1 I -sb Uae4 AGENTSWITD çWeapon e4by Éativei of india Agalitst an Enemy. j'ae Cornmoilly -reportedt 4houghwith ,what fait.h I de fot knowl, lMat '»stive*t ometin>eS adopt a particulisrly diabOUiO&lI1 .nd, lngenious rnetlîod of getting rid o! >&x*ve qêemy, la such wase that the death ý FAMN8 snedaiîOeCa'A î be cari ectUy attribute t te nske bite. '&A"gents for Western C#ardâIC iad klsl@ =Il t obra or a kaait,-aaBiW'~quite Us - "ads Lbi'l o'miol.5l1 ,s.iomnous-is caught uninijured andi F a'D ,lc fil, ilî s tieti te its tri.th t.ing la tixe n rin through t h ie r OU 'v i . . Bo z 528. W z ip . M s .Ostem 0flatue boy of thlai-ene, ardtby GENTS. WB AR" PATINO LAR1GES' eontin te boy o thasual, an by A commissilons cora"y compaRu Gent lm ra 14- thre creaturc e dagtil f irt, in- 1 honest business; W* manufacture thre higir-t uite thie caie. GIreat care is tiike"11f1 est grade of flaiorti Ovdors la Amerca; in4ure thre reptile in atry way. you can riake trois five to six dOltar. à Âï-med witlr this terrible %vI1pQ t the day. Apply te uJts for partiul8i'S. 1waUL5 murderer wnaits for a suitable opportun- auctrg Co.. Hailton. ont. ity for using it. Netlring is casier tho&n to approach the but of bis intends vie- MISCELLANEOUS., tim wherr ho is ieep, and creefÀliii9 througlî the openi door-way te brîing thet endof heL>atit)oint cotat wth ANTED. OOMPE'ErEN? GORDON tome parthof Iiis boffinto'lieonact wiehW press feeders: wazes$7 te $10, ac- .om pat o irs bd v Tlo eak 11e« cording t.o qualificatloflî. Robt. Duenaa raged a.nd tori ified 1;y the treatmen-t Co.. Hamilton. wlfth it has recoived, bites as soon asi itu heud touches <h it a. if the victim ELEORPR OPERATORS mm Ni DE- ja leein soinIN ie s robbl no T ment!by New Grnnd Trr1nh Pacifa slepngsornlyComPany and other Canadian tinée.. W*î aret evoir awvakied b.y thre slight punciture ofr exceptlonally weîl prepared to train yeung - te obr'sneelie fng. lie rs-ses in- men for railroud operatlng and te supply competent graduates. Adaresu Centti 1. Tel- bensibiy irito- deathi egrnph School, 3 Gerrard street *aist, To- 'lho riexi. day his bod.y je discovered, ronto. W. É. shaw, presdut. enatpisoCflîing ad aIe thrug ait Souvenir Post Oards accident it is flUt e<,en 6uspe tîr at a j1 for 10c». 60 for M0; 100. il; m0. $s;..0M. crime has btx-i connitted. 'lli murdemr, , $4; ail ditferOfli. Largest ansi foi t cKa having liberatred thre snake and destroy- F'n Canada; NO0 muxsd. $3; sibirml. a8t pule&s ei thre barrmboo, is perfeetiy safe. Even if W. R. Adams. Toronto. O0,t. suspiciori failt iplwi im it ià impossible P ICTURE POST CA.RDS. ENGLISE OR to prove bis guilt. j 7 scotch. 4 for là cents. Dominion sup- Snakoe stoirie.s, more or tess incredîble, piy Hous, King street, Hamilton. ont. abourid. The folloNwing . Nwhi<h wars t.old toe ATD E O C.TESrIM me 011 sucli irrtirorutV thatI1ui fored W Terâ, Ire Passage and re-turn tram to believe it, i.. a fair speciiiiefl A cobra, Mentreai to European ports. D. J. Lyon.a. wae discovered ini the compound or-',gar- sutiiorized agent. 