Whitby Keystone, 19 Oct 1905, p. 8

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FOR PICKLING ""W hve Made au extra iffil o-otain Ibt.est and Pà" st spcesin the market and have them now in stock. You can make good picékles and sauces îwith pu"e 8pie. pces that preserve taste. ie -E.WILLIS Dr gglsl Opticlan Mdedicil Mal Svec St.Whltby. ICounty Town I 'Happenings 'h. to put theo bai,. gain. Farmors bave begun the harrestP. lui cf @star boots. Planneletto -blanIketr. ,white and froy Il $item and prie«.. A.. M. ROB&. il Seintlgl Fatlvai and concert DIl bu hold un Nov. 71hiln the town hait. Don't ferget. Aurtion aes of ferméï. far.m stockse. houusehod f urniture. etc., are very numerous thliî fail. 1'0.11 or3flT achu "apon% ailla Gosqu Jak"was arretitd (fer r ff anoy. and 'on appeariflg bcore the cadi., rSevd the usuai dose of six Month& tunjall. I ilR. ARTII ITLL COWNG 110M Ufr. Woe. 'Til1r'oceivod a cardI from his son Arthur. f rein South Af rios. on Mondar cf Ibis weebi, stating t4t. ho expected 10 sali on SeptciDber' 2. Hc viii douftless bo in Engila re this, uad may be exweted hoind lu the. near Juture. Arthflr bas beon la South Af rice for a numbert cf yearso now, and It wiil be genuiule pleeiuuie both to hiniself and bis parents to be back ln Witbil once i I<ELIN TO LE-VIR TOWN. Mr i. Bret-la bas acIuiCed tbot he Intends tu retire frn buî.lncois Ila WbitbY, and freinnow tili No'emiber 10 wil offer blis wtsk nt bergala prime. many of whlchb.e annones la his a.dvertiseMe<nt. Mr. Breulia coaulder& this wili b. an exceptiofltopportudti for cîtisens of the commui'tity tusecure reai bar- jgas@la those things be bau te mci. and Judgig by lte smple price. But one would be lacliued tu agreo wlth hlm.11 - 150 new uerman, k;ngliiuband Cana 1ailan tuade waaties tu select fromn .at W. 0. WaltersX' CHANGE 0F INSUIlÂNCE BUSINESS Last wcek Mn. H. B. Willlngi cli out bis tIre Inarance businesse lie to Mfr. W -J. H. IRleanduon, Wie wiii hencefortb repreitul tbe-ern- pan" vbose lateresti Mr. Wiing hen lokd atber le thc eommunity. .Nr. Williiug boii been appoimîli eu- pervisor of agentb for the Domin- ion of Canad'ln Guaanutee aai Âc1. dent Insirance Co, ' lie dittllesviii compel hlm to travel oer tOl1h di., bnict which constitute l@ bisl&li.amd ha luftI on Mondar morning ons bis Initial trip. Ladlec' golf jackets; aWt he new- est patterns inov tue docàr. A.M. Roue. VERMANENT CURE FOR BRON'.- The Board of Crlninal Audit met CuITIS. le the Court fBouse lest week eni ".Ml second daughler vas Iroubi- tranvaoted bhc usual business of ei wlth brenchibîsà frein the ag of e the Bard. îhree veeku. QtteiffiiW0& 1 theugii Laies' ribb t leeo.'dlined verts adi mue woiicholke b ieatb- Dr. k1rawrs. only 25. e o a t W. 0. Chae'ii Syrup ef Lneed and Tor- W.Ialtons'. pouline brougbt relief, a&W further % ALE OF FURNITURE. treatuset smade a lhorouch cure. Tbls trouble used toe cole bacit Mies Ciartpole viii on Tuesday. frem inImeata lie.but tht4 curela Octohor 24. 1905. aI i o'oiock- p.in.. now pop va l' - lins. Richmond moi .tho vhoie of ber heuebolA fur- witbrew, - 5buhouiacadie, Mobts Ce.. mtun. , Terspu. cash. L. Feirbanks, N.B. asotiomer. t à!sortment -etflaîefils' 10entlemenle French natural vool mno ndI hlldreu'e-uwmr ar te shlirts aÙ4 navers. Ail ases ani elect trow outside clly. Guaani 'Roue. , a srlnk. W. 9. allée 1 eit l'burmciey viii hTanks- gtvlng Day. l'h. Koyatone wilii ho prlntoi ou Weinosday aflerroon' Wtlli Ituome contnlbutlng to Ibis Pus- per please reinenber 10 have Iheir Uvery StaufleliSarmnent Ia guar- amtood uncinlobobie at Bobts irot'. 