Whitby Keystone, 19 Apr 1906, p. 3

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* a&j5-'i.~I. *T :> ~. ~ IMinurs Stili Try q Settiement. ~rid16.-Ailother efom '&y by the sub-commlitU the anthracite masl op- mine workers to reach 4sendthe mcxi back tW s~ ivio bAve hadi-nuder *0 Tues9day th.e cunter )f the. operators, whicb v etrike commission ot hi, dispute -wo far au il Sansd a inethod for the inuplaints, are ready te the Minera' Oomintte. Jisit they ivili accept bsîix if îa îspermitteti e demandem ate by the rfie of whicll they bave Thxe iinera wiliita pur deniand a!ong wità :wages -and re-construe- iliation b)oard be taken rtr.If the opçrators cmtert5aiî lieue nend- -plan the ' minersmy r, cll a convention anti ~trike exista. Premidenl other niembers of the ,mitto owever, b.- wÎll not go e far. The il a- short cession in Anvase the situation. SAIN OWN ER* HGR PIANJO Ce.-ly STS PROPERTY. 4, Claimeti Propitor. ýatlouaI Mothly- A: mia Paltifor by Yerk ilon Coutinueti. ateh: That theis, it elong. toteseYork vings Company *-s sed- b-7 Mr. E. W. led investigation loto SJoseph Phillipe b.- nison y.aterday. Mr-. gardeti The Natioual rsg te, the Loan Gem- persons wbom liébat waa the cae, thougis a "ealling dowus" for ip, who claimed th. n r. 3fýr. Barrett ,ma- le Southern-Iighn & rs again in the wit- tIso askcd in regard 0 St. Louis WhIch ho ors took, and aise lin -ufiwhieh wus creit- aiity Loxin Company gh lit the tiîne only lue tO the \vitneSs, ok plare near the of the annuai atate- good showing," sait rîsoncr's ceunsel, lu- hat lie did not lu- 'hange of venue. i sigssed a document neting ini ton days' ity Comipany fes-the rring to e eilquiti- brnpany lanîde vaincti rids Iisd boeen tran.- lan Cornpany to lhe 1 cii had Zenr speciai- rie purpose, andt ie coer titte te the pro- ,tionied the Ronm- ae s hrîng cunnece- mnlt.v LoannCoiupanyr. zot plipils ive OI tliU.%rfee receivod fon 061 have Some l'lec tfrat 1 have 1thi wlholo tling te r f bookcoping. SrtcJiil((j lit this d the relîsitane 1i thlIee f $00 Wha.t doee that te intnrest,"ias I-o .,;~ ;~ 'a CRYLON Ni Put up in sealed i1lei mnany exq fO and 60SGc per p ilIOtEST ANW AN W 'é lotges' who occupletithe u floor -sa a .teatiy eltierly clty cleri rsmarkable puncîualiby sud preci St411. the loue oetthb. bomely tiwe was kcw te Mons, who issd beeu a( tomed tlethe aristoreraîle, if nar nsiqpfr cf ber graudmother'. bouse thSe distinction et ber relatives' estaat tie nly menubers oet he tamily hati'accePted I Mn. Newburgls'a gr daUghter trankly anti cordlally wert Rgbert sud Lady Mary Everard. ret'loked on lier as an lnterioper offeboot tainteti by an admixture blooti. liaI vas anytlsiug but bine. this se was but dimly consclous. %% natiO ber grsndmotbei's ring, ah. han rcce'ived with tecent cîs-lity;1 ah. <.toitkeenly that &she was about % iietk t theoniy nemi tricudu she posi ed-to, snk frors lie level et lb. I hû'rgif traditions te that et, strfgg ainsoal advenburous, nobodies. i-et dit sol regret lb. tesperate $tep haitt aken. Wby, aI ber age, should lluk lirself for a long lite te a Ibral tisaI wonlti irk bier seul ? Youtb manda se