RSII3 !omen 112 * OEYtLQN l" Are pw'.served byithe*use of suted Iead packets Novr a1d lu bulk, 40c, 30c and 609 por lb., At aiU grocora. lIIEST AWÂRM ST. tOtJl3, 1904 eas, melancholy1 to-belett-aon't ~peIeis th E. Plulibimu onc ODO amovu cedicnelue lth@b iwidespncad and t. ofe women frein 'mn ex lu terrible [ech tbey pC>' le-- , elp tiieni lsan pain la cuned and 'Lydia E iL Uk- iund. Wh aio re 111 Vo n'n, Mass, The la the. laughten- uam, hon siamitat hen deccase, and 'ce ber cdvloe bas wemeu. lInlier rh cuver. manv bail te deal vi-t 1ke youns.BHr atia1. aud more are ex. le cin get ail the. i4rikers are deter- ~ntil the supp!y et The empieyees et it are stil! at werk, ùer was net inter- SCUSSING PSTRIKE. Ã" Tredoctor came quieki>', sud et once deure that lit as quit. extnet- that lie bail lways autieipated a suilden deathi for bis patient,. Her beart vas wk, sud se0rnuch emetien as bail tried be tlaVe lied rendcred ail exertôon, al agitation, dangerous; sud probatbly the. effort Vo rius sud'stand up,'wu.s the final feallier vbich broke the straîueil cord of Tee as ne more te be doue. What dosél, llou Ibere Le iu tiat sentence! Al lih a",% rmtii t the mnoat g1ovinx love, aIl lime force efthVe et.rongest wvil, are poWerleaes Vo roi! ava>' the-atone troni thé ,sepulehrs of our hepes, oeedath bas p>S.ed t there! IL seemel te poor, dazed Meus that 81r ,lobert sud Lady lier> Evera&rd ap- au.d i asiby magie.iVbat s solace IL'wm.totbrow herseif into kind Lady Mary's arma, aud tell ber brokenl7 how t=py smli nourned the t.bougttl-if tyaulal-protectress, te wiom mistr- Cuiié iad linkeilberhon ecloseiy. OWell, dean, you mn>' nest asÈured (bat>tb. near prospect of your marriage oootobed,, and brigltened ber latheurs, and t là as great comfort to know ehhe waa-iu a hasppy trame et mîmd. Sir Rtob- le as sent round te Mr. Waning. lHe vIll, b. bers lrnmediately, ne doubt, sud vil! b. your beat support." 'Oh, ne *,nol lou are the best. You la"wwpoor, dean granuleseovol!, à d udai vas. sefond ef y ou."f '<Der old lady! 0f course, at isuci a. paluful criais,' old f rienda count for a great deal. I hink, dean, you mnut eornê back willi me te Charles street. I cannot leare yen ber. siene." l'go$ Lady -Mary, I vil! net 1sve' hs' bouse vhile mny poor granulelies elpleaa there. I tee! bouurd tkeep by ber. le Vie last.» A message from Sir Robert brouglît WarImg csatfst s ewe!!.paid driver coulil urge bis horse. Hle 'ias quit. sorry for the old lady, vie bail alwaya treated hlm vitb kindi>' dotereuce. Ho vas decp- 1>' syxupathstlc viti bic peerlesa lions, buttbe vas prlncipa!ly put eut because bc kUev Viat lu commoneat deeency bis marriage must b. aeieyed. Mena&vas mot lu-Vie draving roem vien ho resch- ed Il, sud lie was someviiet dlscemtited viien Lady Mary came sud explileil tiat Mens a waatoc mudli overcome Vo sec hlm-tiiat m a lu In er owum reoi. "But te. iii see me preseaiti>',viii #ho. net?" hlie d, epp&eaugy. "I Iboughtit zt ilgb. a ontenrt Vo lier Vo lalk te me." dgo douibt IL viii bc. At hs moment eime la errlbl>' upset." It vas »t LItIcouiderably laer- aforeW&ra nsd Smir obert had &a- rang e e tails o! hs fumu,1(and ail M tal ppe t h u i t-ttI mon& waul»duO s e# 55bff a*flaued bua- Lady MaMythougimt IV VI U Undest Vo 10e. Vmn loue, for vdol eorWar- lmg thsnked fier trou Vhs dpti Of hM beart, but Vhs interview vas pro4witirm ot little pleasure t. hlm. lions vas remil>' ,u..,.,..q,-....