Whitby Keystone, 31 Aug 1905, p. 2

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k k But Japan9. Demand for 1küdenity Thrcatcauà "te - Wreck; torsfewenëe. Z4ohey Lënders of, the World May Refuse to Mali More Loans to Ether, Powor. iL, report.: Tii. per lent' Rooseveit 1ooIm4 in the. onis. -ne stan l*g countries, inàiittng treçeo shall Dot fail. gd Jvi-ô,; the breach the Id.readi have emson, 1 of Ichurlan Kaliway, and- that properties Uorth 1ebdsiormous auns wtt! corne Into ý;the banda cf the. Jajpanee by tii. sur- reOdér 40&tii.';I4&*oTung i-,penînsuls4L vii . ed that Russia bas joue as far on ufrod o! cnonsson as poësai bm. fdr ;an Unonquer4es oountry.' Qutslde, cf diplëmatic cire-s there are few' '-wio beUeve that peace wil coe rne se « !ew atalce their hope on te alal pressure, whlcii th" claini is belug'exerehs..d upon Japon by Àmnorenu-and BFitlib, cre4it ,S. ii- tary ,lekIe vnmr wartlke thani "-er. A high-officer o! the general staff? bW ave nôthtoï. to ]ose and every- thi gto gain by an<ober big battie; Ti qualtty iD thé trobps and the commafnd- ar>s astly Iz;proyed ince tbe war b. f gan, W*bereaa tbYAst o.( J ipan* ook the 'A1at the. outset. TiM. ay1,Ss sie. vthhbas not ar 50fa me aamand oa the, 4rth4t-sqcces. ilnish Jupan,'s Ithat d ils5irOy ly froim tiie ternis pthe President r,. luInexictly4 howar und Ti a 'Mis. Honolulu, Ang. 28..TbawSefie d.atlh of Mr#. Jane 8tanford àbasbeen-, oulBe<J b ya esTip1t7 pufiebre to Mei cfeàthat representatlvei- o! -tii. Stanford estate praetlcally offered mn.. tory inducernents fo local physitaut» t change tii-dr opin1oný that strjehnlne ç&iiscQd tiie deati hiof Mis. $tanfogr x allegdthta the bill of $150>ofo Dr. C P.N'oo:% ho prfore te atop o umdpayrnent by the estate, on the groîînd that the territorial authorities should hâuve perforîîîed t-be autopsv. -Dr. Wood declared iehowhis ernployed on be. hall of th ecita te by *Pr. lHuiîiries, andj the latter iaid that bie cone,-idercd tbc refusai- to puy Dr. Wood to be -ornazing, as hie conalderc.d the npioyinent of a rivàl autoupsy phyl -ician to be proper. Tiie Star, in its story of l-'tidimtter, saya thiat In different Ilnterviewi a 'tepre. sentative of thoe state Indie*tted to ie psIins that it. wûÛl& bês.isatr t. th'e eitlate Ul they ýcoýz1d ~ys,~h thoi.ý%lle ercet1 d-té i suc ventd and ,Dr#. HuwpreDy n.W Would bc.-pald te,. amoUnt o tel0 llm AUthree<doctort are prep*ripa otate iet -t6 place their ,ve à on o! te scen. tif le Wath et tbe fcase1bd«., épublic "'u Jufieation ,f teedcso o~en Notontoug 0fr! ?ok h1s6* O nu- *s A.Toronto 1< , reer Rfr 1 frm tbe iotie th"n htr,-third gatlng fosses in conuection with ft4eim-l 'If Th ial, Mir. Trusda lee a 14 i , wandered frein ber hû#iný ý*iý DY ltivoer to pick berIe,, and beben, I xeli k,&i aIng, for thé, past ten k-s . tw v4o 'T. G. iMathéist 01 WiuU'lrr. b a$ s4pr.attmaml a0j>oited Ju#o et handr Tomoto stretqallway 4uip143eesa' ave su agreeil to a voluntarv .tax o9 11for theO Ml4fldtt*B benefit of/éveryfamliy of d.e.ed Men. W aid dé berS. prun0 oIo A paàsegerm nd in , b 10ot Plit-ha*Bay next Mass. Waskilte ut ppiê reek étA. The Grand TukIaiwyCh4>u unced,4there iW halq appliid for un lnjunct.ion reitra!