Whitby Keystone, 19 Apr 1906, p. 4

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~j, 1~0S Yeufriedu 't. ed,-the imytery of tbloc 8suoxwra" leu An U 7 c- gau wih ?s~ peplebuft 1 tfie real thlnr< ,alobg the Cr6eklUI nc>w. f8ome et* the tÎserme rotlu hOnie wet lntwade as well ais out._ It epWtd t'hat one, at least, had1 be gathered out of- the @tream jp ti f lph net. This week't5 fine weather hais eaum general rejoqeing. (Qardea operatiol and dther distinotly."rang wog have the rigbt of way. The usual sprlng order for bool fàr the public Iibrary was giveu o Prlday last. ý Mr. IR. H. Walke, B.A., Ja hone frai Lindsay thls week. Mr. W. E. Hume, princpal cil th publie schoi here, las pendng th~ Easter hdlidcays at huas hon$e Il Peegetowu. Mrs. Adams la vIiotant atait er c8g horne neair Orono. Four carloadas of turnips were sh4p ped froi here to the 'Ne'w York miar ket thia week. Messrs. John, Georgeo and Janui Colwili wore horne troua Toronto foi mrs. Wôoedcu, 91 Toronto. blas beer viEriting lier parents, Mr. andt Mrs Skinner. Mrs. Fowiiv la conbideraibly .bettei this week. Mir. John Kerr lis alsc 1rnprofving, thougb .1lowly. The service in the B.iptist churci was full on Enster &~Y, and a large congregat;on assernhied. The usua! sermon was dlapcni5ed wth, and thi service was of the nature of a song service. The choir rendered aeverai nelectiona In a very aczeptable man- ner, and the congregation sang mosi heartily the hymng, whlcb the pastar explalIned, and of! whîch lie gave a bri£history. The floral decora. tions were of a very tasteful char. acter, and -were the atubjeet o! pleas. ant renjark f rom every one. I t i to be hoped .;nottier su>ng Servieew- ili be given in the eàriy lut Arc'by the cholr. MYRTLE. Miss [itrôle Jateman and frIpnd, fromn the clty, sçienL (lhe Easter holi- day. wiîth friends here. MiusMay ChIsahuim sjt lVdnes day lu the village. .Mrs. Hsrry Brown' and Miss Etta Hott lapent the. Easter holidays wlIi~ their niother, Mrs. Ijoitt. fThe pure bred stock sales on Thurs- diay were well stten4e.d. There was a good showiug of cattie. Mr. D. -. L ulibol la recorverîng froni hie seveie colcl. Mr. G. lMcTagé;art spentL a Lew days in the CIltast week. lIre. C. W. flateniau bas returned home ai ter oepcinlnm the itr a BA..LM Easter 'isîtov5- Miss I. Livermo oronto, at D. Mr. Peandon, 'Toron to, and Mn. and, 3ra. R. W. Philpi, and cbuîdren,- Cati- mus. ai J. W. Phill'. Mr. F. Wilson, Toronto, at J. D. Miss Mabel Edwards at home., bliss E. Jonem, Toronto, at J. H. Mliss L. Dieney andi Miss A.. Skinner ai C. W. Dianey's. Mn. W. Il. Dieney lias returned toi lis home inlioissevai&'after spending the winter îitb bis Jiareots here. Mr. Ju-dfom Edwartis, who bas been attending Luie C0A-.'C.. Guelph,, la at home. ENGIN lias won highest awards at Toronto Exhibitions. foi tue p -ut fivo years. speaks well for, the. engi. i. - re. lk. da ,0uoupl, ikh 0 bsti rMut ou mw ions I ai St V'W m o FIIM gMay wlIUass u«rho"arnmd help Skà te for atrial bottle md viu.I eal,1 d.~ ~ N "'on- x mci l.. u URUG CO.., Tiil PartuSg cloudi oui Patbes r.face r is z79 King StrosIW, Too%*, (ada. Ail ea dnsgiot. ueïllor em obt.iaa* The.darkues. and -the Hlglit ammbots mlil k LEBIO FIT URE TO lio who iMade the nlght ai dmai ýcb ~~And, wben_;rL ]et% some <ar flci on Claremoat, fpcnt a few days at Mr. stfiIe, skafliîj ~1iis. Parsoss. mprotingH. 