P. 1900 M»1uS swig la preparlng for ter à [&' Cacal8n, -of Winnipeg. sla18vis.- itlng ber'inatler, Mrs. Bryant. Mr. à . jeIchon was ln Tcoronto last wieek atie Grand LoUg. A.. Quite a iio;ieber. will go from lhere to the Jeue. Maciachtaneoncert nat Wbltby next Monidav nlght. The freslt uýn Tuesday %ras the heavicat of Uic year. Th~e gates at the. mlii date were opcaed eariy. but about noon wcre jammned wvith tce, and thse tImber., m'oshf dsolme. IThe water %vas forced dcwii the race- wnty, vr-iCh. zverLioçeU ti smeeran places, Cauuing sC>rc wîi3I n the etreetg. fTileBell I eleph onu mcniviiohola ve been liore fuor about two weeks, have corinpietied their %-,ork. BroLmklini bas now qulte an i mm-to-datm-v telephone o o-f fice, w'ith fl!teenrJ iXahsubscribers. Fcor somtit timie imieat iL has been rumnoî d thaïI.on'AGfthe' nevha aksi %vauld open a b)rnch in this village ioon. To fo!-.exý1tU huathue Wes.- ecr Banukhý,, -,tddiily deded to4 orPen ân olfie 'hot ', %hleh %vill b)e, for a tet-rmn al ceast, IL smib geney of Whitby br.mcchI. 1I i tl S long1 been feît th t tnibo-ltuld bk, baîik-1 lnig tmCinm d 'i hur. W het lier the preseii, ai-r iimgctr<moit w1 I ili the bill otr net i eni,iïii.s te ie speri. lion. John lJrydiCivisitemi the'firm here cYn Satiiiday. As haie mi ati- t-inuneed l'i tht dally îîa:lers, Mr. Dry- den will ridorl$lyluv for Irelanni to tir!dertake immnjorýian t iut jus for t he Imuiperlal Goicu îî mik-r n' lie'%% il!h companied 1,y Mrs. and] Miss l)ryde!n. Mrs. 1Z. t-olia-eutt, 01 Bowumatvihle, a sister o! Melsirg. James and Richard Mo-tre, o! titis ~Ledii] on Strnaly la st.1 Miss AXnine 13a iin 1A Vaa loc2fri Oshawa over Sr.dayi Mr. anud Imrs. . .-W'. Sprciof sa- awa, l<td ctv5 hemr on Sunt-i day. Th<e Ladie.' M ie st. T ho znu s Chureh IÉarcu'. i i)vmllioi a ,Japatlese stK'1i IiieiLu'mastar 11.lI1I! on Saturday Cen'. Tht'f'a'r of thie evenli..t ivi1i be an dr1x con J'apan by a nuztî-e o!f thateirotn- try, who ix n-oîw a -:ti(Jdprit ai Wv irliffo Cci'egr>, '1 roiîte. MNr. N. Luke, w'.co hai:le-ti n jomr leaÛ,lth for' SC)Fm<e, t inn.-, 11~ ,4S I t "!--d anlY pernlieli t iulr~tn~ iat quite iii ýai fsn. Caumîneli m-' oinMo, diy n t Amnong tas:whio lîcmmght hre the Darey tselc .' f3snia on W i] inesday wcrý% Mr. <kchmm .Xlm-r l, Mu. Gotrge Stou'kb. Sic. S iîiEn.ii Mr, rce N'il A nuîîîbe'r of auri- :nîc'rx .ttéy.d- ivd tino bve lia uhh<ll ili'tilx r, 'tc., froîi W'hitby faïr grmnd ]tii LimeOshi tva aliiiotiC gratin ds iiio N-turday. Tahkmng almut (ire brigides.,, Colu'm-1 bug nt;tîidF sxmitct t one. , % toNiluor evei l scanhnast o f- brigade smch ýs t lisi liitict t (c-w n pOmsemeS. Tics wvis pro'<en (mn Thnti]tiy Litt itieni fire lirok,,o)lt of thé retfof eD ii er B<L't biacsknith sui. Thv',flrst to mer blaze ivîs Iute'lier Atl,< r LeaniChr Grills. Tlwe' twvo gn'nhtlen ,n. îve't i I I 7h thiile bX olgcalml i1dýig ofthe tJi1 rçn . ao D11-ât 11ilaiLIW-1 4" N orveO Diorderrs selsfrîî n t he O(ld rou nt y.PrWTHN of the nerves and Mr llîrim. of bog- h is ttik- 1"'uscles, sensitiveness to iight, p-ai msit*ouu a-is 1110îller P) the, foiiri- sound and motion, jerking of the C o. bn . i(i, indigestion-such are soneof the! M r. . clAitiif wm %as imn ('vim symptoms of exhausted nerves. icdîi tlACa tua s~- Because there, is no acute pain sm i o!rice i î'diteiohr thr W'orhd. people do not aliways realize the! seriousness of nervous diseuses.! Cont roi Codling Moth. They de not think of the helpless- ness of body and mind, which is thme Oa'ti tlm.îm ~ c' m.stxth îpieresuil. of neglecting such ailmcnts. ~cove' hae e (cutI)divlilus ua Because of its extraordinary con- growr ha Io onled wih 's trol over diseases of the nerve-s Dr. sc-n it a th. . Moithe e i1 olî tis Chase's Nerve Food bas corne to bc wath'n a w cmv t)î-tMl.teyrs o h considered the one great treatment ntothis tlak, mf tley Probably for disorders of this nature. Not' have ret Laî.wn t1le Peact cause;t. only does it revitalize the wasted Tlv ro in iil),«)Ip-grovrng secitons nerte ceils, but actuaily forms irai froni thit4cai,.u n s very eonsiderabie. 