Whitby Keystone, 19 Apr 1906, p. 2

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)ITIONS II~ Sut Houses are -Coflapoing, Buryingt Their Occu-ý pants and Roads are Beingf Blocked. People Grateful for Sympathy and Assistance Recei,*ed from thé King and Queen. dit 'i. &1L~kt '-h' Needed tcr Relief Work. A new grain echange-ill. be built et N a p e s, A p n l I (l. S o w id s p r a d e t i. W in n ip e g , t a c o st $ 2 5 0 ,0 0 0 . catastrophe caiseîi, by the, eruption aoIf reinm A!,wr ,50imganssl N'esuvius, it is (.,tlîatMl fiat iL miii for Canada aunLthe C. P. R. liner Làke requin. an oi-gnnized body of 100,000 Michigan.- mon sud the cxpenditure of mauy mil.- Fnuis Pharellus Chunci, for many lions oft dollars ta lix boausesa mado un- c yars au editorial irriter for Lb. Newr sate for habitation by thic accumulationYokSn idytraa he om of aubes and cindem-s cin the ri-ac;e; rectt Sn, a e nillyesemofa aVes nhm sandswho have been obliged ta flee tram The. question oi a World'a Pair mas their homecs; cleur th. nofs ot huidi-diseuseed ilu Use Britishi Commuons. Thei i atmay yet b. savodi; exti-icate Premier mas net favorable Lu aont ln tram te ruina of taller structuuies aid Lcmsdon. Manufacturera aiaa appas. the. huytedead, " scene, but mny big Lonidon tr-aders Tepapers unite ta-day lu urging tise lavari -t Gavernment ta acindiheu-reenra Emîis- . lb.laînci ofthLie fîrst-olas rulser, sera mue Savodi thc situation altrtehfrýtRnaýws&ceul l cruahing cletout of the Italuanat e L.EuctRni, asscetlye. band oftheAbvsiniu n Adwafected. at St. Nazaire at 4 o'clock ye.- hbaîu a I the*hyuiiauofa Adom0 termdiv aftonooitat Lhe Cruesot ,marks. Abysaila, irn the spanin c o9n d th M ym gm " . ABOUT SPRI! ERU PIONS? This8 15 thel troubled by the season we occurrencec -misSKING ALONDON LADY'8 PRAisNc gat vee ath ie Irriatios v Il l'u 1 urb Ieaesiaetruxel w mors satstion. I1 thon triew anMd iioseu a st t*mgo o ms$bm tmprosment. Tise Irrtatjoi loges l-f»làaies l*4ýb. MsW ltlm umel aiebotter la gmgeneni bailis ias hmalbeesk mthssss» dO. snoti do -se-" Tber. ve» rs t r4rcet panlo e0 XÙW4 eyesas,. h. turued "When ta* fp a nithe. aorrowlng tathe9s boa oi vd ornnut oficiis hire rrivci ur. t tii rigt and ltasa ïak, de 1%0 4ù$« itae the rat&"direc7ionta4 resnoro tKingl o& 5, IC(i-the- .edtown. iL a o iiI tion~~~c et elsgaph boas . 1fdeaib ahi,. a e luegr.m e tfioi araa rec dLb 14bu , ndn p «et II)fi"s awe Tive liee totestet sphandlkasSnatk e oeln 'clock. aly liedifor til .r ir ting Mci e tien,* teegrpk,,u;eus s, qdm lontheng as twn the eul arry us tir l'h. M014 c0no1ùug noms tbs moeninîon m s or pil e o lb crrkin ca r le that the. lava I. cooling on *l s ides. " alMO il en, oneaed ekin, and Somze etraordinary esca-pes frotii Infats, maso nothrs carried them at destli have been recordod. A mi' n d tihe ra&t or ln thiri aprons. D)ogs, his four chidren have tison rescued at tooý and caLs, wore on the carte, and Ve aigbeen lcl;gt In thle e.h-covered .ometime., even chiekens tied together iEHnsafor 58 heurs. They wcre ter- by the legs, and piles af mattresees and rib7 exhausted, mund aeened. more like pillowmeand ahapeless hundkes of clothes, skèletons thm an man beinga. Firemen al white with dust' under the I niid glare. bave been sent irom Palermo, Slily, sud UI saw anceivaman lying an her back other places te the'villages in thLs Yi- across a cart, ghastly irbite, and if not clnity, Which haiyo aufiez-ed tàehosiLt dead alfeady of tear âcd heat and sut.