Whitby Keystone, 26 Apr 1906, p. 5

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i. f. THE WHr~BY KEYSTONE THtYRSDAY APRIL 28. 1908 RIONT -NOW CAkPETSm m CARPETS== CARPETS RUGS= =RUGS=MRUGS MATTING==MATTING== MATTINU You eedthem in Housecleaning You eed Time. AT Wool Carpets at 60c, 75c, 85e per yd. Brussels Carpets, 50c, 75c, 85c, $1 per yd. Tapestry Carpets, 35c, 40e, 50c, 60e, 65e, 75e per yd. Union Carpets, 30e, 35e, 40c, 45é, 50e per yd. Hemp Carpets, 12ýe, 15c, 18e, 20c, 25c per yd. Japanesb Matting, ail new patterns, at 20e, 25c, full yd. Carpet Lining, 5c per yd, Stair Pads, $1, $ 1.25 per doz. Curtain Potes, 25c, 35e each. Linoleum, 2 yds. wide, 75e and $1 per yd. Oit Ctoth, 2 yds. wide, 50c, 60c, 75e per yd. wide. Oit Clothl, i yds., Il~ yds. and 1 yd. wide at 25c, 30c, 35c, 40o per yd. Lacu Curtains at 30e, 35e, 40c, 50e, 75c, 90e, $1, 31.2, 81.50, $2.00, $2.50e $3.00, $3.50 per pair. If you corne here flrst for house furnishingo you'111 corne again. THE CAS STORE coeii e-w Heavy feeders, buying ton lots ca get closu ces. It will doubly psy every lIor to u» one. of tues. Ocdimeuts ami Qatte spIo.". White Beans Waiitd& MsO Fat Lrnnbs, .0.14.. MdBuoes0t W.B.PIRINGLE &C00. Is~ t The Keystonel 9 Changes greater than mosi of lis realize are Ikeiy to, follow thé ec.. trifylng of Ontario's industries. The black cloud or sînoke whlch now hlae over alil xanufacturlng centres w-iI disalipear when the pow- er of Niaga rît m applied to liurpo&eis now served by etemu, and the etreami of amnoke and ahrleidkg whiatle that herald the approaci Ouf the , express ivill 91%;e Place to the. whlzzîng of 'the etectrie car. Ferhaps the, greatet change wl ho *ftccted in industrial Cabditions tn the. large maaufacturing centre&. The worki0g dal Ihere at preqent, save la ciceptIonal case, s, le on.f elght or teu houris. ?ro rua for )e, full twcnty ftour hourâ would make theCOs cofoi wer nearl.y twtc, as great as fOr a day of ten heure. WtIM Niagrîra power brought Itta the fao.. tonrks the drlîtng cewgy reqnlrtd for the full da'y will cout it1<11e niore than it would for a hIrd oet ithe time. Prhd OmtOl Power wtt!- ho praettlly the sanie whctber tbgs plant* t'n u» etiuouly frou gun- rlw tu anurme or stands 1<1de for air- teSn heuaredally. 'Tii.oust « laur~. aooeý Isterest en bolldips, amI isg. pre'aatlb o -p-i sI wtt!be lttis more tiader «Èitinuous opomton th"n It la under' tbepreeentayst#n, WîUIadý tbeýt»evItxabls r.iidt oetus siaug *o thon .mm b saW6ou tb.the s ce cootam Osopsom n -wittk -tEr gans of emplOyes woi lat elott bot@IeIJk. M, Jm.' oi-teceýnqîiàer1ng s.lirtt a re. llsb for the "job" i*haud, what- cer it be_, the p1aylug of t hoira me *w% th a oeSt Inat makes fo~r t lpesur est success, and the blggest, truest hap- piness-the uman Ilho win s. That is wbat we ud.nt in our Ivex, imen and womnen, wbatever the work tIn1Land; tho spirt that wo!rkà witb a willand tays, «-l Lke a»' job.