Whitby Keystone, 26 Apr 1906, p. 2

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afguard You r' Health ),tel at Alise liu rdNues the ,oad an1 the only evi- re tiinibled downh (laniage compara- ge beliug conlined ttcks. ln u a cdress te dihock.ftilskd thein a nd lelp cicar s the upivermity ooî, is 6 possib>le; i y, tCflderpCk the ruii iiiveriitY, lbs viL Ie said thit .depend entirely FS SI;NCE 12TH Pc rs~mu <o. SI. .'ls Miner 'tCn ~Sînte la .... Iilted. 1 5,000 20,000 60,000 41),0000 1(),000 70,000 80,000 4,000 100.000) 5.000 200,000 (1,000 41000 50,000 200.000) 5,0000 40 .000k 60,000 40000 1 0(Q s'o Ath Amer. -. 7,000 kîslor and cita, Col- ..14.000 .3,000 et ineludie t» encrp ilis. which destroy- îlaneurn. A. D. 73, ion, in whlcii 2,000 perisheti. ET AWAY. jnatth: A Western pemrator, who made h a niitary escert «pdrpoit last tnight laiinly crnfort.able, ml(flterl'd Iv tenita. aï, i'iwever, 1.5 'g, wieh raire up ttien) b" dev. (l.in- aîbout the ferry ans, nI of thien epe t o te eCity, vying big bindles. Stiioïe iwho rema.ln rAd of eunned gooda t ()f San ýr.nsc ey enter the ncigh- i t ' ti tives et jt - lui-ge il <itmoa irnnrdeiiatety dccl isian politicat ni i deportrd lte S81h0- Irt Iuîlt Ori%î,li-bk. £ e css. Th-e ~is weak td minor overcome lin, heals ~pared on Sup"_the Said ofe blooti, rhe stidIt # presti al 'two. more lotions, but ~.ditfigurc. le eligliteat e-ceounta et 5weetc lie inabandtiandi parts, anti ~EE' M PLE im.flnk Wini î~o if yen by u8ing q Oeylon Natural GREEN adulterated Japan Teas. 1Tea instead of, the Load packets only. 40c, $Oc end 60c per lM. At ail grocers. lIIOIEST AWARD ST. L0UIS9 1904 '<By George, you eught te bc eshamed le contess it. Te throw oft a yeung tel- lev th-at is a great dcii! toc good for you, thse moment a preSsing necessity was removed. I neyer was se bumiliated in my lite as when Waring camne te *eak teo me last night. Yeu have set- t4.! yeurselt iu lus estimation; there viil o ne drawing him on agin-a fpret.ty position you have l-anded us awil in. %Wlîatg Vo hecome of yeu, l'd like teo know 1" "*1 <iii try te take rare of myseif, and net te troublé any ane." -Take care et your.-eIf. Why, You have acted like a perfect idiot." "Well, Sir Robcrt," put. in Mme. De- bnizay. "I must env it i. the tiret time Igfiss Joscelyn bas ever heem told se.1 Murriage ia a very scrieus undertaking snd though it might have been mnore' satisfartory te her f rienda if sh. bhad married Mr. Waring, <ho bas a right to de what she tee.la î best fer ber owný bappirueste, andit r. aring's o&' Sir Robert Everard stared ut ber. wlth a "WTho are you ?" expression, asifi amazcd et lber daring ta speak. 'Oh, indeed, perlîspas he is acting un- tien your advice." "No, indeed, Sir Robert. Madame De- brisay lias been drcadfully angry wîtis me. 1 cdntees I deserve that yeu sbould a&l be ungry with me; aVilI I do net re- gret 'vhut I have doeie" "I baven't patience te listen te you, anad-a.nd I wamh my banda et yoii. I dent suppose %Varing would aocept aLny everture new." -"And 1I aat! ertainly net niake any," salti Menia, quickly. "Tien ivhat. Lç te become et you. Yeui bsvc't a i-up and my doors saH bho cloacd aguunt you." "But mine witl be epened to her,- @aid1 M r. e.Iebrisaay with dignity. I uspect. a.nd 1 toid Lady Mary so," hn contisitied, witbout beeding bey, "that . there i. <orne clandestine