Whitby Keystone, 12 Apr 1906, p. 6

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c- b'hWeri (tagetabloï Natre Quickly linGer mf ectte of Ether. Floewets tiiýd vegeté-bic krë drugged with ether nt>wadnye. 'lbey a.re put -in k.brtight dems and f cd on ether for tveit- ty-fo'ur çr thirty-fc lîou'rs ustil tlî*y bW ourae so "pormeatcd with thv' fumes that tbiey mature in auout hclt the tîime it takes them Vo devekop nuturuaHy. State- Lyeaster Iike- trea.ted for t%%rcxty.foiîr ours have pût foi-th magnifienet llooms ivith tit-o lelp of Nvarni ccetyleiîo liglt st night, natd ia.rissvs plants have dont- bled i h size of their tLowers afttr spenci- kng a day o.ud a liait in the den.' Tliks remarkable nîthod of torcing I>ot&h flowerasaund vg td.~ o maturity hk« been developéd in the horticuLtural d aotm~ent of the CornwAli unversxty, at t wag toi to tie public for the fir.%t tine at the winter exhibition of the Faruerti institute, in the Aiwt'vùn in- stitute, 19 and 21 %Vest Forty-fourtl, vtreet, by lrofesmor John Craig, head otf She horticuliural brnfweia Ot ('orncli. '1t ni'eanh a reolution in flowers and regWetableq, thiýs n,,%v v ly of fareing thetn, bocause thmc'y sci'm to 1be stizîîîlated te a mtore perfeot iaturity thar in thev d4ev'elop nntturai!v: ," lrofrs-sor ('raig said.1 klly e\perini-olit in l010 îniv %rtV .. jeun<t h t, !thei ethor n.îtrd in an airtIikt box or den for twiernt -f .ur tr Lhiirt v ý4ilnurq lad n iu I'st renar-kal" vitalieing cffet on cert-im ini svff(À mi "We.in ad lit ion to 1 ring 1,", t in the sti-liqI iht dili nm-,t in (1;1%-limle, 1e wee exnc~'u1a t in glt I c' t - ligh t froin ~e\ml'btm rtwrc. ~ hsei4,nt4)have s pect ram Sint jut in e'fforCt te the 1n'ai gxs t î¾lnev iZIOw IimttOOlS. "Ilili',, for litnce, livili be in bloom tt 1eat ton diîv- sooncr un<ler th.is trea(t. nient than io n t-boy <eel nsturally eT b-r t1ie oTdtinary menwareof forcing. a.9 Wilu ab-o azîiri(ts Oid rrodo)dendroni. Ée Mittest <mre -hou Id ha taken rot te0 &ve themin ite stiniuiting aImes - Pbeare more than tkinWy-six or forty-eight biurs or the drug %mIII! havt- tlil oppo- ite effeot, nid Lsttd -of heinmg forced bo mature titi- wil die as soon as re- siovedl." 6- REART-SICK PEOPLE.-Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Ilezirt Ia a bmart tonic that aever falla to cure--la awirt In Iti% effect-i Xffl closcr to the "border land"' andd matches from deatbas grip mort, aufferers th-an &DY ether rernedy for ony famlly of diseaaes and aliments In the catcgory' of buman suffer- Inge. Gîtes relief ln 30 minutes.-76 CODFISH A LUXURY. The fsîet that the Amnerican codfishierag bave Levn cut off fàrim securing bait in v Trhat Lumbago is Atw*Y-sl. Çtrd by DoddOsiCldfley'PIIi. Qui'bec Man Cused hl@ kldnoyo wlth Dodd's IRl dney 2Pilla, aatd bis lin- ba go Vais Bed. Quebee, P. Q., April 2-(Specia.)