- fu-om the. mil of a.shes, in order ta &,1314t 'focatiou, certainly almont gone. We aur. ini removing the sales fri the roofs and selves could hardly breathe. relieve thei exha.usted soldiers. "At the moment of writing, iu 8cr- Camp kitchené 'have been eetabliqh<'d rente at 2 pam., I can see nothing of at a n1umber Of Places, and froc mpsl!q Naples or Vesuvius or aven of Ischia, are being distributed whez-ever possLbe, Islanid in the Bay' of X.\aploe, 30 miles to t-hase in need oaftaUm) te the west of the volcano, for al is hidden by a lurid curtain that ia not af- fected by the fresh easterly breeze. TALE 0F DESTRUCTION. j "The aubes are a fine dark graduat & ~and are thiclc In mv garden ma-s on Marlout Crawford Givet a Vivid Acount the terrace audon ail the plants. Even o! the Scene. a distance of 50 y~ards there is a Plight film in the air.' NwYrApril 16.-The Times te- Condition. Improve,!.- day prînts an accuîît of ti!e eraiption Nitplea, April l--Viewed as a miiole al Mount Veauviuis by IF. Marion Ckw the eonditions throtighout t.le ares aj. ford, the American nove-ust. lus de-*- ecetd by the eruptions oft Mount Veau. pateli is dated Saut Ageuello. Bay 01 vitus, are better this mSening a&. compi. Naples, Tue.ay. After guîvng biefty a ed with those of the early per.ar e- general eketob el the eruptions, he mys. trd :Fheurnsdtoat of reYt«. where the main stream etf lava stoppeai hordy rqetdpAntosa tl rorre del Annunzata ta the point be .d but faintly, The main crater la wher tue main staea m t la a ~gradually enlargiug. where the mheain ett n aasopd 7eri fashes ovr rte etraa, on Sunday. The. lava carried va*t en ad tti ocioha .e&dimnj- russesoeburàed steam mand sulphurfT « Theavle«t ta,,i nwovriim*. t-s surface. Rike drmson inetted ' sd, t Aastei, oni e <rU11= and nothin« was visible tomard Bosco-viSataes ntas. , ionootiMi&de t mi 9 rr-ea..but eesi, acres aidai-k scoiSe. dills n tm t eiLy.Lare adn broken beie snd there by the greenah «ntaa fom h eiY ae coin- eurlig enoke af suphur. rasoftroops have arrived, &lo fù "At that point me resehed a ret t ai-n m forîecnuid i e tje a uea. em mr.~ ~OWn lie troc ta-n up by its roats and f186i h ta ondl ed, alid l >r oe r<j tu r eto black charoal, atuck out of &amhbêr e tram tbedsqandbon lui t-be reba he is ata sar agle Toair- W,.. mU helprestoro and mnutain-public or- Llinoat uubreat-hable. the heat înteese, der.- rhe faces ai tue people Who crawd«ed 1oatmst- mdibt i rp ipon the edge ai the. arrosted stream Cex o r ame wat mdarc act e.eup W T TWILL COS?. l~btmhaeket earthquake mas ~o1t mark of roui. irTI , ras killlOd by filllng lite t " e AIR LUN[ IRIP 1yuslug tise Secnd ameue elevat"d ruoad Lracks as a platiorm I-m I N BI B LLOON Whilcbt play tbtr hose, firamen more blamiimsixstorey manufacturiu«&a busineas building at 320 Eaut 23m-d sreeL, Neow Yorkg tto hm upp r oo for $3,000. il bas, iýo e-tbug- tç> open Ci«ogo Ani . -elasiM.3ettory, Vremya, bon déeded lu tise negative, the. Cicago seonaut, Whouirrowy es.ie mmem ie lii i. mmoned eter taj caped death recently luIn *akiasg a. ,1uke.oa r tise eteiof Plc. cent, nov says h b. iti-y Le uuake an trip ttao chicago fri KNw YorkC R YNG11 lai i-swetorsa prise oot43M -oo. - J «I eau% ttel! you muei about J n*0a aý (w talla of Lii. aflair » lie -« ü Bad at sftRIISH> fIMRg et tise New York Acre -Club calet on me yestenday a sd 1I agied a catriot antiTIM ALÂI I WIL EZL, miii staut for Newrk ns oiaday., > cý .,JLQY.É. The. raée possily srl. beg=nutbLi folovogSuday midI ope > Q ttawjv n, 4r, pil 1 Lb. ? Lu throuS ii Lb. clou i, ta Ch Allai Li'ÂU n . ine aia m«M wj 4b the FRANE 'UPE~" ~ nadan iale atruwa-1!4jthé ê et Entente la tis m at..j Lb . 