love af fuir un-A der ail this. Yen have your rnother's tut e for a low hemn lever." "If I find aà good a busband. I &hal be fort unate,"' crled Mena., vitis spirit;J o çJ ciuel puntshment neyer t e ee hem aguin." "I bave ne patience witb sentimental bosb," hoe returneti harshlv. "*Your ac- tien proves hew much ot real regard you havé for any ot us." And seizing his but be lett the reem. Thec next instant tbey heard the front door shut violently, and saw hlm rapi'i- ly walk down th; rond. CHAPTER VIL. "Se tbat's donc," aid Mme. l)ebrisay. atirring the tire witia sonie torce, andi putting down tbe poster with a clang. "11ev nawfulty angm-y li l!" exclaimed Mena, et iii itandina w here Sir Robert bad left ber. "."My icar," returned MNme. 1)ebrisay, "h. s a brute. lie might b. angry-i amn angny ;but b. bad ne business to speak as ho did ;and I1night have been the wali, for ail notice ho took et me. 1 trust ani hope he wilI net do you eut et uuy money yeu ouglit te bave."' '*Oh, Deb.1bew enu yen thiîîketf ucli s thiug ? Sir Robert Everard us tbto seUl et honon, though b. 1, rather hasty "Wbeu peeple les. their temupers, tbey J o ten loe thein beada and their sciae of justice. You unay be foliish-I don't deny yeni are-butlcannot bear Vo sec you crusbed sud miseruble." ,"I amn unbappy, but I arn net quit. crusbcd. IV rouses me te heur people ta1k as if there was ne chance et salva- tien ton me except a Lesie %Yaring'à vite. I arn yeung and w~iing te werk; wby should I neV esmu my living iude- ipendently, an you said ?" .Wluy, et course I spoke up bold te thbid tyrant; but between vou and nie, lb. beghuning in aîvtul liard work. Stil 1 have an idea. You muâttivuit Vl! 1 hînk it eut. Meantime, I must.ge;-antI you, dèar, just taes a book, and i îe down on the iota and try te sîee p. No .ôn. eau keep their wits gdear wben thev tfeel weak anti worn eut. Then <tif ?-an et bark in time, we'hl have a vaik. ÇYeu must get aequainted with this beigluborhood." non aflouild 1be rnariying Deneath me. 1 Anu awful quiet settleti dowu on blon% bave no wisb Vo deny my kinti, gooti atter 'these agitating interviews. lIhcru fatîser." vas notbing more te do-nothiug more "Thon vby did yen drap bis name" tu be reisteti. bue titinet regret v-bat "I did flot; peer gi-anale calieti me ahli at done, but the reactin nun pro- by my second baptismal naine betore 1 tounti. A great gult seeoinetu have knew wbat surname nueant; but tram. yawned between bier presentansd lber tlus lime torinard I wili résume my tatb- *paît, whicb netbing could bridg~e aven. cm'e.." i Ber boxes arriveti tmm arrewby ,,But yen are known as a connéction Chase, and a fermat ist et disbur.eonctsi cf my wifes.. I il! net bave yen dia- c.a account ef the late Mrs. NewburîL- gusus; anti I wlll net support yen, un- frein S1r Robent Evearti, acee'urpanie.d les.i kuow vo shah b. spanédti /at-" by -a check for e hundred ant i tity-tbne "Diagrace y ou, indeeti," cri.! Mme. 'pounda, thirteen anti tourpence,trie bai- Debrsay. "Who mentions tiuignaco ln Lb. anc. due te ber. marne breath vith Mena'. name? Yen anc "There, dear Dcli, tiers S m m whôle forgsttingt yourselt, Sir Robent. Yeu fortune! Whst shal1 do vitb tr 'May bave a iglit tbb. angny, perbapi, "We. must take cane et lu, me belle- but tion't let yen. exiger make you fer- -get cane. Let mus sec. Iliait bette el you are a gentleman.» 