Iluzchîs sbiled t-he niorthcrn beights of Naatcbendzy.Ounr iorrec atter a few hours engagement as- sauited took offensive and compietelv repuiscd, the enmy, captured beights anîd pursued im if. Otherwise the situation is unchangëd. -MUST GET OUT. Japanese Commandant Give@ Foreigners Orders t-o Leave Port -Art-hur, A Cbefoe cable: A"-ordiag t-o t-be able, information, previous t-o tbe bat-' tle of t-be Ses cf J4rpan t-be Japanme CfO<intf*fder at- Port ArtIrur: act-fied t-ho mianager of Kunit *& Mers, a Germn firai, and thbe nmet p rourinent mer- chanta et Port Art-bar, t-bat in case t-be Japanesie won t-be naval engagements t-bey onust bc prepared te, close tiret, business and leave t-hç port. hmune- diateiy atter t-be resuit of t-be batt-le ho- c.ame knetvn ail t-he fereingers et- lont Art-bu- wcro officialiy not-ified t-o pre- pane t-o dop art &nd remeve t-hein mer- chandise withla 40 days. 'lire reason for this step ia neot known. Kunst & Allers&..sked their head ç4fice aot-Hamburrg tWintercedo for au extension oft t-ue, and, taililug t- oboh tain it, t-be manager cf t-ho Port An, t-brn branch preparod t-o depant fer Sha.ngiii t-o make final arranpements, not-lfying t-be Japanese mut-fi-es t-bat- h. would ret-uru quickir. R. vae ia- fernied, howes'er, t-bat- L. cou4d net- re- t1bni, a foeigners wvoukl net tirereaf- tez ho allowed t-o enterPort Arthitit The ma.nager, therefore, %vas. eompeled t-o beave an att-orney in change of t-be bufiness, and bizmself departed t-o ar- range for t-ho transportation of thbe firax's merchaudia. (rom Port Axtirur. Decllned t-o Comply. Tle manager for Sietas Block & Co., le-iglarge interelst t-Port Ar- t-mn, a«Ys'& vli 41net empi>' vit-bt-h. order t-o remove t-be ompanys taonr- chandise. Hie adda that t-be Japtuese bave lnteraued hlm t-bat est'Jepansse *otes.uush libealiow*d--t-o tramte r prmyatfeet-ed b>' t-he ouder. TU* r radfect. tour large Germei concernsam ueAsm-almaiw hou.,t-be latter beinc t-be tirm n1cf Vlrk*on & Co., beuides Fronek sud Greek iras, The, Japaneée .aime t-h cplultion ka" purcbssedbut- lIt-t1 iem t-be ti-ms umtIoed, a" ceoffl~nutly It là ataÎ*d t-at Jarg estocks 1<goods are stlIl in th*ef varthouses., Rtprehuta- tIve of t-vof1t-be fin» ba" e ut- t-sted Cheféoo st-beit **y -t-e et4w .lNrta for the plupo»se etoopy<wi th~ o4rt-o taLe lta' iereal trou Port Art-but Emple>'..mt VaSe * a uwà §4« la lnnlp emloyoae 1 t" U"IW 1 vîh *olt-b E tâft 18LS (madsbas fïntus esdue, vat tu ifictWest-y.ua !i gmt hit- iii Iiiî; i i q GRAIÇD DU=E r<I<UOLASICHOLAIEVITCH. WIEDDING IN A WINDOW. temperance legisitition. the G&and Chlo Tempiar said: "-The deptutae, on waited It Caused a Scene cf Gi-est Excitement upon the Prewier and members cf his- at MontreaL. Cabinet, and, while receiving ýno definite Mon-ralJue 6.-trnues dvr..prmie for this tession, würe led te loek tio-n by i Jne sol a puubl w dn- n eradto advanced 1egt;laie at an ai--n shop inew, ciau pbleed ig neariy date. 