114St Not tyo s"My brotbes n'I simple Rsila Unde - oJby 9tbý >Seo you. YoS' bat ever yljtc, rut to bisland a s-. Commuaiat ln the vllages. to me, snd I W4l SaUter Lwith mue promoý yarreief. Havi, laSit yn Buf terthat right o(ý [violable." , i-ho preatted théi hla ai the nobil, a n Interview a- Jobles dlrectlyt )4n.nda. H. ex4 ýt, in the .pring, oughbout the em., keý Possession 0t, will be unable to l1)e pola sud *Mll ves. 0 >e1andow n ý d(oozed. The ecmns al Assembly i15toi tta maise monee, eet and onable Ià for the wliolern. hicb lauanime Jef. )LICE* n hé' âg attitude is >ria- lte desire f or a'- ~mGcrîusny. wh0O the initiative m< posesethLe un* tcotity in mam-, bat Irances post- i x- the right t.ote loroccin affaire,;, ,('t the cenferencs," the country as a ind the vicw is it a retu t t the UPtRIZ[DO [ORANTS MTJle'? ADVAN¶CED. <, tigland for Canadaý, ided Witb Clotiei,- Plan Permits uf Ion- cèheinehu -becai" liord Rothsch£ild,. 1, vend 2w0 famili es Inese famîies wilI ".Me schenae foYrme' M'of the, probleni, yod of Great 13rit- lest of ther paî.- biir- arrivai lad rd aguinst enter.- Ch aduti jeplaoci repaid linitai.ý: that when the aý- been reniid twe ne plan. Agents' ç tigatioas report i- in cana"a for XEUP, Iby Preshyteti elle Presbyterac ncy. Thcre are rx home missions; <[fund, $65,000 ootr( GOfor Pren* %%W fer -Peint-aux. F- widows' and or aod and Ltiran for Amembi>' Hlege, $4»0O for for montreal Col- laztoba Collegs a- correcùt es- reral fundi wIiI the year. The tiie p qat Iv pointing. for the. support ni tb. home luit- 1mîmssonarleul, l >Y beentr> e-ntibutionsiay forward. tem ta hit Conedratià n E> IlS18q. WYWBKD~4 WiDut ruemb 5O:every, e m 0411& L4*ieI t 6oo pu Plb., led abe t'socp MueLubel steý e, aMBroya Lab 4t !;t per lb., ail equully pure tes,% prale are ntsaieflavorel, net belug grovu ut. as Va eapelutter teask'TlW lutv f 5oofutabvetue 7w "11 hes motîsput I have becs at4ugéUng with -My love, sometimes fiat- t.erlng mysoîft t 1t had ctushed it under foot; but 'when -yen speak iL alvays arises again, sýUd evgr masters me. I thiù# laitvas thc knowledg. that you 'ver. net hRppy-that lie was cold sud and ùnkWndte yen.-" lâhi" .ýcorne&es trugllug tirough eag,îuo' parted lips. SEOXutetîmes I1 bave felt titat I could la>' Mm deail ut My teet; but my acoru "for the creature vbo could b. celd te ï1og saved hlm: I pitied-him, Jeannet But nov I know titat bis heartiesa cou- diiot bas diveny'u tram hlm, liste lîim, thongh he bas driven yoii to met Ah, Jeanne,,,when I Isard that you lad gene without a -word, without a aigu, I kuew -I knew that I had been right te wait Patientlye sud that the houx- ot my te- ward bal corne; sud sec, Jeanne, zny lovae, my goddess, I amrn ect your beeti" and ha kucels and clasps ber Whilte aud horrified, Jeanne look* dovu iL hlm, struggling for the power eofspeeb»L Sie bas nul struggled to thrut hlm tram ber, net te ahrlnk &"y ritemhlm. Rhe