Whitby Keystone, 3 May 1906, p. 4

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IL obrauin Wus lu ITooto oubait. R, Q a Yal~bj1Tgb afeet ber Emtr vaeatia i~w'thk faien4s la wows. Min Froaer Gseom roturaM ! ta floNuto to rcueurb er atul.e. J'a,. Planbett bas m omeesre- .pabing the Ba4dier hotas. ontbefarm Wb" ehb reeantly putI3bauei. Charb'e aud Lui'. Longett, ofthle [ais lfarm, MAmOrdunvisIted un- der te parental roi« recwtiy. lii Lawe, of Oshawa, bas bouglit (rom Geo. Jaickson the reetlelio on tti hll-toý, tii. on. oceupied b.> E& O'eeoa. Mr. LaneI' ntends motv- IDgr Into the bame. Wbat mkdht bave praved tu be a %er> cerlouse dentOecurred On Gru'enwOOdbill on Monday eVening. WhlIo F. L. and frs. Green and Irene wivre returi'lJif rom Kjnsi1e their borne became uDntunage&ble and pro. O"d 6tii ruti awaY duwli the bill- $The holdbaek tqtraie broke, Ma'klng mattersvOrFe. At the bottorn of the blli the animal tried tcO turD for boine>, but collided with IL GlOSaon'sý @tUre, throwing the oeeupants ont agiinst the building. Trhey vers ail birui"e'!and eut, and (be nmiracle -ln tb.> were not kl*fled. qoc*n.-Dn lMonday., Aprim 23rd, lie Wifs Msi..ct Fore> th, of a daughter. Mr. oud hiin le! t town for Toron- lu, wbere lie bus .ecurçd a g.6uitlon. Fifteela new volume. Inciudlag tbs tatest fiction, bavelbecn pliSl on the sheiveri of! bc publie hîbrary (bis1 Jouhn Gcrow receiveil a carload of Ipomp nlatl!rla tlitiweek. This ha. Rmn cne of thie. beat seasona in the Ipump business ihtt, r. Gerfw bite oer experteDe. t taket hMm ail bis tlne ta keep up wît.h lits ordorq. Trho citiSans'band are ut i i inrean- J.mg lit aumbers. Tirs. new ,nem- ber@ bave latel> been addea to thoir qulumber, maklng a to6tal TIGw of tbirty. PICKERENG. Mis. W. Luogan lis spenciig a week witb Mrende.In the elity. im sNelle bradford lale .pendIngK a week with ber parents &cre. Bon.-At awun jolie, Man., on ITiursday, April 12, the wfs <of W. H. Bunting, of a son. - Jcéhn Topper, Who ba. been sM. lploiyed as pack'ir In ipink's MliII for sOMe lime, bais befn engage& as sec- liibmand on the .Grand Trruak la the easterfl section of the vIllace. He îb ~*U~ lh lust -*ai*s .44" ubamt maso",b? *0 . sxst atsfoe ica*crootoý UqMOI , 4Ioe# wers quit r. mA ut e.idr1 carda vïe.b'r64.k~e oerUt Dalng on the. fipot uf mal. and vtra àO,* ee maore entbuiLisui tisan ai. Tu sus- pense of Vaittne vas mg». tiafnsome oozl l.r, and it le 'Ju@t liat tioe swsre a loir coum bob- bing befrks thi eldaIgbt bOUr. At 507y rate, fioliltilt boit 1111morn-1 îrîg. pecPle coins wtht~boir polen, uatit tu tis eai hura trethebridge vas boned froua on.!to en& .andi on bot d*aswvile ottere asme s pointe o! vsatage -.rcuad the pou&, or at the mii. A4ded tu tent «rof eom f10 Vetejý» Lî.rta of the Bort and Guo C:ub, Oul ta tliolA r boIatAý, and casting tbor flues vltti aimble. ne-bi and precirbon of mid )P~r. Tihe catch va.s e t aeommufufor mveral years baek, and thexfe ver, vwry fo w *b"IaLe drava. As ta Who cagit the. lg ose vo are sot pre- pari dto Bal, for tbese *OMM lu b. mach differencos eopinion along irtis la.