0;ite ute aMy acount, and I Wini «Ave lBy George.,lîéenougli te uuke a yen an acicnowledgm.nt that 1 ow. yen saint- avear, Le ses yen pr.f.riaplace tht much. 1 aun prend te aay 1 ha"e like Ibis I. a go.! position. I1cmttesan account at a bank. Began with tii. the charge et youn future. Yen arei toc Pont Office Savings Bankc, dean; but as bedstrong; anti atter Lady Mige anti my eunetloaa grew, tbrough your "er mymt, Mena, y ou bavent a fritud on graniuothen anti othens, 1 gaLber.! en- sailli." ough te move a step higiier. 1 .4e a "I suppos I count for nothing," muid, tai amouat (Or tour menthe eft t M1me. Debriaay. I am certainly a mer* year-mone than 1 ever hope.!.to do once room keepen. I1ea't attend my dear -thea rathen leus for tour more--e tli- yosaq tnieuitho ipoiens 01et iovby fit for tvô-en&d tvo den't ceunI StaIL. Ciase, but I have auunblemMse. citair- Ul=Y ealtli kt spareti, I hep. t. pro acter, anti ove ne man a tathing. 1 vide for aMY 0ld a0e" w'oni fer my living, anti 1 malc S A-< 1 Ikevy u.ea o ueta owea, dep.ndenlly. Moreever, I1cMn Put Mena te-ml tDe&: But I cannot its tapon lai the. vay ot deiug the aaM. if îe.l euý.%*thsceeeh" tou iyour in nest.TlhoughI ar nont -vertu a vend s9:àfor mne the. otiir da 1 or a look, Mamcestorvr omaI"Iaitl c.Nv amn gculaig kulits, wlien, Itiare say youn hertid -liit., rpepi.bilai Le bot/lernumete teac îhefir çattle, Sir Robent Evererdî s50 your quit. litie ehil enc, aiI 1 U,,, Lhaves eut*. kinîvemen bas a tniendo= eaeh iaremche tb lat point vhére a tMW mïys ides yeurselt anti ber leyshlp." fvoulti do.me goet-Be Shai'* l say-1 eau.- Sin Robent looke t ebler ania.! thson net unttstake chuîtiren tinter-ob! .l1il in a Change" toue, ant i vtb a gloaiso!f faxe b. 1 and b.1; but tiiet 1 aioulti ausemfent -tu bis eyes, lhe sal- 1k le eg nie o -yae "fIseemeti rude# 1 regret t -Your vba.tevsrU tissuite tb a-V,b' youang ,fricud'anprieclpleti ceadoct . UPU eudjasl4tnt;litI Ivii s a vortliy getlemn-who latersv-W for prBio5g !eyar uaVig "0utua#y bie,ý madame, absolutslyl natcedtf or and lit Ii* my h. e, ombtlde. a u it.hfj e irrtateti me beyoU nd satn-. Win tk ti1 ,th 1 et ai p2M. Mae. 1Debrisa>'bovet bw ttorgiv*neis. are * Yi'7 tatri- buden. W,,lt0I o 85r E la '! illa bis valt <hba a "'k 1 s$slidl4$epj -o~u thlaîola.eeet. for a Mitl lnce -"Iot àtienbhof t$ but 10" ffIY"e "x lilloe t venu b. for the bue e b. otrU ww, ad i tt t "id Î# lait $11 tenonnas yenou, Mtbus ~ ~ t eiseltr s -U#fg cor Wn , tI1 Iallow lAq. V' Mary tai re as a «e.! Wl t Yo 1 bvesacouple 'bàr ý> 0ý ~~al in h"L of ls. rN ew- dfairs.- pas...e-uet»>' a~ -s"d 4re O*te butn2amaàfwàma- truc heant undor ber tain, quiet exterior wbich made a home. Jîewever bomely, not only bearabie, but lîkeable, were love only an ilurate Le bindtheLb.inmates together with the golden links et tender syutpahty. Mhn came the balm et constant cmploymenit. Wbat a blessing was inifoidet inluthe divine de- Crece, "la tbe sîveat et 'thy brow, shaît tbeu et tby brend." 1<- vas a cunlous, trying sensation, thé giving et ber finît lesson. Il ths well- drésseti, demure little dainsel te whorn St vas adminlstereti only )cuew boy aw- fulîy afraiti ber elegaut loo Mn teacli- ci vas et ber, al chance etfiscipline would have been ever. But silence, beek- cd by gravlty, le a splendid eoven for ner- s-ousness; ant iMoue tiid net utten e verd beyemdd what teacblng requireti, uer didti e .even telt h.emre panl e an "8h. bas beautiful trodk, t. iiàmaosl va.s the sentence otftth. littIe ten-yeur- olti. 