Whitby Keystone, 28 Sep 1905, p. 3

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vin ~ay- roas bed- ait it oc î t ,C.OOO Siîtri - la-d Thfo Tho. sroi thet i l a i e . O the r 01).z bal. ip liti tek. The Re?- iln2â& t b z il I 1 tb -the world. ___sou IlaIes4pmckes posit ively as- ,t MLie.t i C) rom il,. Boup 0 hOdusty apples ao a îer d w She1ae poars wlicW figut 'ù în te carte as "deb. wbtëh i e e±perientiedoas Le eut' intô tbe" sert," tIse -table d'bote drap ftsIsow 'White arm with his penknife. course te a conclusijon, and the. ladi s If anything, t ja botter thajý svex the having ttrd u ntenn idnetmornîng - eveý-y wîndoW 1~thi. bp> ai, xotiàg tlie ~tte~1,begaq tlOsopn nnesa~ke~%aè smke aIl e)l*&.aJhie pçta for bVva'."uyle aing aap t the quest]I lto order *a cigar i e the atte Io ta an ounce at a loa&. counti-eath ai courteous littie bow, ad- Marveloualy bribht and, f rWdes ai dreosing 33el4J says: look, in hie 3igIite,ôwn uaýk.t M»4 s "Permit mé to bffer oiir ycà1g frid knickerbockers; be ltas bad &a. a nd a cigar,' "'an~d hil cage. tbrown a .11Y or, two; he, bas b"adh d'Thant.' m.laInbsdrc ah breakfast, wbich was compo.ed o'. len; an&43o£Il, qtt up ute o uýýbg iai hn e, us~u44~ tiaja Mopeata litIeëditane f rom tbé elouïdîïs roiand' butter ' h ' Grxay consti *f smdkc; HBal moves ýinto bis chair. tutes that mcii, and iLe hbas brusbed' b "ThUsin a capita 1 cigar" ho saya in cloeI>i.cut* hair until t shines ini the bit outopoken ihsilon, 'Vhe flrst decent lÏnorning sunlight as brightly as Jeanne's. tobacce I!ire had Rince 1 loi t Englant. The -old fruit wornan shades ber eyes Most fellown bring their tobaicco with and looko mter hilfi admiringly as ho them, but 1 Wasn't'-up to it. Soine et the goes down the white street; poasiby stuft tbey ameke bheoli.simply abom- bce reminds her et ber own b., Who lnable;,,they grow it here in the. fields, now lies buried at Graive Iltte In and yen sec t t yinq alýoutie heapeofet bis Uhlan uniforin, wit.h many çt bis' Lay oene wrong. i nearly kilis my comr-adcs oround ii friènd M At Uiccorner oet he. strqet- there - ý istand-s a littie tlorist,'s %hop. Hli ith a An& b. looks at Bell sympathetic. littie, haif- asiiamnd glance.Vo the riglit &Ill1y1, ond the bift, wený In and purchê.seda Teeîtwith a little smnile-which white azalai hcVsIUedmlb. addi-unétiiepr thouand or me wrînkles Vto hind the count.er wa.s kind enot gh te s.r- bis f'ue-sblru" his sheulders. range in bis buttonhole, and 1ie wn Aftér a inie - Past the church, <lownq'nto' the vale "But biie inust put up with some draw- up a long avenue of apple and. pinm back th travel-ias t not se 7" he .575, trecg, and at 1a4 ho setod on t4W lu tht a dm'irdblt, )nglhibh, whicbhRus- grounds of the Villa Verena., idans alône among foreigucra acquire. It wa.n a long, 1ew.Yi~ iec liai iodn.sonry, gleaming white in e0iirigh4 $un- "AU74il U s n't geV tobmccSe, lgL t, and bearing a&bout it -the. &4»aof ciii gejEnjlih boer-the only drinkable 'wcalth and careful atVenfioc bc b btilnd." A huge St. Bernardl, that wms JylDg en Th"c'ui sile, znuedby thkt bit a terrace under the verandah, rose and 4 le.iswt l t.dpa botind.dteward Lum, evidently wlth the. 