refreshing."1 4 .4 I&ordSd an d Estheroi 1foreca lerné, athLb!,ter- ÃW"4eo. d Mt word t> go ~ t4er 4and à sk*l ber tebIter"odilth -the !U l;ot thePso Bqf ber raie, *~ *. g. ï : ntÃŽd teovi it tm heq"LvoIl kuçoie etc..- iltvrua uivrsa rueknown, by ail. ýIlhe objedoto!tis aIw va, L mintalu 'boà t'dgpdty sud .ateéty ef Lh. king. goldec lept.-Feran monarhi art 4&1ýays repzésenited as à oldlng a long, ~orluat#la b. rigbt baud. Rav a" an lb.tisorefore ltail Ju -oM î@ te ér ithat thse bing'. affectiona *ire slfeutedfIrom ber, "sud tbat nel- tti'r iezporie on a« er petition veuld l'e acooptâ1be te Mbin.". Orienta.l mon- trýU awer*, flokieman!dea"potie. Inat- iwâ e Sa* be «euthequeen mns~IakrnrytIog.he kÃn -ad for the thé e ooled toward &M te learedi ah. hsad lest lber Influence with thse ionarch, and if ne ho*weeuldubhe ao&e te Influence hlm for Lihs altion of te deiud Jeva. WC must not be surprise that Esther *iirauk froin obeylng Ltheena em t Mordecal. 8h. provod ber lama by de- cidlug te go laute thse king, knowing las ai did Lthedanger Le whlch sabe was e~oc.Lot usilean (l) thst it la ulght te, caret ully estimate dMfficuties; (2) that vo ahouldi never b. discouraged baet there art dlffklsltes; <3) that '>these vWhego gt thi.e aU o1 duty, ln Lhe * face af difficulties, a riglit te- ex- jpect divine support. "It la mot every *wcrkerorishlas thse goed fortune oet Es- tier; hewever, tisat ses-ant lo glorious 'who ttiumph: Inlis lU if lb ecurea the succeas of bis caulie." 13. Think, not, et.-It seems tisat Es- tiser ha nfot beau kn«wu as a Jew, but the taet *ould be brougbt te ligbt, aud lu the general à laughter ahe would par. lah wltlr iser people. 14. Then vil! relief and- de liverance arise MR V.) -Mordecal had trong lalth that Qed would net szow tis e Jol nation te b. destroyed. linSt thou, ete..-You vil! not escape de- struction, but you viii lome an opportu n- -t ci it savl neurpeople. Whso knaweth ~-.Qod ma ve put you la y-aur present Position LiZaIt y-ou milght be the means ar aaving your peeple l intii beur of dark- uess. "IL la a great blessing te bave sorne work assigned up by Qed, aud to e od's hand lInèut' ives, acomplsblng j ~ tiat work. This makes us trong, sud reuders 1f. eglorinuq,, ine. it la a plan çt Lhe almightv and aU.wise Ged." Ser- tai motives tnîuenced Estiser Int Lisi hazardous undertaking: 1. 8h. waa ini 4ne.2. Mfordecal'a worda that dedlv- ~&n~we1dcane frein sanie ether Vsource aud tisat she would lame Lbe op- eprtunity ofoavÃŽiug.berpel. .T. suaggestion tisat Qed bad bCrougit ber to ber pent Postons ltb s*,,nmht be a dlierr itis terrible hou . The aSsurance: te bud ithat %Jo4 oula i gir Il. The tbree dayea fait (va. 13-1T) 1O i %as, >e for mui-Is y bosa laslu '~npeahuatuü"in,' repeat*uce, Snuieeratiou to Qed. 15 stLie"uprs *lon,, eutwardly,. et t1se Inatease desi êt thse ieat. Only.Qed coud gir. ouc- ée" te hliér efforts#" TDrie - d&-mXtbu 'bee poe d. tbJ>S4 1SSla-t:9s e mld ot ~-1aveinentun aliolute faa-ctmpl.Le f ?oà o long iPerlod 0at hroeday-s; but Y~ jI%~'%li teudeü, freoin the ee ln of iliit t the moni et" lb. thr nbi h ave, ma. ch ed4htir- mainIng ii*ptè, re d thé @u PI fszer, tel us hou' the J.ews vote ss. .rei destristipa, I*vet aitee L.Jeva kept tise fast-of Purime on.tise iS3tis md 14tb etAar(about Mas-ci1). Estier ls Lb. beoof etprOvIdener. l> la a historie parbie. Tise prevideco of Ced las ot manitested >y a wordot Go& or a miracie tinta Qd .