Whitby Keystone, 24 Aug 1905, p. 3

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! metoubfle bétw eenliU8 -jre. k e -ea=no ,-"d >' I Beêa iae ~t.h hetz ýYll roIl -Uam'id alienotht rmry a iit~efitg to P, erfc did it--it, firmwess as great> MÏWU#ce. he -vote. fer the .îc 00l1 ~ ~ resulted'Ia a' veo Woorado 8 Pittaburg be %g4 t er. 'r, It was thtbour Day Comm .,-ula vere4 àu'Ig à of Iabor, Whohaabee,ý $0 1azl buniental ilu thegoneral eductioi working day. Thé Afternoon Soumise. elegt. M Bae',ChairipsuOfi hi-h-mUr Day Gônwuttee, then n report, 1w1ieh lWuS Of great *lei3i ewed.,tàe history of 'the moveme, t us on iiehalj of-thxee l 2iruily reoromended that thi.él rda~ go lite effeet o n a, 'lie i ilÉnnuWere simo urged tualities. Pt "-n~zt Gompém L., wa9 reoeived witb ent1uia4 counted himieli fortuiiste in bel ~tLtart Cà,promias P"Blung 'over thii ht --n-t1be'eo.rier dasaof tiielln't blusineas, th e Yreidncj'ointéa the . P. L. conventon e t a &J sgiven oi4b dgtoS ýWeutmçst ri»peot for'P"ý4 of the Tvxothtasi ofM NatI LCIFIÇ,-- rsionMa $18800 Returning includlngb main n Trsp¶ àit ansd-itit1onaï got exce~~il uto on Nort~h Bay in) r0Ood oet mto cud ing U-b it f~rocto an4 Cardwe»fl t or hrPointe la manitibain on* b0er Sy oto bstet,t lm .' - wilI pot b. Isaued at s3anumte llek Ane.tor 'P..,C-PR.TORONTO, ONT. q M-c Uj3o,4kuove4" ho ayst withý bitternes, "ni isadf. iqi cd b. iet- erssed, M m ad shfld lthe" fukit *0 qg li#nra, Jg &s 'egar.- *ipe it eut. I "Y it cabmly; aet you as oh, pètent tobacool wbo, knoig ally. You cannot ropair by fllfht. y@ur Virtues, oeii $Peak to hghly in the. injury j'ou bave doue; youvIIrmt yo r1rlse add a abarper, ut!ing th 'it 'by -pubdy 1f~ l£ iS ahl o)imd You are no, iiul&4,es.nei yP you bav % O, EM9xquis ! ot.li, fliPrI is foi- proved yourtèei tbo mucj - à n; y and eurses the maduesi 'rtbch bug> think beforeyen bet çbveryto Mt va- as 8140, iitter1ïltrv afiYy, anfd ging, every finger pointmg iut tll man tramplod tipon that'sweetest gxft whieh viioso love you won by decit andthéi- goda eau give, a maiü-love!1 That cealrnei! Bosidos." and bis lips twist ,,Olgar-baa effeced ail tiiat reason, love ite a païnful $mile, "why sbîojý'd ai-eteicct-iet do-lt dispebi etat aside al you have played for? Yo t reumining SYMPtome Of the ir mme the IMarchneas of F]erudale,' tbis tepassionu-but IL sliewâ, clearlv, as. 1.x your houge, your settleamet deeds beneonda>'alun, how great a 10ol he are iniry awye's band-alroady ngned. 'ý Yosterdsy 1 revereeed your simple, gn- ?r, Wi*thft- grenu, beJeans bis elbows erous, ebuîdlîko nature too deel to, onlthe balustra ,de, sud his head on ai% apeak of -sucb ater;to uiglew- <bauds,- And there liexema*ns smoking and lng what I know, I1ceau speak out -I p Mtntunilthe->daw*-cornes creop- bave made as ample, and more ample, h llwlroin tue esat, sud tbrc>ws Its provision for von. than ilVW h& g&raYi 001(1lig&MtOn ' a thon à cold and score ci ,lawyers ut'your tZpi> m'k*asi4tS owu. this iyu ,yU cu»t bavee it-ybu - t' & 5wild, simost bliDd haste bave robbed'nie of mîy heart,, do niot .kiiuie orossed the bail, aud go" up thxe take away my good naine by,_Ieariùng PMattaircase. yourhome" <ne-o'r two of the servants are mov- She le nt the door, but -ohe hesitates '»8 abou lIuIJy, the butier, crosses -a-oniothing lu the word. or-thé toue» hi twy u oeny sad et the Iast word, touiche3 ber to the a11*14as bS 51P'55Uf l bim heurt and wrings IL. With a low ziy, a",pA maidservs*ut, eômeg Item eue of uilkai nto a <oncli nd bides ber face. rom,îtrIabcl gaut uîhl ,,,Vane turna wîiter than belore, »sas MY, Ia4y«cs ing"h.cridr, mnd passion, alread.%, bau aspeit, tlisif t wem gds a Iît it±e thin - snddenly like au èxhausted" haine, WtXiàg I 5 ny M. nhépy woman. ne groan he strides across the.reoiniand, 'l'hem re isaftly aadIlhtS Upheki kneeling beside lierlaya li&e burniug by glcaming statuett<' along ail the Cor- band on ber b;re armi.' rWars4 4sud Jeanne remembers ber way, 4'Joanne." h. irethes fiereeY, eey or bleds it by instinct, --ud At lest that you love m-"reahes- ber own room. -As ah. culer. tic boudoir Mr&. Iloin- .At his touch, at _tbe almost gavage en- g is.