Whitby Keystone, 26 Apr 1906, p. 4

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T1he death luflras. S. R. Wlckett, dlt Torooto, waS Inu0tinted Ilast eek. f3he WîL a iveil kDOWL Itdent of thia v1llage nbote Lwenty-fîve yearj Ggo. Several or the townshlp bridges are iiavlng newv îlank tops put on Cthem. Mr. Geo. Ramier, uf 'Tctoiito, Ivas here iIslting lis mother for a fexçm days. 0 Mr. Bond, of 'Tornto, has purchas- ed tho fteîY n iear àli-s F rancia' resi- deliee, which LIS EsoaietlneS beca taiketi of )or ii n athlcIie grounds, and ivili îù a rirsidence there, and go into poultry ralsng, lb Is Wjtld. Mr att. IZrd-iraa fias Fgien lup hi place lui 'Sc(tt'4 bi.îck.4with sholi, arn soqLW t) QtW9c l'ho mi1mhbr,, of the Oddfellovs' lcdgo lîeld I.lit ir t nu l curc'itLer. vice. ou èiixii.iy i fti-i-ioon, i n the -Irettby tttriia n clirch. 11< v. -.*Bor- landl îaeîsdt scmri lmlta wlltit . ohîe of kils l)e¶gt i 11121 :.Tlic elturcî 1", ilý w4,11 fi et. Tlt' offering w.,is giN en t o thle l Van,~-lai us' u t iJ .id ;an1MountIltl o ?8317. M YIL 'ric. ,Iyrtle 's gettîuîg ltît ila thriritg tilLige. The ;..'.L.tLt t un o hw ing nîoiv d u!îi,îidiîlt-I, . t'çI Lht'dai are L t ibli0.. Mýessrh F1. W'. S'ur i:~ d A. P. lî-sher have grvitly im1 ii thi rr tlw#Ilngs ttitn a cowit 01 p:int. Our imîithy ïi ends do ig hi. retuleîît's ,Nirm.i. rî.àQtîttii %was Nt r'ag int Whithly. Br.Iatiti-A a-.retiir;ti,1ltii t Id ies Ida Blriggs retiurtnt>d homfei Osihaw.. m Cloîst oit, ef IaohStrt . a. 1.9 visiting her :Aster, Mlrs. .. ýuirin. Mr. aird NU rs. Daniel Black are niot - ing to tyrtleSain .sr.Ken t .iîd Ma rquis h1pd t wCri rha or C:îLt le ;and liog8 0o lr id.ay. Some of t(,f.iriierfsh-aýttstars'd ,eedlng . Although thleutatlirisfot t ery tuiîzne.rlikc-, 8iin~îîg h t ser be ail the rage. Mrî. Chati.Iliai (le recciNpd the mad newm of lier sister'm tk-ith on b1Sidiy. Mr. ind bMrt. F. Dovqwcll anti cdaughter, of Clarcuiont, spent rîiî- day at 'T, W. Broaokea. A number fromn lîre attende'd the' Odd(cllow-s' sermon ai, lrooklln on [-îtnday Liks (CL &1tI lMIONT. Ir. Albert Traves wris lu Ntewm îr- LoCt on Montiay. M4rs Touî,(e shpîdtwn carloads nof stock on MontLîy. fet. deA i xvth Intyth ett k.o IL Idays. -abi.vu iUrre , 8 ýýwhîch reaulteti Ru the death a«f one Borna-On -April he 2g2nd, to Mr. iaadprai aa aJr c andi Mrs. Malcoltîn }or&,Y+h, a daugh- andtbher. E~dward Tezry andi Norman 1ter. Purser were engaged in puWng cxn . 8anti Mrs. 'Murray Tait, a daughter. rwhe fateed ho e t the est, Mn. nî. owswllwiaohas ar-insta.ntly kilng Terry andi breaklng rledon a wudmorki~ ~sinss ortPurger's shoultier, besides inJuring - nzabr rf ~îî~ba soti is rop -him in ternally. Terry, who was 24 - erty te àMr. Burkeit, of Baîsazu. years- of age, -andi louves a wîfe anti Nelsoni Wagg fr.îz lîurcha.wd a tocîlrn diir froni- Bert Mantle. Nelsoni Wagg, 'tho purchasedti te IR INJ Ti acy propcrty last wcek, has mov_ MNrs. Geo. Decker, of Whitby-1 bas cd tliervin. been sp-endinig a fowv days witll p. Dir. Tooi at. of Lindsay, who has1 M. and Mrat. Pller, and oîther frie-ris. 1.(e bienin tlt e st of h.ealtlh late- ! l ak 2 ~s "uod$0 ly, visit:Ulîas p;iren*ts at the' par- fdr a colt seven inonths old, qire dby Wi . ileowît z ar noved froun thtil !pasto breeti goui stck. Itî s'nicsso<f Ixbridt;e toeIDavid Ms Il. Starr, foi-n-erly of the P1ck- - Iidy's fdiru het.wet h the 4th and ern Coee tlset a fewdy 51hCOLNsstil.last weelk wtth MW. VI anti Mrs. Rich- L. 1. Trsdd. flic efficient anti popîz- ardson. She hus just returned (romn 1 ir zzî.nager of the ('1larîniont branch cQueen'a Unlverslty, Kingston, ivhere oi t i' B