- John BaIl, a bric<layer, -roslding aI 57 Little Chanmplain atreet, this City, lias added his statement to lte great mats et prot that Lumbago in eaused-by dis- ordered Kidncys,'and consequeiitiy easily cured by Dedd'a Kidniey Pilla. Ms. Bail "I was lroubied with lumbago for lue yeare. I eould not- work. I lad ta get up et nights te urunate se often Iliat my rest s'as breken. I rend et cures by Dodd's Kidney Pille, ind made up my ntind to try thehi. After thte firsî box I could sec <ted tee! n change. Tine boxes eured mecoempletely." Lumnbagyo. likc Rhèîîmatissn, in caused tbv urie niid iralte bioed. Urie aeid can- Pot stay in the blood if thte Kidneys arel working aight. Dodd'q Kidney Pilla make the Kidneys work nigiat. Knew *RisBusiness. That enmbryonie aerchants are te be found anaong the newsboys et Philadel- phia was rca-eaied in the feliowing dia- logue with one efthlie craft, who is par. ticulai-ly bright and aiert, while, as ian been found by seve ral men ulit> are hie patrons, is aIso scrupulously itenest: "G ive me a paper, son." Yen air; haro you are sir. Nover mind the nioney, sir; you ran giîve me that at anotier lime.,"("Why, how can you do buai- nets in that wvay' You don't L-noir me. How do you know yeu'll ever get yeur moeyT" "Oh, 1 know yeu; I tee yen evory day and have boon wiCiting to gel you te buy a paper." 'Iil, I'vo bought one. Wltat flou?"I ¶New, I want yen te buy one every day; wo't you, in? You ned net pay me when you buy il. Id nather Ven paid me every Saturday wiil you, please, sir?" '0f course,, I vil my little man." "Thank yeu, sir. Goi- bye." "Good-bye." Bore wa-s oeted air incident tat shewed the truc commercia instinct ,and the man was nont slow te sce it and encourage il. Hle insista that he wiil toliow up that boy's carqer and do wlîatever lie cna le promoeis inaterca.8t. Miaard's Liniment Cures Dandrut! The Muest Tree.lanthe WorI& 1 0 gue Nowtmunlatd u wel asthcFrecit The dragon Iree of -te Çanay Island rds ste *ma"e train <h. ta causes eatisfact.ion nt St. Pierre, not le belieî'cd to be tic oldest living vege- from pouKry dleaed for tabl. tw& beeaso he ortn'r',#,ve ost heî bat- aées cf iftti'., mortbl. . 41' bene litiles former hav e elieirbt- ttable erganinimin the vort. The age of wS<hum.a si *m s" «w'or lb. lng niîileesbutfremthebelef hatone Irce, in.pariçnuîar, t-he. oes amons wbaeer s la vted. gsud tct a bb Amnrican i-csel e'mvnos- will unite wilh dragon troc et Teneriffo, han uaually flckxdt" tie St. Pierre fleet Ina securing and pro- beeu estima'ted te b. froan 4»00 to CA000 - soriing bail le their nautuai benefit. years, having-thus an antiquify compar. lnand'm Liniment for ae eV Behoola of ierring visit St. Pierre and able wit t-laI efthVie Pyramida. This e0 ehould bc aecured wlaea opportunity et- wonder et the plat wor . 14vas 70 [set FOGAutaloAnen fers. From one acheol last fail it is or more lu heightatnsd survivod intact Fo dleaini ez set4nanted titat several lhousand barrels untIl ithe .y.an 1819, when during a tes- During lie year 1903 3,001 soud av benseurd. Cap"ln a rifle item oÀW. l-t. lange branches wure eonvieted in Gonuauy for mnulieeteaed id fo ue i Jly9se- a, brokun off.. iv. milan storm lu 1867 tien 0f articles et food.l In190 dom tuils le corne te Ilese Islands e t'. titAe .nu iIon eo ageadera mrpm-un, and il is theugl ht italiilipro- branches aid ile t ndlng alone. vct. bng oere or 1903. Tea pur negulaliona lthe aupply will be equal -Lcn.bigntdfr10.T Vo the