-.of ber mOrovw. 8h. vas gu0RlY~7ua his, symputby, but ahe vo noMtci beo ita, lmbe hsilon bs hlmaOOd ui and hls arm arouai bor, nos 614 abs permit a course' 0f conslati o Mou poundeil of viiars h isses sud sMeu sus'that 1h.ew err voulai10b i. lb' udsater sud grandmter cund overytblmg o ber. She wvas0 aoesi ati!ïemed that Wà riug w9ffiparoi> uma>& bot ber, and IL vswu m me»si . reliefte ber to kue" lia Mine. flê brisay (vite itd board oetlb. us4,«vet in wmo occuit mauner) vas lunlime bouse and would spenil lhe nigl-it îlb er tar or11. pupïL. THE 0.-Tic Sub-Oom- liîe anthracýte mine ors ýwill make an- rte reconcle hs wten t!;&cemploy'- a. The represeute- il reported Vo have original demanda êperators rMay 5me necoding oething rswll n es> bnor wil! b. amr t outcoine tien.4 11.iavé not yet de- propo-,it.ion oethVe .11 ilnd I continu- t the -a*urd of the of3 thVe mine hit it ialquar. ~V!I 1 ýhoworlk ot ras gone overau WR[CK. AND BAGOAGE- ~XRT. .-A Special trou ýamt a number et passenger treAti have been wreok- et Vi*reok. s ay ltioahe&à n miles ivit eor At It wis nebiîng to0« the truck et - Cams. 'INWQpaso- ,am n wore eUliu-r xatAblishel cnastom <chers ail ttss -(lie~ ~ ~~~~Il Il "gr"-b.vlea o'.Ts drea>' lsy-viici Unero~ yt vs so wltly-pe4onsudPoo; r is ov. ~ vas lainu e rvo 11 ii mli abs poseua ens, ltpacki ulà >5Tbè termir Ovp Uimm' fote u »-ilOu ~52 offensive affection vearil beèr, ubos mer oye, became infinite>' repugnant as iii. iwlvt upon il It wu.s lardly tair tei rim cither te lot, bim plunge anto thee irreoecable in ignoranceetof ier aversion. Bctter let him beFar a temporary peng now tien hneur tiie misery long drevu out etfsunil-assorteil, unsympathetie narriage. ler resolution to break viti iim grewv rapidi>' stronger aiinost before ah. vças awar obehadtorxed it. Tien jan te sec thitseevas cujoying Lady 31ary's kind hospitality under false pre- %ene'es. Sic did net for a moment obt, that ber refusa! te xnarry Waring 'ioulil bring down. if not a storm of 'vai ter Lsmdy Maryandb ler tsmily re feri tee we!!.hred Vo h. violent!y angry- but %liceberyoet igapprobation. Site munuiemove herself tz-om Vie ahelter etf theirý root before elle struck tih e o tLiat '*ould grve poor Wsning se muci Lempenrr> pain. (Sh. felt sure it woulil be but temporary.) And where ould iii. go? 'J.Iiere was ne ene but bier failli- fai Mme Debrisay ou wbom elie couil vount, sud cren shc wou!d b. ver>,vr auny Stil! ber purpese grew cleareei fu irmer as ber nervous system began to recoven the siiock it bail austaiueil. "Pra>', dear, dil peor Mrs. Newburgli leave an>' real>' money 7" askeb Lady Malry. -Ami ~into lier husband's dress- ing reom, w eLre he vas occupied vitAl hia toîlet, alter a sharp sud mata- factory run with tie Daleshire buinda. 'Yes; as 1ev hundreds, whicellae.put Inmy bands Vo mect imanediate expeusea. Why do yensk?"' %Oh, Meant told me te ask you! 8Sh. came dewnstsirs te luneheen te-day, looking very white and miserable, peor child; aie seems restes, aud auxieun to jet eut o et tc a>' etour Christmas gathering. Si. proposes to spendl a shor't time vîtx Mme. Debriay-a fer>' respectable person; alie gave Evelyn mun- els lesà ons, sud-" "Wby the deuce dees't aime marr Wening straigiit off, and ro a.e>' vill hdm ? Thil's tie sort et- change Iliat would set her Up." «W~vell, you see, aie feeis It vould be ladecently aucu alter ber gndinothsr's "Peuh1 nouien.! Wl>, zotitu.; would