1& esh and tissue, buiids up thiej lu. lxng est mai-ted' at (ram 20 te 40, systei and sends oew vigor and 1 er cenlt. of tint- fi tilt. whxoh w.ý%oul.i 1 vitality to every organ of the body. .ih'rwse'b' ou~ ai'lmerhaat-!DOcents a box, at all dealers, or .131<' - - Edianson, Bates & Co., Torona. I 71r% Vor it( a 1 . tir 4 1-%.î: Z: i Tri, îh i !i :îten ii n c 4f m t -o rmv. .Uv' '- -- - I aekbue m* ad" m * .,I - thé alaru. efld:,wltMi ltenmlà -ste 4wi UIIOf..wu 0ýtripped, 9fil1eonens Wbule Ithla wan lieing dons a ce Or. 80 meu IerQ bU&Y carryhIn9w4Or' and extingulslluag the. blaze. lmot, of the. bystalidei 3ttn, begas to Jose hope, but thenialLy wbo iere worýk- lng kept oin like hu.roeu, uiitii final- ly It was put OUI.. he Sbulldlng was insured'in the Guardain' Fîre le. surance Co. Mr. Bîeckett wlshes to, thank ill tbow wnu hio leledlnhm. MY1ZTLE. There mas laid *!o rest on March the 11-th at Iliubbell.% bur.ylng ground the remains of au oid and respeeted resideuiti the I.crsoxî of mr. manly Bi iggs. Mfr. Brigga had lived abouit [ffty years oit the place whem lie <lied. He had for the last twoye.irs su! fered very inltcn..ely, and death ('iclaias a haPpy irrcuia!. Mr. Briggs wvill bc, much nuissed. Ile wa 9 a goood tieighbor, buia'g îossý-sed of ,Iively disp1osition, .id nwasready and wuîhing to hl ,e . He was 73 yearsm ad i nonths old. The relatives of! Mr. flr;gé;s ave the teep. est r-ympathy of the c-)mmunity. U %-B RI1DGE. lFor sorxtiîne o! late somte prrsori lias bicen guiity oýj trout fishîng gut of season at the park pond. ïýeveral tiuws urýP'er'lY wc li-ve heard tliat lines have boin fou:îd set thraugh a liok, lu <ho ter. aon tIc easqt sid&, of the bridge., They have bee n eut, but sooln r'ejiaced. The dlia.x Was reavhed 011 Stmturday, wvheU We are bld, the fi.shtrirùan v.-at sien ln iiî'- afternen 'îjorousi a.wokonly i few fevt [roni the shore. Mr. Fra nkîsh, f-litcïy în.sîector, acted prompt. wheu iiiloimnied o! the Ifacts, and lias -aireiidy mFeured -L fev; Unies. Tfli Iiîarz- becormlng -ery sra:mOt iithv lpontd. . rid ari-ha rder to catch caca a,~r nd] if thire 41 to b azîy. fishirîig at aIl In the t;ea-' wyn this poachIuig ili have ti> be qtIX'>.d. Tti ilsj>crtor Cati fot i) it ail. Tuei'IICwil.,bu y, rkiiîg ci tîmeir Omvm ît if -.heY sie;f thing i og lq~r4ott o tlie ii 11 rif. .1. r. of Toronito in ' rctg.îi*' -an e N tmlîîtîii of -v -v -v v raviies >tth ý-tidtt, 14 I*i~oeke~i ou fey ~ahbsness la 'the if ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l ,r>e B 8~tM paI5bu fdr' buth bn>er and seller. 19 the greata3peoflo for théiefoliog, tb, Ur iI~pl~zsare reoot. . .a ifleiru n~e sbelluë super 1« tiswork, n i Dsiy and Paris grecsý, $cheeW' greeûn Sud arsenite c>oflime -wittièoda are -nome Froku Collersau o! tihe preparlations useê D. efore Dicoverles of vaut deposits of ores these remeffies were &u,ecmered, baud. la tii. Douniaon have pasaed £romi the lng the tret. ti th véloth was the roeuarrpqt to the contwuous. This 'cMiy remedIai meas.urc. known, ' but unfolding ouf n..ture'a great store- It Is now beisg se i aCL<l ly the spray. buse o! weaith bas. already develop- The great good "that ls bcing <jone.51 a suspicton among Canadiane3 that by sitraylng niakez it Imperative that they are behind the United States the fruit grower do this à vork. It ian iothing save Yariety' of climate. éthould be lx-gun lu the sPriog for Wittin, a year lu the vicinity of Co- al classes et inseats, but for' the cod. balt, silver bas ieen d1iavered in iing rnot Uic first spraying should quanUties that touch the Imagin-. be muade afttr the Irat Uads unfold, ation of thie dicer. &gain we hear but before Lte !lo-itr buds open.! cvf the Fa;, North geologicai for- The second sqt .iyang shoiq -be ma1del uai iom ldenticcil wlth that of Kimu- just after the biossuirs fait, and thisi beriey diamond fields.. Edinonton is liî the most. Important of tht appiî_ aiready trutiUnttg ber attractive cations. The" th-rd anîd fourth spray-! thoiroughfares lu 'questof petroleurn, ings should followv at interval.; o!ff and an expeditic.