denaatd. Suligbt 8«p infab~Us ti u er ~ » a umben et convictions occurroti Among all te batik iîhermen squid but la but vbs UMsinlutis Sulight WmY. whei-s su lucreM . retut 598 il are considered geod bail att any acason 13uySunlight £oap "d igenoudisesiLcas, «3 ilu1903 is shoun. For pro& and may ho catghtl in tain quantities keepuag for sale sud consumi aout Ihese shores; in te past tuis is RFFECS 0F EXCMeS8IV DANCIG. wiosbom articles of foodi 741 thei one hait sîtpply ltait itas net beon vene Couvwinttii 1003, açaizi lont titrougli lack oetlaking on preserv- "Iu ail amy titty yearf f et neial ex- 902. This large nreas is di <tmg. Notwitltstand in g French tishermen penience," asys Dr Cordella A. Greene, b effects efthle inspection lau 0 are serio-tasly handicapped in hein efforts lI ber reently pubilshed book, The IW<O. lu Berlin 69 persons men L iaecuse bail, a. careful inquiry estab- Art of Keepiing WVeil, «I have nover led for vlelating lie PrO-risiom limbes lte fact taIt tere ilaun abnnd- kutourut 50anfy perene s njuned overlam, againat 29 la 1902. For]à ance ef sait squid and lierring for tic tie waahtnb as I hare . fouud luaons 1ielaîuhe u lunes uliah referes tiet trip. 1peaatosaeben m.yen harmed by dancing. -A hait dosen ."' .Memisespecally tho* Vigerous hoprton iebin oebndeabtout the whisî, mit-h corsesuad prohibit1on, of Importe ta prev tor ie comlng soason, -aud the Indien- unsuppontad clothiang, vôsild ipakze ex- I erpeat, as wel as lb. regulao tions a&re thal the tonnage siling frnm ecse of aay klnd a sources éf vek. 1prevenl contagion lu the tram Bt. piorne te, engage lu codthing viil usa about Vhe lruuk sugd bad&. But 1lot animala 1ty -railromad andiefr1 be more tian for a number of yeasu, any exerese lie strsin et vhieh coupes uss of articles hiable to apu.. amolig lbhevessels being many nov one$. upon tueogr thm & ets of ltuiosa Wroua disemes before dlalnfeton Wlt-i a record of titnue bnd yea55 tuis organs la dangerous. lu dancing tU 5uns Wre eouvlceW, agalust rone«ed enterpnise la couamendable. grea ran et" fthe exerelse comes 1902, sbc'Wing a ecreaae ai 20 The priesetfeodtiah li France bsa - irt sud most heailiy -upon lie beart vaned. o a figure neyer befone reached, sud bead, sudl last, tàougi not lI, 'Ilb»S8klbboens 8M waking Il a luzury Inatead et su article xMtelwrpto ýb " ,U h W .j et commout conaumptien. The French oe ate i s rsRr .J Curras, tas #Irms are ofering S~t. Pierre tiabesmen ti evs We esn ae ' . ~ TI. flmc $6.80 per 100 pounds for greu flsh. lIth"n veny xuderat.ely lia. huit., b«*-k. i04 Usa tkùq hi W' tirln te shinag l tirt pr en.,and the Intenai and etrat eabout et. Pmtnikg DA'y.1 Ia i îte srnae 1, tliifne nd cent. uscles are sure. ta bu cverstralni. o ub illteno--natmuy to t ait cents per pound as lte comt-etdry- young veman. ourr*uli iolio tm idtaportation, with twuuty perdalnce lu am11au." erstalng more liait *4.M lmUêf l muprofit ofthlie retaiUer'us ive ithe st ttnminutes e"th, vutla tleb. o fe emàêuo lotALI coït bto te Freniconsumer et t'wefty minutesoet-reo4 bstwffl-> "hjt. a vrlIge euUed Sk*bes. -vlv ents p on pouud.