'lie position ofth-is Grand a h%,nof, t-lie usy Larà npde et one Lodge la cleparly defiîied. N'thlng shert aof te dowîîtowh corners, MrGill of total prohibition of t-be eîftire liquor an teiDame streets,: his aeýraoon, traffie wil, satisfy the Good';Templars; duty drew their-bat-ous, woînen fite bjonanda in anything t-bat r iii curtil babies wvere jostied, and altogrtheî- there its power, and ihus hast-en tl~e day that wa.s a eene of undue exciteen. L s it -t î-r - .iiîed frein t-he Jand." Werkmen, the ciothier, x-ho ca-rc The report of t-he Gran&. Treasurer eut- unusuai idehs te edvertise bils wares, sbowedi receipts for lest yec 1r tU have iînneunced a week or moi-e cga tire-a been $1,31Mi.48, expénditures~$,4.~ couple would bic nîarried et 3.30 lan onelCeaing a balance cf $147.. Grand of bis show indows, and et-ber trades- Secret-aiy C. Locke MeCrea rported on meni, la erder te participate la theglad the work, being done. I)uring1 the year event, sent presents for the bride. But n ine iodgcs wSge added, -five ÉlerganIzed yest-erday t-be Chief ef Police net-if icd'and eight--rcsuBritated. The 'ot-al mem- the, dot-hier t-bat t-he cerezneny muet net bersbip la February of this! year-wu take-piace as it- wouid cause a stoppage'1,GQ3, a gain et2-22 oer t-h. correspond. of traffie in t-be street. Te overcome ung peniod last ycar.- t-he notie, t-lee dot-hier elosed i. store this* moraiag, and pieeed t-be foliowiag AIR BUEBLE KILLS GIRL siga in t-he window: "This la niy pri- rate hou-se t-o-day. 1 pay my rentand jIt. Was aSy-lnge of Antitci-A Pecut- taxes. A wedding wiil be held liera at j - r Camet'O 3.30. Wôrkaiea keeps Isis word, Coe and sec t-ho wedding. Everybody wel- veine. No dieappôint-menL." A.ccoidingly at t-be appoint-ed heur t-be bride and groom appeared on t-hoscene, sud a great- t-hi-tmg saged in front et t-be store, cagen t-o get a glimpse-cf t-ho proceedings. A posse cf police t-ried in vain t-o get t-be crowd t-o disperse, but t-bei-e 'wastee, nîuceofint-erest ut baud. A Met-bodist minupter an~d a colored par- son were t-ber. t-operforin t-be oeremony, but- much t-o the disappolat-ment eftht-e crowd t-be wiadow euit-ain 'wa» inter- posed betweeo t-heo rd aud t-h. wed- ding part>' et t-besurprome mcm.- ont. Thon Intense excitemnat ensxîed, fer by <came reason unknown- on t-be oît-idp -by accident-, as It vas attervards cx-- plined-tbe exutain dropped, and tire sitar, vit-h t-ho eontrae 14g parties in t-hein place. wu@ laid bare t-e vIew. Thea trouble bogau, and &à a reirit it ln pro-. babl. t-bat-tihe Chiet ai Police will isiter- est- liimelf furtiier in t-he matt-en. The Reports et Grandseret-r> aid Ires. urer-.-Want Probi-fu Ai Ottaveport: Thre Gmad Lcdge cf Quiat-nl,,1. 0.<G. Ti,. lanw essio6n ucre, labout 30 deleate-s beîinuat-ten danee. Grand4 Chiot Tempiar- Jaums &rstrolig prédd bo report- of tire Grand Clb T«ar ar sowed- Uatfor t-be finaLtU-lo la tiAtei ear4 t-ber. lW breon au lu. ereas tu merb.rap and lodges. Ile s*t-aIdt-bat-be 1.4 appotnt-.4 a cmmt- tee '*me t-1,e *go toe revis, t-he ries -l** udt-bat-thberootwt b. r. vedZ'R.earlpng t-o t-b.deputa- tien' wâkh wattd UPOma-tho GitanS. Oew~a u a ebrw~y lbot regardasi New - York, Jane J.