'Péra h, 8 wit a itt 0-intention ef deveuring Lii», but 1W. p ut katory,'ngu' etthe w~hite hands, ",ou out bis lbïnd and patted hlm, anà Vii. dog, Lare»o*trld Vs boof h emnwa.s se surpriscil that Le stopped <roui. -win"ohinnltsberg. now." "go'-' sa>rp Bal, who had neyer board ing and ivaged Id% tait, keeplng, heu. et tu- k~ng ofhhuîe ivîîce.ver, i'ery close te liaial e cam*nded "0upoe" nthe ceunt, we s the - tf s and rang ý,th. bell. 0> ô"ý'ý asabtle1POA taiilnia ierva.nt, dresseâ la black, otirgpodla~'I~d au a4botle." openeci thle broati glass <oor.' "i'>j, - o r rieï' Save HaI{il. ""thbe Priunc es. nTes Wlthuisrask. Tuee ô~u'Tt seTenefV teclarea that ho cd RL. výili tuot ulIow it»; Hal as emnphatically Intho mon inellted hie Lad. ,ýlâmWatu*h< honer ef ordnring it, and "i Senrir," lie' eplied. .rnulyBell ls called from thec wlndow <i wanoIrwbether lie ràeani "y.." or to, cdnl~~tiLethir joint wilihes. In conîe "o"tiogîtUL 'th 1 diod.a little fat mon, %vith dnlrk Dût thelic îaa e>i4enty naant yop, for, r t%,r 'te 111% 1eàd4and '.'thîlitige I le 1n.1'ed Haîil intue hall, wlîaclî was r, aaad aderîied ivîthi rings, iof w-ite ar>e ihflte ouus ýe , u~inl 'evlirb*e a.lâtdelùD ÜetcilrewCnts. 'hic llttI miain "%vu Hlagve t te man IiLs erird, anil whle _9sof e, rcturning ittI f o W~anACrrIed in, amrusi Jhirneoif ipokIig erg. ~und 1,0w nt the titWlpi ltin staDdin.szi j cli e' ~uîat Le ko, and, NQtb 5uii jolin, andbycne4.vriife o, QurIsie. l'aeut. o sitt anount ed guardei e ihiîi itakes cs~ i lb~rmpresrnîtly the. servat ret,;r»ed, a., T. 7 Lidit in ith a lew bliew and a Z 4l'5 oýf the. v us pogoete ÎTAI Mo IWJUIi40 1 band,, abcred býina lakeroom ttti M*% iýM ti,»W sux ad teeo t he bac~. l e bed b.re!tA b*. sfer.les h wti i mtefut decosatl, uhe a adoor oalm whl, and tus ÏM _i word. and tbe prince..came towaîlla. è4 oer-L 1 t. .,oo -__ iii 0W61 Ilt4 Piru Jrpalcit b«as vi riieu ftide P -eepiag w.ulwiae boon titcd amtI.va" assau. i.lt hu-IaUIte hait w ed IY P ý& t impLaih«4là ~~ ~j~ oAu 4 I mea lis a ma lakfina lloL.aaho ii - le ludc 'l iw. lad oe ina., t 9 h-- - .tii~1~~hlP4le.,d ou, M~1Si. t are. tuhere,"lb ho, p-i 146od. sMre17M Mn sPUre tbhu'Wp jl m j d b t 1RÉ n &uBzoe dae ýshni , peop ou.r T hé tpri tnvii th p r aast"tby n'~ko , Vii0w î 'le 51w ttbm Uiie MseaW dat i.' ~kV te Inohent h"a4turne&- sel In back, euteçs, carrylg a bkt .1 ' . lMce..ooked 4 awtj flowers.questlon ýl'e0c,riessioof, et iuld a IT iprmnSI a ays soe.binga pjj,àu t hiem astbôots, but j e.î- tâ ber, then turne te lm ~ d5t-t tmutOTBbf iilL JT eonehaqstiaat 1t sL P @Q mi lwy . sompamen, and beus; S4tilaygo i1k. tusmualgh-4 iitidab aero 1 tw roomwlhte io*rWm d"It i.édi-teiy; a Za i dJghtful blutEnBa r fI ilvl, e@tia 8 aie&wi Ian eatier.t Mae 7y22Le12* fta 0 Ecaniiet"ab sid, q aetIy "ey c yeti".~ wiîntet bhhlâ Papa la tsèd i* Sheloks t imwitiat9tberauSad "Re»â,fenddtieeOleiuipQW, gs "Oh"n ahe «s," ou swe. Xtaly.z b stimitir Ail hie as âd ~m a[ta iu, yetý l'amEnfflIl.»«cth0 tie- lam jt ~ j~t~i.....