Whitby Keystone, 29 Jun 1905, p. 4

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ID'ff~c f ,èm flua , , I> , - .- ) ,.ý.ualrau 'SailVuD M5f, i tlley h'eM et the imlfltawy a.ý > ym muan was appointed ÂAëtPa8t BROOLIN.Miss G&rnie Frs'..er hae .been 9pend- and Levi s0argôant Qperater fortb Mrs. W. Noble's fatber, Mr. Martin, lng a fe'w du6ys with frlendi bere. mluiitany telegnapb. dled ai bis home near Enniakillen . Àflh1Dbe1'frotu bere took ln tbe Mrs. Noble was wlth ber father at garden pantyat Myrtle on'Tuesday MRT.E th ieo i eah lehvn evenlug laist. The skulis of SIx4 e n-p gone there for a vîsit. anti then l'e- MessR.D 3w. To Pribalwrir oto centurie4 &go niaineti becansbe of lbis serlous flines man anti 8amuuel Stocks have been -were dlscovered recentty burîed ln ivhicli-developeti after lilýr arrivai. ' kingUp soine of their buildings a mounci in 'the C.R. station ýyard Mr. anti Mr. Ueo. 1'ringle anod this wreek... at Myrtie. The site is Probabî ,y Master .John starteti for a trip Ihat Glati to see our old clerk, Miss L11 tiat of an olci Indarw battlegronneL will occupy îorne ,two months. Tlxey lhan Hoar, of M.yrtle, bebloti H. C. Thîe nound'b;bank le extremely @teepý will first vîsit friends at St. Mary's Hor.cutraam.on the s-ou-bt ilde, faclng the Sun, for la tîme, and timen go on bu Mieh- mise Minnie Me*ihoIîs han returned ln fact tc loipe la so great' that igamn, lere tliey %vill reniain witlifroni Toronto. _ aliis mus down lb aseit wudd relatives for se% eral weeks. 1Mms. John fliekie. who lias spent a roof, andi ln Ninter the 18nuws are- l,.cnltg serveecs %werc hela ln bbc'the iWnter lu Toronto with lier bîown or maîted away, Icavunga its Mehoit, >'ebcei anti Epis- daughter, haï, returneti home,.aen:ryawy ae h vr. (-olbaiiflTcureie-,s on Sunday, andj East lVhltby council nicets on men at flrst useti their. plowsan ln P.ieli capo tlity di-veiolped nto ai Monay riext. befome golng Nery deep bte pi"uand -rtatd ieigonaccoent or Tite volunteers rcturneti, home troissar urei plos bus4le-. U'camP on Saturday lata, anti mc- be tn ui p otof Ie iosjib t4lîortly umwrore 8S o'clock. Th lu-in port a1 good lime. Jbr aster andi more nuae Pî ai of hlnns, anad %%as iiaaileito passe r pate u,'a epiheofpa uli bengboules to the surface. At4first thej tm'va wa fllih îy t( îa~ngtr'ed Lu a o.- adof p.iioit i n en tijd sot pa.y umuclattention. butf Iila~tS1laty. ey. hon ani Mr. loolitleandas thecppile of nibs gre higher thbe Wr. andl :.