'V*flfam~lly desire. lb. storage aj agoo4 plano fer Iii violer. pi a muait rentai. Ïr. B reelie bati auIIfoitue Koy' » 1 tnete»Us tbât ho desîres 'te tw~b raw feinWlutby by NovOns- -ie .f puselble. so ltbose vbo dsslÈa tO: take i avstsgeo!f1he bar- nai~i bénaoffersi bai better nct iasd 2tb. suëd 14> 801h. aI eiolisiene tickets, so04 t111 De- &.raturae q.t elg batan -hot qUalty imlste bl*nketh.lui 97. Onu T78 cnts, $ECON.D LECeUIRE 04gpON.N Ron. Dr. Itarnit Cave ibis esoni lecture on lte apati. 10 lhe Ephoca Jala le .COelecomet hall ou, FrMsay bv, it'. -caasoU»M< that tbe lecture O!f V skbcf tht. wek inuit ho tilac be Un ies.tb oving te otier d e» gut. BS teck up Ivo 4vleuam-"tbe wesltb eftble body#" a&à& -dmhs wuas,' skif of 1h. be'ly." 'tis spath cf the. bOi?" and .Mt wartane 01 the bo4y" remuais t* h. *s"t wlti. Tl'om s.Who attsnd ms Frilay l ghtl here iih1 bbac* sl iips coestains lii. osWse fol- lowed un tesuy Maie le special wilgkhs for fatsstU Oeily5Sc.73c., snd Oh1.h oss OIre." vicie flou. Â AnOstmor le- bco&si sited Sud .coei*<d reliabie tom.g t*bww '~i e y. rdw t*. sa lng tho seulemnt cf affaire eltil theross peclciover' by XM Dot iupI'ovo. -and for Ibm.. aomo otinr neabens. -Rio no a bois es'.r- crs the, resience of a ieo f the, 13aptist, ohureli*;on tho uext streed wvet, lumeidiateli opposte, la the peesbytoi'iau ehurob, wher. geci onthodox Premby tenian* doctrine Ir weekiy promulgated. Bohg within3 hoe area of 1h... Influence@ shouli prove ne lmesstioeulating than li- ing in lie uperannuated -structure which bas bousod the, scribe ln the paut. l'homo who visb te consuit the silon iigen affairs cf state. te visit hlm lu the. sîtades of cvening te oô'dor weiilugannoncemonta.It0 universal heuvledge; an: who vish totell. th.ediMtor -hov please tbey have been with lb.e paptar. t« brios hlm aàtbag of potatoe., a. itArrel of appie. a big puesphin or squash, or to present hlm vith a Thanksglilngt turkcy, viii f lui "blis nibei" rese lu the house. Justvacated b.« Mn.. Forbes, ou Brook etreet. Niles Ceotm t"l' Or. QhasVs OlnM.ft Tue publm lis hereby are againot ngo"tlata anote mmaeon or about the 121h 4&Y Or' Septem- ber. 1905 by Sam 0 Dudley. ln favor Of L. W. Dudley and> endorsod by hiné. made payable ut the St.audUt, B&nkt. Calborne. ai paymêuit Of the smre ias been topped. - AN O. IDUDLEgY. Whltby. Ott. If% 1005. If your oe are troubling yen le iii py yen 10 consult F. F. Luke, Qpt. D., Tronto& bet Lknown optiia, 'N".dY. Ot. 24th, st A. H. Alias drug »Mis PersnaiMention Mn..Jas. UMCllln la le Bewmao", ville wil.h her mothun. vbo lu«quIse lins. and Miss Rose, O! RItehbbOl àe are vtl:lUtle htisi Borrowt> lis lithiestBmltb et? Hamilton. le, visitleDg ber aunt, lin.- (Major) aunitib Dundans sîrst. >iîsa Vitoria Ba"Iol*Pent ir cffaswec vitlsg i1 'bout« while thereo se acte i te.esAîlt.y 0f, theAd. b.wUlg berý Dovsnvibt yl sUppi? lb. l'aboea. !ucGr*pfflto,10Now York. abomu t hove (40 U*wlmgs H .WunltImg b M amas The oold weather WUIl be upon us lu a very short time. OUP stock, la nov comploeswtth al g oods needed by Ladies, Gentlemen and'Chlldrn duing dt winter. Ladies' Voulu, 25e., 50e.9 75e., 90c. snd 81.20 each. Ladies' Drswers, 25e, ô50 75e., $1 and S1.20,each Ladies' Wrapperotte Wrappers, $1, 81.50 and 81.75 each. Ladies' Cashmere Rose (plain and ribbed>, 25c. upwards. Ladies' Golf Jackets, $2,8 2.28 sud $2.35 eacb. Ladies'-813k Boita, 21W and 60..mach lades' Black Sateen Bkirts, I upwsrds. Ladies' White and Colored Aprons. Ladies' 7âmnel Blousinge. Gentlemen's French Maturai .Wool Shirts, ail suzes and prices. Gentlemen's French