r - K stuoc o perfumes -~ toljet, à rticles is complote. Hair Aruchl icloth B13P.~ tc pipes =nd Eyê ýGlasà es and . E.WILLI Druggist Opticlun, Brock St. Whtby.- ntlown, 3Reweniber -the dnte-Feb. 14 th. Re- ~Th< nnrwai ueeilng of the iuem- bers or thie plie lirarqy, wvIl bc. lheld .1bilt tibrarY Rclom 0oDMou.- day R<1-efing iat 9 o'ebock. A large meeting iS rmoneqted. - '13$Ys WA.NTFJ) NtouI Iitstrated WéeeXly 'ýPrice 1 RM E-4 . Vie entrtê' ineht girilti lu Id ani -tvpubl' librsnwy was. 0one, clf the l" wvi~'en lu WNhltty for'orne timec.. ~11t', friiLiving WhIst . CurtMi' lin <d tbe Opsy Daqn.en wbich' r r Mlf'q «att Fraser, war, thtstar. M044 -LaidJaw, i ntgY a 1frîî'e with Iller comte ouon#7"4 and dii t:tidIdy~ !~ di"t~r.by the fittif foke. were sxtxupdingly grace-. 'l ut n'~ty h bqIbY'drill, te0îr:.- ' wWWLby Mode 'k hq ibrarpquo4 ' 'Canasi *n vb 'or the seaisn IÃn Qd4 tew r Q»th.ro kd a , socat l.- ai, terue.Im *4 0' Iber. ilicg study*-f tmuor el$rime ifs0'n.uO lt h a ub tli -çvpi. jbhî #jn &à ;O1or theTr t -, ý jý¶pI4tc1W. >V810alst wttw ~îs'~k4>îy rom tn j cetg Mion wiuoh fu11shved %f akn at lui byEol. larc~w Q'. PrUopar <o CI4Y, kRev.l Mr. 'MUlwtard, *and Dr. xmeet1ng or tbw. club WÃ"Ul.lbe ad.- F'eb. 14th It4, the 0qtr. Do*t for., Wet to attend thtbans eooM;2rt. jk. k KkIhm OF Vik; ium~ tiret ,1Xi ;atotal or,02. Tbi tdmay l'i'u ý w Qulor 4 e titre.iwul U 6 of-Ii the ct fr1»~ rtê,tl. phoii t~ok, ore*Ad lu' ~ ~ -b frn f i' toL'.(" ~ I the~~8ib o luadb ' ga-p4u 1 fira ut pJIla te D~PS~~% T Adete tu t3CKs7*I o V. Aut comP orua4è0f T4n f 641 f rqi~th, c*l~u~Ws? ad"1 the~ f~ikdJ.' ~~~~.~~ lii t LO5 tskkO4 cama- bekQf6n dhI8e aUcyuo toklit r -- w~ WW< 1*81. G.41 Oeu~t1 kkk OlBi~1 't Oe~it1 4 Âlo k.',- - 4'. '-'k 4 .9 S'k awac e ii ilb n Sx à 4* Mi r>uiOof TmiIt~' (WIil?~o .3 j 4.3 -.3 .3 suad BiIk WooI ixtws O- d ~ ~~o~l 2.0err aryi ~c OAzýd" OWp.r - pair. ~aiMd dam& M,4osupi. k' t:. vinaeor luir.Tbej9* fibncle 10um w b à d ewlaUq e4 od&wt Put OOB1ODOt, re9t D- ýhw orthe o e*inw togtré Me tu. and r~a~to e iwb*oipeukthétii. their .,yw é Pt Ibte manlivee b4tI ha s. e hpo.ký aiton. erhittaba by wlohw a~ g.pr nd a to evalobG anei l>rlO% 'd d -o tc ¶i, l tler wà du O qýConUtini ýtMue1voeu .fôÈýt'ho a] w~~~î Pleo sd gwr thamoW we e D;~4fo b.eIe~ Poverty la onQe ma»ni4i'o 'Purpo a.nd efr.a4 tui apnother tu4adi lý'hm eand deVelO1 eiait tue',,Pèé-tà tIýin.,la ~bi» rà akeo one:uselexo adc-ompbd à nbther,t-tItg and4 Iu4ùetom alità c wftb ealt h, whlei, su pr e -le one 01,:the gx*etýti ;.I cveyIij$ juOO11 thé "etat hlu taklug-'"6i ftOft IlIt In ttoconisl»g ils, tNo mon cani gnoree fflIw Ue,- ,rui an, ndepeptient courge-e #1 cominit 0to> lIoa!qte,., -Job £4t, ri ,dlmtmiî .1nde? tlhmafd k k(4x 1e-okf- bliqa iauelet Vie k, ý he fiark bm'nh.? The new~ e',mAch4W11107 69onJUfýL dat '1ito tle deatit et I1fr F"rank tif 80t1h1hoeoIleO. ,4ound. MUr. aud,*Mr«. jf1inton h ad J çnncral utî&r 4uutbteir.. Ht'nry, Whodq wqesp lrovrtweutyi.oft, 702T5 thé lute i'.. iMtonl .wa.' co.enl Ãtt cort Rou ati heO tstpoulti" untIl abont Lwo yt'a1's g. - l,Hewe. ~lg1y tcmsdand pplrp~a ç%ti, " ', iic h1m. > The body ma'brooa1t 'te W1à tbr on Tiieui 1M dthe toi"rllwl bc cdfrom.ther%*ue ot -big o tb'p ~ e mebe b f hoA.O.U.W. IWre, ot m. bld' dcmÀwd. wat§o ames1ab., -Be aides' , ý arWNp, tIie gtmo l~ mT' lý,o 'eyteou .nft3 Tîlelei* boy wl Peu~ Ou? b4O%"-' A t 2,30 to _ -*dýîs 'i '4 'y vol III. RAILWÀY TIME WtWHRITZYJVf7 The 6.29 au. 4rain.,doeu col ITBY 8T&JTI V.07 ihIUa.mn. G 4.11; pý.. 6 .10 P.M. " 8TAGEU. Leavi, WhItby for Oshawa at Houlden, proprietor-.' YLav.s for Broughaunat 10 a.. Prom W. and E. 8.45 &m. y West, . 9.80 a.ni. Prom Brougam 5.1 MAIL SLO For North746 am. For ( ta" ~ 8.30 &r.. 1 Whht 12 .15v. PROFESStONAL PHYS'ICI1 SBR Giaduate of Univentv f Tor« et Royal College cf Phyaltiangt ,Ph o, t'. LEGAL Solicitor for the Western Raz ete. lMoney tg Lôan.Office Whithy. Ont. Dow & Moii] Barrises. solicitore. etc. Office opposite post office. Whil Y. B. ]DOW, B-A. T. A. MCGI James ButEs Pa.rr1ter, Rte. 3Moncy 6ta Loi 015SceIMMediately South of Ro3 John E. Farow4J Barzister, County Ckowe. Oounty - Solicitor. Ioffice of -Court Bouse, WhMtIiw 4M n a.uday evenIn a, 'lc Pbat eMOR--10-80ON da shd at 9.80 > n~--i. m. ae ou Thrsda evningat'cloc REVol.DO. A.RSM' à à abbatb$Sreugë-10.O9-.m.' dayeving at oolck AitSant' hun "k ~2. k' 4k~ Andrswm. Ross 1