Whitby Keystone, 15 Mar 1906, p. 1

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.% t I -t suIv -~ r bs Ilpo i ok veWel *ee1 l.it liai-nu SUber of ex. );eia lo $cnk ta. rgoa-t stock We arae x. FRAOTIN TOIÂN. IVTO. - li tcoldçwa.. cd to the utattack ln*g his dld of their 5.Calder, Ilior Car- é-ek. Qu'in in-. vihher- han ne., e Ot~ many, lare.. Crownr 8inithi #eo bittoe, To, oeek. ý4.lmo oblhawa; iulty WIl V RAILWAY 7 The a" .mSfam. ?h 0 . .Ma. Imotà Norby for Oe 41.8 np ...ite l«Vos~ for Brougham MAZUS W.adI, 6.456a West, - O9.I0am prom Ewouï MAILS Fo Norh 7 46 a. M. luast &8.80 s. Wet II5P.m. PROFESSIOI RED PHYSIVL4 ACCOUI Graduate of Unversity o et Royal Coleoge of Pb3u te Tais Tziac SoIeto for the Weste. eo. oney to Lean.- Whltby, Ont. Dowd& mg OfIcE pposite post OMOl B '7aOW, BA. T. À Barriste;rtcu. MAne7 Office IMtudiateIy .outb - ont. John E. Fam Balrrister, Corty C Oounty Solicitor.1 of Court House, Wh DEN, W. AI EesIenC---fl.4. Trhe Tei O)pen taturday oveniniJr CHURCH PAS3TOR---UFEV. J( Babbat lg ervices--I I a. fChoCI and Bible (lasp ti osn Thursday, evenlng at 8 REV. D. 0. CR0! sabbath services ---I10-30 I&Y evening at 8 cok Auilsainte' Chui Ck; Lloyd' Mfge C Mauutscl WUITB'Y, ONTARIO, THURDY '1M TALE.Sunday ait te Taberuade. Whltby Colleglate Inifste 5c. té "8-01 iP.. XI there an y room for re1iglIoA. -n The greatent pumber or pupls 'am~ 8"Y" 4.19 >p. fl tedn..tl er he e 9-U y" SMp... bu'inesa? Are modern conditionsofiatedcehi ertnlt ldo« a" go wes tMomd*y bsns m oid iesc ht nunber oit Jears. STATION. j fl~ 'Pe C6mmlttee ors Slehool ang (Seng ob .06~ rliguu wo-IdIs DCODpatbl ment had a ]ou iý nfg ,for tbe piw. 12.0 p-. . '4 -'Iltegrity These were pose of aâSertalotng the amoant 11:d ELof the questioneseuse in a very trne whIch la giro.n,,lu the- lOgtUte Mab a10. &.."d4 p.M. plain atid practteal way last Sunday for tte teoachleg Qi C0mmelr«M eb- at B0a.tI". 3- Seott, pro. mnorning by the Rer. D. 0. Cro@sley.!f~ PicilU~rhp0a AZAIVE. ~~uz-ely nolthltig oi more practical lm- xiandte iatbl b~ jing the number- of sublocta tano~t * PrmM Wes .46 %-M prtcw could lbe co6.idered Iu thcap,(laya n h rorino îegvnt bau 6.30 <tif okcen compcti ion and rlvalry ln ail subjecs wLich îiuay be useful taper- 0 CLOSE. avenue@ uf trade and profession. Mr. sotns -engaged ln mercantleè bualunee, For Osava 88 ..£14 W. "d .80 P:m Croe'dey baued his remarks on Romans cor carrylng on büuIdng n otlae. ws§t- 9.00 P.m. 12. 11. "Diligent ln business; fer- mncebanical oj;era ions. The committ- veut lu s$orit; F4rvlflg the Lorsd," tee found that a reusonable t1uilWasl NIAL CARDS. admonitictng of the GIreat Àpostle to glien tu Commercial Arithme. a Gentile comwunity. lu former lj<.k-keeping, ttenugrapbïv, dr '5caTEF'@NENO E is.days mny had 1hought tbere wotnld wrtng.Enli Gra"*nar and Iug- jjgCbrînt and tihe j.ractlcal workn.dayI cooid, wiffh *ho present staff T e-"A .W ~UROON %4ND wryd. The rpeLlt waq the seeerance 1cahers, lie givon te these sUbjeot'at 'CHE UB. 0f theme ties and withdrawal into se- UPIesa the btUdY Of! chctnltrY, bot- beig argely used £O the -carrnage f Toento aRdUceuiat to work tu~t the problem Of un~y andI lter:iture wa,4 made cptIon u ¶n pouetonab arb skias., Ednburgh. Chrimtian liviîng. Nowvadays it la a ai. The repor-t of the committele wasut ile than wuuid le the cost of gi, ByZON T. device rather to compromise the mat- adopted at the meeting otftihe Board.