Whitby Keystone, 20 Jul 1905, p. 2

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jihe 7 Wl.iind ;bave iniJ., -Ormind u4 rfl t. ber, TO R[PRFIý,NÎ ,RUSSAIA.r oZy _________________ -- h. weet vo!Ice rang ouat in th stili. nu.o!the audiltoriui. The ebjdren \I r e Czar Signe His Appointmnert as KXubsia 9 i"e ape11boundL T1 r afr atts xaeveî- l at tihe Sweet,-tOgO4tg ,b henient /, - fae. The messag9e went dowu Into the Chief Ipeace Pfèrnipotentiary. heart of -the Oi3D the Iupntendent,& teIl*l. WIeda Subday He is the Leadind Liberal Statesm man Russia and tnquir about th*' boy a" -wuCild r lit Àp oltme t s aGoo A gur. beer vu old. the . uny adiooi- tl ,p oitn n _ _ _ _ _ _ IdulY.rotua Harry and biesinother were pre- sented to the billionaire. j 'Cncel the boy'e contract madam.', Gen. Trepoff Doo mcd by Uhe Terrorist-H e said Rockefeller. "Do flot let hlm Ring in amusement bouses again. *Harry must W il Die at the Post of Duity. be ducated. Hia voice mnust be tralued ____________________________________for____etter___servi py a!! the' Ibille and support bis mother Uritil Har- ryseducation je complets!e. m other -A St. Peteruburi cable deapatch maya: Emperer Nichilas bat uizueltbq and her littie sonwent to the mainlgerq afftment of M. Witte, president ofthte co-Mmttco ofe t m , yenter- of the Dreamland easiesand tola iileir day to b. ch.el plenlpotentiary represemttug the . uss" n overmuent. n hé, ~* StorY. irasing llarry's hband and Ii- i pue ngotatina o b coduced eitmoub ~~ ~ ~ notber's band, the manager saîd: -(t. POM ptîUon* tobe omuted extmat in he nitd Sttu fhe cel the contracta: of course we wi!l appotutinent, wblch waisiugned after midnight, clothes IL Witte, wtb cel themn. Good for you botb."1 -pl.ntpotenttary powers Notiflcatton of the designation of I. Witte to bead the. mission was forwar&ed to Washington thia morning. M. Witte wMl take EMBe~4GO A LIVE ISSU. pfl eop the Nortb QeMan LloYd stCeer MIafcrWiLbeim der Grosse, LiverPOol Post %dinlaIt aILBond for wic sal rmCebor njl 6 Empire. PAY TOO POOR. IOu Reason Wby Muravieif Did Nct Want to Go to Conference. A- Parie echie: The St. Petersburg Icorrespondent of the Echo de Pari. ti, ti ed thet the disinclination of M. Mura-. tviett to bead the Russian peace inisiîo ewa based partly on hi& state of healti a. partly on the fact that hie allow jonce for expenses to covor the period of [ûissojourn in Amcriea vas only 15,011E. roubles, whicb arnount is considcrcd in- imuficient owing to the great cost of Iliving in the United States. In. Witte twice refused to berome ti fmesor of AI. 3uravieff on the in's- sOien on thc ground tiiet lie did flot wtî.iî Ito be a inere figure head in the traiis:- mission of Emperor Nichôlas of the peicc terme oftercd by the Japanese. Jiisf lection therefore cannot but be ik nt to mean that t.he Enperor bas yie!dad( to bis iusisecec that real power-s cf ai penipotentiary bie conferred 'upon it- j=a principal representative in the Ipcàice &rgius Witte, the chief of the r.uý- alan plcafipotentiary, mu.y bc rcgarded ais the. lcading Liberal tatesinan of l'iM- mia He is about 56G years oic!, and bad worked hie way up