Whitby Keystone, 12 Apr 1906, p. 2

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~/ I. ~ if, J ATONEYe K NGSCh1MM WÊf Not lniàWith York Cou*f Loan Company. CamstI CoMments of Magistrate ai~d Crown Attouney. 1111-Li. Burt Could Not 1.11 What Mie 4 Dld With Mooey. AToronto despatch - "Ts.ik about OD- ýbJtI Cobalt wasn't ini !" llis was thé exlamation uttered by Creva At- ,itauney Curry in the course 91 bis exam'!3. astion ef mr. E. J. Burt in coneetion with !te conspiracy charge against Joseph !Phillips, of the York County beau &: Bavîngs Company. The witness, who in a director of the loan compa3, ibuit ý1muàt not be confused with bly. Burt of , tii. Llv.t Piano (>ompanly, waa in the box nearly ail the d.ay, and most of the time ;Mr. Curry waa occupied in handing limi icheeks which had becn paid to him by the Toronto Lite Comnpanly. Thew. checks vWer. very largety for eommîae.of, and voure made at. frequent lnterv.les me within a day or twoeci other. AI. together sixty-five checks paid te Mer. Burt were put in ln this way, and an ide&ao e i.amounts may be gathered fom thie foilowing ul t fý»mcetfthose 't lun 58.23, $3 1.34, $51-72, $23.PO, ,467.67,- $61.12, 8116.16, 6577-77, $136.29, ,$95.6l, $95.31. 814Z.0 201.120 $93.21p $4.1 202.00, $363-912, $52.08, $154.91.t W173, -6.1, 841.5,8-589, $114.26:, $103.71, $74.96, $209-50-, $138.65, $192A.ej 4194.89 and se on. he total &Mount of t~e -check»e hnded ln reached 812,490. 'Ur. Burt was umble te glu.e mucli mie t*unt of thesejpayrnts. turtiier than tint ho receivodtii. amourbts, caahed ten or vas credited with t.hem. One .t the firet cecka vwhich Mu. Curry Zquestioned i hm about was fer $3,000, <Le @tub for vhieh vai marked "doctor'a tfem,,'but vh" he o ituesu sad vas an errer. lu tb. moraing Mr. Phuhlps' cunsel, +UMr. J. E. Jones, cntered. a pretesti ag«ainatt heie fanner et conducting the Javestlgation, but h. dld net get much belp trom Colonel Deuison, vho had1 Borne trong commente te make on the. 'Way in vhich the business et tUic ban company vas ç9»ducted.Ilie candidly xpuresed bis opi nlou1that the, viole ching va. vorked la a compiicated way te de- lraud thie public. We entire arranze- moent with the Toronto LU e Cempaziy andtheti.Liazt Pia.no Oompaaz, lhoe ait., vas vith the object et wrecking the 'York County Loan Company, andi iqueca. Ing irbat there was in it for tie benefit et a tow interested pecopie. Tha court vas agai crevded thueugli- out the uhole investiiatIon, and many people coula* net oIbtain admission. 31r. Crawtord, amager ot the Banik et Meutreal, at the north vest cerner ot Queen and Yonge %Va" cailed, andi produc. ed s buuch et checks dravu on his banic and aiseoctrne depesit slips on the Liâzt ]PianoCoe. Mu. E. J. Burt was next calieti. lie rmelved $20 per weck, and aise a coin- iMSon ou &Il industrIal businemeprôduc.- ad bjy the Yerk County beau agentsl. The vites entirely repudiated the. idea tiat Phlhîps sliared l intii. commision. Mr. Curry euggested that Mr. Burt geL znerely one-third o et i.ceminnisîon and Mr. Phillipa tiro-thirds. 