teed. rooted lu the spot, bascinated by Cie woring, ugftated base uptumned ta lier, witli sucb an agony of appeal sud prayer. At lait her vuice cornes, hoarse sud broken: "-Are--are you mad?" she asys, biting «Sometizues I tbink I-amn, Jeanne," he xasys. "But why need yent be se fearfuli There lan n danger. The heur bas core when I cau speak otit. To-inurrow 'v.e bailiho miles away; Spain, Ital>', vbere you will; an>' place ou the earth vilbe liaiven enougit for me, if yen are by my ide." 419h, Ucaven!" girips Jeanne. Then, vith as effort, she tears ber arn> bren> bis clasp, sud, boundlug away fren> lin, drava ésle-cf up te ber full height. Wlth a glance. etdoubt, vith a sud- les -Iuward gathering of alarm, he look& up at lier. "Jeaunue!" % Silencel-11 the gaspz. "How dire yen c=t1 me b>' that nais? How date you peak te me as yen have don., unless. you are mad!1.HIow dure yen taliown'u -ulet -ue! Risc-ne, stand back I One othox- such speech, oneestap toward me, sud I sali for lielp. 1Im oui uLalune sud .unprotected, as yen dcemed, yen con'- ard. Cowardl1"g As if isa. ad 8truck hlm, Carece. ries sud taggers away fron> ber, a deathl>' pb alspreading siovi>' ovex- lface "Oowsrdl" hle chehocaildl>'. «Yeso coward!" repeats Je&a'ne' 'as- sionatel>', ber'face and aeyes asuisse 4ýWoul4 sny but Lb. bascut covard that -mrdrew-breath follow a w9mu sud Insuit er, as yen bave insUlted me? Yen love me. -Yen are incapable of love. Mes lo, not reptiles that et cep and crawl a oiog aniait a estSfor- menthe, te oboosatLhe.moment when LIe>' deexu bis ivie asIensd lelplesa, to follow snd insuit lien You love! 1 Yen dante tll -.mu. $bat, andd pretend tht I kumr aw -108W it monthéaugot Se yen u thiaI hâ >1 voula have ILfer n hu out lu Lhesame * yon br.aihed, if 1 bad kuown, gusedred et It!1 Love yen!1 I [o#hyonlI de à sîtI sers ynt"bM «o.baud ezitded au if te cuver im .ihhsea0~>tu hiCW, ring arom celeaspinluslb.hbalcon>',bis ,Pe îtxd ihos hii lips movlng fora 41Kpment it silence; teha h.tà u> U> Cmizo.»t4eon rw Lite oeld mivet mad" s.utteup 100is -"a1YoU bath. ni rou! -Ob, 0 MWsotthink I ne, or 1I eaU vitnuesto tMure anId dsgrac" it ltres to lb. door. Le 'wîhzteshirt, and Ufarence lovera lus i14t-i 01u I ariglit, 'if I kno'w--hlm aright, thex', tool have fled. Lucelle -wMl not bave lef t tlxi, opportumity rshp-an opportunity ishe bau been witing for. Do you not un- dersta il ,' Jeanne's face, white au death, con- fronts hinmuiringly. liras - "Have yu ee i blind to hrps sion as you have been to mine ? Ileaven "help us, both ! It is My turu te pity, Jeaune. Vale 10ovezeLucelle as i1 love you 111 = "Yeu lie, Lord Lane!1 is ail she says. Rie starts and bites biâ lips to con- trol himself. "No," he gays, "as Heaven is =ny wit- ne«a, it îs the trutb. Think-go over the, past fcw monthi--remember!1 Witb whom bas Vane spent ail bis time-re- eall the words, the looks that have pass- ed.between