Whitby Keystone, 27 Jul 1905, p. 4

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One ç4 the be.t nlgag~ln Wa&rd nusào, *hie#. W BrôokIl uandt- len»oeý,bsA beai'd for 2ôso'time. wa.s ten4r'sd ila« Frï0a *veaiuig by thie 'ohoIr ',f t4o wýbr by Bapttt churci. ?hy cn4se Ot tiftOeeg gttoog. anti under thb-k1b«lmo»ar- ahlp 0,f, 1fr.iL NW. Evais, v4 a aplenq41d prograra me o! stacreti Munie. Tii. program.me copoi.g# of jan- theins. ar.4 ,duets a&»d poIoâ.ý The. aotboeasentitled 6"Teachli ~e. O Lord," ap"W "R.jotue la tii. Lord," wr, exceptiuuîa4y well rendered.1 &lise Barcla.y eangvery swMULy, as also did Mfr. aped Mne Eyans inaa duet. The.-mixed quartette deeply kpree<i the audience with a ren- derlug-of "IDo't l«t iL be sai d too tante.01 The audUAnc.e alwaye wel'. coinetithoenmale ra.ztlete. 11ev. IBennett Audersou gave a. slfort a4 dreus dturing the evening. There wais a large attt4ndanve, and should the çboir agaiio taor uts with a viait ireeffcaRba~ure them a erowd- cd but1ding.- The ladiee of the church provided a I1u cheon for tkie choir ai. the c '4uN3 uth(e program -. The tirat paemzent. for the oeamon wlis madie tu te patrons of the çheofiact.ory LbbWeük. irice of Chffese8is dVanCLog. and is D ow likely tu remain on the higher basi. I)repartiruba re being mrade for laying ftue cernent sidewalk thatisj tu repaiceite wood4in on#- on the aouth aide of te front aLreet.. The purcha.sing cuiunuittee nxt on 1.Yednoýbiay tu iulaku a retctiori of booikii or the pîbiic librzqry.ý -Mr. anti Mrs. .rhur Wetis vî«iit-j îxd vith relatives here last week. '1rhe niadagers or the Presbyteriaa J church bave dec4ded to repiace the olii woe.nfence that surround8 the churcb grpundts %vith ;ui osnairueutal wire iXjace. Ilion.' J. Dryden i4pent Jaet wek at Maple' Shade farin. 1 The new f ence wlîîcb 3fr. Thowas ltoutley hall haut plaed arourid i bs Iremdnce Id beiîng taucli aduared. À hla.vy al 01 r u mal visitei thias sectiOn last t8uudiîy woranig. GJrain lf totswere -nonsiiderably !laL- tenedtl truugl he4titLaVal*jWl where tue eswrm was heavieaît. The wea.ther a,îneo habbeen aucb iatu hayiaig was again in fullt swIng on Tue4!ia,y. The bulk M! tha erop haii been got in in exceIheL condi- tion. Mrm. J. W. Cbeyne, who, ba" been vibiting i3rookaîîi Irienids for a week, ruturtwd toforontu ou Wedueutay. J. B3. ý5pencer, %wno ta. now UiheDcl- uty Livo d~tock Comwuisgioner, vasît- od lismoter, 3fré..Li. :Spencer, Laast woek prier te going te (.Otawa. Tthe delivertets of gtuve andI fur-- nace coai now beiuag mrade renaincl us that it wili not always be thegot t' 1' ~ 'r '-'j Large quantities o! -raspberrles are being shipped daily f roXn<thls looca. À .pii.'Uie for ti. he Cdre*i of th village andi aicznity wws eld buat wreek on the grouàdao! J. B.. Wil- #on. Wm. and Mrs. ieopkÎnes lq<t 1ý hurw,, day morning for tlaeir- home in Mazi- ltoutin Isiaad, atLer "ppeb.ding - a wontb wItlt Dr. H. and 1frs. Hopkins, bilver Mapke. Parrott Bros. have returnedfiMm Scott, where they were erecLing a large barn ÇQute a number or Young people frein here a.ttended te camp meeti- ing on Sunday cveniug. Miss Vney Wilson. o! T.oronto, la at pre»ent va.iiug hber- mother here. A. Haneke lins retura»O af ter spending a inoutin iiiUaCa. Andrew BryaunL pent . ueiiay witb f riende at (lreoebank. Mis Pearson, of Manchies tr, spent a îew day. InAt week witbh ferais- ter. 3frs. Bmasb. Mr&. Alfred i Fsher, w-ho bas bee ill for some tante, iis now much, betl- Misées Parrott & Griffith@ are very busy Llagua dayo fitting up horse ferke, aud other fart iM- bome o! our young ladies baveJ takren Lo fl.hing. WtC wiah ,themu lirk. A. G. Ellis, of Green River, spent Sunday with his hrother honX.' Mise Lizzie Wilson i. spending a few dayo in Claremont. The masons have commence i work1 on .Jno. Millcr's new bouse. Miss Cora Armstrong, of Ayr, Scotland, le epending the surumerj with ber cousin, 3fr. A. M. EliIk. MIANCHESTER. The dent h ccurrcd here on SaLa- ut-day, JuIy 15, o! Mr. lRobert Mun- t-o, aget 89.) yeuréi, 3 menthe andi 15 tiny. Deceaseti wasa.a wortb.y andi higbîy resliuted yeoman, a quiet, unassumlng, "aluable member o!fso- ciety, andi mas highly, esteented in the,- localîty whcere lie wAujsi esit known." lie reaed.