Whitby Keystone, 3 May 1906, p. 2

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I - ~ g Attempt çpgMdto SachfOmSanfrn ýt cisco Her Commereial upremaecylu4 MIilIionaire Huntington Gives $30,000 to Hm Fund for Professional- Menu Bernhardt" e ei-FO l ýý 'ffeý.G o Sank in Lower Part of City. New York despateh -Àocording,,têa jo4 ' y ii 4we 1.niu *r Ba r.csodsac 0the Wôrld à' th itipô*id tàs .* h>ýýÎbfr Son raniscodefltchtO oor protection against t!,. heavy rai g'#up of financiers, taking advantèe of that bepganta fait about one a'clock ami tht eity'm mis-fortufle, eeek te suaitêh oontinuzed for several hour. iany ber commercial eOupreznacy f rom. her. 80ons were driven into nearby ho ila te Oakland a deep mca port be building Je et. r idfo 1. ftTîn tha"fo dock.and pfers into deep water. cmal day. puit, lrmndî<eili of teýits ha "It la tima intention," aid thle upcak- ing been i c-eîved and put up ince t e~for the syadicàte, 1"to maLtekd .Ud 1 r e h o hîK $ Wei chef marine hpping port on> th*e r ad co in tabir wet olothes last nightù cifle coast. The enterprisie onten-plâte@ vs.luly trying to get warmn after the raiii t lflng of 500 acres of shoal water and eoamed, by walking or huddling aroun eoistructlofi of a mole capable oiidock, itfle camp firea. The Icaît dimtroem an* in1atelarget ships that enter th. bay.-0 ufferilig wàM et the Presidio, 'weri A~~i~oe nh4i pric. of Oaikland city real utt nearly al lte refugle. have b..:> pr;;4 Thei cettxý,Pviae Wbo ii Beg Trit l goinu up by leape and bounds. vided with tinte by the. Quartermastâe'~ ap]atofettin in rente 18 deparînient. A wagon of picks an4 wleÉrad adpoerl1ule1cc ~ uVe ho, ,w1,l ciieawindow for, *Il Iblle anI ha at work te keep h elotaeboXrsece e r T e çheques wjîll be mado qut ini the f]ont wïtbun reosonible limits. liundncd4 of and the ground baoked airouocl the tênt%ý usual form, endorsed by 'thle casher. ,mi baassof business prope rty have bien inaking thei camparatively comfoa n md taken 10 tiielifint, wh-;ere thev wi The uozj ince Monday for dloublPe 1TtOeýa4 ~b. 'wahed. Seintenicut if th-* kMint idem tbe figures orlginally paid by e seIeiW. n ,TE611fo'" at -0le rear of 1a4 LacHan 5 3 hM-be «WîU I c0V4W1te, in 'left Ail vacant bouses have b..:> taktu"aid boer lew, about 3,00,01Italianr f rom 'eîei I thi.as _soon as he can gpt enougli mt. u'«."le Who have eountrv home.are le&&- E ph and Remsian/lIilr,. and a APninlc, elenico. Tbie savinge banks report a irali L'~ur ty nmst anyfiursand no o (Itnle and J F» mtlfaetorr condition. Tber wiii open pon u.Igout of to'wn. oniejo tdI ahé"ie mredaY atheb cmmercial lrvi proesuoua Ne- Whlitsuidh.r dstrce ~"'~~~ iab>or Supply IacrealU. ni ai arc cW . The. market prie., for laborerg le untingtoii f t is -@M à " s"i" thoe pply njd, A ed wfth a gift of $OOO a fund to ingr, and the. diffleulty of prepan *2MA. a cav, wth -t' e'a the nined.