Whitby Keystone, 21 Sep 1905, p. 2

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pUm w- loir aftc-rr,.& ~*1ti<efollowing m'e nidluhl ri-uvand -suff-ret ram oubli. X *eMSll- vid i!tien Dr. lu-rer wv u *xnet i eneult .toî~On Sufoe ltie l3aron's ftei-had dlméIto& ('! Morîday it vas hîgiier. 4s 1 va.9 thought eec"i;ury te dorin Opmration aU t vas fcî ti.dt 'auabs> cecss wa.s foi-ming. 'oV "*rhe Baron's a itjotu- jeAt prtmit vvry fav(>rabic. As 7.1.,- Wl iii mde' no formiai diagnc>s-l as tô tRie ,fowu, but wc are atiffdying thii.' "uuptms 5"d-a. n urse cveu-y houy Ila taklnt** tient'- teînPerat tre.' 4AIoé lr6lr Wbo n-t pailes eft roepm trom Tek-le TWeyrh e poted on.guir the onitàtesani& ther poin quiet bas beeu reetore4. TEEM =As& EXPLOSI r Wujeas of fAI«sLOt-qer A au 4 vhili bge; misral Toi lkmsa vas destroye êplodoen Oet ber Ma liout last Ionday t pueatuly Kt antïis ua&drefI et liml 4. er ci-evaitti menir )vent to thi resces. 140 tovi, wie lias at aIl &,bd JA' Regrets Disturbances and Hope$ the fflËËýon -*à ~Fully Realize Fruits 0f1t y4tpncrelb- Leading Business , Men of Japafl Orgarii.- to Develop Home,,and Foz'eidi 'Traà4 Baron Komura's Condition at Present favo*'ablé« and No Operation is Needed. A Tokia ceLle despate.h- Ie a speh Witte, Baion RoDsemu, Baron in=uaý before the Local Governnrs to-day, pi- . su1. Takahirs mier Katsui a mid: ~A OI.' .*' e i'pgiatiokmebrought about t.hrough the good offices of Pre- T'he Portsmouth Treaty sud" ne- Kadnt Roosevel4 have been conculded. JpTet eb uuse During the 20 meethe of hostilities the Punis cable; Tbe. Fortebas wVjr was sucSeufnlly carried on vith aln eceived a -cileic inromtii elle*, untcd nationsal support. Youn coi-nest Mi- erat Tokie eBayi that ' as and efficient efforts ia guiding the peo- becil re-establisbed, ua h to cl f youir respective bocalîticsaxe fuliy " , pr'l't , 1~ under iniltary %ê recoguiized. Nov that poeebus been re- ~It s tuýe réîWtetbû toete. ist.ored, -your furtiier efforts ai-e desin- inaking puble tet etfthse Bn tre.aty #Jbe in dealing with pont bellUin mes- ,e;i-,~ sd Ti officlilis ere were àdvised tbat,,t'afitit sures no a to afford full play to the pln ste make it -publie J- edtn enterpi-isiflg eoergy possesscd by the an w iolaut Menday, but J aséked nation in so nemaikable a, degree. fete tt~,p-e î~ n "'neinatonal cnergy mâait be s e intenaldîsardeMUM-it User.- guidda utoe s'n-lseau expansion and "onarranged to let î on g devebpmeut cemmenumrbie vitli the e,,,i- S: luontii, 1rbe u im gs"Ile0fe eitent of its victories. the. texUaof thse trety of aUa"- andi "It in highiy regrettsel that distur- ef the Portsmouth treaty wlb (i banm. have occurred in thie caeltal but. cialiy communicated te -thie g a t w. hope that youn lamâUie vii remain the same icie, a* IMe t»r ïen tae et poe. expected te ceunt.erblauice ea*i ether "Iln enforeing restrictive measures with the Juýpatese publie. Howe«, it ia ovri thie pi-cspromulpgteà by am ut- *le i~~4oî e.5, 3q nese geney ardiuiance, yen aan requi-ed t e ce ilion thie tgatâe" y' I - te a guided by inederation. We hope that un- postpOoemhent the. public&tiOn ef tlsefr der,- youf experieneed guidancethbe la&- texta beyeuid a men b.lu b'e 't tien i viifuüy i-caisse tise. ruita f et it i "id that the fleur.Anfflo.