îtank. h:aà'recxived she %vas comnpletlng her arts Course. neît's' nofbîsirai rto a more re- A man by bbc naine of Cunninghami, - rniierai'e oýîiin la the Market who con~~ie rom iUxbritige, but late-' Ut~~~~~ mci orzt.Iya rrnate of te flouske o! Refuge, l4ori ri t t h1-illa il so, ('Li remordt, on W'hlby, escajiet frorni that institu-. Sîiid.t, ti i i thto 11ev. Murray tloin on Mt)iîday, an~d paaîd Our vil- t. arint Mr.s. Tailt, a daughtcr. lage a visit. lie is a uhysical and V.. t',Ulof ihtltsm<rt as tvrit. mental wrsCk, anti eviden tly had iilutt 1, fk i ctiu-,Ii.d aidbs rccclv- some ùsevere strugglei witb the' mid' t,4 aIi rg tffir fuor the nianuscript before arring AithetÎ illage. The t im oitt ir ai (f publisht'a',i n Ilhe plicke x itstees t.hinkiîî t bat lie' 11itîs. lcx*edilte a mran (rom bthec ounty \Vrîi ltî. )ltl îd is iresitience town, telephoned to Whitby., anti ne- a nu hî\1011t(r,'tY te Wmn. Birkett, eixvd a rri ly ista in, that one' of of DIS.111, ho wll tiketheir numnbe.- ivis nissng. Tht' 1:- (it Oct. 1. lice' aetinz the Goot! Samanîtan, matde 1PORT EiiY provision for hiq kt'ep for the' nilb, StuzII Idel "),,Y lie had o!fi he extent and it the' moi ning the mnan accom- a zuul inluo)rtai nteo! the' market heme, janied CoInst:ible Lalvurley baek to %%hen it is know'îi that one' buyer. Whltby.--News. .Nr. Ensmlngt'r, during lour mna rkPt NMr. C. Seldoti, Wnhith), w'aq an tow,î da3% , paîd (,ut nier folmteen hunti-- on Mnry itrd dollars. lie predicts that pric.s Geo. aind -Mrs. Gordon entertained foer some time to cone vuilîl rule high. a numbexr oh ratnilb on Friday t ;t. ii;cents for butter wats the' hlg>i-1 The' interiar of the' Frionds' rmet- e'it jînice palti laidt 'Thursday. Sixt<ýn îng hbvýs bam receivtod a 'njPw coat of liturdred donen eggs were also rar- Mis-u G. Vanvalkenbîîrgh, of Green-- "-J-- .1 -. TE WITB~ KYSrKETIMRSDAY, APRIL 261' 1906 will have tie blggent tlsb y ara o tell ? Sehool oiPcied on Monday wlth a fuîll atteiidaiice, alter the week's hti- Wh»e removing -the framework Ot the Cobourg Rlflk last Thuraday ev-ý (sut wlth tt roti already, anti 1li.y ail report Cood catches. T u e nn Our ont-ball ciub*welIjknown ps112cuhi h arigta the k8baînrocks, hatve re-organtzedfo bids you guard the Iungs. the comnlng seasoû. i'h' lauccoastht'>' Once the - cougrh gets dry and have hati ln the pasb wlîll Do douibti tight, once it hurts to cough, once bo wibb them is jyac. The boys ithere is soreness in the chest and wlll iget dotiw» , tG x4d Practice at lungs, danger is near andi the ail- once.- An>' club wlshlng to com niment serious. icabo witb Uic tShamrocke slîould adt- Remember that pneumonia, con- drews Johin A. Nighswander, Sec. sumption andi other Iung troubles are Bi~O ~'i~.~ar. talways the resuit of neglected coltis. F. Nietn aenta w(k. itt h T Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseeti and brcibîir I Oshirr. Iurpentine has won its place as W.tle lrukOsh arroa. ~vsî leader in the front rank of tbroat ing wvlth i s fat ber, Jos. Burk. an1 ln ramnsbcueI a Fran an Mr. Gruw ofTorzî! be relied on to prevent andi cure Frank an Mrs. erowouofdTrsnas.. spent the holiday ât tht' hetîw' of' eosdsae te litter'é iparents. 1 CIroup, bronchitis, whooping On Mnda aferoonwhie 'r. coghasthma, pneumonia, cougbs, On~~~ Moda' ftrnon wandr.1 throat troubles promptly M l)wyer. of Plckenlng, watt shoobbng cured by Dr. Chase's Syrup of lin- at icay pigeýona, the rîm of the ithebi seed and Turpentine as is evidcnced biirtt, and -the powder and PortiO"81 by nmny of the best people ini the of te sheil fle-w back Into is- eyr. landi. -Tlîough the iniury causei nuchà pain, ID hs' yu fUse n -lb 10 thOlrght that tee ye wtl nOt Turpentine, 25 cents a boutle. bc pernîaneuity attected. 