îrs. lienry Maynard, of clilidren, or Vittoria, have been1 becane Interesteti. Twe cae.s Toronato, I-: Lod tLîar Vela Lt'C>s liere Nisiting relatives anîd trientis bei-e lr Aesbogtie se pe Sla r1ng tira li si. wa-a'k. t liuse, etik.ery tr h.il îlh-iuîau rloal't Ms.0I011SîîlîtliIbenleel- tkuils, sixteen of tîjeitali Mlzar. Mîaalîî'rs. i" a1>in ~ilirdaugiter lu Toon vsto. ail-n-ei-e upturueti. It seermetifroîn! thrtshilg (ý.1y.;_«,going%%-Ilàl ierdatinte in oro to.te position iii whleh tle-Y. ývere Lihan is sati it) ato Nili.' ilnea" an tiais Anoth er pretty June wedding took tumînd thaI thie 1adian 'bratees bar s~~(' t ion.~ plc t Iteheomse o4 lMm. and Mrs. be laidsii at long se~ w'r-agriL tai say t irs . Johin . f-eckett, Wednesday-tfterno""', ln one big gi-ave, Whosie face bure,.r; in iepýPsneeofor orty getifronteti Lhe àsuat, a circledthte; Mr..r.:~ i ui-t rp rîîw rcuvetr- r s'heu i eir ority daughter, Racl4tel, sky. a :tg' cnîpaîaLy uf rehatises anti , becaine L-he wife of Mr. Harry Gr'ey, Mr. a a Mn.l I itpi i >Jrtliston lsta rt- ' -%Ir Wlsuîî 'Lciatedi. Theîn (JiILLIA. e'tI Oh ttia r î'&tî ii «i till onTîiasd:iy.i bride %vaà4 gi%,en away by lier tathier, Mr. C. -T. Atkinson, Superiltnenti Mr'r. I'nnk ad stiisuferinig ntiworpa aî'aetty drest.' or santoy of tfai.- roadview Iïtmtitute.TrnoI r >~t ~ -tfet t(Io lier r,,ea'îît il- oer t arfeta t r ini mcd ssi thlaseqiniTrnu il -s. fi>:. wt is- r'î[a' Iel.ai( chiiffon,, anu carrieti a shi-osiet'a ni ual trailaiug s ell"oifor bo)yt,t siaîrdmc.îî ~ boti qîet of bridai roses. miss MI. was ini town last week comlIeoingi llitiytirs i:tVr . r '. jarrneetsf-te uja Berkeit, of Owen Suncousin] of agmnsfrth nulcm Tis -r v , 9:1l"1r91 ti pr uy seison, t Ilie bride, attîredtr ii a lîretty dress jr l -triai t b- i ii lii ovtlai-a ier con- 1rof eaîn voile (-eter tatfetï4 attend- ei-a P'ark. coruuîeîîcing July 7. About - n%% i l'lie aci- e> an't a't ss li thVl 'a d the bride. Te-1 Dmiansvsseenl3-r15 t' wlicotr.Qup trois fi tar- ir anbai 1e i Co-ul Sthe ruiinti u adN flboys lave fa brals baud of their ji ai'e r t.Toiî~i' it i'i sill b- - c'en pid' were ofvcîaiîuedrnian a n 'i.! NI r Y - S1aarica"sle . 1 îa i d îner a ti.'slieiided floral Ibell; tlois- ON'l ii iu f bieac go r:trtil ti- atllimad L:idi-o' Ad. 'rs and itusbeautitiedth le ruonas inr.,-ix coc uers. Nhilie. v i i a' I1a-î' ait matiIl uta daaurr tres- Tite rpret ty diuinkgrouis tables thauy are lhee tley wihI be gladti t s i atr . 'u lie theactoi- t:îahgy beckorled Illie gueste, r hîla13baseb.îli arttifootball uIat'1i2i t.)asitl' l Whhi,.1î a.ii ilany u1 whiow came frou a dis- îwîthi local tea. n-Tite 1flLitu-te is, Mr. ~ ~ qÈCôj , 1Nî eta . Wa~, ceîî'tne. Numierouts andi keaUtifut îiporteiî by l-ublic benevoleuct., narineui i y bîr151 d.aigilula'.