8 itiel im ails. Ths ve k w It4* v- Boater CANADIAN, The lake ai tb e WosMiin o- psliy intends to build a large oatmeal, 4levator at Ptortage la P'rairie. 1Rev. George Gandei',of- Sundirldge, Ont, hblecenappointed by the Biho; of Toronto to 'the mission of Caledon Bth ligbthoues on the eat pler at Port Dalhousie are now lighted by edcc- tricity, and will be continued ;for thor balance af the season. . Boats can no pas@ the. Stasit& of Makinac witjoui trouble, there bing open iater el«,-r through frein "ke HurTon to Lako Michigan. James Eliott, a promineit St. Mary's reaident, ias found dciii ln hlm room at the Ontario Boume there yesterday. Ileat trouble was tho cause of death. Winnipeg building pormits, issned. to date, total 630 buildings, to Coet *,0, 000; corresponiing figures laut year, 496 'buildings, coat 81,136,000; an advanee of« *322,000. Mistaking a bottle of sethylated spir- its for brandy, whieh ahe needed tooas pain, Nellie Cavana$a, an operatol fer L. & & Qarrne, Lited, Toronto, took s fatal dose on Sunday and died esrly yOi- terday mornmg. A meeting ai tue ehazeboldersoa the merchants' Bno f P'rince Edward la- ]and yesterda-Y almoat, unanimoueiy vot- cd ta ratify the sale of the bsnk ta the Candian Bank of Commerce. li. latter wili assume cantrol at thé end of May. White looking out of the cab windoir o! a locomotive at Fort William George A. Dewitt,, iper, employed at lgnsce, iras caugbt acrosa the. ock by a rape dangllng (romn a moal chute, and va. 50 beverely injured that iliteflà dompared The Provincial, Legisistur. ofune Edward Island ba pas.d, a meare inpsng a minimum tai of $1,0M0'on balcone-fiftee>ntli ai one per cent wbo e b sive sie s M P,5 0 ,00 ans d one- Lweît4eth-af one per cent, on aIl or Ihat amouut BRITISHI AND lOREION. Large Bodiles of Troops on the Scene--Escape of Man and Four Chlldren. Naples, Apnil 16, 10 am.-From a&l fer. wlth the. Nepolitans' roneration for ¶uaatera came reports that the situation theli- sainte. A maman ln the crowd boas uneiorated, but salies tram Mount betare Lhe palace O iai heard ta confide Vesuvins ai-e fallng evorymiiere; bouses in a friend as 1011w: are ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "M colasig idbuyig her ce- ' îivesat Tonne del wýe ollpeig an buyin ther ocu-Gi-ea, is, a refmlgee. She bas been ro- pants, and roads near the volcano are noceoived ita the royal palace, livea like a onor opened than Lhey are closed agail prnîcesi, and lbaibeen*spokeita by the by ialliug cinders. The inhabitants of Queen, May the. sinbe pratect Ber Ma- tusq clty are enduing t-ho yellom grey 'rut. Kn otNalseH fu ai aumosphcro of ye&terday, which is even Ing for Sali Guiseppe, OttajaanadToi-- moe oppresive than before. The popu- signe, lu arder to ascertain persoîmîîy lau costume af those wmb a <a aI ord iL tue Ltus! Situation iL those tamis. Re consiste ot automobile coat, cap and gag- hoped te lbe able to continue hie journey gluwhih eabls th wemr o min-ta Sarano aud Cattellamare. Mis lia- «le. whch eabls th wcrer a min-Jesty inapected' all the camp haspitala in tain a acinhiance af cleanlhneas, but the which the troopa arc cam-hng tor auttering people generally bave ta lie content with refugees, speakiug te tl4e iujured, coin- paper maska, anl raisedi umbrellas. The oting them n *l ir mistortunes and drivers of trolley cars are mearing masks th~e m *bit hss. O cold do a reliv roC&lff&sa. n ecevig rly in- of soin. transparent matou-l!undes- the dctu Bfe..disease "ad hat visai-s ai their caps. could lie doue lu hie or ber lichaIt, Hia More ehopa more openéd to-day,- and Majesty gare orders ta have th. desiro Lie clty lsa lomly resmmng itacormal