Or-stock of perfumes and toilet articles ise complote. Hair Brushes Oloth 'Brushes, EtC. Pipes Cigare cigar Cases and 4.- 'i -t t: 1.. - "I or ID tOwt), <paie brwllv. I ON THE %VI.G. t4 the pu twd.u Mise mti « tù i4b and Iat Ueturu Mis dà a >atbi 6bo as umeus-* fhypsed t-ejunior Piano ~iII junior Theoi'y itO'o!Mw' twith ielt clas honorea t -the Toron to lot a pupî ,o!fis .Arubt ln Pianio and Thc-ozY. A& VERy 0GLD ItESIDENT A' * .- . Mrs. Tîmob O'CouiiOV died at au .--- early hour on Thursday rnoi'nlng.. Born in Kcrry coanty, Ireiand, Ini IS3 oaMoCrohan 'had reaulied the Tu od W ahel' ano e and alfthose ln. wonderf*al nge of lnety-th'e earq, need Of-ood warm CIOlothinga ceip, p4eswfld cail1y the oides:t wowau In Whltby. IPCawld Bevider lhe rhui>bîînd tl-c tanaily con- -il OC l n itr rce daugh(ers, Mr&.James w l o d xaine OUI' tock.é Foies', Bellevill1e; Mrâ.* JaMIS me- cr;in', Clc,-eiend. Ohie. ad Mrs. Jea. O'C-nnor, of Wtitby. It le note-1 worh hede at ar. d aiqoat-. Ladies' Underirear from 25e to $1.25 per garment. taiaed thc great age of ninety-bix. A&e' ahee oerWDadr ,d 5 uwrs t Ir, 4pw!ird;z ur threz.ouarten o f a *Ladies' Faeinators 50ocupwards. r century ago muat dmaasci ttiedi lu Ladies' Ringwood Gloves, olored and Black 25e, 30e, and 35e per pair. what aà trwarâs be.raiue the tow-u o!fais Blouse Patterns, French Flannels, ad Silk Wo.1 Mixtures, 0,Prc d M hitliy. The' funeral takes place on Ladies' Golf Jackets from $2., upirards. pi d sIrlnI nri~frmtefml Gentlemen's Underwear, W00l, from 20e, te #2.50 pevr3arment. re.'idence utt. Àt1iacIl anfd Mary streets GenAtlemen's Underirear, Fleee Iined at 54», to $2.50, per Garm»ent. . te c't. John'se11. Cé- curcht, thence Gentlemen's Mocha lined Gloves, 75e, SI,,81.25, and 8.5,per, pair. . to St. John's ecemüerv on the bllil. Gentlemen's Tweed Pants, ail nzes and Pt'ics du 1 o! l'e1U"i. -Gentlemen's ReavY Working Mitte, 40e, 50e, 60c, and 65e. per pair. BO1YS WANiTED White and Grey Wool Blankets, ail priaces and sixes. To beli the Canadian Graphie, a White and Grey Flannelette Blankets, al picsan izs Xationa-l litstrated Weekiy. Price Rome Knit Mitte and Sox, 50c, per pair. i'îv' centR. Twelve copliesta start As ulrneo lnlt. ihgws Wrappers, Hais, and Caps, wlth rîct f ree. Addreooa, TheCýau- Sweaters, Toques, etc. ' Eadian Graphie Pniblishing Company, Lîmiltc. 17C -%ictoria St., Toronto, . On tarlo. PUBLYC LIBLRAI<YMErETING. The aation) meeting of the Publice. Llbrai'y 'vas licd'l isMonday et'en- nr MO Se Ing, and, as iu!il, wai; very poorly rittended. Thc reportas oi the treas- . mer and tha librariaiî were con'lid-1. ere .'ti-.4cory The fol1loii * *Jg*I Ikkk< ..D i~~tL Ie~e. Smnokers' Per'quisites I Eye Glasses and Spectacles Ja El WILUS Druggist Optician Brock St. Whitby. ~Counfy Town Happenings rRcmeinb.er the datc-Feb. 14tb. Re- giynentiil liand Conçert. A Fovii %vil1l h hod in the Pres;by- teri. charelh on )îeb. 21st. Ad- MNr Wni. flobton nus. movcd Iiito At1u, hoise on Byron gtreet rorttî torneirly occupied 1 )y Mi'.