Whitby Keystone, 28 Sep 1905, p. 4

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'A t thé. - nite, Mr.~ br1~iè~ pal' uni Irvine, oI LbDIWédneoiday* Sç,ept. Çth, by ]Pastr-C À Pboit" fr Ewin Car- IMicitji. f. or ronto îunetîotn. -was -nnItéin uMarriaie to MisAies l rvn. AUjt oin ln wlshIng ttien n long and prosperous Journey through lifé. Mr. Caricbael Io sonof .T. Carmikghaet. of ths, place. MrM.. uA. UtJubbell epent aW tew ldnyîq ln Oshawa. Mr. Caé,LukP iw tld id ~with ±yphoid £ver. Ait hope for a pe&y rooovery. Born, km Wedeay 'sept. 1th, to lMr. :ýnd Mrs. Fred. Lee. a daughI- Amoiig thome nbn topk in Rhe~ orllia iar- were Mr. and MrJ&. W. It. Ket. MItls Lily Cook, Mise Eva las oves' » am i '4luga* Tlhe 4S111AmusaI Convention et lis tous eof sia dendad eipless a1*. OcaeSas'Sclsui, Assoni Mton, ceStri' ( ul*lsm x vs li111.4 blgh to b. heu lu Iný tiselCtr b! of ouOus Rtiseérossof seilf roem ueli OctoiW r241h, ý251h and 201h, Pro- and 1mUIlOns have rallled sand vs' mises 10 b. o! more tissu> usual lu. shîppe i whin ts Itsbadow;-,but 1ýl terc<t. Situalci tu the heart o! a has. mOl bek)laDCs vitis lta .mag.,., district eXceptionalls" wlrong in netians of Chriatianlt>'. because Ubn Sueda>' sabool activit>', lu s city o! renuuclatlon l a net altr ihc espirîl hadsome -ohurclues, model Suday o! Christ. Il teaches that theon sehools. bospîtabie homes, 'and ex- va>' to punIrity 1b o eaet o10exist. cellent railroad faciiliis-. tise pros- $'Sare<ailers as mucis ai 'poodeble,' pools vere neyer more i,)peful. The do not bclp thtm. It bringu amen programme.- wIcs e .nom bslng la-1 loto abmlssn sud compresson, but: suui. Ilafies thse cames o! a aumi- knowsi no mianly -freedeux and active ber o! Canadian specialluîts.' liad- love. -fIrecognirea no Got. no sount dition tulirs. La morean i. a noteai no salraston. no personailmmnnortal-i Prieuso> wozker froun Chicago, sud Il>'. Thc cross 0of Christ burles sin Marion Lawrence, thitlteruatiôl&l but saves the. man; the cross Of Secretar>'. froua Tolede. 0h1. Sevon Budda vonli save lise man b>' li- open Iariameute, and ccnferencet1 îng bfim.The Orcelan philoopher@ bave been arraeged. s)d avilli ma-'. nsldreclthe erffl of Christ bol- Cook. qeasrm. Bradly, MTaggftrt, iloubtedly prove an attractive fea-. :wltiîa, hum auJ itBroi n. -M l ure. and viilcnbrace PrimarY bMi, Wellngton Pirarsîon hias re- work, Teacher work. hlome D)epart- turn-ed home f rom thé -Nortli West. ment. Bouse to flouse Visitation, Mr UWeat, ofljshbiirn, and 1fr,,!Parents' flctpontsiliIty, a nd Dccl- SBrlggs nddresmed the 1Sunday 'sion Day. Houer to Fluse viol>- tichooil on 1Suziclay, and solos were aion will no doubt esire speclal i-euîdNai by Memssrs. MTnggart, IeOnaeklration. ln view 01 the Inter- }'oster aind Prookeix. est connected wltb the movemmeut. nj1r1ùN1î1. Durlngtbis present year. Visitations Thenei feer rosti, te Pf-sy.have takeiî place 1-niHamilton. Loni- ta-lTi h u w nr m ovc ii t '. ns1y don, B elleville, Sarnia, Duaidas and la x-raiuy -deldd lilrovniet.Deseronto. wlth 1he most roatiftying Mrâ W.rail d.IrlioldW l:nîiLoVPuIQto regultit, aud lt ir expected that !