(, wf'PA tme gltts. Mr'. andi Mrs. !'8 no a I~euraîzt~~ t G rey iett ou the 0 o'-hock train for attlmoetsamnulrInr t 0r11 oijtt iît nmst hrua'Lubt'aelthe ons !l-îig sc'huol, itlis a boy's world lit min- ir iîa>tii a itîg.nld fJjoy.ftbIe Pte . (oara othaar pretusuofîan- attirc, anti priotble tho, det'elul ript, on trrîa'ssl:î 3 ut(tutisesr ret-kn Tlaey o ù 1)tt tii îad u he î~-i~- s-ii rsal li iJlaaa, ue rid tunent ut boyi, aIoiigthe nighit linas oac, sop îî ~t t~ )ririeihattl i'ore, going nway, a iantisome sui., A towvnsliiip ni miniatume is onue u to-n. ~ ~ o an u tr i- s :atera'aaî, r Iil(or niadC, of broWsn broaticloîli thie tentures uf the institube, in!r iii~~~ )1farilttng~iCoe,'e i-! Sth Ilik blouse Lu rîateîi. 'wlaiclî the boyi, are nlbDtttilfanms 1w VailoUve, 1 lp%. ýd. lad àjý,.liooitti, ofý x40 [eet. Tite towU~i>IÎP lias a pro-i nîwi ot uebecî a theCar xiit-s it lacychigWLl m iper syetenî ut municipal 9governuient, ~ laitrî l'lîtinîî l Tiî-ry wiil re- Mis. Muses Do>tlttît' ut "Ilosestead and inlutitis wsay thie boys atre givenî antlaroigli l -i. Parlaî' (lac1o 't îsje"uela practical informiation, anti ta 'tr ý o bu iwnîy six se'-al tatiguat tu be seît-melant. C'L.XREMON.Oni July 13 thie Toronto Central y TIur al-a-u'nat taiiisa-' in Irlul andr M Jol n c~ ~» * ' Lt.A. ivill bning fifty u1 tîmemr ,uîî-J 'liii a-rh ni , Mr.rJoh'rI'c.f I iiandIdauglit"., lor aucînhers to Or'dhia, bu sjîend îwo ai. t a -1,ndtaviNl ) I W tt- vlia irri-e 'eu si'inîg in -Northi seeke under can'as, lilimte carg out t'ahnl3' ~ ~ ~ ~ S(I 1~ ra1aot a-t týnv iakotat, liiaNe retu miei, looking lihi- Mr. . I. Croeker, ;tiysicat directot byti,î'dla'ty. Ofu the Association. About the same; 'flirtaas Baa sa-lîatilt i Iis. Mnic'kny, ut Toron Lu, is v isý- date Culingwood Y.M.C.A. will senti1 a tit-. l Li- tui irnss Il:ndil i ntaIira Boyer's. uver Llirty meimbers uf its boys' (le- '-iiaiia.II.(lu't la' a'aasiii i jhtnhat R.i a , atC 1. otpartnien t. Tile.boys sîtoui be giN'en a r sii-N l-i lilal ta aadrssa's huisasgone to LondIon, Engiaaîd, fgr za royal recehatîon 'oy Oriîlia cîtizens, wuu tri' I -il 1a3 lot i llln- Is aii! Seliau 'ioseci tolday. ai r l sic Mm'e î. un d M i s. .Ixliti Tïaaan iion, cof 'ln c' r 'a t k Ir' Na'ni inI i ,r'e-'Furtuta, sPar is î iay sAtihù A. B. furî tir- I a ii i- ' 1tits ita i-AaUisi>0i tai (rihat h,'.l aId 1,13'.f ran sci- o ()rîN-ai i nh Il aîî S tr- Couaser, B (..are a.'îeîtiîîg a Nweck t i. Wiilaîiîm il, %%III.l .1.1 ail I as îa'î-, taaaîntitilîltnai, la ' i t relin r.àde oaa Stianday last M~~~~~~~~ -.Nptla gis-- sary bad y )fLimavA. j.