TH~ W~WY KI~IA~K TIUkSY, APRIL 269 1906 À ÂRood general 'wrtlant. A'ply t r. ougo,&S.-i UTLIMGf:t', Wh Mr. RomSa lmth, clorkInLwe' Mr. G. WVilson, , ibv's Cuanera art- gr cxery, hab sécured d situation> in !ist. mo-ved this week loto the boum-Tc*onto, and leit for t.hat city this I CoId l;i.te:y vacted by Mr.ý"John Stabli . roiga Potrt Hope brewery, wvith the exce ait w-orlr proinptlY aLtended to and tioli of five, have returned to"wOr. satisfaction guiranteed. Pringle's I S9 'heir beer ailowance has b-CCD C Hardware Store. WIyx nD M 1F11S L- RAT PE 'THAN(LMFFLG SyuA~rge siz-n% ood:ýtock rna'k2c, ei- In a Iengthy interview witlî thie mluI first ordkr: graphite '«ndon Po2i. ÃŽl(jil. Juo. Dry a3 I caawatrieatteBef.cule frene. We wid like prefer- exace, but r:fu,;ai will flot f1s h lie Pi fl scil wh:hMr A oon.nov loyalty. W, would a (h3, 1 rg'e W. Ml"i. rof ' IIsu411 .( 1 . th d.u.m-r t 11traidi, frot ihit; , r i nid. .1!1(giiieii'L ,rif-nn for Li.L VlR:sT JBANI) C('ON$[EPT. oufl triCi it-, a T~bi t~*. 'lic cçtizeixs' and %vill give th-.r Nir. Ot'n.f:r4concer t forthle season on8:î t - Bu !i(IItI ~titaildt111111- T11w Mail îr.n f rom Ille west ieft t.rU3 vernng. *ýcats wNIi1l11 ar 0' fit' / tnul 1, .s I.rtll'q r satlion. ia the' hlJe wlinre t1Vw' uow 2 c r~ îo t ir 1tai jlig 1xi - i r tx. J ;1ti 1 o ; ri:d ts iikrly b lie located. The . c~a ft. a c'as û; .1' trsta e .tel oys a voa god program î'repar"d. 1,1!g,,itutab',r t t('t u, ts±tli1Y e.r Luke and Ayres have cdrlrcetA i ~U ~ 9 ~ ashté, vrly i hindred doila rstowrirdfs thi% \Y'1 I.e . ' \ ..i, . t ;d. ard are no'w gr t r. s- 1<S'rn t.rlX' l _.o a .nd desigît- for ihelriv e 14a i'CC1l.x -t' a i wîd.t birri ina b roat ofthe armories.,'i;t Il d'i r. r11 mi Jcirs" adwk A~îlndicaix. :t 1 Y-Uc&îi it 'a i;1:'-"'r tt Nii: s ,tg re t lr "x.ri 'ro Y nfiti t nl t i reet Lox u( L .la 1ck DPe tifgs ' tp lt',r litil L;1.30 1). 'M . \Vl es t rlîain iepnse coiniîîîuis- el elOi r met at i B ma ,r vile on itattir- i:crJ~i~ C&~ING (aY .st 'md a diceuses in the -' - Dt 't----- E gl u],who v is-le11 a1rer. . li s' t] tr thf- et itil nt'lic.. it(in îtî: .î ii i i t is tht' l:l, ,n t e b()A i e .11; r lu~ .U ~ raRî. lxîr~î r. X'dthe Ulitcd States îast ycir, Iin e.i eth( ýIe Dhoal .-it e nait-~e ladies ~f gîting rot t, :'in tthe grr'at rit-Inthe oflîliiratl'nt 71'-hc tlu~to1i.'g~ e- with nmos( market] succzss, is mak- 1cr %Nt[i ~vrli nx a.r oeîv.' the I st Kî 3rd Tu*esti ;y of il'y" ng a % isit tu this continent, and dîy, lien(!.nitbor . à liie- of the husi- The Ua nîidiLin band is i" ii' lî;ha, -lre.iy .î' ir n New York t 'c"swiala eu uItgto o ln fine 'me, andi14 nâking th(, nights and Boston, bex îg grceted at each sçÈric t i me. imeh(xliou4 b'v I loir eswamply w bl- jtlacowith <ill houses. IT it ll ble .A GOOL> PRICE. Toronto the latter i'art-of April. Meissr Dudley Bros. the enterpriq- Do't kick on the tv>ithtri-i. The Ontarjoi Ladies' tollege author- n tpebyr !Cion, hv frtan in a fur cont ivas seen on th(, ltiv's have been very fortunate In ise-liu iWhtyteptwek :xd istriret one day thils wotki, frilowed by ennîing hlm fur Friday, AprIl 27th. hle