-TImes. BOWMA-%(VILE Minsa Rebordeo, WhitbJP. bas beeu rinltlng lMme.. H. Emayry nt thopar-. Ifr. (Om . -ibbeiI, Torouto, vie towa Saturday atti.4zn8 tIi. funer-. ai oif hieaunt, Lie tata. te. 4- Dià- bar. frie marc lago of Mi ElâeuThora.', daughteir of 1fr. Ch"s. Tajorne. New- castbe, and 1Mr. D. B. keffInpsaIL. C., Bowmauville, toot plaou goI- ît. Oeorge'm ciureh. Neastis, st 11 o'cloek on Apuit 25th, Rer. à. ecott Hloward offlciat.ing. The. ebanoei vms decorateti ewith thîU-ea, roses, cara- tions and 1-. ms. lin.. Chartes WII. mait, of Port Hope, %;aDB, "P. Perfent Lae," nftet the cer oeony. lm Thora'» br-iaIrobe vas of creain p&nne volve". and coater adeleu.ves of boniton tomeThe . ,l vas of toile wîtb erowa of orange blosioa, and ths jtwels, tie groWs' tuit, 1 a diamondIfjil' and pqsarl clap, and a large faxnoud andi j-lpeari pen- dant. , O.ecarrieti a white pIB,.,' book Insteati o! tlowcrs. 1fr. Chas. P. Blair, Lovujanvllte vas beet-man. MCIss argaret aMet.ult, cd Port 1Hope, was makl uf Locor in prlrrom or- ,gandie suiAeprofusel.y trimmed wlth Vaieaoenaes ie, triple ehirt, liaS IDONVOd 111s OUZPbeld Lleffecte tÃ" 'qu,3at buws o0! ibbeti7 satin, and Pc*t %34bltby, wiiere lie wili reiaus in Ite lare bat; *be carrle yhlw future. - rUes. mi"e olive Thora@, lie bridet. On Tîjeslay af torno., liBent Brant.-J1sMster, In pliak, ant ibs - Etbel Led- ,dw-,who hadto uken a loati o! bousne- hart, la pâle blue, vîlli bouquts of~ lkold furnl'orc, etc., te Witby, t1.4 Ibis 1eam 'Io the liotel stables for a few moments, and in iebiabsence tbey Ibroke a brldip. and ci artedl off fUt homne. They tost no ie be. tween Whtby and i Pckering. and unly etoppeti wblen tlaey rcnched the Ilvery stable. Tic' tongue of the wagon vent acari> ils fuit Icnatîl t brcough tIre yl o!et lic office. For- tunateiy 1n0o miewas in tho offile it the ie, anilit u..me minaeulous %way tMUli borses esCrî,ped injury. white rieacted a3 bri&4naMida.Tbe' nshers wiere bit. }vah H. lIcA«, N.wlîtle. MesËtu. J-. Hovard C Mortry, Ar thur L. McLangbhtint andi Carl B. Kent. ot Bovoeanville. Aflter the reception and kcî.et»r 1Mr. sud ire. 1Simpson left for a hoa.ymoon ln tues oPthero Sta tee.ttêb bride' vwemig 'a grel tweed> traieltlgig driss, the EFtoo coat tzimmed vlla navy mlittery brali o&anary N.A poison bat wltb forget-rne--otai and! -Ss Gl ,a-raham W.. Roue, N'eKU àerleMlauutr. and Kr. Wibbm. Affl' MNbc» who alltSonap ele.vbere WSTO:. IMM - t jqW ifgtt ýne' . r Brown, tir. C. Suod«.and 1Ur. W. M. "ukot for the. saoaeal ad Of theý IpaWsile Loegus ta.-tbs sir future. %Ir. -Ch&& kerth atteaisi the (un.' oral t iu aiater4u4aUw st UXrilge.ý Mies Adeline Broom. spemi 8uaay et Aubur. ]gr. Seurrai Biust Ouadal etUmr. It le -MrWre that Mr. <lerrge Roi- lUda.vwo u tiried to hie ranc>i near MÉap' Creek a litiUImore lian.