't;- Letters f ramOur Co'rresponde t PORT WIITOY. an addreà %s approipriate for the o-W Mr. H. Woudlboul4e, of Montreal, cSrion. Ta ýwllI le served witb the le visting bis sisterts here. beriN'f r«ua-4 to, 8. Charle» Cal- J Mr. W. Ciatworthy visitéd hie der, MPP, llb. cbairman* for the fatiieron Juiy lot. evenlng. Admission 25 cents. Miise Bertha Atkin son, of Torontoc' CIiixbiig Metbodflut Sunday sehool Io home for the sum mer nionths. auniverr-ary vas heId on Bunda.y a nd Mies Haîmilton and Miss Lena Monday, -fuir 29d and Brdi Golring of Toronto, were gupstr, of! On .iinday Mr. Alkenbead, of Mit3w Ida Goitiring over Sunday., Stoulfviile, preacbed morning :i od Mr. Arthur Sothwell, of Toronto,, evening 10o large congregatic>n& Dr.' was home for the holiday.; Archer, of Port Perry, sang a iolo Miqs '.day Goidring visited at îwr 1 atIhr1 close dif the evenn4 Ner- bon)o latit wepk. ~iCip. Onl Moiday aft.ernoon rinlia-!. Mr. WiiI Wat.son, of Toronto, wastione 8114 dialogues were giveo y b homie over the hoiidays. the chmitiren. Addresss ere givmiii Miss .1. Vanvalkeruhutrg and frlend,! by .1. H. Borland and A. C. W'lluun Mis White, lîap gonp Wo Oak Or- Inl thé, evenIng the Shcrloek Concert; chard for a mxonîli. Cornpmnà gave the wbuie program. Mrs. MeLeaij and child, o! Toronto,; Mr Foa,0ter. o! Myrtie, occujuipd the; qpviflt the lioliday at lier home. chi. IoedfrSina d Messrs. George, Franik atid James' oda, 2O2.61. Lowens, ani 1'. (. Smithi, of Toronto,j Mr. 1--Mgar Guy' spent a fv;w 'layb spent thje holiday at Mr. J. Smith's. witlh lus parente. Mr. an.d Mr-. n'ai. I Miss Edna '%Ii, ltjv isitiiig lier sis-: Guy, ter iii York. Mr. Frank BaIlitt, of bjda Mrs. Ilooku k ii-si ting lier tdaîîglîî-r' in Toronto. MieVina M 'i tejilt tlie' holi- daty %w tlii lier îl',,ilte:. MNr. an d Mrts. Lua s aîidL daugliter b)i % ý 't l Iiiii'i1 t() t lié- ui ty afte-r bil zîdîîîg na eek 'a' tii M u a îd M rit. i. I 1110. 111 tes Jtes.IP suii i, of Brook lin, vie- itit, i thi 3misri. T'Puai ti mner bSuui- day. Ma Is l ilii'y 1Istitielis abld t(>le 011u tl îg; 111 a (tut *lis eruittilies. yî-a;i r, :i (k li tuIt, il cm tie l ail of 'l'ns iaslhir'~,liii.t>icliardtiî's h jIi IIn. ls t LW,:îsi 'lThiifott I iai four. i eF ls iiiil fiftui.%vitlgt, lutbut (ior- tli lii.lI V,lii >'iii d. it uiIL ,,tî.. t aPent the hollay aI hisI Uhonie bere. Mr. Jiarry Wiicockson, of Torfoit to. speni. a few dayb w îtb hîýiq p- thler, M rs. Robt. NWiicocitsoii. The Missses Arnoid, of WhîIlîy. tpn few days witlj Mrh. jzLli]4,r4 A 1ily !riend froin Markiqkili ta LIt, ndîîîg a few days wîth - iiî ('opcît1.iî1 I. 1Mr. aid Mrs. lHar>'(Gray, of t<hdî- arw-a, Sîîndayed with 1D. M. Bue M i'-. illrvcy Hoar bats ha.â a [é cot L i paint 0on Mis %eraîu-diiaîî 1, fi-tnt of tbe @tore. Mu. ilber.t Beckett 4îad Ltue ki- foim- t to1 have bis leg Uvuà ýé-,j ois. .Noillau t even]lg last. willi.