* N.rlW. Mor Ii. aon I ne atoerssimlor movemcuts i be uudei4 jW11 hpr ier iisy-son b 1 ý-takren ln Kingston, WGodoc k. Eg- 1pillten lnpi' et eoaidisoanh. liilington, Pembroke ,Port Hope, Ber- '11 nwîbt" dth M<iicdi~ ~ linlVa$erloo. lthe Township id The mpniin arof helly icmrla n- r i 'ntlam. le 'Norfolk ('ounty and To- Îheir sipiwcaî b"v'. ionie services ronto, lu the near future. Tesciel' nn<idîner.Ti~ dîîs re tans>,Training will altto receive speciai at- nud innr. Mr dtesare tinayte'ntion. lu vlew of the fact that 1h15 Oct. ' 8h. stid Tuci4d:ty. Oct. lOti. l h is yertedprietla Rev. Il. 1IL Bingh.uiitîre.teiedW R- hadla e rit arY.t aepalreas fareNveil saernu ii Ithf" Baptlst h nsoee8arVoule bs radyz cisitoillsome 3criounti t, oIgsi zel bhirchAlbertIt Punnar o thin. 40>classes wlth an enroilment ap- 1fr AientMinker niOshwn.pr<)\imating ntariy 700 stualents. ~who oivniiithe npffli ûi» porul tom bohre, hais rrlvedl. and nuow liat,, lais ialptat réady for ojacinatiout ais oon M.Bnga"Frwl as -he deilvemy orni tl)il-s bcgii. M.Bnh sFrwl Mr. Thonapson. froi I-i ittn. hai eto ~iirthat«eîi the'eilde;et- o& Mm. Fmaînk -Balley. whlch %vas litely soita b The Baptitstchî:rehî irai..rovdet lir. Arthur aî at dan i%ane of on i'(nday e%-Puing tu heurm the fare- $150, mIeaiîsermion of ilci. R.H. B Ing-, - Mr. J. --S. ra ticl >lé;now ecoverIn g hii1.Alfter' ai fui'words expresaive from hem receut lInews. 0ols regret aI Lthe separatlon from Misa i lizle Cottkwnfl bas eturned I alaolae whona he iàadieaUrned t0ui.' from viting wvith relatives In To- teesu and love, sud lca;rlng a tOwn ronto 4 1,Wherelithetia.1recelved lthe klndaç.t MI% .TroutlçY iii bnck froîhi Uisatrealaset fra>' "Di. h. ohoo"e for Itnpt to Vancouvri. bi s ub>ect d~The Maguetisux o! th. Thei apple ickitag stason la now t'rooss." nit ls height. E' mi! able bodled Text, John 112. 80 " And 'l' If 1' n.ifan andboy iwho coualdl bý pcur- De 11fted ul freux the carIAi. Wini aI haue been taken lmb nof o!the di'uwailmewnate me" mflluy "gailga ' thiat go ottf roi>njKti vtile in ts tIbis ,eontr-e. wbaklow of lhecrohs. Uurlug bis, The womk of pittlug a permanent ehikhoOd lni tl* village of. 2N.suretb. fouixtatbo)n tnder the Englîsi ellu'rcli IHo conutanl cs îaiLBsfctoa' lau rog-etsoing etitifact.>rily. .Ater Jerîîitaiem. and froua thc first d&Y this la comuplcteal. the edifcle b teof luiet inisitry tris4ded lise îaatU lie paîntet i &ad dacoraled, wous1sde that led to Cal' ar>'. This wae 'lne aund ln,.t, as>' taswk. for il sal humîliaticu. The beeiie faaetomy Çesua'lsIl sjuffering. scourgleg, anda a rImimai' vît Sîdumaa'y Inuit.dont-n Thirly-tnro ear f ie The nunuaual ptalalac aaeting lin - undl tires ycaaaa lik public mIuistrv :ieetion witb the Iimookiir. Ilmanpi> o!fiith thse fuit coue>cioiinsfle o f mxci the Bible Socety will 1w hehý ,lu a lmaglc' ed demsndei a uursgs the Mthtxiel aliorcli on Sunday' - v. wici oui>'a Savlurosîr mf unkin e'tslug, Oct. 15th. I cul piass. Truc, imen bave' iuf- 1r. ausIMm. W. J..IlIayeriafig atl oei otr t aa sý ttended the îýcirbomù lfair on We-h<glcshir bodiesî to be bars- ~îay. d to b. callrd noble. have ruu4bcd B ÀLS M.-fqIarlvsisiy bto baIlle to receiv BALSAM. onor, but t ne are a" 1h.Ch'rb.t M Mia sy l3loomer, o! Toronto. 