-The beo-difieral freinail ýtisers in that thse naMne o! God in oneit I. This. 14W, G. Moore- bondsys, la ewng Le 7israel1s réasten te Cod. Tiiey ver. etrAngers, inanauallen Ion& net ina sposition owned et God. At a distance b. lwatcisOd ever tLiiqnud delireredi tiscin luexact accoydîiio yiLi Lb. relation Le bita. Thse work et ]PrO- vidonos lit my*terIlu, eften paradoxie5lb imntelliible, inexplicable, until thse end, ls&a. e«"Rs Jla asecret control-et Lb. affaira o1 bis people. A bldden hând slftetshLb. aenee." 'Thiknont -vitis thyseif -tbat tisou mat ese' " (v. 13). Merdecai faitthat Esther met La Lempted tb tuithaie vwouldi ho sale in Lhe palace thougis al eei peple pcriscd because aise "bad sot yet shoved ber k4ndred Bor ber pwo- ,plc" (il. 20), mgohe ettified isrssgalnst yaelding te sncb a seifis suggetion ef Lise dean). Doec.tis, saMe tOmptatliin cerne te us?.Are w. 'tenptee te tiik tisat we arc safe thoUgis the city b. steeped usin guad asisamneTempted te b. satlafiça .te lire ln ligist tisugis Lhe heatiscu perlis lu darlineas? Tempte4 te rejeice and enjoyeous- plenty Liough thousands 'uround us &sutGor?-d bicp us and git. us Lise maselfisis inYe vhicà saya, "fis people are' niy people, bis in- erests are n»y interieb.5, bis desires are my deasirca, bisi glory îs my glas-y" (Ruth i. 16.) "l thon holdeet tby pence at thia. trne"l (v. 14). if we fait te mprare Our opportunities for' service, "then shall there enlargementand deliverance arise~ .frein anotlier plnce," but vo &hallb.l lasers. Il w, rejeet Lb. word efthtie Lord, tLb. Lord 2,il reject us and cboe another Le perferm oui aervice (I. Sain. xv. 23). Qed bas given'us eà easkînig- dom ot.power and influence4 Talents, eudowunentt and adranta go.Qd gave Esthser beauty aud tavrrcht1is nigs deliver ber people. No eue s tsrored -fer biniseit aioe. Wealt is lagiven, to b. used fer Lb. atarved sud atrlckmau.Ieu- ty le giron te vin lothers Le Jeas&as.ny talent aud glft ta a respongsity ln- Leuded as an instrument of bheasiug. "I "I wili blesthe. sud nains great sud thon abaît b. a blessing" is ever God's ordaz (Gen.- iii. 2). 2. So-. cial position sud climstauem Esher's boins was a palace. 8h. as tise bride Of & klneG. Qd put ber lanLis. position tisat aise migt deliver ber people. Our surreuudipgs. our relatlonshipi, eur- famo~y Lies, ont !rieudsps, art ail op- pertunitiesfer service. 3& Spiritual ex- Painces. Andrevr legrna ef jetas 'tlat be MY tellitbIsovu broelr- Sino <Je'a'4. 4). is vman attbe 1!'ul :il M =vu _Z Xnny OfthLb.Samaritaus$ tkroe-ber tétlony- (Johu W W)>.4. SpirItual psrllege. (1) Th ise k'6..Are. you. frbsg t "Lise poer'et Qed unto sai<atlea'(Lom- L.tao). (2) AiU prayer.