*' À Plilladeiphia boy who was -'o bati that bis parents couldn't do any.. tblng with Pi'm, bas -boen cured by a surgical oçeration. Cut thib outa.nd show it to your neghbor. T h,-r c may be hopje for his boy. NEW MA.PLL 8YRL? ADULTERATION. Trhe Dolmlnlon LOuverumment hualà- sued a bulletin -re aàulteraion of tcspk s8ugar and syrup. 8amPleý werccollected iii lf)5,. one erles befoke the. season for tapplng trs,4 and the. othîr atter the sugar niakia;, seagcm. Out of De sampila of syrup tested bel ore the season opened 76 wcre found to b. sduiteratcd vwithi c*tnary sugaris, yeUow snd granu- latcd. 4 were doubttul, and 17 pure. 'n.e sanipies ai egar wcre about hall adulterated. Af 1er iii. sugar niok- log seaso 73, samples ofi syrnp werc tcatcd, of wh"h 44 wer pe.2M adalterated and 2 doubîfuIL Ontet 18 saniples of suicar teated atter the @eaoa 18 wcre Lound pure. The Sov- erament promeotes al z*oat found asellag aduiteratd iniapte *y., rap or sugar, unkas tbey "sa pro., dace -what aseU Oslsa Ietal "Forni of Warranty" Ir"nithe- iaautùmr cor potion Who Ma. the goodIaw': wbh fl a the 14tter Is dubl f11- Liverpool, England Hong Korigo Chiai i'8A A 011 Ganadian Paciflo $tcamships and Trains The Comany'n Palaeo and Touirsi Seepems Dinn ar ]mnTOU.1%. 'Isieg-pb. Express mand x, SevIe 11 Isupply eevury transport n..d whilIe Oenroute. FOR ONTARIO TRIPS Cambdian Pacifle Pas,"enger Cars lead ail otberi for coinfort. Cun.irnnio andivlumi inshaisno bnattn.g. lihtlnig and veuî.Uation sybteins thb t procurcib. TO IENCL.AND -FOR XMAS JRY M - "Lake Chnuplai -f rom st. John, N.fl.. Dec. 9th, fer Lîverpuo. For pamphlets cîîd lvi crnatinn cil on "Y~ CalaciNclacilo Age ni, or w ri o C. B FOTlrlt . )P.. .. Turonto, Ont. THE NEW COUNTY PAPER Enued "iîryThuraday from 1h. office Towon Hall Building, 1)rock Street, Whitby, Ontario. Ontario Conty-1The KeystAine County of thi ICoytone Province of the Keystone Colon> of tht British Emptre".-..F. Farewell, K.C.,WktMby. TUEKtzOicÇ"NE lis independent ln Poliir, and «'Ill advoeate rhat it believes tbeb.tu the.1 ottln. terest of the cornmunity. The Subscrlption Prlce ln one hundm.re eets for tlfty-two issues, when pald ln a.dvansce-4î1... vieu not go pald. Tiso Advertlslng Rates are reasonablo cr. J wi1 b. quoted n a plica tion. If yc u wlsli to b. l-eard, 4ay It Arougli Y'1n1EKErsTOSF. Changes cuf Aavertisernent» should reach i his ni.- ice not later than Tuesday noon. to insure inser- tion ln the current lssue. Afeuts Wanted ln aIl parts nf the County. R. WINN, Kditor and '%.,naZ~er The Beet Sugar Factory. Two îiii.,ortillî sl<*,îatotNarl.,i:In e.irly stai t in coîsructing the JCey. stone '-ugir C('s factory it Whithy %wcre tkeathis %Wctk. First, il %vas dccideti by the Board of Dîrectorm rnot 10 a tteiiilbzthe oprra lion t lis lau of thcir plant at %i artoti. Tits zac- lion is due t e 1w failtire 1.) the Ijto- pit' of tii,.t coîuuîiîty lu îa~ rca!soii;ibly stir-Ph.'