fulfilledi. This gave riue ta many iieart. lite, The. people, hsving rocovred fi-cm ronding sces. As the King tient over s tbe pbanio yeaterday, are los sullon Poar man. with toil-hÂndeDM bande, ad downhearted. Thc presence ot Kiug visose riglit leg iiad been ampntated, th. Vicoai-Eminannel in Naples, mhich aI- sufierer, replylng to His Majeys Paue,- ' waye praduce. a good ettect, ha;setedi tien i-cpi-ding hie immediate neeatiea, 1 es a touie au the Neapolitans, who barveisid witI tears i ieb eyez: "Send mec a tnporsttoua reneoln toi- Ris bM- my son, wvias sring as a soldici-," T'h. lesty. From early ki Lb. day crowde King, via vau visibly affected, claspel q pathered belon. Lb. palace, moere meu the. man'& baud and exelabmed: "My ponit were beard ta exelaim: "He cames, but felloir, I1cun do much, but te grat your t tbe Pope stays at home. Long live the requet would moan breakilig Lb. lava, a Mas. o mmcli I must b. tue finit te respect. 1 1 This feeling. homevor, does net Inter- would gIre snything I bave more iL pos- u e m «W'î At 1 have5 etlilag ta M0y n e CEYI Put up in seale man 40c, SOc aid 60c ra % ==a=== Opertq~and -Minu StIi l'y ng for a Setiment New York, Aipril I6-10-Anther 1edieLM mil b. made to-day by the.,sub-comnutW tee reprcseîting the anthracite cai'op- cm -sasand -the- mine-,workors _to.. reus asgreeunen.t aidnd e m bakt moi-k. The, minera who bave lied under considertian sunce Tuesda.y Lthe ountm- arbltratlon plan of the operators, wmui Iprovides Lhat the .trik. commission of I1902-3 Lake Up the. dispute so taer as it relates ta wmges and a methad for the adr*strnent -o! complainte, are ready to, ou ttheir swer. - Membersaci t-heMiner' (Jemmitte. have intlmated- that they mli sccept the. strike commission if iL li prmitted to take up au, th. demande mmd y b mage w rrle, se ons f wmidithey have gmest!- mpdited. Thse minera wMl insiut thet the ëlghL-hour demand along wlLh re-adjustment of wa"ssud me-construc- tion 0f t-he conciliation board b. taken Up by the. arbitiratore If Lhe operators Ïhsould refuse ta entai-tain tiiese amend- Imonts to their plans ti. miner. mayW st=opnegotÏatlona, cal! a convention and ~ deca- that a stniko eista. Preident- IMitéeiland the. other mnembers o! the. gonexal mcml.comuitteo however, ho-: liev,the . dispute vùl uot go se lai-. Tii. sub-ommltte iield- a shoart session lu thie fou-enaonm to, nvass Lb. situation. WAS YOIR( LOAN OWN [R. WTNEB TEOUGET PIANO cou- buate li th. înow et co metl aid v e. omia - fu ame obtai Bt.o, oiotu mm e '-I Woi7ý= Ã"The lodger who accupied faonr was a* steady elderly ci remarkable punctuality and Stili the toue ai the home mws new to Mona, who had tomed ta the arlutorcratic, uioety O! hier grandmnother', the distinction o!flier relative Ment43, Tic or.7in embers of the bcd accepted Mrs. Newburl daUghter frankly and cordiai Robert and Lady Mary Eve -et Iooked on lier as an iu attahoot tainted by an adnr blood that was anytling lui tIhis alie was but dimly consci under lier grandmother's wli ben receivcd ivith decent cii el e lt keenly that aiewma iaItlîte only rial triends i ed-to sink froin the love! c hbum-gh traditions to that of alnIMOt advcnturous, -nabadie dîd uaL regret Lie desperai had. taken. Why, at ber age, fink heracît for a long lite to that mould irk lber aoul ? manda so imuch. It takes tho 9 UIl-Lime to teach moderatiý wlsdom of compromise. To- Mona, the notion ai tir ing instead ot devotion Loaia] sià tbe inportumute adoratlc dulI, mas intolerable. Above. çoa disenchanted i mih lite, au dreama af perfection, by St.. conduct, th*t ahW1.ancied i L oile .thie