Whitby Keystone, 27 Jul 1905, p. 8

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pli$ E FRESH G I1ILLE CHURCH'S B' Killis potato bu> eatinsg insects, pi Res.dy for use. Je El Drugglst Medical Broclk 5t. Iy Pure ROUND I3ORLE ýUG FINISH gs and ail leaf revente blight. No mixrng. VILLIS Optician Whltby. ICountyTo wn Happenings~ SmaiTt boy wautied to Iearn the! printing. Appiy to Editor Key- atone. Electric iight equiliment lias Installe.] in Ail Suintsi' Churcb, wil be uoe.] for the irst lime Sunday next. been and, 011 Every purcrhase is a. pnize i nOunr ahirt window liii. wceck at Ross The Bell Teleluhone Company Canada hao ope--ed a Toîl Office Starln'ille, Ont., necar Newcastle. et I '1 4- b 1' I ~ a11 Frenie " -northhwindowi 500., ut Rose price cutting. See our of shirts. Your choice Brou.1 Apprenitlce Wanted. WanteÊ-ýA boy . or young man, baving pausedth 1e ontrance .exami.- nation, ho learo Lthe printlng. Ap- ply at the I1e751ioue ufRLe. A few odd twtcd suite lu clear aI a bargaîn. Cà Il ian.] gel pro. le'.andi boys;' ies. A -. MRosea. At the flouse of Refuge. The service ah the Houa.eTofRe- fuge ' li b. haktennext 8um~ay by é Be. f. O CrWy, oft he Taber- nal.Laigt Sunday vas the moli. otltSunday. anti next Suntiay the 'ýBaptist da'y. but an exohas4eo f 5ay w as iite by the tu-o pastors Corimualins redocet f romM1e. tto 10c. v«r yard. Ait Uther lineu TusRs(rnir"of Osbwa, la klaor hepur0baae of the blitbahrbur by b, Kyte aXextolw Sugar C.6.,-sasti.4w, einle b :büî oDiion thatt baIslelaa gooti stik.l of>buslass for tho oouan«y andt .b to*u. Itp4l e bo oon'y lu * Posilipo fOr '»&rlâ n t ou lie b m iv nLe«& sand a g d ôi b t ' of 'te ex4tece 00psrsnaunly turc ltion for #*eh an indutrv lu Canada. And we beatlky vli it svery pro*- perity. 8e&tint Suit&.,-su., tIme la, batlhingt imesud Yeu'v. u*îsadib"I thbe puufrQ of a su-lu l nbar".. in ý fet bathll smit.- Tho atlord i b on oe. OaIy 50 o OÀW .4 &* .aa eou d4 li the lthe C tY 14l thne itY i col. Farewell wsnt Io, port Perry on business . esterday. Jnd meîtyre -le PQPnding part of hl f"catUn w lu udsay. Mise MUIrtlYoàng bas been visit- lng friends an Mancbjetwr. MisaUlmzie IOWMO.tof 'Toron to, in visiting Mrs. J. Pi Piri.. M, r. John' Bright. of Myrti, qt&- tion, was in town on saturday. Mr. W. J. Luke 5i>ent $anday and Monday in Sewmarket ani vieinity. Master Barry [lewis has gone te vitit relatives in Toronto for a his niri e ï wo yëawms 11h oJ. Both 'Young poonie liv la lnwiftby, and will dé-bt1is opptlnuen to..ro- sie borci.1 ?hley -re --stsrtiu Young in uI len~.but they may be. nOns tho woros lot that. He.*-style, snup and value. '"IVS ini the bat," andevery bat wo 'oeil containu thes.c tbroe e9sential points. Ail coldrat, ail shaped, $1 to $8, at Ross-Brosn. A Cowendable Humaber oft he MIiaad FEe Press. The Midland Free Pre0o o! st week iýeted'" an illusttrated osection in a.ddition to Ita regular Issue of eigbt piges. The iUus«<ated sec- tion of eigbt pagea, was printed on c-aienderod paper, and cont&ained a write-up of praticaIy ail the in- dus Lri!t»b, busiut8ses and profet4ial mnen of the town, with two or three excption,ý. 'There are eome 111 sketches in the issue, and betwveen 60 and 70 fiîlusratiUfl8. The edition ia4 one of the finest, if not the very beit. ever gotten out by any week- l7 Iîaper inu yorthern, Ontario, and bhouid be onie of the best adverti-je- ments 'Midland ever received. LnIi/rt boy wanted to 'learn he printing. Apply to Editor Key- b t one. Wo rld's Sculting Championship. 