ýre V. i(l 1 t», sufîcient avf ,gC o bIo r~v Vvairran' a start for th', COIuinig enll isatg n. Add*il 1tiio to, was the (ie~ded*.f.'pk;î '0 GIiarrncrs lii this îii Iî o groNv bee-L. for a faclery so far *îwvay. Ticve oad sl is tht' îîronii-,À of l'aeîxiîr Wlîîiney Ihni lie w iii piattht-ough a bill at not ss sioui of the Le,îisituru etxtîe-idînig n- other year the hrui-4ons of ti:4- ir- rangeusent wilh Wiiflby' for estîab- lisisîng th('t.'etory lacre. Tlccs vîlî be grerrally welcom2ne.1.a1 1fiivtýrlnble tuirii of aflairs. -,J When Ontario is Electrified. My ftw5> LanrenCe wuat« ondowa uronsh yaMs.A..O. Fiahoe, OfNewrna*e, Ot Two doctorsai toff te ihm.' R.elMy Wtht.moulus .oeto tbe;ulghtsdê tio Iw. -*î $t40 o the doctorand sàl tue 6" d l' -ltt ie~wrm..Th"n w ,i$ h m = tro stu en t. Tb ii. lGt as onderf«L,.Wessw as' Pnauraolscorn .eWtaws stafls withi a CokLd.Cure ti. Cold sud tha Cold vii »oV« d.velOP lut. Pu«àMarnonDa, sOr umd io otWColdm t ûum Cold wotmt cornebails >tou TRAVEL IN COMFORT b. -W 1»s «NU Tiac telephue lu now said tobe oc8 iwproaid that a Perton can tlk f rom coust to cout. The noit i:î- inoivation ivili be 10 phone .cross the occans. The phione btdis £air b oout- rivaltbte telegraph ina business pcit:ut, V l Tviw. l a reported that railw îy companics are aerioualy consqdfrri g the substitut4îa <>1 the telepLone' fer t hr telegrapb.. ]Jurlng th(% hcaring of theXV In, Daviest'o. icomplint hy the lalway C ommiission i in Toronto last wcck 1il wat; statced hy the tratfic nianagi-r of the Grand Trunk that no r.iilwa«y j mari knowa exacly where the profit [lue begins in charges for frelght s4er- vice. Oue lhing, howevcr, ail rail- way m2en thoroughly understand, and thatI is 110W10 charge eougli tp ruake profit absoluteiy mure. Nnv iSi the scason of 11w year when eîery houst-holder gsitouti! iose nu tirne la cleanirg ~Up bis yards, and maire <ch rcîairut ai %vll i gvehils premise-; ait attractive appf'fl oe.ll Nothing givea more pleasure tu thP orcupants or ereates more favorable itlrlessioln luthe mi ds of visitors than neat and tidy> preinisf-a. Itctes flttlie, arîd île fpicasure and ecirafort derived froin tthe labor repa>s many Ait eN-nt of crj!:sidi(ratile interest a L:I iporanc t ~s e, k is the vis- toi di Q.() i,' rgimcerit to Ni, % Xo,~ ~ ~~; k.t'~.k ~r the îlriitary of the .Ain'rican 'ruî3, and willc' th-c> nay ncy Jv , h«t<-e thlat clockt like I.r-tciRion 'isuu,.othnetlsu sooi ttheAiiirican .îhov Corps oz proud, a îîd illiii niil>- y ê' . thü, eSes of the' greaL Jîcopiri. whcstý gucsts ihey ~Ip .. Lt. Coi. Llovd of NtNrrirket, sued the Miitla J-1.fr damnages to blis, horse whli!ù returnintr front cauip lasi. yea r. il. was aicc.dentally joited out ofa edr AleNir .and rrelvei1 serloitig li-1 juiles. Judginent wa.