-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Tl -i ,.,- ,-TE Stop That Cou'hel Cure- Thet 'ColdIe WILLIS'P Oompound Syrup Of White Pine and Tar CuresCoughst Coldop Bronchitis, throat a.nd lung troubles. Iqc Per Bottie Je Es. WlLLIS Dru gglst Opticlan Brock S.Whltby. WANTEL. PTelelihOfl(' ope ator for igbt duty. j. E. wllliI'. Cilemi3t anid druigglot, Whitby. The pî-oývjcia1 Cont-entlon of the Grand Oratigo Lodgre of Ontarlo East is beIng held in I4lIndesayi tbls woek. Plllc'w cea.ü',, 1.1a.îtv.1Wri!rad3 for us. 2<. a,îd 22e. eýi. ýh. A. M. Rois l'ULPIT EXCIA.NGE. A-ti vxchangt- of li1'tRii,,t hmbeen arrang<'d for the toym ehurchemi to tiek place Sand-ià r mî,rnltif.ne\t. Dr. Abrahan i'i jrcach In the Baptlzît chehh. Mi. lct<rIli thefMet h- cdiât chiîrch, and B<'v 1). 0. Cro.q.1py 'ARM Fort SALM' OR TO Rlitrm. 147 -acrýzes, iLatèd on the, 5th con.' 01 Pkkberng, outti o! Kinsale. Well walercd by nover f;tling tâprings. Ap- ply to W. S. Gold, Whltby. AÀ tee on ail travelling show com- panles, porforwîng lisCampbellford, will prc<bably be impossd by the. Couincil of that plaoc. WIND MLL FOR SALE. Large MMs Woodstock mairegear- mili, lit firet-i3kus -order: ,graphite bearlnu. ÂpplY to.Wl!. EWPORtS. ;OiNQ WES~T. A numnhor of WeditcromruWho have been opetidlng the giecater portion 0f the winter wlth irloýildv around tbese porta, are retus*: ' tu the prairle Provinces to be on hand for the early apring wurig Rorses willI hoa lpretty ttt prlae by qseding tonc, trou appu.raoe Form<era w'bo k.ivc teed to the. p.. suaiirpriaes. ofbuyera are tlsdieg it difLceu't to revi&~ac their work horurssexcej t at a gçO'figere. igeso'm.a treatt I Mia Jéelsi.Mac- Isciian Io coming V) Wbtb, on s. day, April 2 WE M'.:T TUE NEWE. We nor *aIwy apIeaaed toheer Ir=m subseriber' and orre3pondent.atid It given us re- I pteaisure toi publuh 4helr cotributionz. Butot le neya we want. We haveu't pace fr ittli local jokrei and gibtb, no <atter how funny they may appear to the writ- er, & owwbherulese they may b.. They say that. everyurîo who heird Jessie MachiarhhiosAng twci years ago, la bouînd to hecar ber again on Owcn Sound ha@ under Constrnc- tlc*i a Y.M.C A. build;ng to.cout near- ly S14,OOO It %vilI be ready for use ln a couple of xnonths. April 3rd. Go to GI. K. Tbowpson's Ifor walI pa per. The shdii upposltc the RoyîIHti l1ousvsion M-y Ibt. Also 'prd4niisP9 oppcsite Whitby pooL office occu'ýied by Mr. ;ind Mrn. Till POeqes"Ioîî 4p- rit lot. Apply te lF. Stephenfon, 1 I ,rhc publie are rordîally lnvte<to Inmpoet tbe si rlèi41 t tYIP in rWillin- cry at the M ls' iwell'a W"nes- clay and rPhur,,diy. Mà reh 28th\ and 291h. Icy in (lie 1rc>V( rU 2jitir £. A iV eBOY--,%AsrED. exci<'ange ila'in Che intcreitma f tho To e01l) te anadlan Ga11 &a Bible IPociety. (louail Ilwdral.cd Weekly. Pricwb. S &fee theWorIdý (irîly )stlôss Car-Cen t m.OT*wel%'e C t.e o stant w'lth juy Boor~i L 'rzle Urdar sent froc. A ddrcâà Tuc Canadian1 Store. Gîsaphic Publiaaing Comîpany, Lliit-I IIOU'à I' TO lý N. d, 176 Victoria «il.. Turnto. Appl1y týj %. C. V~u.IinajSt., Double knee and double seat knlck- Whitbiy. er pants rur boys of al sizets at T F.N 1) xVi. 50, 60. 