14r. Burt absoiutely avoure t1is va. not truc. Mr. Curry gaid that Lhiii commission amou.ntcd te $25,000. "No, it waa net," said the. vitacet emphatically. Mr. Curry handed tii. vitues. a ,iieclc datei January 15, 11)04, for îc,- 337, and marked on the &tub "doeoes "Tb.a.t wasa amistake," mid Lb. vit- "Novw, wiiat did you do vitli the Immney "I eould't tell; i dount remember." * Ten ThouiaidsaTsar. - -Mr. Curry saidtitel>nc.hcks h. mid iu ba@ posaesien--"'anti I tie't t.hink i have tiiem»i l,"ho addêd-ehtiowed tIliathé wivuhas netted ti ileaist f$lO000 à» >4s than a yearY - Mu. Cuirry eaid lied lie kuovuuhen Lie Information vas laid -as ninch as$eo did nov lhe vouiti have lald a chargel ~inst Phillipa of ceaspirin vi i ia HEudson, Miss Georgiu lfudtaMn hi and others ho detraudti i hrcod efthLe York Coutity Loin O. At the. afternogn Ioaring NIs*- -rs, fl1ali vas rccalie4 and casketila r"PAc te sa payment et #10M05 Tb($Me mblInt was apparently advanceti te PIýilips a a beau vathout eecurlt.y lu Novembe; 1903, by thie York -County L»a- & 15&ir ings Co. IL vas ps5ld eb ai OluNoveume, 1105, by Toronto Lite Comu ay aane, but the boan coupany reclyt l ncing luin.hea y oet intermit, uas fagiascoulti b. auc%îeutahîd. Mr. E. J, Iuxt wau Neçt ."*Nd. "Hov nzuch vas tlic total o! yoir r.- esIjit frein the Tbcento Lite CempanyV' býut I don't know.'1 ne Cabet Xany Cbao5.. Mr. Curry, abow.l Lb.he viSmea u. ,l>érot choques palti ou;teo bizi by th#~ .Torouto Lite Compan>.. Ne dsali.e m. -cdeathem n 0, asdmd csiedt ie, but ha coulai not, explain vitL heuecftiha ,zoneyr. Most ot the Money lbe reaslv lu thisa ay veut Int 'Zr=o ld ite *Mmck, ha uic]. Ris holding. la toê in tiat compminy, lie sali, behuigt-to isba, Part t j~st R4in thse usies of allier v.10 ite held 74 ssus.m _ eh. eil ît 41 0bouM tbluk, yoa did'IM «IJ hn't-remember exactly*.» fgWhere dîd,$'ôu deposit t1Iio inoncey viien yen got Itfl" "i âoat TVknowwhere Ipald i. "«DId you psy over the' amoune you Iôaiied in cheque& or linceuh? "Incauh, I thinkY" "Wby do;eail of you iulwn.ys make thase payments In cash? I1 caltefitget nt any- thing except JÛst caxh p*ymnente" Mr. Curry remarked. "«Did you own anY houses bef oie you begfa-i to Put nioney in the Toronto Le Co? "I owned one on Preston avenue. This was about eigbteen years ogo.0 Arrangement With Doctous. The witness explained the arran¶ - ment made with the doctors for lite ag'- surance. The medical.men were guarafi- tecd sufficient busines'i te. psy their prexniuzns. Ail their fee% for examina- tions went te pay for their insurance. These fees ranged f rom à dollar a.nd a hallt tethreo dollars. Mass Millard, of the~ York (Jounty Lean Ce., wasm called nnd gave formai evidene in regard te the boan of $10,- 050 te Philiips. T'hiq, a% far as she could tell, was loar.c'l for tivo years, and white ne interest was paid. only $10,. 