erbugltaoton fM. -i b-rctolot boy. J iidging frcm pi e%â reports, be lis one mil e tcii apronfM. The farinera in týia lIacaiity alr"Of the most gif Ird elorutionistis that 1o he Ric&p c crd Cn oatminorate greatly pleased wkth thbe appearance 1 11,1eaiiw to town for man~y ytears. f 2ar.aniw undrtd ih of thé <al wheat f telde and meadow r. . LETTEI FROM FRLSCO. ofiCo arexs anU we . ersnduct-e! Soit for ye« ara a!.Wieat and clOver le.t ete ty rchd - P ~'h.v.agtiue thýes trimmc'pd out looked betterq W!Je 1» hrather against 1 1 < i , f~and scrttped, ar.i asibtis orchard has the theclrY that e 9QPen winter fiVrancisco diîîpà r,r, aiIved this week. 1plroduced a largc 1uaiîtitY oft taiiti-, It s fcx'î M. H L I~bso, auîCî.fili appleb ihi the, the prerc'ntt rtoom Mouldings and Wall Paper at I, L% ron. 'r l . Mana. tboma eri p oners wili nuo oubt ic.aize wili on X. . Thoin ahk.slap their îaavestrnenx. their lten-i thiî. Y, and no"v readluny in Oakland, MUViNG TO T01Oo:To Cl r - no at arw toi10etablish a oentral fruit MNr. Wrn. -iiîîîth ,whohais been cm- ce!ar'e.aïl la u ni't with hiai packing station nt Whltby. at whieni ployet] in Kxug's tanne.ry here sinci i: ne le. the fruit growfl in orchards in Ibis hie boyhood dayb, xaîcuris to mov netighbonhood wlI be put up. TI ey WANTED. bis fainfliy 4o Toronto, where he lia ' .wl u oedrbenuîe m oecured a miltuatIon in Bickell & Wic Telephonte operator for night duty.' 'orchards and kcep . permanent staff ett's tunnery. ,J illa nnxdand d drugglst n cf ernplOYees, who wifl l e engagedj dur îng part of the. year. auîd plcklng' Mr. Thos. Pileghtholm met wîîîî The Licen.a Conimiesioxiers for K. an accident o...-. day thits week.. njp Ont.ario met id O,4haiva un the 2ard drn Iormine fti er had.tnl tîokn..îud naothrWseint tu gr..nt lhCf-.à sea for the corn-: A reocat article rppeared lin Uth 'bruiset] liv anfa-I. Ing year. 'Thei presamt holêiers were!Toronto Globe la whieh MW. Carl The 6-yycar-dld son (if Mr. John iii gratA t-dC.wdIb, wlth the. excep- Schurz InqîtareJ of the whereabouta PlÃ"miîme't wilh a painful accident tion of the tmnerteait House. eant of of one Cari Loolfler. who had helgied cia atîîrday last. The littile fpllowv the four cornermi, Cbhawa, and tlehini tae eape troitu German>' lI-1849, wa.% playiiig .round a nîre i tric,, Brook Houge ait the Oshawa Ju-nc-, Aftter making iic'ulrier, Une Keystoeie; garentandtirlibied falitg iito theton Unf.ivernble reportA have been learne that Carl Leotler dl.d tu To.. glardea. ;îdtI'î4edvas aii iothe eyroeived fur aL'm&btaitue past -on thel rcnto 27 years ago. Hie was at burned] in the arme, bat iuckiiy li irai ner ln which tl-tese Iwo itostelrien potrtait tit f t no nwan abuity,'f face es Mpauile~<re utWng coinducted, bence the -le-. and 0f ten v)Mated Wtiltb>' lnithe, ~OE ~tlion of the eoiumlsà .Ioaeru ln i th.. pursult of bis profusun. Se patat- holdlng tae.îcioce. - Tii." c two cd portrrxituet mian prOm4W!2t t po- Mr. J. M0I'tyrPe lias bought l.tîossW*1t Illel>' be cr'à duct..d ne! pl@ of tia town. snmung tbom Km'» coutîectio'îwith thei abovi. stork can-i,,. State&. Hesta #ow W >'ers of be boutii .laf aie ratc. 2'erms nxmay .