-aIn tact ,Vhe ste- lets, 4"IRO30" M iansb@dm pemit hW teano.ti tait pnieu aI St. Pierre et dry codf 1b la is i#« tor bismnhiuto edo nuareib.a m U Waod. 4M b*o malo4 ton oula per pound. France uould not, 1115, wonsIs oua ns700VI~W~ iowver, lie a good, market for Amerleau betIale long betfore mauy1ng drIeti codtisb, as te dut-y la prehib[tiU',ve, w nt mIeb ai isi49Me s esiIylu'S r s thme market beiaig held for lt.é French tirougi erenes ue asoabis es.uoem. m 4M.tiêrastm < i fisiennen. On lie etbhir Itand, St. Pierre's t AsAgtIbA mannot- enter Vie Unit('d States niauketi, M48 ISLIatbIt"NtlfS IOB# b.OU.U8 whene a diseriminating duty la levieti oun bounly ted Induatrîi articles. lc» d0 The uon-competitl"o Frenchiftisiermen Keeplng Lent votali i»t b. suri a Ia,*O kwlj ar ot St. Pionne Iheretore argue tal lte sen, penaneeIf auil cueleoosKX 8sýt.Zf New Engiaîd fisiermon aboula unit.é exaé.mg eas't'bat uof e t sait4me o th PU osr a( fi« uoi hem lun makiug bit place Vi. bi-las F. 0 r ï eMV". mbeadquarters fon boti couintnlel.St. IconiLra. .u.e. vi.al lierre, altieugit neceiving a bounty cnlY panu b«r mmfttl ob* di 0112 ms ecitîlob, Ilatîng a movemnt teo s- tîing but <esutm andfuia.wvu t&ahsot-her flahenlesansd eneteta-b luti, Mi tlnally mOb* 4.L qte sbanefor smoking, pickling and b*pie b.u» of *Aoktema.A S et 0 1ot1 a Prayet as S9«& to ome r l dInoI. t .ph"t efflm idiL4 * r u*-Mi , vm nur Titti' a&"ae Ma -wB bauo Iaym b Ob «W» NyTb'kI '.Se ', ISeovlhbtie Oh, gI«ite iste& R«"- lu- tme kmu ers piucked' &. W. take tbmbrnut lm UV lit d'4is lUte- la merywhert. Ma"7. 1 perseus r adultezu. M lie Oon- ie cf ô per.J b. largesI lui Berlin, in 1902 1 lncing sud iptlcn un- 48 persan ut 39" in Lue to lh. >1 Jutas 3, sr eonniet- m18 ot ie oc to <h. meut mmnd. I m oetat. a, 931 rn- t1,179 la tper cet sae met« nlie uio P Po*m' Sunight Soap as-beter ta W hersoaps, b6W Isbest'we usedin the StnlikW&y (fo Hard rubbing and hoilig ar RUB ON SUNLIGHT SA hf~ fte i oe where Sunlight!V a s used us 4lrected. Sunligt Soap wlll ot jureýb even the daintiest fbrcorth ----hands, and the cohswil. perfectly white, o ole S ft and fluffy. The reason For thi is because LEAE 30 TO 60 M UTS Sunlight Soap is absoluWeypre contamns no i mjurlos cemaal -indeed, redi but'the active, dearing, dirt.*remog pro>e.0 ticsOf soap dmhais *ïabut soap- Equally good wiitbharud or soft water. V' O1R MONEY R!RJNDED, by tho dealer trom wbozs R SE W L Lem! ~TIt I~ OOT F4ai».y -lïasu been 4M n s tlirllig Stary of s aïwr nom rac tim~ons wbloci camne -froc M D ee.n Thuruday. .During a iieaxiy miow squmU on, Wed4-1 nesday the wshooner- Marie, 'Chrlsti4e - went ashore at Juryw. Gap, a. dangerous Point near DUngenes.,,aud soon-beesune a wreck. Wheu lie vessel was missed, the coastguards pet out along a mile or two e e-h desol#te. ahiigle, and discov- e'red lier at Jury'e Gap. Only lier mastas irere visible, but a minber of people cee linging toe igi-oging, and- smong thernwas a woeanwvith a baby tightly CI rSockO aparatua iras promptiy get te work, a.nd communication wu as tab- lished wlth the shere. It was seen liaI the 'womnn, who proved to be the cap- tain'# irife,' was beinr per.uad'ed ta b. lte fir-stoteleave, M dtheres was un