Whitby Keystone, 3 May 1906, p. 6

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-~ - . -I .7 r J' r 'y ~TUVATE SEC 1 'Ru~se ïf îhjýlano royali roa4rtp n- M'. tutvý Itor' lit la-to atart the joiia ejy in < -l ta r~y "t, a milnister or the CVwk4upc for' of a!Iw~ who etor the race,1 ~p LuILI1 paia. Sno Olio geta a. pjÃ"Mý ro«t6;-ls.theé atf>4lofttaa *ftbor-a4hanadicap. Indeeo, l 9iercn f~ea l~t cauxowoout of ton Itl iahie ow.n fâLut4lI. qy%: e I op' dooo Dot capture a*valÛI& E1't tith 1 '~b d>pxiz*m. it lu weighty eviderza et the on _the b=çk -ý- mtr ightr hme,. I truth ai, tixise ttemo17t ,tbt 0t9,, thôught t ,ceIdu tJ throo men> w4ýqto-d4X are fttllLig th 1i 61 mLcert bpoorabLeand resp0Lsibl & about four ine14eà kqua eai poste'In our enxire were, [lot Inaiflt ,k yoare go occupying uaulul but obg gouro poLOB as privato decrotaVius on'11 ra __Not ony a tebu âa.arleg Dot eiceding £f' a year. t1aveyP.f'o It Is 'only Iourtozxyeare sihe . emt a cprtily unknol barrieteP r4f-ycal ; j ~'.~.J >orallu, wa wrting- Mr. aar scecond infla pW eitipend ,.bnt oven ,n tlilw- chàruc. fo.1iowed by an Outbreak 0' y arab,, h e- to j eoul not Conemai tlie :Ugli x b. s.o! ýaniuo that w&r. jeLi 4e bà4dta4px.1~e.~~p~8 ~i duY adxy, LS ord lm&r~.~Opttlb~t~.e, '40w dominankrt Igr.aheGfPI' te'ic&d iu' u4,rV r of ix a~oeryofl"iOOO 4. Kinofte üg,.wLLh a it. oaye s'i- 0ait, coptinenrt In hslia nds., *'. ' A tcarU aiir, I"'1885, P.l ~iC ,~Curzon.Ieh(otJtéO(od -bpnýr.b Z.px.Buk. h fe&{ u- 4 nnrlid ils tpreasitoniy S. .the *fre ÏrAiî'-S4f wk doubted *.union. W.12 actilig a. attjistait p1i.i. "..- %-ttto iecretary tto Lord * EÀ4s&.ry ;kdpç" .0 0.C !<I. later lio wae.'ruIilng' ,.flf~hTuefre.fw ~' t. ho uman race ansd filing tho Ifffmt~'trf4.tMit'Iaa Dlqmot gqet)dtjvýCo i ro nek- ln ..t'rllecte'h al- I~eartewoxd vr.qrd un a sa1tr..O(i24XO a thoroughly- once daiiy. and applied Zain- ymr ]Ruk. asn dîrectod. 'WitM« -a féw daysq Thia thx.Ird io our trlnlty 9ft ,tori- thérep 'as fi marked Improvernent, amd *ri*w am("Duf.nbgeg if; the ple Ith',wlxho gTrç1ually tt- wopnds began te piýO@.T [ on' t wxUoba.traeycars el 4'f.luTtcicxgn ~ -? (ilScî.ay t i i9*à:*g n O T!- -l'3*Cased and *the kInd 11.e ik- dow- 'SLhe îth begýan to grow ai6j;ein. WitHn'a khort j< Me n(l dev-bs.-ff d-a&9th a» I e -f commnenctIng vith thoZ0 - gratfitiy xo4an3Tgeb va nBuk- treatment io..Llthe- four W'.und.s we.re trk i îr'. mstueyîw t. Ande pot only closed up. but. ail tire patcies' tlxl, <1ire Ueî- o haa . oid u ere cvert'd witi new, hcalthy ekin.* 4o.ubt go thro:jg1- precLWly the on.ux 1"1 consider4 Zam-1Buk a wdnderful mpre4c&~p;for, Ma-.1 late batin. ani shah n iwave reeommyend It te LoXrd l>erby rubi: -If IL Pt' xâO SeC- Jm'yfronda;. *Ilt can cure siuch serious le retaryto a Cabuo Mc cnot ý.,skînditoaaes as mine wau, it, miut bol mnako a bi-Iilnt 'uc-ýéri 'of h-sla ite, « very aseîV4jqprç (pr çuts, and .Ijght"jjC mna dter thant p»e lxtp. uoîCar.» Injties rustained In One'@' tverY dY- to plu y o r uin t bau deo.uu oLtkno w how _*ies~aîawy epab xn~" to pLay them.'