&a -am-ath . Ù1, z<again la poor healtb, aC* *Ut 1 likef-v - e,>M, baci to On- tari àtoui@r Mfr. Lou êebfr-rt vas houe (rosi To- rnto on Ptiarat>of Lhot vol. The. sh<iwerson Weinea.lay vere mueh jppreciatcd eai16e -rein WaS bail >nS"cd Mfr. M. M. Wàlsoc started ont (rom' here cm Mooday for Pbeton. R. bas engageA viti a inedicque cSnpany lu iatrodues th«r line to *wy bouee- hold ln Prvlaoe Edward coanty. Dr. E. Robiam, o! 8jan FraocLuoo, has bren heird froni b> hi. Br',hio- relatives aine@ the gre'at ocatstrophe.,. The. R. T. or T. lotige bad aootlaer ,ad&ioto ts emebershb.p et lait- Mir. -W. floblaaon's teaiu tan avay frocm n afront o!fLthe poa$offiSe'coma Wedesday afternooa. 1'hey vent at' a sharp clip, but wcr2 stopped at about a mle'and s ait [t (oms ere u-ithout halng douf e.ny damage. Mdi&.W. Guy basl «OneCta Maitoba.1 where ber lîibauci lateil oeured a farna. ]Rv. C. Adams w'.,nt tu Orcoo an Sanda> aft&*rztoo,i ere UMia.Adams, whu la in poor bcaltb. le aow stop- pins- at ber %M borne. nev. lir. Roi- land., o! thel'rosbyterLan churcli. oc- ISallow Complexion YOU eu read in the hS et4e 8. Y eSt of theo Uver. A torpL&1, isiver haves the bile in tbe to polsothe whole "a. tom. Tho esuits ae: Pale, sallow 9mleis Lui t-yofmpoe, 1 esird digmetaun, Baloususas .. i rogulaty 01 the bo»We F#j thoir direct and sp.cific action on s the fivrer Dr. Chas.s Kidney- cure biusa.s, ldi a m ncon.e atipatiOtl.- W Ask y=urnoighbors Ïbout Dr. Chias"~ Kidn.y-Liver Pilla, for their meut bas mode them known in uearty evory homo. Drý. bases Ighby.LlverPille,0»ePm a do«.,SS a esabov. at Smil maor Edtnes ates a C0, Torstc. Tb# ptrtaIt 4udsntse of Dr. A. W.% Chao, ti. ausaolpt book ie6vame on .emy bm Made ln Canada Trho "PERECT" l has. won ighest 'awards at Toronto F4xhions for tb. p#M, five ym ' speaks well for the àn.- This mako of gasoline engine is iii useini anlpartu Of Ontaroam4 epl to drive ail kirds of mlaohinery. Farmw'a find it imm My sfl od Ie machine.-,, choppers, pulpers, eutting boxes, etc. This poiel Pu"m ais, ds arpeats' lm p Sw k 4 *~5 w1Ih bis! brtb. ltluaU~ III. Thê~ lai 5~:, ;,4'~~ 1- I r 7' if Nau~~w 4 <eh. u mhio. »a mie ut.e.LIt inte .m '-sor e e" do - Ijm ne ud se M C k. ejo' orace" OnI orh~-.00 kd tou am fa( W4oera lus AWite ý* bu 0" BI'. h Uvr 0 «Y livig i seras, ~ a le t. thosed ah ia uhk oldra iRT, aris Ont"idetulTero. Thl e * mL 14 cent* meubdle s Q 4,..,~ I IV 444444 * 4 2 i 't" 1~ i 4 4 .4 4 t ' 4444 I4 I 4 I a BAN> Clearly a ieî.e of embroli -wIll b. sold on Y Stow This ina gr müd the avew'age thie large stoffl .pio.s aat 800 am - 4La Le8a windou CASI NOTIC *The underi-àgned I 3hop Compo8Od parts of W.ot a 3rleyt & Heavy foerbuyi It will- douhly pay .l fact almost * every plac wher a' it is the ideal power. One of these engines May be se«: y In quired,

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