them-words and glances whÃŽch, unless. you have been, deaf and, blind to your own welfar*., must-mus.t have told thoir'own, story. Jeanne, re- fleet; tbtre Je atu timne., anal) the chain, wlîich binds yu to a man who ha. treated you with studied eoldness, and who bas, by this time, seized tb. oportunity of setting another woman in your place; une %vord, Jegme> sud l'am y urs> as completel>' your slave'as I have ever been. Ah, Jeanne; you will- flot leave me and ,such love as mine for a mani wh-o oes not,, asd neyer bau oyed you ?ù -jea"ie, u êak* to me. Oli. klnd tword, sud ail your cruel ones are forgot- ten. Jeanne," and he kucelsaain to Jeanne does not move,deszohu, appirently, for a minute; then *Le. look* ut bÃM. "AXiSC, slip gays. coldly, au if ie were someY-dog who had exhauisted ber pati- enes ' "You are mad, ùîideed; and If you were not, if al, you had said were true,, listen tetoUh lat words vouuwill ever hear !rom nîy lips. Lord Luie. 1 would ratie.r be the ie-long save of him you traduce, living l in bo urly mmou Md contempt. cowerlg, beà eatbh bis actual cruelt>', dying for one word of kindneus froim bi, than breathe the air you breathe. Go V' lie arises-staggers, rather-to his feet, end stands before ber, writh the face and zuanner of. a maxi crushed b>' a sud- den ae ý"You-you love hlm! » Lie sasys boutry, "Iov 10# mi, snd X, loathe you t' ahe saysiU4401# s -Wltbo#t uà tler word lie stopl ui Pick*lup bis bat, and, like a mant emttea vitit sudden deereptitude and blindiaeu makç for the stepsW, îding himacU bPyI1 thé, t'al. once, wîtb i foot upon thée stepO1le tuit, but liereteddau seortuuil>dismissing hlm, baseeute 0rP Ceunî to a sens, oft mhood. sud, stesdyg hinÎýeif, he raiSes bis bat. Oo-bye, Jelane,>le gamys. eav- en ké pun iiothile te lie goes dowu lewlys,,tepby 7M4YIed ut thé; bottoèâ, h.e bows lais he@À 'and stands inthtei col brems, meo- tlodou asIfto recover lis stregb Theui ho turas a" wtqt-e,~ got uto te "dow,vb-wen ho feà t- a Meedanleally lie teintan&mdsefte oe.- fro0utin ng the . a MS of, Van. CHPM XUf For iaMment LordI b wo lit b Wltb a geature Vén um X10c 0" l>ttalothee roo& mtaot ifts «m>b clmccoobert a"udtakea f a elp. Blue Ribbon Tea je why it, -soutdisti LOV ÀN-kTITLE ~n~I faltlestyThatCI Lfl4'd aýil others- on sa-les f.; i an,ý r-. bat- le' Zda theu h t M a- Way.", as t* bis ie R114Woa , ht oesrtact, Mr. R"~4, mu-,: "i et "m -mucii about uciûce 0f tUT cf 1h. .trt,as4:,ýI doat suppos.e t my'11v'Opu- 'iaamoun*ts ÂAu mmcii latis. mé. *Il A tkborw, la that St duo. tiie 'work and *tut wlthaout uny IeoveIace hls't bai _W tak, ka lUps dowu tastly. 