sca.ttered fragmeni atlon's ahinngtemple could formedi-not knomîug-Liic m ouporative pamers oatLimn a Fatigue made-bhon uloop se tiat iL Loak -soamo ments cousciouanesa befare skiecce mhs're she wau. lh saund -( maving neminded hei-that aiE lng Mme. Debrisay's ioom, ai that lady came out !ully dri iblud a lange Japanese-ici- converted oie corner ltaô claset. "Aid how did you sleep, ai "Oh, mwon; Loe mélli" excia "Wall, usymiiere you sm-e Sous cup of cottéesud: a t ai- 1 have a long, bu-sy day* I go to'Mua. Ai-deUl'. grand ma« tii-st,, aven at Keuintonm. for .four mai-tai baiera, thon af food, and glve twoJi-ivmt, the samneieghblorho, sa I -net la business.ý" "My goad landlsdywlU somiothïng ta est atbeLr d"n~ vs viiibavea &coq -tés tiië "Tisaisyou, Deb." - Uoneehay.taksmyour Lim -ryou, my lamb; tbhsI la botter- tori- -sltthng r.i Sbe hurried &I îwysuid reLu Liai .Moascould ae x. famù cup af café au lat oýbùtered toast. Oums mars obis put In hea "l'utsoff nom, ma- youuat ibis. dcii-; ti.r.aue orne b Jouqh Phulipa Nid Cwamel P-oourleto-. Mi:pln thse Nationl Nontbly- & Tdp te St Louis Pal fo- by York Loaa-uvsalgat o CotinuS A Toronto dospateb.: That the. Liszt ianso Company, belong L e seYork Couftty Liwuivnsempn a Lbe Opinion exrsed by Mr. E. W. Drakie st the uniumed lîveat4pton lita the chige agminat Jomepi bil . fors Magistrce Denison yesterdsy. Mr-. Dm-akse, hid aise garded Th. National Montbly as belonging toe i onComs- pany and bad tald persans mhom b. bad csuvassed tat sueh mas Lie cam, thaugh ho said i rhovd , e ~igdavs" for- me don rons Phtihi, Wso elihsd b magai. l m.M- Barrett, muain- agi l-ctet o! Lihe Batuàte Lglit Poir ,Company, iras agalu n hLb mit- nom box ne mas alsesked inuregard ta âs week's iait'téE t. Lou ic taiho and thse other dlretr Lak, mnd mIsa in regard, toa a$3,Sô0 item mhici mas Ci-edit- cd to the York 1-Countye Loan Company as Interes $' aithog4 aiL Lb. Lime aonly $M0 Intereat masdue, te --ieéiities. T'h. transsaction Look pliae noirLb. Lime of, -b.eIsuing of -theanisual state- ment, %t make a goodi4,Pliang," nmid Lie mwituims. Mm-. J. Z Joues, prisoier'. coensl, lu- timated yesterday t-bat b. led r ot in- Plslllipî ýuresLcrday signed document caing a 'spéclal m.te 'in n dtym tIme of Lise ClY Roalty xpany for tus purp.. cf -traiuferug to tse lquid- aLoi-a of -the. L"oaeompany landsa vaineS at la" ,00 Ti,1ais ad tientrai. tcrr.d -tram*,Lb. oi»An ouanyto tié ReaIty Cmas wicshid special- ly ineooipoi-t>d fi, LIepurpose, sudLie? fariner Compansy &a oiartitIs ta epro-, pem-ty. Wln.. 1. iustton goUs VallIB.hmCollé', asbelgcormoot. r îwomen, both Young -and midd1e.aged,- are )f spring'erizptiong, either on their0wn1ace and bodies or the faces and bodies of -their children. Spriutg heat spots arn so many indications thât the. blood is ont, of order. In nine cases out of ton a akuggish liver la the -root cause of pIMPles; The liver, viien thus disordered,, IDU» tbe-blood wîth impuri- ties and thee mpurities have to escape by way of the. akin. To cleanse and in$gïoratei the liver la the. sueat way te purify the blood. Bileau for Bülionaness act dàuetly upon the liver . They purify and invîgorate it, and, thns enable iLteo cleanse tiie blood and remove Ipimplemý eruptions,4 spot, etc. Tiiey act genutly uponi the bowes, ".tins curing coMipation.. Theu te- up the digestive. orgaüns iCure bîiinsIon of tone--ani alment torY commen à ithe spring. 13110=0 conta ne trace-Of- the fouii n m ot Uvar ai Sdtomach w or NO AQKLTh. ae ury 'ta- bls ami fablfor ,vn thimpl dhot 0 1 1 rrm AU 1 ot et priti.,

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