Qua rrel and Fïght for Haif »an four or Trestie 1 Efty Pleet A.b oe ýHudsOfl s tands higi annual« sa! proves thi Black, fllxed or Grec liIG Htundreds of People WatChed thée Williams vas found desd te ber reom, 302 West 5sut stre oubber tube la ber uouti frem a gas jet. on Vie bed body were two pictures et a1 aMie manos Mienatvas in bung from a ciu about th Aeoeding ote ejanitress man came Vier. four moafli aald tinttheiiwuvas a otros ber home via ln Canada. viiose pictures vere f ound1 vas & troquent videtor te up te severai veeka ago. womaui vas about- 35 years blonde. *1' o-nlin laGuy Grant, 10 years 0ci -agelmr# Uw et vtba a 4sOcldiit yesterdsyateocit tiat iei port r3rltaia, tre, miles- vest of 74wt beau. ~. Hope. l kIlIg a if for *r'J Nidiols, the 1I% te slippedla sou w,'WY mai. Tii.and the dmi> bladeuetraiatwork n a locket of' arteïîes,ýlà lath*e igist 1e botfu be woml.1&i'8lces aboya th*ki. aseltg a ouai- about 3»k luche deep. The -WOUz* fthe v- -lad vas Iiiedlately broqght ftePort so ago adanddpe, h,è fie dfloui opeatiouc u aid thD.t tIi sityiig tise laSmaf#ateries The. man v. o.suuilperformai bl Dr.ê la the. rooaaA.,Diek amisted bLIcal surgeons. the. bousée Tefo eilMI The ddead after opiim. ubut$,0bmt 6 sodna thltuOnI a clot of lo@od entd th&ie iarb deatiafollov4L. hhnsio ame S Ità ýbyOhimnJn opeuing a= fel thfe oc f'this conentIonï States nid, Canad& b 8 notbung that reases 0 about the irorlti tu a -of tbese tWo Anglio- ie strongest ¶e e btwîee ne Isb tii ie that ihide M love tliroxth h iaisvél- ueWere voundt wiofoUnbt deap Xaymon Sotcl cuvent V. FL rlan& * frosîi a LabonresAid .aada coer nveunt io es j. s Coapbell hiteii >a. Otbes E. H. Laflamme' g4 n cenD.ender tb-th e mobtedistant Idelgfati es, I-fadDr- lâiaè ûh 'y Mortnnor Durani dntlb to thi ennt , oomun lfoa lth ci~rV n tii. ro Pregd«et Samuel Spemo SontbenuRailway. *oelptloa takein 'p t*.aigh rpen»s.of thse. atudent vohIm- FeMnit dun aâthe .nent four ded $94,131, a, moun eg ove î tb ie greatý I Torom*t CAIJS[ 0F BOYCOTT. /, ~ * ~ A -= W sced vl 'id.op « atal*, . W.W*e .. ..d 'V *>49oO~ Iei~.Fn . .....*'***~ ..tZ4SSO4 Cnonrf t oIyiuIr .r...... ...,4 $ MoMrubisJ. I. Osbc ÀATOR( Lillian Aimé yug-volai1 a s kiovu bs.kWest 511* utreetwbar Ilv4 fr 'ru niithas iu ~1 'own of kf«i dt .aMd t iâay far aute mcck froer acradaNw i Fosb'y EaIIn Thé ea 1 ImnaEa ba os poe-at ( omei Youca tukemosev é@e uIuy rsJliâÇhCILS la thild w11* lnybr. way-Totlot- t jà WC lobut INone Datred to Intrrge .Now YoTk, Match 5.-The World to' aleOnde? ladder, crybfg to tbemèu to eý sruggltig. Iay gars: On a. trestle # not more tha.n elorte th pôliceimniLiii rcaehed -one of tour feet %vide, f if ty feet abeve the, level theo-men ftfl from . a blow CAitb&e point 01 of the river, at the f oot of Esat Thry- the jsw-, aid iithe rsodvebi, firet. street, t wo men battled for haîf an Waitlng foi him f0 t 8o -ar Thq protste bour with tl:eir fists yesterday. A hun- main w&ýed bis baud feebly, ts if f quarter, 4nd- got 'te -hisfeet.