'lienbiacic cloth -muât b.taler- mae-t titi 1k. a glove; anti&as ba sucb beautitul jet car-rings." - Non diiithé young lady tieubt that e mugic teeer se attireti muet h. demin- hILof a&Uattention. the MWlits vas tuliy luaugaas soon atter Càntumoa-*ta blUa wh" h oon Leslie Wonlug b.d bopeti wwd te 80ybu 1 kt-vitWU* Mme. Dlsay a"t eaqltyat sa*yOelèrawtogether. The terme-. Who vas a CathoU tle a h* va. a«r tIl5-comnpauisber Young proteS ta un*ban"i ejoyti a atelrI er rench bno-vel over lter ® t oite the. dajy; vbl. oue mat lt at the paubo, Pl* 0 'M uuor a dreauiisgover .psStegv s Ilotgllsth*lb. fturs. aSsit b. dîubug lu bplcs4er-fà Pais, or Rous, or London-witia moâe tukise bddebt ~ebaliwjot 6h sa MW*eI tomtorI to e font lie he. WII, veli, tet"gme .qsonttugfor, e = t gr4 kim bttMM "Mure- 1 unbers thtilt b.r. w Mote hase7 ta .vt. Ak"OIiia Wi. uastu ta#' OnIyOne.-Be st Trhe Be st country-isOana da, we'll ai admit that. The best tea Î' Oanada 18 Blue Ribon i 1bau»tîmulyoun pne turulu UP for Rwdydear Dei. 'Andi *liei Iadpeudencell' "L apoke &bout you lait wenk tg is Ma>heiW&on. Her -teideat daugliter Mreeches under imy drtionki uazmot kepoir volce dowza; A" thewe's * Ut. ti. thlug iof-tena h. wants me to take for th'>"plano. Now..IM band her çYer to you-they are rofllng in riches! Hore' a book on'teaebdn te pino, lu German. You at.udy lt, and follow it. Practies up a few of î'our nolsiest pieces. People «eM to thînk you eau teaeh music wtth your fingers, Instead of your head. They are no taken with a few gymnasties on the key-beard."1 "Y.., Deb, 1 wiIl practice diligently. 1 haven't toucbed the piano &Ince poor grannie <ied." E4WSII, t'sUie us >ubegan. You have a pretty tou handa fluent finger. As te 8iflglfg, corne, let us8 try thftt duet S1gnor Boccaricho taught you laut 'in- ter. WVhat ages away that winter seemâ t.o have gene t" "Ah, does it net!" said Moni, with a deep- sigb. And ail the glorieus isprlng-tine whlch auccee-ik>d 1V; the dawn of dazling9 de- àigt'&1en aho tirit perceived thatLlisle quietly but persiâtentlIy aought ber; tbe chari-r of thbe delicieus secrecy wbîch wrapped their mutual.. silent understand- in;the history ot those few monti whieh bad been the culmninatilon, so tar, of ber lite, flashed t.iroeugh ber mne -cervivid, instantancous. But aho Vurned resolutely <romn the picture. "%Vhcre is the book?" ahc aske "I wi!l begin my reparations at once. I niust do credit oe your recommrendation. I long to rnake a start in real life." Reality is a serious thing, Tet il haa its inispirations. -The sense et doing real work--ot earnir.g bard xnney-bas a diguity in iLs laboriousnesa whicb scarce- ly anyt.hing ele besgtows; and Mona wotdd bave rejoiced in this new devel- opinent of enargy, had she not been Po. eply wounded. Iler sudden, complets, rrnuuîciation by ber valued f riands ut l-arovby Cbase eut bier te the seul, espe- cia4ly a-s she f..lt Bbc had in a rneasure deservk-d it. Iler bitter di-.appointment in Lisle was more regr-et for the losot an illusion than sorrow for a personal be- reuavcnyent. ln her short experience of 901ciety. she had ne friend&ships nor in- tirnacies Bave witeh Sir Robert Everard'. famnily. wa.s this abandoniment