1lwaI tc"qcbclID its'1U5I U'5mis ~James 9taubury again regained Miss Banner, of Toronto, hais I)PP-n thj. wor&d's sciî.1ing cha.mpionçjhil,1visitng In the tOwn and vciit on 'Saturday, '-dien he defeated Geo., for a few dayti. Town@ lu Austraia. Stanbury, who Miss Edith Nç%y>pc'rt spent a.J>iw wftN in h4t Jsth year, hesd lhe tille daym ai. "Solid Comfort"l camp at nfter lhc death cof ýSarIe until HdyiIenshere. sast. week. îS96, when Juke Gijudaur beat him isRyenta eiasrct in Engianil. Town@ ubeequently ly eîîRy sug ta e w dayng reezes woni from Gauiur at Rat Portage. [y lii. S.ngtonhek regs.ion. re Thc. %whoke store front le abioom Mis Lth e BoLkrrwauieço ora with fapeinating styk-s of prints Misti lu iehmoovQu.,amit«Port- at Oc.,.Se., 10c.; ginghams Se.. mus- trand. MaichmondWegad Pot- lins Sc., eatnub 10c. Ail must go.'ladMiaBie D erlileSpedig as wie are now preparing forounr cplessof wek vl i sheri f ai' fal gode atRob Bou' IMrh. Paxton nt Stony Lake. 1 No Boat Service on Tyesday. Me uut ilnead h- The steamer Argyle d id nul make friend, of Toronto, are visitlng Mr.17 lier usual trip Ietwe-n Newcast.le Wm. Jet! re3r, of thse north. Ward. and Tor.uto -on Tueaday. The îIr ugoMcnmmn wo a be imi crowd gathered at the Nhitb uoTornto frmmomen, e, bas dock and waited for sonie .lime, înufor a sfort ontintenasin N,çh*'n word camea thutt the boat tonfrasott JL nSitrday. i wvould net make ber trip that day. Mn. Robt. -Seott and]hic, daiughten, The Toronto IVori.] of Wedù0ý,iayI Mrs. T. H. Bi'bbOP, of 0,ven Sound, sai.]: "The--steamier Ârgyte reach- were guewtg cf j. y. Patterson this cd lier dock ai. 7 o'ciock yeb-terday1 week.4 mornlng, having been delayed over niglit at Port 1)alhoubie ai.tthe re- quest et the coinmittWe in charge- of the. Gooderhan à Worts cm- ployéi-es' excursion. On the rs»turn trip froin Oicott-Beach the' etormn gre* Poe ierce tba'til Was thoiglit best te have th1e boat put into Port UJahousièm for a tinw, as, there were tuany .4board Lburoughly geamick, egpecialiY womeu a nd chidren. When 111eo boat .diti not arrive on Menday tight thieré *àw* mucli anxieaîy ameng jihose whowe friends were aboardl, to but. The off icers oT the steamer tnotifie] 1h. office of the, tt.anr'ahp ompony bore of their whremouta.. The boat hat 500 people aboard. StaMterooms andi camp b de 'ere useti turing the ,îighL. 'Wl thal, thepassngers 100k the del4y good-natufflly. -Tbe Ar- gyle ca s@taud any kinti o! wewthier on1 th1e ilake," saiti Capt. Manson, wrhen. bld'0f 1the anlmiety of friends here. Irbe rough weatb er on the la ke wa> abateti yestierday. andi the oaptal ne of 'varions bontis say thaere wvan no further'lncouveanience, fsuch as wae 4experienqed Monday- Mililnery .-.'ow tauhàonoî for 1he heati, abea I n style andi prie. TIhe very Iaitogt coneevtions Irons home andi abroati Car tisplay us wortby Wt a look. July anie nov on at Rés S=art boy wa.nted to lesa the printingv;! pply 1 ' EdItor lCey- Mir#. A. 13 Wot.ht ,r.I4sd at the 9m., Iu the aêht* f the organlet. " Il -Iwntsw oburois b.i4 tbslw 'n nom 8 & aplocie on the 1 « to oir. bette« pcoint. Àé4 i 8 llvmusuw PII tlats u têpau t aef Mn. Rosa Smith lias been in To- ro *ute having an pera-tien perfrm.,- ,,ed' on bis eye, and] ii recuvering' nicely.i i 31r. Levi Mackie, ef Tor*ttîto,' 'for- xnerlyy bailif f oeT ickering Town-1 rahîi., has beeb visitin g relatives ini