îigî sosankl Scott qtriking rnachiinistq ut Straiford from îii. ber, tblat «iIld4 terfering with wo«rkmen at tire sh-ope charges 0f b there. aautti ip IV. . W.Cason, of Milford, N.IL, jws formeriy Of Toronto, son,()f 'isrttredl$o u MVethodrtt ruitn'ter, lha* noce p4ed ï Cali Umites fi*oni the to tlbe Chur<ch'o! Our Father, lJnitàr4an, Ott.awa.0h0 8lW The. plant-of'ýthe Cnd éhnr JIU Ib5 Company ut Point K~dwurd waé disver. Ad ob, fire, ut 4 aai. There are;;!o water* éfe ii. ; ou works there. The'>'btilding *04as:totaly destroyved withcntns usqlOo. LUargés o! fraitetlMn tt sf thi Metho$st hurlshavp bp" ma4,é against lier. Oh n Ur mt rogt , a up r siding at Hoehelaga, nre,-oisp out oft4the -elebrtlïon of thoi.ftiùdlrage- ecremonylu a, sho*wwnidow sonie, monta ino luwhlch flint genleman; ýatiel'at. --ay ugat nl0ib ýýb011CXmpbsI vii. bas lo- btic 'Wx lns *hIa te.j3at, 11. DwI WtLUbSodt plau@ laHat týNntUd, mafl; Wbe eiihe III#t Olt. sralii $ Uatc- -Camebell Morgan sét t h itm thas s a u tuocI>tz rgs eiAt I âot 1 s. bers span& mt tm é " c'ah im i e " man thï 4¼ i ui c~ ih do -th.fr dut ,A a r wOsqd s .t 'w .4 r in'Atlantlê City luti wuid lis wiilesal ie ,lsriipt ti ,Order. 0'zp0 !h of truet were riie4t reme Ouei Ttms ed ropnenant MoAufù ibecùt, pen*r a, etf , cxstýrv . ë, oee 1 the ~ctta~4c * i 0WI~ O POLL 4f N>Rtê SM <BùI~ (iu&oo CspW~I. ,T1I~fr ~pçmgr M~ 'oe i ay Gan &eSaI e&tS. Uonà,,tb4.mattqr would.--bé placet befor* th ~prme -Court e~u.~1 <h~ sgalns t ti.Order filed- ôîm 3onday,» h. .would .pas. into the. bauds etofaàrev- It was agreed tbat, tbie upreme Qoupoil wss to abandon the - -objection. meresou ~omêpaw&2t,. fqmulate a )tan for a -rgu4laton t'ô ooi altera bo&nt coun<cib s agslnftqutur. tyranny of thi. 8uprem counciuY il ny incor-et, but uany et thé. birbôrs ge en on thÏ Wea ost , are not, supod to be. nn wIld on Orahain li argly myth-toal. M -auy rater thcy- are tow reduded to a*bout 100 head, and!1 thé prasut wa.wth -th* assIstanpe, of a eowbo)y la khhllng -tiiem off tafid- -4'~oJ1an.tsdeue1Yweoded. Bush fires wm rsifýg o qa an d Ma~$t,~z t~ne *, sud S kidegate i thensot Izizenu .quantli ttsf flié ire vl.ibI# varywbes inu mre TO D- tldy 1 luti. aaiiesie ekxcdùr~.but ~urhefbu.nthat 3ft. wlte, lis as yet '< f> usituation stomd>~L~4ywe r 1èconferenre a4joîîud utnttitl tra, But tbe Pregident 4diod srene - carrled ibts Appeal for -pmaon to 4be thieîne, .o! the Romranff, to the. a-tblor ôo!th dreani of rodued arinamî'nt, md uisiver-J Bal peare. M'>sadr1ver,' th - hiour audiene withîi . > :eila .steray, uritgil'everv"titte wl-em ,ed{duImt ; lt.-lb..#aýy wero ecç,Iaining to encil otuli:-r fthir Ir- reconcilabla differente%. înay have pmme. a deci4&ng factor- Tli1ere le yct nô chue tb t e epoilFe- Nr. -ý?ytr- eye Ifo*dUm Zmperor Nîchokts. but It,,Iera1yu Yresidtnt floûoavelt'sý,' -b in a posit ion to- d&têdMw --If the Ënlperor detiinte4 ab%ôo lebld there mnay be atill Unie to ýokbo for-a lamt appeal te or tract the %var inde!iaîitely at 1t - -rimîllions-in ilaoney and .thou i O! --llves%vith- po suretytba-li-nt lla 'ti >,ýble, ubttçver lber nIlIIt,v .vý OOOL ibute (roihe :Klýw, too, ilu ti.flual1 tugt ; ý,thfltso! financier; vj Çwhiob i as been oinv Ji- ý'snatiqus. ',o country cet. "'Ilenioney Icledracf t f% h ave alreacly nhîfown a ijel \peace.lneoiscunce- !MS*& t ieo*4 banÃ"tikfl4i l t t - I -~ e Rail bit i ~t'I .âd e Urne strë 1 and 'A - - *1 ~ - j 4, Ill, 1

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