'Z' vcill ri treet. ,iont- den sus-rouircLing anl officer's bungalow, rcal. Enclose Qt&mnp for particulars. end the entire mille portion of thre liuse f PPLE TREES - BEFORZ BflING hold turned out tof destroy it. The ânake A l..wri te usor se tur agent near to Yeu, was driven froni oneIiidiug place te for prioes We barse the largest stock o! anoterandat lst t tok r Ug infruit treffl to ho found la Canada. w. pay anoterandat ire ittoo reug heii fel9bt. The BrowDA, st Brownd 'Nur- a narrow culvcrt. AIl sorts of expedi- aeries. ont. mâte wvcre tried te dç[ive it out. Sirote ___________________ were f ired through thle pipe and bundles5 OR LEROYS8 et tburniflg graesswere tirrust into it., with- F M L IL out effeIct. Yiatly flic culv.rt wu.sdi E AL I up and the enake was fotrnd anud kw e A"r.nure. iend havele e sed ajra it wrs n, large atnd handsoifle onre. and, feroverlity yeeu. and foumd laveisabi furr e purpou.deutw» ikns nan tharefore. thre ekin rmm% taken off o&ad amc tm, fe hung ripor a riait driven irito tihe waU * , , S P ..ui me u o of of tire veranrda ortside Chte bingalo. j W.'Y.l $rey PTal C.nempof" Tihe next mornuig tîhe owner of tire heuâte Bo zImlt% aJ was astonished by f lnding on thre ground ~ 4.1551AbOwa beneath it a second colyra skin. The nlatfives one andi ait dectared that BR SERVANTS N OT WANTED. tih. mate of thre deurd enake had corne along duriig ftic nigflit and shred ifs ukin Woinen axe fast replacing mtu mes or- thore through gref rut its teo". This ex- v-ets n thre heuses of thre wealttiy. Vtanatiori bei n osiderc.d iricredibte., i lu1h oiio ofMsNraBs- wa rpoied tht Romne ole ham ndtedtordwbo baâ a lai-ge ttiivntee among In a raitht-r poirittess practical jokte, al- ie ernt anieplyr cfte tirougîr there ru-iht&lcea of tire case teW er a, mssan ts havloe iiaofther prude it difficultt te seo how t.hié, could WcstaEnd, meservan as raveh".ds are have been possible. But whato'ver night dustili teired btcs, lars anti m ae' bi tire truc expianûtion t-bers werp tivo scm.ant4 gcue.ralîy are te a&n mnr«uding akmna-Pal MatiGaxe-te.extent beomnig luxu"e of tire pal#.. Nor Le Mim ]BereWfard's expene eex. I' I II 'jjjjJ j snt no loge obtains lu tihe modem ie.i,~ stuart set, Who prefer thre irresp obL TELB 1188~ETlife of flat» and batela to th areo Th prprietoreas of one of thre old- eMt eatabhshed re;tstries lna London1 M'ils tealth Malnly Due tb the Use e heunits or usean-s>i oraris c t o! Dodd'à Kidney PilUs. aritocracy, teJls Vthe sarne stery of arnaller estabIislrmeuts. "I have on nry.boeimkonumriers of Mias(C Poa mate Le LokiTesYsau ounerter and-&a record ot"cotinuons service," dmesau Tirau Ris Seventy-Slx Years and lie the .sted. "T'Ioragh Viey have oS- COMBIO Gives tire Credif to tire Great Cana- cupiet r'esponsbte positions in tire ous- cm7 diasuICisey Remetiy. es cf noblemes, they are ready to