-LortU 5m p»1 ~- *&444 *the distreme of h u ncecacung. >TledPs the amitho- g Da eviand womo4'h ýj ~#~i1l iu ~s s, the M'or T)eprtment and street eNtii te Sn ra 1eodia. t]she luaây ead IHamilton lsquîa "i "il4rv, Private concerts want, men> fine ~tement made public by M-Hunlting- hosaai-ly4v-et ave be:laito çlear up their P<rmIi3sesimut reet ffew tn: concernnng bis gif t.la in part as sued to those C DJiOd thpbe, but t tembr. saructurep. Howppily, we are valu Ïecnt1viltàhoBa Frn-ground i. hi«b and i4' drainffe good, hlIcSt dîc an ýRI1 Ti rmtrtilt s q1ln f During M ree v.ittoSn-ra on- lCme use cf wter% for m-nything but triet idemo1,wam &truck mot foreibly by ua hsbec>en iovýed. Il soin tii mwfrhneliI adocuridtepro- CONDITIONS NUcH PROVED I was wash-dav ii in l liihe arnps. Tiiene de ~miol me by nemure oýton et the disas- 1. FWB$tCO ia a eanc.Ity Of rabtUb% and es n t feT. Tii. sturdy laboring mon> iill fimd wasshbainsM and boWls, abytlig' luat mcai .'P t ie id Jrog i *ss- An Oakand desptch: Conditions a #leild hnld voter. se'red the p-ufrpbse. gctd c*ie of the relief eom ies and the atili Iookiiig up. Thc e et rici ion agains The alirul>. and trcea <of Galden .Gate TI ~Iudont. cail for labor will soofl be on <iiterii'g tie c'ty - n owr practieally of Par7k axe iwbite witii c1otlàesý ',WNomea tilt' unf ginadI ama sgond B1 1 w iith dalîîty banda and dipniond rings iohv the cli cctws icf carse arti - and, -orn> *tb i ariterhà4iadd rn n a i m s o et e e rth unnng on M arket itr<'t gain. Tlý bands anA gos.%il-ed n ir tiseirr ~ h. a ,I meak e -tbat as f clame. :thi J'4 lave 'ýbotb '- ame anda locaf-1>ards. .Newi.-of daint.,;habits areiot baWyers , dooldeIsandi otiier professional balgtatom They have foumid a row O>l about without colIaus., heause tain] lÉen wbodîpnd upc:> libraries, akilI of private reidenees on Laguna atrerli i. et 1odfyo >sonIin id li~~ ,Iettes fr uppîtai mk ~bre41~~, ~avy longeir. The layidrW* e~t' it as J ii heavlly bih. I know-permonully aiMaRy t,--mme-e, f't 1 welI 5-5 tlS on"sof' mtubing. ut Ïo los ~~ o lst. tlir, . arieg, ' omec>an-r lt( ri b. euf ugres have bathed. îttid mien ývèýhjg bu' o t«e omeeypa rod te m nen li too ut,' ki . starýwIlb th %othem they wen, uçauing 'Thé ,'the hé . NV lb.rW lmméxruo -hs din e. th.y > t li tii we~w~a4n. Tii ~th. roake-W Worb, th - day tht' dangrer 'Of -opid>uilc ts 'mnpi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f aeotwl ui 4t4 i ad l s- are doing bsne Isecei snaler. There i., ebblutiy no . lubon, and muet tae a ptiffleallY,.ýl - jtilt. inrepase jin the naMber_ .-C ;uallpoir. stârtin thevo e ion t. Y iiCiaiîgIoue rpcenIl".as'lottp~od a ppaed eoughly eoc. T ac ii Dr* feil. rive or aixsýafes rr oftan bled tôgethpl iern the> baa.e.it, powners ptf them ail out aBd rd i y tb&ir property. Thev ,ilk b. in tbe rtreets to cool for -thé p., The' work oU tz~ig' tle j>angimmas lie- iroes on @mmootlikv. The meIil- lent %tage of this work w»I 4 tbe ng of raiload Iràseadown the, n busainess ptrcfýmti Wget oMt the Lt mnesOSof lr.cko,-ge. The FIre.Swpt A*ro& em of tfic foard -ci Publie Worka imaff that tte prea xwept liv tii is about )à squtare mUete. 