&A M sF im iis . &A. . iî'iido oh(s* i g i i w 1a ni Sn d- rr ai d au aat a r, M r s. ru, n lera- f roui .L itigi-. S t otffa'- 11, plip inr. %ilnb. _Mi nri'Lia1ai h1'e ke ri n g, Pur t Il- iaii" lîY.rr ys. Rv . .1Y %V. Wiîkiisoiî îarnela- Thlî a au: -ý'r' -rtti l, aa v- i>in -i n s a r m ii n oun "itear g(lIil pit rarkuntîia, 55ailand- tula'di. Y a One -nthiar's lBîîdeiîs'D Thei i.ttîU lé'is l- (t0i-ai t a iilattaild- v v ilý o ' , M i aîaç'u hi -a ilhn'-11 to Lmt ii-aur. tlîîU, la or tiliya- i ,tl I lIa i- ail of TOit 1' ac litîrehî t-îolu' î'a'îîaIîed tmwu beau- trr >n'tai, îalimly i ii' cIlîntci t li iti rn t iir-. ahilitg ;11; li t lin- %latis LnI).> limnika'iti it t Siia.l:t y e 1'nii g tlIta- fats'- gll'ala' u k-t. lira 'v-'ii. 4cA z1lfr ve Clh> lid y e-ni t Ila a The.ti-'Va Ciîtnor n BauA, r. i.1 Aefns of t tthe >,er- aai, i ns- oi lndytat tai 1a .i M ii 01t îîit a g-> O \r.itandMrgs.1 os ihli, of L'N bridge, Mir-rai'--i -a i tLii' ail'ai - ~ i % îmUal I. Bryan, of Mi'. ti' iIiarî-i 1111h- l ll~ i. ( rJiior t, b- idjy (d, tli Cirgy nvi 1Wcr, are bcurryhto reprbit tttie daiat li i-taai af t li' stai - a of Nltr>i- . jas. 1' iitiei'bîhl, îs'o dieti 1 aaroh it u',li-t ia1 lrtitn s-il innw c( d 1!y1 l(A ,(\ r irnhnmBrns.haise solti"'mtwl i-'î~iia 'a il'. lt ýi IL - - . I- îtt- - i"n. Iiia' t) . îi tor ua at t Na-r s' 1,1 îal af thra- gani atiiinii->t ,1114 -i'lu i -lt tilaat tuat'd'.a ut theI.i i'ooto I Ion-a-'i-îu ilot jjjly À,, t lieIiacktieýy i-lita ' rs-f - tîga ra r n u t -n rantik'c'îaîs bilrnt gui. tihe,îiutor,-sli t te clabs t h . t Ia- t. sî a-a l-r nut ltat t t furlî ( u lliiîi batst sutî' el c r lias5 ar' tint a- ia'a.L b. Ikra t i. ---s ' -u . . --l to e a-- la-at\it a' . 11 I ata 111:, îu i a il r:al -r rn -' i rr l i 3' ut1 t 1-' i. l a f t 2 LII 'ai, s', î~ ~ 1 îi~-s ai' '.fral- i h U PL -Y'. NI. .-tni laat r iai is.'1 % ttt2t i totit . a,. r t-nst ait ii-'i-' ç lîst t sn - ti las et.. Jutlge !aioore. It n'I r(a" i-ait.ibiiîbed, îîui'ehncinidthlzi-f mus aiS.xoî nus (itrahaim Bros. Mm- Titis. ci ralfinaii, oni,, f<taie tut t-lris ait titisfi-i, liai- gôtt-3 bu the o01( î'îînaîtrv wu brun4i-gtci lialtkntys andi UL'aaa'dttcfor wsttch tiiere Wn an Lnih t ri 11g a'Imir- John t orgie'u. tiiti-a t on u liti, kLl4ig a iiuinbet aia tr ri l'anî' t aa l .rýlty 1) î iat î u rgs. 1a. ar-h-le aty lrghliittg dîni 1lta114.'-;aîi~m. ot lm maiu Il ricla n a'ii À id ttita'aa]i af-t i -ai s s .a ît i le l- n oi ts..UIÏJ "To g.: n'i- n - > iadr ttaais- "' a-a i ,aMt eau.Mr. L Lit'e, of Monc: Innvo rf i( t1tr1p ljlMi dis; cli na'i. lit-IdU litaUcifor 22o. anIdti bite- ober dayr oit i l a iî \ i Mi' . J. 1i-ia'ksri t>îa lit-$Sit tioliet'M tîean k r ti-,Iigitiii, aniti th it'lule cuLtnge liii lu1 iOi. Gir'aie tu, of Cmran- tIlallt, laaatti nldia-A.%Asen' iî lesi fionpi Nt orko$a-. lairga' -rrîs'.%va iili a tt-nd-attce'. T'Fln -i-dam>. 