75 and 95c. lRom Brou. Iir-mîi $hI.~,a >OtilIk îman haltY OTTAWA rFOULTI'%Y SHOW. critUpli,, ilii c canily eip-i"d , The poui*.-y î nw t Ottaw-a hast peariedI 1.0 hivf 114111 t'r ,h<l ter 1 or week was t he bvmt -"'<'r held t lerle. a coi l ~ t.~ ~ There wr're tio,.rly 1,601) entnies, as a Cupl of Iru th rod wa- conwpared With abtolit 1,200 lu 1005. tilier. tell 'hi aa.Prag2..-nqu dality ds .y oon Roon Moldlgs nd Wll ape atthough aititi la se.s nof Lb. year Roo Moldîga rldWaî Paer the birds (Io tot stiow up to the best G. X. Thompson'à , 'rod's nid stand. advzintaag<. The Barrpd Rocks iand N11AChINE ~N~CT.S. . c.4-1gharns iade the îargeit ex- The faniurmof Port. %Vhtby aiid v. hibt, uilth Vliiie Wyaiidttes atid crnbby have r< C utly el,ud .1 êal Orpingtonti a good âen mong the f«~ a tsyildicaite thrt-eiiaig nmachine, ublhity breeds. Tho mlshtNw of fauc'y cont;iiig of ;&Ir vtr;tetioLn iou- hird.- w..s guo ad attracted con. glue, t-ecI .epar.ato>r, with AIlnit-x- sidirahie attelitIon. <rn i rnlrOuveCiliIts, icîf fëeder, bandi LONDON l31OSCOPF* CO). cutter. w-ùîd Ft.iek<'.r, clover attach- The above eoînpany appeared luj ments fer Lhr sling ciov>r ,.arid ai so thre hall here c.n Frlday Ind Sa.turdîay re.cleaiil'r toe il) Uie, c sod nter ev~eunrg last, and wvem. greeted b> It î lirreshed, Loegit.er witb a Wag- fa.r houses The in;.ing pictures non gra~in b¾i'vcr. The ardiir wa iwcre go3d, atiddm aî te rdy as any placed vwth the -l.1I. (asr -Thiresilng iover show n bore -AI. Rejdsapg a Machine Cet. ., rouito, tliiotigii Mn. nimber of iilustiated à ongs ti a fine Gm .Alfin, of thr o twf, tr.til'2 r.aur alst nan eetiii~id thevarions rpro~etatveof the, f-rni. seenes preacoteil by the ba'sopel. The. C'OUNTRY 1IoAD$. Marry j';rtp o01 Ltvountry wiiiali. pu.elia('die '-a lue of goocl road.4 this .wlnt-er. 'rhü, coItiniued -.)Iin wea- ther bam reiîdonrod t1 irercds-InI nauxy ecetnieiiialiînost impais.able. -This ishouid be a gond timu fGr the good roads advocatea'to geL ln thvir work. iAAcrIean Yeliow Corn, No. 1 - qualIty, pextcct cordtlon; oheapent (ced lu Ilie nmarkret. J. IL. DOWNIEY & , W. L nllof thercWeekiy, Su'n,i dellvered an 1.7drs <îtb>- Gr.nge Hll, oni Fridea, Marvh 16 on the sub- je, "Urdafflaticrn îand Co-elionatlon ,91rlnlg',Mllnery dLpiay 'et tbe-. - - YI!nréay.Math 2Lb nti29tii. AI> are Invlteds., Tbe -catir;* r.