000 was paid back, whli elîflcMagistrate remarked waa a pretty eaqy thingr. for Phillips, but a pectuliar way of doing bui inesq. MIr. E. J. J'urt agnin vrent nn te the witnes stand and ww.as 4iown qtill fur- ther chec1ues whieh h ho had received from thé Tnronto Lite e(2n. S"Talk about CDobalt Il saîd '£%r. Curryr. "Cobalt wsnt in if."9 Mr. Joncs agaîn protreted1. "J wonild net bottier abot, ir. Curry comment- ing on robalt if he did it eut of office hours." lhe <aid. One or two oft f he rqiueg pRid te lfr. Burt werfe markel " mmsio ix tixues." Thiç, the witnesn explalied, wae-six wéeklY PaYmnerts ont of a ye&r'as Payrnents for inzsuranrce. The, agent pet- tingZ the bugines.q receiivs' twrnty weeklv pynaente, the witne< eitr«eied six, 80 that the. ttal eommnigsiAn Wam 50 per cent. on a year9s premlilm. Wben the court adjouirne<I Mr. Cur hsdi net iiniahed rputtinu in ail tii. choques raid te Mr. Buirt.. The Ciýown At- torney centends that theqe lî.oueg alto- ý 9ther inount to ahnt *5.00 whilat Mr. Webb. a. cotrt cerk. tntalI.'d up the. amount Ot tho<%e,-put In at .-1.4Mf. [NDED fAIALLY. PAUL- NOCQUET'S BALLOON *SCENT BROUGHT DEATE. Deucended Ater Dan lun Manikes et Long Island aud Died Front Cold &»d Exhaustion - Samarn d Waded k . Ne Made a Speech.and Was Lse~n to Herr Bebel WVrhen He Fel ie Chancelier Von Bueow, a-hile attend- Ing the. debste in the. Reichstag, Berlin, to-d&y, fainted andi was carried, te a oomnihtee uoom by sorne oft the members ot lhe houa.. Tho* Chancelier madc a speech ou the. subjeet o eItOMeroé oanti vas listening te Lb. auver ot Herrý Bebel, the tSoialist leader, viien ho va-s takon ill. The 'Vice- President efthtie Route, Dr. Count Von 8tolberg MWerigcuod, adjourntheii ait- tIng for aquazt«r et an heur during wiiich deep silence prerailed thzeughout the bouse. Dr. Mfugden andi Dr. Mleeker had la the meantime gene te the assistance et1tthe Chancellor wiio appeaeed te be convers- ing with tiem andi viti the nimi~bers t.hat tiers iras ne indication6 et paraiy. sis1, which i vnt f irat feareti. Prnf. 1nrwa aaiisttd by Doct-oui fof the Recehst»g. They cieared the si'.- ting-room et the Cabinet Ministersansd otherN. and transferredtheticChaneelin. Iplacedte ho eloungp, onl Y Prince». Von Bue- Ipbaeed 10 a longe. only Prines. Von Sue. loir, vbe had joineti her huabanti, ne- mairing with hum. A feir minutes aîter Von Buelov feint-- Ms telephone nessagis- vere sent te the PrincPiwiVon -Buelow «Mnt tthe Lamper. or. Ile Prineas rm(eabe hougsaud'a otide aq soon as Prof. RenvemIs.Te Em- jperor ires et lunch when the iM4eiiigeamce unst conv-eyed te hum and he imnmediately a rose. req-autet Il.hiereifflemente [or the afteunoon and ocidered a o..rrge te go o e cReichstag. rr.ine* ..eUu.iéi,.In m,, fo abouth,, Runlets,'thle ceamithe. room. hait an boue on t lie Morocean question New York, April 9<-Death ta t> h lie was remcoved f rom the Chamber te nt the" opeiiing of the day'.s ession in wates o!BaseCrec, otichent sitting room ot tho Presideit et thbe him lusual animatei style. But iL a-ns shoe et Long Isand, bctweeu Joues House, andi placeml in an eaxy chair, obxerve(t that Mis face was vc-ry reti and Beach and Amityville, euided Lhe darlngl anti he began te show asigns of- retuarning ho aeomed tn have difficulty in draw- blo acn eu etra f e