ý Il Liis weapon, effectuai sthy-ou "in et*icailu with, al sadots?", <Epis Yi. (8.3) Tise promise.Domoue oet tise. Iluga stagger yoýu;'but #like Abrabsui, ama y-eustreng In falit,. gvie' g ry te Ged. Mud being foLV peraudpêth"wbat aWà el 4od kér* to4k .e- -u.,,n This s liLhqp4 sz l». b. Ja«MtlloI* C.e E F. taw, avea'él' r die4t., Lie«0 in 1M Agte MU1&8 o Wt~r ions ses, h sbew a 1mti' 1t1<. tmpr sudin tddreseat Lbut. theds, s'mt TItsis aftes-noon r. James Yleteer C. e . tterava areandsrct ddes Ma net fi" iflch 'h eavé b4 n aius Lo.repes i 1of nt mauy ilujuçr- xous, winscine -d, aiscs rpos-te duri ie by-cawr 'ut th e setn hies ny- iesich d, rord e eeil aeasive -ola chaOnatr.iste tali- Gedlng aterih ire t - Lbe poatoba anod crtwesauat sud detructi hems ersud peataeesof thse -ýoetme vbut etontric . Tue r n worm, viiich adt te sanerie s trbucdtive bel rtve! L v. Seo-a ctiato LaeS didi orne Aju-ytew oeet ict a nl Oth rore, but c to- id frr Lifis it a t-u ab tobin- srou ieNotbwtritorndis.f o disoewmoanada fo.r igtaecist tie hltra, isicisayprcviesh s euly e-e orfated lu alagflte seinns ulamneet w- e cletos, bt o et vsil th t. -car-u deos.aThen, sud ts.chaempinabouter a Lee .the Suersor. hA ucwroetet ineseyctentie o Ee rpa lea cs- aer viicis la semainay thee-ron l- and i notcber iujnery l sOtaieaai] Tor-ise ahn sablyas a Tiseabn- sc inee ig Canda fothr beirgabutin o!Lseheaveos iethbisecar -non purhae a eek Lindse gre gi-nbindetroyi 'gs the trGuconenet tisee or tournheve, tte- ci lb burrt tealat 'oulb. geu anodula anethr ee moseme es w re1, leurvigd, ohmyiad ci the g. us l =e inrently,.pny iere b ig a boutl tis u Lsonhsone ver ed List li aina duce. -' Dr. Fletcher drcpr atteution Le the ca'bbage sud'turnip apis, bichis lado-' ing se ninci ban y-ar by vear lu Can- ada. A kuevhedge ofthLie ustura'- his-. tory et this inatt, bho sud, sbowd tisa atucis good ceuld b. don. Le preveat ILs aps-ead over vkibie fi"id, as %fas nov tee oftem tise case, resanltlg in-thse rin- aLlen eofLis. crop. lie recomudeai 'tbt. tasmersu ta iinningi ont Lblrtus-- alps la Augaitsisebula hoou th isehrt te deteet Lise colonies eft tie Litekt5 whicb at SisaL ime are aegl na l fdt. in nuniner. Diy tise destruction et tiiee l tue propos- tîmis1bad bien f'euud LIat tise crop couW,b savo4. I' Fursther, Dr. JYletciier poinedbot that -wh.uan inset vas feusailu saii! ium- bers, as vas tise ee is usepise with - tise, pes aveorilasd tis e odlUng motb, that *&**,he twse isore AUl othet, freveM- effotrt te b. put forth to, dâry-ieut. , Tie trop boing uuiai Si>. attuunklns lancaeno sêlseed to- n'en finci so soothiQga,d. refresh. ben=at t"a..Bkse iJ AUTO- R.5A5~U\7AIé suae-au.1-~fr Granwp s .1W. e, van t â ýo Ksnslaugter lu aris. Paia ar~U-Ellott Fitchs Shep- y-as-ci, raudaaa ' OL W. il..'V audasbil&i vas~~~ à rà g~ od7o a Charge et insalsgise. uAug. -28 Lthe aeeused, in cetau itis Tom Tisesne, s race-J herse= eve sd a' chauffeur, vere au- temobilblg, vise tise ear, viicsShap- pard vaw"s. dsivmSa, atrucit and killed a girl. The cens-t vas crewded witis Yroucb sud âietastsportsmen. Ex-1 Ministcs-- Polu#re conductea tise pro- sectten.' ièniade a scats1umig attacki ch tise Prisonsr, viei araused saine o! te. auence te, su&b au extent tisattise proaldeut oethLie court tisrteaed te clthu s-oam- Wituessea avaretisait "%Ls ie of tise accident tise car.vas -raveling et Lihe rate of 80 talles su isous-. Tue>' ted tisat tise prisoner vas fui!