Whitby Keystone, 31 Aug 1905, p. 4

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lu pecIallybuayý iit' k ý,W-fatôx1, £"d -18stalt- Ing ftMvei ôrý ax new men -ab, w-oxk SJohn- Drydn& iSon aré Oelbin g »ine hf ad ut .càttiea ild4 a numberort s heep at Torolotm.! Rev- . EL ýBor>and la taklàg -Jbs aaton duringt the month eof Se-p' tomber. ,There w1l be nu srle In- the 1redbyt.rian chureh next Ue.Johîè Harris, of -Prince Al- bot, 'preached at both serviCes ltu the Met hodiet churchl ast. $, unday bI Lii. absenue uftne opaster. 11eî. tbias. Adams., who watr cooducting tuesevics.for that dxiv at Littie. A leek ln the tiaïn neoessU ated Iet4ý tlIng tii. water out of the pond, a.nd. the milll was IdIe on Saturday. wrhile tar 1vr being made. Mr'. Ired UlIlldoy etarte3 on a trip te Výlancouve- 1,hià week. He wlif rtlit friencds lu Rt. PoiPl and also at- tenld th c 3. ý,ehiltIon. He èxpects tW r tueb -yýVWlnnpeg. 14r. R. C. in é *b9ohaumbeeD irlalting re itvwhr luOd te3'o fr a -tr Urs. anJ l Ir tel' their parents -here< À. nnmbëj rntvbre attendedthe Fro Kebod4 amp meeting 'at the, th on. 8auda. Mlons-M..LJonefi,, of Toronto, vie- lted! oter Sunday -.wlth her niecsu, Dr. Q. N. Flshi lu now euJorlnWai f ew'holidayp. Miss lioutiey.,o! Breoklil, la visit- 'M rentis herc. )gr. andi' Mrs. :Wm. Emepwon, of ÀAudleyit ut. Sunday with Jos. andi ThUi iMi. lloucher bave met retur9ùrom Berlin and Bespeler. at ter ýnz -"peut a few days with woti~ more bar been learneti as to tIIW ýhentity us zhe party who ordered 'ant htad ShWPed to Meclinu & Poucher'n 'iddret= a lot eof mer- chindliseý; -The varions whoiesale firme Interested 'have sucogedeinlx dispoging of the fshipuients to the vartous local deeIers. Thle toorlvnj ianfrom .the OrIlIII Timesandi refera, to Consétio eGoog. ^D. 'fôrtuerl.ofu Cedar Dale: Lat iiuda a êiJofj en oucame upi A Ip daeto make tqme ripaire Pt &T.coê1 chute. 4!, hîng uad 'tui d , klower roundi l -alu-t ring.1 *,ai vltdhie I%5k-, Mx. Cnaît. $oc ~ I ~gine was badiy wré5 - night near Columbu, #Ç gully ton teet de' Mn¶ » down with It '%vas f fly, <hough it lei lit- nôt louely laj'xr~'. ý ctent c**a lamÎ-te doue te th Ïgine leaucit de- flnttÎ>iy knowil ai - e tiqeof, i#tlt- Ing.e4nIlt can bardly,-*of-&D a v- useuseries o# t u wJal.oimeu m île. nleEd gpendlng thweek , vaitln'r tber 5 ,friend. Mub- rin4ý - à ,c AýB4E ,- 0 , , t_çhqa n DzA B MiS , è ad Oee. e tîe ro 51 a datiys tua weck. MIS bvalkenburg vlitoie ereÇ parents ep Saturday and $unday. Mr'. Elljih Bodel, cft Bruuam. arvi- àlt<mt nt Rev. Totikin'6 reently. tioine troua here are attending the faix' ai.Torqaite. %1V. Tonkmin prfaciied at Sandi. lord on Surday la exehango with IRev. Scout.. et-that 1;iaoe. Mr. Thomaas Cuflen han engagiet with Wee.. (ce for a. month. misses Gertie Ulbauxi and ieLoa Date îvlisite Ili, I.taei Wilson on Monday laut. Mr. Wsu Maruihail visited at Ales. Moox'&s un tuuday. Foin f rôm here attendeti the bai'- vest home nt IJroughara on buonday. CL A I EMONT. i Mr. Dunmn Mactiab lias returocti home alter aîieading a -coupliet uvoek with Chttthttw rientis (àa it aprutwtdîon of, hackntesaxd olydo«fl; tee, i3O ln fluxnbe', Uic epro-" îaexty out iauwi. a pa*»Od Uaroaagh t lie village on âî;;Itiy. Tbey uerè eshippiedti Itm oe the exhibition. Mesu.re. Thowuwiw ro'ggi Wallcmo and WWna. Pugiiut bore on Thursti.iy *tu Ctiontrv. A sa.le JouI1a4 Mr.':Bail, (,Ur 110%v -h,001 puinoi began bis duiîe un onday ?Ther. wae a fuit. attondaunme There lu a change lun u Mr'. itarr bas aolcl ot t(4ýý Thonijison, a uotolIý Mien Annie Leaper houme iter 4.7 01iipof' wc.eks ln eebrni Qnlite a nuiber wial a à, eo.'%Ibktion trot» aruan4l Mx'. Ândy Jotaouit î, ui iC# ter ,have'gone tte vlto trip. MUr. Jolsun bona, hi ln the, West, Mx'. Bail, et WitavabW, socureti bY (hoer veacy on tho ea ounr scuol caua.