-,» l75 arebaulabee; t!thoes',letters s r~ li talian; MY moýtlter ws.. are h. i %b, ase y are e-ediedjin Englsn nd,teetore irmelr mc1ver btray." P*Pa does noV . e oEuglandt'"Àdn udSiicdes L rundertmnde.amy. Bal, sotty. .. sever g u-l emwaaruln u e nait instant tt- girle alpeytE r«writ ng, la"noly roabrac"lot always," ahle repi&. onaesfond et flewetros ThenEal'looked ut ber, wîthajgreat ~#Ye,»hos3', ooig at thiee alea,, ael tptygsing P litshémyt 1vkich'znuai.. Hal bluaL. U(e andame. Shut;p la tuis place witi as ou =a uf tJ ' g a r d e n , " w h o p i e f e r rd -la m y i b te lni b t u d -,And she ite on s 'bth rrace, eerl< swrtln-taleaida *x el célching np algli struw bat: asiLe domm i wio watebed lier làto a cut,-tim, n bÏ]ght,,,Iovely f lower, with the aftIes iM î As l.i oIlowns. nt. the. garden4, be'gise. etfa cfid. To liit seemeel tjSt P4tices tbat the companion bas ctesse'd dafl téo bethougiit of. 8ab t4roosu uadstands at the window, viLla 'Oh Lut l'am, very haPPY," ab.le , -tii a m in aber baud. as if she-ýs shé reaIly did-zead îZbIsN ÏtV la a nuagnifiçent gardeut, wortby oet tb'ougiits. «"I bave my flouera, mand thi tlà villa. Velvoty liwna, set witii g1it- CarIlo uad Floridu nthi tefing be4ds of tiewers, w-lie.celer. are <To be continuel) '.W dâitrasted witb the. pure n-bitÀe-of ina- g~ hie statue. auid loiuntains.,IV.1t., , itn T1~ tact , essentially mn Italiaa gar4len, thoýugii AMA DI STINCT 0P FS. Rai doesn't know iV. . par ty W1ya The -princes. icade bina threugb a massA Seuse -TV at sAprnlWuy Of garden paths te a Book, Madé eomdLckM shady by rtee enee -ii h s1 ihla omtra a fIathe spray of *a hidden- touniia 1n. M euelahhsn iae» n "Tu a abeautifiul gardenr lih. .y, stincts wiatever," according Vo thede ln hi.%abrupt tashicS. "--<nir hhlighneia perintendénat, I. Neviai, of!-the W. olight to e blappy,." e, ý1cousin Stat 1e 1iah Hutcheries. "In tct;» cme She bnd been Pluackisagtii. terns <aou-l l uoe ngnear lier, and lookê up, viLl a a ttie aho Vs td Inthe Milwauke WI.t auatile paaling <er--Us osi,"h isk nVhemoatilubuma n iHappy ?e$ ailemidas ifli hseword. bat! creatume in existence, tiiat la,, of thi _ chhled up a quetion ln ber Minc. "YO amIi hc ae n er. fl-T I suppo.. I am lippDy. SBut 'I am eaù ihhv fiT dull aometîmes." ' YYtal&uioa IL "Duil?"ays fiai, loigu e y- "eieei anclta tL etiL pathettaIly out of his honeat eoyeta( tkae parent tish Look car. el thefr youugI "'Y.., very duil,» andl ehe, amen ~C U other cetuldoiseaes f lit* saigh. ""Iliere in enly qa ii and , weub ledn-the rtu lai aoflth Titeél1a-the lady vyen stean-at, voul befiledou. tem i ,- Papa is alusys n-iVlhi.Loisaiveyst#Urne. Undernatuyna1condi. 1U41 papers, andiTiJTi it6ehi. uev tie»ns nt oue egg in a milf lev r.. about> the Loua.Are yeunneer <j.gjfliS 0Uies atilsh a _yemr ld. AS -aen examspleC41~ hof gaL eys. Ib ra lsta femelle brook trout 'go up jw "Tell 'ne" heamy.lu ber littie în,- haýte. - pawnsag Places mand spavu f. quisitive masaner, whlch aeemk 50 rasiLthoir ,es and*hntin£oudaddjl and eonfiding tgi }nglisah HJ.utdoi»W yLava he- n-bat do yeu do then?7" 4Pr hL.ast feu years I baa0 "Oh," .4. liai, "-Iw.lI u r nel-Itbr"e&in uexperbaientlu; ý wftà slly go- mmd'shouit smetuing, or tabflcs si. " tudlng their vy am. uay rod, or moDa0 pipe." the, mals Parent hassome MaternaI la- Site la*&.L UIaets-appreatIY. fHe Wildtb 'Dùtf f',fbereè"iobng nite -shoot Lere," abe ot t nud ami lore lattie po.ket viLl a a snys bookil*, aouÏ4 "ex«pùbg ib.