îî bas beeln startfed tcen days. to Investti ate tîhe ' ist oil pools _________ whieh guides and hunterz have - rà orted suîi Larthiel riortl. Fnough Pay as you go. has Leen ietrned .to warianz thi --belle[ tha t the minerai rebources 'Dr Pay as yoLu go is good business for the vagt domnain bave merely been the ind1% idual, the ecomnitnnîty and the suspocted. The value of the soII- nation. It's -io easy to rufl up a botb for ttiLae. and pasture, bas been bil 1 erty o ge th elaci ce, u ml eosrtiadwt h it is soxnctimiei, hard ensough to pay exriansion o f the rumruads the vaet. it. lus flot so mueh bow muet do wilderness olf centur1i.. wlll, almot a person earra,<as how' much do--à ho literally, be subdlvîded inîto section 8'tVe. if a nian earzis only a dollarI building lots. As ail thîs wealtb un- a, day. his tw-st poicy iCy 18lt %.tu folds, Can-mdians grow hatighty to-1 slpeittît-iciit.ir a day ifIllhomn wards the United States, ami Eng- leetit it. liv 4loiîid a lways ûn- lanid courts her giatit colony as %,Ig- deavor to sîeb-,nd am lit ie less than bhe liantly as skie ignored it a quarter carns. Piv îv ith the biggetst in- cf a een tury age. When Canada' coine!s are chi-ouicaily liard uip; it is o'UtweighsaIl Britain Inh weaith and their PolicY. cf r-unvirg up bllis and powier sheie nay not be as îviffing to !,it >,Iyillg as hey go that k1eeps stand ini South Àfri.'s position. The. thrun l otna hot water over ores and oil8 and vuiet wheat lands thelr fnica ~ is When people may but have Icjen wait.ing to play irAký utimecr iuinds Itcx buy only a part In the politIcai destlîry o! the %rhat thry can afford and not bmîy woorld. iif thpy ca;it j'ay for it, and t1hus -_____ i r w, t Ili :iitleir i îoit hey a re 1n * ï rv eyuriv >' aj f tir way to iay by aomotthing for dg% ('~i hics 01int,»ulaia certa i i >5 fl5>Ç ana f]mb-olute cure for t'ii*h i r:lydy. The eiep.rtmnent stores IW nnd evvry forn of itehtig 4cchrg b. p-of a lesson in blefflngandl protri'!ninllek, 1irI)-oP(,z -1, rmnufnct-nrem-i have grtanted IL. ePtes- thsrespect, ati 1Jai.hough It migait mnlin the daily pceeand ask your nciszb i tars what t.hey thiuk o' iL.You can u.qe t nd be a inmisfortunem wcrze trust to die i-<'t mour mon-!y back if noe urcd. Mel a box. mnt s mil cIcaier3or EDmiNsN.DATstS Co.,<orio,,nto, ODr. Chasels Olntment Svmntnms of 4 4 4 4 "s 4 4 4 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 14? 4? 4 4? 4? 4 4? ?w 4 4? 4?! 4? 4? Ii~ 4 4 4 4 4 a'. 4 4 4 44 4 44 4 44 6 444 444 4 44 4 44 4 44 4 44 44444 4<44 p 24b444~ 4 4 4 4 "'44 4 4 4 4 44444 - 4 4 4 4 4 4 44444 44 44 44 4 4 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? '4? 4? 4?. 4? 4? 4? 4? 4 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4?, f ro NOT i lowonî highest awards -at Toronto Exhibitions frLtpat fiVe yors.Thi speaks weIl for te engmie. This nuako of gasoline enginoe is in 1u180imi ai pats of Ont.ario, and empl>ytud to drive al kinds of machinery. -Farmers iidit immensely usbeful to difre swing machines, coppers, palpers, cutting box*es, é-to. Thlis gasJolke em a i la' Plasb lleI. h t~f Sr IMI 1 place 44 4 44 4 44 4 444 444 4 44 4 44 4 44 4 44 444444 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 -j' 1' 44; 'e, - Ma de in Canada The "PERFECT ASOLINEh ENSIME r ...................... S' Whon a i ho fuls ~ There are guish this year' It is by ci fine tailored gai wear clothing t of différence".1 If you aitu If yow rea appreciate :the Thlm loss cati be J)rLvented and Ute 1