froua the positi--n an41 IUndcr-paîd railroad clcrk, wlio oeenaionally acted as porter to ht i PtIc ladin etateaorf Russia, in $rite o f the favcl ta bise enieis nr£ c tli- Ou and include some of the niost p)0'. erful inen in Russia. He id what je knew nea a well-hated man, but biq liin- esty dnd ability bave neyer been douit- ed even by his worst eneniies. ()ne rtf the reusonis for his uxpopularity ià thie fuel that Witte je Only rernotely eauc- alan. 111. father was, ef Duteh desci-ut and lie himmif ws boni st 'rîtîîs, Cau. ýCaaia. Wit.te was created a cour.t a 1901, but h. WOS geneitally reforred tu S "].XVWitte." 1He is tlhorough!y fani. 'iliar with :the far Pastern question i,, ail tl. bearingu. Practically It waj M. NVitte's disapproval of Russia's far scast- 'eruPOlCY and the creation of a vire'- royaltylu 'tht fé&r eat which caused lut: *dOwn ali- ~Minute-r of Finance. During lus tnjp to Port Arthur luin Wiý 'DeWitte waà ' sîvited by the Japanr,~ Gçirencnt te visiL Japan, iWlàkl Wou!tl Wi<4I&te tlat. the Ja.p:nose prosbftbly m- :! wftecomo b-ies election to rcoîdiict t!.o pace megotia.tions ln bei'alf of knowixîg tbtey wull ho dealing witb -the Ruusi&n atatee;nn n sho beit unde-. stand, the situation aud i. niore like)y te~ 1 eaet 68 a«eement rnutua.lIy ndvan- ittt'r ýbeBoxer uprlsing Witte. pre. - sented a =mnora.nduxm te the Eanpcror Mftlngoiet that ManebUrla and 42rea as ternltory for the extension of Jgipan's growng:,nnu m d" «tivlty, and add t Russ- unOccupation et thu.t ter- rlt.*r'y Ws bousId tO lead Vo'a clash and evtually to wasr. lJo isedlçon.atruç, tion ci thé ireu-M.ftIkaI rooà for ,tr.it. q0cal- -pr'oses, in Vre4mratio for #&he connfllt Which h. saw ahead. Lédtrwheà -the situation becnin a0~t eÎtoeng Uit Ruila wag not pré. çseWitte urrrd st leanL the tempo. fary, l1hrwaloet the Rudiiian forene froin Manchurla. H. then Mrote te tht Eb7eror -as folo*s:. w*xsta sofldh2ikýing fan exemy ci Jeplan, -jy .dvise a & My oatn.% ne ;have vlitul, lntefeqte tb defend tii the -event ef wcir wlith the, yeltow tc in eider tbat the peasantu of Rusai:eIuy understend what tii.>'arefightlng for., 'Buit alliof uittels %warnïin;s weré'unheel. *Teondon, .luly 17.-Tiit recent state- if îve uuramiueledpowr h coldimeute in'tht ('anadian House of t. omj- if ive unrameled owr h e i dmons, have againrevived the itu' restore the old "ttus que inluyer, but over the Canadien cattieeîna2-.Tho terecent vacillation he tbmnk» will Lvrol)iyPtthinke tefo! end only in mrin. A representative as- a simple and obvieus means of briniring sembly ne mutter wbat its initial char- the Canadian farnien to the motitwr 'g acter may be, h. la oonvinced will $00e1nieountry, yet the Goverument under MNl. be transformed into a constituent as- Chani;crlnin*s guiidannre sem to be n> seembly which wiIl give the death blow proa'hling. by swift steps. the concl-uq. ite ab.,olutism. ion that ti end i-. onIv to lie atta.-np< by taxing tleir liitieh w.orknTU-n's bl,î.. JAPS ON 'TEEM OVL 'Tht truti, seems to he that Uithe~ sl f ~stock naiser is largely repnesented il, the Goverument. tind the Bouse of Jap Tommies Anxiena fer J?e4KCý-OYa Lords does rot %waiýt (?antdian coin- * ma's Glowlng App4aa. petit ion. Lord Bl four of BtInleigh lins A A Sipingbai, Mianchuria, cable:- Quiet' giv'en notice of a pointed question to ip continues alonag the front, biut thce.