1a haîs sufffred the thoullit Of doath vlaltig at M. PMllcm'. ' for thirty Iearéî 10 MVI iumulty- Mr. :and NMme. l'is'.:and flanlly, of Courage sutti au- îbi 1# found u a- (lien Majur. vîsiLcti aI Mr. Arbitckte's hourt tubai viti thseSpIrIt of 004. on Strsdaty, JA~t limes the thouglit 0f tise oce. Misi- Edila Fhiîl -sitvd f riends Ilu rimfl HM seulwilh p0&44 and %*uui Port Pem.ry las.t iveei. " i lm to-say I"shh I 1pwao, 6bsde4 Mias Cibsuai, Misai iileon, aa 1r ivrc<i t its hoili ? sut tbt FPred. Dissaeiy vi.'lted with Ital. Tom. FaSe nvra .tudr.tn5 13rkdL coit Sinlaî>. i"or go y Soen.IelhaIl be Ek'voryoise lm i tlk!-ýng o!goIug btiox - .o uto eali" Bt 1asr4.l>h aFIr îsow. Crll&ô oncieab nu Mr. anditima.1 tl Jackson. of 4Futhèr 11hf pielbf, etit s Voar.* l'erry, vislt'daitJ..%V. Phleli.csi pa tmne asrbls on iîinJîy.t*111il. but ltir, b. dose." -, * ylOitT WHITXIY. cross,, iesp~iteiteas s Il e. Xajelwed'dUilpg took pistCe a tthse *aic4t he 1 outao .om r-ecory on Sept. 1ith at ai.nîipast tdrinOk itl eu" sof! ufferin".a. su&sp- six-, %vhtta119asJolinsolsf. o!filam ul 5111*,nid ilhi lme Almiitbti pov toin, wbobas 'ifen thec gust ot 1UrgI' l tsal0llaaalserat us lûitrrd odring lot nmu l w*40i; lm ctr ol955u t1i Itle - 110 l* wa unil tu as urriage by' thes rec- f(>ebOli. he lb. frit t#ths t - tôt, Mor. rlght, te 1fr. A*thê r tb te $ I artb,, i 2 7LUyvls, of flaxpitton- >Tiche wo St P0I han 1~h.We liabuesà;. aud sought to ralIy the. race around thec rtucfi of philosophie virtues, so Socrate. was fifted Up 10 draw ail men unto 111w. lie gave un noe;sroper sensi' of kan, aned made 1knciviedge. not love,, the great M06- tîvse poiwsr for good. claênalng tsatI if mn cuikuw thec right they woul do It, but lthe majorty of men hike Paul could Pot get away frooe their owri experience that the things that they ehoki do, t l>piould noti sni when. they would do good. erîl iras preet wtth them. bo the hearte ol mn ulookedan ad louged for, an- other railylng centre to satlsfy their longlng goule, sud ab tbey àearch tb'ey he&r *"the voite of orne, crying ln the widerueiis. prepare ye thse way of thc Lord." The>' foilow the Christ, -leslthtc powrer of Bies mes- sage ,and are drawn by the nettni uf Hiai croît;, for la It mag- tlee i l'y. r begs of tii piIlll5BISt, whioeane ueca 'of boudage to IAisa ai ýldh m lonto th ii hope 'à bRwty 0 tei nal lii. Pautsi ,saiw the . « anud axoibuoi.0God fori .that .1 -91«7, gry ave ln theo-crosp tii. LOtd lZus christ. hi wbom theý -w'rI isercifq4unto me-sud, 1 tmn "i va" »lThe rsS. hait eyrd eq»l<l ri,snce the-railng piý« thus standard. for we sem luis b.oPe. in the better conditions vhicb now- pmeaUs llu tertilcomforts.ln 00w- Pa"0ion fOr *the failen and unfortunk- 7ate. la mliions sud homes of char- tY. Tbe.» erffl and ita. nid blearer 16 tihe 0e f t11 'workL. 3l. It Je the Banner or LoV44 Tus 15 Ibo kernel QI tbe 1gospel obf Christ., The cross of ,esusdoes not drive,4 but draws mie"; fot bY the methud of comuiii0, but at- tractIon;*,flot bjy the power of propellling. but by the law 0t gVa' ItatIoni sud the great maguet le the banner of love. 6"God no IOTUI the worid tha t ne gave gis only be- gotten Son that whoséver b.