'OP«eest aes of glory, and a n Mr. ç4torrah I holig is dwetl FrontHi" uweetface dispels the. gathe ing with a Cmi.t utpaint. ing gioo,, 0 Mr. and Mrs. Jantes Dickso~n spent And Bhows tihe risen Christ and empi ~ Snsda diW. as Mfiat'aat sg-Take coifort, fniends, our loved on.. ai n Ia n. not dead,- Mr. Win. Hoar, of O»hawa, '.Isitexi 'Titi but the mottal sheil that deat 1 hi broherRobet tst wek.can break; I bi broher cibrt [st wek. The. living spirit through tih. parted lid Soars to its a Aaer-Goct Wiii He ni POt ,T WEITBY. sake Mr. Jas. Cbasetej, of 'West Lorne, Back to Hia brest the. jewels which H gave? %'luted over Easter wlth. hie Cousin, Taire couratge friends, nor fear the *or 5Mr. Clatwonthy. quered grave. Mr. and lIrs. Jasp.er Hit, of To- Eiided, 'ti, ru,, the earthly work c rolao, pen Later i hr fthe'., Whomn God ha. taken to a higher sphes, 1 Mr. T. Perry. VVe fail to grasp Hi. meaiig, but Hl Miss Foi, of Bowmanville, was knows, hiome over the holiday. And in good tinte will make His pui pose cicar. Miss P. V:tnvaikenburgh, &f Bethel, Take comtfort, friends,ounr lov.d unes gos 0 l3aspendlng the holiday. at her home. before Mrs. Dudley Woodbouse and chIld-. Will not b. idiens on the. other shore. iren. oft Niagara Falla, vIsîted relatives fLë-ot your ihonghts dwcll muet 0o avenSnnay.things bebind- averBunay.Sweet necoileciions, truc, are treasurec 1 The Misses Gaddring, of Toron to, tier- -spent Goud FrIday with relatives. Well-spnings of bls. which of t n c he the mind, lIns. Jas. Ernih vsîted la Torionto And make tise more hieart giad witi oner Eamt.er. j picasunes rare- Miss Elsie Atiriusozs, of Toronto, vis- Yet drops of gall i ii mingle in the cup Iited ai lie; home. For truest juy look forward, and look up, 1 WIe know in part, and but in part art Miss 0. bvLeud, ofTcronto, spent Lknown thie hocidays at home.j To those around nx, but unr Lord knowa Miss Vina Mcount, of Toronto, He basorsros a-sorgif apent Good Friday at hobeeHa n u urw mksurgif Miss Tena _012p, cof Toronto, wa8 And notes thse very sparus when tb.1 home orer l8!iuday. fali, MissJackon vsite la Toron te He knows our troubles ere our lips eau MissJackon isitd ~teli,. over Ester. Take courage friends, "He dccii ali Miss T!llie I41stson, o! Brookîbo. things wel." visited Miss Gay Suailli oýer Suinday. Bs ONTN bir. WI iirscr*, o! Woodburn, Is Wbitby,'.Ont. speuding her hotildays at home. __________________ b!essrs. Arthur aûd Etneny Souh- eil, and Miss Ethel Souihwell and fflend Mfiss Bidre, visited at lIrs. G. E n u o I Air. Wintcru and chlld. rf fPar_- fg m a l oldf mon.y, ivisited relati%'es here gver - Easter. pNEUMONIA is second only to Mlies Louie Ferry, o! troron to,'a-I Colsuzuption ini the numbe of ied at lier home.1 deaths which it causes, and ics con. sumption always bas its b.ginnin with a cold. Cold in thehbead,flever and chjfls, a cough which gradualybecoes d7y aind More painful in tie chest, rapl, difficuit breathingz, feelings- ofex-' haustion and depression-these are symtms of pneumonia. -You cau prevent and cure pneumo. niaýy the use of Dr. Chas's Syrup of Linseed andi Turpentine, thse greatest of s.h trea.tments for thse iliroat and lungs. The only safe way îs ta regard every cold as serious. 