tbat depre4sedl and saddened ber. lier Up- bring had flot been luxurious. Mr&. ewb urgh wus a strict economist, thougli a flavor of tateiiness pervaded ber life; rnoreaver, Mena had bean oid enuugt to know thers was a degree of uneertainty about ber Position and ber future befere her grandmot her bad fin- aIly and completely adopted her. Yet the fleetf /bat one season had been de- liglittul. Mona'a was an imaginative and poetie nature, t.holigh not wîtbout îiU. praetici aide. The brillia.nt and beau- tiful surroundings et the society te wbich ber grandmnother bclonged c hairn- ed ber senses, and &lie)îad net seen enough et it te perceive the deficiencies whieh appertain to it as tu ail human growths. There wa%, however, a sound, Net exact-ly sek-hut net feeling quit. wcll. Tbat's t/he aprnug teelin. You are eantly tiret!, appetite =: abie, sometimei beadacluos anti a feeling etf-depressien. Or penbae pimples anti éruptions appean on 1h. face, or yeu have twluges et ubeuma- isin or neuralgfia. Any et the la- ducats thstti.he leetila eut e!fentier, that the. indoor lite et visiter bas left Its mark tipeai you, aud ,aMay easily tieveiop -lote mors serions treubls. Dou't dose younseit vlti purgative p ut the. biond niglt. Purgativsgi tp Ilinough the syalcm, 1 vesitea Insteati et gtvlng atre«gl1. Wbaýt you do neeti la a tonte méd ita vill make n.v, nieli, td blooti,-bulit yýth e en eves -anMhum: yu iev bealtb and-set.ut. Andti e ti on. mediclin. te detis speedlly ai iurely la Dr. Wilbos Pilk Pilla. Kv.qydosetofbisusd1- cdue U"«s- nor, rida blooti vSai as . eait, ssily lirédand aliSm Mer ate vozwesfu lesblgte active thie aprlogi try Dr. WlsVln Plls, anit You vii avetregre Sit. a"t Wbvitl t Zas tor ohms St ma M47lyde or ou.e medieldealera e'wVevbe alis pil.or yen ea glSet t dlrcfosu V114q. Ont,, 1 0-0t."a b«, eoron boue for SO lq2 w .RI C RiteUZ?. scratch.! hi.beed anti ruyb"bi ddn andi mud ho wc>uld do hi* but: Nent morning, h. consuteti Je-oc*bout hreakitast .bOh," saIti Jacîx, "nrice wilà do.' 'WI i I, t'ye tlhiict, s«i Geordis. 'oo, iboot hein much shaU 1I oook? <Let'. se,ý relied Jiack. 'There.-fou, teetofus vihthe ola i n. I sitoul say a bupketUl v -b.plenty' 1 dgiot but Aft Gaordue anud vmtofflt thé#tauo- stttotîl ree, t St ln- a laig p andi viton14 ean fo bol St lhkwlà bqgante eveil Se0l-be-ted eâ ut a #or- lion late anobie04,0, miLlt aho diL likevise. 1 Tho sbistedut et boSsu pel* lute o*her pets unt!U l bis pot . v«O il it.Slît t ev.».! uia" Geordi bSâeaumalarmeti. . h poto&Xil bw IlSd -and - Saab.!'Ltei etl Ydo imiale a .vet IoniSa a looeil lt tiser, and ti aIe nqtatheias bfruks vatuabuug Ile.it. *lAMwppa Oum brei t OmiVh1t GeepI A nomCokt oe u 1 -V ortt IY'elte son 01t Ma l e u. la Mi M o 411 thel l. oly augele *f111 mu uehr*. la ne doubt vbataver about lit. I VO CeinTea You'II say so when you try it. OnIy One- Best Tea-Blue-Ribbon's it. Debrisay by birh Rêa el as by mar. Isauds et yeara ago ln the Nil. ceunt.ry, rnage-rose i an Indignant titis st the when ah.e drowsily ivatchedti te Isnael- affront. Mme. Debrisay sought a persea- Ite law-giver lead bis people intothe aliIntervîew ln the hall; anti as Mr. desert, ah.emnuy be quit. as comfortable. Rlgden vas ln a hw-ry te Catch his cm- lier contemptuous disnegarti of eveny- nibus ber dignty sud ite m remeu$trance thing sae ber own eomdert woulti make mnade