much. Il takes ttrifrc a lite-lime b bteach mederation &ad vi>lstof etcompromise. Tüo Mna, lhe notion of lemperate lIg, lnalteati et devotion te an ideai t at 'he- importunat. adocration of ai whom ahe cenaitiered eommohplae dull, va. intolerable. Above ail, mie no tilueuchatet wlhh lite, anti love, drsama et perfectIon, 57 St. John LU conutc, liaI asofance.!Il vas in siblé tbé seatteret fragmenta of in. aliozn's ahiaingtemple conît ever be tonuet-not knovsng the msrveIeus euporalîve povera cf lime anti nalur Fatigue matie ber sleep se profoni that Il teck tome moments cf vsl eensclousnein betere abo recognizeti whel-e ai. wau. l'h. ucunt ef soes movlug rexuintiet ber that &lhe was e lag Mmne. Debriaay's room, anti presel liaI lady came out tully tresacdti beblnti a large Japanese ucrecu, wi cenverted oeecorner ta dtrent "Ad beydit yen .eecp, tear i' "<Oh, well; tee vellu" exclsimetiMM 'mWcul, stay where yen are, l'Il bi Ï ou a cup et cotte. anti a bit o! le ton I havýe a long, busy day betoro 1 go l e r. Antiel'. grand eslablashu tiraI. ver at Kensington. 1 am tU -for tour moitai hoe, Ien I gel s ot food asud gis-e tweprivawI tssný the name neighbonboot, se 1 au ebL ns .lu, buaineas." "O! courue Il la; do net mintd me1 "I(y gooti lausdlady wv ivgse sernthlng te est aI ber tinase-lIme, ve . vI b ave a coq tes bogetibr V I1ce0=e lu." "ThNazk you#Db~ "Yen sec 1 bave liSes 70 stlos chneiMy Moins. Ivas Jui rsd liefryen, mi luisi; thefenâ 14 Stter for&a silng room»0 Sbé burîletiavay', and reluis.! n than Mena couit baie expbeled, vit fragnt cup cf ete tau lait and a o! n ttredtost. Ose@ mersou"a put la ber bead v aciseerful : "VIs et!fnov, miSe yoursbltc"fi able, dean; bisaisare uomcboisasm lot otflasmiy RenaRda'in-tisemeut rM tics-e are -alenid MWenla tlu iu, * aks ycnr aot sbau d tle lime. Take lIS.bast-belU Y«sV a.ytlslng-usof etti b e ris bbc lttsg ois.ItasatoMd day. Tcri boat agaist lb. eoe la bew.windov cbh It ld il, as84,11 looSe4 over a -unai quare et'gr#*% a t ARM TRP-RIBLy -MrAY DIE. ,cela] despatois siyu ae14, iun theS1 sdcre of' r:. WVille takIng ôýLt Preparatory te bue 'Of a wild chiale vhkd by onie ef the Un A. Hlaitwaa. la- Nillianî Eliot4 se- lio accitenta is-ie Tbe mnen vere Is i e lake -between LncevilJe, bot.h al- plaîn, viien IeU,- n surV Ow a Wità sud lnjured llght- le bonI Hall puileit & hkm.. wieisbot&i fat, cauelng a ds-', trougla hi. bedy, anid shattering . 1i1 ible manner. - do col, mal w I lJe~ siiivYe«; s Y« hu .arm nxq Om r uvtd e. IleA te uwbe itl fl im rZ «m prmsel nyatiiig. slà?5ad 48 à 9i t aatl te 7«iMdLi Uv. we .w&Il rt obu prMI. .a «l" n7m dii a, a"Idl5* trbuit 1tb5k Ibide iebVII te. pa b*aiWya»W a" Ou.vAleb..m, SI. »iSp.W m y» lëm tome; Masi PmOtv ba, uIt. W*M iftPe l tomV we*,e% , ?