>tOiPTt*Md fU el tiftIrt Yôsa eau, emokwa ympip4 ff i~ swpt" bUtl wsienty etie ii aterf "Bum utts n et 8'mlI4U ow, andýdW* t ààdthba bsor-pnktîshe aiuehlaê vent te suioke; isholuldnL tlbuk 91 lte 1* sî* iwne5by Vhs feauêljfîl aya lul; "and-'ýaadrmça 'eras" y« eu , i Aj 5"d I*B'v5es ti 14> lu are lever dulli» tb4i _tLe.'T" al~k e tilIsestlaq ggs 5h, smleu. A*ed tkçn for 4473 waqpar MJi'uet IflPr ib e 9:d hke tà 'ftnnlngl tbei (M&5l y Mies 1 net?"t»' ' ' A te ireuaatloutt f rsb ,4ird' Xiea b lu le. a 'tiîe thoôxgia 1 ap p 9 ef Lut, f 5 kè aw o w eai t f statnlng thofws oft,, 0c 115*1. a"f'bis ,vsl laisn xe ~ es n t he ing, fo xhe t. case t.ollow theuIttscm -f ' fid "O $ap0 thueM a i ü o o t a ten e..e 'ing the si untI h* riscs. 't~~~=w stan afsor tbesimuê, 1ds, ':%W yo cerq n d e.peî,ema hleave. e 6 ahe hooele m tuip tb lrta no brdos sid 1wlui, ia' .gMaPink-.i reameai nlpeetinnp il,~ Mè xito - n, rsdam: rlinVPinkUli illa'cisA u>'daugia. ei MatIlda, visa Il M *thaf ber esa lir sue n-as a sia4tezr _fr,#am la..5he~rauauy -xrew !gel,a r e e s a p s a d u n d a e r a e . . 5 . asueaciioIy,- bad ne apptt ie 4 iIle fnt t g ensaVytr LQ di4et ti s she vs treatéd by' n. Ab. hS csO rgesel bs At"ll~ced bhyWoent palpitation »*e, keart s«J a SnfiecatL Sshort- es o'brct'b. '"stbaiW- a detby LZ, ck Moil esIgly, &Î-14ebaiuei detnel eagt, until I1 fatVhal ' ay itën lonwa used t-Dr hem to- her. St alnet beu'tling 5 ila uny vernis vbeia.lier apLt us graty snrqved, ud this n-ai Ltâ rtsgt litIthey wvere beiplug iter. te ceblinmuaithé via tit!ah. Lad, Ien elgbt ot " boxes, nWb=n se W ati tii. picture etheeity gtrhhood. »Jr syssptoi of lber trouble bail dis. peatreci,ah. e Ia-sasse!in veighl nd is M srean ud'a-chut. Her reeov.ry lookeel- upon a trv 8on, tor Lb cuirs tbongbt Les "née opel.. Die. viliitns'.lylnk p" ii usaY tse et ýbioodlaess juat aâs aaey a a>' curýed, titise Tii. pale, auame Md ulIT one hiugý-new blood. D.ý « MUM& Pi laàe!do al>'on, tldugý bat- la wv 'Dr. WMliamph "mo ai ome isea e a asma adachea and bâ*mbe, sdlcalo, I n ae y tro u b e, > p I p t L l u t u ai, euulia ser-oua trebi"sam OIêspel"l allumeeaut tt., Mame Lths - Xe s aygreifil a~v- niisa plas itb :tii full *me r.Wil] Uma PanliPilla for Pale Peaple. ontthae, 7'mpr around iecb bo3. , Ulin doumi, mi -dire*ct Le -T1b91Dnr. uV=s i!M.di- neC.gckyleOt nité l 5iib0s5tb y *I,4.t0 5 Sns ac j r x oe fo *. & l~Tloaa c! fi G*O.pliqlI of thie Campes md tiere, <lim j t t Via¶suetuaiy sp postrateâiu I aa o boué Of ' to th. .ooister-by nissanvous te lJo ,jre prcostr*Les berself uponthe. sarûtvun. duf * bimjc poi as 'demild tu Ie worid. The! haut thme e'WM l Iào b he sbuiud aMd. abs làlaid tè berfunal 7seul wltb taI -AU. bare, as liavingt folloushiIst the 'I.pat4, of povurty. Wbau dylng v*iLe rosas are strewn oves bler :rgT Bluter Mo39 a ,la b.Fort Davis re o f e t imàatc a T n a~ a p a s t. t a , taMt p cxlr t iucte- .1- b s gga '"a ia! wy up li uatah de clmber «beeemes -cIseof o! a parfum.