- iieirotb lu HMn houid Dot perisi, but have overlasetlnglilfe." *oh. tlat divine iiul )hS 1 What rich- e. 0f graCe that God ahoulo Java me! Can we ever remsut sudh -power or attraction ? The Rusalan serf dled for h;j noblemnan. and wez- print kt ln ver uchoul bocks asan ,everlantlug sot DI he.rolism. .A niother ln Wellarnd. thougli fever setrlciien, s0 loves fier iytg chili as tol nurse ber uiti abcshehrneIlt die first and -. ,is a hnmaffity 'U ti te ci bi w el ai t le i la 1 s 01 1. Th Engin ofVIctoy. knows of rio gretcr ave. .4, pat-el Among the ountains of Spain 'riot livea for his roitry an'.Z dles lin Wellingtone ba!conquersi the Enro- for hhe.mantenancect.fher lawa and ]p peau tyrant. who ira.. exîleal for a> institutions. anal ive ereet u'onu- -8 menbon, but Dot deSeateai. At ivat- Inentaste, bis bouor. Christ au -fe erlo . heymetagan. nd romthelorna thse world as to lay down Bila y ero1 he e gan udfo ie for Dia'eneuxiesi, and lu the fc arra>' of Napoieoe'saormy It ioeemed iatknesa of that crucifixion beans- bi as ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e f prsiuwuduludla the light of uci, raulsing 1h0o hibety vcul li ulau. *~ralnbow to unfarl its seven fold l tic Frenci ea'eairy. but are blockns 1eabaîe !lvesrtb b>' the standing watt of Britisih I- fantry. Again and agaîn the eSu u ru i re.o hit'l emy aharge. rilagger and fai. The rt'tre !Ga.B o impregnable British squares stood av ht i rs a i al" Uk. stone sgainst the 'enlaught of lgcnr flt ie? Iko h, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o -ïec1 i b llr !no gospel. sa preoais t. .jwict, vous~~~~~~ b-aaal~..tîs~ain s- to corne toe ou whe.h"ve lurI -the j,ldean mounWtali' dii Christ bac all e heao O cosîquer the tyrut çf ooule, ban-. lltxe# se iohat Ighiug hl i'Ïor a «eason, but'- turing haire bee.n hardici asaut Christ- tI hi. banishtaut eul .was preparîugforIaitteyUwoa ip aeor. ed tie Carist, Rad tl u butiffu #tI th. final #struggle. and at Cabrair>'y yu.r.txa. eln.I.l tbe tombiucd IOz'ceu Of évîl songb cavy ou, an.ti lole >iwt b 10 PesUre the doirualiof a ariiî 4 twvi u rpI-ec1 pareastly beiffesa s naxa.They charger nsê-dts.i H ronn lr tiheiglihs 0f etllisemane, iud sel%- las tiseir saptor. draggred hixuxt to Iegselo oetIeouq .oefflou o!(ifUe 8lU3of i04 triaio anaI $Uýgaaet. 0(>15 Calvary _iTt~~ . ~ Evr lboir 0iglilu adrancel, naIbg t tise la4bs*- 'FAcloreoftthe Rac. leogRio lt o hatîndIle <'onapeu'.- 1. 0». useof the .ower and, zi.r- - isgMi haai a~ Bs .d. Tirssovalit>' pifie Cbrist. «1 l but th.e emieb baiIsaglisi îal l ob ut thîîa usé < I O,.TIi. Bavlour had nol stÇtg ~dîfflcul> . I rpgla p t'Otw silntw 'fornaugist. for s«mi 111re. angae ubove lb. duirka*s sund t» 1 earthqexake a vole. vIe reji 4l îtI.st i 1 S Io fllsebe ~ ~ and iotlors vs wý uatrici eMt ofdefeat. Tie 4evi Juad ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~bkM Te scpr et4uetu lh. Fuitcd Statue'h'Âsi' lettaq cd tiee r«I and upo4 n. ois eusoîu pob a 'brow resteiw te cxr<>a otpictortig y.ily&* f ;i vicIeor>'over te atik. % le1or oter atm u an te s e. an w trIuUlui miiMe esclIsA IM -ëb.4et. - aa h et.lag? O , pja'ý WIM tuere Au ,tletorytbe suât o amt sil. tg of cutr>e*i but tia** b.liste 0no& wbo I ;l* M*é&0d * ti o w ri t h mlIseOu r 'âIsl ;i Kti. h: ýd 8h. h~&ihuu b. ukorp .of the wneffl dOn.. thélii ohdrous love i. icstrytouckeai th.