'be"6 aie cit ica in the. wcrid wfl en tomue!b tal)lf propmçty was rontaed in an ,l territorial erea. Within the dis- t wepre neti ny,100 l>anks aloi., e of thé, fineîRt cf fk+ bdldligm oft- of New Vorti. *thousundu o"f - moe- thlt' and ros<eiuia est4bUb. ntq, and about 250.009 inlhabits'ktu, to- er with about 25.OOO trnÏ!eints. 'hee factjýi mevgive xcun* fieS, 'f 9.7e .of týhe ru in a sd, of te km ain- 'cd. but thpev nn - O'mphabw e ii ail logg of life frcearhùkfn co <wer 700, a n,4 iU1lînatàô9t W riv tiot rrach 1,000. Tisin . *proof of thr I maeqterly m anner Ini iefthe AUthOritksc.I ivil and milltàVy, many Rcsî8entegu blJured. hie homes cfMr 'I f -lin I000are mdin p~4~P.b A~jre~. There remain titi' grat - 8hiyarm at rot rero, the Pýac fie MilI do&ks, lihe,,tv itz iipdiatçl.î sur. ridini,' $c nIç, tité atoek yrAl at ]th -%,,n Fu4riênc, teti.waIice gx the, 'water froet,'-tbe, factore pg thq Wb t« , front irom !IsQ e ltiuter'i Point, tbi, 3;int,, Me ;tit, ~ iii tielaârgo II' retail dis- oht i~o' âfnd Dé -,Vi*tufl, re Allýer , a$5»trfut, v [s 4 4 -Fm~ iendftting % :> a fi"tielarm a -Batavia, N. Y-prl30.-TiS 0court Young nMau> meIarijsfod$2 ffive clegydàà-! 'Ie Protestant Ca >A"a erdvi.-Episcopaji Churcb, thich is beaning the tenta <olge OUti 'eaitoê ,tha -charges Olt ÙUtioi cfnhl thee6 milwsihilr SM& ý8. rapsey, L.84 *frcfjittrain butwen Ingersodlo amô îoolises- Port Enrmmelk vas eaueelled 7eswp day mèoêdise- ,b. pluMmer Iroqu9l*,wbicb grp9,uïded ber 'r ;Wll sW ti o below tl4e Eoo and l>locked lie passgi in.i ta»u -netéer of Dr. Crp- for sevensi hourm, waÎ nelesed, yeserday 7 f -SiS mubni li Sft nn on -vest 4y of St. A n 4ýg, t e xpected t e- tiie Ssponter shop,,At. , Lie Ir@tp City Aiklng 1OBin m-rds, yestmrday, Edward Quart al .g.sn4eVâdc ue for i, injunil 'mfuber 'Lad te hamupuhat.. Dr. CrspiSey ad hakun 'a làiso4na Tht appoinîment of 3n. J.- W. bey-. Mr.~ i mcmr Corley o1<Torouto asOCrown Attor- - to'Pf 'Cire, ns'for t tcly as OfficIâ OURclea. findyesterday ai hernoon. Il' ât set'smtt nô uaetl e ine on IMay 1. from whlcb day ili i se' Dr. (js In Fbrusy, f1905. To ile signation f et Mr. Ourry d«tes - tMr. Perin lb .5 3e rotj d lIa 8@verai parties foItoni evilIe,î voie thieA0511 911v a 8flWu 0 t sumrm udfor bqing At a coek fi bllgstti S4L mac aDeserouho on Good Fridaà'aMpredint male of Dr.'W11limi,'~ we yeiterday xnornung fhed # m i heh tue proseoutor, vas tie Bmsa'>p <of 49»?O mota. A Desmnmnto holtel keeper, Salleibu,.Mdit 1 Whbo l *20, gave the thing awa t- rPlCi. 2Uh(~iItP' tii autboritiis. - spj>pol WM4 iti bulI MieJeanV.Smei c Iuen, Cài l.- rAf tiiwiff1Ir rghiitbj' 4W) bral' India lits r.sigîcd lier poition âs prosecution snc'f ié,eftel J, ts-4i- rfisio:>ary utîder, Üe -Foreign ]dit ion gI deidd t, uxel'-ui the Cô6mnittee cfthe. freébyterian*Cbib,- , ivd itei n sýlo 'lu omdgr 1t> larY13cv ,J. e, C1I.y isma5 ýAîOtber me. 