Whitby Keystone, 22 Mar 1906, p. 2

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Die Vesse Sin&s With 27 Men Off ATerrble Tale Of *Sufferigg anmi1 SaafficL' Ug.iruoet Resce WoI by Cmvws of Other stemme@s ABoson despatch: Suffening, mental aSM physical, a"d numorousacta of hrolsu n l savlng life rârý?ly exampled in thés gnlm record o! rgcdies o! tire amm Atnffltire loss cf, the.Phoenix Là*ikïs stamrnitiâh Ing, wiriclron B.nàaj laut, lu a raginu Ëlantie Storm foundencd about 150 mIReý South cf BubIe*Jalanti sud canniot te odiath 2-4 ~.mie~.o!tue cre'. Ithirteen min. ~ià iacued from the siking vossel. by tire Leyiand Line uteq.mer Boston- In, wilch arrived un etW-day (romn Masbqster, and 1l by tie Germanj -tank steamer Man# ei,, 1tra for New York. Fie others n'ho hs4 I -bea sucked down in the ;ortex into viimitire BatisIr lCng wass ngulfed wvu' plcked up b'y tie Bostonian f rrin i frai bit e! wreckage, vhlch tieyj 44ý Fped alter a deaperate, strugglc fier Ibein their. inpool. Cspt. Jamnes O'Hagen, of tire British Kltgdled on board tire Bostonian fr-mm the effecte e!ftthe terrible injuries satuled tryiug te Bave iris ship. T%6 rescu.d breugit ube to-day lu- elud. James Kianagan, the. second of- ther; J. D. Crawford, tire chie! engi- amra; Adelpirus Bock, the. fourth en- g1»er ansd Wm. J. Curry, the atew- ardTh-; cUrera vers ceai pauser*ansd sabler, motly Belgiaus, sud oe 4WirwayHenry Parkotch, - o! New' b Tino lifeboats !rom the Bostonian wern erushed te, fragments and thre volunteer- creva which manned ticm 'vers thz-owujute thre hîi hruntun Sm, but aul were afely. IAndcJ >o901 board tire steamer. The firet lifeboat Ige lom$Jule I3etonlan Kas .wept a, aîàrsI tiis. trs ern sud Iestàrôo- r eers1 o!' tire seameu were hurt, but wee remcud by hunes thrown, out from ticir steamer. A second attempt te reacir thre inklng siripa n'as suc- esful., sud 13 min, including Capt. O'Hagin, were taken to the Bostonian. Thon agaiu a powerful billon' crushed tire lifoboat agiainst the aide cf tire uhip and the 1f. savons n'erc thrQwn Into the -sea te be rescued only aftr an iour'a effortby thoir comrades. Volunteers from tihe Mannheimu, af toi a herole bnttle witi thre wavca, b.d talcen 'off Il from tire Britisir King, but miter tuis neither o! the steamers, ini consequonce o! the increasing gale, coud make an attexupt te reaci tihe touuàerni f roigliter. Thon darnus l e u d the Britlih King, thon vater- logged aud helless, plunged dowu, bon' finat, sud duaappcared. A Desperate Struggle. Thre Britishr King aailed from Now -York let Wedncsday bound fer Ant-,l wenp vitii a uiscellancous cargo and4 150 icad e! cattie. Thre passage n'as uneetful until Priday moruiug, viron1 tii. amp vas struck iy a strong north- west'enly viud, which developed lute a hiurricane. Ou Friday lu tire ieight of tire tem-1 pst the deckieurd of oil banrelsanaxd al aeck fîttînga vere ecarrlcd ovenboard. Thre barrels and n'rcckage, forming Itb a pon'erful ram, were dniven dowu upon tire ateamcn'saidis with crushlng force, openlng up ben- plates aud sllewing thie water to, pour into '.he extent o! tire leak waa net rest- lIrd untîl tue following day, viren, ai- tirougi ait bauds vire placed aItiche punips, theo vater gained coniderably, extinguishing thre fires sud rendering thre engines uselest. Th.e r-udder bai l hed for a tixue, en- abling Capt. Olaijen toe teudy iris sip, but oon ti, tee,_-vas swent cd. Thre sea4nen uu4(ered constantly tr-cm eiposarc, front lack o! alcop, trom hunger, and frein