-RaidersScrd(2Who OiRsd Wouncled.. Baomlb Fiends Wreck and iea oV A Whch Yellow rêver Ight in Mexico Mas Been Maked by ýGratifyjng succes., Hartford, 00151, ?r»-A "PistOl Withln & minute after the explosîon figlt ibeta-ee ta-o burgiars, a-ho lad fl&ieà b.d flMly iireloped thé- rear blowsu opeu à ast. In the 1 otof aals of the. building. The polkce belle,. Lu Oastnbuy, ud a-o eutoffce hAttheBlack Rand, It&al &us d asns, cole euVU tirea-the bm.Tii. object of thie at- fought earlyl to-day on the rut Hurt. tack waas tiie rear door cf sn Itallan tordbride. Qe otthe fficrsd. barber chop ou the ground floor. Ti yWard Rayez, a-as a-ounded-tae. ThefIre aà asextinguiaied witii sligt dam- burgiars escsped luto thé. voe iluad- &or, aIth.ougi psued by a depaty eher- ___ lf's posse. Offie- Hayes Is aI the. ho$- (J pitail, but bi1s Injuries are not serlous. The. burgars dld not accure acy bocty et Glaatonbury, as the. dynamite charge a-s" o eavy that the sale vas elattcred sud the. Interior 0'!fthe. post offie wrek. ed, thie debris coverlng the sais so that it was difficuit te get at the money drawer. Town peopfle uïhô ad been awakened by the explosion telephope4 toe i Hart- lord Police to wetch the Raut Ilutiford bridge for'burgiars. Bomb ~eiire Work. New York, c2- bomb contain. lng both dynauile and a quantlý t !iný ll&Mamnble 11il vasthrown u t thie rear of a crowded fhce-storey teuctuent bouse at 133rd Street andi Sth :avenue te-day. Over tweuty pensons, a-ho were asepm at the time., vere hurled lromn their ld b>' the explosion, and two cftbem vr earried trom the housse useogacous.' N Y.>D Pl jage. Mexico City,l3Ut£ 2.-mhe 8uperior Board of Bealtb reports that there "aS one death frou yellow fever yestecrdayl thc hospital at I era Cruz, aud that tziie are ta-o ether cases& There- isoeecage at Tierra Blanca and three at T.ZoD&pa. One patient has been diebarged cur.d Merida, capital et Yucatau, mreprt One case, but ther, is uowhere a"y epi- demie 0o! ths disease, sud the Gulf porta, are remnarkably free tramiIL Tii. puas- Ing 01 Septemnier aitbout au outbreak of yelUov lever is regarded as a gretvie- torf sanitar>' science ove r tl e dîse , Cooler veather a-il! seon set lu. whieii w-i check an>' fever which lnlght or!- -gluate in the bot couut*sy. - here ?êIative to thé meetingyeaterday hetween Chancellor Von Buelo-w and thc Italian Foreign 2iter, Signer Tittoul, at Baden Baden, su>' that iltorocc or the Franco-Gera=iagreement-'were t'dW cuosct, the isubjecta Sidered belugtb.e Hfungarian crais anditiaffaira in tA Bal. RÉSID[E -REfUSES T11E BM Some Wëry Rotten Transactions RLevealu Inthe Inquiry Yesterday. New York, t. 2--- George W. n e(-orna, 2%r. tcrei-m u Rid, lie delh-erèd Perkint, Vice lrceldeîîit of the 'N ewvte MI'., Jrdan. Tork'It'e Tnsuaaut- Cornpnnv, arnd a "meai Pt'RiaAut nenubcr of- the lbenking fi.rM of .. P. Aiot ber te tg tIu uaplSqre trustee Morgoan dmCotnpatny, ereattd &-#tir é. scithe 71e tnte of May '2, 1D02), wa.s lori thO e Islntlvc ÃŽnvlestîating Cern' ,gtefIrSFpp~j. f*2soO <'iateti! by Tà l11 liie - sittee to-do>' when lie objected to a Tht. efl W&» borrowc%.d -from th, roqueit that hé -prodliee certain