-.age. and hamélissa dltlg.ntlY .eeklusii be ari anared tru suitti archdserN. Prie,, A)for hl.benefaCýter t .-0ye-an uo. aid stotcs lhave h."n dîanced 10 per, Ir wmu. îllck dkd ý.t h'.x home 4i<Plug to b. 41bs'0 repa>y hlm 10 munt. onl I;st year'.i lancem, and lxi. hOrie on Frld.iy, ainsiwaa huried *<>1Un M""er or bl#e* tfi. ueau 0f tending wil deiweil to' 1 .uý bc~mli> u o~a.b.. egulrtiurbis preuet tPosition lni eramine thils stock unten attendin akhn le' i l i.tu~ Ohudt tPrunnIw.,But aU l the Sal Fair. .1. M<'iat.tri', l I :ýhIh.und "am my o~nurwtih .tated a1u6's, Carl LoSfiferbuSlong istreet tsotith. 14nS hU3~ u utaLahndcl etot e bs rewrardi, 1Ortng 10-4. --'~L.&~i3a4ln,.1". r* i 'nrobust for a f 4,w 7ew ra pa',t. and Inkd thlm us.a>'evdeà ce. of W»s rt.- BOýlnîniiI- andit] Llîîiszny haseliliof laie he là 4d lî.e:n aruuclîwat«'sc ,taýk.jistle ablt. teains tt-l net join tho Afidaks1 ng th i,% bed andi reznnt« til t tiiWELL N3 IEICAT [t'git ths "'so. Tu~~WaB de ed cine. i*He -vas &J 7.aru «« ae.:ý Wagdeails iften.uai w d A.large nomber ot f rIends assembbdiMr. W'.MU WkhtcuaS, a (IM 1r 1 Caiouxg lrd -riay. Tht Icgu tt th* hinne un Monda>' te pa>' hq& e ciant 0< Qsbawd. 41II4at St. Miels. wiIl li c otntsod of onîy lotir rluî>s.s metbtehits npuaxr>. fils t ftlh'- @i lspti 'roao o 8t, th~nYca-Coour~, orthop. le..thw e IJanw*Ies ciied oSly a 1ev js"4o W*tbtui Wv* A doule cete- t'teStknomu 'te Use uwtmutile omtx. 'tebor ad O,4hn-t Adouleach- i«k* UCKumtr f th < ie IEoluton. baqpig lseq dute wlll lie arritîge']. Thor r.resl']nt >411. PALMII lEÂI>. - oae i.~e~ in âf the' icague lq le . ..-Oiîl>Osh.. My u 4lw, l4toftieorusItr>'Y S10(e awa: &8eretary,. S. Loukinattont, Port ie3W.Pue.4. tTrh>ja.' UhpsOeu LK& 1900 i On Friday i.44t 1b.,gliar. eiitemet] Ltroivri Bros'. grocry ai Bowmanx-le ,LIA robbed the ill A,. quiet wedding took î'laee *t&tIIi .Saints' rectory oni Welnesd-zy, whon 1 Miss Annie Metoaxi. cidest daughter of Mir Wm. McC.uurt, became the bride cf Mr. John NY. Koss, of! Whit-t Ont. TUHE ÂSSES.SMF.î'1 ROLL. WVhitby's ashaca; or, Mr. F. Rogers, basq complet.'] l.n.. work for thi", four daysa ihead ofuthe c specifled time, and we glean the foilowlnig <rom his report. Popul-iion- 2272. No. of childrcxn bet.wten 1ime ages ç4f 5 and] 16.-4bS0. -Nu. of ebildrt"u betweerî the -igCe oif 5 'tn'] 21-0 Total assesswent-$928,659. Amount oîf ancomne taxable upder Setlons Il atud 13.-24,24-5. Business as«e-tiîment u.-xder kt~olu Total voice of projperi> exempt flom utitof, or hable for loca lm1- ,prolvemeaNonly.-,27,000. -rotai amntiof taxable mcal pro- Tot!al actuai velue of the parcel of real prCoerty -.P~i7,504. V'alue of building~s-$6U4,760. Actual v-alue of the part-el of real property. Pwlcuâdve of the. buildings 581." . P 4b.k&Gr la - 51 ". Christian i2&. »npt.ast-1.90. Roman Cath-. Toal i bU41ment of 1905-$900.- ois. TPcreane' -~1~0 TORlE TREIR PLESH. ..Mr emud es ahnwlth p" Ietugboraine 4a sio sw, and sud thel shkts$voMW m outbl. lte uMth, Itibed.Tisedoo tor daot, ou te Xiueww vtUt ao s, s"d V A u t * P % l t d 4 1 t a u r o r i v e i l . n d hu-* estlr* epirtd tisuace<th te_ rib (L d1.s.