~n'i1bu oe a sulbwtarge.t gus Ltejjxbeldg.for, use by the lbiglaIchoa cadesta Go to (0. . ?hompson'i for wall paper. Tnhe Grairenburst Coucillhas re- fuged to inmrave thç pool rooni Il- aSnse ln tha t town ta 41WO and 81 and tbe oïd lcense at«inds $50 for the firat teil, and 440 for, each ad- 9iaQal table. oGLyr BISTI t4prlng te on the t1ay. aitl ln a swk or two one of the butdestsa- sons on the farm wil begin. The (ar- muer who bas.everytblnR, la readînes to, begin ueedlng operatio:,. as moni as the land L§ in coeîdtlort will W abead linLbhegine. Do nut put off tilt to-moroWwhat eau ho donc to- day. A SULAY(E 5MORT. At the hlgbt <K the storve W.d-* Dembd<i- alqnt abou~t ton o'oCLc ty m'mmusa»sthe wircs etftth. eleotrie street Ight oposite the entrance to the Rjoet of Refue on Dindas St. wast béeane seort-et.culted. 'Ph. elsotrle dtapLil fui faf tos -i motO wan a mitrig:v wierd apectable. T1Is littie switc1I boir too Lire and ou- nioDlcated tbe (Limes to tii. lamp pSut. Word waa snet to the. sIectric iight station andi the current cnit of f. Mr. JohnOm%00000tiso ex- tingulshcd the f ire wlth a pail 09 tiater.1 Go to Prinel's ardware.S8tore and get n Dustîcasà Carpet Brusbi, $1.75 ech. rapi. I1.îgh R*uney dbed suddenly on the strcet whili hantent to summoki a phymklan for one of 'the woi'kmen on the stenxn barge at Co. bourg wharf. Wthlte Sà ud Barred Rock eggs for &-jle. 61 per dSa. Ruttan h IlU box OS Whltby. Havec you snon Our speclal lIce of towcls, only ýl>Zc. per rair. A. M. Ros. AN AI(T1STIC lit.FAT. Tihe next Canadîat- Club rxeetlug lm lit the euneert hall a( th~e Ontario ,Ladies' CAliege Monday -revening, whcîî Prot-n. A Il. Young, M.A., of Trlnit3' Colle'%e, Toronto, wlll de- livzr ain illlîufrated addres34 cin the bzimIse tu*lizà lK'l. 1 hirs la tlie same as 1 Oven a.t the -Satturd..y nfterncn lee- tturcq at Toronto Uoicr31ty, thelan-. terri viewm lrclncaiuîg tmany pholto- graîih% et'the cv. urld-(amous workts of - jaintingm b>' MichaelAngelol, reti1pture, et(!.. tftat has made Rome &anioum. There Ir% no charge of ad- mî tlY c. (tis .)rtlgit treat provId- ed by the Caxjaaian Club, anrd c¶tlzens gho'îld Phow their aî4PreCtatlon by turniig outI. i numbers sufficient to- (Ill the ('ollegç- congert hall. The telej.bunc servic' bas been Roomewhat disar-z.inged during the past weck. Linemen haie been buaýy with the %Ires, changing tiroir juofi- tie'n and a!lding new ones. Poles' have 'ee»à straighit£eld. gnunder- grolund e.nblt laid loîto the central of- fIce, and the whoilc systein lu1.town IIEN.OU NED 'CELLIST. MAr. Johin McLindc,t h brilliint, .Scittish *clllst, bas already gS.ined a Eurotiean and ktmerlean repttion by hts -manterly plalg un that moot eharmIng of ilsolo Instrunients, the *cello. He appe4a here with tihe Jesale MâchLAcle Concert Co!L9Ou7- on Monday, Aptil Sad. - A coplet. trange c et Z.Uy. modo trows', alsiMm andi prkces A. Xf Robs. a Pèterboro Cîly Coteau la. desirouu ofu dhSouragleg tiresale et cigarettes toi la vuaiit l m: Àl s Âbi4aw to] comatu bft bre* fe Coour, we.