ai- fecting scene uahae partod wutài ler clîild and entered lhe breechen buoey. Site ias bauled ashore greatly exhaust. ad, and ene by onte lb. ehies followed. But the~ most lliriliing and patiietie ceee as whien the --captais, with is child, eslipped int.o- tie basket. Until they reaelied the land scarcely a word uns epeken by thte rescuers, se bunse was the excitement. The shipwrecked people had been in te rigging for five he~urs,, unI som-e of Ilian, especially thie womnn and the baby, were ini a stale et coiapse.- Etigliai Exchiange. EASTER EXCURSIONS. Spend your Easter vacation ln Wash- ington snd Atlantic City, Special Wu&-. ingten Easter excursion via Lebigi Val- loy Railway Friday k pril 13. Tickets only ton dollars round trîp from Sus- penson Bridge, Niagara ,F&IWs Tickets eRood len days. Stop-oer-allow'd at Baitiroroe and Philadejphia -on returu trip. SMo trip, Pliladelphua to, Atlantic COity, only *1.75. Trains ltar &npen- &ion Bridge April 13th at 3.50and 7.15 ja. m. ad 715 . m or icktsPull- man an f rthr doMlato,caU on or addresa Robt S8. Lewis,- Passenger Agent IA V. R, 10 King stre4e est Toronto.i SIeelalten d&y oxcurafon to New Ygrl CQty, FrltyApril 271h. Tikets only $9.00 round trip. Sond for map andi gude of Nem york. free. Featheru on Women's Rata. .-The Mm b.. *wiai <.ofrlg t iena bses-mà unothr foatbes o n o v Mens le uoeT ne»ouLtàma w olle alau~tt t brh km ail bo& - &&aaida anu- £adussr et Sntw gooot. ."0wluta awhils a fasilea coaw la tbat Cao for a ParUàcq- lar futher or qull im atouneyo» thrs apro- uuia vu,. wu.5. t." - amnA vm#% b. FIIST STAGE COACH INTO TIENVEI. On lhe 171h of May, 1859, Don-ver luru. ed out te vwelceme te tirst titrougi coachi of what was destined to gnou into the *"Overland Mail," aut onterprise uhicli for sheer Amenican piuck and daring, muet lie forever iinked with the f ame of the «Pony Express." Red shirts drifted tb the outaiirt.aof tie hamiet and detted the hila sround. Hard.faced bartenders made reay for -the "hottest nigit ltai oves tore lte camp lees.. The artiilery ef hoister and sadde-boeî vas umlhnabered for an eesltie fuaillade. Thdre us liveiy bet- ting in dust and nuggts that the ftirt through stage had been gathered In by Indians, li takera aneager la stake their faili liait the scaps et driver a.nd guard would cornetirongi intact. At lengh a swuri of dust siometi far douai the trail. Il gnou untaa Yehlow 1 cuGu that crept taoard the eager haïm- jet. Tien six mules, stretched out on ~the PIbOPemergeti trom Ibis ouitainà andlehid thmvan hlhunbernlg, swaying stageP coine suteiy tirough, on lime, aind Denver vas In touch vit-h the venid. viere men more white shirts auid lived ilu real bouses. Thetesntalla a feu mlanteansd tiares te Mix tIsye roareia a, wicome lti tis iesoie entes- a»Uo n tiameeding te directions viiicure prise tierseeSbosd lu evony Western t=unchrcula casas. It rellevas ail ltoîîng an'î vwici iope d louget f or a luik oe t i buranas skia dimoana la a day. U5 cent.