-n' Ta1 ua.ysêlm mie mu e..u!»wq us" oau It chases away that old tired feetingï and fils her -with new life - 80 DELIOIOUS, TrOO. ONL ONE BEST-BLUE,:IýBBON'8 UT. 77ffl -~back t â0 l «I canuet, Mr. Waring; you must take lHe thrust lit on bis linger. <'Then It.i -aU loyer betweeu s 1 Ilho 4~JNTUýA ait, pausionait*ly-; 'ai! quit. over! Fer- haps at inabetter soi It would bave broken aci P cketsto preserve ts- yheart, te try inu vain te -wmn your ceIIenc qualifles. lv;and, dear au yen are, I vouli neot have yon w1tbeut IL. Geod-bye ea OflaG. Dy ail trors. . yots hall, taugh me how ulvai VAR ST. LOUIS, 1904 a;yel I ght have madie yen hstppy.» With aaslight despairing gat"rof tisebau héturned lanti Wt ber. Léft lher lu a atate of teftible ageta- tion anti tiubt. SN Shetdid not expeot to be socompletelya routei,, o utterly asbamed. Ho waui strenger'and nobler thon athe thour!ht. t She hati breken vitshlM,. anti abs a tot hun. She hall offere4 to retrac, and hbe hâarejecteti ber.I Tt paiet ber infintely te tblnk that atLast a or kept te the en"agment, she would bel,% miserable. ipper lie wouid bW awfully angry. Indeeti, àib' ell wl or me seen," ah@ taIla ber- k, cf 4pet b. would. It might help him te self. "To-day bis bearing was dignifleti ison. ;Low of f bis grief. Hie wouid writé andi carnest, bis feelings weretieeply moyed-to*morrow hMs eye will b. caulb llfing severely; able dreaded bis ietter--butby son. one cf bsthe ychrmggrl rrw * 'to om n peofey- ho meets, andi ho will b. f arbappier thaIi eor tkatl'possîbility was unspeakaluly terrible~. with oeeWhose hegirt is deati, like mine" àiish* The. dreary hours ivent slow1y by- 8h. sat long quite still, thlnking pain-c slowly, yet iàtst. Si. coulti net f orm wi fully, conuscdly. Then she nerveti ber- lhO oScepticu of wbait ber futurs mighî. self W .seek ber wribing ma ".lài, andi rud- Rer powera cf imagination, of <,<no. begin a letter te Lady Mary.r le Sir fùre, paused, paralyzed, before the bris What a task it was 1 low wortb- *1h tijuidiffîcuties of thbe present. lesa anti ungratef ni ber owra conduet r, an She could hardly- epect a letter from seemedti t ber as ah.e atreve téeeXpIain SWaring tilI the next day. He was atay- lit anti excuse herseif!1 llow iâiuffi- ofj ing.-not very far away, in Hamnpshire- cient, how puerit. ber objectious muet yile with bbe gentleman who hati been bis seen to thosle wbo, hati he b.ksy t lion gurua nd for whom he hati a great; the pu:zle! -that key nons sboulai«Ver Sregart . W i man was-Mona felt, rate' et Sbe knew tbat haa ho never met t al a- ur than kn»w-oppoacd te his marrialge slle, 4 a h. e u beai«t-uhole, abs Mi-with herself. She was eonvinced that h[se might hale own t0 like Wri, sufi- conuidebd ber net sufficiently well off cently well b tha 1Y.Bt Lï1s hati e or important to Wc s suitable match fer lifteti a corner le, t e veil which -ides g ling, bis ex.*Ird-. lie would asalut te rouaite th mysteries cf tif. from Young eyes, c ahe Wrn' wrth ne mt ber, andi would and given ber a glimpse et isun pas- 1 henot let him iowertUeimî by a persoual sli and the encbantmnt of It; uow IsoInterview. n othing leus gtowing could, satlafy ber- i dors1 8h. strove-te swallow a morsel or tue! &ail»ia. stam. anti v.sk. &ud Ibhis 1de- cf the dinner set before Iber; tiie tried * bero whom oh. hati inveated wlth ail n '01 to gather the. acuse cf on asrnizig telle the attribut«- cf nobleat mauboot in. the b Lodn Reader, anti interest ber- 'atrengbb anti teudernesa, tbe masterf ut self lu