b b ive made LU extra ta obt.a.iuthe best. and ýt spiosafi! the market have à hem now' lin You 'can .make -good' pkkldea 'and -sauces with1 pure SPICes9-spices preerve- ts.te. 'that JE.WILLIS MédicalHaill BokSt. Opticlan Wisltby. Couïe y qwn -I I Happenings Wle ih isa evtozme lui belna print- e4 on ,Wmj«neod"a.yottrnoon Mr. wui.>;Till I.s lllng off hi. furniture, à mdtiiMnçtent@ of iu store. 'Mr. L; W'alnba a stii.auctioneer. miSS CLAyPQixs SALE. On Tt.mlay ofterboon Auctioneer ni iBI o l* .'6for iMus Ciaypole the, «ehojê cf ber boushoid cf fecta. The. suis vaç-faJuly veil attended. Misa " Osypole bas reuted ber bouse, uand petato fibewith ber, lister. pu ýw 3OwoIidlwë ~te par jqÃtWlJptfqs te Tise Zeystone by' is ej« a S b#rm lof good Apples fille toe-*f-e111 >et. ffl*WW iby Ua Bll eI Wte «et' tegioe nooeto ~0~sss- 4wtiat vioini*ty. swaà Um wsu ohumslf and j5 t%79%PnttMau or ld an%» sd b. uau ir;to- Ansu thse *rvaeu cf the driaiisfrMath lu tlaeîr midutsud are'td joetîioa. 4h.ý township ecouncil ts uext Meeting te ý,uhmt local option l>y- [bsw. If ti.e cunol refuses tho ire- quest, *th* )untentlon 'la te elreuiets a pet-ltiw m onç the. ratep*yer& sud present It te the couacil. An, or- ganiaion han been' effeoteiptlte IW eallêdthre pickerles Township Ten-, perance ÂI1tançe.- Mr. Clarisse Rogers le presidont, and Mir.- so.ý Pb îUp ae.t reau. A. 0. V. W. GATUERMN. on nmondai evealng of tuis veek the local lecige of the. abtxd eider met in their hall. and spea4 a filoe social evenlng together. There ve presnt DiatrlIct Dcputy Bro. Brown, of Saintilekl Puas. blot. Depqty AIL. Hoover, 0 » Green River; Fluassi. cier Biru.Fuller. of'Orecn River; Grand Treasurer Invol.#of Tersis to. and Organiser Bradshav. Tss gentlemen entertadneci thse athrlog' by excellent oddresseu.Tiien amm f ollowedband w'bile -refreémeats Iwere belng served lire. W. J. Lis entertaineci Vrith blisgrascaphont., lire. Ernest D&ais. of NWevm$ ket, la spending Tb",nksgivlng Day 'vill Mir*. W. J. Lui.. POLICE COUILTr. George OI'.*D vas arr.at.d for beg. ging on Mondai, and vaS4glv a situation for tWOIILy 4ayo ue autie Devsy. . , . 1I1 1j Henr.y Chatterton began thse ves very badiy. Ite lochnt' long .smd Icvipaglyast numevous bartenseor. threugii tIsebottoma eoftotnemany heer Classe«, aud viion the sbadeg of night begtote galber b. gentiî iay' dova,-P & y em idvlk so vas dreaccing of white riteansd piek ailgature iiehn, Rom dsm;an S.lI bappfesiaioeg adeeotiiiot No. 1 POO"cstation. lu thý mor.. ln& be vas sorry; se w& Magia trate llarper, aud oily e.ssssd hlm si aud comts couîled vitis ak hoe. tint thsee fleuc would net be re. IHO e ýOS O UO II À meeting of' tisese nterest.d ln hots! ber Il « onoay ev.nlng usit at a bIicloek for tii. purpca, of 're- organisin; fo1W tihee cmlug san. ?burt las 0 em. tou ot la 06'- &W& teIi qMf haler. lgue of thépe Sow~aiI1êP.llwLWbltby. Pobt Pery ,q Pciiw. The.vle* bers ~ ~ ~ b lthtt ecIbimpossible to get up a junIor t.a.n of,'tises. Wiso hayw dot pet ,piaysi. btietii, oinion le. cxpred W that as-via- unag- junlor tes.- coolci b~ruaatuid or ave wy good 15iteliIktt5 team Thse meetng, etxluit MK54O bt as show bst *S& h ti5eir7iassusmats for the.