(&fr more titan the prescribet I 'three score yeans anîd tt-ia.' but ivag etill a us«ufuI xm- ber of te somiuunity. andi hie f riends con badty spore hlm. Mfr. Munre was a pioneer of the town>. siii ef ](each lin the best accepti. auuon o!fLth et,he bai inglilveti on the tarm wheap hie dentise Look plaeoe i nee he 1Avas tea yeums o! age. Whale4 stili a young mail he poaisese- tsi precions t ie o!orthias .vurid*s we,aîth, but ricb a intat wbicb le it!iniitely better and o! -more value. a stroag art, a. clear conacienceb establietbietihabits o! lndustry with a firm determinatiun te tollow an honorable andi ultnîglt course. andi gmapple fearlemly * and. niant ully wlth wha.tever dif fimIltles migit b.. set, la tihi petIt. ani leavu Lie reuit to the. Dit.posîer etfaIgooci. Succesa crowned ha. efforts. Auguat Srd wili be 1arnknimW' civie holiday. Principal Joncsi. o! Lthe Publie Schuol, as handed inlahts reagn;-ý ion, BRe bao#been reiving a s4 any o! *65O. Tus llu consaderedt be mucli to e suall fror ecapableu s teacher.' The Eeomeiit reomg- inendsis nereaulng aile salary by bloU.1 Thecontracts fer granolithle p&ve..1 mente are almost compllet for thii The asecesament 'o! Le ie vIlg m White timawing tu kay. let w Mfr. Reubeus Lunuan. 1Y. a vetiely lnjutre4 by' the budoor f aIllu ons lib. Thie aon satruck hlm on taie face,, wicbwa« ba«iy cut anbd sSbatcted.suad knockeeti M Lguth. <rround tuacensolou. Rev. m A ~. ,(rsec mi Mrs. La&wrenao àt tîe 'Woodejads. ms. koXa, onu Moaday oet %#661e4kwbere 1iiey .Xpeci, u holday .fer taie »,t Frnk siLla. -OfLthLeas Makiasu Dr;itre, Mtl Ist e! W.4deIsfer Tw wes elowhoah er«nznen' tti o re tu taewa espse of te 'sun. -,J hht bleaw ou*try has been *elew,~ as the centre ort the shadow; o! thie moon wiII "oceur there. Photograp*8 tiiken -turing Lii.perioti are of great value- .-A scientitie lnyè.tlga$OD# and Dr mara11 bas been C coseas h.loe cupies a Proinelb!± ositioz, n pt the scientiste of tiba uity James JRichardtun au4 sister, 18 Lizule, returned home lVedme»dMy after spendlng a coUp et fwweks fltiicote, Ciarkfiburg andTI Tora.' The deati body o! a dog fleS in tiie creek south o!fLthe bridge. anti bev iag în au adtvancedi state of ë<. comiposition, is the cause o! a great deal Of annoyanCe. It le a inotter into whieh the ,Boa&rd1of eH0Ith shoul make coquiin-e8 -#nd 'ae~end te without delay. bipeaking of eun ice examir.ations it is wortby Le note that Mr. Warrj haut preparedti wenty candidates furI entrgne turing bis Lhree yearà,' priacipalbfiu? ci our xmodel schooj, ail of whom were successful at their firs et ytamurti0aai. Out O! this nuiuber four receiveti bCholarahilas., andi elevea scholarbhip i5t9pding andi tho otherti substantiel marks. This le au unut;ual record, and dIservieg of the highest coÈarverxWatin .-News.t OSHAWA.I Oshkiwa's civic holiday has been ti.xeti fer Monday. Augulqt 7. Speaking o!fte ,arate the Vindicatot, says: Loukiag to the future o! 