taire m.iythirig tirat citer., knawing' tiat thre Tabeinae Oubeisui e.,N.B~ ebortîor for thre Mân servant «nt of l9.b(SetelC)merao., «e,, sma emuployrint ila4asbail a. canuie. A ter irere, la nov liris sevsnty.s6 'xitebazrrr I ?.Le't'iretusa ,but se britt and hlttby dom irelook Ms- bavekilte t tIrprospeote i* , I. uMd go enerzefiois e b ii$ urOVments uppet clams ot servant. A gsi&âà â. tirm± ire wne "y pâtes otes years ugo meS servante ia large bhut* ta* vu.rlubly brougbtt phdit élIdm sté 61,wdo I keep youpg iookung," tire folla In their IootltlZ;. Nov tue girls etrauter env. "«Well, I sttiibute ji are going luto tire Post oWOU I &Mtbe lgete my igoor irealfir anti my healtir o -ar e bi< train5k1 ü eimlfmeus lus maniy duetth ie rse et Dodd'à Kidi f. Iiy eoeety WOe r eodito mer Puse.tire report of tLe reéflà t fc«Weca,baeA 1 tintt learnodth ie r'alu.eoft bi aisKJ ungeeti$Mati parler iste taire hie awe ney Remody noelfle ycs &p. 1Iwasthes plam eo! tire aid tim'butlert imm~et rbeasi su!feriug f rSmi j<dMn e ase. My test uce1cl e saItgt..Keeping dolwur ec- Te eOU" di ndilegualwetietiant i 'hiad toritsi kgt «einone o!f the <saïmres iforthre ý"* etes urnes in.tire uight because e t a h eane.suaimntg .ucoe mtlos for sma ary trobles. Six boxes ef Dodd' Kid-- servants p o1Ia cenldersiris ta o, »sy Pille reatored mny iret hatir-ttime s- 505U bu=t ir MWy UI-ltu« m iesor sa* sad I have utsd tbiom n tevl ne iilbe there la aiso tire qire*tlou et t«u- fA *ft "To an yoesatftîeeti itir KitiseY atm l" f&11t4laOnu se vire usnpioy "Mat U -TrNouble, 1tnay 'Dcdd's Kidney Pille are- mca serma.t.-L»niion Dayaptes., ne wS 190e aulrljit.' Try them and Yeuwilbe USi5 mure to f lsd a ýenef4L» -W$ am l'f tIr'a aaiesdai., cout amlb e, st n S» na SCHOOLBOYS' ILiKAS. ls.;Der rauto. Weduaeda."'A" l ltuppese 1.5 o 0a a dur,""~' lu educationat Clapiras, tire oU. "Cou* ths 4wv b«e."'- r ash bmossa Manir fHouse Seiool, Mr. 8. Maxr- 1 ssii M.A.,principal. hoids!a 111001189 ~ 5LIlOi uesDstur.-Ouei place, sud ait'fieprite-glviri tire otherno day by tire Rer. Canont Gréenuavr r~Tobes .-1aRrlJeuist bigh standard of merft was dtscosei.& t iUUtM rgvbi.. fl5 * I* Everywirere tiat beys congregabe tire lu. ý PP*a. 55 "y114 Wf ^0404,5 uttia evits-ble "irowtcr" raise. autismes Ità un- Ou eumIW»g~em 'u r*«oue à " Sesmed b)rad, and tme ezamples et mers îles iU 1ahane et fîle hisiqus 1in$&taMsu suhoul produetion were intanceti whkla - v eS "S" gsi teut"al alrois" «I OwS srire meut arau4ing. "irua: 4»nwer-Lord Kelvin wviasa oti pi-erof tire GOospM tua Stlt£-' LodItetvln sas a leaderroftbtirakral tm .lu tihe reign ot ChUW -Leaki. 1!. sa mceetid by John Knox.- ,Lord -Kelvin la -4Me ies Viceroji ot fâ-. dis. te sasos: oielnel Str.aoai CImnIDA f laGee -whes1 re l« ans ma etmà 10 P &has iops are. Qutiu-Wbat about tb I mmuoaIit ÂW,.