big MUAii r, TWO' GIRLS ,ê for posillO privaibs ft&çaly ; Igoo 74}laah T GORDON' $7- to $10. a*- Robt. Duns' Card s $1; qw 20.$2;»0. ý;2 ftniioit StOCK lyrup ahlild ai- %medy for L- H -4PILLS abw.' montbly mriia o teeil usmdIin t rit b,à l !-unld Iv&IuabIo* Iel #ti t M lp for lc 6 0 r 1)ix l. 011 iccuf pit CO.. brier root 1. rurv thmi vrl4~Moi- ~teIFrane Sbier 110W jýivv1y, and the at St. ldo m.noar the amberoid, the thep mloree. of teus-ed iri Ger- ALL WRONI itf ln the.short- fln thLit a' llquid ,, moit or South go mono directIy tbe trouble thAn antI wbsn, It iig in an Instant. Not. frLend. 0( MWi nr-6w heffl u tat ir bout WOUIP. ny mom', oi Me.,# %Mhy, dean. (lotI her. mn. 1 know ho LINIMENT or- oeUlpuÀ.d n horees, blood gbone, aween., - wollen t.hroat usé of one botý wonderi ai Bi. 10 easy. iBurns, etc. 'Iilen.. W«.) na I«n eSryiuam vaudeville asd ai lirrl on mj b4oe 0rWl N time. I 4 s P l a ë- f. (M P'lve h'undn.<l pewce-Or tuau t $1riAo6,t lrgleu.sin". tbat L,, y, douant vere*ortiz tomeimm tite sIv- CMs.i».> PesM cusa vils1 <Mam ý«4bs«na"""" - Oam embeen csnt& But bth.eaut amma sp-c>y buvWho kuoi Cetu ftt W' n n oIfied are iinimporîtn. 0u3r4g 1 gebo~mul allat.wl A thesu b>'their equivaleats la labor, o - w~u bued b>' the *ng1 agr*m of t n The à Oai ~on O* hIdi.o«Uloýb Wk tieltor oved l t n«-me# a, asi .ec;o aol.tfl m *MI toOsaf um olbime ln, eaplicullon lie vm 004.46*.-ut.batalime b ovmes titive liuWdxpoflncesd . ~,', ~ RaUs u essWIVUL 09L. à fifIty. 42. Notivtlng te -411m' ÃIrIl Phaneet, vas*An»dat a Wi , Sud m Md P inean. o! pay1ng. Uoould »ne j y lai.bis 04 b.n#toY a"m euh uen, à fity, pmon"e b.. t ià Ue beM#abl. I asI. OM4ý#yle-fimI Mappo4t.4 -lagemt '#hl&A lâl _ __ _ __ _ bath nuait erlaI. Flotpga' hb .lutI1j -'No~a t"hteeiin Stoins [ Ma £ndomut ors au ~~tb~lft~ la he ugtL à i. 3U Q 0.IV 10iOle ecomto fi 1,13.. TiiJ mdefPInL a' t ot eeaed-HMha lai Co~ata7.~.I Jeu.aw4.4 ie- Ing toheâ4 viWît cil1,vas as Scmmon ~ 039.36. oùie 01 Ui. amontg -the lev 9awashlng the 'face Pbhu.-~o<>~ >y » .Tis, -au vit i wter"lia ajOng us. Sei Pou,. xxiii. a sommn Jw1~ nai e hra were 5. To aaolnt the bead of -a guest vas e two bY tkls &mong the apottu, anmotiier mark of hoapitality. Simon hs.d ndié ore tatokedla>t 1eNew Tests- onitfefl 11cf theto. My foot *!th oint- namt JIMI twtt7 l1a Josephas. There Iraent-Tiis wona.n bad not forglotte~ ~ msw]myl.bro a lytfrou- IahYof these maèke of respect that wt es"# b t4t name i pale t hm lis gentrally shown te guest. ~~~ma-èýv sem . i'een of the. botter 47.lier tins, wvhich are many-If- W. <is., à U&i vasvdentiy paatially oPen corne to Christ in the- ight spirit, con- tO otiviotion, but bis treament of the leasing our sgins, he la as willing t. 8&S ur sh. that ho vas un.wiliUcg to forgive manY,. as ho is only a. few. Are tO ro0cgnzed at une of his dplpee.forgyen-wý'at preeioue ivordil Tii7 - 0". dovu 'to meat--"Redined at table.