1, ti. %bat At u smeuh- efet on , heMtUpg etthe etoumaciihe u-Sant to nie that thou mui 'b. lzes tome onlte llgantii bard. gutlg snd oraes L 'Md0 1 ives 6li. toueeiv. Juea schance toh Pt ut Lthe foSssContents cf Ii; stoxac. Il or- t lx a a nrat remýedy, and, as I1saY. the buît, t ILai llte tuct tatf tlis -iesy 1 &iý hsis qilestlocer =niaiugirf-, '~~ele. a*I~~yo noain'siaug; I la a tact. Nom wouil ,nover kuow yen vomi 1b~ g ot a oItq but 1 i bute do*=" amake a&u-\ dltteroucewbMfl nS.ym' gt-just plain sulid. Tih it w*y te pe Ã* t St a to 'vagh Uy ,.ta for about, 'teu dl, sud in ft dry belmen "I have*n>.tserts! peîýr»eoi-vbo lave îsSIl, sud mui e.thon> h-".ave, been, .7etlybieelte. I1met4,9pan laTezs, itdtrleo styt*ii;à uS iS uallew com*e -et mq, rxey# _»4.dtu #we.**@eu ha& vas cutS. ecue.'h6 ktpt on tuking h aM fqael xterVals, but lie could'awV etêp ithLb.dyflspep TouYenkaov itaL I rak buthU. boetoe - 4saS-limo.pbydl- 9>«th, atm mai mat-rAÃ'Ron M*meshlm.- dicwurliii liM.Thb l tse mo, the, ii .tt« vith i=1% se oonn>eaee'to doctor fer tii.'mellelue ha but«. t'h~ we ink 1 uS~#pu IteMlib e t iri , et t onathl, 6 tu e l uebefore 1 stw et ins I tale a 4Sêe.- . T MWsi.. à fc&*ard,» iexeiAlms mli. stops him,; vitI lier ovu baud pot: The «ýnent instant Clarence taises bis Out. the 'vater, and, shndderlng, wusi 8sWd*'2 'l bthe eigit eut. coolnes bas gonci white vitit passion, There, seel Look, dar1ingl" h. ir bis face Io set, bis eyca ablaze; 'vIit ai Ploresq laughing to reassureiber. "Wl muttoired ,- ,irssMueR>' sudît j e t se leÀd-syour finger-4om agsintie oo orng re a tonelionylm%%ememb t Lookis scratch. Tlbe Và e'iam.iut neler use, su&d na bud bt uun lu So, sud ge; snd no instant, as IL ese wceins CAT SEC.'.ai4 la alugt -n oJeanne, I wpî fanls fron> bis baud, ýw=ug from :','b bave tiiought deatli too citeap A Pir grasp pby a -tùmn of Vaue's s eppi. iit.te psy for tus nigh roofo0v WlbÃŽsddnZog-r t, va"s dear loe! 1ý -Thoéee, no more tears.<a pointe bis sivord ut blutoppont'. heourt. to , Jeaznu.; a=y'wite!" Clarepie, knows t3be rmovement -too wqll, -4nd olpwly -cepqs, np the dawn. à ndldoidsis arms;'theshbarp point '* 6 touche, 1ents, even bis shirt aboie bb Wbiio Van; suà d Jà emne vez-e sittil heart, sud belote him stands Vane, 10k0 aide'by ski% bhor1 to beart, maklngn death ilseif. tuaI ,co)nfieon and receiviug mutu Vane~s bAnd trembleï, hesitat«e for absolutlo bu -affer ail, there;w, hait s second-aL lb. fatal thmut, thul UO$' ltucà "l ,lIta igt-. afew W=i dro , dClarenlce in spared. Witb bl-1 eean-d up the,, msey ci theïr seVpar ed ams ciarence stares as If blaceould te sdd i"o ~Lady Lucelle, ,a not eredit bis sêes; wltbpoint lower à fe*w iords CMii einnempar-t explahn Vans looka te aysd siienLly iat )als. ber fllht fa1xî the late. It vas «c Titen lie tbrows bis sword f rom him, te se. Và np. atari vwhen Jeanne, pexu snd slowly buttons bhis wristbahdk ihtetbà lnüte rézom, isprdt Clarence starts, as if from a dregBul, thi. Priftces. ýVerono vas there; it ýw and stoops instinctiçe!