the. tremendous persecutiona ed decision of s fine Intellect, thb. geutie- U lik- the, beroine. Ail iu -vain. Tirs., how- ne&& of a kuigbt-orraub, lhe bati howu a hero, lever, wau roli ng on; ah.epsiFht soon ex- blmWulf ber iu bis trie.coloransd mxan peot Mme. Dcbriaay. Four o dlock &truck owpl away the illusions whicb bati aud wheu sble hati ne jutote b dreom te hbersd round bis image lu ber mimd sa seek for s01110plece of fancy work (whleh ) grever. Sbe talai trnly there vas net ansi Mme. Debrisay infintel7 preferredti t a vestige of love lu ber heart for auy ii,s imenduxsg ber clothea)*, uben bbc sounti of man, uer titi ah. beileve she coniti ever %"-bth f ront-door i»ll, foibcucti by a step Iu belles-e lu suother. the nezt rooni, matie ber hop that ber She tit Bet dream ofthbe cnormui 40' kind hostea& hati riturne.. ing que - recuperative powera which yenh u a re- l7 Iu to gTS4lI ber, she bebelti Jane, bbh ess. 1SUR it was a bitter bleu, tisat« re. sevan, n he ctofligbtinf the P5, sent ber reolimg back f irsthse Ibreaholti Wbile, by the. wind, lookiug pa r-stern-.of tifte, te recover as best sbe coulai her adYer tisa ath. lhoùgbht b.coulti, stooti Les. vaabthpee!rubudeures kln li Wart-onge! i tf r.«J1-respeel -love, everlasting eonstauey. s Onet '<odmrIlg~h t sif' Sbe bha n eompletoti her tif ficult O âar thson tl shoultifinti rou in?,' letter, when Mme. Debrisay camé in. eC bar Tas hile Jane pulieti down the blid «I amn quit.. doue up11 she cried."Sueh lt ýntiy anti retireti. Tiien bo matie a utc p for- vleao eri I y wulr change my boots, 4 rom ward la ubere Mona stol ,moticul a " aaob.wibh yen lu a minute.. DBUt 1 have 'hh ber trembling bauds iocked tegeter, her a nev. impil, seMy W.duesdyvWlei eyg- syaide-openet, gauaug at hîm. vo ige114aItKeSalugl On. We' .oer Ad "Mo yeu seriously mean wbal you Save everythlgtatbes.» uriblen her.?<' be uket, in a th ek, u- ha k j 7y ousaseBIoroanima.d SUA. st'ady voce, as h. drew torth anti opel n- et vho*uMMusdllose$ h retuM ring e^d ber letter. tc iIWrn idcrethé animr b o )aît, "Yua,"shesa"i; <'Ildo." Ifct t a ries.subd < o u avaylu nie. "Then 1 have a rigbt te asaStise reason oerrow sundlgniton eu Se better t ment 0f thuasuttisu change. IWhat have 1imIragine&i tisadeineibeti. tiere. dene- te deseIve t 7- - Sb*e »astoe dsoIy affects! fou seeci.b bit -. "Yen have deserveti nothlng butjood 8h. pu"i.!bac&b ha#irrosletb, o tu sudm grttd rois --» fîe-"ratata un maee IleWt alt WONDEIgs 0FMANYjI et! pPUil bilas i s.Tetybe mous atone et Ober-ÂmmnergatuivW"- bas.a humas face et sorrow mnaiked by lie ,baud o! mAture on #ilssurface. ý-1ý The atone s4luovered by au Amul-, the 'viIIaseof Ober-mmegau taao for onil_ MG oogo l t s aya the luqulaltivé ealentiatt,u li, wu tahle atone -nalurally àarkot Thia la 8a question It la hllkely t&Pu-> rde maukint forse lonsg a «itlu u»slb utén. exista. Dr. Oaruett who bas exais- lu.! At, eonutsay mom Utistisa it lu a *Mteat bsral enrloslty, more cml- OUa \ttn auytbiug oe-thle %mse.nue wlth which I ams acquaintetani b b - -o07 et s discovery lu more cuie. iu tise Churth o! St. John, PInca, tiare lu a Stoe. liai 1mules