Whitby Keystone, 29 Mar 1906, p. 1

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----r in ai11î.wery Otiur t hi ngs în tb'er u'stres. t repair youI. brin , tbt'nî te 1 epIf.tilein if il > mu. The io era t te. liglît m~ îarket yoIu have iLfy made uiji iflt9 vilib pl1îeamed cestfiniatt, anti tionM hi your iuRtd.. optCI.ANv. Aorî R§AILWAY TIME. TABLE. WIMMIr aanUJON. Wet SUS.0 Colmg lust .45 &.m. US3.0 ..' < 0pM. &'h .m. u Uuado«n ot gO oit Monday 01<Nouth ,. a,. Glg south 8.06 A.. V-e" 4. lo'pid. t ' 12.40 .. YAavti Wbttby for Osbws .4 10. a&m. and 4 p.in Roulden, proprimS.. '%«T« for Brougham nt 10 &.m. J. Seott, pro- WV. and P, 0.45 &m. Fr. Wegt 8.45 &-m W«,-9.80a. i.. BuOt 9.0 &,m for Northb146 a. . FrOshawa»0pm 19»t &3.0&.. W ndM630. arber Shop iTý, Prop.j the iî ea,1iî1 A$S iEYES t hp pest glass eyos thiT Iar'gost stock froin Woaro ex- fittes . IfI',EFIZACTIN OPTICIAN. t. TORON TO. PROFESSIOr<AL CMOS1w MEDICAL Or, Meidrum PH YSICIA SURGEON AND ACOCOUCHZEUR. Oraduateet ai urevMty nf Toroato. and Licentiat et Royal collette ofPhyuidaus. Edlnbuth. «'àTHE TziRRaCn," BYRoN STr- 'Ph ono 42. _______ LEGAL 0. Ormiston, B. R. Molotor for the Weste-rn ]Ranik, Nota:" Publc ec. Money ta o"n. Oiffice soit Pout Office Wbitby, Ont. Dow & UooSlllvrayq barrluteru, Soflcitor«. etr. Money to Loan Offie ýewie Pot Ofir.Whitbv. (ont. J. B ew B.A T.A. McGILLIVE.AY, LL B. Jame s mtle Banlier. E3. Mn#pVt4)Lon on eainv Terme. Offce mmetatly outb ni Royal I1otel, Whitby, Ont. John E. Farowoll, K. C., Barrister, County Crnwxi Attorney, anà County Solieitor. Offic-Sotith wing of Court Houo, 1Vitby. DENTAL W. Adams ReoIdonco---No. 4. The Terrace, Byron St., Whitby. Open t turday oveningu. CHURCH DIRfunRif Prohytu'iaus Churob PASTOR-REV. JOHN ABRAHAM. Rahbath Seri4ee.-11 a. vu. and 7 P. l. undny %ehoo) and Bible (la* at 1t P. M. Prayer Moetin* 'r. I1'ur*Udy eveniuz 4M 8 WeWk. q 1- v lketbodl.t Tabernaole. REV. D. O. 4gRoqhEY # PASTOR. Sabhath &eve<..O3 . m. and 7 p. m.n. 'lsy 9ohool at 2 W P. mn Pray« rMeUtns on Thg..-s ~la eeaingat oCelock. Agi 8Saints' Churoh, RAgfiloan 1RECTOR...RFY. A. H. WRIGHT. st a8P. M. Wodàeaday Rventng...Prayer and iSer- mois, 7.80 ___ ~1L 1~ C RUP.~T1*RT IN-CHIAJIfl MSbatb ae1<'-. m .and 7p.Mu. 8*týUda 13E. T.. POTHIEUCLI, PARTOR. flebbs*h 8er«omq.I.ta. 'm. "id 7p. um. Stnday day ovurtMP14 Q PÂEISR13EEST, RRV. VATRR0NX LLRX. Lloyd Mfg9. C-oVIFT Maufuotnrrn ol au i. ColTespoudeRCe. Lah Angeles, Mareh 15, IWO6. WhttbY 1CcyLoe-YOur readers might léke tcA know just what 1 thInk cif 8nthero CaP.iornla. We ar- rived here Just before Christutas, whcen Californla watt pa.seog through the' mont sever. froists Pi the~ paitf 18 S 20 j'ara. 71'h"ao rostuKweroj accolDpaflled t'y raln, which mnade pienty cf tnud. It was iiort4 a yery chiverful prospect, I can anlre you.I Sioe f he first of JJnsary the wea.. ther hais put u is beet bebaviour, and while we arc passIng thrcmgb the rainy- season. we are Lising a great as theY taik whbeat ln iAïr great Noriit-wct, ltcul ett fle adora every atreet and by-way. -.