net the siighte.t impression. Hie even being wonîhippeti a bore. It. is a told ber bastily the ubouiti net bet the tact that witbin the st tew years more miachievous representations et a serant, cati than <legs, or any other pet stock, t.hat aitbough ho b.d eertas.ly uttered have been importcd into this eountry. the word. attrlbuted te hlm, lie tid net A necognized stud book bas been open- meen thezu te b. repestei. lHe vas quite 1j eti n Washington, D. 0., and caLtfan- willlg te pay tor damages, but b. veulti cicr. bave littie- trouble iu bninging imu- net Chain up the dog te please Mrs. De- portations througb Ainerican port., pro. brisay, or any on.e s.. Bo aaylng h. de- vldlng the, ibid. b~v the. rule. cf entr parteti bastily anti siammedtheti. ar b.cf thi. reistcr. This stud book ins imi-, hid bim. lir te that keptîbyi the American Ken-* 'Tie. lII-monnnred bârbanian," as Mme& nel Club and Live Atock organizations. Debrisay observedti t Marion., "A retui' I Altbough Uncle Samn enly houons reg- jer, My dean; a roturier, pur et. simple!» istfRtiont et this pantieular register Atter this thene wus a nunning tire oft other atud books are muntaineti by mont hostiliti.., for Mme. Debrisay- vas net! ail th. ditterent caL societies. Tii. las-t disposed te turu 'ber cbeek te the arMut- volume, et the Berestord CaL Club er. 1 Stuti Book sand the. National Cet Stuti Things b.d settled down te a regulan Bock et Arnerlea emrnbaeed the pedi- routine. The deptb ef tb. vinten wu FM&eesoftalmoat 500 tiltferent teines. ovcr; Parliaxuent lid met, anti Mena 1Many ot the pedigrees occupy an entire b.d neanly as mucli te do ais ecouIti 1 andi embrace the naines et noteti accemplish without fatigue, tJxough eh. Lirlish prix:. vinners. vas quite wIV.lng te do more. Madame 1ery fe fthLb.Anerlean cat breeders even taiket o! making a îitt.ie excursion enter tbe est fancy for the ne<-euue te Lb Liie sea iaide t tii. dedftiet n e&,- b. derivcd. They are trus tanciers lu sou, if things continu, te prosper. every seecit tb word. Menu vas returnîng tatéeue alter- The pets et soins et -Philadelpbia's nooin, atter oesof ber busieat day.8h. greateâ belles have eîptuneti blue nib- vas weary, but, more hopet hon~h bons et the pet stock Bows. Ail toIt!, the was thinking bow this tirne isat t nvasion cf t urry toneigners pres- year ah. wui lcokiug forvard tO thie ages lhe downfalet the cet et thé mingled jioy sud terrer of being pre- "god olti days," or nather nights, anti entti.ILwasa itt. brdte . e sd-ber ganden wvall musical«. Ah, that enly.Itw daggetidut carnie esuday Cuieus snd complicated, vocalim, t roy ag.geties nand ple s, Even the tamily dog vWU, bave te ne- sroci ety antsinctio, ta abs .thse-fonni, as tic aristocratie beauties of joyety andewdmotLnstie, tsed enhid bul¶hdegre. are above quanrellng. Dur ah. tait ashaoulti nover retum. Yet ob aiv ia t mot:tin iTéT Lbené vau ne bitternes. in ber regret; î à M ai.mal vio V hIn u she telt that she vaa singuiarly teor- "nm0Iifeent cOat lae ,7 tunate lunlîaving tounti sucli a frienticutt o.PildlhsRca anti sucl a borna. (To b. Ccntlnu.&) -The Ries SeUed. a I àstery ot Scot sailorxne, SPRING AIWICE. o ' y héDn4e.