rii aissd iii-' juries rcceived b y being tessed for- wyard sud baeku-ar d on tire veissel's d eqir. By Saturday tire Britishr King bard Pettled uoticenbly lu tire vater, sud Ca pt. O'IIagen himeel! vent into the holIt, and strovo ta repair tire most damagoda sections*. Wblle dcing tis i 1bcl e! ofoil frnctured one of iris legs ru two places. lun, apîl. of tis Iujury and o! Internal hurla caÜaed b~y iris l, Capt. O'Uagen re!used te bis carrled to hie cabin. Ne ordereu t tat ides log b. bound up, and lien reawed comsuid, and d1recleda the efforts 'virici erm tPc ûç adisto piat upthe ol. lu tire ablasaed cont-ra_ - sud thium tnsof 4' portion Of!'t Il a t ~tonau ve4 ith eacW. other lor ".a" m nob dete,iaed wheathe fint boa.t l» 4gs'd ko e. c e$gan t the. -mannh" m sd tii. Bostonian Steamed to the, point- where the. shlp 1"a lounderod, and *it »iad«>just been decided tint 'all left on board had perisbed, vin afeeble cry frorn the darkness told thenmsoune at .least b.d net ben droiwned. Blii an hour later Capt. Parry, of boie )ost9fflap, locat- ed a ai'lsectionz ot à cattie deck to wI1Ikh fiy alita 'were ciI'fn7Tese ' Were Second Officer Flannigan, Ch 4 Enigineer .rwfr, .dolpiuz.BIý] fowrtir en'giueer 4oa4= e m-en.- y 6e r b d , L e e ui rr P ê '0 n w , ti 7AteaMer, bt a ter coning te tire surface 'bad aller nughty ef*forts s* ceeded in -*wlrmmIyMrg byond ;* .wiripool sud fi"dng a temaprary -toge opon the elentier b-itQ.J weia SIfIlUR K[L[ED. COLIStiON Belx'N itRAtES Erne t Tiruruton, of St'ayner,, tire V ji* At South Riven--Conducter ýun *Warna Soyors) People lu tire Cirein 'Ture te .cp, -- fision between two freight ,tjai settlera'-eftecte oecurrrd on'Me A* uT. R.dast eveniug at Southu Rr.ra neat Thursetn of'Stavner, vIre was look-" CANAIDIAN [ ifty thosd dollars damage was dons by a fi= nthe wholl statioa--,, ery premles et -Gxand.k Tpy, Toronto. R. I Howell, of Toronto, the young maawirq.w&*e.tuê by s G. T. R. enin. injuries. ta1er A. Durha i, oroutoI moulder, *lOs 7 R ncî-passiug 4 -Týfn the gin- 4îpOnI, deaIa8 h tsidence of in u~~s l Of ai efh'Torontoi c- rctothe 4< brit, and t gecnrc a b motons ru*t-' o generat- *~ ~ ~ O4 '2y4eiio>Nh PiïvCoui cil thre city of Montrent wil! Joie about '$250.000 1h. LbÏbCa in i#propriieroitcase, ,w4ich r~uL e'Lhe lwideniaig;i'f Notre--Dame sThee. Ssnd Aui!me-rtation Committee isgalar - imn c ef~ça,, j~ , ofe the Presbrtcnian Cjrch iras mmde extra (reugit, la charge of Conduetor J. Crants on the*is o! anu er-case o!f$M0, L. McDougId sd Engîneer» Wldcm bringing thc minimum stipend probably and CAIËIpbeo a intô another double- up ,< $800. hedni bagyo onuto un n Regarding the oîutbreak eof typiroid iei- Engeen. Pattonan d Northraves, whirh rlFotWlim ir Otrohatr n'as standing t t 1 e station. Prin ort Williae he assuri* ira t Cuducton Hunt saNw the second train epidemie la subsiding. nmre distance sweyi, nnd seeing a colli- A etiivfr lt«ungcse sion lner'itabie wth the itpeed aI whlch Adetuiefnelteuigcud il n'as travelling, hasteuied to th-e van abo~ut $10,000 damage, tir.. stores, a andwre eea set Liera riding te .sasi sud door factory, four nesidences, uhn he rau stong the aide et the train, adsvrlsalsbigbrea a j Uliug to otirer men in thi- cars. ',viiîe ortlî. ho nas doing en tire collision ocecw-ed, Tire Tornnto License Vietuallers' Aise- and hie own train îuaa driven past and ciat iou want tire old custoin renewed by toppled over on iris side if the track a breverln_!to adi-suce money te *psy tihe few yards lu front ef him, thê'ê n-f ie focs. .beng a total wreck. Tire second engine A - a dsfth rmDluhls .