- îîhiyloltz 13 R00)ÇL 1 N. -- I -mLi [- M r. a îid Mrs. Uowie, or o-ri, lli It a ticr ai, l 1as l tut-tiirtel l gil t1 tÂesîidtgt:1'. tkwi i ut Iiigiiiii'ltiii Il it it. it <i..Mrs. CoakWeil and Il fil.ii lÀ .\ tisiîîs tlu k t tiuîoiili-Bîotikii ione day titi, week. li (Iu' ti . i' 1 r 111tly 111Il ij1bIY 1Ilig94 Di- liarence .L. Starr, of'Ti--it, .1iti't 13 iiii' t Ii ii: itts gaNte liiti( l'aIl t t ne holiday t'*itlih Iie t î i teLitnu. %i i tiîi.liîi ¶oiu-îîlvbue, l>r. and Mrs. LStan'. tuuî- . Tiii- iiii »l,l: , s uotipt- MNisse îVest.away le on a visrt f id c 01-t îtsfiiiimts iniiPort. Hoibis C 1, \ K ý\ 1()NT. 4iiîu' a newber oi male imeiiiuo,, 4r-s h \ h k.\i< )\tltii. lit îigt echurcb forwed a"-' V l ilpl, î't ain, cdr1- t ton "ii iday tu re-Sbi ogle 1i lt-I r hit-ri, % ar i s.~t k îiy lig h t ltiîg oit -hoi:i' s lied, whieli ivas badîv ini aer-ci ~î ay '.eu ug. 'j'lit Uilditig was of lîlitiir. 1 lii v l. ti î' Il Wone id. a nd a 1<.- . 'Pomna8 l)oti 1e, of r du-run ihhklil. 'Plie t(>.tn halil bioLtitur 10 Mr. Nlo$e.t Looittleý, o :î su i war s et iliîîk, t liil. Iiii îîî)(uii.eig . Uulu tliii8, preaciie& t ery actt-pt.tblv cIattigî..~in tît- Baptist cliurcb iai1 tà fta 't. tii i, -, g"r (-L %%tvr tii&o rialit-(.i Ilootu. He, reuln ti'li r tIi- iii a hltif li&îl .iy Wileeii, L)JL- partci' bis week. lwi4 i- i t- i f 'I:ilii's t'lîideri i.I, \- MN.r . Jolin Coli ll, nilo bias lit. ed1 ri u\ c t h 'î i ltmg t îî'jîiii, w h'il 1 'ai thI lis neice, Mrts. A. Bîggs, foi' tig îîîk liai'ti i-tlattiirsilf i ',a -suevi il years, dird l'a ther su(idejiîy 1,1 i.thii- liii r-smii Nlouittjly Oi itu1y'imorniîîg. '1'liougli ha d I. iliiiii)[ g tiI titi' ii f;;;î ye-at',,anîd eillt witil rl.euîn)dîîeru, i, i- id lo aîîî tls I ii ' orri>tting! u-tijo> ud good Iealîli almoisttu thle li :111j ni ta iti if I'at> uîlit- 41 -rlat. lie Nw;îs 75 3carse!of aî-. T1w t iliwI til . 'a tut ui i; plac.oi'-otite tieunor t weive Leanj.- ç n '.- \\iuii-.ia3tiMa Inltu tii)er> btviitliatihing grai-el for a. wfe# ti r N'a; lN (.1rJ. i Igi ly a (titettit-d. moi-i. and Laî e laid a, long t,'teUi liti"\.-Il. 1I trk k fuoit ity of it i roný tbe north end outheifi ront- il iirtt.utîg foi.i iitI'I,' i"'lit-- a iii istnt4-t as hi-r south am thle puai ti k' thîe ls.etiwi i k ua' bO lii' le crosà street [rou ie4îî Vs t1 4î rîiîil. li- 'a I l , tIL id;i tlle bliitukiiîb s bop b l-ite mili ius hail faill'lt it Oîgre lu eetýingo i needctliig like treatmeîîî. uld London t ritît.111Y iy Ihe10til b MuJ. and Mrs. riames leid, of 1lit 17111.anid tour'[oi- t' o [Dont lie 1roîtto. spcn?. tihe luitituy ai Mr. t i t'ug iî ttigiIi titI . \'aFrranîce anîd-{' îuî-j(i 6. si'ttiîîttl, arid ixiets tet reitume hih. - A îîî'î!er beiongîng lu Mi'. L!îi L- eiilit(s fierv Olt tile - î-'t Sundity in Jiobitîteon Ivas stolen frouwliat lî. Si'litl-llber. 