plcase the old lady as muel, evea il aie vene in bearsu, as Vo kuov lime knot ea absoluetty tlied. You make ber bean reason. Let irasud for Wsrnu; th. las ber veddlng gowu, sud vo viii Marry Viciai.nert yack." *1 wiab I conld," ejacu!ated Lady, "Ieth var , viel bas becone eof "Uteheugene te ume hîm olil guardisa about omre business; Vo pais ave>'lthe i.., I fane>', ViII Moue IlWOU anoug to ss 1dm. HRevas quit. diatrac*o4 about 'liraIt iraI, poor fel40. I rosit> do mot tVilobe ais l Itas grataful té hlm a. *0 onglit te b.. . «No;- Udire us>' uot toulal be *uu feMnlmminelI»ut h*Oloav t Dot Vo put up wltb supli rubblsh. lYdo lu tiioues ubo vanta t 8ho la a "I bfl yenmy dean. 'Sei lesor et musie, vel kuoy to un aul.» "WOU, eln ougiust te aserwau vias Wsrngtiinka iabout lt-ê. bbs a rlWaV «J do -'ot'tilnk hovwouldoëb 1 *Vary day; werca amsls. .MW&lita Ule»o*.t bkaudIf y« c.a. Prb it unigl I« s eIL le t be« sos for vaut 1kieïi l i-.part>'t.ue et Liii nmtltosw - o lac ailfelbov a" IL eb~t iait base Md i.e.' o't tMmk MOus ta -"e C~Wries It vaswlth à nervouss.uet f l terdo nttLhnk he wlL oib~S" - f 1 ~ b too, ir 01that. owv~f «Nott. Ithqushtiwo w att ti11 <'That'. iglt. H.!» come-neud speak hîA bIs oer himmelf, or I-amn mmcli mi tae., anil-veil, w.!» vait a" w»c rame. oe'Ré ay vait t holdme to f17word le Mme Deriiy, aitng or er.*1 m iot e sre.Any W&Y,Iru-,talk go'lâ(7te c m , ou 1oookrà bz,. Core, no more te you about hMm thié day. Yeu gtithecl.Iwff1i or~»"art just tireil and doue for. W.» bave and' hbontr foi t'à 1U riaituthe matter to Heeven ;and you imust m bnnt-boxfrt. à ié ôt utDo yo re memiber wbaU you i lit to b.eout 'in mucit veati e inet runi l ltur?0 inea» sI1toid him I VaU drive by rmy n mst ti. ietter ra, adgm pte Psition t. aCoept hlm; moue, ha oe 0 ir . Ithat I wua. heartily asbamed of having "Very welttivoît To m.Oh eujmlsled lin; that I feit It wus ouly just quet riglit,» 8!ane1ng s.t the eddreas. to tell hlm that 1 dia mot ,And conlil "Yeu toit keop im lr formeil of your not, love bwu as a vite ougbt to love; vhereaon-u ta.Wsbard times for Adn that 1 deeply deploreil the pa i1gave poor fellov, ail thiladelay. " ' hmand bunbly b-gted bu forgive- T7he long drive to Weatbourne Vifl.ess; that I tbanked l for bis good- pased alrnwst In aflencelbu Mona"s aide mess, and prayed thet ho vould soon for- ToMdame Debrisay silences vas jet me, and soon-b. -happy vlth tome. abhorrent, and ah. ponred outOnie MOre WOrtby than MYUUlL» nucli information reepetlng the "'Ah!l I know-the usuel ort of thing. changes ahe had made lInlber dwellng- It woulil serve you riglit if he never re- Vhe adiional pupiii pronused hernuext, Plied- Ah, MonatMena, this te the big Montb. <"I arn glsd i have the rest of gest mistake ever you made. Sti», N'u this on. comparatlvely f ree I cau give uot turxi my back on yen, my poor chilil, a litUtiel o yen, ny dear <uui- Ând andIR&mY be-may b. your luck won't haro vo are, thaaic God. You vi l be the boe&yO -u Yet-" better et a cup <if tee." iCHATR ~Vi. Mons, vas indeed, thankful to have, se far, acconiplinhed lier purpose es te b. The chAnge fron the luxurions ce- undelr tihe roof of ber only sympathetic gpuce of the Clisse te Mme. Debrbaay's friepd; buît ber beart tainted wltbi ber London lodjingi vas about as great as I ut the thought of Vthe confesioni h. bail canb. îmagined. te make. If Mme. Debrisay refuseI Vo Yeth hueva oma.'jo