i -ub-IptesP i Wo.bndiia er te!nxi weto s"es, won P.Jd lu~rno-1..i1 i Ra e ei wà iI R. -WINN, ' lTfe H4og Raisin g Ids inia,dê Irom'Mltubz4 wheat - à et p Oas 1*rdail o ~tatk~ ttrî1~ j O £NQLAND FOR XWIAS erre bch4et the ýniWkî, orer pWo% nd aeamcu' nil îi~~4frti-by.4aw. i ;W >Lfý lus..k à st; t $$Atio,~ ~r ....... 0 au tôriF- i ~ s~to: $6 ~* j~..~4 00 to 5 300'to 4 [Red, xu '2........... 4 Otu ~F1~pe~w~...- $2 40 to :chopoUeti~cw...... ïR>t û --'t-- Ils not the oniy lady who 'Sm.iles Mo broadly on the mer- who are weill cre - '-t- tIi, ~I-- -ï~ Y ; '~t -~ I I ~-v< -~ qv 'tIf "'t J "t 't, .411 14 ROSS. BROS. CASH. STORE the greut empoium)OflUll fashion in the Coù nty Tow. n. RoSS Comsderable difificuitv lias bwen eýx- perienct¶i by Lie p Iwkf~ 'a; s iz- ilicîr facore:;rail ai g ftll ci pý - t uy. T111-8 tns o bc e itol a 20 pe~r ce t t 1-lliig o:t iýà i. Pcroducton GiCalladlan htr>. The> pre- -a îimi: rh i p -pri c b- a-utb tu p>3dA but 'inm- furtuers say, hi'>wcver, t1ilî the cpriîce hat ci'. been-izi form. a rd thà t packcrs khâve tzk-mi va. Otr ±rods wiintht i'ns iweçre Iheevy to dio>l Iriýes to the lxiri ccet iof j rtdiut>tiOll, IandII al ltas! -udsO:Il. zs re-al, oie -ble-1, nûýr.y brooi sows, würi- sent tLtlic nikŽ.and i orp- t'> the brecdiîag of the> idral betn 'c.as bayers pay te salue price1 *far good, andi 't>dffttt>-,. Tbýe la rge A-vanc which L 1z4dalas îma.de in the hotg ind>i-4ry during the> ldst tde- cid~is eerioasly t.eitî'. In 5 S'C' here %e tL >i. two pac-kig liozuafs ite oxporZ trade ith a st le 10 rracking hotiseâ n lu ptr?.tÀO-it w-as ,o-mn 50,OiJ. W fÉ I i l0.-i 00t( .-> 15.00i hg-% Neehcly, accordI- in tc the sms5te 6fucotrét froin (Xtiada fris rcýtuelWd -aout 11,1.00D) I3nliy, ur 2tY-Per cenit. of h to- ltai quantity ol-baco n iported by Great Irit.-ih.A fç jeopiardiv sto %aluab1e an Industry vwoutd 1»- no- thirig le,i~ h-i a vattz;ii cala'ntity. If it ù; to b1 w erid, tio fatrw&r and the~ pa<rhker l iut O- 3O Their Interesis axe dentieal. -. 11w ! aruler ahould cont.inbe te prüduCc a steady -suN)IY y Ç>the right Iisof hoqN~ atndti t packers &htýu1d etidea-veor to mooith to- nioath, und troin» year tt' a ar. cnixuuweor wdh !Ianta and TIrlb bacoe3 on thé BÉritslî mar- k'et. 1 t n-111naz i i&> t kptt the reulr. 1Tbezùic;tfiexeln >0 f itit for ' oUth1imer an4 acker ý t! they W11 ly eIy<onaeit tu, tT0atq4Ob. Trhe rororto tltrd Of fWýalth la 4Gis. buppty Ir= a ~xivr À~t be of ah çw nd lu o4r to twach il are tainoIU lfl a luuwn . J& thot oqgh or.'aulti, ut t4b. fiUl ery r-gtl«a di urtoi-, the Pb en ?W~74'in lace t tfo b NOTCEuOF T1he ,U-nderggned have for ýsalê a Qhop comp0se& oý f Qatianad Corn pèts ot ýfWheatt jWdey, sud.ibort. fl~avv ledrs. Wptonlts~1~i 9p the btinc'ss wlu-dl of crom mutulctýah xt 1v(k'2ïï) 50 tIia t NrV-119 WtIt> V.1-1. <Q drîhuîv i tehi;deparlaient ~~iofem. In-a..