1, ltl- here.,Mr11% . luti>known as ibe ~ue aa B. Talisucît, MA., of 1Toronto. will! soutii cast o! tbe villuge, w leu-e il muppl;îy t5v ie jîliit ii rougilltiy.* anid: t s t, u tout foi, pelstutre about t,'a a lt-t'. il. EB. lu tiln iii, of Toron to, dur-, %%treks ago. One or t wo cal 1k art- iîig Aigrumt. Ti- w'uekly lorayer lbel ini Ibis wa-y every suiîicu - lg iuviî'tng- il II t' coni uid as iual, ILt tînt lime a tiilane comlint tLee» ont Titirsday e' urîlligis lit ? o'Ciock. Nvas organizcid lere ? Tise>'l8w ile iliid a good effecî ri. some ol. ie- lI'llINt. lacer; we know o!. George' Lvtig lest il valuab U tlri'l'Pile Sundauy seboolj iije gav onî Su Ili4i4iy itigitt t y liglitri Iiig. prlotmise 0!betti-6, tutte Sut ýa ('lias. &>r %%t -i, '! iiitb>', isponti"st Sà iturduy. but taà * oiy jtttn- ttue -Su titty vthIîlî kI uking rietid. ic liotti-,.tdingk were upetacd ratit tèeguu MN bitle Fuel.litiitiîuig wuîs ergaged Lu, tait, a»4 il - wu., isurt-iedi>- ga ini moine of lite gî ies (L4al. se iooî on etietito adjuumr bto the biJuîtitbi- mollitlay Ilit' tit inti Iii otii ! ihe lia il, #w-lire sutpeîr 'a'a eu'ci. TIi' lpuîlle. sîist.îtllg ati-,îîeut.in îtî6 jîrogu-anio! sports hai us be atW&oi,. foî-elîea<i. w l'lit r etpir-ed fiîveÀ i-d Sti tes .- 111 li it iii- t :Lttiti'i- W lut i d itîs barnItgt1t111 ttg t tlltic ll lt ILteb îs ii aln ug tii. -t t -k or tIle l ki l y -ftiti'k titi-- i h' nt-t ' lii'h hte itiu tch e i*t., " - t gltuîitg. ý1 t) Lie à g i t J1titie sCIttool 'tut'011 tîteti tltr.itsce W liiilutolle day lite;t weuk site.t-id - î-wlttit 1(eju foi- 1 itioti-l'y ObfI-nr>,! tIý,4 1 t l ii tle rl itiI' a-odi 1tert Mi'-i'îtelti, 'a lit> Ilili-.bet-là usîglîtin opitwuttoi- a tti'ic . tstaition ht'eia foir sîes raI yea ti-s. ith tshe-ta t rîiait -t < î'î'd Lo Ii,-Out i 11. %%*t. coiitat uitte ! itii it- liîoit lits protiuttoni. i lte-î. N%%.Jit. Mtre, o! l'ItlttIaila, J 'alcii hie brut it- JI, thîle OR tiaga %ti istut ut tîîniitg it .otl.- u* pulpit ltri tti-eliodit4t clitril.1 'lie iollewlrtg It tatii it u.îcila.tgt.la- stitlgltt10 lii i'întl :--111 l iI?%laja. 1 pis. bull eesýuttily tie local coutaîry' Ilaples, a l'e lltatl i. tLl % it -lx mit>led obituat->' îîetry, iýtinearamuade it ii éai ad. lIe lîkU' lu accumubo.! ilutte ltîtb'eriiscrkî,but we isusî draw thte lUne uit uLl eaton ug thua kind' of tualîeir. ,eetr pocîr>', sekions 14sea,,iege 1 ruducttos rc 1ltivar.j ilutbly ut îuettiey ol ébqcrtlege antI-non'.!'. pieuse lIt Ile itiether creditabi. ,toi th1e wrlîer nor lnterestlng or nodaul t0 o tlite riu-ter. 11>-m. la m"t p r>'. itlbl thouglit exprestied, nett b. jilltige or woralilu 'wblebit lis e». lirirwsed îho.î giveti le Imtter It14 poulie juiîlît>. If you arjj teuiptedt to write ubîtuar>' postry,dbu ' t. Xoîu havent the littirar>' tralin, tund you -are 1koly 'wtthout poetà tia al. ruent. Il itu 00e rettos teu s>' you are not a "itt." l%,,o blua vo nl#ht. add tisat Itakipg apiemof o! yaanau cllisgtlîg a Word gemp aut% there tii siuW4-toueilt mwSka a ,I&oD a pt.