-Ye$ýta Green* seven >ears old, died titteent minutes aften receil-Ixig an inj-ect-ion 1cfdipbt-be- ia a.ntit-oxin, a-dristered b'a besith inspecter. According te lier !atir, t-he child was penteettJy we i hemi antitoxlu vas gireenher. Dr. ealn~n ratbc4m uer admîta à tt-ant-itox ml ' sCuifi.girls -<à est-b, but offerq no expiana4llou xoept t-bat- an air bubble *tbaimv been lu t-be syrînge It i. t-lie tiret death irom. u-lt-clinlathle hiât-ory oft ý. -h. board of lamait-b, Tii.conuiisonoejrefue. t-o niake public t-li naine of 4reiuspe t-ottbut ay-s he mas ealled tr>tibPur. sytir street bourse t-o at-tend .4 hsa vir bad diptiieria, and gave h«c OlmaiW teor aincjction as a Ipnevent*e. I a &aid and ine 1 leae cade,» lsmid Dr. Walter Dexuei, of a~ t tbe -depart-nwnt o t ,Indicali n ç..on. ',Au air bubbe in th l-.I kgew4 il lu a tew secondï. lmpur0 i-toxln voum dnot Cause d.eat-h rseverai Weare catirel>' £ttes. as t-o xpiant 't-lc. Tbe ineetor hiumelà ~pro<i.t- -cd by thbe deathYj Ro.Pun2êEs41vIff thee- tlton f C . Gribldi tht-bin Ittberle viii, -provldlsg t-bat i tbe beremaansd t-be Ases #s*t~t - t-be vintal e .erforedq,.ê$k eg. CENTLTRV LIMITE» "I - I IUVSIED -TO DEST RUC-TION.0 Going. at the Rate of Over a Mile a- Minute it Rani. loto An Open Switch, Crasbed Into the Depot, Killing- ,and Wounding- Over r a Score of Passengers. The Boiler of the Engine Burst, Scattering Fire and Stea'm, and Rendering Rescue Impossible. À Cleveland, Ubio, report: Later.-Wbile travelling at the. rate of aeVenty milesan hour the, Tw ethi Century Llmited, the. fasteat long diatance train in the worlde ran tbrougii an open swtch Lt Mentr, about 2«S miles east of CleVeland, at 9.20 o'clock lust night cauuing une of the. most horrible vrecks in the hiatory of the Lake Shore road. The engin. vau hurled muto the. ditcii. A part.of the train vas crushed on top of it, ané the wreck was partly burned. The, horrots of the wrek vere doubled ini the horrors of the fire. Moro than a score of people vere killed and injured, and the fa.mous train was largely demoliahed. The train was crowded, practically ail its accommodation being taken entfrely. It vas beiiind time, an.d the greatest of apeed was being m&de to mû,k up the lbat time. ~ e....a ---.-- ----- The dead-Taemas 'IL Morgan, of the Wellman-Seaver-3Mergan Co., Cleveland, burned te death; John &. Bennett, Pat- ent attorney, New Yerk City, burned te death; A.L.L Rodgers, Platt Iron Ce., 93 Liberty etreet, New York_-City, died on opèrating table; N. B. Walters, baggage- ýmanj, cf Emburg, N. Y., scalded te deatà ý; Alleu Tyler, Collnwood, 0., engi- neer, erushed under t-he engine; H. H. WVright, travelling man, Chicago, died at Cleveiand General HoRpital; Firea a r- ham, Coiliiwod ' crustied under engine; Williams, firsi. naine and addrcis un- known. Charles If. Weilman, of t-he Well- man-Seaver-Morgan Co., of this city, en- glacer Alilen Tyler, J. A.. erad1ey, a ro- minent attqtney of Akron, 0., and Y. J. Brant, -of tliis eity, ait dled this mornang as a result ef their injuries. Two- addi- tions! bodies burmed beyond recognition were aise taker from the. ruine of t-he train