11t. i niti-'çbiJ be b. otufe %itl-: N'a'. shl-tel-t mi theia' laiwlt, n iigitil i -ait<>t iIlmî tttt : , k ugilëwt ti"s'r.r'r sai dhy laisiia îj vt iviha a siuit-slut 0o! ycu7deýd1ms end oMslgirgig îîîaîes to Llie graiat s&taai- a'i-'. filetiota ýi-,t-ho it' gima-iteî. '1,11q ftatuir j Arraî'ge.nmeut. haîrc be _é»S'Pwut0tei 1! i -ta- it'a)gaiiieai ltî 'lttt-ie b>y i' ' t- lie hiair atu 4I rtO uu titi' tli ax t4li h gin t t l-tIý lti-.by i Thwhe> lic Imig ii rot" un -n, t umit tiae-'cro'.î-ai îaeaa- ur-4,o! lsmtci- forîelia- î:rn.mi. th ..tînngt ii, ~i4rspoiue4 art Wtmý wllo luta i.rîtaoass -N'ot'hUist, zlîcr > ty of~ c'<,ani sitin gooti torit». 43p,,eoht4 v- g Si rL i) o!Tr*tto de'ltset'a:d by locmjl elergy',n, a r îltt'.. Mar. M Nilktuîcde0o ofmrt,~ 1119- M. W'lk1wOn1as lié heavex thée At witb fi à haro b-tran er>' [rg'Ria 4..7 L I~f SOMMER, WE RB- We've a fasoinating display of Jewelry especialy for weàring wi.th surumnier waists and dresses. Aniong thein are pins, budkles, br6oches, pin sets and pý'etty novelties -of ail sorts, sud rriýany of them are quite .inexpe4sive as weiI as beautiful Besides these, we are sho4in a variety of particularly ' nd- some patterns of Simmons 1obs1 that are especially' suiteà to Men'it ae~d Women's auJ~e wear., e Norman Bassett, Jeweller and Opti<ùn. Brock <St., South, Whitby. WHITEVALE. lYlake wk imre uzd a o w or The cvillage uf Wlitevale wasmade n hrdheIhae -1kef quie ivel tuingTueday ae onardee!havany idea d. T*ake quie lvey dr in Tesd.W'ed-1 ail that jar off lhe pine a end v iesday anmd Thîursday ut lact week, r the causeofand v eaused bylime Sithanîîuah gathier-i Ifly Wa Yew uadLc ing o uthBbalatls t ciurches utf Vilt-: by ast inldsay Association. About a neveu ty tielegatea preseuteci themesel- by 6 4Tgré~. s'es at thie ir-st session, muanyr othmer;'îf4 cuiulng ater Tucsday evening. Thë tii-st session opeaar'tiTîeday a! ter-,,. nous by lies. J. Melutosia leatiîng tlhe ]Frr Ble by èhoe dealeýra des-otiosal e\ercices. INousiîaatng rn cunniitteses were appîolnted. Mn. R.!eèywee uCanuada~ tD. W'arrenr, ut Tor'onto, spoke on ii flIt til)jQt uofI-ublieatlon Board,____________________ anti le'. A. RL. Park, t.fClariont, oit Chu i-ci Edîfice Boa rd. At lthe Pîrtiire. Mr. àMclttosh i ntentes Vis-, close etthe cat ternoon sernn th# tiigdurlng the' sulumer n, amfi bien ladies ofthelicehurch hrovded lea ù Inwll aearis-.dao orial thie bagemnent ut the churcli. At bIse r Chicago I!nnivemsiîy. evenlîmg isession iles', Catuenon led' NJ1fs Turner ls slieîîdlng a;, few the devotlonal exemîels.i. oîderator t Wcü.kh sislting f riendsin i Toroilto. W'eehm. -ufLinalsoy. oceupied th OSAWA chanir.n. W. C. r-,eynoads, iîantor- ut Whites'ae Methodist eub. gt, ~avei The Shamrock kucroas;e club -os a imust appropria te address of