13y frequont dose of Dr. Chase's Syrup of -Lin- seed and Turponlnoou can quicly tgainst dangerous deveiopmcnts. tot Mient was ever ». sucoeufui for ti purpose. -25 cents a boutle, id a deaiersmU Tîs- 1 -a 1 1Atiamed Iwui, RAILIiC1D 3MAWS I'RÂYER. An olti rallroati man, harlng been ctiverteti, was aaked to lead Uni praýy- or. The fotlowang was the responae, "0 Lc«d, now that 1 -iavet flagded the., lite op oey feet ircom the rough robd of lite, andi pliatthem. 1 safeiy on' the deck of the -train of Salvation. Let me tose the safty lamp ikncwwn as'prudene., mine ail the ocokplings in the trran wiih sircng links of thy lave. tnd let wy baud lame be the Bibie, andi Heaveniy. Father, keep ail switehes olo.ed that leati off tiie si d- izigs. espec'laliy those with a blinti endi. 0Ljoird, if It4be thy Ipleasure, have -every sensaphow-e blcstk along the lin.show the wlite light or hope, that 1,nay niake the ruanof Ille withiYut .toppngr, Andi Lord, gIve ns the tene ommandements for soheti- nie tîme as we Pul eti the great stathi of death; smal Thou, the superintendent of the unIverse, say, Weil daIne, thou gooti andi !aihf n servant; coane andi aign the pay ral andi recelve your check for eternal happities." but tye 7e le Br. ne ,d er [i y Tii. Hospital for Sick Childron, College itreet4 Toronto, appealste fitthers unil niothers ut Oni#anlo for funds Le suaintain Liso thousancl sick. chridroqn tissa iL nur-e. withîa its.walls every year. jThe Hospital i.i VIot a local intitution- but Provincial. Tho. sick ohilci tram any tarse w ho privileges a. the chili living in Tocaond S in11tear lu cTe Hos-pa 912p7tal ade lits tél, on s:o711 ofdal thH h. " itteoiia. i h Hospital. bas treated 11,262 cuil- drea. About unabie to ow were tneal., Od fre.. 'Î~r money eu put gplden hinges mn the. door ci tii. HospItal'. mcY'. Ev.rylody'. dolar may b. tii. Frfnd Mi Sed tgSom.body-s ohuld Your dollar may b. ré door of hop* o t .e»bodye chiLi Tihe Uospitaljsay* 0oui hoalth and ,VO7d Phs ïdI 01i frio da "M O'»m*uuxm awnm em. km* t auy wbh Isuoe 0 tu -.om 4,4,4.4,~ 4, 4, 4, 4, 4,4,4,4,4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4,4,4,4,4, 4,: 4, 4, 4, 4,4,4,4,4, 4,4, 4,4, 4,4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4,4, 4, 4,4, 4, 4,4, 4, 4,4,4, 4,4,4, 4, 4,4, 4, 4,4, 4, 4,4, 4, 4,4, 4,4,4,4,4,4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, "t. "t. -42 This make of gasoline englue is in use iii ail parts of Ontario# Md iem»Ployed to drive ail kinds of machiner>'. Farmers find iL immaenSely useful to drive-sawing machines, choppers, pulpers, cutting boxée, etc. ThiS gasolirie engin. i *i1 0. CARPETS 5.. MATTINCim ýYou rieed *t 't. 't. 't.. 't.. 't. 't. 't. 't. 't. 't. 't. 't.' 't. 't. 't. 't. 't. 't., 't. 't. 't. 't. 't. 't. 't. 't. ê 't. 't. 't.- 4 Wooi Carpeta at Brussela Caq)et8, T8pestry <Jare, Union Carpets, Si Hemp'Carpete, .15 JapaseeMatting Carpet Lining, Se Stair Pads,* $1, $1 Curtain Poles, 2e Linoleum, 2 yds.-- Oil Cloth, 2 yds., 011 Cloth, 1j ydi 40o per yd. - . Lace Curtaine ati Ifyou corne)Xhe yoI CAS] NOTICE Ti eUndersiigued 1 CJpcômposed lof piiZt4 O Whet, sBey Heavy feeders, buyi It will do4by pay- -e 66Herbageumn" Q ~ ani IPlanlnu aMil Pump Fauetolo Carp.uit.r' shoo orlat mile In fact almost every place. where a quired, it is the ideal -power. O -o Qu-!these engin"s May b. seeÉ, wc oC Made In Canada The "PERFET GASOL IfN ~oe fl~ ffh Tis Appeal HIEIOSPITAL FOR sir sir SNX CHILRE For It Gares fur Every Sick Cilîa.J la Ontario wIiuse Parenîts Cansiot Afl»il to Pay Fi] l 1 1 RUGI

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