-bpi,. the rails, stepping ight beaide Mr.n. - ceai esat aei f rom fDldihast Htint.formed at the eucd cf Lake Superior, thre Oue' oi tire setlers w-as dri-en cean temperature vas î2 belon' zero, at tire tirrough tire top of a box car sud es- So four beown'sd at Port Arthur four- enped witi a few sera t.ches. teen belon'. rad il net .bien for tire prompt ac- tion o! Conduter ilutut nine men vouid Wun. Taibert. a resident of Harrow', almoit certaluly bave been kittedi Easex- côunty, Ont.., who la wanted at JUGE'S SEVERE CENSURE. Young Mau Made Bad Use o! Young Gin'a Letters. A Brockvilic despatch:2'iunr Parks, of Cardinatl, ias brtouglut action agai-.t J. Reid o! tir. same village for damages for -allegcd seduction eofiris daughter, Agnes. Te ircae came on for trialtart tire present. itting of the irigi court luo- fore Judge Clute.VUnder cross-exain- înatien the. girl breke dom-n and collapa cd in the n'ltnes box, irer conditionbe iug sucs as te, cause s pesîponeanent. Siren'ont dowu beforo tire iaw'yer fon tire defence wieu ire produced incrina- iuating etIers vnitten by Miss Pai-i te s youug man naaued J. Mattice, of Morr-iaburg. -Tiie case n'as ferthwuith1 dropped. Aftinrcrcordirug judgmrcnt ile Londahip called Ilattice to the beach sud administircd as svi-ce rebu le. 1 le ie a addressedl by tlue judge as fol- "And you preserved these Jettera re- ceived froa tis girl and non' make ci-- deuce o!tireur for otirer people. Any -nan wiro n'cuid do tir. like h. net fit e4r ut large in deceut society. T1ira a t,*,e o! thie vont pieces o! btackguanditin that even came te aîay attention au a judgî, sud 1 direct theso Jlettera te ire nelurned'te tire girl" Ypsilanti, iMach., on a c.harge of nilegeci Jforgery, w-rie Rîred te tire Uited States iry an acquaintance of iris. wiro aeted witir fan officer froun Ypsilant.i sud thre Detroit IA feu-cent futre iind i mta(-r busesr- vicO is taike.t o i i Toronto>. Many *residentiel diRtricts viricir thes streel car service dees net eonuect witir closely wiii bce givon a service lu meonor cars te accommofate tirty. people, if tire scireme g"stirnoligl. Tire NaaQîreeuaton & St. Cath- arines Railivar Company are aakiug te f hi allowed te inerea£e their capita stock te $500,000. Tlaey aise vaut tir. tirue for carmunencing tire, construction of tire -uailway exteuded for two yearsanad for Ita completion for (i-e yînns. Ottawa ivants 810,000 for- a dairy buildfing, snd a large deputat loti, ieaded by Mayor Ells aud James WVhite, Pr-e- aident, of tire Exhibition Association, waited on lion. 'Nelson liouteith anrd urg- cd tiartirhe grant lx' made. Mebr f ieDmnion Cabinet are to haive new n' iforuns. Word to tis e!-. fe(ct came smre Urne &go from thre colon- il office. Tire dettpate i 1,believed te jhiav-e bien inspircd dlWety.by lire King, vire takes a gneat intereat li auci mal- At a lange meeting cf lcaRl optionias In-saran"ce mn began to ga-tier earhy to-day for thre coutiuued heariurg on tire te-a pouding bilL of tire jint speciai legislativecocmmittie at Albany, N. Y. Tire condition of Francis Koaasîth, 1084. eo cdthie United opposition iu tire IHun- gar-ban Diet, la causiug auxlety te iris friends. Iii is eu.ffeing from an &ttack: od go ut. A pepular demoustra tien vas made in Ilibaya Park 3es.terday afteruoon against an increase cf (ares on thre street rail. ways o! Tokio. 