îap- as.kcd in the Ilouse of lrs na 'itP inese are still moving in Conta. Teet not yet uamed: Ils tht pojýicy of ct- Riussian trains imove as far as Cliang- heni!l preft-retice. whicb inolives aàf r--u tgfu. Information from tht Japane-ie taxation of £tapie nîticles of foddaie- lines indicte that tht rank and file" epted les that o! the Govcu-nnent, or i. are exceedingly auxieus fer peace.. To lit muet V" "Are th9yse wlîo arease coueteract this feeling Field Maralial te accept a tree and unfettered conft r- Ovamna is coirtinually igsuing gîoWîn)g a ence between representatives etf the 1,n. peils to tic patriotiare of his armies. ited Kingdonî and the colonies te be bed "lie ChineRe say that decaying coi-pses l in any way committed 10 Lihe policy o! burid inshalow-raves in frozen ground p.fIt" - ifter the battie of Mtakden, bave crestcd Loudon, July 12.-Tte Dai]Jr News ne- a terrible condition. Plague and choiera1 iterates the opinion expressed in te are said te have appearcil among tcjohîppr htttrac o L RonuoeRes like a Page of Odm Sbunge1 Illin. St. Jouis,- Mo., July 17.-Froxn wait. bè1l' position, of hbc*lier, 91i~wut et along, without ber, of hoûw iglt. hlp lier JIUI. famîly by'irrylng this noble, seribns contracter, for s did net knmow thea ,heacbeaswhh would lit 4irmther and<V saer.-t Mfuene. Then4 she thought of his imanlhnoeshie goodncse, lis loveable ways and 6nded a i otbtr loving womeu have, by sa>'. h= a "Yes."r Araneensfor the wedding wr burrle. Ereek, alwaysa a nfa - tien, wcinted to carrir ber r% ht back home wit h hm.' rees te millionaire's wife-love-, Uic lev- But Martha pleaded for time-azid got lu test exploit. As a resuit pretty Mar- tha Mathilde i3enarkt, St. Looii, Meo, 10w .Mrs. James BI. Broderk, Winl have a superb inansion te look afterat Para- dise, Baltimore Count3', Maryland, snd her mid will be bencefortb taken up witlî conquering the ues et the soci world as site formeriy made tvcery cues- tumer of the rcsta&rant iu which ahe wa3 erployed in IStýI..LUia ber sbire. 11cr husband, Jamjres &. Prodericli, is a con- eulting engicer wbo bas acquired a large fortune. jliomancs there have been plenty of tic kiwcin.Mure thami oue bouiiekeeper Liaï ist.opped Jromi being boessed7 by a mere mian tu ue lIÙ hulpnueer. But tliis is the larat Inet'kiace un accord of a mîifionaire naarîyiîug a waitres in a popuiar-pnieed restaurant like Lhis one. several years ago bu2sineas ealed Mi. Iiroderuck Lo MS. ILouis. Iils concemn Bro- derick & *wind, had sevcral contracta in view tlient and lie went to overlook thle fielue. Irocpttg o! t the train ho ts- pied au Eighuuiav enaue restaurant. The îa'rug trip hafd fagge hie> out -sud lue w~anLed a ch.p or Lwo, soane coffe and a smike. 