âerlsr shpe-crew hd enMAtie l hrunry, and wbeu they b.d pas..!lb Do siot Doue Wlth Purgatives *nd bar anti vere beginnlng to, feel a -tle tVeakestinig ltedlcIne-What huugny t vas dlacovereti t.hatt hoy lied Penple Ned at Th#* B - -no cook. go t/h. olti man asicet Geortie Won at Lst To aoutbward -the guie banked. ftselt like a tfOod. anti its' vehemence griew mi+- ute by minute. -Thoe old slip, her toà prliants furled, was heeleti over toit Sor, although the great tooth otf ii Hoern was -.xnenacing te the, northwest, It vas Our pur pose te, clear At 'on this- reto.h, and whfle the knota neetid off thé wind grew, and the gneat seso h It was the second mnate's watdb, andi the otticer bati pnopped hirnuecf under thé weather mizzen rlgging, bis oye. wateblul on the gear. At the. standard comnpas., holding te tbo binnacies, titI botb hantise the va ptain verified the course, anti thb liglit o! the binnacie - lampa gleameti hn atreaks Qi' bis vet- ollikins, anti Threw a hall circle et ru- diane on hia chesti and th. thlck beard tbat cascaded over-1t. At the lee side et the poep, under ishelter cf the chart- bouse, we crouched-we, tbex.atch, atif! in our oilskins and wet Clotho, watt- ing the eaU that was sure to corne to, bcstir ourselves about the waters deck anti alott. And in Un~ meantime %vo watched the captuin, as scboolboys, vatcI, a rexuote taciturn mnater, afid- read a bundred meaninga Into, every expression of hi. face and every litet hi. head. The second mate saiti aomnethlng that was blown frorn hie lips. We caugt.e word or two about lltbem preventer backstays"ý and the captuin nodded. "Cali ail bands and reet top.'at» b.ho crdered, and .ighed.- For we were clear- ing the Hoern this leg, at the twentieth trne et trying, *and b. waa lcth, ton ail the old chip'as rottennesa, toatnlp a'-ai. gis knot trom \er gait. - The port,,watch took charge et tthe forward gear, sud ws tallieti on the gpar et the upper mizzen te psal. The re.- -tackleasqu~ealed, snd, though Ittas a lte aaercief df a MkitI flappeti anti fought fliks the main"alofe! a-frlg- e. There verse nly tive- of uS i athé starboard- vutei, andi ons a boy-ail bene-wemry anti muscleslack wlth toit andi co.d idanti vêtues. Ws led the«hiiaulg end ef the weatber tacicle tbrougb, -a ansthbioek, aùd passed i t ent.- «Lut!, theret" shoutd the cpas andi as seen as the WInti apilleti er0v tallieti on. Olti Duggan, the 0i~ man# gave ber the tune shrilly, andiv litted hler-vs -iltted, ber, tilt ah* vas chock-a.block, and vs ver. free te lut the. main upper topsail. It vas dono et lust. 1<!fow, boys, Up anti band ber!1" enieti the second mats, anti veut aft tereliever the vhelt, t senti the man tIste alefttôt help -blm. The vinti wusblowing -great guns by- novj as vs olimbedý on to the trait taud itb the. veather niggng, up. tth It came net unarmeti, for smois blsw ii-. te oui tacet anti stung like nettie. .LIs ratines vers an afflitidon to, Ihads aj., ready raw vlth a saIt andtisoake& roe anti as abs nolcd and -thealacyas t re- erei estitty, the very aitttsv" g-w - der our tetlut. ,the 1utt' bo mrouiu vs veut, 5as« soci one as isod siel fac above the rbiam lte top, end tura. eti teollUmb the. topusat îlgjung, 't dnlvicg énov blintistioù., poua"lg von- oin lyon ail bar*skia,-~ 0: tothsrti bailst, vise% hisost haIt-l ,l lt vindti rom thelb.mali, At rocketi ant - thpe b.*Mtk ,ot-Its par; ll sad,'the. workt, b. 4ue vaS ai~ ~ Dom bd404ua.Vitbofrt' but ,àOn . ý Y; . - 4 1. son Sa a Tonte. Oý-t Z.

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