'rie plague liras reappcared at Sydney, New Soutir Wale%, 'Two cases n'enre - ported yestcrday and threo more were &HSyrdto-day lu tire sanie block 'of A eommittee o! prominent mnabas bien formned to tai-e charge of tlie plans for tire ercution of a& monumentun Ceai- frai Park, New York, in memory et Jos- cpi Jeff erson. A train on th-,- Chirag-o & N-%orthwe-ît- ern Rail-way as-cq ohue a-e talIon oit! on entèaukuu.eut in tie nort-hwest part of Cicago. Se-oeiri en ai-c rc-ported kiued or seous.Ry injur cd. Harry Onchurd, who is alleged te irave eonfossed tiratlie kilied former Coveruori St eutnenberg. n t rI>iisse. i <mue. -estemday. reu-sued tu pload anid a pIeu of *nct guilty n'as entered by order eft liei court. No liane nas set for trial. Tie steamer &-shore nea r Island Beach, N. J., la th. Carthagena, Capt, W. S. Wilsn. Sire haîlls(rein Dulutb, Mini. Thie steamer liras sigusileti for a tug te lake off ber paasengens. Sire is lying in an easy po iin nkng no water sud is beliced àte b. ouly sliglitty damagedi. ceneral slacizness in drill le tire prin. Cipal Point in -amnci-ere eritieisni ei the armY made iry Field IMarsralthtie Dukie Of Oonatîgtrt, ansinepectnr-_ceneral 'of forces, lu a report te thre uru couru- At s meeting oethticrepresentatWles of M0 independent teleproae companies 'o! Iowa at Des Molines, yeaterdây, thre on- ganization of a quarter umiiien. corpona tien ho figrt. tire ell Telephone Company in lova bigan. Congregritional sugn 'sltoue aI Sf. IPeter'& Cat-hedrat muss yeabnrday *morning for tire tir-st lime. Tire Blabop o f Louu annonîince that It vas tire de- sire cf tire- Pope tirat cougregatloWaaiane ENUEi;USES 'ee WN TtZ RUAT Cf howas strtckea dowe Centrai AtrIcanaUvt NATURE'S CIFTS., k»iste natur. b.yae erpsed àlyovsiaeJu Mut mnudils-Ur stenmeb *d lvr altnaeats- conat bamM sabsuuço, tals oouptuu .ming te bave la.leUl- bé thon Sgud. luauy C»« their u s sto *ucl r.sdt&as lhuden premudrely t«c. But»$nfor Sllouananis#a gv* WU 1- nusaualcmWsdl.tleuby d ot uake a eiwm wr.c. o ontii.o trar, ,tb.y tas» UP the ags ,axtomt.ril they«n c ie frt offn$.y otIa Up* I'l mal r JOHýN% The ?iieh Wili-Try to Corne to an ý:AUV nd Tqwn of ~~4 $~ oa : jum,.Jmgrq, isirè by John Stoes, famier, near Tweed, -a fen' day. aRgo, stoRe $30 from bis house before lie we'nt away. If. vas arrested sand &en- VIC&ta '80 ' 41#AD 1XiatÏ Bô ý Tir. roney was recovered. Meeii c'f thie OntiAnjo eaiaî CÏun- cil waited on Heu. Dr. Pyne at -tire par- liament buildings yesterday, and asked that the act which perinits cf rmedica) examinatiolis- being held only at' Toronto aud. Kiunpton be changed 80 as te in.- clude London. They .were iniormed khat a bill permitting this would be intro- duced. Unlesq the'Toronto Cîty Council re- fuses the rq~ of the deputation cf phy~sicians that doctors shoul« bo allowed to follow their patients into the uew ho,-ý pital. without. regard to theainout paid by the patients for maintenance, thre trustees of the ne* hospital wil) fmot aooept the ýgr'nt cf $"00,000 voted byý the city. At the.meetinLP of the Georgia@nBay Commission in Toronte yesterdaf,, Sir John Boyg ud u wasof tirh piin that thre total proÊibition of fishing" for anything'otheyý thaný sport'sake, wîth a viewv te retftining. the -fish for private use, w ouU4.not be,4..9vdtastýc aH ej b.d kno w ' 4 n Aniercan spdîïý'< *bc ý' 6'viti rowboats, attached to a tug, would maRc. a bet pou catching the grcatest nýuiner and then leave thre fish on thre rocks$ to rot. Ho t.hought afi ee of $10 a »Bt should ire placed upon Ainerican f isher-- min , which weould hclp pay of ficialk a BRITISHI AND FOREIGIN. hanti, demnjrdcd.qe reduction of from 10 te 15 per ce nt. prîtect'ion -ainat stazp- do w stikel id abtésiep dul esbing local troubles.i Rembina, PrEÈis*pb o. t4eittabur càmncea le iaid tira questi o ! ;eék diàéàweezient upon thé vige gcal. vas discuseed lu anlMfrmal vay. H. aise eq 1qtiiher'xWlnt Asre tinued, "w. " b4vietia or.) at ina zthe huia tors, as tb~zt~tb~Oe eWa a- possibilly of t nbhdgsmtagneement pto- mvide** the.