- Neilier Wu.It a Coilimosa.1o the etttor to auk luxa te "fix up" soine effutilx. tisat woul-b."butter neyr 'esîl~îtype*' Mr. Joi4.. Bol-top COJit.ià uee tulutuk# 'rî*tg!-c-, towà i-u rmer(ly. Mi.B .Campbelli*isenjuyitig .t isi lromils broîlii-li'r. II#.Uîu a îtlà iuîb<-tihlwxo was a re'srdent tif itlii uwttsip m4e>' yea.rw Ugu. .ir.S. Mantlug, wlio 'l'eut,, l icutrboro to vlult hler daughti'-, ra.r 'oi km ecl, wul8taken suite Ili fauu t-r lier a.rrv1à i, and ià u xcottiltlîe h IllIe condition mince.' WVe fhopê'îuu oua near that miseu eoerag Mr. --. C. Ailema bail a natruw av-' calat- rons a bure out sa. " t Jra. liîrough sumuebodys iarei« esmjra& uiithi sd beeu droppet loto' a teur. ier o1 the borne.. shop work route, adwid.1e Mr. Ailleuj wax out for humenr tIb i ad set lire to a eark elaleli amoldred for a thm; ui ad uali horetto bfiaeewbn il.W#A* uritunatLy diocoveret. Public SchoI P@mabî. Henry rStreeffl uo IP.Sr. to IX Pt. Jr, blorenm os}rrgter. Htelen MiteloL ([l4adysTaytoe lient L n#. .41er-Su'WîUls rUATS Ro@Wsi azlett. Bertie Sekion. Roina Aguistu. BessIe Pave>'. [Mobçi Newton. Mary 'Noble. LiMan Baker. Frank Underwood. Florence Pave>'. 3rd Sr. to 4tb Junior. Flossie Toma. &rthur Gray'. L.aar& Pel[6*. Wray I]ýadgett. mabca Palmner. Frn;k 5eidon. Amy Rosa. Model Seool 1Pt. Sr. to Il Pt. Jr. JTanet Hlslop. Merton Palmer. WiiIie Meeker. Wesley [lurlburt. Cora Bodki n. Eddie Fegau. il Pt. Jr. to Il Pt. Br. Kathleen Nicholslon.' Fred. Hill. u4amuel Breslln. Elsie Wilkinson. Morley Moore. Alfred Bazard. ,-;r. to Il Jr. liessie Brownv. Wlia Johoston. Artbur Mowat. Wiifrid Bancrof t. i 'b> 111e Camp bell. 1lazel Aluin. *il -lu. tb il Sr. 'irela Smith. l>onîald Meuilliiiray. î'.itîîîHarper. Itoroîli>'Braton. 14lîîHazard. Arthur Noble. Aid Sr. to 3rd Jr. G;ertrude breslîn. Katue Oke. (i'eo. Rice. 'IHadyt, Jobnstoxi. Mvadeline Young. Clara Hill. .3z-l IJr. tts 3rd Sr. -Nadeliute Goid. Giordon Smizth. Lloyd Stihl. Ilazel Colline. Lucy Macpheriâon. D>avid Brîttou. Frank Hawtey. Ru8seil Hutcli. .>riSr. tb 4th Jr. M'illle Gibliard. ,Beatrice Meeker. N era Neiboleoîî. Agnes Kean. Edith Kerr. :iare Perr-in. Lizzie 1Huntie>'. Willie Nait-erb. Ethiel Bratie>'. tib Jr. to 4th Sr. -rN myFrasser. Mlargaret MeCrimmon. litzi.eSaile. LePna Smith. lioward McBrieu. Mitrgaret Dielli Jofniu er'îy. tialoy Joues. Iilen ?Melanon D>u-la Moore. A 1la n Col wtl. liertha Wruk Sluîry Thompus. W ilite Hazard. Aluriel Young. SFriends' Yearely Meeting. i'itrkerlng, Jue . .