$trm g À. ergyv of hiît W«& fô %ùdiïaahAl MddeS wu v lghlt t atnyldy a speine to her foot. ýIt ix ber tom now. <>ol.y' ë Sy$; be tops suddenly, "Do not toudvm,"e. rat ,ai t rncl dubly tJeaie's white face ai tbe- p#ssionate indignation' of a wohai U Soerud blang jn hre-yes. «Do not M rghtý, sayir Jeanne, at randoin. Col u= er une. ý :oihave dveu me a liait ~Ane yett %itipg for me? %% ho are m=4, but 1 have solise to remember what yq? is, remember. No, do Inot 79u have accused ime of. Voii-you -<, ÜtJink I -mâMred vou for ail thk" antd "tu't 301 J la ip «îûi lèt me conib the waves ber baud with a »cornfui gse*- tare. "You think me tIaisç, and trceiutheie ,hrr4 -erous, sp4d secewtL <> Ye iandrd »PiSe e nibut youi Wi li ot $let - ïO!, But itla uot true tha beoeiM-,ved y4ou blt*a n4 tcke otu doou-s, sud tti.h, d tUndq",e!_Y4 oOMlikè, falls upon lier -hue., anW 1,,. -46, Into ILpassion of tests. *eale 1 ai i l aiaI II» I *rYth o6ita Sa .do~yete - * bm~t~si htaéd Yeu s1Ineh. r *eh ÏrÉe kik JiîiànÏ l hom m e asa suépaus enougli for both <of us. ohave sas ilpggg moen tbt èi-it ZWMs e1p a 1 cared and lhor fe ythe, aoun vil gt. ýi ýyouWlC" 1 May go UWàî"eful lieavtnt1»Ilail*exlaIMatram- -ritl ye ou tha t4 1a3ar 11; à Iblin* "hage. ~~mi4 r>n Wlh a &Ob b Pré"eàiW lu t b RIke tha, alreà4yl i1 Qat ilM-io eyes id m zores t0WImï, .the. ~l Ie 1wy,*1q~ tba ~j igoe4 **àt ia-'y Weyl tipi' ote. i le bê word btawom«,, viii vom ~s.,ri adrantae*v ~er isto oieev r of theroaoe 1m-lu Young tea, i e v e_*a , Moat of theiedo~y .oe.m m- -Butfof, course ?ePtion tbat provethie nd.Film. their. wniy intô the groundii, sSd w.re c ross ,nle awn MO,ýri ig-1- d make ny m 1 ',aid Clarence; - audLord Obarles, tbrow- ing hiq.t gi9" aOa bas to s servet W qtiiedif vistors hadsrrived, tad beMOLadyPeuale, my lors mad.re arubarleb theeeuuàrroouL*t' time, amd kUOcked et thie door af on. 0f the dres ing-ropuiuattacbed lo 4hssquît* set aPart for the marquis and lbis new1y,ý married wif&'- *SICK(LY' u *More elijdrén di. durlng fleIl bot weatber month ba ilu ot a*l'ôêIr rse&. son Of tie yma#, 1Tler vialit 14b..a at its lest e, a, uui ttact 0f nhoea, bir4fu r troublé ýumi 4ive,* IiU; for this FrkSôu, nuQ'lîome Wwbbob tbere ï re vou. wi~itout a box- lie *ge~iu I-A Toté Cigsr *toiè. bas £brandi *ftii Anti.$wvearing Luge, vii... <omis a fine ocMýone ftuitto té «UI "ord- 'The, ýtherý .~rdx8 hc i~ Sévmtma thoumd ud ma Ii b meed êtbumyeaurto barvest the . *bea t ltii grmt- Northïw «t- -Msigàyote ynilI go from Ontaio, a great number «f ,Wb=, *vi eoture. pàittbt # oreoler,, eIothi latest KUalted1 Statua millionaire to seenre on.e 0f' Eàglaud'. a umeatra-l4 omes"ý-Teum4e Housua t XariQw. Ibe.mlllonnir co&-. r e m n'ô fe¶er tha' iiShinr sud.Ïine labor uin ,Gea iian wltb a total memhership of l,005il1o" of whlêI nuniber 1ËM64 ar women. Tiie aggr*gste imoome h about A0;ad the. en)ensO 8~00002,um Iit *1A,, 00 mna b. la id eade e very er te aveU VAV~W~UI~ wivu -as gen -,to Lhim rôlethie wr indemnuity :received- Chi= O t= enyears ago> Of M20.O0 ýtrpxubf-r$1nt eostates, which amoiut. t ýii Toeats ,-eovering a i a s of I2 4 S acres sud-valued at *512,48780e, st ;1Q0ý mu see; An ïail *1,2zoo0o. Thus, hlà yeuxly net i'corne amountu to*7OA0 The. Mkado te 54-7eëirs -oîd,, sa. eetý tail, atout, and weigha buà 0 oni mreaHarukols. two yasbssenior. Tii, couple h l 'aid to be,,avery' Iovwg oiealthiouine rowuPic auoi ya 4e net thi.eipe-o. Ma~~asor' the repocxrts 1oerres- pondeita t. date shows cniu&al Ing OUf froua the.good IndiatlO"ns of pro- rios rpors. tgus diseses are bt- glnang t. bsow- erlougly boùigh -1àse are »et ailprerleut-as nsual - ' Apples -vill b. aW lîglat cp, probably, about 50*.per <ent of luat-yets 'a <t It Most sot be forgot > hweuu h-' And i iBryso *attae] thin Young, or hIm <'qual- -vell, Î>1 ti tiia 1t Anad 'f -i ~4.. 'I ~./ 9S0F9 Its FRI wilI be c "j -J - . 1 à il 1

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