-79 oun wlti lhe home eountry, "'uay back0* Ea~"-'heStary ofthle Ovenlant IBartalu Buttiez. M(ail," ln The Oîîting Magazine for Aprit. I "la îîomical-or i.n't it a trifie pe- ~tloc--una voman -vile. alouawce for drus là pitlfly umail mardm t b. store lads' lu a dea&, eauiaeat uay to mlv. liee problem o f k I* _ mp pearances befoe eber ncIeJab.rusund lbe 1 consider MTNA1IIYS nTmE tlb.1 moIt?" aasd a westerianeu - elu- BEIST liniment lnUuse.i veig$ing against lie prot«oion or 1 gel My foot badly jarmned lately. 1 Ast, uho make Inn of bsallrntoes bathed Ilt vlla pfI nNARD'8 LIN'- jTlhaspropounden cd liais poser ovienl4y NMNT, sund Il mas ai veil as*er nexl assumes litI ouY lis'vemea wi le- dayI d« Pursds aerok lb. adverllmlng col- da. Yours rery truîY, i juma. Tiierelu Il la nalalaken. l'h. veli. T. G. MeMMJLLM(. to-do are iDo More vlUlng ta> Y Or tisa lth. imarketlpricefer tAiir pur. clataqutiVi'. -T lh., minet prie. - la quolnlthe *oreumn.-.AU wmeu roud the stort meus. Aiv«u-lIn thelb _____ _____ _____ lmes. Chil a DIVncCut. IR QKOND 8PIinAsl (Mmium àme*> sature s. la mas,- poilue UIbm ttera" X w foa - a Seslmc wtevg tu lie mpitm& OSeul-Aasutaaa Nu lm. éÎ& me- odeme « et* aibéd Mod" n m q < < u NIP~KtLiSO. i lu i.. oA t. aesiom oi f ubici York 111h X 1 él- 1- t'eÎ-; . neTWI Aef,.FrulD, idumri.Y ms M, ami s-dboun.l6 la a P wa1tfug Ate Nm'Oco. F. GSM Souvenir Post .Oards u3 fo 1e; fe. l'r MG; M,0. l; 3-M. Pj 10$M a., aul Ifferumt Largt sud tfasi tocir in canada: Mmlxed; 83; albumsiel U XkeL ýW. R. Adamik Torc!ntO. Out.. Mms.WlauIowr'à Sootblag 87iW abouti*1- ea47 un l or chth3dz -tsihlng. It sootethe chilIdI sotbos tb. SUM54 cure vtaid cohlo=4a la t ba utrsas»dy- or DiWr- DR. LEtROY'S Ânh Mm&A dreflabe Utwyneutiwgais . 1ïeeïPmIlUbave S ui ued la Franc LE ROT PILL 00c.. - I~er WmoG arce. The supply 01 French brier root in practicaily exhausted. Fermerly the supply camne from the Department ef the. Landes and from the Pyrenees Moun- tains on the border lino between Francs gnd Spain. The-,,aupply -of bries , w cornes !rom ScotlmnG o7clÜuiveiy, .and the pipes aremanfcu4 at St.- Claude, in the DépaDrtunelit of *Jura, noar thé -- ~ oréelé.»ýRegardiflg ýýamberoid, the raw ;à,teiaI cornes tramthe shores of thte Balio%%nd ie manufactured la Ger- many and Austria. "MY KIDNRYS A"E ALL WRONG!I ITow ul 1hahI mure but rcaults lu the hort- est time? Il stands- te season 1h51 i4l" specitie ot Ibm uuquestiouible menit Sutx American Kidney Cure viii go more À1reqti a.nd quickly te lthe seat et lthe trouble 01pn the "pvll form" tresiment and wbsu 14 strtkes the apot tber'm heis la lu u nta* ne Leoi e nent. (Has'par' Basant.) A 1111. le w-yesr-old4*gir bnd etlame esmie rnnnlg <c ame and t12m er baosK lu ami mme, oblus sa batoutvouu "Gocdeu't lovoee Scw mae» she vwalleI, "G. oa s t ive me.11 "Cod k N't )0loveyua! Wby. dusr, Qed lovas devery _ens." IaasurpA bà«.. "Ob. nne deasu't km*vmm 1ina? -h 1omat. tldhlm vu t a bLyl" ENLISII SPAVIN LINIIENT 1tMeoV ai u MM& set S r a»Und lumps Ms u lemshe on @%os.. boD spain.curb i piuts, lnlgbon., w.ea. stif lei, sprm.lnsson. Mssollsa tmo cougia. tc.Save $60 by ués oasmboe lIe. Waz'i'atsd lb. mcml onumufl D. mitai Cur" ont kuovu ITIlDOMS A fine body meau good food and pur. Aged boot la thé msaklmg ofta, foot A lot of eelose end freil air buIlds lb. complexion 19Mau :rbolps th enu entItUo chirop1aFdce5s alot for lcaigsut. ~fnlociug vIlb *wtat car *) boIpe banda trmdomlml. Au arsrtalliafdtou- Ma" fte«& unes asvu m acoiffurs-- à- th l ase -wu aae almost 517 doma vo«&»s f ê M ay. lmbu Riwts, . SW-day IU»UMIToNÂL LI APIIIL 22#- 1 jý.u the 81=,tnms' ren 'e'aMentrY.