-Ttae }'riend.' y*îuty meeting o! C&nad alu ow tri i4estion *liere. Pickering Voitege tut tseng Uded for tb.q iroen «iertain- m ienti of ail deeegas.tet. TIi.large Wet'tîarp roiofo!theoaoltela tit[- l at ail tihe buubntm sesion, a4j larger uu beluog preset lier 01 uinitterts are in &&tendane wi ulînter er. wettg, ion;' hoaJapan; Jolin Watuon, troua Kelu imas, Le'>' Lian,La ne. t-ai.; Isaac $trattoo. <toi tâùavtn l N» ortla CaroWaa; .a. &5lasn, Iouwa; tDr- J. 4. MitÈ4, Torouto; F &<sr»nelI. Nowmarket;* Robert uRogvrs,, ,Norwlcu *. W. i. mourus. Lilas lJten. W. K.. l*MIww»An sud auny Otoig, Th" nebsaoo--.ou ltmreay a lermou wer .'clserted totii thw"vo t o! thoê uxsîlstry 49 tiseChurclu, ftoowid b>' a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ve> ni~iigpproe eorgs *p ~kkfi~l< ehu of! tus 'er ~&igproim n r îoskaliy usons. 1ls' r.~J. goI. y$sa4r C FOR SOMMERVA We've a fasciuating diSplay o Jewelry eepecialy for wearing with summer waists and dresseia Among them are pins, buck1es, broochea, pin sets and pretty novelties of al sorts, and maxi7 of them are quit. inexpenaive, as weIl as beautiful. Beaides these, we are showing a variety of particuilarly hand- sôme patterns of Simmons Fobs that are especially suited toý Men'M and Wonen's summer Wear. INorman Basseti., Jeweller and Optician. Brock St., South, Whitby. in front. Ail the borsea that could be accommodated were unbltobd exil put loto the stables, white the barn- yard was practicaltyf ull of vebicles and horses. Everythiur went beau- tifully for a tîmue. The tea vas a success, and was over, the program tiad begun. when a cry, of fire waa raised, and. a'crowd eoulÈý b. seen mnaktng for the barn. Soon the enioke and flames went through the roof, and igr4't excitement- en- sueii. Those wbo had horses lai the stables or yards rusbed excltedljo to get thean away f rom tbe danger, white even those whose rige wêre i the lane removed thex» to a more secure -position. The program tliat had been arranged gave place lIn- stantîy to tbis Item that ba-not' been con templated or deiýred, and ail wbo were flot busy ttylng to save property stood and watclhed the devouring eleient ick up the barn In> a few sh>ort minutes..-A.fter the tire had got nicety started, It suddenIy gave a mlghty "6whoof - i and seemingly the whoie structure was abtaze at once. 1 t-,Wa an exceedingly V retî.v sight to Wii- nes, but it was a costly portion of the evening's entertainment. A large number of men fought' the Rlames away f rom ot)her bulings@, so that only the maii barn vas burned. eeveraI iiundred doI1ars' wurth of machiner>', 80 busbsst cf oats, a gluantit>' of bey and fa4ts o! hallinuwure dostw'oyed. Ph.** 'os la estlmated at about $2,OOQ, iluIsurance o!ftes than 81,00U lu the Mapie Leaf J.nsuranc« Vom How the fire orlglnated IM a mys- tery that wull neyer -bel known. To muont peuple the naturai eause«wl sex that soine of the~ vi*itors in stabilng their horses were smoking, and a spark ftroua the cîgaror pipe dil the deed. It was a ver>' lamentable occur- rence. and no doubt the pronioters et the party wail regret' eiceeding. 