weli ls gaule %ith ,té* AliSaints, ot' To- conte, inî'iting limeni to a place in rotito, o1 u Saturalay Imut, by 1 a tîmeir îhomesnandti hcin hearts. -1. plece of liard luck. one o! bebc -h I-. BJ3itu, o! Whitbyi lu lime ab- j &lLr players lias'ng struck t-h bail sernce e t a epresentative f roni jîe i mbtimter iotyn goaIn Thle atten - ance Master Unrî'ierhity, spoke ou the~ at tue gaine wzii; rallier 'ligbt~ buti j subjeet of Chraistian Educatiotm. liev- Ihose who ss'cre 1,rerent saw a ogod C. C. MoLaurin. the epraentativo J match. i"or tour ielodu of, If teen rtru Manitoba andth le ZNorth We4sî J minutes eacb the two toamts a4rug- I gas'e a mo&t nttrrlatg adêresiounliis gied wltbout a reel idiot ple etng' great wenteril country. lnc gavILe b flagii. andth ie play wAurst i a riviti dce"iîbloafof that country, SUd eean. altitougli té boys 4 ilsi weail.th, Itipeoplcna.and it8i loto two or tire lttîn mlýxup% lr e-at ruizgien and slit. "Thouaands in ir1'iatroflt was retenu-e, andi he%_Axe Unit , ountry," lie sutti, 'his' wft h. thu-msix months tîsico a y>aremlort out .ny Ibouglit of bbc gogpel. J-any tranitgresslon o! na-leb. Io spendlng îîîelr mipàre îîùae lu gamlbu-; -eauwere n-ail satieflidwith the,* lng andi dnlnklttmg. witmr-rma-î OCa1P ~pr ievroti doubt the ies o! the -large -brewerles 0or f. Vu. arock#, wlIl be te Ue-uotgqor, tarlo out tiieret, Nweli pakt ftr atvanc'. Oh- 8ItI&etaroesxO tffli XII ligî tîmetrlr busissIn the latrger of Itsmewbers are bouta fide' lti- toueux or Briltih Coumblae" A nia- & en@, wbo wi! eudeayor to ïa4toib t4sttela adadieg4etima-tao!f tic i11 c o eptaiffu 1 *LBOUIIIV'.VIt. Gtreat VW.est. and ttti &m'd iitaI tera' dleatOr~ are lau thut country l7t5mlîiL'ioru acres ready- to plough. w't'ilk 035 Sillions are undter cultIvaticu., - 'agnt' é fim Wuffdalwrnbig %vat; dcvoted s ,ulu parppop Yet4urIU% 4urlrig la thé rciadincoe chorch 1frît..'M*î.h. a f - -A t~ IL 'Part iamtbes.le MMUOPIR.cbd )Wsa'm I L ~ A. .~J IL ow a eeessity 'We haïve a fuil new stock of ail kinds of Straw ilats. Men's--Fancy Boaters, -special at 25 cents. Boy's Fancy Boaters, special at :2ô cents. Our selection of Childrens' Sailors, is very attractive at 20c. 25C. *and 40c. W. A. Holliday & Co. BJROOKLIN AND ASIIBURN At the, Cash Hardwa re Store Garpden'-Toolm We have a complete line of Garden Tools, Hoi IRakes, Spae, Shovels, Forks, in fact everythi used inthe garden. B EST 'QUAIITYm NO SECONDS And we guarantee our PRICES RIGHT. W. me rnl Corner Hardware Store I WHITBN M i es, [flc j CkNINIGTOY.gations continueà -to use the brick A new pipe organ has been Instal- Ichurch until 1St>a, the congregation- led ln the Cunîngtoîi Methodist liaving outgrown the