%né%' extend away cut ln 'the Ooemtry -toûý the coStt, whîcl, is from- 18 to 24 Passadinlia, wth i si about 1 ie f rom» the city. lathe ca~I'bZetiand wit beioti'ful place upon earth. Per.. hapJà I shcild modify ihat statement, but' 1 thInk 1 %;Ill let it stand fer the present. H. W. WTLLCOXt Sundaiy at the Tabernacle. The Tabernack cocngrega ion were 4 29, 190e -jdeal orf fine warm sunshjlne. ln whlch veT Plcased tufhaive tl'"r tirst op-, we alkwitoutwraibor top coats t r'<rttJiitY laât i--abbath of bern ex.ept toi% ardh, cveaing, whe-n It be. . . I Dr. f teRONiis conx,ý. qulte cool untali sun la up next che' 5oiwng .. threichEge f _ - muning Lo Anglen s acîtyotJpulpits for thie Brltisà "cd Foreig~nA . JgI ,bout 2,50 et a jopulation, aadi- growing at a most rapfid rate. Hund- Bible SoctY work." Dr. Fothergili reds cof new houisciaré ln c>urse of pald trýibij-t' 1.0 Uwgcot wQrk belng "flule rttannia," ama.it eroc'llon, aind are of the motit beauti.. daie by this noble sc.çaety, a work o'n the prograimmie. Sfui architectural dosagua 1 ever saw.. which demuauds tht' s.yrpatby and lin. As 'tht' criiie hud n 0if- Real estate bas doubied ln price ln tArest and actite sî..i"crt -of every mâlke, the mdeting ý,rM5 the list î8 iMà;Ls, and stitl goùng loer of the' Word ofGi od. 'The, main the. National 411îtheun. t- up. Hotaets are buit light and teeo h d-rs- oeews--- ml air.>, wîth artitittc desIgn, and Iteauti-ten !Ui rs' owrr a -fually paInted, %,ith surroiatdings te anf emphasizig of some of the Vwon.. Sprlng ,tssze Imatch. Pi'O Und othùr hcghts ln, derful feeatures of the Bible .Ind its '.the ' e.eitcrn pa.rt o! Uic city art' des- I uthoýrahap. In tue' hittot,> of liter-. 7he ipring Z îe tined ta ho thc. beti ..iden iai pOr. attire there Is 1nuthing comparable to cîýpeod on Monùoay lasta tient, of thtc ity. Three years tgo this eo1Ieect.;' of 6b distinct books îI09se ' htwy. thî4 %'ias àharlcy 'fieid-and 11awof unarirat"%e, hiu.graphy, oe ry and n- ccrvered with tihe' Chceecst homes In f irguwnet, sa rarted and yet su -uni.. St1r. .Justîoe Br;tte 3. Lc* A ngekes. Tht first thing tloey J-lie. It is 8shied autt lIfll8îtakably OPPolnte o te h tho ff do i to ay :.ut th*' streets.j q'hpri divine. J,'eferece wazimode tut the tint ' rI. ta be j'reseut thrc grade tltem Lu a iiice grade Ork -jar 8Ylng "-erAlOus wb:ch tiare beea j an d. ]ck. 8Sr WJW.ain Xi Iput la their water pipes, and «nfter - preEerved In pur!ty, tlao-ngb transhit...ute !th lchq rounding uptu 4e e-reets nicely, tlley " in whole or 1&3 FUct ItU ery hotgCort edd roll atid- oit wlLh crude, petrolenrn, 400 cf tiLe .citW dialects and lan- whIch lia pkiltliuil hre. The ruids giîagem. .1A ren'auibje evldene a s it woftaLrdh~ * nre'then sanded.-ând becom2e like as- the' overrtiitig lprovidenvoof (ted 19 ~tboOounLf'y tu" 118I p jhaît. Ceinent walits arti laid, with nîanifeated in Lhe piusrrvatJoIof a«J cIy# th utal be;s ut i) cernent etirh1ntg about 0i (oct olnt. the' autho;re of the' bible from faillug attended, an ins rutmed raide o! w;alks. Thcn thcN aire rfady jnto the' curleut crrurà of thoir t1041J wlth'an iddress. 11.1. to iiirvey anddLiate cott the' build- ln sc4ence and uther rçolms of ihnow, in4c lots 50 .x 1M0 (et'deep. uxn ledge. Medicine and " tj w41, 4feme Iwcei 40 x 140, whihICL sel] fur #12.;é to t'oated as two illustrait ions f b u t sice, -wi oo hejà $1800 per lot, cornecr lots Vffl more. Irht' uniersal ttdaptaiiDItv- « e refeneI, a ppropria-te" B'uliders buy thee lots, bud nice B i l another jsupreffl teat1nny àr n-111j'M's j n houses and-seli. One mani ha. , lit lte n rsIa> -o. t.