- are ail forgiven, neyer to, return; thse V»m oustoinwusto recline on a cottoh, Lord viii rernember thern no more, for. <m the. lait .14., the hea& towawd th ever. For she loved much-Or, therefore --- table, nd lte foot outwas-d. But Simon te loved mnucit. lier great love was the OMlt,.d te usual cerernonies of1 reepect effeet of her being forgiven. To visoi 1rhlch Jae miglit veil have ezipeetèd. littie in forglven-"A man's love to God 37. A ..u.. . a d'inner-The is'a will b. In proportion to tii. obligations d4ferenoe f opinion as bo the charte. ho feels himsef under to the bonty of t 31 9 Iq WUa a not.oroue vomasi o! the Street, lacked, vas a. deep sense of bis eluful ini preference to inferior 1 wieOlanke, Whedon a.nd ot2sers thuidc heart 'and life. The one who thinka hie NoWgcIzbte the. to-m "sinntT" be uied bere, -ne iIn debt Je *nîall feels but little gratitude cat am four, and -therefi min>' other places, merely to deiguate viten il. in forgiven. Those forme aif te- Çl L. s hà eathen. There la tno evidence tio proe ology whieh treat sin lightly always be..caDIl ugnt ..OaV that tht. voinan 'vfflMary Magdalenae 11W. Christie divine nature anj the ne. ~ te hibo'st c -a'p a Or Mat R shae Tosslyùimmoral chmx cessity of te atonement. i h Let eneta actr. Witen aite knew--Mie ha.d liard IV. Jesue forgives thie voman (vs. 48. CrtW preaacli u knew where bo had 50.) 48. Said unto hier-Jesus nov for K«e te dine.Sue vas confident thut thte finit Urne sppaks directly teoie vo- heeutwueid boat iu eympathy for man. Forgiven-4 preclous word ofa be«; sh. h" a it enough In Obrist to, ain.burdened seul, anà douiti>so viten o0sne te hlm for -hél.p. 8he came ini a spoken by Christ. Wlile -the seIf-rigbt. uvrcq;&tful, humble manner. Brought- cous Plarisee murniured the poor peni- Iâ th.e eut thons le% not tbe exclusive- tent rejolced. nemi -there Ws ii tiis oountry. Mea are 49. Who lu titis, etc. -W. need Dot Olten taken in the court, with oe eaide credit titeun itit unbelief; lte>' e verfecti>'open, sud it i let ucomo anazed ut a daim vhich oubtlens agy br persona 10 corne intîninvitoti &M iOf them waon erne tasoewas fully lus- «M«te freel>' Into conversation. AIabas. tif ied.-Willirock. 50. They h bah ter box-A sont of atone of tine tex. Saved theo--Cbrist ascribe, to luth tune, nearly allied to mîrbie. 0f oint- those benefils which are due to, Himmeif CR M I mot-ProbabIy aspikenard, van>' pr~e- as tb.meritorlous cause. Pastis là t.he t eiou and ooros. . înfrumt;oo Ourp&rt by vitic i$ h 111.C I 38. fic....Dehiot-The kaeée ev benefit. are suprlied._WOrdswOrtli. W. Io ar jsifel y at tarsor ut hum best anid lthe ct turned Outvas4 b.- i>'ty îfrkdr b>' ,or t Moi hum- u L hUnd. lh sandale vere put off on en,-& t1muor taer,0< a~us tuine te house..Wawh. . .vipe-S4he but Il *1 aesu wpty profu ely; bo hairs es WII ooiig svtion;» and lte P«a.o f mil> aou lerohuler a asIl 0*4 u hi e .seul aiwaya follove a liv. Her Body Found in -a ai or momurg, and wlth tiis&bitewipedIing pemons)l aitt in Cod. Go In pee».