1y the unforiunà ze accident.' Thse Regimenltal. Band f(rom Wlatt- b>' during the evenlng played a nuai. ber o! roualog r .u The Couulyaqd'Distrct., Beaverton Exuress: okir readeks vil regret to rno! tise deustii lat week 01 Mr., »4«e Brouniaie wvo se th ilLa a aciet ast fatorY Of Mr. XM. J Stotidat, vhlctt vas recorded la tb.e cul. uu& The ln»Irt ieu st&Iuèd voe miau ante caUs»e intlantion oft Ut bowels, froua wblch, alter llugertig- nouai tbios weetes'la ntr Pal#, gkatIs r'*heved hui o! -bb* suItoHugsi. »eDeoo* w a asteady. *Über ~~ hlghly roijibctei b>' aUwho ku.w ýhlm.., Ilsva a mmaber of the math. Noèw a Neessity- Wehave a full new stock of -ail kinds of Straw Hats. Men>s Fancy Boators, specia'I at 25 cents, Boy's Fancy Boators, special at 25 cents. Our selection of Childrens' Sailors, is; very attractive at 20c. 25e. and 40c. e W.o A', HoIlday & Co.* ÂND At the Cash Hardware Store Glarden ools We have a complete line of Gardon Tools,- Hoés, Rakos, Spades, Shovels, Forks, in fact everything used. in the gardon. BS QUALITYN1 NO ýSECONDS. PR:ICES RIQHT. W. M Prigle, Corner Hardware Store E'ver since the first' o! May there have been on. or tvro constabiee on all-nigbt dut>' In Newinarekt. antd Dot a iglit- bas passed -but at keast oe u wu@vasput ln the 4"cooler" for loiterlng on tuèestreets, and as o> s si bacve beeza ocked Up ln cee nlgbt. The. greatont" trouble 'vas to make foreIgner; uxdertand vii> the>' were locicti up. Tbz.>y are let go next mornlng, on proitlag to get ont of- town. but any that are taken the second time are sent down as vagrants. OEfW. OEAWS km mm dluust t11 m.a. MJbe- surver of!-'thse route ot tbe- Elucardine andt Part 'P.rry Ileotrlo rosd 1!!U-~ a~t u Iv WHITBY eter>' bundred feet, anti the castern iterminus torr tint present wlt b. 1Port Ferry. The eastern .portion- ci 'theroute, wIhoii'la aiready> st4bed, ýruns froni near thse fouetir> le a westerly direction tbrougis the nortix aide-of tise fair grounds, then througb tiseMcClntock tarin, a"< m on passing one concession uortb etf Itanebesfter, then te witbn forty roda of Utica, then ta tse. trout pond -anti aiong tise ravine bo the towe of Uxbrldge. We uodersitand. that thse President ef the Port Perry Board o! Pgradie la le posseion-o! reltable Ibtormation regardleg Its. cari>' compietien, wblch wIll be at ne distant day. NEW PRIESIDENT. i J. A. Cuiverwell, Mtanaglng Director of thse Cenatral Ontaçlo Powver Co., wbleh oves Burilgis Faills. an- nounces tsat Mr. R. N. Klttieon bas aecepted- lbe Presîdene>' of tise Coni- pane*. Mr. rIttoon la Presldent- 0& thse liamit «- Boa rd o! Traite, betng part- uer of Gllh«d £-C4 004, lgrec- erg, ýanti Qlietor o! o--ther proin- axaI Rmam»ton compAsales. He' n> IdentitIeti bimoel! witl'tise Central Q~atr1o owe Co~twoiio~issago,. and thon a ooteti~d teotrbp u Y ii e' Sp e Ar 1G 1lB. 1 pi 1iBI i'BI Gr~ from Fa suitâble ed noii1l - 1$ - N.-. h - - port", S-Y id t- t! t-i t AND' And we guarantee our jýýROOKL-IN- 1 ! 1 £Axà QJIIBURN-