~~o~pr b I ~(l . but a trif1ktu 1,i11£ ouuty fteit1i t o d C> ti) 4'4 aowdte lede 0h :îc4'r - wà 1S fr 0!-- zà e C«iiWirj erchimit wert, t- py 00tk to 4 t'U, itonse tO hotÈ uwiîA1t01 c, à untIlt i~h1j< ~<~ o6~ n ,et tie fa04~ .F'>s g t .. ..... . tc. 5 75~ aiIe-~ b wc ti J 1ea5 cause~ J h ii O~ t57 the- î>eddlet'r- ert fcr ~ir~~ompîa 1 iu t1ed Imu-Strs1je 1 .... (.t 1'w ice î eUý' ÇbutCt~ -tey h VO th c irienp ide. UhO>rfi....... l8 îg *duS WU oI ur-r i andtdo ail that sort or twzbg. M w Lr.. .........11 uQ thüe irlriug ofthe Oriliha ori . tfflPtl ji o#i.......2Iou ) M,-ycjý ?Jilfr TMguic-ti up the ýîn brotaglit to èe e i mI.ortOji-of l jte a rul o-, watý erezoprL.ie.l vt'y tte Ie 'Ihit rIely, plaed aftd're gtxiated d 'îettbs.... >~j wilt bein -110u tel> ie 1house ýlh tislug, aiit the i11nze 30pciwer it1 Uay. p*tr ton - ...... ~ 0 is fai, andi iound Lhü t ieil T bnits itoe o-atey t9w>pzl t.....~o u w ater. îtI wm.id net !uprlv -, 0WflwwudÙ eybapnimr li- ot the severn B-ver al thb lla-geu m e ai , pr cw.. - -u 49 t, n o Rapidis for, i xiuta.-a-ket.' 0,~0on Ame ae~)pruunseu r a~ flrald, Uti N rtbay, is t'> htwve atI~5.. ~jj~ 4 tiAý pS ctbat iU- they .iuc tv> co-i hîird 11a2w.spamper Nhdb- 4w n t ctu oli l stO2kcoml~ny. vcn ~w î~etrcif O 'i h10 t tL% ~fl ~ . t Jxtîsedthe> first il ýmb r îlei~x».O cf Ulie Speaker. itis a -oa z Clork, Jan. - & 1~e , A ing typ o - IO etUî ongV , jâ . ( r -M tue1i .2 A ût Trite Newîarke4'vooihle arc niaking a uy ,Sp iý; ~dçtermüined elfo«t to lbave thQ ick-S j auIv.O4 1 7~o., i vrIng ÎCutele rebtiilt in their îo1wn- î fý.e 1 OTht Era C<V ta M,3 the follouli Anni yI ekJo nM t a a ssu e . 'W I aî& tt th o e J F p uPic k -1 -. - W. ù ll n ï ,ý 6 t jCrxag Cetege bu1lliegs ýitu be ,,ere>t-î -NeVsU=ket, btut as a V~erya. coures t wth eer uliat I.o~jM Pkkru1-kadto-to tlu ther wrID L jthe son",1 u aia 1 1; f ýO malnng cve"ei le ?kkorli% pr*à a illaitzroltIrt di vte't u~i01ty la. th P 0! a tê>Vos 1 ;t ~. In botif-business andi sociýil life tue importa mnce o)f care- -fully dressed and I)ropicIiY oiru attire is nôiw fthoroughly i-e-' alized.- Dont let vour realization_ of tiits- fact-Ieiiid voi into ex- -"-LxtrAVdagaiou' hei, is monlv another word for "Cus-! tom Tailor-.* Ecoomv---, uceinîonv-iics t i»the weairing 2Oth Ceù- tury -'Brîand (1 ti:~,the kiiid of rav-owarga-meitis that far excel the product of thie average tiflor. Careful dre"ssers ai-I over Cannada arc îtow% wearinig titis finie reaçly-to-weai- clothing. Yon can ordy get this hiigh class clothing in W~hitby At