*.w*.r&alawy e-aeô NcturxitIy, ali »c-r~t rg ü A&M.R.ncbx- mys a'Bkl rene~ia i'dilZy theighte s; bât'tioro ooOd nôt oexiy for &'zema, rlngwcwmt are manýy p.. oeohu te pUipq4 Par- ulors, abaces. dischargiiia $or,", batr- na£LuUuantai tlioro,,IÀ. ifue -Iqreach ber'&,,t h, x sç'. diiemçe.e gen- *itbe &vSatancDa g'oo« imaný p¶b: Oies ppoblM#t* =tï.b (rm x3Ld, -' I4mr 1jes 8 - oj etc. It heals them la Ml'. NV.ynibam, for whom i e. hWgh-ý ~w*.rlw 1 't t ditfers from u est piaeo Lan ta Ft te la )?oim,,than-fs Xmaejrl Ballou f L dolof.'Oüd iw fi >jf rom vpgetable efit4nce,,. and contains D 1Ilà 1 .iWfr a 0 t barort)hhoWSLe ma4à Cb.ia<.cretary Obtainable troin 'ail druggis t t) Si (o Ielpd *eentis a bo;t. ory 42.pa<dfromn the ZaM- Fi Uariy of osir co!ontm gre pow lie- Buk (N. Çobovn4 astreet, Toronto, upon in ig gov*ern'xiby (gliOf<a&ID êcretqýrltgrmciiit of once, 0 who at.tended tha2lr otttetif rom is11 pozxlIe of Jalubr clerka.. Lord U>'tD J -ITE MILL R&LWAY INVASION.m Goverrxor G.:no5r&I of C4.nada, ww Lord Robu,.,t'. I>lrivaLu SacreLgrY at l the (lapa 22 yeara go>; rrd'ortii- What Sir WillmVn Borne SM oîf D note, Who 'hu.7the* naýIlonna 1t)Dam- .m 4 e Rod's'cbene. i Sbay, w a' aI1->rlvate Secretary for th Iia adsShtt. i four yeara at ConstanctInople and the I ei trua~uer Lr-l x~on -ho îuus Sm ir Wia.m Vau Horm, en hm t. r.Al ino~u theii civil ervice wpuid tes- Iho or bu a#epa ieu, hbW'> ouit the Âmcang the former prIvaI.glcerc amore.rcnU.ittçaU ta.rirn w-ho o vebeau' bead otofdo- wMY.- Ine misbt th"lub be oeuId - 2 p&irtmoutn within s.6ent'yeara > 6«100 c gitia.Ill 13inLbat WAJ lutîcil l a aaxto exprerss ta tosr figures a cre zotot '&0<aad. For ÃŽbutan., Sirh T.iomaa 8a.ndoeaon. permanent'h AI1iI yt iiin=ato W"b »~ uiiitlr .eretiàry at. the. Foteign or. railwaya thut are Iess.d to *the Ceaas fléo on110£2000 a y&r;o Bir george Northein, would »ot be dhspW os4 #va1 Mu'ream.retary to the. Poe-office Mr. M1U facllti"rufor Q4ne outrutSoi at tho sanie saLry ; Sir Fleetwood of ralUwy4 li uel tPrIW te, Umipeta Eulwaa'd and Sir Courtenay - igole. wlth thek mm ~lIoqo .EW'mnt eftBcrotary to the. Boa ofet uomplt whod> utt int ovrdpv TrjaàjeJt0 merktion ooniy a l ew of 1T about ralIwev mattOM faseeegt-t tbffle ohlIdreii ut fortune.1 Ila.y (W theee mon have MfJl1te t e =auMo~*rt!. " . b5ý'", m cdfie of privats secrotary ta eeveral telokiu, diiêdrmqOm Miiter.. $lr Agernou Weut s. n',d x Ufr. Glubtoué, -t ho Dake of Borner- Ct'ou ae.àafoocd Iting9. T1yor ort anxd Sir E. 