bocks lilititble Trust Combany by James IL of J. P. Morgan and C'onpany te cx- ~ o May 5- on thie participation ycertificate. IVituce*s knea- notýb Ing t'o -plain smre of th&r firrn'm deolinga with this, merc-r uaking thecuctrle, et the the Nov'York I.Ic Insurahce Compurny direction et Mr..SîIure. Afother entry. lu 'cenneci ion witi-the salc of îmvi- aboea ia ail<7015 liiiEqtitabie Trust CMpanetof8M,000. beig tÉescod g&tieon syndicate bond&s ote ife ei--calon *the. Navigati<*n yndcs-te, s - - Uirgnce cornpany. Hie sali lie would tbf%. ae.Iî hdill Odr ! furnish copies ofthte entriez referring H de.0în Oct. 8 11>anotber )bane te the transoctiona id question, but pré. o<>4 iff a-as mati. fueintht Rquléul Trust ta cover îuotbetraicoltheti Nv- ferrcd not. to brlng the books. Mn. gution Syndic"a n sd on Jan. )O Hughes. ceunie! te the Légslative cern- 1903, &,10 pezes&LýtII flroquta.d ,another Xittee, for theiirâlnt tîme duing the e *500.Job>' 20, 1903, a flfb ecal! enne 2.00 blhaa l Investigation, ebowed signa of anger, andi ~ > ieZiiti rs laid loudly: "1 shalh bave to requÃre îaby. -that thoso bogies hé produeed.YThe DWrtu Zo reee, "1Ail igtA replies! Mr. Perkiris. The$#e uiRs a-re psiteoierdi et Jamn IL . lrdep. Mr. 4nw eve a test flgVO~ ucas !.,0, icthor for *.00 erede i.1 00 of Cevctand, Cincinnati, 'Chicago & fram thé . tsulae Trust Compen o account o et i.%Iavigatl(on Syndlettq, B- 8~lois, bond# from -J. Pi Moigmu& but whèn 'the divlu4s Caine bý, ComnM.ny, by -tii. New York Lii. Insur- were "et eeditpa tc e heQjg>'g suce compaily M. erkint tâa héOb.>- &Uttin teii IttoIt. w# ila t yuccoiut iss tIl i w.sds s-li -talued tb. bonda *t 0000les. than i t ie bol Utt1'.quk ad a eie tbhe O ~$p1tid b>' tiý,i té mrurauceeSecJet>' "m t a ntbil rofase l'enla PI<.I ob .35C Ud . ýrýsý lbolth o eNew Yorkf eut tW thee i*ucf tjii Iti.timeasetiComaaç~aspucbaar1 ulais lu refereure te0lai* rbîiu 'Au le irI ! P. 1 Bà e.to the Ropuabîîcn * 1ieîOouMlttm Tesgiveit MP b>' Unljr>' Uog' f r ali ttentio't- t w i mo - b.. . Swl. ro, fin adal'-"n agr of the ii lTthe 5 I nsurante. Inwextg*s e qu $,AsuraneoUot<o I tte, lIna-bleb b. s ni 4< ** Mf eet thi Wtbi Navigation $y"* f10 the Nev York 14W, eO«tutbU.s m-ý,djat, bcal Mr2 Qt tseo s lb. <es- to fet Pta sL 'à trustes acomst fer ~ , . in wééki lit bu 0 deeum that ho in W*BtiAg arse", uiri t be hm Iot er kiffl by of the witnel self from attack hy tieikm l~ ad, wher. hedeclures lie ioi eveatua in kaeh* a-obave giveï *be offipen 1 by.>l*t formnationM. flue sherlýfîeemâ to be pow- erles,îand the. Ouveaor hua bim.as to," oirtroope to the OOnt -té ~u~t end to the terror ein > y~8 w, oue of arominent farnlly, aud. ij1atlvu. al through the. county. Lon "I"and labuwa av amm ea N~ew York, Oct. P.-Vive. fisbi on Long Island Boomd 've ebdâ u7*k toiday.by -a b'IsI attaeked ther%Çg t despe .battie.Cms ot e iê effective1y t bout'off tluenvuouaisb Captai'. a Rud n bbue i.