à re-served un blqk cas- IL 15 a 'cry 1Impor La nt one, as i* ,Lffe~cts iXîrniers who wary lend their hoGrscs tu iatt*iiid the an- nual drill a'. Niagara. It Isac al. wVays supposed that theŽ golc!rament v-ould make eoucl any loss sustained in tlis respect. CURE» BiER BOY 0f PNEIJMONIA NewmarUt t he UIs Ulad Un bur Pausesofet thtreat Co- -MpUn rvnttr a anîd low prices. NOTICE TO FARMERS 1, The Undereigned'bave for sale àa fuit jin of ,ielW. Chop orposed of 04s uand Com ; Chop oouipoS. ofý parts of Wheat, Barley, and shorts. KEYSTONE DAY APRIL 26. 1906 First and Finest Whet, red ............ $0 75 to $0 W fiwhite ........... 016 to OUm de pring ...... .... .O 086 te C) a et goose ......... ô Mto D0 79 Barley ................... 0'40 to 0-44 Bea ; ..... .......... 1 00to 1 50 'ya 0520to 056 _Oats ..... .............. 03t'oO032 Alsike, No. 1............ $ô 0 o 6 b No. 2,.......... 400 to -600 No. .....3 00 t -4 00 Red, No. 1............... 6OOie 7 00 R ed!, N o. 2 ................ 4 5 o tb .6 m00 Ti n t y S ed ............ .. Du to 1 40 Tiity FLOUP. AND lEED. Flour, lier wt, ......... $2 4(b $3 00 Cipped Feed, cwt .....-1Io 0 te1I26 ('orumîeal................. ÇiO to 2 56 Bran, 1per ton ........... gi.> 10 20 GO S5horts, Per ton .......... -,0 0 OU -%200 MEAT, i'OULTP.Y AND PIZODUCE. Beef, by quarter per cwt $6 25 to OÇ 50 Catie, live weigitbut. àSOu to5 50 MN!utton, ])et lb ...... .. 0-00 teo (J10 L..aîiub@. eaclh............. 3 0Q o 4 O0 Ilogs, bye 1veighI4.*......0 0 OU 0u(I Il ogg, ligbt fat....... O0 LUJ Lr 5 70 ll ogs, lîeavy fat ...... O0C(0 u<5676 Ilogs, dremmed per IOOlbs O00lt. 8 OC Ci ekens, î>er fib..........O0 10to 0 1£ D.uek, petr]b............o0 11to 124 Gei0, dresmed 1per lb. . . O 9 to 0 1<> Turk-eys, dressed- pet lb 0 12 to 0 i [blitter, roill .............O0 20 10 O29 Lard.............. 0 o hit Egg, er àdozen*....'...... 0 2à to O 20 l>oîatove ' per bag ........ 000 tu 1 WJ Appius, 1,-,r batr ........ 0 00 to 3-00 Ornions, per bus....... ... o 80o i 100 liab per ton..-......... O810 o QO0 Str.aw, per load ........... 200 to 3 00 1-1idos., lper cwt .......... 00 tOO 100 Shesis...... .......i1O0010 I1'26 I)eacuns................ .O0 2r W0 O6(0 Tai low, rendere<l, per lb 0 04 teo 04 Wvool, unwatihed........ 1'.O 14 to 02) Laîtulskiis ............O 0 oU 0 O80 .................... . ... . 0 2 r3 b (e 9 Q Sittings10 of the Division Courts. COUNTY 0F ONTARIO, 1900. WnurnBy D. C. Macdonell, Whitby7 Clerk, Jan. 9, Fob. 1, Martch.1, April ô May 3, June 6, JuIy 3, Sept 6, Oct. 4 Nov. 5, Dec. 6, Jan. 9, 1907. Ot3Hàw D. 0. Macdonell, Whithy C!erk, Jan. 10, Feb. 2, Marci 2, Aprii 6 May 4, June 7, July 4, Sept. 7, Oct. 5,t Nov. 6, Dec. 7, Jan. 10, 1907. -BRtouRau M. Gleeson, .?Oeenwood, Clerk,-Jau. 11, Maroh 6, May 8, JuIys, Sept. 10, Nov. 7, Jan. 11,190?. PORT Palmy J&W. Burnbam Iort Perry, Clork, Jan. 13e Maroh, Okmfy î JuIy 7, sept. 11, No. 0, Ja. 13,190.- Utuzii>ou Joa.ph 1. ould, 17:' bnidj.C lark, Jan. 12, Msroch 16 mIay 18 iy 20# sept. 924 XNoz 231-Jani. 20# BuAvuoii.Georg. P. Bruce., B«.' vrton, Clark, JazL 10, March 14 Mjy le, JuaIy 18, Sept. 19, or 21) J.i.let 1907. Uftuqo ya..4 It L G a-g hi, t ip er im- . onUVE - hdf»I Pso

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