ousciousnems. ig bis breoth. ba.ioo acen bgunycteravattn- Prof. Rudoîf Renees, ead cf thec Moud- Ilietbreakdown vus îndoubtedlT ,aus;- noon by Paul Necquet, a Frenci a ciilp- ils IHospital. re:ýehbed tht- xbii Z411e time f-4 by overwovrk durinz the 'Morncem con- teoit 1o T* ody an emîLuast-i g t e ,ai aiter examining flhe Chanceler ferenee. Ileliad iphen îvorking frein secoant. bod wasfouni t-nlgt lftiC ho wms aufferiug froni a severe eiglit lu the moening te ndmiigt for on tiie muddy of th. creelc, here1 fainting spell, tic result et influenmandutithuce menthe past. tii. tide had -and not a grest ____________________________________ dIstance frein emý cquct'a coilapsed by the. Ile-savers of Jônes Beach. NA Nocquet evidentiy lanmled sateiy eit tiie meadows in the. darknes-s,. lied tua- verseti about two-fifths of tbe -distance fuom Jones Beach to Arityviile, vhisa h. dl.d. lié bcd crogsed thirteeu or D IV N [ O A G R tourteen different isbands, and lad awam ngO É R M LG R or waded Lireugh tic runlets beta-cen tbeni, vhen overcome by coid ant i c- haustion.Attacked by Large force of Seutis an-d Compeileci NURSES' -UNIWORMS. to Rotreat to Greytown. Greytova, Natal, April le-The colonial remaizider are ate at oreytovu. EXPENSECS op 'INGSrDN CANDI- f ield for" c ci asuentvatig at The police report that thie rebels sn a-e DATES 13 LÂTE ELECTION. Impsuza, tIveaMiesnr1w veat ofettrong numbece, sud flusicti %ith vie. tory, sud the.officle iai fntuLer ex- A Kingston Onst., pecial despatci aya: Oreytevu, for eperations agaluet tic ti- m«m A sîreng force of artllleyt la- Blue umiua-s w. ibe vorn by Lbe nurma awget chef, l3ambaata, tbe depm eair- J antry- sud .uountetimeinsu suoving eut at ie Gwera i Hospital unthl the ufn# gent ,f the Greytovu -distict, bas beau -OetGceytevuto-day ho operate spina wheu Lie disectors n-ill again consi1r,,-,,1d t bno aera tt rebels tue queston lau vicuoet he etorm etfçmplle sud reon tra e rler-,vu A Isager hi. beeu roru:edbers&su proteàt from tihé emuen anmd mu j esy ib nd eer uestonbs eumaiit fsalunst the. change -freinLie jmiuxty al- fA potion0ethLb.force seMt te rem»ue fed Qreylo*wbn lcase et sttaok. Au Jfrma of white sud ced vhlch vas lie 1the wcmcm n &odchiltinen olaleti aS aaut ounLthe tcin. ,oveve?,*oonal4. distinctive unitofor ti wcnity y.7e" [çet s *drift succoeedtila dowg >sebut oral unlil&ly te ocesr, tbe Setis pe. psst. TIl. vomon are vigorous lu ther ,vbule ctumnlg vas attacked by rebe4l. fentg te flghL lu the ruWdCo"ut ienunclation c e irt<jjy bline-," o..lieus ntive.. A ruunfii as kngptontslde. cially alter s feuw wahkfmgs. . I-> up for sM ls s eni otnua i.Brlasfelt foreel, et pusenmt enby The xpeseset lieist Prninljtii. Purguit until vItA usMiRe Of Gcey. aîMberlng a fea- butdreti-mes, viii b. isy-îecton ae pullshti. <> w p. own. TireOf t» ecnbaalpolice vouestroniqly riWaoced turing lie ccxl1» IntyreCenevtv .zldtp u à MÀâ t sereai er. o*WUdL Tb* î e ouf 11W ci Wb" #408 ru saezt la newi.pe publcty. LE.ILI%* sbj n u aecfd9 Ul AUt, *Pi" $710el, of lilhb *M-76 veut to *e rem.7 Mtup p M~sd Bow 13 