lil'la19061 SWANTED. PAYINQ L.ÂROZSM anilufacturs-e - lh- à n gpowders l n eTlca: Vm tireý te six dollars a u or 'partiUlari, lyat Le soni. easy tS=ii 1ajjliwng. cholce 2ýP«upebOe lae hfb iuae and bank ,o l3overy, -mtu" rond. tt.! Pr-t'e $401Q9 rd g uiM . djo>u- tFiýkmbo fine buildl5'U. tt1ndbw, 7 miles frei R=m- cre 3 iles ,.oth eof ni t, ga ulig. Prkes mnel lp or NeLioný, new bouse benlà ares clear. bal- Pce$900. fi or e Willoughby. 12 liu(l. good buikdinga, 2aw shiçp ef Trafalar, 14 ont good 'bulldtinM-blsck l $6.000 or viiirent. an- 'Industrious man> wlt nmr- opportunâly ln axIy of p fp'ee transportation ftom ýrt any of the above pr- C0LD, reeý -6out1hb, Harnlton, Qat. L NEO US.' LI1bMÀTELY, TWO QIRIA rý ofr ego for poMti1one xu4 na jwivxn.» hmuly: ýla1$ve girls.Aildivmu b kNu. F. Ghimaco, 71 [I C041PIETENT OORDÃ"N rus; wagss $7 10 110, 50- lticýtions. Robt. Dusosu )PMtRATORS ARE IN DEIC< ew Grand Trunk Pacifie anr Canadi&n lines. IW. are Il prepared to train young operating asud Lu supply les.ý Adsiresq Conta l Toi- Gqrrard stroot sait, Te- awi presidout. rPost Cards : SP:100, 8P: M. .- M0. t-rges t awlne eoek Led 13; albums, a&l pries. p= oOnt. N ÉOR..CATTLE STEAM- pasmg ansd return from >0ean. ports. D. J. Lyona. . 1M McGilî stroot, Mont- Il1 4- à ltPORE BUTING ee ,our ageatn unrto yoc, LavO the argest stock o9 1ound ln Canada. W. par Bilivas, at Browud 'Nur- w risdý« ISIACTION rITUTE F[AND- 0mc si- il UI~ATOtALAe~Q N. dun~nsM itr.tbugm ont ofI IL&ItOK 25. 100, flladcontrary te deeency.Whena & mani> fi >der the influence« kflq iwi ebAracter is bald ad .lie belaveadly iTm,%m.o inm L m.O: AJOO1IOmakes eiwinl. Â Arg e oommentay.4 8tsng drink -de- 1 tiýîsarethi~UJO~1 k ~t q t yIe co niIaa o evr tu 1-V. &StO drliCleads to IPly (Vs. 34, UgaleUi0 te perevailiùg eau"e otwý-,Oe ~ UîIs ftiu-T d trife, ind eus be de. a ut jb f'teià T terrC,» li '>f t ren' bd nthe waves o i.mavu tue dru*karMes lokinig.glasé, set iiebore th druÃŽken man. Or as a plot io alN. u rb o .salwdu udah o i tmOe WhO"e face in toward the drunk- gM os f leep wben hus ip w«vas the "eds babits, 50 that tbey vIl se. what tYrou hs 0f the ma.aallewing the tiler fui diatresa; hoU> the cendemnaUtin for b. h . w" h- bringa its 'Own punisbments, but there they ane or iwhat they are doing, and a8 DO Sm3 whlch la speedily and relent-.vwien tbey lie down4hOY are as ifto$aed lcnly purauce ite victimi as the si of by e rolling vwaveA of -the sca, or upon drimk'emed-Pentecest, The drunk- tle. top Of a muit Their heïds wm. ard bas woel of body and woes of mid. 'rhemaeu> -»'diquiet, and troubleomne w ii mhlmse1f, woes in là s a.mily; m-mka sepuMrfreghing. -.On pain., diseaees, poerty, and .11 wiîth-' utm. Top of the mat-Tho drunkard à s $ ut evatcm Wobath -orrow-The" trly regrdles, of life. Ho in ai one mLlb'r.w 'Word meons, firit, peverty, ad e-lO aeP msinu te h mnteah Smisery. - The drunkard has mer- whene ndo w miutepomuthedekan . ahr 0w f bis own making. "tphe cup con*. ald i upsor 8.1itheeo and bo. tains more ta one woe; a single %or- edo imo fl note ead rov im~not ail, re senuxiier-A drunken iman fan- Qeas to eali forth acosatnd*,r danger e COntinued cry of anguiah._-ýGrade. M0, hath