'Wcoou l;r Clariffl Ehat VeT train l"dof O <W ORl ff~am -m"a apreyc. of 34r. Dlaraa'fel! aa u.ti.UIaÃ"Sao 1fr. OkmWute ii~nd 81r' L4taf oird meoea gulst*iitw bMIui Oum" Nortbootê, and Dlgby iott. hosil of The. grain brou*bt fron.t be vest Iy tb.e t&t1onsry offlop, 1ke Lord FXser, a effd1an rout. ee Mtisi h<owq w wa. fourfold scoretarliorown. tii, shwbo3eWof-et 11w 'lmj là A Revetadon in Tee, "ands f dollars 1te *0 mneü~- ange of the. P"14 01cf anada. ies- Tii. te& trade of the world basu njer.dieu graîn trnsport o tM me.sbo% > -ene a romarkable change in ah. past crUn Jrit.e4 Blts. » roc4esm mm Iw y.ars. Tweaty years mgo, praeti. money divertet.0 Ãœ#lie pkb of u» e.Ily alilthé tea cfi<the world wtt sup- .rIc i ps.pls lied by China and Japan. About that - me lier, uppeared an insect la Ceylon qSp" 5v le t.kw Yâ* ad Whieh attaced the cet tee troc, and Ila a imry #hort time the entire eofet. planta- i 11e1b wua destroyed. Vaeyj> P.L R._ Borne enterprising Seoteh ,plant*rs' eomzneneed the pianting of ten, sud tb istes, DO t0b* e Io tirot shlpmenL umade tte th. London a -ýppmae w le rult-teie ost~e *:trsortI1nay ~P7i*aM pies, the7 developing a quallty lu the ~ ~ Wupfar supeor te an n7rg veknovu a' M eeprev19usly._ eue CtyIon tees - ap diynale fooýtholu Ia Etmd,u- 111 to-day lie exporta te that otry' anemt to epn undre'! An'!tweuêy-fIve their iiiroiuco lta Canada A"' ~Teetp jit 4$~ de~t Oth ieyo ati led the. patient, a youn.g xu, wlo Vu. ehot ju;ý adthe d 4t aIgd jw-o1~ç,o atable by liam z»-lcl4;mspatient, pqreeiVing&that "0 àa' falien lie tute hand*.oi * Lune o, resîgneci bimseit te lbis fate, and ba", i1 awflUrne. '¶Then, however, ît was a 'for a very truulng arn, and, alter expreasing tbhe p. tilt ia viýxtiînwould .se0dk 4 afore o9atem- a, and wdufld hrîiù retuft 'oneȎ day' ide-hint farosuelI.. -Awt own de $the. >ung aeawas cca>s'P tire >1cê)epo heded -athe uftareàt pallc 'tat% sitxh me mtory-Of. lui. woes, .nd- te detiov, 1o was knuwrn to have bee3l ,q4e tate of xnfr.d 'for reine time,'has been re- eoved- te an aeslrnn. But xi t o utoro the lest grinder, andi ti patient is<ree-qhvdiu'cha*&hocCo E14hj yatem hff --Bom6e tinm iust éeias -beote au be himU etagain. . o'>Where Il 'Was bone 'buD. Larkbu n .W4csaNx4 ome OoS- VOnion.) fre Bing. b.et 0' co.!e' o de. it. the% '.«L e* oai o out'ton cord of vw, 1 nv, 06 Ur outhJ.bebktid tho stave . 140ffapi'.' -000R7Nolu. - - SBMLg hêo, c« «gM coru-l liay, Sawa.n' rake.d k to. In t-wei vobo>urs by the dck ' w« va Notim'ey tbmougbt- -' COUd aoxW Iguoe, b.Is>i. ,Op,àt -'CaY3e',uMMey unc 1 $ .Lq Sit M.wksehe .hid <Ji. vood. Lu Uoca rcr-&tome ý0 Di. hlie pgbed *trour M(ot- Mie p)biighed St g»ool DontaM; Le', -'fre -théu&ba"d. near gobe dovu - The. job wsail Complote. Mbu ieV eer tuA>sd a bah', lWue'ît t I lmm 'bKbi *r' 0 pleugbed It &ail luene acwt day- la 'Ldswowe,'a ro6é store. rc Btui !igh m.e fine 4do1M u DY MW oxi-eke' bqa: ' 11e donf X allin isaia., dey W cou"tlm or s;ev'ra1 .lomu. - A doten days or moSe W131er I~e t 'dônd?