ëIIêstag- ired workmnen, drillnicp and laborCrs, gered a ftw stops along tii structure and employed in the Pennsylvanfisl tunnel, fel l a heap Tihe other was at. Me side 'watched the combatants f rom below, not ini (aiimtiitn4 ad signalled for heIp to1 those belowv.à I î 1 a man attemptiflg to clamber up the. lad- A dozenipc mn seranubled up andfound der and interfere in thie struggle, which, the prostrate man dead. -1t. wà às evi. It oeemed, coula not end but in the. death dent st a gice and tii. vrdit cf Dr. ai one or botli, unless it wa.5 stepped. MeCords cf the. 1!0;ne.uy Hospital, 'WA.s The. two meni drove ecd other back- uunnecessary. The. man wbo b, met dea.b? was ward and forward along the tracks cf lrdrikMu areer. ls . op- the. trestie, fighting and wreistliiig on ponent. was PtyMAsy negne the. very brink of the height. A dozen inl charg, cf the. dumxny engin. 'used on tlmes it seemed te the ivatchers below the trestie Vo unoadngccronz' barwýges- tbat the two were about tô top ple over McAssey iras arretd. H.neou ti .>o the. cdge of thse timbers into the. river lice tint Mccii had beeîîanoyngunma iii .m.h other's embrace, but every time bis sbanty, and wheu reri oth4d caci would light to hie f eet again snd dra.wfl a.kife. 'Tint startmd.tfe figlt, resuuie the battie in mad sconu of the thse police say. McAssey was aaie& danger. iitimanslaughfOi. -It la bellevé&I h*t seve&ral lcemen jolned in the Croird Moon'S skull wau froçtured ginst au below, aud one of them started up the, Iron rail as ho fiLl END TO HIER LIuE. ~SK WSIP CauadiailWouzaU Tound A.pbyzi8tCL li Yoiaag ai YaUally wouat.WbUO lier Room n lNew York. xnn af r4cW ---- Matceh 5.-Mrs. MamRie A Pott lHope despateli: A youth i m. s- Sheknew, as though ohi wordf,, that War:ng-hai understanding betweeii who xvas aIl but lier ari aked him if they wer. would be interfering vi riglits were lie toof fer 1 this erisis of her fortuni doubt, disclaimed ail wi h1ie wife, andcoolly givel Waring'e pretensions. à hesitated to reeonîmendcl a reverse to the- pictuil hitherto pTesented, of-Li gling against hie love J ing lest lier relatives C not thing him a sufficie for lber-of hie ecst.aey camne, and ehe perxnitteii dear lie bailgrown. 1 turne of trial came, and band bier over Vo anot elie have been so blind- rage- was more againS agaîiet hM. Uer lbu clutcied the arms-of til ish force, in lier agony 0 llow could she have 1 conceited. as te- BuPPOI -become &IL. in ail te si john Ligie? Yet, yet 1 seek heri A hundred on lier memory whieh nillier; important 1 noV bave occurred bail st th iitre.- If h change so suddenlY?1, i to forfeit -Vthe tenaernm -.-vas se sure ?Nol Sb deceived. . le wNO f ae nsiait -b. less ad z alu questioned th e' action on hearlng pesaI. -Was It vol t dlguifled-fo bave reb, batrfreneand refui p4.adigFor the Pl vis .nlerged ilà ,lier1 bide ber vwounis, and Rhe vas as sttonr Y- ndiffeT-ent as hlmisell di net coét ber a pa - e ha&taught ber -of cance, Of the. delualé As, te poorf Warin1 eonslder&tOon b ber,.. 0f iii fier-heus b ise, eh. bd - bm.- Tbeir previOU&8' ailsteof afeW >r- ~artes whee be-b4 Iugly enduaYored f0' ho v as unawskre, aotfly gracoU~ ns »w tfis smgraeeA oit. 16