contentions-'ý-Nine-tentiis cf 35. Hfave strieken hurt (PLV.) ail the brawls and figbts, quarrelis and -Withconscience senred and self-respect mlsunderstandings are traceable te th.e gene, the drunkard beasti Of the. thinga "drink." "Strong drink fuîst maddens whieb ahould mare 1dm bluah vit> and then unchains the figer. it e:-uShane. Because he did net feci the hurt cites fongue and brain. What quar. cf hlm woin»ds b. caresnet fer the sears. gels, flghtings, and even murderu, are He thinks himielf fortunato to b. îaved cettktly growîng out cf the. drunk- from the senueocf pain, nover feeling any arda conitentions. -,-treng drink in- alarin for lits unfeellng seul, that bai fiane..the. passions and at the saine nO tliepght of Ged's great mercy la spar- tino renier.,the, restraint of cousci. inng e lithe in bis heipleas moments. ene and wil."ý-Mèredith. Who bath instead cf turning te Ced for merey, ho bébb1gng-"Thi refers, te the tendez!cy returns to tho saloon fer more of the of strong drink to fooliali and incessant poison that lias brought hlm flus far on talkmng, revesling secrets,ilae conversa- tii. way te muin. Have beaten ...feit tion and nelsy demonstratiens, wbiecb k net-"Angry enNpanien have douc are common in difforent otages 0f1 their venst to end my lié, aysbe, bct druuç.ne. Nohlnteosarigh4 With blowa dld net affeet me! WUIl ths drinkor. Hi coipnpIiîof Qed, of;.....-.......&a-athe, ,when JiÃhlii mociet>¶, of bis fasnily, of bis circun-aaeIwl ekÃŽ gi.-ok & stanesof eeryhirL. Nthin cm , control is aIl gene. The. drunkard as a lih on.r who 'a .tlius wToflgslave to appetit.. Ho is as insensible Wouma without cause--Wounds receîv- to the pleadinga and warningaeof these ed lu wiioUy iprofitable disputes, sncb Wobe i avto sh st h as oome of tiie bravi. of drunken mon -wi el l avto sh et h J*uge Drinirers are especlally expos- beatings of ils comradeis viienho js de- cd te accidents and diseases whieli tom- lirions.' "Oneocf the groateit punlsh.- erane.would have prevented.-Peiou. menti cf drunkennessislathis insatiable t. enese of eyes- Bîoodsbet, blur- appetite tht, in spiteocf varnîngs, and redoerblear eyes (Gen. 49: 12) .- in tho face cf ait conequences, the drunk. Whedon. ýAloôho1 induce. a paralysis ard turne to his cups agaîn. The. vletim of flie nervis controffing the. minute ef intemperance yul trample over every- bloodÂvessels, the capillarles, which re- fhing te rmacli strong drink. Put wle suit. lu a dhlatiS that speedily ehows and ehildren in the path before tb.em, Itseîf lu the. ey.e. In hi. ste d and usd they eust thein aside. Put respect. Mis eye the drurbkArd. shows ei serret abulty and honor and mauheod therc; '01 , &s in.-Wakefield. The. traveler they gaze ai, thein à moment and fling lu ii. drunkard's broad road te death tii.un away. Bring heaven and Christ beara a great bundle of vees. Among and salvation te withstand their down- I them, are kosses of tiîne, of taie-nt. ut wI ard way,and they trample themn under Ipurity, of a clean con science, of setf-rei their feet,. Lay reanerse, with aul its. 4epet, cf honor, cf religion, of religion, coffing, serpent tongues and scorpiont Fïf the. seul. The. saloon darkens the fatn- itnsith