'bêr cf lb. Caîadlàn rmi1s onl E M~ >jN longs te MadSï Ont.. andbabu - ' r mission work in India since lm8, ax »oxB ýRJSII AND FQRE!&4 - W.&M 4ritainçk4 unchangeil t-p-day; at The Cte fu' o! l m ana ul BuRasi> 31-2pcr~ent.- ~ ~ ~rath- ~dw ~dneo hâd ben fuit for ber I~5 4 feh. - - - accident err King Vietor Eipmaîuel at Qi ý'~.nlght. Tiheeoselmg fsteamer Shah - eV* to-MY opmed thlq'itn1tQ5 oaut WaiU'1111% (Icogeim f beisry A',b ôMO. T*eana, iW alyuptso ne wbii 10 membérsn 'Prtet Ru*aian 'lialbas 1cm e*Vtr.d aid. 4tieî uhor! at 10 opclocek£ ,p rt 40 ',r lps~li~elom4 - to-4yAp 4Pj-ýanil al! au>bout loter tras m, b le,,av-l iralions, were iei.f rom <ermauyAnd Aa.,ý,_ - Oe~ro on hi coùtîn lit eni wlêvUin b e d oaIlat, sui *M'tethpbr bàÏe ~Ign t~rnor.u, Tip $6,-pu4 l thilb.StrgtOn,4t4 L', !Dw-fwbih ê wu& n0O1.Te roÀ aï .7 iT bcopotlvu oc>ç "~unbts f ontti.cêr#*pondentd U" th'e Ào"ateâPmiT'ms, tbroîmgout Rusa& roue, iëPVilMýN aid us aueaua bow l uerad aFr~q a , y lfi x a vs Imm Get î ~'Led Paokesteà WC 'É' rreflections were s 5ë. ypon by a iauiiliar vi . "9Y Jove! it.is Mina! '1 _"~d Bhe fouind lier furthE mnrdbv Bertie Everard, Si son. who wa.; studying <n4W*Jtary, proclivities, and t tgcd~ would be lusef 'q.9 faniily estate, -unhic ÏÈýca'ng fiourislîing under 1 nif iront rulle. '- 4uImri!I ncî-en dreai U'lag thougu tho ban s %p. lier lmd heen "banisi tecouniter betwveen two ýtp sanie tow n had been 1f ;"Non diti l. I thoughl 1#r*tpd, or-bmen sent to a, soine such tiîing. --You se. ,dops out of Figlmt in Loi a drop in the ocean, that -jiôîirae behiiid. 1 amrn výE Cvmie, tell nie 'al b.tylis wept gallons . uated to -wtdte, and t] viat, but my inother 'i heï You are an. awful Il knowv-a -lost mutton." course I gin," said 84ec understood lhem cous ,M 1 "But you must ack' kÉpt out of _sight and fol t.Yea; itL i quitc trut meit you, I amt amazed t leuiat. Hum have you Uc - ,4fWhy trouble abou% di ani maLnothing-tbat %"Wonderful woman I "ioueluit\fart" .'ot very" _ýi,9'Let me came witii yo ,ê >"If you like. I arnm -chbance of bearing about M Tiis briet collaquy to Rtoad Walk, Ktxnsiîgton esM crossing fromk a bi Cote, mimere lher last les. ',grtie Everard, a ta yqw1iug MUn, Most acculai uM.,.nlike father o~r 'Mot iagnedhuned and a ,g;d-tie Bayamater-.B -MDo yeu knawp you a! ,yWtCheeiks not quit r ifle more sombre thai '$r,. but you area ï , em girl sutilixMna.' !Isuppollsone'dcz five ,norsix moitis." io;bu-the traditio th5> ypu bave been eatl ugh joü were u T8t78Pe. 1 Y I, allgMin lugredients. The berbt of ti fqMst te atuwe's ce" écIeg * ïc'%teCao Cron mu In lthe-44scWvxt and es$=n 'k uÈ~voeua4 419MUSNESS -& INDIGRFSTON. »Omm sfor Bilkomms.tave o» rkti mi upto ti' vsm ~mstabae 46 > reidkisiLaIMsà* U»" lto *etia «Mm grtr ulh tub $lm .Is ruadi -asfollomst for wbat BUis b -ave do». for ra. 6bsvio li~u thefr 'i :1 r ~ r

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