- Thi en o ' el, Ti.Little Adm4iL The tien Captain KurppeI, apIvlag et ;pith'ead after four ycars servs-jo .,hoi 'ai East, ýwas loeking forwsrdit. meet- f- Is$ wIfo anain ut ion tatiier'. bouse, nly fourteen. milesdi.tane ,»I» nlie ,celved orders to go inuwediateiy. t-o ýheernesa. le waa dinfing wÃŽt4 the Ad- diral'i hicommand! ai Portmnouth f&'An vusbe o aken on -board bis,-elp, tic lido, in tho Admirai'0 tender. -z fufund ;e master of tii. Dido-.-, mani by good xck, 0f tire sre 'ai n sd bulld-mdr,,u. ý& hlm uP In bis eoeked bat epaulettes a'! sword, takîng the meselr'soffokin a'! Pe&asket; law hlm on board the. ,nder, duli touche'!hi.elbat, «d!went .1- w, _ hne ma-ter-t-o. . ..D- d_ put me4orlty are zmtfor «Y et thesespe Latsis but ve dces»t bm e.2tbs . -4 v. -o-, "4 ,. 15 J$ht eoap la better thaft other isoBps, but la £Equ;allyt god ith liard or 4 cim fà- . -M i ied or u r, 'l' 1 Pn i . A.N"M, flbL9DIT . TWO.GfltL hocu.aJ la a private hmily: tD rieabI learbL AAkqe la Pie n~1. Goace 14 Rumbah Souvenir -Post Oards Ua *Wi100; 00 for 5.; 100, $;1 0,0». ; Mo0 a5; SU diIiret. Leugit &u nutto«c la Canada; M00mtrd. 88;ibuàl, &U io W. IL Adam&. Toroato. Ont. mmrW.-WlnaoueSootus 97By=9p éçla ai- ways be uaed for &iiidm itWetng. It so te h oa e,&" eot r« '71à34 WY Dli M- mibr Pui PtorV YIOY ?ILL Co... Kig IdurA Vi . lethe. unoe ëbf thé em- I Miss Bret 'Tarte, with th-e aid of lai aid eoCabby. parr ef GermanT, wviiunio 4 J *euBa uOluOf 1 uxb , h %Mktzred. ei~n ~rAllWtto4lSs the ea t8~n uaiready the uncle Of' 1 n 0 l'iC fic lnVoxi adventtag h alngianartie ce 4 the gowu prIpce .of Reeii n"thO*'i. cal-on» je ___îewW eelq fe. u'0,nlý prlaceseuetreden sud l in Lth hr of We -lb..eý î duien or^ ttôrftyi nome. ccpyîng donecoemplimente'! ber on dis'pute wlth a cabman about 1l ae >.fa~,'dunien ç~ timIeJte practice," aai'Mis5 # relte.'I exca=uxedtNoîg2hlsfler Ia ln t- Yarmouth, IL P. -~s.a~ r vÇt~ .î. *Jg 0Di , .4 Geutlemeuc-Jn Jaqur*ry las .Fraxnc«es rk~'we Yf7-"nIT4 12 fetiJr' efs cb Locare on e t). mxi nxle>alb m ,western friends. .- My fat-ber used te tel 'rlhtam,- working ia lbe lumber ods, iad 'a lrdsk 4f a~I ii&dfll4ie f l, ohhm cuuing hlm fearfully. -,,H.f acter cf California. James lué, bar on.B MiL3&tS( - w'18 ~ bi.ûii.pae u aean'! nlght drew-a revolver a tertalned fpr isrcvrh~hp e aide of tic roem. The friend laugie' The. active lrritatiag cause Of 1315 oo badl~tTIIb~ ii'! ~u od tuft~ b a nd calmlY drank oeftfhi. remminder o! freiln hit ,VUs-to is feot. 'W. uced MMl. hus.coektail. My father uaid le Redweed p fle ieset ploceui udl ARD' LiIMEN. O hl ij~elytp ames: <TtI maIsh ave required con- the bloed. outhAmerlDa hmudi00aCur deaden tie, pain ,aâ4 vii tiitheUM Of aiderable praclice.' 'Precice," Redwood neautraîlses th. eil poisoa. Relfles ela f- tire. bot-îles io wae ct>mpteolciedJames replis'; 'Ilsen!'! egay se, Young um and cureslain1teo ada7-.-40. and! able to rut'drn "te bitw-ork. mals. 1 gnoes p'iled mer$ e' "-r'e iglExedluc SAUVET U VA~' doua Chinamen e.lernla'ht thè&e -rr fw - xndt Famine Prk" i orJaif.egasWIieown p Kt 4 "dN~ - - Ahie.nwiu.