-1andli14< of the tlght that MmossabersOéw tisat thus a4lte beemme usOC*- Pearaue 'viiJiutdoubl e iea- -or- 0fth ee .is !TII. von l, belug ruasea & long and viii dobti. les.. ha noozapiet l a wcry short SHOi'l'14ÀRÂND»&T THE The. Vaonuoy14 h.eisColUlats bore ba fot YtiSn filedb.yj the . au> rival Of tii. nov tâ.cher. The re. suit lu that the 'vorn whioh shoulci be tahen up by thse fourtis teaob.r la beiug onmtted, te the dsdvantage 01f tih.einapIls. ,Laut>,,*ar -Ual tise five teaehors vers uy For serai ustisibefore #vacation*four tuacheru 414 AUlthe vork. adO sIno OCtober 1i brse .tescheru onl.y'hars been on duty.> Teac*tts, parent.s sehloilrsAnî d scbool Board vil ail hope that thse proest unsatis. tactory condition of thinga viii moon end by th. arriral of Miss Scratch-tse $950 moembe9ftit. ataif. Dy <laW. yIt iW e . fieed hi an iteni uniler the. bea4 log "Ortlla" ln this Itse tisai tthe î Ortilia Shool Board iras appointed a sucesuser te Mies Scratch At à miary of 9MM0 DEATE OF WILLIAM BA=LY.< Uir. Wlilliam Balley. lot 8i. cou.. 2. Whitby townshp, dIed on Thurs. da'y eft aitek nt Uic mgo e188 ysars. A jear &go latit sunmer Mr. -Halbi vas lnjured la hl# saw* mlit, sud Munettt ise bau been a cars upen the atEntion 0et blu vife. 'Be rculd not bW Ift atorie for any l1ength cf tise. 4ni was nmer clear 'lu hi. slnd ins. tise aoeldet ,'T. fosseral teck place on datuzday af- teggwlEOb le Unin eemtery. ST. Al.qvR-WI3S SIETT. st. Andrew's soeise.held a seetm lbg ou Fnlday lat. I t 1a exPoctOl that the brethin iii belci avr, Al fermat dinuer te celebrate 15t. An-, drew*îe day. TLc.s ta talk 0f.- ha,.. lug Mis es sie -Mact=lachla ag th& ueaton-baut eta- iter date. 'Tb* fellewlng oftïocern ves lc Presli&ul, Judje Mutyre: ies. president. .Tudge licCrimDo;Tri ueA. D. Frgimer; Somrtary. il,'T mathisoui; Dard maddÂssooiate, Rosa lainai. Dr. Abraiza, a0d 11«-4., Mr. Giivray sud »Odrus; ]RelieotCou.. J. S. Dcv, 3> .rslat9n. John Thom- son, ILM.iou Plj:4r. lobt. Stiser- Ka'y. Tihe meeting was adjoUracu- tilt rl, sosI,, 8d. wiiibai brougtlt$ tova agit a e> t.asdlu t"s ui'lutue The b94- weathe vl . pn s a vm"y short time. . Oui' stook la nov complote 1wlth ail goode ueoded by Ladies, Gentlemen and OblidreOn duringt the wlnter. . iLadies'Veets,, 25c.' 50e., 75e., 90e. and 81.20 eacis. Ladies'Drivers,25e., 50e I,4fte il81and 81.20eah Ladie' Wrapperotte Wrapp 11 81. 50 and $1.75 caeh. Ladies' Cashmere nome (plaIuand rlbbed), 25e. upwards. . Ladies' Golf Jacketa, $2, 82.25 snd 82.35 sacis. Ladies' Silk 1Boita, 25r. sud' 60.e. cd. . Ladies' Black Sateen Skirts, 81 upwards. ' Ladies White and Colored Aprone.& E Ladies' Flannel Blousings. ' Gelmeu's French Naturel Wool Shirts, ail sizes and pries.' Gentlemsn'a French Nat"re Wool Drawers, ail sitesand pric.s, ' Gkutlemeu's Lamb's Wool ljîsderwear, 50c., 75c. and $1 per garmea$. . Gentleme'Cardgan Jacketst 90c. and upwara.. Geutlumen's WooI Top BhWIrs;75o sud 85o each. . Gentlemen's Fine Braoces, aIl prices.' Children's Veste, Drawers, Coate, Bootes, Hose, etc. ' .Andrew M. Rss.' .S 'CHIiNE study tof this paut of th a" ~evêr age been and millt . t Visrevorerti<,nbou Jadi (boats men -oais tiserighis and prirîleges ishat bave issen 'os for tbem» ÃŽetise îgit t'O wo *ilp & ,t. îovweru themselyea sud trObiS reWly Utistise .wo1ld. Crst ritain Comprises a number ot reptUbloi,hanaolf tie mest domow oratis. %tsp.et ' f tises ail. Re- -foreufte a& odete ireyolt% ef tiseAmsreL~olenamité dause sud. remîit, tb.elilouwltg of canada, fuIlsasi6taia . Te-day tise povor sdmIgist, of BrlWaJ n a wwmk4ïpt«4d dtar-roaohing. " andi Mahe -16r th* Il. bt tl lavliieaton. 