>anffes vîcoris."alliune does, not ceptaîn Itaout- .tds e tà~ mnefcituieIs itie ~usuriss ~x these depah 8eP0,I, ' u UUM MNditien thre ~'ma .e ParuOrgaisaton t Devlap ~ lauqt'5 keoven olyl"te i. oàtfflting FormOrgaisaion o Dvelo Hoe an itics, and wio ;411 Dot be-{xnade puli- Foreign Trade. lie. - A Tokia câble despatch gays : In spite ZS S . 1'f YT mmnoe. cf the strong undei- current of indigna- tien pei-vadiiig ail classesci-ci- tho cFan_ terres of peace arranged wit.h Rusa, ~b fKrtine SJae W1Ss typical business men hero are teliowing ' 1511151by tb.-Pt6tC9R- a wiser cuzac without repining ever A London &ble»tWean encmenlt en accomplished tact. An important or- *that thie protoeci 'Of the' arîniitice Ie-' garizati on nepresenting 81 leadieg bus- tween Ruasia and Ji?*e Pre'Vi4d that mness i.tere&ta hem been formed unde~ti-th right of maritiînë capture$ is mot tlie presldrncy of TI. Ivade, à million.- usp.uided pendîug tRie ratification ot aire, mwhich aimg te wvork fer the. devel- the ti-eety, etume 0ute t lyda opinent of home industries and foreîgn flue insurancê rate on steamers boun. trade with redoubled enerT. A signi i or mane'hur ian ports wbich Ycgter.Iny tari fetur cf he rgaizatoxi is ere cnly 20 shillirgs per cent. have tint fitre ofuth ! ealthy and iceu sr rise te from .3 te 5 0 iuineas. A few i-at ive element, reprosenting an enor- veae i ihru'i&n caprtîgrisred mous coînbination of capital. Ienedfointeer- po rts i-iue ù-;9nnd energy vii lie principally di- t'h-ae. Ri eî1iei -tht a- rrtied towari thée eploitationo ,QIi-atatubt hd cmsde h wih o reand China. toc apnsu r orgaîi~tio ~ pneare i iscucing the question oft pretesting Vo 'l'h orwil.atin i preare t-fcc.theJapanrese Goe~r.=cnt. oýpesate, in thim' direction with toreigu - (ut itfli~tS.' iR!OTING AT YOICOHAMA. BARON KOKUR. 1WUihd Scènes Foflewgdi And-Peace Sickng w Br ut onRIM - Cetht Yekeiima câble: Durnug thee net- Wet t Boton ingthstfoloWêdtheanti-peace meet- N,,-w York desptch: Bai-on Romuis, ing 7etedy atterneen fourteeni polie tic Ipanee poce cvey. bo i iiia s atin e n reoekelni udfnty olice- 1ahoeky Cltyo, Pa,., sept. - j- Vive thousmndmiewrrsprec i- te-day la houer e rsdrt om litchello vie vis g!vrcu airoislng me' cêltlbb. -,A <jýitar.oft le deumn&tia-' tien was Ve bctng -atthwbead -of tii p7oSCuife'e a large flug by £4 1lituëi orUlmylatReMabciîoy, Valleyvas <t* CO*- ai;'su - $00ewployee# Mac-!g È s à tIay of It. TjIer. urwerco ouîW twe, i sauue [Iwiise precesis. -Tliey ble. VeIi.. i I W.Rihonor o m ire oo i IeeevlLsu Mteel!#su $We . Y j ~ th eett hhofU Iespo, ed'-"I 'h'i èl w1tI -a ï4êvý6 in lu ý mn- biattai u ]ot; le,#et)pai Ã"da, is h ýdifflovexyArI~&U~«.W.hid~ er rlyfe- womanr camne to, 1ýlw Yvrk City, frOni , itb sh- o er o g, an t Ïlr'W brand frmu e A iaýmndi-y mark wB as foumd on somne underwear.ý accrdace itfra.note, wbichmime 'lenhe anëd' btatbng apah&boy «wo! iIE be cs.Ued foie- tii.ooronmer-ba&,the bd yést r ba t là te to-daî it %tas fatihi ,n~Ie lTC aùd atiU lun éÏetifiedo PROH 'TAR W United States Hit -Hard in.