-IL Jeaum m.m'ahouas(vs. 36-39). 16 OemMOn Jewish nm tva by this ngne arnoi n»are meinticmed i 1 Mm uitad-twenbty ini JE Mut bave been i¶nn, MMd, by -t4at naine in niau Secamto have beei cAsas, aud iras evidently to conviotion, but bis Vu &yaviou.,ahie that ha il las récognized as one -c Bat dowm to eat---"Re< Tb$ecutomn was to e Te en the lef t aide, t4he hi table, and Ibeteet outmr omitted the usital cerem which Jes-us miglit well 37. A -woiznn. . . a int 4lference of opinion a.s ter of tii woman. Somi was a nctorio-us wo-mam whlle Clazke, Whedon ai thie terrm "rÀnu-er" is uni ' Many other piacas, mere &-ýheaAhen. Iliere îs no ci Vhat this wonian w"t.Y or tint he iras A grossi' * acter. Wheun site knevw Christ preacit<ait knew ggue te dine. Slie ivas bbeha.rt wuold leatî r 1ier; nie lied fait-h cou obimte bisa for hei-p. rupecuttul, -humble mani I t the eut there is noe neu tier. is in Vii coui often taken in the courf perfectly ope#, and-it is Sor per.onsio orne in -- enter freely into cen-veri tir box-A sort ofete tmre, nearly aliied te xi fat rhobably apiken MAous and odorous.- 3&. btood.. .behind-T bout sud the f cet turni bAud. 'le nandilà were -teing the.lieuse. Wa "Qt proftlbeây; lier lta iooaey &bout lier about Of -mourning, and with -his feet. Lsae-T-he kfi of love, aubjection and si Pa.ii.-12, "kin the Sone brace atfectionately the -Vatou ade upto you JoUi; admic>minaldni w» obeying, beth hain spiritual ene.-Carke. -.6h. ddd-n.ot think lier aieint his head. &!lil- bAs feet rwle nojnipriopri la t-bat country wil do t 'tb a ;udge. er to an offic she expect or has -ze" favor. Lt 'vas "a mark Isa.ac HaIL 39. Pularume Ifirt feeling o! Sîmùnolm. ilaure tlit a lheathen à tuuz.oj * be is- Pl 'WitUhn himael-lc ias i eonco te -bisgueutbul sa k L1s- tiouglits. A M"ohet must know evr teuobéd hlm, woiig&au by.thqsel, corne 'i#t cy in 'l" is msini «eVert use I f i - :> - - -E-- w';: -I 'v 1$ Are yen a traller or' are yota a trolley? Are you ta<ged te a leader througb viadona ad foRi? Ame you Somotaody aise. os Tou? Do yeu voté Iay the eMi*oI sud swallov ht Do Yen vraiby lie book. doV«M'e pubi the rat&? Do you lie your amaut 4y the Uasdarla Do yen foflow a me? Aime yen a wrmuer. ocimt twbi la VvO4? Whleb are ygu-A Wta-t or a Wbo? It Scuda vWOUte " oei fl ult'09eorthe htocki.. Bet a aesO* la a abeap, allai'amL Ai the block. Tm's. not*alng btpAmuttom or poasbly . eock ' WoU. leu haver as gaw? A» etia bêlât Mdi bon ef Yeu? mit? Or am "yU a oeummy te eosrsy a se»bly An e« vos omboy ue%..w ry«? Whon yeu flaeypsat. the, beveoly icket. Wbfre k««t" h.Serutinonas tands on his De yen thl ink nwi!! do? ....uamVam eCOche, lu th. Question. PMLE TEROU cSwEPT &AÂ.- Dr. Agnew's Olutamuat stands aet<bthead as a reUle-sr, hiaier and mure cure fer Viles lu .11 toe..Ou*as wllcua uVIS si"e comtos

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