- hies féet. Kksed-Tbe kis. s aà emblem Literali>, "int peaee-the att. of U h W SSe ~ of love, subjeetionmd' supplIcation, la ,»jýdt. wiiicii sit migbt nov look for- h 4e W »S ' Paa. il. 12, "fis.the Son" meail to Ohfl, C vrd.-Afoîd.- Puc, Ja one of te marks* st.l ue, pca epth brace aftectlonmtely the Offert of e*M- e! paruing gue.1À mra v&tion matie apte yen tbrough Christ L B. in> th.enrd but nmiel t I. «eHie M Sareis sxteiag *vue24 hosum, Je«»; visici cooisnadient tlidI WOULBl vent mb t. hePhmrfse'a bouseaid mut th body of Idm May' Aber., lb.ehis i4. was Obeying, hotuli-tito literai aud. down to meat" (v. 36). Jesus could dii. ymr.old girl, viso vas missing £nom lmr spiritual uns.Clr eAolnted tisum gt e Pharisee'i boume b ea.H. e thomne la- St.Ounegnde, vas lound flu -811-e ddd not f-hlnk liesef wort.hy to lter nol from personal preference but, ainlt -bisia od. "The lvorma's kiming for lte llor>' of Ood,. In Jeans'Mmut loignoon b>' Constable Tourageon, in a hi. foct vas no lmpnoprlety. A vomis> Wonder-ful prayer for Hie own. (John clump Oif bustes behindth ie Cote St. Paul luk taI coun-ty viii do the asaie te-day 17), we get Lb. seven-fold i f. cf lte Churcli, asar lhe aqueduct. le à , judge. or te an officiai frein whomn bellever ln Hua relation te lte vorld. T'h.eIit* girl bad been atrangled to 1ite expects or lias reeeived a great ir.pmphtsiza Bible prenoune-. "I have deatli. and tiser. vene cibor mark* of laver. It 'wapo ark ot respect."- mreviat te aay unto tbee" (v. 40). Ac -_________________ ir t feelin g o ! S m o n v au th Lt o f, d a - sona l >' b y e. le ut h m sa y , " c i cIl aI N O N plea.auro that a bhesthen safter"4vS- sine are forgi-en yen" (1I John Jil. 12). C Ut'N U IN tured te Poihfteé bis pure tsireshokl. "Lot not your hennI be trotrbled" (Johbn Witin himsE-elfI lias doubt 'vitit rd.- xiv. I.> I crurnce te -is guet, but lie dune iot 111. Comrnd others. "5Sh. hath vast-' REPORT DISCtSSEI> BY MES oeak bis thougita. & propitet---rne cd my leet" <v. 44). Jesus vas net afralti CONGREGATIONAL ASSOCIATION. idepreva.iledamnng thse .1ev. tiat --a teenuvuerato b Simon in the preseace of Prophet miust kncw everything secret." lb. voman, the good site had doue froua 'iait toucitet iitm-'Siwon, iflci>. bad thse love ef ber heant. Public Nmeting aI queipli-The Oflcera toucted i hm, wouIri have mid, -Stand IV. Love mucit. "Site leved much" ElotM-Iuiprts Recelvel Trou lte b>' thyseit1, corne not inearme, I1am (vs. 47)., Tblnk tow uchetjeune loves j huiffland the Foret"u Missio- hç(ie thantao"; *Mdcti h liugbt you. Remember whal lHe has forjivesitn£poue Okbia sould a"y ao tee. On. tiiing yTon-.Pteount Hia gifta to yen. Study cmit pone vs know, tat Chri t permitted nothing "Ile ot sacrifia. for yen. Tell otherm j Onepi, Ont., despatch: T1%e principal ûMroper or wtbcoeaig bis divine char- howi. H. dled for yon, Appreeiate tisat ie businessat to-day',b sesouo cf Lb. acter. «Let Simon and U9Ã"il bis tli.llves te intercede for yo5. Western Asoiation of Conngregallcuà 1 lovera ta-k. notice titat the womin atent