-Agriturai and In- moiernltary inaoeuly-xUUkthe uand Of Housisu dragoons wbo ver. forred op 1: l u ei ~Mue àïway (Plhing't Borne contusion tii. JW;lva blinider was repeated,,,The instruction waa mis- !Cterp!eted as S&a order td charge the heargoù è& idrafly -amsi'o the plain, cbeering and waving their, mwords. am& lancesi. Fxpectuîg that the .Charging -regimnet ould .*werve ivien vithin gtriking, distance, *t èe Hesians stooa t'eir gfrb=u& b&ahivtng as inter- ested ,but qîte ',ýueouéetaed spectators- Te. thefr h« ocr*r. tii. Javarians M.id n«1 change front. They crashed kt full mmg were tbro-kh-*nto tcotfution. Many on bbth aides ^ver. 1IùrlB4 to; the gi-ound. The , tmtnn o- vue - unhersed and Every-offîcer, of the brigadiers staf f os. swept gff bit 'horse)'. and' ine- of thems *ere èMlÃ"ulY riujured. Ine ~b excitement nrany .Of' the-, Heselans dmew their ~ swrs dt efend themieleh, ,and bo=n nasty I qundm. werc infliète& -'A nhe*"'woist a&fflé*t7 hapeD o eone oftWesbien of tii. Hessis. A, Bavarin»& drgCx goon, ded- -by thé e-xeitemnt, pf tbel' charge, and ~unab1e là 'ulupbshereinadIvertently 3dird' 1i -ac t rough thi lîeeesntmt body. '-tâfif fficýrs gafluped -up to stop -the, *enfile. Caled ~to attentionby ..the bugle, amusement, scarcely undefstang ,ç'hat had happened. Fifty heres e ý:ýtûgg1lng on- the- eroud, and many of thein were go seriously hurt that they had te be shot. &EVEN BAEES IX TEWOOD. 1Aàizit iNaked, Hait Starvel, ani Torm DÉÂTH'S !ÂVESTHEV. IfO SATO E. Pacifie Coames Fatahities oftRie, 'aitAL ut er WusderuAcros Van-' vancouver, B. C., Sept. 18.---AtOugm à ueB .,,étW i balre d bn-s 'its. aotngsaa cltîgn ae à i he roppln1g 't,î~ Em ry luek oIo hlm ttetï -Antoniolo nte rai-dl ley of Grand Forks, til -trnn tJiedooq tat.u1o~e-u that place otter s hdting ollri-Giun-' of e the AIberniVle sd salik welr'. wdneh met lts death.thi-ougRi care-1 t_î es lima~ ~ ~ ~~Te ha>ln t aemi. Tii art rnk ebausted te the ground.E. s'tk* liicbb. a ri4in1g1geV1. te ý - ev . dindoors andi lt a eu.'btb i ilo, anipy sffâg ioýnfatkgueand mn- me jerked hisesaot1 îthaï tcit teil implba fing from tbeWodsfor thi-oug the. algte- In "thée floor of tbeI yi-e hd vehkcleà Buckley took hl ol, tbtie bar-"romed ancue mad ioums i-el and drew the guin. vpwaî-da. The n1teamnrreiiga en trigger ciugbt in' atat Bthse veapwi 'îlA l ý1 ho went -off. 'Tige heausy charge et 'birduhot 1eulnd, hbad 1 me on kW, <itde, pasaed through the yDug -»a '. it ,ue ii uni* esc te ii hu annit i-m ue us a meplr wîld;rnes intheinterlor e Abo bey nued J. IanA fin. t u Ctýttie isiaïde. he b abt ýthie went wth a party etfIsunters te Neortis Vaneouver. lne dii net hae .a guin 8 uin 4uigcnsue sc oo sh ho plnred a revolver ln bis bot. 1tj.p -tîi tUedmoeyta Wus just nas deadly. 1Thor trigger -eaug be, w"is bat lut ii voo,horyhai ini tise belt asd tihe bijlct. jnîsse4>d dcvii.e as,-s woe 6 u thef csy art ot l#înafin's lcft ssg friutscaly nolyt b me more suld eut again. uhàpebeamly entungld-u li ug for. 'tris. unimpr eason is endlng with a éS. Frtf asho'u9,uteio numer t duti~ b îrewin ~. àai.