-o nonai»e wart. lie ask-ed ilfthi&t Crist mxuli save im. sud sSOOS as he" mes wIIIhig tbe .saisi am tolotý beý Christ Ijito lis bert, tisegreit ýrnh1#rmtluk tookplace. and. -the. lIat soal" bcesmui1a savid soul. The ros lbas m»Ver lal ito draw nma m litse«if Ifthoy vere. b* Ut iUng- SBocaume àlu edi s 0theogreat .ptge roiia ~fvison udpower. tot MW,,, aeronyrobeid the evol -of Its mmsoc. Se we are raW»e te Chriet to beqoune 11k. ihrls.t. Ilf vo-li e l tk. lm hall become 11ke Tta.WeC cinnot ie i'mpure aÉ& uuholy lvï,heartl 'and ssccWlth Christ. fwe desre- ub elp 11105e aboutothle ciros We M'net pcaucssandi eyxIsbit the. -braterlt05 Or.the> christ -we nust ,"aemlle -Hlme before voeCao ifi Others into the light.ý ni. XeT8 reY-.al5 ,the great re- empiev prsicl ofpitihe reos 1. Ib reteis the pah fxstf-uso Ifc.The cross k the Wa& Of sef- muunlatlm. !o hoe exadted meant beath for christ., He Came 10 min-, ster aud not to bc mIaibltetg~ufitOp tud Nie gate Ri i!. for' tie Re îve d mianteai to help. Somei. une muet isuffer, our.eives cfýbtherg. elfsinhe e artisitelom. sin can- lot «taud alonc, It must ilve by an- tbers doth. Self ighuesla the ,#Ild of uulawful privilegeandai matage. ' Thon. who have serveil iser feilown beat. thave foilowed the mamuple'of chlrist ln glving Bis 11f. n oylug. Mlintry r to othors. John raton. wM.-Crey. John lXuox, John, euuyaI4,the. Pilgujun Fattiers are a, 'w exampies o01uuuehfish uer- lc fte the goud cf othorà. To1 ul1w. i~IV5 eachIs le te huxn' me okipt.-t'o.sarifice elftoimake )tW4! i iapplt) by .ervù9gtbem leà uve, anaiChit lis the* great e ixïa- lýe ofotl ,uhI!t*~ t. -IL riis lithe 1awrý9t.scryicW 41 stand ambohe leuos on 0ie whCl 'o . utt de O go i f v ire loving, lOthers yltlovfe u ol1I we are k15d sud 001.ltOQl ~lllbe apt b. sbhow neopirtsiàyýA»d' limeus. -it -je sali cf 1pueA.aiat mas sbanld hat"e>r tar é- mlbed out uWho are y.?" fflanethe ehoU* asvidülio uts you f teo -i i4olt bil. rou'- TheI iiie ow am gricevc&&£11 hi. tuoGther *61.1 mli.. and mm wlist tii. anaver woulai b.. fIethia eaI 5f, do' 11k. von.- ad1W te * clu râp1l*d "I 40-11k. Higos prcepadfr Dunilop Ide'aï Uoroeloe ad F. S t e Hedu,ow tm m ,Iw4-'a. boun. la Canadaý.1tif aoni. dollar a yesàrr andi gond saltefor the mous- ,ey. Tii.Suu axai Tic e xtiagne. on. year for $175 , balance of. thisi iear free. Veetbewm Acon, Tih. offîCers of theOQntario Voge- table (irovors' Asscociation have inl. structeai tii, euretary 10 158ke ai. ru ugeueàts-rr a coneîmîtto repr. Pçutlng lie vget&bie grovrs 'of tii. provlnc.. t6' aptea" before tue taïlftomuîuios wben Il meots ln It5oronto. te" gl.e vhdenea i. behâli of e -h nogtable groweru. FEveiy ,jear great quantîtles o! vegetabies are shlppgùieêthelb.icdl ciller» ln CuAnda f rom the ÜUilsi Statea. sand oftten muid a~t pricco.,below . coet of prodiuonm t the cent.Iý0WswbeÉe tleWre 4dhsposed _o! ýThe UItdj 4 e e u e s LM YY psy part BROORIN -ASHRBURN mu. vi "i 0 l, a iraya h>ulle tu wnn.k -tumêr DsflY. 'f Th e là. erYrsi wkroâi.- mil carn 'e e ' a 0 a 0 1 a a

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