'qiotatls'u wsd osais rout 61r Watsr be tise slltiit agdip4o1ve and hbe. bovin% BWlt#uer. Tise fututaeo 0<i ad BuSpire ias, 1««Wlytonahsd upen. and tise preiotloun mayiistiat <b. Hoe UsOpa igPeople. -visateiver tbolr hld -tiih* s te tise 1htulw oa tis. ta Itèestadliheer a al. k la the Esa"te o e'tbGeigIeny Jer- glané lato '0fthe Town or, Wi>i by la tihe COUuty f <Ontario. En- Nettes lubereby glven purmaet tO R.S.C. 189. -Cbap. eSý. se.8, snd amaedigg At tibAt ail pensons havlug 1Ils gia the. estate of tis sld at Osrg .Trdnwhe died on or aottbiLldyAus, 1905. ~ ~ t ar ~etd eseus by peut proepauldte Jame ttl .Bar- iissr Wl*P .- 0Q., ou or hefore the SOth day-et Bove8mber. ipon theëir eaimis, au il the' -nate by thon, verited 1,7 ,Utojry #lscarations. and lisait strsiilait melstionsÃsi date proô osei 0dltrihuts the. as»tu'of. tbesages is. avine regard snly " ha is s O t t e e O.<sl à * Wbitrhe tisb 1âAy of Bey. sand >frU.A.11--.Cl- :1 e Ilyrl, e. WelaDtowu on Weà &t, bussedma Dodne, of IPhqlii~ Thé Keyrbtone,,lu èc-lubbed with ai? '"eli un wth many, 0ftbetweohllei4. sluowlth oe 0 icb s o teai imers. Oubscruber in g-et pr"p4 tically anything th Y want ln theq newvnper Eelyèubn l The Keystone. ' iiniattdiy Inteaasn Dr.#, Chfs.theltmCh THE BAPTIST CIfURCU.' Mr. A. S. Parneil. of McMante r Un~ verslty, occupieci the pli o 0-n~ dar. MIr. ' -Prnell bas basa in' the. west for sei;erai yearsi, ind Ju a B.£ of Brandon Coiiegv, where ho aIa0- took one year in theology. At the meetinig of the B.YP.Ut on. Mondayr evenlng the ritory Of the, battie of Trafalgar and thre d a-l Of Nelson -orn" takeu- up instea4 cOf thé regular topie. T h. Union wlll hoki a sociaK4 on the* etéÜiuM Of Mondayl, Novenber ,u- îhe seho tt,,room. À unique prowi, gram l4~Provldcd and refr"l.al- ment$4 wuli be seried. An admis'. $ion fée 'of ton conts u adupwardir wiII be-tptkena at- tlÃe door.j ALL -S.ÂIÇT91 CRURCSr. Thuraday belig Thienkativiing-lDay, there wlll bo eatI.y communion Mi S a.m.. andi service at 1-1m Saturd" ay t tbeint tueceatenar> of theî batile of Trafalgar anç4 the death .of Nelson, the, great. bistorte'» event 'vas Observod »as D&utlo~l - Annivetsary la the Angiailan purch, uo ehe services wtre or spcial. l1-ne tereut on Sunday. Trhe text la the mornlng 'watt rom St. Luke 17 1 le,- "W. have don. tb.at- wbieb .w&* our, dut.i t6 do." Thre rector "gave Vy mont vlvid description of the 'naval-- lite and eOr4quesfts of .*hé grcat bero. Se l. aise pcksmumat sarnah~ iy 'on *Dutyla* cal when h eard. oand dutyliaeaIR wh*tt ub>"dI suad bol, al poultionsiot îire 'êocc à 804 inch w<>uld have ijte _ r* wird. Toutnsm ý>arâ qo4e wsetor w&e s'plyIVIg.d 'vth trIa , btrther to -,g oêebo.rd th«q Vlcor.v." müd ita*ncar -tbigw-, re=al thse p4çt. t-O ieua vvr -ý con- W issu aliteuvts lkbowlug the *pot wlaê6,e !felino and~ on a l'ver 4.0k ea ,eŽ IC., p Ã