$%PPLtare -PaOO, sir #bPvramldt lr a amp 5511 beivte-s UVe ef.»mw« i bués b t. i. nusiair nuwe& a.It wS MU" by tramout a ovolellu et mLP l CuM. ê» et r atm ot euffl *%bu& lim but i fer aliS e sVu -- mmil-, I ~ mw beee "Won@"S~s etaul 5ha4* bU is, B M bulý«» *oiwe ma duta1 medu8 LuJ.g oM.1 '«Pur«M qui"5 I»aIILOti4& léu*Iu m tk u s~ *WboaiteY iwtb, oteebs 07 M 5S"day Sen( MAlIC] Ile, MUOP fIRW11AI CAU&S S-tWngsZougltbit Cato ea an ip&lastii itatcm leorlglnally front ~iua hre, aays-I f ,.,Wee~y, alicir îas e o f, the maîn.featuieof t1I ot ea c baeul à w. thouvwoe tiro 0',4bt.Iiror ~ae 'à iaéhï' on, namanda*- ns go by hudreds to th& Empuror mn4ud t trt .aarntly much-ulalignhd seve-, oës< Dwager Empess, Wltb cèon- go aeuly embiÃ"lred md are buav Thee younorpepis .11upon tieider., Childreglcli uponthjeirp- ente, pupls pay tireir respet t.teir teres. A liiht coliatf Ién iacf ferei every ivititor, but, it a ta. be noteti, no wine in, aervtd. Tea. takea the place of any, stronger drink. In China 'gentlemen neyer call upon tire ladies, but ripes each other, and thre vomen also make social visita ameng theiseives. Nor is ose obliged, happily, te make alliris eall. on oe day, for all calls made before tire l5tir cf themonth are considered correct. These calling custoins have obtained iu China frern carlieat ages. THE GJ.RAFF. It lu the, tailest a! living thlngs. Did you know It iu a, camelopard? It #tands sien. tin the animal kingdom. It la ite own faurily, geus and speeles. R4s affiniticesare with thre beautiful, deer f amilv. »»wii ~7~a M il scalp dimasu omt.ins Eflopoatlou op oelaisa.lla L0Ont'. "i voui 1 t. a»Y tirai lI urrSulgDo- Zitss it me yulh a ciraI."@ the ngIl ourt dmuasiieplauou. "a ipissas our ilotor." sali-th.e o- Cele,- "I («od tirs usmas fai eff igirt vh"«lei tira I ad te taP.". Tà ls vasreiamd ias exoausa*lO. TRI RESIENT.A 8LAVI TO CA- TARRE.--D. T. Sampîe, 'pnemidmt o Phmw sisw'er taompm. ettlciu vii >e'cf yl iio b - ~b1e~atcffa re n lone5 ' y~~~~~~~ ytacrfloftr oe sube brt uff su tie rrect au§ ôsiouf (aian no Coungetv- A s esat lu icter, Eing lmnt d Vt D- reeuqPriamCtroelo' ila in ices t "Mgay tire cat mutrl is cng Ole tiu - tte nisl, ssi oilWve'RY Lt -W", aly 3care U"pet. L ~ ~ ~ I ILs R.H W ~~iI3Io 4W b mut- berre K sx bffescfDr. Atwwvi Cuis £o saien -eftire 1161Y La hias greatly curtaledth ie regular J? toTrah business, altrogir ,tire nunof"tuista ras. ncrcesst anua i.List season t here wae "oit over ira!& mi-lien post carda lu Jcru- - salem, anti consul MerrlU li a ,report Chaei of art. Tire picture pont carde in alestine a"c made la Switzertand anti Germsay, tirte WhOlu sale price b.lsg tros $2 te $12 Pem l'cm0. Only a few of thre fineat ut tir bigirer prkme arceoIi «REGILAR PRACTITIONER"40 lE- SULT.-'Mrs. Ansis C. Cheà tftUt O! W2rKby. vas for D»nU» & Ia *s.cual- vilAs. but Seratb AmOVIes -fllà dtalo Cu"s chungul tbà aufrtrnOi4 UrIWst. frais ssurn5-'M dobtsmSAlL*5du1me wsood-twe bot- ties ot Southr AmOrla Rieumatie eus cuul qm.ll<f *«tv. borr é L'tir. t ds#&"-*' Tkva -good ding t. trust la-if I SINsa cémfb. 