î me 42. teir.There ire many whd whlle keen At a commituc meeting of, School aulnth asresteeahe fot thi' orld are not williV'g to Management, the Inspector, Dr. ist~:e U e Sýe tu amroads are already eolizlng thle BAL low eail hold on the life to corne, 'Waugh, detuailcd a sYstelu fer givig îîntueQ i cmet and Iecor.dlngiv they .trpat religi.oin ttention ln the public sehoole ta serionsbntre tof e i prexîaIg ton ton, un.'Le am a needfu! but dlsagreeablo medicine 3Manual Tralning, not for the purpose ren Batk. NotaryPublic, toi lx.% t-tken now and then for th fe making the puspîls do pate loffer, and tbey atre ti' niq ite sureat Ornes aloxt puSi ffl. topc c mean of rsndez ing thl5 -cornpet1iloi seules good, but cannot lie persuad--woi-k Witht toc>a, as practtodnsdSomSe o-tfeie Te~ okCn. ed to make IL the da3y lare. To the Hlgh SchbouIs and celleges, but for rlare6titehvscr 1dou OOIIV S zxl Chritian. howevrr. business -nd traning the îiupils as-tl te frm, iste, tratl lfa rcVrtu fe ke a h ne sur e 1ah ete. Moe t > î et!~' are lnéteparabce. It la net 'uelgbt and cuoler of objects wlth acmheo m. ýe, Wh»Tb. Ont. m11so prt àcmlt'Fr LMcGILLIVILAY, LL B. iîî'pemqtblc toe a 1Ife of fer%ýent wvhlch the Papils maY bave twû Geai,,tBsu> lir piet- ya miot he mst ngrosins J'. -9ý ice between Rtochester and Nagar*ý - plty .mldt th not enroslng ur-and as te tueasurement of. 1so 814FUslêdmii dotat and0 sr Ruioduebuits of thiis world. 'Grd wouid not' serfaces. It wae deolded ta give tli 4edo ltîtetr îhIs w t-o Lo" son easy Tssmm.-198 eeAt 1i /c e o itree.lhIs of Royal 130te«,Wbltby. hiave. madle bu nn aîosat f system a trial. - 4ildendsi. In 1 Fe Egiand g goodt %Ntre gcing te inter<zrc with out __ ei !tetole 1ê~ a.as h jhrinterests. efCU. e entknmrb_ýxas eweII, K. C,%'%t is religion ? There are two The Mta pieLaiClb oe tknujL te oirds 'row Atorne, ad f eue the begifnng ie-u&Mnthlng- ~~rownrxet Atono, ajwî nder îdlch il, May lie re- --at h ern 1.aol-Onait OfieS ut ig garde. It lm a bcèeice, and lt Ia a It may 1,ec of initeret te some et T h'le sanie Interest$ wbièh co011troi ar,.t, a '.y t<îu o! docrieq tu b b e~- the readers o! the Keystouc t «to nat w M î on le aur- third tran co ni- Ilevîed ind understoed, or a systein somiwbat ot the Marie ILeaf .Cub,oet quentai ril lwa> - trca4îag the Jamnes ýTAL - of dult es tû bc rerformed. If rell- Whîby. BI ay, lîne-control as weîviithe or_,. glo'u8 truth were like Inauy kiuds of The orinal clubi was foumed là ttl gt lè:k-ëiWa ih .