aadyete wlo. tly, obstruets business, arrestâ, inîlix' stigleu t.he ptsud yet thansiey wkon try, impedes progress, deranges piano;. bl>il e m;er, onout pintdhe ae ýetrangee partners, *lowers persoi b te rfor thein f y eanthondintheyayl standing, debauches polities. Such are ateghal rnfdatsdtyail 1ev ci the woes caused by the salooin. - go on fur they wili have run.» Oh, the Boardman. powér of an evil habit! It holds a man 30. They that. tarry long- Ths nus . in anuin grip and drags him dewn te ýýwer* tii. abo-e questions. Rie who begins ell And yettfis cvil habit mau b. Io drink continues te drink, tarrying of- overceane; Jetui Christ ia able to break ton saviole night, and froua that to day Iits power. 'and nlgpht. They tht go- To places or PRACT1CAL APPLICATIONS. among peuple wbere intoxicalang drinks fi are made or storcd or used. -beeche-r. 1. The rosuits of vine drinking. 1. Mixd wne--S.Piceil, druggrd, medicated '<'«e" (v.Y. Wine driaiking bringx wine, the.întoxicating pwrof Ivhlieh the woe 01 (a) ilii iiaIth. IL poisons i. IL-i -c_ - - - . - - _ s lte eye, ii ca,-brtnms, or the bead- like stIn e on1k.sadder' ed bubls o tvlhe ii.vr dninker (.3> u iti a! tts ie booi a itli pI1arc-Plumptre.Goet t jupgrirles ami cheem; at tise lait Ç a uanoothly (r. )-ThssversoepC- eon'usaddens. At ftint if udts the. attractive sid. cf wvine, nd sn ng, t tii. but là produis (;t srom5 jms erfectly -harmiesa te? up a lit-so &Mov uacée. At tsti ret ItM t fIe, vison 1t lubrlght aud inpiring, thrild. atc odfeln idfIosip ln thse nerves %lth delight, promuaing a b atiti nfi o'«t t a nl Jo dfreedom. It It tii. ainmgSt batI aa faro esd.fgt vide of evil flat la mc dangrou-th b lg ud murder. At tisa latt Isp flowery atrauee to tise path *' edtbb fexuaafInlaf.banda of tiioqrht- te deafi-Pelubet. At sueis a "neh- Wtti ai ffi~ wflr 3V. At fta* last- Ifbittb- Tb* tes f> tnmi8bUg lt e lmsd of plmure viii b.itouded if lait vith îu. teudud (W&.At tbéfi-tIL la lis tolomabe. paliswbea, If vovk ks ksm o ltstimulus Of aitur; s t th*atest It1 mue kpoionlu thy velus d et theo a is . "WOiuiftbt »««4104- &Od $".' ite dsese abiard to cure as fhe.bit-' lire fiat meer ain Ub.uued.e& a O ~ppôsite t to U4 luissures. Iii only behomd atrauge Voua iv.38)., A m laiuty fa wv-i k the- eup. studer tise MnUpit et I*WIut -Il csm ouly haras> fls. ee oViientures eailly t.uuttuL Wtjmgn t.o«âyite kum tha ibites mG 0affldetirue& uy_ 0" b"*- y tSd»&&Its pwash" -latow4, b* re4s vscdm%7 "w «I d"dc . 'a.éw'aSe x ta leis as a u-is a "it -à "o- The a m»rmgdru 1 v -tis am _ U CAPI. COOK end Àustralian Natives. tu" tii. mer vrsai w I - --nen M" cà mà ou" - a " qua- am -m ém- - %mt u,- en&m- am m Mi o h - a& 0 " 0 " A » ý n fà ý - % aý11 O a amws % u b as- aus a MW mm M" av a hw mw «»> m esume w. " i V» m oi mml mer h . a Ma 'fI& bemi s- emm' 6â%mȈ ma- omiutob ""W^a* mm mfvs. 'wm aw a-m MW vm .4outnur -~m deiI~o & uw "me *am uwdos4"M am - '~- , twà o" PMU OMM »*Aua. heOssai « à * mpsamuu . o -1 m * soK8l a S W-&M 1*m »Um f» emSu ts *W .