5 Y«u ali got muéh o!1a uppeuthe. b pmalaS.I ev G5 ' Dam va» tes nmmavicir unkeop dmre 1 un WMiv bduesi to i 1D. Amwv'8 tisbIi te d.unsU4. Dotila VY, Y iri C bd l - ledr.1h Sb amotm m aI 1~lf 0 eurb.-'4 Pp ia l ft 5jt t tO es M y' b mbdgot frgbeusWhil ut iris mummer resideace Mark Dre ut . b fcotrarîné ve h oVifr 5 uld 4 Twain npe r t m a n t gto tuk. a masirs yen rernoaber dot 4c earticat r up tueercaieuun &haudkr vus e4otls der suvrougsii, tm miris imoat»" tra tic umo BuocIs fo.611slf*, *-sait for ~LH ntatd~ems W* n eremrtflwýdf f uItbôsevers *bmire M baL IuIirL iiswork Ahp iro#w rtà atvon lm t.tl» trssat acéLj~ti..s ut dosa te vait fi'rm M o g t ttraU>. astier;& ~ Lôtappaiste iay mu.-eor ~.<~scm -ds.eIW w ithr Minh axastac 1011415Nos erl A«domu. < Wbsutm hdtheeauboti ome «alt.r -. ~ ~ b IrisMri*a » .w uprisodte fltatt a»»_a_____ ~ mm " ay -sWsmot la. %M aomSluocted. 15 EIm4 S?15 I i de b. *sto i*.b #w, »eoemiuad(0 i ¶i s8 cod& s'*bo sSU d lb~~~C ira ioi Il> r I, tkat4b0ne f« !K-&--- --- on. nigt honIes ie bruptlr Iureei unr fte» lai tire direction of tirs choir aid asene. el »«"es4 avtully lard »sd -1155 ,leoetsI M- f ully ln Ihs dIrselao! ofst"ul.r. I-tfliS heetir vet libls raniitireé',a s ono ,of there agets voes gullarut ineU0lltelmtur tire ghir hillsg. ami Brother ,W-iting vu eempels* ta go &fi er theis. It VS a morts- Bn6ilLtnSII A VIN LINIIEN lumps maL bmÈiabU fi*L bero, iiod uuiuboplas igioe vay VIJIir ss n ni smia tir N »ieN »Ut and u Puw»N (S.roa, im. Jof») - ats(va. 3337). Tire Saviour- 1 ~5obgandi Sow continueo eaà t~niatl n uwhieh irsi.gospel at tieproviens dispensation, as lx fflplent tand conifirmation cf ti slsm.ýand tire reformation. ofêej Judar'sm." He tii net corne "te tire 1mwor thre prophets,1» but "tLA (v. 17). Jesnsdîi sot disparu~ ..pr thre Seripturea.--Tircy are-: troye, but their- autharity is intablisireti by tire fulf ilment of preieion. A greater tirasM, riedairwerof Meaes to a gor' aummation.'" 33. HaVirbeen thre Jewa wien tbey received tbi in thir'îterpretations cf it.»Pa Tc sWer faleely.,to perjure. 7 oce imay b. to the third comm Seo alto Lev. xi. 12. But shali -"W~knowfrein Matt. xii. thre âWbieg and Pirarisees dcci ,bêtbinding or sot binding, ue e spadsanetity of thre obi by, and frorn other evidence il tirat tome consiclcred bot-h profa ing sud perjury to ire excusable, tie catir wa net taries iïn thre God&"-Co»ok. To "ýperforis» ai to 6~ what wus promised in' Un]l6 tire Lord-Tire tcaciring only, sueir atir. as were ma tire J»Mr" or luinthre name of wei-e saretiand. necded te -.Omitr-An eatir is a golems ai or, declaration, mode wiflr asn CM odfr thre trutir of whs± iras firmei, tard in rrating Iris v and renouncî is* 8aver, if *1 fîrméti l faise.Barnes. 34.1i -The eniphais bore is çn Christ s"eka with autirority mot &t ail-Profane and commni ing, with.a41 l igirt, irreverent oi Man . sT requlréêiby thre cii t't,et, are iutended in or Lord' ti4n-Ca.ke. 