~ yergngami flundas St., harde Ln treate and de- Inll Qi 94, wth some t.en zembiis rnhsetdlgtWrsWl to-m astonkauu the x on 0»the eant, Lo . Smcoe on -th-e. underetancI thon mflhiilJ ihgt jîîitif4y *8lnee that tinie the wetabprihip lias 1ht, ad 4k-11Monhe Wt their In-blity te underi.tar.d t. ButI .ter-au.Y changed, and the ,am Oêvieo th *wt IIRECTORY. it ta nut the prIse .aimeoceo!the 1lot Y jenlarged i anuît twenty tl & h lnsr4ian, io - m f5t)1Lt - -intellect. luit rathler of the loWIly bers. wt'i'theO Maîtie Leafl" taing it h .aýr itlto i i mn Choh. hart. IL glems sCe, It la true' te the place of *$L.M.C."' t o 1 une-~esin enrl oiRfN ABRAHAM. the highest Intelligence, but may hoe One If fthe Most Intèrestlngr meet. i The electrie railwnY 4jstorn noiw- .m.nd7p. . fundY nde: at')od ýbY the lsuwblest 0id ngý-f the secason wa's h4d about egçradinCUl«g.Ptto , ,5pil rayer Mting Thon. .s an art, re-iglon oaa lie Prac' tIlcle-mut4'cOtslywees âge at the u m ofetMiss ý te mà aiofrellevIag farinera aI. - - d imtl4ueuaywth other arta., ucwen. W~henth tue mmbers were as- fual i nerne uf~~tt the 'as.na>I thex- work, profemrloîmb er callinge. ocmbked il waim utouticed that tîl~r hnda! th:llgre astem au&d If tea a.. an7p.w. un.pIace to practise Itle; the world. We paper, e.ach iii. -Uber ,,q.euming tuj iitat.atinne the'hoemmi 'rayer MeetlgouTburu* do fnot praetirv zeligîon lu thechurcli, wos-k o! êne pari co1 4h. paper. 1 net b1w tully z-sýah1ed.Abont the but rallier gimc 11.truction te' that JT,by were giren Ironi 30 ta 45 Gaoly help thid Witt corne from-tb.em r.o Aiko al' n end. lu the ccry-d.:yavenuaes '-i minutes. At the end of that tltnmvîîleti eemtsiQ it 3a A. Rl. WRIGRT. lite In cont.s"t %%lu men liý the place the artic~ewcr c alked lA n i gotten of rapid and frequektt consrpuleattoe aav--oulng prayer.U I ptitid r1UC. N mnfready forT the Preira. The Vice- miuth tebig s-ntrêa.-Varuenia'$un. 7 e-l0cýSg--.Pyer aad ler.eau 1, a itood a.uiur until h. learus ipresident undertooS Uic type work, UKfffG 0orBRaXPAST FOOD$ Jwvio Oang.oa~25e. -8^014OHsec. PAC"fGE Md 5ubuo il 180frowjb Tfuhse mftpor m are és d nus.wen preaented at store ot A.. T. La wler, Whitby. MAL Goé- blimnen. IKINOST0N, ONT., ~ER 1. HITS GUT, C Biing ilt t-e a Jmopackage of Orange for," 20cI. 15c PhJuono 47, SEED -Pure --Red Claver, -Alsike, Timothy, iýYellow Corn for mcd. Amerlo.» Corn e 8*0Us bofore bsaying or seU»1aiy,.à Uines. J. He DOWNEY c 00. F - axid corru wV Cos, 9Toronto'The <Iiston ua i~tlacrmt !e e.' turrsl lolipeb* arc niore tisth i. bOstOck 14.. fBat 4hsbl*"Ile 8*~ prrmuas.'Thyminê b. ~rea-Oripjjtroiy ocuat tob*egui. ed la e 'Pl",ca amce*, sc t.. b FZM4 Iéium.t iiaàr tut. ,,rmI Uts tw e4t' met%Çii» Sa w$Sr test, *ad iwe asChnistiol"s aie _W-1 ffli 1 MM»atI wt~l ~4 ricat-te eOUX &Y op* t0ftlot* r~~~ghio(t tait nyoe urut. whww cno eraî tt>e s tse: atré.rntaeMlttlsltil Moc4' Wastelelu Litelu MatI*lm Wisj t w lu thilerg, e obsl estpei wearnlnvsi4he. &ad th w WMw- -a',.-- -oPo Mme y- -W

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