'our towa lu ac.ta, ple4ut- ont view. The tai burdMna has conipetleti landlords Le ratase rents to the h*Agleiienit. Wages Lu4ay are rit fairiy hith maiuk, andti t, l,; Lu be hopeti they may neyer be Iower. but who ean tell what a yeiri or se may brng forth la the indus. trial worlu? W1 %hat wouid bappen tu Obawa of! stagnation were te set la? With Iower wagem ý,the nMen simpiy coul t tupayte renta. ituposeti L048Yay *ailiive. One duty certainiy confronîte Qvery citizen %%hose circumuttau-,e@ wlli st ail %vrrant iL, namely, tu install the waLerworks as soon as possible. with the hope ithat a large coasumption o! watet' by thoge wh e a afford te pay -for iL, may produce a revl. enue Lo reduce the general levy, as iL ea be done. Meanwhîie, if theme are any people whocannot fintiauy iacrease ta their tax blits we shouiti bo. ptpamd -IoLehaver thent eail #ati sed us. 'Nighat Conetable H. Ruworth 1usd a big ime on - Tuebday night. HDu set out for te lake to atteuadi the Churcli of EngîantiS. S. îîicaic. Whea h. got as Jar ais te fBrook Hautie, Cedar Dole, be tsteppei off the car to indulge ia a litlLe refm'eshmtent. How moch ho rMshed himsîetf cen eai.y be inferreti tram the sequel. Kt ail eica Laho neyer reacheti the lake that ulght. There are rmor@ Loe ieffect that when lie liat talketi a few highballu he issued' a challenge tu wreate anybxly andi everybady. île flepputi ail who wanied a tuself and itaily arraugi ed a flght dowD uuar the. r"iway bridge with une of Lthe galag. Wien they geL him slewn tiiore tite wlole gang appears tu have plied on 'Jowve. el-ti, andi pounded i hm Le their hsm'rt's content. Not eniy tais, but saine ef the vicious brutet; appear to have cannibai tendencles,. for Lhey chewed, hi arma. - Whcn Uoworth finaly eniergeti freminu syelvan shades o et edrDale ahé pre4ssted- a battereti spiKale in '-e paie meonight. ls falte was aU Ian"- mcd anti bis body serleusiy brised. 11, madie hie way up toiwe »ua _lQrf, , adb0ah4 tK#&e&hati alatt ,%*y, snd vWb=a lté ent#ied thée .,,ogueêh. Set mlqMaoîset Le a.b.dý rooms. ent«lng :Mr*. Snhn~. andi )rotitd ocae ~ls Vrih o labed gle objecte&. sud trio t* t" W -m"Lait aie waq lit, thie wrong m ubt couM n ot Cet' IÙu tO icest>anyÏ se osihe OsIeti ber -o. .*« o etatt er Ilwrhluaýtbm coll* wl o WodewmI"0" hoa * 'ITS- HOT BUY A. FROM BASSETT and keep cùol., Uf l.a a botber for you tO »e thie, order a pair o~f specie et the saine Urne or aak to see the ne. STA ZON EYGLABS. Norman Basse t!, Jeweller and Optician. Brock St., South, Wbitby daugaiters Maniteulin week with White. e! R. R. Gamiey, MLA. Islandi, are spendiag a; their cousin. Miss Mary' R.As W, C0 sE'$ CATARRH CURE *a& I thenkrioed rsthe air ibroat amdp raat cuire Ci*arrh and Ha7 Forer. Bower tAIdoalrs.or Dr.A. W. Chast Mwodicta. Co-. Teroto Md i ug"lo OId Acquaintances. o)r the visit of 'Mr. 'and ?drs. CLt wieL,,formierly rsiîdents ôW Whitby,'-ý the Obhawa Reformer of last weekýq hud these interesting things to aj a *'Mr. andi Mrp. Caldwell. 'of h~ cago. are gueâts at Gladstone Villa,~ Mfr. CakIweli is a gentleu*in of .911 sununers. who, frow 1885, untilý. twelve, years ago, %vas a resident of"" the town of Whitby. and in bh. cQnw i'ersation easçily becUnies reminlacent of other tisys. and of ovente w bedded ini the history of the couit-', try. Bir. Cajdwel lired tthrouthý andi has . a liv"ely recolleotion of the.î troublebme times of'the tpper Caur ada Rebellion perIod. rapt iab-"ý thowst. of the ce»brMitd trio ce' pateltWcuies, Matthewa, Lounrt, sii uderavuL and Mrt Oal4woll were brothpra-it->-w, andi wiiulo ou' caping the. martyrlom suffersé by 3Iaxc-hews andi Lount, Mfr. Caidw»îi, le a ,nÎoz degree. suffered f romn the insolence of the FamuIly Compact Loyafists, who prestimad to 'exor. eiito authority in.-the naine of the jneen i*i uppar Canada. it tit tinie.