- - -- - -»P-, coipn-y lftber-'lr CborgWheecopel votte t aire ot -ail thncy Istay two niochta, thenee to eetîno a >mr y I. iiireytÀ Make Ymiutr cal pets edean andi freab 'Mr..Rusli, n va i k lookIn; by tîaing DustieunCarpet ~. < b a Bruab. At pringk'd H Tîrdvare1<1-aWfet i>tU 10M *"0 as A ;IANUCOSErJI COmaG flot thiti à eUD a $M i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o aeaw b à cln, ie u shet tatbsauin tîsh adUscîc«son, wll appe.z-__ the o,4 tî il here n oday, AI nil Znd. $eceure jour seato. , f tero, the sweet soegà ot ailti'89W land rentie1reti b> a iip stot worlq wide reputa i*o. t I sri NDS t A most complote range of ail goodts for Spring and Summer wear now in stock Muslins, Vestings, Ladies' Suitingo, Gloves, FrilEngo, Gentlemen's Suitinge, Hats, Cap%, Tios, Etc. White Muelins and Vestingu from 1l2ýc per yd. Up. D»e» Goodl, ail kindsanad prices Glovos ail kinds and priew. Black Bateen Skfrts $1 and upwsrds. Hosiery ini Cashmere, wool and Cotton. les9Collord ShW@ts75e and $1. ients 'lovu Unlined and 811k ined. Men's Rats aid, ail new Spring Shapes. FHIow Cottons, a&U widtha. Factory and White Cottons aul wîdths and prices. Linon and Victoria Lawns lot to 3,5c per yd. Andrew M. Rosso- Accordiog to au Americau faro pa- per. a liberal applicatlc*i of wood ashes supplies the peur tree wlth tiiose elements that enable It to re- ulut to a great extent the attacks of blight. EJUCitTIONA£L. The sprlog terw in the weil-known Eliîtt Bumânese College ln Toron to, opean' April Zià , und nnny newv stu- dents wlll be enrollcd oi that'day. là he Elliot' tiolege lâi a wide-awa-wr and result-pirducifg Lehool, and pu- plis feel thorouglul.y .t home In this t"hire of î iii3tr>T." À LARGE CoN\,rRAÇT. Mr. A. C. Wils~on has reuýWived word f rom bis son1, 4Mr. Peter Wilson, ç->£ ITeroieto J1unct(iozr, to the effeet that' b. bas juat completed a contraot tif painting and glazFuâg the huge oabat- air In that bu town, andl expeots -to receeiie the con Lruu.t for anot.bor large building. ANNUAL CONCERT. The papls uofthte Wbitby Coliegiate Inutitture pnrriaffe holding their an- nual coincert lu the Musie Hall Wed- nestiay oernug, Apnill 1,h. Pull particulars. la'Er- Scottitth music bas tiLs peculiar charm, but Its Interpretuition leaa gitt wbich but few possess. Jesale 3ailachlan poueesa tuis gîtt as no ottiier singer the worîd bas keown. iJessie MachiaebIan I*as proved lier- sef uns nub A iL t u Englîr d irsh ball& sab la tire folkr sungof' Cbhtcoai for Ikndlleg tires; for saie lu 150. meka. Pringls's a ard. 1ed to put labla, oMM94 «0d thl4,la jhow the.ttm caine out-a n Mt : 'Ibe Iebasîd.llsrs wzê tantuII7 bong WIth mon. a-iandndusonelitressked . 