-lwmme oot t.., lëi. 110e. » .Coei IlgW ~n SPRING CHARLIE JOE 1 irât, class hand laundry. 1Resîdent of Vhitby for two yenrs. Ali work delivered and guarantco. Dusudas St., West. Souths Sido. ARuction Sales. Sa le lîy amction of the househol'i furnîture and] effect,- cf Mrs. Joehua liel'] wilI take place at her realdence, Broek strtet, Whltby, siear tanner>',j ot Weduea;day, Mal' 2ad, 1906. at oue o'clock pann. No -reserve. U .Fuit- t'ansk, atictkor. Mrs. M. J. Fa>', havIug bouglit à furnluhod hc*sie lunToronto, wll sei ail ber housebold furaiture boe with-. ont the tslightet reserve-,st lber redI- dente, Gflbert aistmt, town ut WhIt- b>'. Ob Saturda>' the 14th of May', 1906, st i'clock p.m. L. Fairbanks,i auctiobieer.t An auction sale ot fruni ture, lieuge and Icit lu town of Whltby, -the estate cdt the late Elaes Grant, wlll take xlace st lber late ru,4t<ooe, north west par t of tise town et Whitbv, on Batrday. May l2th. No renerveit Sale at ipm 1). Ormistes, Eaq., Admlnlutrator. Xi. FuirbaukP4a, ac t WHA.Tr4EXT? A Mau cllgarliquot s t lvwl du Loup, la <Qoebe. clime AO tromt à s nwpaper *M* prlnto Ist6te. cualu hlm tS-.. llig oon Suda>. , 41 dt ctR age tt hle did iot %11 OuiBada>'. It wasa .mpLypw? tuat b l 44. tt le çwamed a11ta twco athp.:Per £tut y1igo. 4 all next -bave tbe gauibiar "is- Mt Upobi tbm. Wbeu O"one *Qft140eF , 1080 Sprint Weatber i's at hand, and oui' stoclk is now complete. with al Unes of Goods- suitable for Spring and Summer wear. Dress Cioods, Muslins, Ginglhams, Prints. ZephyrsVictoria and Linen Lawns, Etc. 1)ress Goods in ail the newest shades of Grcys, Browns, Blues, Etc. at all prices. Muslitusiatesl patterns from 12jc per yd. Up. L:îwns ~ froru I0)t() :3,5e per yd. lriuts 10 and. 12! per. yd. EmI)roýderIes froxa 4c per yd. up. Orz.andies 2,5 30 amId 3,5) ei- r 4. Cali rîcs 12 .- prydl. upwards. Ki1l C 1ovus, Cotitre I anti Black $1 ani and$S 1.25 per pair. P>ririt \Vrriippe rs SI iwards. J1ust ca Uw of our special Value Towels b2 for 25c left. pair 1it fttre they are gone. Cali - ad get a Kr*nL Table -Pride The hou.ewife of stand- ing snd taule, properly prides herseif upon the iett- ing of lier table. Af lier napery and silver 7bW bove oriticism 80 ahoxxld liertable glus war . .. ]Rioh Cut Glass acde toue and qua.lity to- any table. Se. our assoriment. Priosa te suit every purs. Jmffu.r ad: Optice> Stnp Thaï Cur ' Thai I - onThtî'-sd*Y, Aprdl'101(b. 7«I Nciw is 1te t inme to h.ave t liaI care.. &Inathua toGwxîfor 1lua*. troughing doic'. g0PiI se. (or-. T e Mr'. lano'hidt ner. laxdware. f- ît.ê~netwi,4.t hîvtshu . Sb lar" trhrS If you lî;ît'e hores, cattlç', farinTwno.8i ei'ptao atcgký, farin prodaor4,or tarin 1Ineple.. menatisfor otie, 1brini thon, to. the 1 nas ni c*Ou Wht±by' 8ala Paýr a 'ldacmri o¶t ý2lth. kntloteer'. s.onpret Thse êuvtlvp4 n aiv beli ab -2 p. .Mv W wiso<VS % fii. Whitby PIouoo arkot cxe>< ltheiiO I lïanber ons Frida>,ý'I, tb Z« * April 27t1 i t ±0lý *Wm. 8PeillAr- WILLI Compoufl( And rew m.e Rkoss. %do - - - -- - - weomtbor& q w Wiow, %--Çeqà > -là % ivo-, lu eV lu) -toi Un N.bbéa 0. 4 PRFESINA. , .I t.,