ý. llatch, ano, lu.itslet his lati îidenei to the Phillij's !amil3' of Broughamn, vwho hee orne iCI 11v'infl tiitb3'. THE 4ANALù1AN cLl'1 Thif.aÇjIICitib wiliment inf Aocn tOl)Hall ')flln e vniang of bhum n vill if d à a :t,V'Er s i OniIP phz-iti of ihr cducational (quesltion. Fi Irn'Iij- orftlie, tub a rr, ri-ially in- %y o 1w" i EDESANNOYANCE "a lutin of s4M:%cI*y ycars 1I11i1 gr",ilto (o nd1( ' tiDr. Cb "6" Oit i Lui ariri or! i w which h:id eau -ed n, îdl.'P,ýsannoyarap andui'ili nitjrv .',T¾n trh.ig randJ burrînng L1logn't hvyund v"dur- brctigh; 1quk m tS d Ib 1 . Tborivi-, BrownFviII<', Ont. D)0 ýU(lR 14ETS PAY7 Tii. uf'sn)îl io' tn abked, eloç'w -it piy t o T m-' jgtir heet ti? In 190") '1 rtt'.'d on 1 5-P mCl-e'(b6(*IjM?> l»m. of 1.~nbrets, or tweiity towîuî, ven hund'.d .and tun potin s to one acu'dedt tu ,'edA. $2.70, I1î'ca.l. lwcd $19..'. "nl ik,-i to !nd out throtigli your v.iliwble pap.'r il anyonc ha.. donc ais wvll, or ove-j bettg"r. 1. W'. ~~n r. Wiit.iloo C~o., 0Ont., luin rrn'rAdv'ocate. Feb. 141h iv the daite. Dont for- get t trt(-iid th(. baiid concert. "At -the Cash. Hardware -Store W. invite you to cail and '«amine oui , tpck a! Cutlery b.- fore purchasing. We de mot xied your Pre. soelptlon to replace a broktrn lens. ]king thcece.We analyme- th=rua!Iand actlv duplicate Or we can mole up yorpremutp c'iption ta any oe* oipopular ortvIe inmtitos. Etiier our STA-ZON o'r FISC! would pleaft vou . The, ane - ee" re.na mdcnftaj. Bassett's 81 FOCAL LENS Give Satisfaction. JgWELUn ABD OPTIcIAN. W. C . 1.LITERARY 800ZEY. A meeting O! te tii. Ltri ocityi W"a beid lnu tii fl..bly lail o Fviy ateÃŽoo~ ft 2.The pré. sr am Me iWbldi as ieua"tir**, by tii. ocirl.,*44âe v.rY Jterestiag. Alter 2tbe mIiaue.« the. preylomua metis; b*d beuis '*44, III.FOvea .18 poe the. loutre .o r ILIOl Umne caiX#"t din -3h" Ik*MiN.ewport puayd à o lasIucemmal la beri"Ueo 'good ttyW Thle difloatiIo t b.ý wS$ - e suoe@WW *i u wrMtlgwemv. À large sto oemNem * * * I Mr. Edel Uafris, iiToructp, was lut~ towen oiet f8unda.ý- Mr. George IleCourt bai aeoured, a positiont ln Oshawa ýin theC.P.'R. 0fr' 'Mr. W. E. herwood. h.ie. kuowo urtist, ot Toronto,>was. 1fr towzr on Taead"y. - PEgTIh-VBORG C01liTr To BUILO) The who e couneii or f Perboro-ý1 ccnunty and their elerk and an0tbé.' officiai -weîre ln Whtblv Tue5«8 h. spectlog &he Onta~rio ounaty h-quime of' refuge and industrial farm. Th$, weri> well pleaaedwitli wbat tbey-4 sa.w, eýpeciaIv the cozient:bom.. tion of the inatitution, q.ituated agit 4p within a Teww minutee walk o! Ithe-" ceunty bnuidings. A tour o! Inspec- - tiôn of bouses of refuge thronihout - the Province ire bcing made thl, wk by the Pe.'erb<ro couac il. Thbey started ln et- LIi.i4y, an~d werer go-. Ing f roin Whitby ta Strottford, Wood- stock. London arnd other westernl. countieq. The question la to .b.; practically dealt with on Saturday, wben they expeot to zxeturne tope- terborù front their exteinffle tour. NEW PTNDEP. TWINE FACTOR-Y. A binder twine factury la under consideration for -St. Mary's, and t-- ftems Iikel.y that satiqfactory ar-' rangemientz Wali *bc cuncluded be- tween the towi aià d the propo0eG camupa ny. The conCera, whb H w 1be known nai the Canada Fiax n Corage Coiwany, w*1U establh twine fa.ctory te cot M$60.00.ancd undcrrtaîketo emp;ay 5(),br&ndtson condition that 1~ town gnarAnteefr the bonds to tlce etir.,t 01 *25,000. In the T&w-nstibifî of ScDtt, acoord.A Ing to the lxbrIdgc joûrm*al, Qeci WeIdnn cu4- a crop o ci lver W-hIch-I hqid been lei t o-ier frorn the pleevions Fe-a.on- c1'rw it ln on the R&niO dy, and found it dry a a chip, w ývrM, the seed aPci.rc.tly nol rà polkcl. THF JBit2D CONCERT. <- Each