scientiste e0,e@ mort than do$e:s b.onec!of rAism- Irergan. Il 1a eurloelly xsarket vith We. bIne anti yellow, sud thise usrpe sent an is mantiss tISheurt anWLtihAl b.)) la bis baud, seatetibeade a-suis!! stream. Thie atone fragmlent las Fqiosel te cotalu a pictum of ethe Redefmer. - Mystery o! Havalan WeII. A water vel boreti upena a istallo MaI ealla, RavalApresentet aue . blem le tisé vend'sï w à ll l atind P began leus eueon@ Btiser the qusIlc 'Dos lte sarlh bret 'Tbite Is won aI Ka"lia btatb-href htih »smo ' u 1.boré#, anti l IbI Ata8oloeklin thernisagtevaa *eD at #àhlit Of gitfot six hbouri lit lie valetbubbie oeveS tetp o1lte tube il, a, sti.4 sre "dto"moctheu ietmornthv Te' ilaiag M aa gazJ5< outinuod lIba bd" work. for i» long as 1h. ln. asiwu~ e the bore.Iý etula w vasDot- ns!I te i i . vorl <niai r1ln ud1" 18 k of-utlà rQu for sois. lzme anabie te est, sud ber serves had suiered sbverely trois the bOàfk of ber grantmolher'a ntiten teati. It matie Mme. D.ebrlsaybe soft heart ache to ace 5ev thln andi vilte ber pet pupil utd grown, how ah. atarted! anti tremblet at suy snddeu noise, and#,above ai, aI ber tateyf fart te b. cal and heiptul. Et was ahnst tee mucb for ber, 151. rai lgfor tubaI th. morcu shouit 2-ugforth. 8h. kuew Sir Robert liongb Lut, vas ebelerie, anti, 1k. all seui.- tîve coatnres, she shmunktrou rougis words; aise strove W trengthte bIerseif by reflecting liaI aise usa tb. boit lutigef et wul asbeat for ber ova Lappluess--tbaI she bat & rlgist -te decite for berseit-tsat sihe sa not bounti te obey Sir Robert, tbough aise hatedto te ontrstict hlm. Mme. Debrisay put ou ber beat black silk tirets, anti a prcty utle morning cap o! Bruâsela lace, inu hor of lb. occasion;. anti MouoswaepI away the ~emfused mats o! papers labotlb. d room, anti put th. ýplaceé in eider, stit- ung a few Christmas roses andi <cran- iuma, wbicb ah. bat persuade)&me. E)ebriaay toet1.1 er buy. 8h. kuew boy revoltedtheb.orderly barouet rouît b. by any untidinema or a mordit iodglug bouse look, andti he bati s vague feur thst ho mnigsb take ber trom th# aaylum1 the had sougbl.i As madame hat snticipatcd, Sir Rob- ert came bebveen -eleven Md twovlve. A' glance at "bis broat, usuallyfotum oret tee, aboucti how ravsts wrstb be bati accumulatei. H.e came abruptly labo lie rooas andi without a word of v-eetlng, excLajiet- "WMat the tane là th. ean of'e your exlraordiuary eoutuet, Mena. 1LVIv you quit. lest, your senaca?" "No, Sir Robert, I have been mku îp My mindto break off mycuen meul ever sînce my grsndmotherdei th. sait, gainlng courage wbeu abeelule-, yl vuder fn-e (Ta b.outlnaw&) - by »oelssgwiitoIusati, Aaprlng metile e sa mte b. auee- i1- Naturi dets2mtde Il aas aId&Wté us-lching bthe biotsuitd carrytg off tse Wpurltlea tha- lai, bSiesnsil. Ibrineth lb.Ddoor Ite .09lthe vlsber àà&ýthenota y for a splnu.Acs a "OV!R!