>' avare efthtie accident, but did net stop. Tise lamipa efthtie automobile vote not lit. Sbeppaïd ad Tisasne testified LIant Lise auto wva Llcing on)>' 17 mile" an heur. Tise> dld net knav chat aunaaci- dent bail accus-ted until tise> read et il in the, nevapapers. M. Poincarsre demanded - tisat an Px-~ emaplar>' sentence b.clanposed. Tise court defets-ed, sentence. SHIPPING INi U. S. BOATS. Tise New!ouuOland MFliermen sud Lise liait Act. Ramiax, Oct. 23.-Sertis Sy-dney is' Lbrýoaged wittla Seuifouaid1and tiaiheraien tronm tise Bay' of Islands, Bonne Bay -and obiser parts o! tise western Coast, vise bave cerneb>' steamer te ship as cren-: e! tise Gloucester schooners ,aow ia port Tue people ol Lihse parts et SeWfouud- band, nov that thcy arc ferbiddea te scîl iscrring te the &mcrleanfi, :0e star"- aLlen starlug tis inluthie face, as. tise> issve beeù n luhisehabit et recciviag thicr vIiter's supply gas <lie resmit etftise fail hcrrlug fiubieris. -At Donna Bay- anda otser' places indigntion meetings haro bebeauislli, ani thé strongest reprscenta- ions made te tise New!oun"dlad ový es-imeut ila tarro! th. repeai et tise baitLe. - Tue LteatLy -U*fIS8S8 slows Ameiesçoan schooners te fi0i,' but ntte ëbu>', od acisoones- alLés- shooner mauneai 1%tlA x- part Xewtoitudland sboee tsbçrmeu vii, b ar. 1-taitisSydaoy Lo proeÇeute lbc-lisb-, es-les at lBay' ofIslanda s ai elsevere. Mseauwile tise lievfenndtancl Gverit- nment cruiser Floa,49 at Bo4is- a. 3ad, sa 1V, ÃŽ& semevisat 4enbttl b oy tiis mate., - od 14 ouadigtbt bailRot ylbc regtad cd Extra coes eto!Gloucester- i-ela ate ilgulug bifere ýUniteai States Consul AVUIE RE»CETACLE 0OP'THE ASHES, '0, 81 ENST lIVMN For Sours s Cosatant trom nof Peole Pa f. tt fitu ias-messBur- Lett-Coutta' Bome-Improsalve Pw cession t. te Abisoy. A Loudon cable: Tue asisus etf-Sir lieury- Irving, enclosed. la a plain, oaten coffin, arc, ton lyiug ln tisa Ciapel aof St, FÉiat, Westminser Abbey, Await- iug to-inarsow's elaberate ces-emely et intermeut lu PoeL's Cernes- Tieis- re- ,menaI frein tise ridence et tiseBarea-, cas Élurdaet-Coutts occirs-ed at O6e'cleck ,.iis avening The cofjn vas phaccd iu- & isearse mauitted police snd follalwed b>' onc cars-luge, tise occupants o! visicis yen tise Lve sons ot tise de- ceased, sud Sir- Remisy'. aged dresser, Walter Collina, visa had been na at- tendant' for hall s century-'Ibis meai- est procession vas brougist up by an- otisrer quad of mounteai police Thse entire route te tbe abise>' as hined by ibonsaudaet people, mcn standing bas-e- hendcd, watting in respcqtfui silence un- tllI tiseiscarse passed, andi then joiiig in procession bebind -"bise police. On arriva]i at tise abhey- Lie' entire square vas filled vith an iatiesa multitude The bourse %as driven li tiste deans' yard, wisýere iL vas met b>'tise Dean of West- milnster âmd a nutabeofetchergy TisPe sSeo as moit mmpressive as tiO processipaintovcd and 'disappearcai among -the gloonay- costers "lhe %il- ence wks breken ouly- by- tise ottailis of tise clergy-. bearersansd imous-n'ra Tho publie vas net aduiitted As the proesffion, ts-dtise great ergan soIt- Jpy citise Dd Match, tram Satul, Vwntil e.Chpal ot St -Fatb vas reachi- ed sund tise ceffin bsd been