eveniog during the past cRn'- mer *ben the %ç eatbkr wae tal favorable, t he Ctzz~ a«V~n ed out and plycd'*t 41118benplit of, thepepl et large. On eesa jvnig Feb. 14tn t ti hy inteëndl play ft?r thoîr own tienef1 t, and tu, thît end b.ave araugeci ta b<d grandi cont-ert in, the ningir, hall. T1i-- 49lected a popular progrftxn 16r boya ta raudeeb an4 dthpre wIl. t"Olsbt lIi. Zaij pâtiz41 oeà l ,Polo baudth bure t loaltaler t,& boe$Ã, i t$ b w>îthe,4&io aania A' en by une uIlrtie !tolu The oxf iteuf. a fan drw lwb lgbt giifrom- IFonixwl irasbotb Juniqoe and &mu- tug. "ad iraa r.atlyappresItdby tla aubune vu*s 'tltia.Ravin lm* leetion ibtoZury cou. VID04 tbooe premmxt of the agt. ultY et umiboy., Aplaio *in Waadwisably veu*ng '4- In MI." nie RtAILWAV TIM i 'bu sWa.m WBmg]t M i ha. Géigi 4.15 ,-m. a. IBUB, Eongbmat le &1.. IMMU . &a lý,.46 a.. # Fa NBILh 7 dé a.u. JFerOca ga.s a.o a.. W. ai PROFESSIQHAL -G - EEDIOAL- Dv edu Phoned. - ta.&U.uy te Las. col" Wmby, Omi. Z.1 ,B.A. T. Âc!x J uEs RuuI.i ofCoue t Bouse, Whitbv. W., Adams., E.ldre-N.4, The Terr - ce, Br PASTOR-IE . nd 71 51I*bSro1e--iia. m. and oc.hm p. -_ pr er M EBo nrd of MaiîageMe.à lt 'as eiected 'for lIte pr<"ent y'ir:--,Mrs. Me-i Criivu.oîj. mrs. Th'Yo. A. Mt-r2lhlih'ray, Mi.Paterson, M srs fureIy. n'lown, H-:r"el oga.rth. Ormiston,' lîiutledgc .'i'd Dr. Wagh: -with 3Mr. PLIIIt19dge asFrc.J'deiit, Mrit. Veoil- Trpagurer, Mr' Brow'.n, See'y. %Migs l"r,-tuer. Liliriran, and 3fIr. 1). McKayý (Iii 'or Ma rd i 4Graq èI- é;t'i va1. Ne w (<"ba-ns. V--b. 22 te 27. Aiso cheap 4'ck-'ts tram Feb. 1.51h ta April 7th, ,neluiiF-t, te T' C.., slIornln, Colo- r'îdo. 'Montana, 0regin, Utah and Mrshiutioipoîits. Aiea tickets 'ta mId front Furopean arid lMnnitoba -,rà ntw. Choic'o ull ocean SR. S. lInes, ud ail riallway route"» Buy al al <le- . i !eptienilui'1*Q, opposite î,ý)f't offie, WhiLb3'. b..ore travel- ling anywlierp. The znnuai ol ~~ fof thb e )nfl¶a!'io Lftd!eîk' Collüge wîil take ~-'v'te itiorrowv, Frlday, eveaing. A. 'try'plrion' tiinte la n tlpated.' A NICI, LEGAL PO0INT. Police MagistrntL e feh. of Oril-1 1;,, distrsc.d -it charge brought -igaliî,t Jar*. Smith, proprietar Of the Daly laouse, Orlîlia An appeal w-t'. made agitla'~t lte devielon, but 'J ndizc Teet-el deeided that no appeai nuid th- madle -tgalitî,t the decxo cfapolIce inagl.trâte. alitougi lie tite aiIowe eat app'aJ frow that of a .3. P. -FA TIM.ERS' C.IEAIE The Keytone it. lnforniOd by on. c4f the labn.i tdrecters of the Farmes4 l'o o!"ruilia rvetitit MachtionCa. tl"i1th sic nual meeting lR to bel 1'Ç!d r-itt <Mc' i la Wltby en Tu. '~a.Feb. 2'thL. Tiela.'l t-be &lîr.sî cim.t. euia meeting hle lieso .< v i.Ac'tbci t1sc ctabhiebuient of the. iuwrLry at Whbltby. The tain of Port Hope Ilun - - neRs. Dr. Pou cër«. 'iho ha. bac! tii c'nntrtet f rtit the pst t*«-tyon yearie fer sitreet. ll;buug, bag - ebt- or the liteÙ. T" .Dr. mantte a de- îî,îîtc' n!,ratngenaont wltb the toVme. ,and tie cociîQ are 0tIMtO,10 a vety dilatory uane.-rpad a lctay.I .\oir the wilîo Wwu la p tutn açainat both the oac sltise Dr,, T)E SNEW yoez, TRIU1NE * 01 cofî's«', It laito wb. o *rc thiaughI lfcrý wstliowat kep$insa TrI. bini -Al1xr -ioat îat yocar élbowt<but, il- lit irurtil whl..-Ooeu IL 'si e 2t; Ornts a yV.Mv. tpeleaIM# plai ikx m uuwitb arcu Wb 4 1- j Fine 4k to dwxm .from iýOur prie ae g mr-