- jltnetpq~e~ 4~»A8JA4i howevere bie- own unpr"il oua b tho f e~6U us 1d suffeleut ý-.juat"SilAtlatewra ounselves an&>ffq yern umlin anoee fforttereacin agreemnt. talc. tbia Soetfficially that tire Oé c' hecn 'dM>etiU,ï'iW4llb outi*âû MIilds have cld sro rerrepresen- m ie~,te b. )re1ý ln this clbyeon Mon- fully 9ovne,~rt~.~r aoo nd seriouane. o! W.satuattôén rIproep .tIrem te,~k ub rapul oa siens li thrematter o! vae. uard on.))- tIens as will eehblb te join thmnianla the. rehabilitation o! our joint movement and tihe perpebutico o1, praumic businss rlatloshlp - er whiok w hav, work.d with mutual advautsgs dur- ing the. paut eight Y«"r. And té -is end 1 fe it incmnbent upon me te gay, that a vere- image degre01- respoubil- lty vil! neat upwr us il these Propose! negotlatona do -mot Iead to sucoess.n ing should b. encouraged in Cathollo verdict fizading JoÏM Vartlq, alias %Irow- churehes. - ~le lty o! conaprac~ odfadti Louis Nosser locked bis wffe in N ttem mutueIlueine aaraoe» lu batbrom at New York yester- CQ1IfpaD out ot4, OO by blowfng' tmp a day, and while abc wat a pri. =O in thre Tàree Jaoks tunnel a.nd toi- soner tire shot and killed Stella lecci»g thre mBz "n - plier igaeed Reynolda, of 'New Orleans, an actress, to 'hlmie atnev, -McEacern. who wus a visiter ut their homie, and then killed himecf. Sho'as &bout M5 GR COM [ iELRUe .years old; Nosser was 40. G Uz Dr. John H. Munn, Physicien to Senar- tor Ciiauncey M. Depen', who à iIIIaat LIVING TOME 9P ACES AGO DIS- his bomne in't-hie city, denled Iast nlgbt VERED lu CAS=LE thot the condition of his patient was critical. le addod: '4Senator Depe'w's- îpresent inispobition ise 1 ieiieve, only A Caverz With au Arcle4 RtoM Wc tezporary» Led t» e ula 'Wbe k*ltoàs, 11,e Z loroccan situation is unduhange. 4=9er sud WOQOn-oft Croî t - A complet. cleadlo*k pirevals. The. con- I <ity La AbUt 1 --- ference le not bolffing' any session., and Loudon, March IP- tbe Daty ai i l l inot. knrwn when the delegates wiU j maya: Whl1. di~ on land near Freucir- reammbWe.Thii iterrurption oi the dis-I park ,Couqtiy Ccommon, on Saturdy- eussions le due te the Iack of clasticity a laborer d"im~vred a aoewitir anà Unthe French and Gerznan instruction*. arched- roof, &bout six feet 1in 4ep4h. An explosion of mokten lesd ln thu con-1 FrOM thiii & narrOw wJndog passage, verting miii <3f the Ed rTbho nsteellAed to a" old c=teeabout a àe r Works, at Braddocki 'ato-dayremuit-amieù* . ed in serlous injuries to detwor'1h. leunderround passage la wellî bult, Ail were-)t«erniR7 burned by thre molten ansme 01 thoen'alis bear traces cf mnetal, snd a mmunier mnay die, The inscriptions, whilo at a certain, point * eplosion oeeurred wblle thé msen were et a number Of akelOtons and -bon'es were ,wr nthe culer pit found, toeother with .qUan Oft -A meeting 01thtie Board of it rectors metal, which provedt to b. rm fiau of thre Internatiomel A.aoclation of Pire weapens, evidently ot great antiquity,.