- Mr. Caldwreil knew Mr. Wm. Lyon Ust-K&:eilo pemsnaUly., ae 4re. inembers hlm as Lh41 tiret rayorf York, now Toronfto, and as .the. içrea leader ot the-peopi., _through' whotn fforts 'the fIIr*I stop .0- Ward ac4uiring free andi top rocoat! UvPi, nstlta.tioua ivre un BraulU taken in.tttis countrýY. i u'1 thougib babÀhed for a timo', froma CaumU iby he 00- S 11* l~loy*lt* a. Ecoomialand saisfactory -Petn25cns We have secured the aec for heColumbian stock IýFood Co.'s Specialties;- and have just received a -ship-ý ýnent of -the. ir goo. S. Satief or esisare abslutely guax'anteed., W. A. Holllday & Co. BROOKLIN AND - ,ASIBR At the Cash* Hardware Store Garden Tools We havé a complote lino of Garden Tools, Uoes, Rakes, Spades, Shovels, Forks, in- fact overything ;usedl in the gard en. BEST QUALITY. And we guarantoo our PRICES RIGHT. W. Ma Pringl e Corpner .HaM'ware Store ail tee rapIi grewth in another di- rection. 1Mr, . aidweîl reinarked tint aie'retuenbers thie flràt-burll aervice, hekl lu a >t -lenrw' Xnownasauich C«De !.stery. antOmw.Iytiepp u141oa of that Cit.y- g raeW~d benne si*nt t*4imotty Le Lthe pa.as. ing of a large Population silice 188(. Mr. C&Idweil siys thoeowa.ý prii ally a #ma ,Il OCtIapelmut ln thie eider part -of lb. cemetery, <roundt, whicb, baving outlasteti its use.. fuiesa, wiaJong alâce taken, down. Mr*s. Caiw*ei la a we"Iber ef thie Blairt ain , weI1 known to eioder c Ioo!Utarlo Couutys aintila aunt te MUru. Fowk4&" Lacrosse Match. orfth 4h "tun the the road waa wudintainaed, but it was Inot for four Ye&M~'ta others be. Igan to -une thie sa-me mens. At pre- là,Kauîsas are belng treatei ln the sane, way wi th perlec t resul ts. The coat .Is no more than, a dollatr or two, a Mile &. year à"geo of .' our f$)okor iad1w whlte, potton ektrtt.5 corset, covers, nigiit gownsand.d raewrs t 20 pejracent. off1gr4guibirpri*.  toryr tilt hb baud W"iI e *SMi Ro 0 eoi Whei larly we w liglit of th( NO SECONDS. CLAJIEMONT. Miss Minnie Mark, e! Stratford, la visitiag at MmrlDuncan bMaenalti. lîcwouauk latvii bowlers were ole- feuted by our club on' Saturday, Claremnouat. wnuing LWUouit o! tht-ee gamueb. * t Daid Poattle, o! Toronto., is vis. itrng imienti. home., 'Dav. lai alwaya weiceme. John Adair visitdd at Myrtle on Bunday. ' - 3fre.. 8bcrght, of Markham, was ia town on Tnetiaday. Master Hlliard Bryân anti Mises Mabel Drya.n arc ý!siUuin aSalemn Lkis week% 1 Our village is on te quiet tes. 4dayti. flyiiig andi harvedcing are~ anow la full swin)g. Mesuire. Gregg andi Coates oippeti -a car et stock on Monday. Messs. Danlel Forsytli andi iWm. Coates attendet te ordination af Lh. Rev. Mr. Binglinniof'the Baptist churoi, Whltby. Tliere waii e no -service lanthe >aptlst church on Souday. croquet ila getting ta lie quit. a pNgtlue thebe tisys. Mnr. ?Lew Todd N iseted Gondwtxj ounday. Ms 1rCluu uflo.n te Soypr, -o! Sarnla, vilsitlerg hher me- lier, 1Ur&,-S. Tiionpson. 1fr.,TarL aur haer, le more tan l'ushed thsse da.. mia» Effle.Gralini la isitlng at 'otr l iL tlumuosftora few day. Mfr. Jl d undy waap hoxueover Bfuud&y, but rtaràed te hbis oid -Job eIeu;ai i< 1frs..Ch&a. EMtwoo4 and daughbb t1er. or Fesitertuon are.islittag friends mien Totten,1 le laod up atrpreu ber fin r. Rte Aladrow aZui- Uns,. Jolleston. 41.4 at hie home un thie SftL oOncotio on TueWaey maornlng, «ter a proi. %traew ilhasa, ageti 24 yemM S Our heorîîing club v101j4'9tet bank on Baturday a.nd plied thr*' gamea wl hthe club oe that pae andi won -ail khree gaunx fThejy hati a very pleaugntaitowmoosat * . lheL lake.r .9rv111e Ca4rior,, liveing on thie tonlins. met witii. a very. sertouas MAMàt >ê x ..vg. I, 'ili.as1&-"Mm WHITBY1 thein -and 1 -of thi ther'i fering FeË '32, 34 soaso: bine,, Bizes Yoî awaui or

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