-D. agai s-epalohomp1 ryand unksovs ,;, bay OPPoste Wtator Ibis n-sa itise nmrgue 'te rhe iltate et lt@ 1usd bëex li h large là l roeila wblhjp, ubero.S ea ikept. R..4- ache is otteù pM~ducedt by the odorae- anating froi the'houey.uckfr, ily, roue of 8h.ron ar carnation. The odor of be- tony, iii flower, as said toliave oeused Into6xication In t-house Who trIL MMi inakrng of linseetidecetono, and Umi trlturating of. reme- pinka, wuinuts, or colocynt.h aie otten, accornpanied. by u.tack* of syncope. Suak éroot, or blaek eohosb, ha. a Want disagreeablo odor, whieh sorne tlmecauses headaches And nauatý. 1eI otior fr'omfreebly gfround. ooffee producea ln &Omoe idicftô'a si uck.ning sea- tio foLlowed by nausea, andi ln rare la- stances vomitlag, but'usually It Je apsee- able andi appetirang. These few llustra- tionis will auf fiee to ahow the zarked influence that nîay scnetlrnes be exoeted over thé nervoue ayutem by certain odors Àt.teupt. tbave bem madie te utilice odore lu theraupeutica For Instance, the otors of vaùIlla a&Bd, bellotrope are croit- Its with Possesing a uootbliIg dz! eus. oTer pereonasubjeote to W ttaoke et moevouau* .The use of toilet water lu the torm 0ofspray wl e ften etare tho.. eiàaaited wlt thle ea «of bisai- nous, sacial or donietie duties. la 44*. tast t lm o f peifum, te coDàIdre4- purifiii, Uagh uc look upon fib mer'iy as a lumury. It làa uaerted-that thomé who art employati lu laborâteriés ubu pWuea are matie or amou g rwMsg Goere m lttiy toe tent exaceti- Ing tlswenol ao .mploýé& '" rà" es etIurthrytudLanid areful observa. t1m itImybeZ t we saffl-yet beabi. to utIlis erfme in t4 etmtmtIe ofo TEK RULECS TEIAT LEALD TO IIJCCES ployer'.buùm asuif kàuer. Your ou. IL Do mot expect O to pt iyoUu a a"ant <lieblnig. Do a 11111. moïs work 3.Be~>romp. &w tat yon b*veaa Iut'eain ourwork aboe, a4tde"Ai. t an. extra hit-boni laé la t zthe mers. ing. TYo-4,eaa't osmdowa ais aif-Ioiw late *xavy.Moe'uhs¶au. isuprm 0%rs r@ZIyr«wtht4ieu" ayou are a au lutiereut I& yoUi.wOk.'7 ý Do your wok w*f to-day, y«n woa'tbave tW do a" rot It over uqaïm to-morrow. & Be ciserful Aud WIug. Âel 'OossUbme las Mt.&tê pi upos 715-, I~~ ~ ~ Bàsùsr 0 v Won a, Îcelr, and "e '-UtO 7 4el) tbeý * g ue cý )t urgatlvu ei olses web* sé b. 8711- " = a AaîOIeth s u a nd - osuot p oas ,bl cure d es -$e.r a m t -$ltPiiYi OSSS.Tb*e bleoul5od Paôia.etM, or o c initi rieS, r"t aCi pst atir " ouu.tIs m ai01 do tISla ý W bst 1 olu4 àb i b eo,îi *0ut le boit tonte ibedli mleO*ft, Pimalsse as je. 1 diviïodi la Dr. WIllUs$ PAiS -otesou ti s,, r P filg, Evr O thies iedelats aotue bil »aor os, m 1 m ales nov vIeS tee t b* » w e î p S metftbey. -TisIAvtytlu iesy . pll &S.De. »t 1ew - a..f' isy o mieadbe5o! bsl u Md bicbee, aid assai- 9. Do luxt 4 I., and a bo et oier tmoblesa I esy-va- ê' kaId et "i trois pOr, v"ttrrbk»&eTw.Ka upetes 0 Dr. WIllIam.' Pin lus 7 0" it"a tas" teousi fr~ M S Mt Il. V 4vd*uee I wa, i s: 01baie u? Dý.W hlliamt'Pu , ~a~~l w11e vlb is psmtout bugt(lII isw Out euibu taMe mmecle *liaI ea* c04Wtjinsus u II» Visb 404 g b...pllaus»0 bat lb. Ik .11mai.,frElllau' ila Ps *1 a A Ï-lý WIsy do mounlalaetravel bu a iite puma*e liaI b"atumped rauy peut vent te ens]Ë= B eau ga=f eut visy lie Mam&us- mÙu ,a Gobas, batitain es oi eIsai b mois.Tii. gipatle mia et crItrI- 1 ê. et aIr at mbuIt.lt da" lied ba'Bvew Gn~Te 1 -7---

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