'WUITI3Y SALE FAIR. If Yeu have herses, catile, slop, pigs or othor iarm stock for sale, maire yeur entrles at onc wltb the eretary of thc Whaby Sale Fat,. A soiatton. IL you have a suj)piy ort fîrst olasa sceds, butter, eggs or potaltry, Ilace lt on exhibition ut the Wbitlîy Mai ket lit. If yoo have anything tu sci), or w.rzîtte bîîy anything ori etirth, attend the CGreat Joint Sale.,11-rket Fa*r Limd .>iuctlon Sale a - Wli" "y, o. cnuriy--March 28rd. Make your enfrleà inow .With W. M. Pringic, Corner Hardware Siose, Wbitby, Ont., and secure free ontreu, and trct acrertisement. Fr fartiier partlculars :apply toi W. M. Piihîgie, Correspondl4,:~Sceay N'EW LAU NDR Y. MAr. Hop Cbung bas opened :1 [irat- clausi hand laundry con West sBieor lurocir street srorth, where hW I. pre- pa rrd ta do ail clamaes off ine loundryl %ivori. RHo solicts a -qhare of your pa trcouae. Sab iafaction gunraui teed. PrHie CR0? PAY8. Up a oùt fSea&forth farinera are glilng much aittent.Iea ta growlng1 entons. Thej reulhte from $500 Lu 1$550 pier acre for the. crop. Thle ëeaforth 3Fiuo4tor reWYS li. J. W. Ortwele shipe duUn araverage- aboutI flftY tobs of ouiota every year. This at #M00per, tcowbieb ýfa .bout tii. average PrICo, rOPreacnt*s a lat p mono>. Mokt of the cunons wht .1 Ur.. Ortweln u- l regon u tii. t'kgloty of J1iinsal. IJT%,furnIsbes - the soda ctetgrow*ru> andi they furalib tii.ladand 40 tu bewor% and b. porohasea troià 1heniLb. Pro.. duet. lie jastb.re Id uotûtagr, - ftriboîn groluthA willl&ive so ýOea tura fur tlw h.bor andi ont.J lay.. irbis la <sly o0" dealer, a bdi the ;ril ol- I -w- *1 WE REPAIR ANYTHINIJ I that is bought ineas'3ewelry store and mauy othier thinga that are boughtin-other Mtores,- If otheru cannot repair your broken articles bring.thenu te un and we wîll reptir thenu if it in possible to do no. Tii. charges will be moderato. We ByWWGoId and Silver- price for lt if yen bavetar you wouid like nmade n p Into 00W jowelry w. wil)b. pla'Mui te give yeu n astimmi tad ruranto. etht one but your olgoId wilýl bho oed. BROCK BT.SOUTH WHITBY Vol I. Oolng Weat a.11E 8.28 ZÎ 2.06 p. The 5.2 &O.S5 :M m'29g.a.m. tutu Golng N onh . l07 . 4.16pi 6.4 p.ma. LatW>,ltby for O S for flraugha, MAILS ?imW. and E 4 From ru VorNoy~ MAILS, sot 8.30 A. PROFESSIoe - EDI PH YSICIA 8's Accoue Oladuafê of Ufliveppîty cf pf Rya1 College of Physjc A ~5TEERRAcE 'Pb onti fflicftor for tue Wetcrù «tC. Monpy to Li»n. oi Dow& moi O ff ce e r i e o i ce J.E & É~ÀPo8T.A.)< James Rig Barl te.rt. oney-to «Ce immedlately south 0f Ont. JOhIL E. Fr Barristâr, C ojauîjy Crô -1 County Solieîtor. oE ofCort Houso. ht OIENTA EesfdMC&Nc .-.~.4, Tho Terme. '0u atria vnnu robE Tire nisfrlwsli iant, am ofUt r. :ta#, tqwin%, wlUii.q f 'bis a amIfflt 1~ J- . F t - L. l', rquar ýp- frofttuiffl or ý nÀd 1 ýl -1 bad trwd. . V4