'Tis eamhave On" tejdioial osis w)rieh OUI b.e iaheti"werrr "Thre e <ow .ird IHimseif In answerin, uJUon of tire higi prieat (cl )as weil as tihelangu Paul on.varions Occasions (o g307i.; Cal. i;26;Heb.vi. ld bre dÙdut bshow that ti je net intendeti to firbid an- 0" i.os solemu occasions?"-C tlby heav^len-Nose ofthie o1 cOur Lord adduees a» specimefl Cialctira. The OrientblistO -profuse swearers, an tire oéThs k«M efa.rbrdden by our juet tire ordissry prof anitiel couversation.-Whedon. NO Pi I baue evur knowu cam celr' tirese Orientais for prefanenf luse of tire mules anÃŽti trb They awear bw thre ieaci, by, by a»V na âb y tire temple 1 ! ts plae, t he cirurc.- Oodqa t)raene-"SwearIig byhi ar ba n, meailng or 4erives ir from tire fs.ct tirat heaven a des, tire court the tus 35. Tire earltl, etc.--See 12 Pe.Xlviii. 2. 'Ou liard s84e' swipaT r yyi gwÉieh Gad ed la te swe«. by Codi HinsIeli * ~ ~ 3 - 3 B tliy b-ad-A c0e oath latire ancrent world. TI pirt,"I will gave you My l seot, 0 se,"laa ferm of sweai à me kiscL 37. Yea ... e jet yeur ian gÃebe simple, a answerSir es or No. Cerne -AU, swearing, genteel or, acone f évii,l t i lof an. mot mnoùgb. if tul e r t *1 sunlightSoat used in".eSud Equafy good' soft water t 1 1 ,:;. A fine rmae is lkey te stand 20 feet A Smal BOYSi ComplAizrt ýn bl ght.I go te m d befora t 'I S di h, It nray become extinct, eo mueS ln it Andrie and .hear my doue bath. Ilinted. Bis name jea udge, but he'& a PUP A very gmtvlue in set on l inle- He'& rylai 'cause fhey chai blID. ns.rkcd nde.W" te have bim slooep vitirme. markedmbide.rBut (raidel'Il gsi a Cles, A .gooti part .of lb. heigit Iola lnelis t courso.e,@ ratc ayiber excuse mecir. Deosus e fr dams sirebu »50use. R.ealy beautiful e!eatc veIl set in Ill father oun a voisinCa Mire thin uomforf5ble for M&a ka slrapely ireati. -meil-s ua Mr.il om e, ti«4i' Lt lives upon tire fetiage f trou, JMe vauaftÃalà ta hosire PoUIG wirlcli .tctt eeè ~ ~ 4wva r ~ alys ght.. Ib;t ar c aricir brovm u &oaa1 aettEtuxW a'a uîe t. tittîs hoesare peculiar. Tirq ros cet vires tireea ýmu& Our outt,7O40 !rom tire skis, tire bouinlatiem motbe Aeju s lsla se t h57 cm bie. I l' i glad te d t yte u ll tyOU BtS." nd ?h1ad, i trao a d b re oMyreo.*Torget rathhsu. ther 07 u 4ts, l.1t«d sc oe 0 4k h vu augir. virile I vnusrpla. the od trend.-You výet weýth A m> tenthr ve ou r m ml, Ȉ chago Tu.Swire kiasai"0na i ardth muaigo; *#WIL" üd hemilinsit.'4 'b AnO , ud K1emi' 'héi aUCer ne IgrL -b v I ri u hn.rm n w1e u t th îI91t'.«ýdd bave s»=tceadiy s1oul esu oby rod. iih aWenl tu h,~Xr li hae o'vle beatpro. cf i< - ~ itir a wu irerauslt a î'41murry meth 6ad er enly ant wi la bng eat.la Shitoh~ ~ ~ Ày fIt fia rad.vld c so bigh" 86U CSm CW%âe or Tst av e o ot vet bout a. Thon vire aTho'sed 1 b. o eli s *OMOtheu. but plrou t f iree io ai. WO' mmldrftut.I* îfr amchil h. ~s mmdjihroit kow ba c,7 ~@ Sb,$$ lts - Nunvn Te Tu res .aldw oul t'l t..i Déat- Shîlo IBy hst ime Bdi*,ircull rw» Il oe - D la 99»0«%b ;'