Kinsale. ~Rev.T 7n r. igan"of Bark'e Faits. and Mn. E. J. Bingtiam, of Aurora, were preilent. athetic r- dinat,ilof eTRe. H. 1-i1.Bingham on Tuesday. lira. J. J. Uerronlire. c.. Fraizer and IGMes Dora Herren, whei have been Visilng luru. V. A-0od. feilow, returne ote ir home "1, Toronto un Friday lasI. Mr. andi Mrs. HumÎphrey, %Of Toý- route, fer- years retàidentti ef Whil by, whe moved to Toronto about fourteen years ago, were [n town over 8unday; 'iThis wcst theïr #soý. ond it lhebre euce reniovinq. Mise 'Vida Perrid. the sctrelset&id est daughiter of Mr. *.and' Mrs. J. Al1. Perrin, of the. Royal Rotel, iwbo two yeo.ns ugo untrei 'eupou ber utage career, la now borne enjoyIng, a weliearued boliday. Mdius Perrin] ls mc"odn«g' a.dlrrably in her ebosen rooatton. ' A large engray. lut of 1mssVerrla aptieared in ia#t Su~dap ~Toronto, Worgd Tbàse lWho trave. -Ur Fi. EStoepbouwLno opposite. ,pôut of fice. WbitbY, ba« tekatedt Iis Ur. RcrdSomarsville te t lsa oPersU, tb- Wanbausbewu.. Mr.1au h sud daiqgbter toi th. n. t t eo MIsM. iCne * to euny Lake. - lra Leisto »arrla ' Jas., WIOls&Wtibrotior. tg 3s0eÇ Misai D,!~tuto sta>>yLae SALEý s) s) 0F W.hite Goods CONSISTING 0F Ladiel'a White Sklrts Ladle's Night Gowns * i Ail will be sold Muslins at 20% off. Ladl's Corset Covers Ladie's Drawers. at 20% off oui' regular prices. Also fine range We have a few genuine Remnants -in - Colored Dmre8s Good8 and Prints whic.h we wiIl also clear at 20% off our already low price. Balance of -fine Straw Hats at hall price. If interested in any of these goods. don't fail to sec them. a Andre'w M. Ross. lieuse Wanted House wanted te rent for October lot witb- stable prefered not more than 7* minutes fremin .O. Apply at KEsyTOsz OFFICE. BOYS. DON'T LOSE TuE OPPORTUN1TN a i. PAQ1DETT~ = I *' Vol Augu Sensatiî Parlor Diuini * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Acciadent and Sickness Insurance $iOOpop. month Qovrsanyaceldeuts and ail slckness. For particulars see H4 IB. WILLING-, Ladies' Si back easy Mattrasse ~(Y)Window1 AT si A cal sol Golog Wot nes 6.29'a imowning. GoIug Nott.h Prom W. and foer NOrtlL74 Esat 8 or any clteLclAet TUE ROYAL DARSER SHOP f ad;olulngthe. Rifol oit.1,whtby I Ex.Mie u' th and imro Artint Srendstp ail vere vaut -ta snorig &kla Subs cri pilons Do Agricultural S«Iety. Mr. L. Fairbanks, Wvho lias@lîe appointe.] b solicil subsenlptions te th1e Southi On tarie Agrlcultural So-1 ciety, has been prooecutinç lhe ean- v'as lately,>anti hue met wîth airly gond succese. Ilo for Sea and Lake Breezes. See Stephenann, opposite post of- Ilie, Whltby, before travelling-. He ticket# anywhere, everywberc, via ait irailwaya,ail. lakea.or cessa Une«. For every desired informe. tieni andti trough ticket outfils uee 8tephention, Whihby. Businessns ow iro gise lhêbes Bte»mrpbic a a dEuahaes u u thaws wby-wuae e4 d#as on os ffr office h.lp. dy su uh 1905, We remoevd 17 uueh apislni o cma enter ac any Urne. Oit-«or troe, baud. uorne mealogue. it girs Wtet«."gtllu Doffminion Business-Coleg R. D. NIMMD, Prîns<4. I.'"' Mas er Victor Newton had a yonng friend froin Oshawa vifitlng hlm Iast week. Mniss Oli'.e Annis, 0f Oshawa, bas been vigitîng ber cousin, Miss Laura Evans. Master Howard MeBrien lias been visiting his graridmetiier lnu Boçv- manville. Miss Pattie, of the Bishop Bethtine 'It 1 1 -Nit - 1 ý %i.o up %Lf Otp %Lp %à .9. 1& &f» 1 1 Ill 1! l ',

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