accommoda- cliurcim, antI the church' builing lions erected a now building, our pré- beautUfuliy p4intuti and decoratej. sent site, Le-idiaW street north, un- In connectIon witit the re.opcining ex- derth energotie di[etton,,> èt11ev. rlesthe Ontario Gitanr gtveroB G. Grentrl.,a .cs !oe tbis history o! .tbe Chu relt:er ýb2#OOO. The prèent building le CannnSý>n ethdls chrchwasmodrn n ivery reepect, the, en- oranIeg rw ethlxt chr aWo b tire nropel~y belng equalied la lkw. àrgaled soe sln xt year4ttagu byplacés the BsleetQI -aliuington. AnloQg gatheed tWeslven Mtho1scongre-the first familles were the Sprouies, gation, and hlelci their flrst u»r- riosadSInI ,-h r vice ln a log biiao on, the fant of Sii epresenteît lu the congregation. t he laze Rubent zSproule, or., un cou.,The8 Snnday echoot was startect by, i L.Brock, about one mil« west of the late IRobert Sproulc .sr,, wjio ICaÛnington Tbuy -iiumbered but was Its firat superintendent, ia be- ie.and tlîeir woridIv posiieustotsi-tng followed by Mr. Wrn. Mopberson, not tie moat. The usual trîis a.nd 11cPberson ltas*been superixitendent aversitieh of a new country met for over thirty yea.rs. The, congre.- teaxnd the weeiWmeeting of the gatinn . meeovr2QfJu- brethren In thelr lmumble 'cburel) waiq lies, andi rneas a lpointuient at [a ourcemM great comfoi t andi btess- e)erryville wit.h a connectIorn of fani- [Ing to the eo.rly fatberd of tI iIS ch " t. T er pri u l wa t - r Stom *ah and Livor Troubles. lurtyv, a 'travelling misslontiry, and Mr.,. Alex. M. Flnn# lukerman, .B later by Mr. Deau. fv.tier. of 'Jutigewrts-L have uesed Dr. -Cbase's De-an. ' $me yea&m tâter a plot, of lCdney-LWver l'lits for derangeçaents land iras punchasecd in Çannn ton. fl îu and Ilv, r and. âtom-- wliere, the pâreuuage niow btunzb a ë450htirQubleti-,anti .can-JiertlLy that whîchreh Same tey d<114me a good. -dea 1,of goo&- yearis after the Wetileyaa ogea.iCtlbatI> e<mre4trmt lion, a ecumreh ai, the noew ite- , cfl ufei as .dd' iIon, Motbudlist, w4.4 t<arted bthee The ..Xàiverîî football club, -otScar-.. 11ev. A. B. Demulfl, nus¶ o! $ 1t. taýth- boro, çgave an a.t lie. necen tly, aind arie~ > woseefforts thao brick neuurty iIl tlio youth aUtud,-beaUty of cimrrch. -no' _the property of tli2 $carboro ir preï-ent andi enj-ý,yec1 Sttul»esoonCarrnage C»utalmuy, Wu@ tîhemtieWem îlmenu,4iy, s1au(ing. be- crecteti.' On the unUMof th Ue Me- tng kept lup) untit the,,we«ý ,Bue~ todiat bu4e-lian1t , bob cogrehouri. - - i s r' a-' ni ai g t' c- ta ta a-i b La il Ir lr'I t- iii i r lai I îr ta. 's DUNLOP COMFOI'TI 2-VBBEQ HtEEIIS a Ail -i froin, ami Fou.î - r - I - - ~ ým7 AND FOR ýBROOKLIN --- - ýw..Li

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