'Jlie plac-e was crowdcd. Black-robel, v lite- apronied w.atresses dablhed bitluer arad tliittner anîd lie we'nied ignored. But tile fierie wa8 IifIereiIt enopgfi iroin tht taresome ride teiuterest hîr ndujho u as in a reverue, wiieu suddcnly a swcet, wic au e i biboNy arctscd hlmi: iGur orden, please" Bnoderuck turîaed to- look iute a pair cf the swee-test blue tyts lue ad ever g-iykd upon. lHe blushed, mumbled eut lias order angl the littie waitres» hurried away, paying no more attention to hem than asehad te the other cubtemers" LitIuanso j alaIlan cattle embai-r!o is te pretoct But tlîough the %waitress pAid ne at- the Brîtisb steck-raicrau against colon. teetion t ber çusterner il imad&ne, dif- IDING HMI DENTITY. ual stock.- ference te him. He tollowed-be r teward 1-'A inidet," L 9s F,- sown the bol Flue onieriug ceoiMiter witb hi# cyes, Miss lowness of this eant of iumperiai-sna. 'The MartLa Mathi1de, accustonued as she Wur Assaasi- ef Shuv-alotfSaid te ho as Y G(lverument talks lu oxi'ý bxittiu tui.ut 10 tht souiUnele aneoying stares Of ber Important Person. - grasping bande cea-ose îlit s-r. muid it, the customers, found little enjeymetin muet refuses te reunove an euzuar," o tsgai. lYlat James R.LBrodericir ste thet A Moeow table: The, autherities ii-uational mnd andefeesible oni-tht grounil day he doesn'x recall. indetil, h. temein- hacre deline te isclosetheyiett'o h> allege thuit the'anadian M;iâleer Iber;s ver>' littie oi what hsa ppeed oc cAthe ss s sai tPrfet ea olieScbvi- ofAgriculture denounes, ut as an "I * jcept t-bat ho resu>' did eut. But h.oai off bt t s ai tat vr> pemmu jfniendi>' set. Canadian umanufacturers lus bih and went -awaiyo tl4e b-tins ont mnd important politicisl capture hie dechlre il the meest serions duffiiulty naemory et tuoe.,bineetyts, thls harnu- been made. After the pnisonem s ca e1 àno ex- bgetwcen the two couâ. * " ait d feet lips r!efd te lu frem th polcetati>ziwhteeheo tri& *xbting sit o'in bs thoughts. beetiConfned s apelittdi ulsupect 10>110 ulaye proienste te assMalutlene f Nov James R. l3roderick ta 35. Then dahw ptev.0§ th assai tonpof p c îinIbc was 3g, sud businesman tbough ho theprfec, chui effealth~ epoey * Po'.C sUIN * wvu, he as humau enough teo a nup, turc. Tht pnisouer, lu the meantimle, - t.eu mor e r pas ion ohi e shaved off bis beard and whil.e thte pso-oulul t 4ecoUectus dbi jlice wene searchlng for hlm Qvery.where FRIDYSSSIN0 H A'pet ateat nk l lii the man went te Lbth rfet'. office anid TIONA&L CONVENTIONX, IRRTFOR.Dtb H ink o it the, sent day visen eonaiitted the crimefor whlch he vil! L ant-ord, Coun., Jul>' Il.-1)ev'tional b#discevereil bis werk vould kleep lh=m tried. Tht buliet-. of the nrvoltrW serviceled y Maa. at 1. Keudaft,,oet lithe mnotsnd sit>' et Jeatta w.oek nd by he risnerwere fiiled witb poiison. Mvc e yM arl a"h r Tluc crowd lu tbe ante room o! the pre. àMasschusétta, epened the fis-st day's d oe t thmes it -veue re a l>' fertutre set spen the assassin. v-tue.vaissession -ef the National Convention of dtor bislum ttEil. 