barbor ber, vhat vas ah. Vo do? leau- #"widow woman" vheo wned It lied aet.r time that buzy voman flitteil to ani f re. It8ain refinement. lusteail of the usmL She stirrcd tii already gioiring tire, extnemnely unplaced andl unkempt -a.a made the. kettie bell up, lnfused th* veY', she lied an elderly servant of neac tes, and eut the'bread and "butter vith ai dlmposing aspect,,who lied been vftb& immense entergy, vIilIc Mona-havilg1 ber for years, and who was rather a ter- ?ut asilelier bonnet and l cbak-lay back rer to Mme. Debrîsay. in aý comfortable lUtl. basket chair - (To b. oontinued.) lndeacribabIe despondcnucY expresaed ini overy lUne ot ber form--ier, bau"s ClD.P* P IG IN "1There no*," seid madame, placing e email table wiLli a cup oftVea abd Plat* of brcad and bütter beside ber youag wa. jrilred &adDepvegaed peoplo guest, «tlike that, and get WaMn hf-11 Need a T )nie t This Besson te you say jour say, for 1 ean see your Ft he BWood lilgbt. bear, i fuL Ili ke a ghost you are- an unay ghost, deer, that liasi't COU Spning blood lu bai l bood . Indoor Vived te ddiîver its message." lite during the vinter mentis là ré- 111 have no doubt of it," aeturnud MoMu ponsihe for weak, watery, impurs witli a feint amie. "Yen descnibe what blood. Yo need a tonie te bulil u I tee! myscif te b., ezactlY7" the blood in the. apring just au mue Mme. Debrisay. looked At ber vlth as a fre. needs nov sap Vo give lt kinil, compassionate eyes, and stirned bler vltsllty for tii. aummer. ta Ib. owu tes refleotvly-ftem&iifflg aat uprlng the lied blol shows ttielt la for an unusual length 0etine. eeto many ways. In smre it breeda in "Nov," aho said, wlien the reecio upes enimzptionu.- la others, it May vas finishe- havlng rapidly packed UP b. trougli occeloual hoadachu, a the cupu amnd saueer, mand PePPed (me variable appet.ate, Perhars tvinge. ef otiier word ceurcys the. action) the tniY Douralgia, or rheumttism, or a lmy outside-"£now, corne, open your heart, feeling lu the mornIng aud a duaits te me, demi, for 1 knov you ae in Vo avolil exertion. .For lies.» " trouble." aimna7m I, ouqy' eo4 -I. arn lndeed,» returmed Mena, lu a thme grestest bl::od-makImg, li=e', voie. tht feltered and shook lu a vay glviug tone lu ilth, wvend la Dr. far more- touchlng Vian Vthe most. vie- WllUams'Plpi% î.Evey doe lent bunat of tesTs. "I have deterineil helps te Malee e, rlch.- reil, hat te break Off MY engagement." giving bleoil, vhieh rscbes evey "Andl you vithin a dasy of belug bis #Véry orgea l -hInoI> vite, if your dear sainted 'grandnmother i %ng health, strotgth and 4.wgy hadnt beeu swept eway in a minute. Vo weak, despondent, alicg men sM, No,1 vou't listen te yen. IV&s rad, sud 'm#i Be.lpro:ir.<a*s bad, andl mot like yourself et aIL. WliaV Iekbnn A-efo ttion, N.x,ï1 và iir Robert i>', sd-anUd LadYy$' * "For. Vhe past t«n ye«» r Mary? Who'd have thouglit you'd be seWlliams' is# kPlUs la the o*Iy 1.I ,Cruel and tala. I must aay iV, dear. lu- clame I bave taken vhe» 1 fOM& I: *doed, 1 knew there vas mnlfotuuo com- me~ eiie *kplals tmg, since I1lied .your note. -A morne- afdeîïKpri>' vs eac, aa1rtIP thlug Volai me yen wouldn't marry hlm m d IPO5#.IgVtbr.e boîtes Ab, y por Wrln, yu deervd btlbe>' made me t'tel,1k. a uew peros Ver et oo lier b nda." eu dservee el vm 511m Vm s 4 t1&mel te on a Celeit>.ý Wà k tvit, egi yeau 1 se At...IL mIl m ase" 1d.».tVImuk blah QLI4s» f SOuh Eolwlk, IK.