-out rod. A ÀAew; rottini petitee. found Mci-e, a you:uigreniu b1 tote ma ~tnoned. cam 'kp t l a ifua joùirnaiist, topk tu is l-ite leIn as aîs i~ .ià Cvie.The bodyv as 'discovc lié: t evossu to gire ,ni>. de#îd,,usn'a hbiiaud liv n fisiieràmanarterhoe-Alat it-uuonieurd hàvig eg liuwo weecks la tihe-.ater., suth, u:fvna h vuu tti Tlîý youngg nuinan tarted frem&in a-a% U dyfun îinefluaneal year ago vitis M. erollîn tô Nu*ik round: b-frtsinfeiiatien b. b0A en- t4i %vend for % large £ui cf money et- mnclev~hoe feved by x Paris »iLwsptper. Ti-etwoEx vimte t hé hë,ebetred~ trnmped aci-osa Cacada, from/IIalUfax it wn h tap Me eoe' duting. ie summer band th y er. te Could puirsue bil$4vsy dow tiihe:valky, 'bayesaliled for Australia on !;pt.15 f<at-tii. foot et wb'i'.lc hoIo'nci tilpneIy> tiate that eolony sud t1fien laadubose amn4 satety-. thée vietlUi*etfmental aberi-nation.,â sudP1 CE -Sfb t.bot he once boforo trled suicide. j- Jeseph Warsape . o&d es, isisted on -Wb.t. patient Scot »ii la Improriag clusuging Seats with a counpaMô1 în' wbI.ie _wîat their boat urus lethe, awlrl- et, t14e ar- i-ours ut- 'the -entraneo e, ise lt. The, Portage la 1>irié, man.,, sept 1-. ei-tt Ujsot mfiend seiWýatou s p u~n, for (Ontario, fùirznersiwho 9m#' buta #ve b1iiclt Vtheboat au uBo- t1mes sp.-ak sornts ff theê- ack of as te atrike 'theomn id;u4 lou theftine oai, hed d M-asa'p vu caried %aa~<v~y~up~r ~i~ Whe i.body Mw ç rer*Itise od-~..~< u&o<t 4~ r~ mal" e oknn tuas loue àlef. Iniooi9z# w sters 'Eit t, rv OLakeIlDlli'Smtfiit '@R&àt 'f lWldO of4 1 nIhtU*dh~f.l'be"ios a mu. oa, ed. A #searids s4tà-uh4eo.'slodM*and heure lattr thïse pttt-O.& d foumd. Nothlug as sunéë e. m n on ,,.te et = ffl ' x.. .9 -A. cablegrainfic n: e4me, and adven- tfe eqpape ef Eddie aBVeUL? rM cf his «Mt f'<uiGurin ;ln. Oeyki~ M 66W halt-tq cently-' ,dfx ,your . *ey neyer d "That'a al m'i go for "Hal runs- search,- finds her; '¶1 tier "eNo, th<nl decidedl~' sbe saigoin 'm sadying "Ah, yes, a tourAt?»I "For good with a ku mountebancs bach 'tili 5" are ccniing 1 eaU- lt--ou- A "The. Kon gret Englis nIe- mari are s iffi date, 4 t1*v- areis Vai what w ail «Your ist -If' tReIV'-en 'the ,otber' ' Conel!duted, 111E ARMISTIC. A London cable: 'The ~ar*I~ gatlon tIià eV" nggaire out thes test- et teh BuseJpae. iuasl * i col as toUcata "rtAcertandistine Usa'iOàtm 0t dçm*ui-cticn abahi be lizel betvff tho fronts et t*e ai-mitci et i powers Au mancàisirl "'Seond-TXhe naval-tomm t ime4 t ho bellgrntà ia b ot bomIb#4 ~ew ork Set. 8.-!blgÃŽat floicr.m oreË- tbïn :aXtboua dcarloads of Argentina were rtcelved yeut.e#daybymachinery are, bppedo-,yya. t, i leadiug expert<gra e ,aigtin _counýYtry t e getlfabuÏt here is' that the (»erLntbd gve otice >littie proéfit leinthé t rade. ,Th, prfit! thaï'it was teO jevy a àpro îW tarifft able. eofetthe biuieakeiLh~é to-morrow On al patts of aJgrieùltur&I. port'l e0 spvareprt sed for îreplaî and Andustriil _nuic'hinery -ý,use.d-ini te- o yli the 4uty asarge e s ~izig and cailingonA ri a pn-tau te 25 p« centieie -nmah faeturers te aukte ircaGvrlinery pOe' ~eti u prié- m'eu. t intrvee. ticafly n o ioiorwo, excepët dye A.