6h -avenu ra" dr-aged into ltheas-trtand térnibly jthei.Young People's t$r.stian union >. ,uiiwated pn l . a sLs beaten. b~ems to-day. Tht tenvecation orgaaized j<,j lm nte eevening abe vau l»t Ifor buiness uat the close of the devo- tri.m e becamue alanmeil. GERNAN-SWEISH BOND, jhoi servic, Presidout Louis. Anuin, -%*bore m i s-reg«1asxr Wl?" léu*edaki f etNew Yerk City, calflng it teo oder. tj> Wujtrs.'s-u ~ho tou L o r ed"rin a Report That Emperor wlmam. seeit-IThe roit cal! b>'Sttêbrouglt epons uu er cWf-tact .s' . Nov Reatosa. - ioiail sections of the UniILCI bates. -O# ) Math ie s #sa'lwa off. Itishe report ofNati*onal Sceretary 7ie.ilber auiht. cW'-, SokoJlr1-Te a tc las-n Adais Hlitre Ot Lt figure# euh.' n ,,,RnIrêrlk e me 0. Preu s i.able le state oum go0d autluor- 4Mtt.d b>' St-t. Seertareies obwed a dni. lc ats okuwti.am i ienber-thip of appromnteiy », o f Jtrb e io.nie ie- h tIi' tuai kry Whkh alane~ iaeunutuer41W0 verssu the senior »ve<laud. aIl about lier. it: t si.tiru Terustion> t,ead mbky An&u 2500 lIthue junior aunion.theraiesofteo! l e wi"tmu a enepeabtwm 'lre ise year'c gtlin lmembmesiap îa1 tôteIj ibut,tel, ms 4,, or heaaw iain &cd "ig Oscar on eadtu- em about IM1000. yl t e ar =aéher-besa a 44«1'te hlartb*sa tlulld.'a ~rlaI achî fobe ord I U 1n't- libasebecs a satlsfaetr4y aml. t w total <'e. j on o4 4. 71.ig i te e chT. n erences lasteil fs-m s- irepts a c C thu et INby$OU m4 e tok=w Kin sansd l>" Party' viiirezumi-n k W e b WC ti. esdat1. wi(b Emr-olWillame untIl .4.nhoEer5Otlo !Cbe d>'D bhb W. ýýý 15. ii alts-m » frm(el nfdyaftornoouc. ilce , Mutý mat", Bemjia&kt. MA omUsaI ii Enuprror Wilisin',perco sa fat, uer.' v' 6'Jselj- -aaiJ, colage osuiiÇ«oliro tio, f It hitor in$Sredk*h M t » om ie*s D , f o" i raa iob 4î_ü waters.On JUIj » ct batttjeslp0 Win, - Wp &iti.id, a» te v, PJoa as-rive at (otbeî s-g &sud mdt c-Ir <' V lP'AOf15MIil. ud h* "0G*k the at UÎdieualvll& be « AWuaI 3 *, entlxs101 Ci-mP 10IDfUIlirbaa 4îMW*.5 battle.thips, hen eruites-s , t mto, -t Ms.y>.rDo&. suy«e.~b*A aot aquad-ousare tdue as St0*h*an t h.; MidMoMt s-Ir.il out unsil î sud Norrkftp1g, sund fis- o bttiesbioé bM d mMIl tbocegl iuesUi -aus 1o Raslskrona. Tii. overusmeut bagra±.'ut ue iskt hâ tmt isa"la tsanee todo I ih e*wa m"igM rd thles. s1quadrons pbonle o a .tr dur4in t1#* dai war tjortiý. hae havs-b=ablie t<a M brt ur*Cdsy, and Crown Prunce CsOsa. -ve aL bees 1>the usor>' lookWr govre1t xv* kiti h tbis atternocu ud and mpm, v Wbl4 isaatiy oeilt ~ft ,.M ithi id".aww ,,w ai&abad Prime.Vous -Bueiu-.' the.- erSv inis Impeoaiur"De-ioropbmd U>* I <lem-uanlniu act - k 1obh-nmu«lu. F.iptt W 9vavsdisesm " besitl the lic ensolleva tp iAb*. %&i1 1 and cro*n NPnet o gln.n[*twon 11 iusay'et.' ~ lu IT'herefere, it was not to e eondereil at that ber former matça in the res- taurant scou heard of ber goôd Itek and congratulated ber accordingi .Frorn thie moment her- egagement to thecon- Irâctor -axdd engineer vas anixunosd snd a big diamond isparkled on her fin- ger lbe aiiount o! Mr. 1roderigies for- tune increased until it Ufial> reached Not loux ago 1h e wedding t100k plae at tbe bride's bomne. Ail et ber former fellow omloyeeg were present, as w2re ma'ny et ber former custonn a.Tbey ail sent pi'eeents, too, and 'congratula- tiens were heaped upon tbelucky pair 'even t thé ul imau. At the s$atio Brodes-te mbarrascd bv the- attèutiois cf bis brides f nienda, eited ber bodily from tht platform te