%, vMs lb etof s"bvi» i d»#s ims'lb- êtdSq l ià Nw York vii bits vifs su "tme t4 .trul.mouaihe.'~ alii. r. .ulu ersvtbaolle " s&U oroeu-A aea'urs>'," itweff»tt ivie su N..frtu l m Clot. Tmr es,* l*Ibos sfsIi la idk.t *~ ~ a ML MM m Mt w"'m rn.H. uo $.8 *m. "au wmI$ vut$y mu 01thefetO, e t owb i OubmSr y. flu *W l e tM sotv 4rom tbêP a ê Sore Wewatch Bitt-e Ribbon Tea, U'nlëeeing, vis iInc 'eic--te tend, erest leaà ves, ýsçrutin,,îzes every process of theïr,,-andoa- fuly saisthem !Wn Iead packeti to présere thé BlueRbbofl' Cef ('iyon Te a 'straoqe Cases of Dual Perso na lity- "m-sesoetdirai penuenalit>'are mot se rmm as miglit b. sunopsed. MM >'suh amreklted ini Dr. Sidis' book. Ibe mest rumrkable l iet et ofltheRev. Thomai (ronMamie, eywg lay ne -Plantevifle, Ognni. -Ont day vhen step,#Mg <nom bis car-, rie bis foot miipped, sud ho feM for- yard, atrwklng on hi. imeni. R& vWU piel am p uneonecleus. Wheu hb.e gaieds mLs senes is former p ;sbmLy id dappeare.l Ie was pract<mll s newiy teboai.. -H- rememabeeainoth- ing c ta pviuelite ne ceaiUo t 1.1k or imderstaud anythmg tiat vwas m sla te hum, -In formter Urnes iV 'moulai have beau tbougbhtithab.h1mai becoit Idiotie, andi ho 'doubtkesa ould bave beau sent to a hue for lu*.olIesi tiare le apeud Vthe ret et bis 11f. Dr. Sidis, thon laNew Yorkr, ara if Ibis pemmilr case. Bers vas au oppor- tuulyhot>y e mugt, te test bis, li.oryof dissmoolalon et ide*4. Eu. beeveat 3>-. Humnas. rain cella lied mardi boss dlloced, and l&te Ifthe>' %"" W= >a¶i bsk lite propefr psion sund order lb. lest persosull>' t« b. restorol. Undor Dr. Shh' dIreuton, V the n minister vWs edmetadi frein bÂI C'o upward. Bis tecuiloswves s ie se ever;; *oe, k'etr It oomcd lima befor. the a&«Ment. In a veek M mloi» ed bow to read sas veli ul ed' at lthe ce ilIs tiraI yos lires heurs M. Hamms leaveoilbow le 1 beau tught l s mfier ce mrs M id JThe fint asmuremos liret soms treao at leaiL 4 isi liformaer pomulty>' o msluedw» authe drsumâv"o ire. lâe& Xe. laid c d ute '"s umips. porksofflof- bIspuilt. il* e Koelu s square boum.evîlir l fpon Il, "N1ew Boù6oii Jrnolon?>*' 'i vuas ePlace la Penusylvauls w*ha lied este.bei». Yet 1»_bIs ."e beMwa cm vo WA&trou» fosuse Ra ., lent hiI lie aoualDote tmboa I rat lIte.Se 4M4mot oew uIM .Mist, Vaet Whcsskeai Iflieho fl&u»t ÉVOCI wat B man *a ,t b r nt et e lote oïunema = e Iwurnsctlof ethéie M. Ka dl% b41,ot a ut ml dfomespdo è.. £M on IneL CUrsM « WM MsrI . a.mxe «109 à *"a" tae mol 01 yl ont 9 t 9p e4v Rà or, d toW ai -l ýAmothýr kind ce ase vhieliDr. 81,» relatm s La Uat of a prett'y un Rom- ien veman et, 22. 5heauftrled from violent headache% vi,mseemil te bu bocated in & spot about 'as Lauxe as 6 huM dollar just buof et-ha 1,ftttem»Ws UPoU questloniug rber, Dr. Sidis lemro- vimha wen "h.wu-a achil an in"s vo=u Hlving acrossa thre street ruho tntô Vhe homa. éeeday wb.a berpar- ents vere avsy, u imte 01 i ol kimmai ler on (be Mt 4446,01t" It gave the littIe* irla' vIôtiod" rg mdever sitar lb .beadedls o'abeso h*Vi. imas» vou kiaseaib.. Nv co w eaconsll quer devs1a. = nasirimdht Ibis i womsu's delubon v-btVt om iu vite vue' ma ber -h Ima theïr f4iperua$,tbar. Tâh sima "nier pelof étm idslostug Bs vasu muaib>' yuob bc sse naor all.tos logleaI Institut. lat Noe ek i à ý7* tt'là u a Dr.Dlii pt er *ro a, vià * qtquloUi 4.' ow l* oudtoI4.ýu OtJEAT. l Vinent W, Ill it r 1 Àt.f b,' in M tent t% -b-il 1 ,Won atLs ----------- mWoow