V. Forgiie. "Hie suld unlo ber, 1 Thy MCureh" ana a mrporton dchiueit . union HEcoatof lnvineb T an uportant thing !nRT bave to figure do». lin, these matters.A bttle extra on a barrel Of flour may 1 lotk big to- But there à s a differ-j ence between spiending rnoney wisely anspend- mng it lolishly. Somnetimes à t is econo- zn> mto'sïend instead of to Savel in thecaseof Royal Househoid Flour. Those few extra cents a week, that give you sehold. Flou-r Rlour, buy health. mso8 much to the. food you bre nothing should bc more vie's Royalli ousehold Flour id most nutritious flour that's milled. It is the only four that is absolutely pure. Ask your grocer. d'he sBok for a Oook, re m". son oer publsheb. tOur ca 1«1U Ta-ad. vas net a oo andiviit Lb.e tA r4IiItI TO DEATHCI 1e v rim o Ra1st er calMe mwpontenm-Pnlcea rangedta-m *L1 O LUn o Bshes Behind a ""Ã";'4rtbull. toM ut 83» 0t. 86 Pu118 ens-Mediuw butchers soId ai $ V/ith a Drunken M an. te *$4M; cinmon sud mixei, *_U75 le Vioenc onUm ody Me elk M #*; covaeaIf3 bo $jper evt. vioee M o l utcd>. er don anhed Stockters a ild ' Fen-Mr. MurbT S- di e veto louAd aIU SMtla a.1.6Ports & fairt"ae tocker. and feede. mes tie ewre. Al lit l~<l Sd 115 werequite a- pricling of good loren. adegehu.i .1 feeIders on the market, vIleS vere emuler tih. canal and river bu*k t Itat Y1FIUýt7f to-day, aeslte -bthera got vi b t belliong thse body Sud beau s t v 10 wanted vitiout Savln to bu>' feen. the. vater to conceal tie crime. niebimont Mr., munit>' palti for ay> Th ite 11 girl was iatt soin mliv. lu feeders waa $4.60, but calIn a 1ev lni- the eompsny cf a drunken mnan. l'h. p. stafleulte neral prie. bing Irons lie are lrylng ta locale hiin, btLup 1 $4.40 le 4.50.'The rno f ligît stokera nov no trace cf hlm bas bec» dlevereti. a ligtt. but thon. vas enougli 1.16- Thte police befleve h.oa isthe masilarer. everte f111 tse demaud. vas oltered, fev of whit votre good en- T UEs WIIALUtS. 'a ,Oou.~t II ougit te eevomnd '-od Dr .lcea, idi h raURMetratu 30toi *M5eh.. NE S POMTHKFLIETI~~J5~.have "Itth&t. flnts known ali bobie, BD AT EAUIEYS ISLAM». v'elpellul Pr". U *0i 10*se fo'r tse bh -."0 ver two1 Sa nFrancisco, April 9.--Tii. Iit ad- caveésmold aI *7 *n it $TM 0par vices from the whaling fini hnprlsoed cwavi in t e k u t liail.y'se Is-d, voe re- ý 1 aaudLauvoe IIhi ceie this1h. il>'ycaterdy. Tki n.. withptlceM litisr. sC *V« "Mql cnsista ot tise steamers Deluge lieî- *à $ t*0.74; hucha, *4.50 0$di saa, Narvital. and Belveder, &M *iiasal tp-Nrd< 0 bave dgin ad suoed ê but lie Betveden ver. to winter-tisis sesPê*. sud "Mr. farquoles seleetil sounl ÃŽnttc Anche, thene Ja ne dangen cf1a 7.25 Pet cvi it- B i git4- aid fia t t atairvatoïon. -- Viemena b axodIeatit $ <Per f zo w <> toth *$8s"d stage. and tà onhIt inanex"rtetld wu.3»pr r ter ne great hardalpibaie be. record- IMURfS IN CWANA Ballersand lt aout 2M0miles to osw.erl l meu l aýtDonla. th.s*tward 0cf Rersebel hl&" T i~o~ » Q u Oie - 1,4ýA rtif"L «IM.. tImà tC ~ a uc-t.a-s