Naturel'Wool Drawers, -al im nd prices. Gentlemen's Lamb's Wool Underwear, 50t., 75c. and 81 per garment. Gentlemen'. Cardigan Jaedts, 90.snd upwards. Geutlemen'. Wool Top Shirts, 75o and 85aeueah. Gentlemen'. Fine Brsces, aIl pices. Chldren's Vests, Drawers, CëaÎs, Bootees, Hose, etc. E' Andrew M. Ross. s '3 q.., ~. ~. ~> ~ q.,, qj, ~i, su iip izp i.ip .jp sas si, sas sas sas su sas sas suA STUOT MtSESý SCHOOL CHILOREN Wè. have mnade aslà ".uy of i prt et lb. olipoeson u OiaàC Mdpy hi wae à*" 1s~ueacuay Exeotos' oo tFaruLands. Tii. sbsuniber -'b"ae noeivo tua. setlous tolb. te alte ef Ibm late J. 1B. Eick. te oeil bhypublie muollton a' etSbert'. liotel, Erokln, on - aturday. Octobon 2K. 190W, at 4M8 p.m.. that vainoblo stock tarin, be "shIl of lot 24 lu tbm tb con' esuu$on of 1hllowmsiip et Wbltby, eoeas_lba eostesd cf tic laIe mone or lut6 on wbh iehreetid tw ,dweiIimghouuas.. batril vti ston:' foumition. a " she lh.pro-. 'perty la Weilwalq'od wti a noyers silals wlblna short iistanceo tbe Grand 'roi*station, churobos coltoolo. etc.ý Téhwic siau xcelent farm boti for stock sMd grain. and tb% mals cf If offore aà Weiid.-,-pportimity 10 ail? Of ing hopui'lias. àboume at a sunfls un tIhe scaIse. Terme, .jiboi&ral11hOMM endekOWu OUR sadeWy $4=16 oplew No botter p O ur super. F. E. LUKE. i Ks t.m Wval. fotoRTo. BOYS AID GIRLS weea dc mc br ~t a b~s i $ ,m lmopq , f où uaslIesu lm ta w u lteê I u1uU5w Avu., ~umag. :out Lust Sunday betng the day sPee Eiaiy set epart by the ÀAngllcan, Echuroheutlîrougbout the. world as a Clay.. of Intertession for guiisiY. (. cbpols. the sermons, ihyneu, ind upecial piayers wtve upprripriate for the occasion. 'Nest Bundey, Oct. 22nd, there will ho -speclal services.In iAt S~ainte' cburch tu elimmeiorae e ccenten- ary of bhe battie of Trafalgar and the druth of Nelpon. This ocaioàn will ho coiebrated lni Great Brîtain and the colonies an a national anu, niver.ary of the grent sictory which gae. Great Britain the command of the seu.as.und tiso 10 direct ati- teatlon te that gret princIpie f devotion te duty of %which our,' ne"- blonai bero wn,@ so great an exii ample. TIIE BAPTIST CIIURCH. Itev. Thos. Hagen. of Port Penny. was bhe preacher moralng and aven-. lng on Munday lait, atnd aisqco et Brooklil lu the et teruoon. It Ix probable that the young peoý pic's unIon w)ll hoid a morial evecn. lng ln thOe near fnture. TABERNACLE EPWORTH LEAGUE. was spent in the League titis wcekr. The social and lookout comnitlteeu combincd their forces andi their Ina« vîtetion for the svening was ai cepted by a aumber ot the f rlenis' of the League. There'vas a short programme, and aftel'wanis- a social hait bour, duneg wbicb the commit-# tee ser;ed lee cream end cake. Miii Hlolden. the àMisses -Powelliand ROV. Mr. Croumley sang. Mies orma Demi4 yes and Mr. -Clare Hogarth .non." tnlbuted piano solos. Misn eiedôn uand hen brother a piano duet, aori Misa Goi a roàiulg, an. Crossicy nimade briet unamrka. ospeciaily compli..- meeting the boya on. thein Part Pa the. programméi, and utlog more siciillity geeeraily la 1th. ieatgu0ý ani ciîurob. Mr@. Wogatrtb, of tII %ocial icpartmont, anà itisu houdes, of the leokout. rceive<theo thbaun"7k eft-the lenguefor Ihe plearnirée 0! the evenlmg.- Neit Tuesday. nicht's çieotU< Of theleaguewâl b.e! fa kuliéx acteri a&1llterary m1EetllgIn'.l 'ýej, momltolun, of Nclïou ibmy. 4 grtsI battIk by ?wu yOuDÉg<issDU 4b c leagune. aud an, ald it s 4hoüý,,,, '., u.iglfleanS t titis ný a ft sa > Mi sto, and] bia 'Wb the cor~ an' CID Ca o ý -Q ý du ilb a 1

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