tePullmain d the>' becamo lest. Thon the train whuirled east. In Baltimoe subunlis la a banda-urne country bomne callcd Paradise. er. Mr-. and Mts. Býoderick wll rernain througb eut the sumuier and po&.sibly next win- ter, although thene la talk o! hbeir liv. ing in an apartunent hotel. earadise, with ita great and grand Dappointunents, la a bit different fs-om thle simple little home ef tht bride', nîoth- erins St. Louis, but zshe in expected te grace it trou as shc did lier former rhome. A BULLET IN¶ RIS HEIAD. uH Igh a*k 1 Pa, Toron to ti theati'for aérieradas, arolver ôy as partialy n bdoe ioe d podtbod I toa:ra 'l.MrMar atan , iI.pIIWlt tht lae Sir Mptan oIlowy"a a grnd.n inephffia. at eiu Mn tr. N.,y fordavcat.d y o tis hilolglel &wu papr f reomp8 edL1901. th»bd; wu irevolveu&lay elpo . W" dwu ant wae i,yflask ne.rboy aandcigand.e- bishe ofnteramleate l natlbu aysaiP. been ds-inkung ad was probahlyunkg wlseu bc livAdhé shot wbitÎCII sdhil li lite. A earh,-f his elctblng revealed a amner of lettessleuAuto, bàs iden- U-ty iud soz»e Personal fecta. oue Meter writteà Wb>' Ceel li iver, -et 14, Sout: pas-aiele, s$1, Lugnti," on MQay A lette- !s-o«u Mas-Un. - The. letter -read : 'Olt'vw» »t ou the ehanceet fu Ing ernpoents but on the amzrauçe of M. Uiaut tbatou yqur arriva! ln tii.. clon>'*ye- bouilia ve an pn ng ud be,,starteil lWs-. .il yon -real'M ean vit enaù -I u top.give eu, aassether oiiaaeo, for Bolone esore 1aracerel>' vuse. -y te d'eil» hn I dej o,m~cê~y Iner. est lai tiiougb Ibis depreming s&4 i. -oppointiag t"ne. Ia=s writhSg 1,>tbis am, o use vbat eau " h a à"i 14t woulti b*no uft o gc %;@» s@ust *o", detilute 91#* on artivai. Tqu met h0 Ioy b* rut*od a lad'- las iut ue e0104On. 1I imllfl£14 for ,WANI!ED' là tlaued a HMM"dr IMnBushe rlmteof .1Mr. Waih m uyc f meflc auua Padfic.L rfty TIOIIIId fMd of (atte to Toroit, July 17w-Mr. William Whyte, Seoond Vioe-President of the. (anadi=z Pacifieo Railway, and manager of the. western division, arrivcd iu tbt-city yoe- tërday from. Winnipeg. To a reporter Mir. Wbyte prediced that the wheat crop of the west would reacli, poeibly ex- oeedoee undreul million bushels. lHie sttement wau based on the faet that tberc are four million acres under wheat, and h. cixpects that the average yield will be equal to that of 0102, when 25 bunbels te the acre ijue th"e'Ivme Weft of Portage la Prairie, h. sald, tu trope were never better. East of that point lhe fields were spetted. in plaoesf owing te tee much wet. The damage was not serlous, however, and tht losa would be imimaterial. Continuing, Mr. WbhYle stated that thero ivas a large increase in tht acreage under barley and oats. "The Canadien Pacifie Raiwýy," said M. Whyte, "i» making every pre- paration with a view te handiing this stupendous trop. New locomotives ind cars of blaet capacity are boiug d&- livered evcry week, and by tbe time the crop ià ready for mneerenl wo will be able to handlt 400 car@ each wsy per day frein Winnipeg te Lake Superior"» SWe will want thirty thousand bar- vestera in tht wcst this year," said Mr. Whyte, emphaticaDy. Prices, on the whole, h. prrslicted, would ber good. Tht war iu tbt fer enat had preveuted the peasants fromn putting lu thein crop, aud Russia would net bave an average crop, certaîil not for expert. 