placed on ai catafalque, vison bbc mnsic stopped aud a short prayer vae sali by tisa Feor isurs te-day s constant abs-ama ,ô p= pl filed past tise caskt contaili- lngti eis un tise diulag-roet o Bar- onesà BusdttCouLts' residece, Sur - s-roundiug Lise catafaiqu. vus s vesiuis ot fIiers itrlbùtcs-Uisited States: and continental as iwell as 1BriLtis -Xiibas- lug te * ao epe rhl rinSeetlîd Le rfps-.semit bbcUnited stabes st the, deatis et C. (0. Rockwà od at Tovoato, wvas relesed ounal!titis mnornfing by;Jnsgtiec M laoman. tR fudé -Of Éirtut bial offîéers atee to the Admr lty u sth respect'ta ti _________________________ - capture and dete*nteon o! Captain Co-~ f ther and Lieut. flattait byv Moorlaili bri- Toronto Fméý à k1; i5 ttJ1ih imrlmzt i Faxçai ~atet.' 1 l ît of tiie ;xnr-aIIBritish pubflc. I~î 0i tq e au ot e r w-4 st . ma l ifrîneâa tatthe Admi'alty offîcers, re- 'wuoo 10wUt~ cbs. g gie Tonl1 Igard the Moorish outrage as cecidetL'y 1iS4 70ellp usht 0ol. Mr- ...~ ~ja go0d joke Ou Crowther and IattonaiÃŽdtt ebaneo. WO batsbe c. 01. u- that the Adrniralty offices resuund frorL Cb5.lgId 30 bus+l.nipg tili ni4ht withls ighitez 4.e lu 't wM ee îDe m« exeteof the *l¶O captives.. grI w WMqe.t s laala tan.atm*aW. e- tiL lao1ly! à quetiou ô f f n î ;18, ver. u> At I, qe -n Vlib-stfeeso~ î1 t04_', 0 go ~ ~ % ot rsoe. The officers taré q'ut e, Otteate bltobs..l .~; jjof the case? Jurthern>orie1 _ïarntokt. Do.. 8rin. bubel . .O71 O 0 that (irowther and Ilatton not only w1 DO.,0le, bitabe! . -.970 000 hv odowtottesmah,1o Oat, neo.. ....... .. .... 3S% e000their fellow*-offieers during their cap- Barl7. ushl.........960 O1m', eivity, but er ikely îvhen it.-is - lia....e ......10 00th i be caled. upon to explain wiiy Ptrav. Pmt ton......... 0ee 12a eWithey put thernxelveâ in a situatioli trat-, D"e ss2She 755 as equivalent ta au, inVitatiaii ta 1hie .. .........O0 23 0 26 remeinber-," 1 was askcd this eveiiîng, Butr a 0 23 0! De.. 5.&mer.......025 0 28I the casse of a Juan run over by -a trii; Cblekens, per lb........O l ôO12 un Oune 01 our ronds a shiort ime agni P~~~ow1.~~ Pb.......0os 000 \%ho 1-is arrested as soon as lie cuL Tiir1ceyu Per b......014 05 IDuo.e. r îi. 0.. .15 Illeave thbe hospital, oua chargé Zai. trer Caibate, pu -dozen.. ......005 e iii lg-onthe eco-xpany's propertyT Patt7..,,pr bs......06 8i5 UWcliCrowtber asnd latton -aie Ikclyv do~~esit 00 03 to g et the sanie sort of treatnient.'Thg Beof. bor.qumrter, .. .......7 0e S,0 will be, Iucky if tilev escape -evereý-pulî- Do- ' 0 lis se ishiient for falliuig înt te eluteW"LIL u no.. e colce, Car=» .. ......6 il W *00 thxose brigands." MutD er w eim. UOS. .. 50..... Londona, Oct. - ).-The Tangier cor- 2 Vu. on.peat.......aSei 9 a respiondent 0f 'hIe ,Timies cables: '.ti Lamb, aprlng.......9 s00 io0secia luhere have in9t yet succeeded lini.- - Thse oahu - taining any coin in un ic.-tions from tjeý ÉKinton.4Mp.Te ay -O oloed &nd 1U8 j ptiiied o!ficeis or the brigands, Nwboïe vhlte ~ «" cb- ve oim;10% m»d 1le e tual wvhereabouts is Iunknown. -ative Cr4 e sla. 554 to 10%C fSr eolorml; 40 col- public opinion takes littie interst 6- th,. Madmc-Teomýdy 7 vmere boamdeG;, as the Mà oors arc now aeiu:li 001d M Il 3-lic. or 4oun4fr to cd-to,,à eptaino hstot we* 4asee os-e!asbxe;jrages, Nwitbout ba%*ng the, leust feà r of: &Il »Ito-affth' bx* reprisais. 