eariy te-day. James IL Gibson, of Ch,.cngo, snd 8. E. Dockwîth, of New York, are aie dead. Mlsulg-A. L Johnson, cof Lomey& Johnïaor, Cleveland; the. barber sud.t the porter of the, combination car. .Amon1z thei. n red st the. Cleveland Ge ealospitalt asArchlbaîd P. Iîead, cf London, Eng., steel empany representa.. tive> serîoualy burned sud lnured, pro- babiy ,fatall$., Ias aine.dled. Laté reporte gave the nmner of iujMr- ed - as t-vent-y-n., and' of tiiee fif tenu ar" aerioualy If not fataliy. hurt. Prae. tically all the, Injuf.d were bunsd sMd vere taken, tram the. blailug wzckag. byý resum partie& ,A patc rydlstrossIg featiare, e the. réoet eas tbth in red ver. mc, crued when t-ey wereMen eut from uiller the a"scf wreekuge, that It-bby cWud noteven revWealthit ldentIty, de- spite t-he Urgent Appeals and entreaties, i"d by -offiïiais and cth-be swho kme loy auxtous the, neya flom thevrftk vwu #,Uwad by famies suci frenda. cfi t-b.- F"PeMene Tii. cdr., vmsf lnail given t6 sesreh ttbe living wreck victima in the hep. that ideetif cation mlgbt lu t-bat way be establlmeo, but even viien J t-bis vai reorted t-o but tbf.. sufforere coimiti~~~~~ b- du-lld i. etwede- under the im of et ckag. th.t hyI unadergoue. Assistant Genejral Supldn -tendent D). O Moon, oftht-e Lake Shore, on the sont. et lb.e vr.ek. sa". t thte, fbilovlug. derailed at t-h. svitch,-:which lu provided with ever7 Lknown safeguard, and wais carefully înspected prier te- the passag of the. train.i While there is ne reason knewn why any one ahould tawper Iwith the siyit-ch, the officiais de not believe t-be accidet ceuld have taken place vwith the-,sviteh properly set and in position. FINS PR. .CIS- D The - Equitable Insurance Funds AhbnyN. .,June 2O&-The report cf Suprutenen Famci e lndriokas,, -of t-beNew orkStat-e Ingurance Depart.- ment, tieGovennor MUIgnh ipen bis in- ivestigation oft t-e Equltable Lie Assur- ance Scclety,- waa made public' te-night,. and it la decidedly crit-ical of t-le in- *«ent of the, soviet-y as w.ll as e:rt th. nev -trust arrangement fer vetlng t-he stock -greed iupen by Mesars.Thomas F. Ryéa aud thbe three trustes designatodA by 'him. lu the. conclusion of bis ne- a sprticial m surea wilL oorreot Xii .xttln -eIl lu t-bts soclety. Can- "pt:à tý Cmpltemutualzation vit-h ta indn&to-f thre stock te b. paid for at a price oui> commensunate Vit<h lt-s divmnda Mi., wmy opinion, tii. 0u17 aura niessure of relief."# Jà mes W. Alexander and Jaines Hi. Hyde, Vice-Pesidmnt, viose resignis- Um wm r.aopt-ed'ytitrday b6y (habr mun Mort-on, are sevrel varrge:e l t-be i à prt G-age ILTarbelo, 8eood Vce-Proi dent>i laexon em td. M r'.,H - <Irieke tnlgtbtn usartiI. deuce arni u = ort t t-bcharte ant %en question whetber: Presideut Mézaîido sud t-he ct-er oftfe ansd' diret-or. Who Part-Id elptd iftlbhlm in -te tramuci o <itaJmes ". H d ' u aseodlt-s» are net dtsquallli undmr «etion - 8cf t-h.elnurauec IkW front -beraft« holding sn y Office in a lite lu- surance couipan>'.« The 'report eiiaracter-« kIz he.trabsacto na unlawtuL' The Vîe* otb euyReglatrar- GeneraL s A e Were ;uI~A1~]