-, Au old legeud ru conzeetion witlrbi Engineer. o1tAmerica vu. Iboa t04 V-P a st.. &nerune tô the. etteot that a thse". erson, N. J,. ycsterday. It n'as a. e a ins ! co o!tthomotpwri> te, prepare for the annual convention, I -! tre Coai r claoneo t s to rfusii t '-bîeh lto, tare 7place <rom Ott. 9 to, 1e2. 0thcse uautr tio d ref ui ~t It n'as derided to couivent in D*U#las, sdbg ieit boi dethe in'as Texas. losed up at.-elther end by théir foe Th uyI h isrc ore êî>Aýtë,warion .wertbuslaJft tothei .0 NOWI OEYLON TE'A Leati packets ouly. Bi Wo T w 'z a! w. 11R1$TOPHER a by lnsan d t bMroht ta., ,*.#orbe seved -hi, -WIlithe Cà Indianapolis, March 1.-Tic National Ocuention cf the ÙUM-ited Mine Workens of 'Ameries opéned hete to-day in thé Germai Heuse, witii o*er lI000 delegates, representiug 1,461 locale. Thre conven-' tion basSében called by President Mitch- cIl to consider acftlon which may result. ln an agreemuent with the coal operators tint will Prevent à generul strike, that vould bilng I4É5,000 mnen f rom,-th& mines' onApiR'lut. -Thire cefrence vitir tic openatons vil! begiri- on Mondaynxt. Whè,n the st convention cf- thre- mine workcrs 'adjoùrned, Feb. - 2nd; '!ofowinig a joint conference with thre lUpeatot*, whiéch"bad -fail edtle oarrive-êt 7a- Wage agreement, as stnike oýn Apni)lust vas lu. evitab1eé unlýDesâ sométhibtît n'asdons e mJ [meidate)y" At that c<iention the minen demailci ed an inetrease iu wagee of 12% p«e cnt.,l tbe admission Of thý South' Westorà Stites, a seven pe r cent.' differtentislbe- tween machine and pick mining, a 124 pnent advance for yardage sud dea4 work, prohibiting tire eeilblymeut7 et boys under 16 years old, an elght-hour day, a. one yea.r contract aud a rn of mine ais. Tir. minera also adopted1 a resolution of ferod by Mn. Ryan, o! Illinois, that no district abould sign a wage agrev u u»til ail tir, districts aigned. This f se- tien, known astire Ryau resolublen, vili come before tire convention. Unless lb lu rescinded, tic bituminous mInera cannotJ aigu a n'agi agreement until tire anthira- cite minentasigu an agreement witthe"r operators. Tii openators, ou the otirer "Do See hun, Mona, yon be touiched n'hen y ou fimd to face -v:th a man n'ho i - you. Andl this man i as cerrty.' "Or his determinationI whiu, eost w hut it-may,» bYu have-no right to -- ties. Great as mv desine lhfted safe a.bove the bittei erty, I would net urge you 'lForgive me, grannie. eious, aelfsh. If I marry will do it cheerfuUlv." - - Sirerose and brouglut t] t.enials. "I wiilsee hlm,, promise te accept him, u 'Let uim pleurd his owzi rupted Ms.Newburgh, ber baud for pen and p lnduce -You to tale a dil &Mau sure." With difficuit fcw lines. oxcusing thiri score ci Illnda,and ai oit threfollen'n day, hel would receivo e ."o it, dean. .He doos mot kui "It ii cf ne consequeni Removing thee vniting-i taking eut au - envelupo, to direct it. un"it lanet natunal, Mom sud indiffenont. Yet lIbi suy lking on your pari muan, except. indc- "No, neo interrupited î -sured, dean grane:' "ITien, Mena, . you 'w Wnnirg wien ho ta youl ,oh! yes, I dure say guIamngoifgto i 'À andlisten-it Ivii, Mena, I vii; i1 given me a littie hp. The rest e! tire.dl,' ilay Mena movee.- slo firmly, as if kteglIY al thre hau to do.. But aide clean perception »Of dui * bihty, was anotirersmt sudasnune.Were sire sele rviefor" mir sefIe.the oean ofl hopelessly. But aire mi gruduotheîl asud if a Pou <Oby"aopbg ni~ l the aftenrr ire > ut'Iber. Uçaptab1 - sean.!Sire thr ~Ve Mrl3_ý'NwbU 1: 1, B cndesrt vw" lu f4 Mirnlàlk-,ta e"s 1 1

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