'fley have begun tulook -_up- joufted îwe -«ka on thte capture of British suljects aadý Bdti*-,CattI Zukaieta. tsibsequcîît concessýions extorted froi ae Lendo.-Cattl, *»!0%aI il 1%# M2dagben fur their liberation as a' selfe ver 1b.; refriUemr.tÃ" . e p« lb. Sh«. and sure rond ta wcalth asndpoprx- UWà t e r'lb.f Leadug Wist ec. v. WUL DE BA1RREI)l*FRoM MAILS. ;ev York..........Di&s wu Du uth........... Toronto Li"e Stock. se oot~ 57%Wd Ui~ 5535 5131 85% 81% ISIL'rad l caest a y s-ho mal! e h psotcas- i!at lthe proset. Bublss--4agod ulcsea'c*lie thse brad vasstiog Tie butor thsee Ues-- In"s ero i tes -aI teom Psate su.s5ta- chelce, "aI fs-sm 5 l. e ta8.75 t«or dli, freina $8.%5 te * -feraSed bulcer cova aud ,freu - $8t e *.5fe o iM tuicews. - Feedaraxta4 8teekhe-Ia fhdedus aud stockessIbade segwarwu va versdu, tadeed Ce,oteiters«., valshlu frein ô" te m5 lb. As-e ta dèâdosd.Tb*a feltlig 100 t 13 ls emsclai. am 8M10t.e54.molu;; teeder , te unlIlbo., 'et 51&40 te 107 mm 10uà i , am#es, ôte M0 1 0Ibm., as te 83.4«1; bout YesslIus seu), M-t 70Ume "t '0 te 5f;us.904odâ aokise, 0 te 8» im. te m. tt U:smduaeekblos 00=0ân llbtstoAckers, Wo m itea9p »S t$4d -eue. Ont so Pm tone pvu, $Let do-t e oi, a le 'uses-- th. mum Bau for Immoral Publication - d.- jFnauduleut Eanpigs. Ottaiva, Oct. 23.-A pestai. change la. iaanounced la the tretatineont7- ut Cuire- spondeasce posbed by- persona enguged iii ilhegah business. The use ai ýtise, miails 'nilb. retusea La aypërsQný publisbing -anybbing ot an' imuloral,, 8editiaus, scurnilo ,us, or libelous ca- acter, or Inthie' business et au iIIcgal lotberyt or caterprise iatendcd tei c- ras-ud tie public, or in tise business eof sellng green goods," or of, Certain'- mealielues, iasbru,îicnts, and :prcserp- ions. postmosters are instructed y> - th&e depai-tment neot ta accept postcaeds wibis written. copunications on "tise adressedai sde for transmission . ta-au>' - ceuntis-e xcept tise-United Rtes,f Msexico, tise Uited Klingdam, Frine,. .Swit=exland, Ibaiy-, and Tuais. Somat of -wer.-lately , fervardeai' to. ttapin, sund thse Japanese, Post Off icei ,Department ha made sers-lobojection, te Shas tue In-cerrespondene te thà t- soi. heSTLE TO SUPPORt RMR e POP1 w Lady - Chek là No-ý 'r Fm' est.; ri l 1IU.1 Soad: OPOW dLettes-a r l dei'>. 'Ne*s York, Oci. 23.-ýNUtn b55 mM-oat nuffe, W-mm bi en p leyed L54 fs-ena 506 3X%~, 5d rder et nt IhLe.Part Jcr%,ia ~~ t ~ % tatfi eas urraiguatai le!. States (1na sonrihiida YOIX thse Charge o! bsvlug open'ed If *TTrus-entaioen nine>' theretroin iai ber, %igtaut Unitedi States Distr1ëtý . '~-Holugsten aaib.liaimd eas-neo ba bes0ung ivemnsas I tesoe aol LI00 idowed involid tnothber. fr3144behtex'ed seélad talIon' tCit --Oeyli fresý Soe à 1 Lion. "Saved t] mise says, pi nme ali y-au mmnd!" - -And she emqoth bis nua aoî "Ask Bel diary, and. *sport it, w beupt% Jelanue le * L droop la rneinher" leir.4 tell> y-ou ai and ali v way 'Irq "Vos, o0 -buft . very- -a sigli; "a iint that' te graùd jenGeor been esui pi do ->d y-ou 11k "I Sisoil