~a beau! a Commotion l iii aae n *air a long boey 1 ba mba'e coinig Ovard ti.bouts ais furlou rat&. Suddenly tii e dtumn bv a* and the. flubermea ua- It a-as btie~f a- big *suri, ahich ahcwed fIr~ oku tOetb. Thoeiuouster uoemed to bema frein buer*. Svrlflal vee- tiuov oveuboard ,and tbeu' tii. gre0dy mau- eating flali devour.d. Tiien t mail. bing.. at the -bott&ansd tried 40 Case not frigiten -1t, aïd' ~fith#rmeà d to row for their lRm t, the .Port Cheuterabe, f ighUnttu ir b, 1110 Om- thet way. nii. sha* WtI'owed tue 1b*it p li thien mciidl Mout resbeil the -b"ac DomIqQUE TUE ~lUI VerMict ai onr laqua toW Hl À oot cptb <'Plant-tb .doe ed, A mso rtaaet ita d" tIrougk sahuit. a-omit; th&t tla Imie wound asa lfuct e y tii. an uientioned as Doaniniqiie, andtitti 9=z narned! Br"n w83a-ns n acostr y tue kïllbg. TIii. jury- are of fb. tiplu tint tii. klling vould nV Mt' pp e% but for driuk, aud that ticebaild usî-d au a botel a-ber. Narloa- vueklt, ÃŽ4iaïunfitôfr tü».purpèoo cfa otal 'k C»,nduci-vc toe ee- drinklaiu4ti rtal te the, aelglberhoo&d d dai pus te publiç satoty." TIhitbwas the terdîà etrnu )À li-l Ytie jury ntthla' t 0 wueed bv Coronelr ;MeC7nou - i lnt ii fflla~r ,ujgt'a 2I-feuiaiii .1* qfý tise Wmasuer iotel, 3lçioo 4touyDraytoU snd,m x- . Çgdoêf cro-eangedfbur of 'théieiix RtaU in 0ilrevdueas lau., Marte!lo Utà no, heo- as en8ffl ,muauatecton vitb mawove ,Douil argthp pq4iet sd tmk-u -Mareïigrin.'s NO aLtne lad i muo. bait-doeu en eAba titular blo-w'bad «W «il t u I *lieaabetormia ld b.ea .ba ticult! saItb bis. m hwIe cou tc, -ont., 0e t-w udshod et Port Artiu, Msachwtmia perles bure # tb -oarti .l ôlublhiu and got ary *1111ai u ls «Wi Tids s iovuuuefam tor as t tb. Ç, oit 11e ataasalp EBatue ,*U1 L ten~tion .f taizg ous .1 fi ýéýlu'- Osuenii7erdsit e14oe 0~4t19bes5i.vevfa"t frienda.Ar sstsdlut.ê~g~eruibOff Mie o«, hus tbem uI pEak rec Govýf- spo ke a bitUe, andt lemrned - Im 'the *jruger that b. lad is. bee« a pot sgeouthe. DMalteaud ad -le aombod $o Wget chazuge ana ti. 'VUMOasuer d falled W returu, Digtrbute Cbsrity la Toot. contlulng lb. euluumtioxu, stmser -e I *l~ngao t- La rd ara- aeae NyYUTo# OCdLu<. O#e .dit" a OA * "lm *rthe, S<atiUa&I trUI ut lu~ imma aufl-fuma-&ut Voa~ 4by, ?frl fi Co. for Ùt I uas +u b", ta aseout go se fowuact*" bâtadi-, fadi-OW flctiwm. 'bauuse -etam - w-, Mebret f*a1IrUi_ samdi où -th* th" abola Ivikea "Y le.. th ban k" flb~ApI Bit. &=U. t 1 et *êSléeq*a,-a'ê se ~ ~ IL An 1»a~ a uap1v u~ - 41foe ont. s amet t t fef iLaMIa . eo d orieot 4d-It *.e 1, ne oe one portbci tsrsst weyu -v ou itl avbwu o até t 1 6 pe e ii e uçrlle 4el Sot 4% D-efie «*u Tobaem Cemuau t ent i.bond% sut~ ~ ~~~a a.ebWisbfsbuci -aa ......... e of 8, hotet la whk ble b..oil Ià â W*e rituig. 'I, 1n w t.eat.o o. , sl uao~ for 91M . INIaUCay tid fa ut fiat obAia n taal.êto-morrov la uoW - bhem m1yr~hf .L* Imséunl~ b.tnvt: tot hw WILL ItADITAIN*U TAI. lada~ ?muorai Xo~suilI'a 1q17 s k' Itltlaii è$uta' »lqitl.~ ilinat. Oct. 5.-& UbuAtiat et - four et ~ DrWub £ISWW Moi- ~d4 'a. tut~Àhw 'I~IUI Mot. KeGuilU, P*OelseII TUSSUr~ 'viii I to tie cuisetclai bayelloea' tas. a5iAw car LWUaLJ. DBot fletiglug torlesae itt& ,; rene lay eexpres car, lu Chici 'to, bisihome' aiPlus Fe&, nIe aam au ld- be ekià *, pefrautte,d Iasb 5A7 10 tilied RX l# 'latw r ndttheai g.Jokes led tW a11 ns-a tory fi tbaiid ei t4i. cr ntil ti Icem t» Iothle ai iâ f l yala M o 0 0 -i-t ~' q c e