& over (60 house.* aindsi ois.0't good labut cone book, a'nu thaa ookt prices. T'we umont conveniett and ibe tMrtsd.-e.o uy beatiulbieci ae tos o Lo ad urobeWlence. Dr. ?tteglîsilth the' T(>n*uDt Wat> ÀAngelen. Invariably the' grcru:ds tWxt wasPsaim 19 -t1, and hiseg are ai couple of-fooet higfiér than Uiecc awas "ery lusi aindi tnter<rst.. Cuà yin rmouuk rand streetti. witb ernent steps andi ap- Ing, and nuch ihe Djinr.n Daakand t prouchewt to fronit door, aindiaroaa-d In the' rvi*jIr9 xr. C'roly, preacil. 1ort Perry and i Luo theai aide tu back sieur Vhen t ie'ing f ci-a-curati'yobauo i ab er < f he hr t1I 1 contractor'-gives -np the' hoûse I it-es tleeartht alm bfîlaed. Tht'.yrput ln, or> c't'fra t ?nIrgs 4 . dret«On ~, ofgsa'4( ir h L.uid - l, aldebourds p.antry>s. nV lC rti b.'lP f-Ztdsn o Whkcih usitai t*ou al board, cl»et* etc. wit gas Na han ansi frind of SUloem, man>H1»ýtrsirpi z bourda clset, tc. wili is and tessons of the 1Iwporttnc-and ,, ltsLrib iI v fixturem, elejctrîc lits andi chaude-. lPgts :t0 tIse #ldll'tsas, rci tirs water*lpipen throug9hout t 114 19au hart hly frtodlg,'s. Tfiesj house. bath rouns conîj'letrd witb alil euaî ~ani~~a~ s Iel 1~ ~ fixtureas <'en utg # urtlnm for wit. u4e ra-tt «,0.d~hp s~ ~ ~ t siown, andi the Mrost jeautlful bard- 1trlendiehlP3 ni ra olad Cirils -*vu t.abit's. re.eIomwa,44»0i a mir or. rhé igrountis are lekod, mzubgr4m t t of ~ - jandsinmuicothéeti nd ti taly sdtiep i ~t Il!. 01i or of Jugme us !rei'. In't eay tbere aire ,<*r- astr<lyft a g &ladfr Io. ehai tale tes tricticf. tb Upon*very lot eolii. plf9Itk* l odtiohp born.e treets they Wit nt low a"' *W f erth o (rumer cottage to lb. butand iht>nsw muni anisvd 1» te-aast IoA. aýu bc' balit utnitfmmly >ar 20 çr ,I0feet J silo hoor Uit usais. LUt un f01t~ trchi aide waik. end imust e t qtlQ te ;0X9bW' ffstrkcted lirlees upanthat "t'y n eartbi rI'4s b<>, Al 0oUsejii atm. 1Otbr treit!t* are nt asi i i -"17rom bShau-all comgrIete. 1 ,u , < a tb*0ft Worth in os $(000ta ho tIn lW * *J!11 im7 Sbw 1g, m P la Peroi~ns a- lot or buldig uo> Ire~ZI Tbe =4d emeetlssý1g 0f tIse-W-C'. 1Ithat b(% Vifs 0Mfêr ehio;tut $Mi*OLIttrary $Cwàjetv W** htId .-ou, #40 f9u itiut4 a, #W ~0,for tbr lt -atn àt(erom IlaùÏ0UM siu=g mbIy tS.tLt tO - ..e f UrfeM 4equ .1 i: -~ N MINO Or SR~AIWAST FOODO ~NGCEEL 0.Llimr-o, KIR4onTi ONT w. ~IW ERPhono 47. WORT:H 5 oCENTS. On A$20,PCIO *1 pnv huis .j ~r il 1ndu eoj >woejab TODAY DRAINS .siinmb5 . dip maSs wd m"é*dmbSriii virVI The» ecous are good oni.7 wbe,Ç Preaeftted ut store of. A. 'T.Lawleer, Wlitbir. iLane d gel the taat Item .rtciama ta closesi th es. thin fCounty at the' Court, m,. who was t-tlOga, cie t iokChie! ,,lit v~s~O ' rst iuloiumi; c ri locl Ika 8EE~ Pm'o Rod oe, Alsike, Cornié feted., OCôim rtdsee us beforel Uines.; Dowl or sel>ilig an Il In to a blefore tih :lt(ecIrsI for %York leiI{veqîI: 1t basi isie-r nu a at. raiitmin iposi. %vcrk. Enter anw pt a good îposition la.Our circu lai ýT - rincipal 4nJ landertir, -fIOý boys, routth WHinTBY's ONTAR109 TURBD "MON" MW ,, a wmmmrm 444

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