'i Made in Canada The "PERFECT"l- ENSIME at Toronto Exhibiions for the paat-five years. This speaks well for the nei. has won highest awards THE HOSPUlALUI PO For 1 t Cas-es for EIlryS ci ;â, In Ottriolo t>hso ~rhî Caiiot All'ora ui'î For Treitriteit. 1The llImpital for Sick Chlilren. " mtret. Toronto, appcaIi to fjîluitr. 4 :îîoàers ut Ont.aricj for funds Vto :îi~t zlic thousand sick children tat il ti,;i wîthin itS W41h every year. The Hogpitali s flot a local in'.titutî 'i' but Proviucial. The. sick child Ir )!ii tarit) w te cfi i1 Toroiiut ai t is Lruit tc- NufflERKBADINO à TORY. wecfrîri 2 1 7 jîL.î. ou.tside of Toronto4 Thé cost la 1. I4 re'î - per paàtlent per day, and there reï e Mi sick litlei, nus a day ln the Hlospîil. SAucei t a f o uadation the Hospital bas treated dieu. Âbmbt S,000 ofj iinable to@ Pay and 1Your Tmyou7 pe$S" od tbe aqw et Lb. )IoupIau a mm Rv.<yboely' dollar may b. "îo.4w semobody'. obut Y.ur dolbar m&y b. a doo sow.botlfs queldTh. 11ou' 4w~ my c- a a~ b1idhood un ,but le p*alti -1 frIfiad.* f uiç. rf yon, yonr frknds or relativesufferwith Fits, Epilepsy, St Vitus' Dance: or Falling Sicknes, write for a tria bottle and valuable treatise on sncb diseases ta THR LaIBCO., 179 King Street, W., Toronto, Canada. AU druggists sel! or can obtain for yoa LEIBIGÉ'S '2-FITOURE Iwood, was here over Sunday th G;eo. anti1 Mrs. Law. -Max and Will Bradiord, of Nagara Fall, are visitinçz tieir parent&, c. andi Mrs. Bradford. The menibers of Uic Ontarlo lodge 1.O..F., were cntertained by a fewv Of their number on W'ednesday evon- ingl ast, when refreshu-ents were the chiof feuture3. The contrt Lni the tow- al o Fritiay evenhîig last ln aid of the I)ering publie library was% a sue- cessful affaîr, and notwithiltanding the bat! roati the h,11l was Comfort-ý ably f ill-ot! ty a- moist apprediative audience. and wlthough the pro-. gramme iastcd about three bomrs. nont tiuht iL to1lo)g. The pro- ceeds Of t10 evetuillg aunounted to c54o, %iiieh wlil l ave a surplus for tht' benc'fitcf thr public libr,îry. 4 4 4 4 9 q NEW CARPL3Ts = MATTI NG=: You nee d - ~ç44Ç%~4~ ~ 4,4,4,4,4, ;44v 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4,4,4,4,4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4,41444, 4, 4, -~ 4, 4,~ 1.4,4,4,4, 4,4, 4,4, 4,4, ç41~ 4,4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4,4, 4, 4,4, 4, 4,4, 4, 4,4,4, ç~f~ 4,4,4, 4, 4,4, 4, 4,4, 4, 4,4, 4, 4,4, 4,4,4,4,4,4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4,4, 4, 4,4, 4, 4,4,4,--. 4,4,4, 4,4,4 4, 4,4, 4, 4,4, 4, .4,4, 0 1- Wool Carpets at Brussels Carpets, Tapestry Carpetsf - Union Carpets, 2 Hemp Carpetý, 1 Japanese Mattine Carpet Lining, 5 Stair Pads, $1, l Curtain Poles,-2i Linoleum, 2 Yds. Oil Cloth, 2 yds. 011 Cloth', i ~Yd 40o per yd. Lace Curtaina at -82.00, $2.50, $3.00, $8.ti -if you corne ber yo, CAS] and, This niake of gasoline engine'is in usaiîn ail parts of Ontarlo, sd employ.dý to drive -ail kinda of maehiflery. Farmaens find imenselWy umefulte dirive s.iýiing machines, choppers, pulpors, cuatting tiXea, etc. Thi asheen i mii PUmad.g Mnous- C petour $Sm*$ orkIt qi*I Sutèko In fact almost every ,pIacè where aIt. quied, itl is the ideal power. One. of these engine8 may b. tSee workio Qaa -t I GASOLI NE I 4, 4,4, -, -~ 44,4,4,. 4, 4 -. 4- --. -- , ý ýl Fi The Undlersigned Chop mped f mm »sdfWheat, I3arley, Heavy feeders, hUUy 14 wiJl douhly psy e -dd@LJML- -- -Au- r RUGA NOITicli

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