**f use &Wt P afSu O mw, *affimS- bm 1. »Iaew yen *îm& im me *. fle Mam me ebsuai *oroeSa' v*»Naesmd a om -v. 1 ý As ry. -OMM *1 ~ l td" 4e %, *r-4aiuss br eg a ,-Co,400* ,.b me «Ot*%* e=>mW 4mowt £uia atS yo » bar *tt: am goiuw "y Imjsn*su "5wF UV1iare Reports1 id nMes"obSain I l. TOtontg Farmers' market. ____w e t a trille eauer,- vih lmofr 000 mbercelOflaui at 7,5 to 76e, and ci a 100 buebels Of goose at 72e. Barlev un- ft e " ils Men KiRed aid ehanged, with sales cf 300 bushels idt 52c.- IOas are steady, 400 bushels selling at Two Wsmkd.Dair. rduein bain suppîy. PEggs gniuew g)detise pr are casier, sielling nt 20 to 23e per doren h M«ors Left Six Itundîed Dad for inen- ai.l. lne n, t> a2 irLiswk utssWhit onth reu.per lb., acc'ording to qu-l~iILy. timotiiy, espmiY. Butw loads at $9> ta *IO-5Ã" a tnforurotySmacfltslsm -m Mamli, MArdi 12.-An iniport4nt action ansd' at $G to $8 for niixed, One load of I hl 11 between American forcs w1ýd hostileé stn1w sold at $10 a ton,.loyal Househl lu IDressed iiogs are firmer, vifliligbit h the whktest lfou uis lUmlled Mere" bas taken place near Jole. Fit- quoted ai toss5to el8)25, «sud ipayva' $19 .im teen eulisted men vere killed, a coin- '«eat, visite, bhusîslel 0 O75 $OL70* hi à awso ii.pursi. Y , myih xaissiened office-. via injwred, leur on- IDu., riNI. bulwl--------0 75 76 th fe gur -imi are using 3 b liutd mn vre ounedmd naal!Do., apring, bughel . 0*-j ) 5 O0O0 viste as gour = nbe. Yet If yi Do.goe, bliiýtel - o. -j 2- 0 o Èà k tbeile Royal Hucil contingnt -epermting vitis the.militsay.Oasobupbel .. .. ........O39 39M qor t 4.S yno b cm sustalncd 32 cazualties. Tne Mores lst IBVic>-, bJ*hi0;)S0OKiorR 600-me kik>. 1,eR,ýbu-(I 08* 000 rm Ask >urg>ocer f ya Rve, bushel......... 75 000OU HoSwà od dmal mm "bct h Majr-en.1,csrdWod, cmmner, (ytitntlv ,ton-------9 gon0 10 5o n@iid iiYucni -efth t).division- of tLe.Pi'lippines, reports fDo. ,mixe&T ton.......0O) 8(o afollovs frein joIO1 capital of thse SlSatI hos..........0<)00 3 000 Islands: Preimeed hop, 9o00 9 35 Ismns:bewontrop sdApples, per bbl.. . 2 75 400, ufly t foraC in.."CO- uA evere action ewntopsu Eggs, nov laid, dozen .... 0,20 cil o. wonbUic nvldefiehment and eontabWuary sud Botter, dair....... . 4 C)28 ~.tgttI5 IhotileIMore. lias faken place at NMount, 0t0b.....O12 O140 Da4o, nos,- Jolo. Th~e engagement open.d, '),prl......O1 4 _____ ______ during thse affernoon of Mareh 6, and~ Turkeys, per lb......o I-l 0 20 ts'm umimm endod on tue morning cf March S. the Geese, per lb......0 12 014 WUVANW T , ,n C'baeper dozen... 040 0501' action luvolved the capture cf Mount CRU er dozen 0 C 75 1-9C) Dajo, a lava celle twe tlsounand and eue 11>tissprbag------O7.5 0oiTt'M'j U rLIFl WILL BETAKE i N-l liuudred foot high, withi a crater if its OQiiau per bag........1 10 1 25 j LSSILPIIZT smmit sud extremely steep. 'The.lait Cirper dozen-----O35 O040 LS i 1 four hundred feot voee t an angl Be f lied indquartemn .......( 50 7 50 "Tnt 6 (10 degreu, an"d there ver. fit ty per- Do., forequarters - 4 50 ô 601 eiaVs aial. Pcndicular ridges surrcunded with a Do., elacice, caresse .,6 50 o 751 l*fy ol tag tr,. grovth cf Vibre and strongly bortilied. Do. isncrse-~ 0 o0~ fais SQCIaIM aoRm aeOt and, defended by an invisible forcecf Mutton, Per ewf.....800U 900U to KM IRoouvdt Mue.Vos). pet ewt ... ........850 le0301 NevO()Jeas, Mare)> l2.