Tm ni0 tAIN 110Kx du"" cia t b he ma « i»qe* w-en.. enabre4 -msdat. bâte bos ovetiby ayo0=8 pi>selpa Ma clt.y. lv. yearag MO, mm fheN I014, et SaiSi 4m i aqxat, W" leisqta te b hd amrby U* bubI: se*a it wwJU*t 4)ït,« wUo 4*" Af ter Ycar o! xperlence, AdvIm e WOMeq ln of bb Cheeter Avenue, Neiwk, X. J., who ýin a grdaeNursef rom the BlSkeyTraining---School at Phulephia, and for 'ix yeare Chief CliniC !Nnrs at the Philephia Hespital, wuites the letter printed below. She him the adrantage ef-puoa exeuieuce, beaides lier, puofesaonal education and- what she han te say may be absointely relied upori. Mlanv other woimen are afflicte7à as she wa&- They cari regain heaith in the- eaine way.. It is pudent te heed srLch advice frein uiich a source. Mum.Pohima vuiÎtes: "I amn firinly ersuaded, ate Y "-h y r fexperen- ce wlth Lyt a E. Pinkham's Vegotabte Cumpound, that 8 it is the aaetand bestniedl- - cine for auy suffering woinan to Usp "Irmedlately afler My becme wea.kand- pale, wtth scier. bearing-down pains, fearfu bachaches and fri. quent dlzy speils. Tledoo- tors prescrhrbed for me, 7et 1 dia flot Improve. I would bloat afteu eatlzag and r.- uetybecome nauscated. r ad pisdew rh lms couldhr1 wâl ks 'ltv'wuuul " easIhveever knovaL. Ldua I. Pinkham's Vqeiabb. ompouad, boy- ex. ,cued me wlthin four montha.So Qthime I bave4 docculm o -10u- - -n It to a z umber of a Mstzffezln rma&U fbru Offumal. dlcull1e ani Snd lia wile St là conadeoreti unvmufeWnl oaa mi oom*menà a lent meiin% 1 cm oea h reooomad i ydîs B. Ptnkham'u VstaiI Okmpua, or1 av foth nd wmo ie Il l a trand medicine for mlck vouai.» Xcàey anot bey mach tesllmmony s this-met aloe. Cl produc eauh Te- MIt.,and tel boe shoot ,nov no yepnkmar e Vee table *Corpound l b.hemeet unvemy kiowu te medicine When vomen mie troubled wlth Imre. caIse, cup reeti ,or u pltl poriods, veskneudiplacement or ul"trioloi o the Semais organs, tha" eulgdowU dnlmmton, batkaclhe. YroAtlun* =or e), ~genoral debility, luadig- and izerrous pre*tration, or ane beet vlth »Whav tome as duiae ala iii, Imuldîe, eltaty, 'irntabllft;, llaà L 1takbas Vegtme C" A GOVERNMtNT ROUT. ELECTIONS IN STIOXGROL» O07 Wiere Tbree-tlttb5 of Votera Are Lai- ployed by Qoverumel suandltlon *U Pixel-foc Psy Dayý-Efforuts t DiscourBIe umatiu.rgalhe. London, AprUl 9c-The Times' corres- 1pondent at st. P>eersburg cabbes a Nothl.ng _el. it tobcomplet* tht e, ot et th. Gerenament parties î he b rs etrougbobd ot bursueracy, viiece fue- fiftte etftthe voteraare la tue emtly- Umt oethLe GovecumeAt, adtiti<te- tien vau ixed, ton tier psy day. Tii. officii ogap , ubed listio!fVis. POt fêrward by uuelgtf u MrfctlOu- suies ad cacouliyI%=oret te (Con- atltutlcilDeucoitIa sndate. £van effort vas uwza4ste - dla.o, gant iâs-- tionnetk , boaâr 1 ittet n4a malud s endlutter UnLiii tbla a umt basbeeau7hof-WI*îI be offidd Md cmmercial 6dUcents -4 1i l1 sme mbr %tff s e No Oam mabla tel te »e& -uoey vhtch they psy te - doctors vbo do Dot help tbem là an mê suvei m yIL'.plak- bau'tvqetabl. omoad lIL luin e vouaiWbo -me i le vite JM%,.1'lûin DLynXunMm-The 1~ m. yisPlabliara a ler ds"t for ëayem befrher dceé.end for ;v tetym ara ubair advloe bau beentrei gvetoiek vmenla heu gmts expeerezoo1 whkch ceorm uua» = diê h.bas pro61bby liedte didm1f 1e caes«ibot- Dekoeua Men adrice lu utnlycoiidentlal. Ipffl Scce lee besM places eft ti. atrikera, ad more an e x- peeted to-moruow. Thc manager maya -h. eau. geL aiU lb. men ho vanta. Tii. strikere ar»,e ter- inlned mot to retura n utLb.heuvpply 6f fuee bsete iîraumed.