'l'ne United St"te would have an averace erop, but in the reptubli to thte outh, be pointed out, the. nçw acreage had net incremse4 in proportion te pepulation, and this would limil the volume of wheat for expert frein that country. Another feature of tbe developmnent was the. live stock tride ef southern Alberta. Tbe «MIle bail baila goo4 vwinter; the gras. wus good, and the"e la. been au absence o!f Iles wblchhbail worried tl» animal* and affect.d their ondition. "Wo o*gi tot, suid Mr. Whytt, «take out eoftthe cattie range country abônxt 50.»00 beail for Toronto, Montres! and the. Enrpean, mar*eta. lu addition t4> tbua, froin 10.000 W 15MO00on- the hoof or iuh he earaawonlda b.lmkppei t* flItish colw~a aI iitheYukozk. '*ne abe.p indnatry, tee, hau growo verY rapldly. anit wth ninlton sand wool hIoe igl the .- C"aaa raner and eeunti>' generaIy wM ibenefit »a.9' Deallng wîth, the ques tio fImmInr tion, âû. Whyte ezpresed bis grati fC tion tisaIt theuew as-rivoas ere the. best teof rual Anaericuiand d Mlii peo- pl.intelligent people of strong physique, vise oeuld miake Itair ,,ay' In thse n.v esuntq-. The foreigu elementtoe, w» on its Western division,?" asked the re. porter Mr., Wiiyte replie4 tbat Vhse ompsnr bai been iiki testaet la tie .te;m e-es' ~We 0 3 o dve a g t 'ni spent u Pana 1#Me-oe esl PRTIC TEA Ibocause It Is tlght S il kiada o! places like watched frein PLANMI~ O0nly oe eDEST tea "Ido, thougu" i5ys H; wftg a perfect picture in did you. notice the way spolie to, that *tifortunatê empress couldn't bave corne "Ye-yes,"says Jean Iv I noticed it, sud-a-i man than be -a servant of "Halloa!!" say a l, wil "Jealouà, Jeu?"' '*Jealous!" exclaims * JeE scarlet. W,ýhgt do you mca "Notbing, only chaff, Jeu gnry with a feiiow on the * Whereupon Jeanne rubs 1 and kisees himi nmakes hb retreats to bier noom. Thon, firet glaucing wit the wedding presents lyiný Joanne waiks straight to 1 "Beautiful, Hai callod lu scanieg lier own lovely, face." Ev-en a boy is aiti notices bier loveliaues, and M'ho eau wonder at it?. thore in me, a poor simple hlm forget ber beauty andi. the ummieless charm whicli her like the sceut she use had net couic. If she had Ë taken hie secret with hie happy I shauid bo uow," ai lows two diamond tears freilashlefs. ber," s' deuly, and with a quick* e: defiauce. "BRe has left lier' be dees love me; and le el clairas between her ahut.tee e luil not saeparate 1sW Moved 'by some impulgè doubt etfery woman wilf without any elaborate exp springs te the wardrobt ai dirggiu out dr-ess after di Notwîthstaudiug ber' Jeanie's wardnobe la by ne led &Md'-extensive eue, but a few additioius te tht frock whi$?h for na long tis as lier, beat. and now eh£ liter addition@ and bpreadîs. e& But ah. ernOes 1ýaz* * black !rek aCfter Ail. "I ore Ibis,", shemI ~J1ee ~n,» gays'Ail Jesune gee around sud ki s suddlen moiâture ini ber miaire ber. 1qw-aIV 'thiir bs vs. oun t le 1J1e&k 1'. -Il Y4,. 1 W"&o abc "&a 1

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