-Declsduïg t '%The srniy casualtie. e erî15cnlisted Lamb, per cwt.......P50 10 50 1hemt vii ilb. taken ùukieSb &UaisessasW mon killed, a eommissionod effleer 'round- Erlllb Cattla e N s. ates président ,Roosveit, s vomman-whs lèd snd fout, enffiâf.d mon wounded. The,.. Londcm.--Cattie are qucted ai î10% te gave l IDr. nan. s- .W.-.Lvale -naval casualties numbered 32. Ensigu 1 %c per lb.; refrlgerator. bref. 7%ç pet of isiadelphIa, applled ct centrai pobS*hw H.L D. Cooke, jun., of the 1U. S. steamer lb.; sbeep, clremsd, l23-c fo 13W~ per lb.; beadquartess tozday for protectIon. bv Pazipauga, eommandlng fia. Pampanga lamb&,. 14Mg, dresaod velght. aspoke ratlowZn a l nal.ieeW ujou fort, vas severe)y vounded, snd Cox- Vaîa Ots.fbut fs oisdcrnrdoddb %wain Gilmore vas severely injuted in!The îou)oving wee th e eîosing quota- defainber fer au exanluaflosi. Mis. * voieelbw .tions to-day at Ibis marsket: Marcks 72- valler .ai fit u hë e .i luvifi*a¶t w Thc e stabulary uJlx wr*3-4e d , la 4 elb uyO 0alt u1,ýM t* CaptX1 Rb.hnKWhite, woauded In the B -&:bd ly71 elrJl 8Si fScait uPildlbs a b* 1.- 1,te vas taken to a room ati S &dm d tghseverely; Lure. enlisted mein lilled.I aeuO=t and 13 vonnded. Capf. Lyre. Rivera' Liu Bisi arisats.g od tase oldbdurr sustained a esight flesis wound ln-thie IpJ1tUh Iiay.Àuwy.belng t f atevd . desroye tlîigh; Lieut. Gordeo> vaies lightly weimd- St. ILouis........ 7 7- Ho i ust on'ecufed. but-!salA aiMM. idftternihtlait nf Lieut.. W>')I T Detroit.................follevred, ber tiser., and tfiSb*.ahb4L t. Couva>-, o e t h ClInf*antry. via 5it Minneapolis........7% 7~ coin. t. New Orles»i._ ly wouaded in the lIt eye. Al the 'Toledo..........80% 79%4 wouinded are don eLug New > York............j 81 01KNO CINGLE. Col. Jos. W. Dncan, of tthe Gth li- Torontes Live StocldL fantry, directfedtii.operatienu. AU) thi le o ipîa of lire stock at the cîty ma, Fra ailTst dfa' oi dofenders of the Mfoot' trenlold vers w îaý killed Six snndre bodis ver.foundket sln.m TuesIda* t.he Picea on ie fd. % rae ois"r 0n ilvays, ver. c ar Icada. eonsisflng oft lmrdoil, Mardi12.-A stciy fitat h». othfil.1,528 Catgrt E, 230hop, 4»0îbsep and ;beencuroent for- some ,finet)a f - "Tise action resnltédin the extinction -Iambe sud 0 calves. 1lisides the above John Flslaer's motiâer vas a Cinuale, of i baud of estlaws, ree-Ogunfrag no hegthea. vwer. over 1,M00hop -rece1ve4dprinces. vwu fermidly denfieL to-n1usIis. cief, -vlsîeh iad been ,-aidiasR Iiendi! by Toronto firme, tiiXt ýwere n»t ~UnIoad 8fr Joeu'mot1ker, ifl t ÃŽ& Wua. 38«o0% and Who, Ovinq te thtir &filance, cd at tise manket. n 11 vusu on lCsu ede fi'te Ameimes aut)soritics, bave 51t4rd Titiquaity of fat cattle generail ~~ 1SI>the oi#Idis11 aecudition of aftafri. n t'goodi tev ëWce, wolI-filisodlots va agrendûJc i o tAld 3 'ohea 11oydîMý f -' Trade vior",& ice al round, aU effet- OIl ote4b*nhi3uv. I3ARGS D[A1IKI TRAPS. ip i ing b ugia p tstady rJohn'J< 1 Mutmnot Fisher- isu 1ou j pîce vsonqu is la eonslderLord of thse Admfumýty ii _Alarge nutuier*of cattie dealers-. are t«g. xthe g Davylain 80& UNVUTICATXNG IkHE LOuS OF TîE on-,tise market, Iocklg for a ", pply et, 01 , f R. serv ugiaiol, Me -" -th t i