ýTi.e mployeeaof tho. maltlng- d.partment are aLill at vonk, au their supply et beer vas net inter- lecetivth Nov York,Api .'leSbO - mittSs rcpreseu-ting Lanthcs .mine ownecs mand tue mniera vil make an- other ast.npt$o.day t.- rueaoomthe.S dlftareni.aa aiaUia batwaithe amior.y ensdS -minera tl on, Y n viii ha, nor *11lie nSr vitLoutoze lire lit -77 o '<oirai Are preserved byt Neyer sold In bullk. 4 HIIUEST, won t. bave the i aoie,1 IDtianketi berfo heart, but thii nU t1W.plesanufo i ber eorcw. ýheva his stnh 1bûu FMI0F80FOTTOWRAI' fretcdon the' Nortb.aat p ot À*Au« Stw s 1 The doctor came quicly, and deCln.red that 1f. -was quit. e: V that ho had always anticipated a dealli for his patient. lier heà iveak, and go muCh emnotion as k, 4-eu of late had rendeued all ex-or agitation,. dangerous; ani proba effort to rise anfi stand up, iras t feather which broke the-trained lit., T.here iras nio more ta b. doni desointion there is in t.hat aentel the warmtix of the most glowii ail the terce of the et.rôngest 1 powerless ta roll away the steî the sepulchre of aur hepes, on bus placed it there! It seemed to poor, dazed Moý Sir Robert and Lady Mary Evez fpered as if by magie. What j lt"Iwas ta throw herseif int-o kii Mare's arma, and tel lier brokei deeply she nourned the thaugi tyiànnicai-protectress, te whom tumie had lizîked lier se closely. "Weli, dear, you May reat- tintt he near prospect et your ni seootheti jantibrightened heu basi snd ILit s a great eomfort te ki vas in a happy tramne of mind. 1 eut ha, sent round te Mu. Waui viii b.e eeIimediateiy, no doi w iii b. your best support." 'Oh, neonoi Yeu are the hes knew poor, dear granaie, se wele vas se fond etfyouY "Dear oid Jlaîy! l-Of course, a painful criais, obd friends coui great deai. I thlnk, dear, ye ozne back viti me te Chaules ial cannot beave you hetre alonei? - '<No, Lady Mary, I w! j0aYe' t'ie lieuse unile -rn: gannie lies, helpiess there. -I té tkeep by here te tth. lait. & message from 8fr Rebéut' Warlng as fast -as a wefl-aid couid urge hlm herse, IH. vas qu for the. obd lady, who bail alwayi him vith lcindly det.renoe. H. I ly smpatetiéwithhlm peerleu butho as'prncp&lput -eut lhe knew that la commonest dec marriage ýmust be;>-aelajye .M bot kth dravngroom vhen .d it,e an ehovas semeviat !du when ILady Mary cameb -sad 9 that Mena vu-100 Muèh 'OVI su hlir-that she vas linber a1 «But she vii, »se. a, me peen ohé net?"lhe asked, appeaSu thouajt it, miglit b. a qomtort 1 t*1k to me "No doub it I- ibe. _-At Ibls It va, Mot qaeîIj ~58.L h~~Lt 7l(,tthe t,-ns 1 à,-L- t

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