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~( rwrsnaiêe hoAeis~ x ooda, se able hasý;»o opportunity te jxremsid yeaterdav I M ~o buil factorieji to cope with foreigu hiiietariff gges iptoe-ffeet ft- wil I m iers cf naéhincy. There m'luat be, a hemyy blow te o e a uufiti-mretriek bIidtbis? move. lu~h - .4 a Wet Siefat, where-h h ived 1e-tr te Bc tue n tÉâio i4 show - ed him to, be dead. Gei'wzarrative--the, tale cf the ýîe, ýM W'being èexcept Dreyfus that ulive frcnn DevIl' s land-. la pohps the. mwt. remarkable story ever told by.4etormeclcriminal. T ai. aid; of Cesul aenta and the i. offi s :ed te e=capowbh vasw finally affected W%ý qmthth Wife of ont Thi escape ocourred Mazch 2, and aj. Ver a sêrleAùo~-eoàrîmatie. adven. tures, wIich xucu a four-days triamp ovôr vaàt'elied by Guerin an hie final eupture by Indians, whotra ýe iïü -1 *chOê -tii fËlee a dôneul at Paramaribo, w-ho amugg1N hum on, board 'a. New York bound steaàler'undee tbe niaine et 'Dr. James Harrisen, ef Iittaburg."- etoruy -.ded bft,,Guerin Yor - "vera Wiee aeuperat ng fi-cm 1 be bites of Pojtp » bq, e optered in bis fligmt and frqm' the debulfty thai and then returned te.,Çynupg, but net to his'old hauâts. For twý oreth ba., bas ristbtu theatres and restaurants la Ohicago Many of .,biti old freuuda and tomer eà sociates -have met- hlM, bat ,alinet noms have reeognized b 6m. E. deo ha~h lis reformed for ail te, and that h. will try te liv.amesperu .able fe in the. )IOMetef hmeaikter. -*o-e f Operitore:MIWe I11h bP AllentQwnP&s.. sep*.1- 4s "h ».telé. tuties et tis ? '1'atSà thie que& tion Ut" IIIt lUgitata tRie ada >eofthie thoumueis pon houdsot4h«r oper- ators wlien theyleara of the soties moeting bere ymterday, inht ~hss» ndbol() Theo nov éne1ehsn,1 n autemato device, -'*6nb y' subsoiber caile )What.ev -,,otier e'-sants by setting a di and pressing -A blittn. ýthat ana. »l &-tel enexchaage i-un at ïaof etsr0f,000 coule[be lera-ted b ti. grioa» #tesn for 7,000. The saaei n enteredinltê cou., tb*--v 4.,-"tnItowu- and Eaisietonu- exçha~pgofetthie Consolidat-. ed cônIKbSpped wI4JX the syv Landon, Sept. 1.-The Daily Ep-zress publhtheâ theie flwlengu An extraoi-difl* ai-y st.ery et seven Moxdern Rices in the' wood.coînes fi-cm Ceicester.' Nearly a fortniglit' 9190 a macand wvomamî living le a poomjua-t 'ef the tovil sold -thei- effeets aend leit the plae.- They were the father and motber Of~ geven chidren-tive beys and twoc irls- and nô uspielod crosed the mnds 'of their ncighbors tlîat they hâd net taken the littie enes w»th thei. Then, a few day's cgc, thie police wers luforuned bv a vomis that tlu-ee ragged halit-starveà little ns -sad corne to lier bouse te beg, and urben she qu", - tioned them, told her that t1uCl' hsd ixen deied b, their pnrentts and %Werc caniping out in the 'vicinity of the Tiie pelim,.after a long tearch, for.md tho ceven, budldledl togelluer aslep un- der an Mil' arpet in the depthm et Deny-- land Wos .Almpfie naked. half-st-rved and drty tIti- hands and legs aind îares »ei-at'ta"cl atid- torm by the briars -tliroîîg.11 'hiel tlev had scrambled in senri of b'blýuk- Lionnes and other wiid fruit,- th ie eu- cldren wer. in a deploamble coniÇi n,ý Tii. yEu est Wva baby -cf t Ii-.., scarcelyfuglie te w 1kr, the eldeet- a Vis- enfil chlld c iren Foi- dava they had lived on berrlce--- Franty tare only oCemsionally ri-d hyg crus~ tofbuiead whieh thev lîad begged during tlueir d ily uranderiýn#u. Four have been ad&mitted to the in- firmai-y, ankd thie reunaining thmec. have 4em taken in by, charitable people lii, the' t'own.

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