ç,d Ur'tM' A- uunber of In3 -aeerch for tout. wonz out te bd tout $5,. i of a mueA The. conti ou tbeat- beinsi t iq town contre Che * from i>icgerllg,ndu runmIe. Graduailly th e O.T.I. are. workîng te runnivig fundayAfreights ý,along tUis divisIOn.* L*isl Sunday a..'doubie hoer w" ehonhwth8 ars ,nà maido ýa mucii noise about it at lUxbnldg. sBpeotators d t orosse m4olv. Rip Vau %XýîkIe us a'luky m=n, when he calme bock iiùd found hig' w1(e marrled. Su lis Jamçs FParewelt, because he bas two wlves, andi yet escaped puniehumet on charge or ,bigam. 1 Pth woî'ien were-1lu police court. Toronto, to teutl$Y agaIn* blm. The tirht wife. Sarah JandeMax'. tineau. sald she married hlm In Port Perry fia 1871. They ReUparated.riad the lafst time k;he saw bhln was le, a Mchgan town, wbere he was ar- ralgned on cha.rge of burglary. ne wl sen tencoei to three yéars. As ghe did not heur f rom hlmi. after he obrveti hie torm, she sm ved up a dol- lar. procured a divorce andi marlieti &gain. Wtt e No. 2 w&s Elizabqthl Jane .\axh. who ClflIit o have anars. rieti Foreweili ast.Marck. ln Toron-. to. Fa.rew'ell, 'in bis îetenve, saiti that h. bcd bea.rd tut his wife bati been grauteti a. diorce.He thought ho %"aeat iiberty -to marry *gain. Zie s".d Misi NAsh Induced tli te marry ber. T1 weNo, 2 dealeti andi waà il-gréat-,indignas tien. He waS acquitted oÏ thei.bg- amy charge, but wab~ held' nutIl ah tfleer arnlvod to take -hlm back to WIltby, w"ber, ti la wted for breaeing paroi. Ho,*vas boght tg -Uibrlg*u testand ftIai for au- gault, but owing te tii. absence of the, seond wite. ho haaWat haxi a iiearlng as «yet. kdklo, ds :show 7e, pay part etatl~ anti abie Bt~ ouf! sesVyioK ueitw. CDja thisport arn4ý ~;> ~çi~port. This visitofuthe"'. olfielile bas t~iIdteuo , andi al (VO SlOùW qX the QUIi vIe té heér -of un~~p.~c oeet Like theo Japanee. however,rai!wtay efficiale know Iaow tOe op sîlsit. TIier. roPresw ,la-, tls iyeck-s'ui3l pending pubulcatlon, la aorlor tô theo hoeditor W holiday. About 3 &.m. Monday mornlng th~ Dight operator at "thé -14- tln- q ceiveti a buti Soax'c.. S1even or eii~t Rugainsor 1Dagoa wem, out on a trap. and paffalng theo:atatlon tarried âovule to rubWber. As thýey' peereti throng b thtIgflrgeoutin,4i doWs on the youth wftiain ail tbo- thnlliing epliodeu et a. diaiiê -ovel Lol up flauheti b«efhis iu1ài. Re grabbed t#gndtemn *no surrencdr. , *1 bloxi as sheti,-1mw. no chance -x(oplle.nedou Great difflcilty ebeu ep lenceti wlth 'thé.soyons o ao avenue. Thé tirêt anti ponsb1y moiti troubleseme obbtacle-,was the. water.. The. grounti aloug by thei. ,Pre0re.' terlaà Church vas, vory sprntuy. aniâ alter- pýmssng throuth thait great. boulders vo-'. enconatteoulWbIch e. quireâUui~btlus. là tact trom ,the1 rais et tise Jil lt la, & m-oUd bédot0 aton@, and tii. work lBa Auvanopwg BRADFORtD. One d"y labIt.week. thi. gasoelîne andi Graham evs dimaoeed to a very nêw, oat it ous. la ithelr Iaunoh.. - RSBANK e BTJRN e Clear- inake For Ladies. Laiswater proofs in colo ra' nakVyb1uý*:and fa'wn, regu-- JIrprice- 83.50 > $1. 00,.clearig saI $1498.- ý Ladies' lustre erskira nayblue and black,.réguar $3.5< L"is'whté itIwu vaisa, regular750 -foi 49c..,They are trismed with tùek-and-, liiaerton.- Crash towelig, Tegua f8 or S e ad 200 yrds pooitb.rad ia 1>ackerd witod nmer 20cyal râ - nblckr wht, ldnmbe Folr .Wn.e '0fr .8 Mou'. wat raoofe, regulr.i. ,$35. fr 18 lKeus tweed,,euitii4-rgular 85,0<> to 80.00 for $3.50. ~[ei~~ over h tbI. eit, s4,spýo 48 -41 Boy' ~iier~ail meu ngood 4roýë- tweed, regniar 7 W.ý are peed toai su at 500 on-thie ai On &aturday w. ve< eâlha nan vi Il f vSn >our lustotuer that we7 bave' huesof groceries wbich we ge teaý - after i e ICI The waut of e .lour i 1

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