n are uun-our w, slut 1-m ami1 via- brouglut ouit a relIef" e tdeobiiet othe C > 4amouasledPo. a=L»UP *15u»EUT Xtwy Rlglvay ffl1y it ulla lTu> WRilLia bnrit e. vetesiar>'"tud wltii -Dr. Puarvi*. Mt a 0ot gmm ,sued Peter Pervls, vt sl" elti 1l tout & i" bor asix mile is lset pAct. TS>y lit atout ilf»> a" u*Lga. t VoIc1ock, vbesMla lIe nulei of Sbt is>tuovmson7 8waugp, tIre e..e irhe tissues of tIhe throt i- infmned -d i r rîia teýýd; cough, and * thcre is; moriri »ta. tion-more coughing You taku / a e<>Ugh, mixtuiaciit eases -îhi Market -Repor-tsi The Week. Toront&o .FarmeW~Matket Thé, effelng 0f grain to-day ,were moder- ato. wlth pries goneraWy unehanged. Wboat teajdwlth sales of M0 bushelà of Fall at 7ksd100 bushela of gposea t 71c. Barley unchannid. M 0bushelu alilng at, We. Oats are steadly, with sales of 2w0 bushela at 38%S Hay la fair supp!ye. thie betng sales of 80 loadsatai$10 to iU.f a ton for tllmotbY, &Dd at 80 tb 38 for mixed. Straw soldi ai 910 a ton for one 10,2. I)re-Ued ho"-i. are uocbanged. with USght quoted ut ;P.0 £0 p.;ýand pliavy ai P.36 Wheat. white bush.....$0 # 000e DO0.. red. bush....... .ô05 0 00 Do._ busb.......O73 O 0O DO.. xoose, bush.......01. 000 Ont». buFb..........o 38 1/& o03 Barley. bush.........061 062 Poas bush............O7 0 0 Rire. buih...........o 000 o Ii*y. tlmothy. coa ....10 (» Il 60 Do.. mntxed. ton........0 8 00 StraLw. verton........... 000 Dressed Iou.......9 25 9 7S Aynles. per bbi.......2 00 4 00 ERuI. Dow lald. doten . O il O 20 Butter. dalry. ....2& O 23 Do.. crearnery.........30 00 Cblckens. per lb........ 13 0 là 5 Fowi. per lb........olo10 il1- Turkeys, per lb........O17 O 20 G*fse. Der lb........ .O 12 ô 14 Cabbage. per d«:......040 060 Caullflover. par dot......O75 f 1 00 Potatoes. Per bat......0-os 085 Ouns. r bat.........o0 1 00 c'O, y.Per doz.........O40 O 43 ne I. blindqusrtera.......w0 9 00 DO.. torsquartere......5 0on g23 rio.: choee. care . .. 0 > 8 <0 Do.. mediu, orcoae . W_00 60 Mutton. vre.wt.......9 (» 1000 Vas>. ver ut.........9 00 il00* l"ab. per cwi..........10 U 100 Loaaag Wifft iattema May. July. Mîonils"ola.. .. .. ......-4Pt 7t% - lmuth .. .. .... ......#% 79% 78% At.tos*74% #G% Trerouto LLve -Stock. *1 A gang of thiefft l" Warnliskl monasbr>' itM- of Yarostk# ]Rusala I, April 3rd, ani sot mavr>' w Tise funeral cf (3e.s,1 at Madrid yesterdt wi îtit lte hlghat mlia royal fumil>'and le S uigiii< ~3~0 sud 1, ,RUalab>' thé.var l ipa ' bmoijissit b7' tot*c, osu fax~~~~1 oia inp 1pert lina~~ ~~ amrvfrMimhsl t. bM pomSg sational parllkmu., ipou$ s Tueidle tri, mimd ant, Vi' Ps;. Ai IINL- : Sloi!. , 'and it cures the 1cod. That'u- what is necessary. It soothe the throat because. k reduces th4i- irritation ; cures the cold bcSust it drives out the inflam.mation builds up the weakened tissuëf. because it nourishes them back- to thecir natural strength. That', - - how Scott'sErnulsion dems w*thL- a sore throat, a cough, a ëcl - or--bronchitis. s=TTr Bowioe Nd MONTRÉAL; W" i 1,T i ý 1