Ël U à . s r n s n , m a l t f a f m remée-eelletop liais atagem-and winmll talleli £ stup<>îdnB a ok, Metn pihure eilm#bçd tii.W ountau oncae aç #4t enturn aal A ubnLinlasinasg laiUp D u an l , . raly cove rsel w lii . m blocha o!-lion ors.Dr. Kaln.o the geelglci sra tlda ho aeil thaitii. .snveofatiu as ap mmet lb.' timenides attratioe raaderiaag hie eompama and wtteb useleo&. Titere mre undousbte&ly -a larM uuumbef i1p o la au iI e nr d su f t nlg fro t hLie ; p1g P"etlanequteil oe, cielàte Liee nufrtua:e ., It is IitmratigVo kuow that uer Baguera, et S p al. b a u. ils o'v re d a p r lsg , t ae waters -of. nhIi viii onrqicassamrislng front iepaes Lteader PasionS. Tbis et-odaspri g issitai ut Aimaje, and Lthe iovemiek:am o-r ladi nho n-allia luto t la "id tc, becouts wld' A pnLng was, remetl ilsovereel by ýVrii -uaLo parsa ieae adiicteIý to, drink. Tii e atc4 eddais litb"-1 curil mm vie dank niothbug but bi b yfor tw sty je ns t lisf ravsa toqpIIstoebof btheam ouw4ami a iwr4 Thfiesappean*t t -&buteme. Objectlqut to tis Is apelcue T. mrl et umand malomean-leraod !lou driluado mot cete bave theIr psln Let us Ilope tVint .the- Germ!ai. People lwiukl-epp.Eixeir qcilýeî-g.patients ati.me i4« that Cainacian ,and Uhitcd, States -qaantine Gofilc!al9,111, be -on t-be iert. Wasbigteiadtecieî arresteci a ;nan te redue. Lbe pôGor mai'. àceaI ba~r Xcz wonder ,that tlicy lbough bhlncra av NýV We are Lolel tittwnct cutihiinu the West làs0 overs, and that te trogt lits dons neo'imge 'The'$Ïie' 0f'thep-.ai. rie fariner -las' brod'â as the eàtiuitr- Russi a i.sendùag.t-oüp. Vo t!ie Cali- OU"u5s LQ .qQeldualuibances there.'lTe, ~al±o P.ao~sa~epractieallylire vit. *iaaae trot#blu - are no t eier. lie u an asia teliaiethe. textet teê trait>' witIiGreat Brtain! beld bi.ctk LIII. le Rtaso-apmaese treaty is Teiîdy. te,:oi. gln Outla' ithere an inter- rela- +~ussm estimiates ber loses u ips int woulit have bought teet hig rings 'and bibi' for tbte.-r'oyal YOuhgsters tor, uiany years te corne.ý QuOte etfthese days a -crun- of t-hse Eie fisît pirates -ut llb. sont tO-e ' ebot- toma, and then thex-# n-ut ho A -whine, lo syiu3,at hy for- tiaci. canIVthe 13. authorities deali wath. the raseals'? IV naugt beL -endtthe tel litein Cicigo. te saa 14o»tbs tbere n-nie ~den tla- freii other tbuin nattarail eauies-muidcrs as1Ui-,> cides anmd aCtidents. A grini rLecora. T1neré .,süUVi a good 4eal, ot ineoudiary- tak ln Jàpàïand nel 1its againat .iio- Dau U. u probablyb&ap tlla ter.mi of the. ta-eAy are- pubtishedel i olan Improvp..& lylyîe teps egre binigtaLken toie . eTogo'sla Okun fIa9hip, h r ntional budget Ah4oW3 a surp14aas£ o, O- - Tuoe. Xaaka. e- poachere 7secna te. be detarinineil b provoke trouble. 'Ir tlwa 4.,ted States Ùoverum.unt e - 4tetake Mie é 1 nmSi 40. OC4 60C - Ab. #Ji]408 1 voir

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