>' for bis avord, aise good to sec bis look of asto»h but arisesr- vithout it. meut sud dismay, vIhen Jeanne, bluabi ayou>'oîôUdeà p'ia. your advantage?» sud confuse, Lold thu.t lail ed'rt be ssys, hoarsely. Svty 'with t Lb. mre prinems "spare your life. yes" gays Vane, Von. &id been se eungroesed bv b 4aV yu would not bave spared ni> hu owiz love trouble, tiat hoe had b or" - - eyes uer cars for szybody elsele. Carenc,, hltaanh. fic* works. "And whSre ta Hal'nov, darinizag 1 "ý'a heb says, brokeni>'. asked. "Silence," aya Vane. "Let there b. noe«"a. tefetela yeu," mid Joýna word. betveen us. You Cen tell me notb- bending. ber face.egmaia"bis. ing that I do net know. We part here(a.b Lord, Laite, forêvcr. (ob otlud) - Clarence'm bond droope.pus " ' «"Sa bc it," he aya and lie .1ev> ' A4bu~ , Un on bis couL and vaisteout.-1,7 tlui. i t"*«tMteMd SbaShonil Csrefufly Guard tii. "'Vane," he sar', «I-J h. ave . wrongeê.# ~ OeItgDs1rErtt yen. As. you say'nuor 9da catibetter It liges. »epâds UPM tbe iIs or uakotbigs venbetwieei uts; hut4' uaiholtWu,.l > wiîll "ay titis %bat I sim net alon6 th blame. Yeu bave mucla to snswer fer. If- w iOIe b@ii atch w4 you bave overieard ail tisut bat pasued.-7 thé q#"&test e l b.)healtb of b weli, 1 say no more but ibis-bad aee Sigitt.Bi. e w been hîappy, no word, no thouglit ncW dY-4Ote ost.T.la 'ulel of mine would bave wrougdye!-asiIof WOn>uaiod Vune looks at i, aud a sp:s tpi 'l~ ia oo passés over bis face. Whea saUrm maïes saw' -Heaven forgive us both, as I forgive oit ier >biood vith Dr.- Wlllis> 1% And -witliout a word moe aec'trainifbr we f, j tutus sud is suailowed up b>' tb. darkî erlt, ii4 Ull.edr -d. -vape. vaits until bis dep>artin< foot. InW $ch s-d'-biednS--AWi stepi bav-e died awas, thea goet hurrled'01" t b. 1*5 i' IIas Iy lu t-bedirection ocf tb. Inn. Plus wilt utukae A Rlavin& reaehed the stopsof the ba1-l- ' and i-e<U34Z-4b. 2, cou>', ho pauýses. - trong, WM Gène froni bis face, complete Us~'~a ilsbedtla b itggar d run o tlut Qiten ss lYl.s.dinW hua 41sfWiured .iL se60loneg on.,4s4 =y bek7 Ulitr la ogipve. Uy. f sud , &: & JO Ou morted hes4 malla t= 1*1fer Rotme . eh tim altuotubetgof iiiW luofi bt. loo e.80lcmsply At locha wiudw -1ab e bal st9ofb<i ttd=lfw Na and, ç" 1welidcboa&, lier o oa eii,ý1 eeé i tbe betioly ofse islyinw IfWlmw h, baOlh" tgrcrlod bue sm ,wf,v"mitip- mmarof*oi. w 'voeu. se#0motle#60ts.ýe Lii.u bumalaibéterti omse i g Y U %- Ues fo MwMY1k.u ltatilu u , Ais bua loean lUe d, e m ssioü f« ~ E ~te at-.vîlet lie #douu o m*-isd' the tew Vs o. hW ber:sp la, shW goPUet (Jh<u Palck kz~ife3 cu grittulstione: Fron>noon tRi 4 eo'luk tIs Europeans vere -reeeivted sud thon *n a ver= Mea~~ thé civil urztdeat ni~ntu at b j1p t.bey 1trdue$to kts Mf, Mr.LaÀzu m g,itebr.-' gomeleet, *who aso sppeared lu tke. em"d' -ifueo ruasdClioe ) -n.whldl peOplý, cran thos.aou-e *tnoe ï là mbarrasameut The"i 4:~~~t thé ueeai ao -ns-v hrisvizl ot bc ays I I OLROOMS. lODrolci Drlet tstreet, ~lark six-et. o.duY'btat it ei thofîis lIa tlq put Yest. __e re"in os -, s ~I 4muboun~wer~, i. UN iý . v 1, ", a" !ý 7 ,