-the Chu ugHua, Pua, gin- ~ ',5 mu f -f pras i. eloig:".spca-&ersoe-ia" the trtursof 1 u»m palpt liob nDo& Ce prnts athe aiwl. il bu hebN.of servons t-wtobtu of My Muscles Snaiuoedfull of nouveaux io hus v U.*asth lsg- ont t FDgt*là nit tht abut 4o o",think hb.y bavée'Mon;; le bure" aud ginunug 0etiiie mnt5a-, sia *36 t lpoted b7 simpl'e ngleet ofe t 1110 digedtWi." -horwomeofoflw ie bettertithe lnsu'Uc- sua $~00 ,.PuemWlws bom bho eSter"Thu ea0ctic forcefu a.nd wvat ugverdi tien. Tb*. coul of buldingsuadliIng bs cd omi, olIa sdneteSii~ t~sld iepolala ou' ure-17tis beaun rus.d t.- a levai on vhuIcen o ed or Ul k r a I 50' csnI mouta orof lay, Wo pocime tu>, bercureby ot rest for vyen lqpg. Aiuthc @i adage eboaxu7c ,vhsnit-e'e failed vas s modern miracl&.A -te, 111 lride t to,0 je - lb. psse t ab a1t elctm.d t bu , ege ccigvs-.ia.-2 uloktepcr4~li bken by- lb. and ber vngue caicilat&- Thoeek>o».u001>oua jock.ysthbo n'lotpild00Mad diteurnt~bLdst tau she mut bL %1-Lord Day Oruc&.avil i no '~ aso Idite ur on.W UYaf' ne ctchfameue;tnt, economy ilI e - ~mornlng. - t KIDNEY SERCER LIGIETS- Rave Tourlat (tefermer& vlte)-ÃŽan yen# y** iebu a? >1» You-féel 1rovst 1»clet me bave aegiascof mIlk t ? - lmu fambe fel bumý7?- HBave yFm PeSUl - M(1k la produce'!asudcontu» d the loups? mhave you dlmsulssit ave 7,6 Tourlut (taklng some coppeig from a s r dragines feeng lu ti ego102fet thepo.ket) -ÀA penny, I suppoe t z ktdues? "anxd a&U of tbcsié tOdicile j armer' Wilfe-Mlon, due Yeý'.$3o ti -ldaiy troubles." 8outi LAies calKi4aees Curelas lkuld kidaer qdwedfosad veua snie e' yerseV t5e b. buyis' #od. o vouderftl cures lu moot oxupUlc asdC"0114 Sw tb -et. ___________Touriat (repocketlng tii. ooppers)-Oi. Z 'CweU, there's ne iarm doue. I'm sure - Malter Moin Tbuen utaie. ' Ilm muehi cbllged.But wcu't you. -have Normen Meod *was once presching lie money for 1h? la a district of Ayrsklre viere he, ci'!- Fermer'. wifa-Na.;, «l'i . lug of casemon la reardea' heiegreal esu tia supene f b est feuls amiauler c»n ho ullty t. Sevbshl-Leee- ýM4 Wias the*'ooagregtlOfl w -sere!m o!'! w-cmas. 'iloWin' iiienthu* 8SUDDZN D 8 se., cUress.'! bernelbbori O1X4-Yi ever-bera'ou$thlng s mat gat Wiuae lia a"emont ibeür eprésIo-a *f ,Monlaox boingmelby a~oh __________ eelet listvee' -t vb%4 t ?,a~ WIs as ust"he"U»« mm Wb*e ula" Lteil M- KagMytesm d U tm__ ou_________ Tram lu? tbue" laie.dan-me * O tmr Nhuil. tut reZ4ei*0.1 1*1 Ttwow-J W. i bu Mr W" tm seub ,snA t a ifm-Bid Sa t 1uSd takon Sternsily. snd »eos» - et, Pias bu-, *ver beeo und il tallea!t, e.M U ey back if Il dome fou. 11.00 aI 5&UdernIers ft Xbs Wlsoa-iyls CO.. Limihadi Niagara PMI*e ont. 1 "Trii. IeUgttsl amef" sd e -iy- iii dl iauiulp "IbearU' bleg but 'le ~ ~ ~ ~ i thesu! 'bI b leulUimpI s.s'a a4>1a ~ Mid-, ald Vas...ri.. N Tour M.m.ytl" bfMY~ b7lsesu0v ." AT1ONh1t 1. Thïey--Jeus aknd 1 'ste otiier a. .1 Iby- a£ MWi Version l Graens onB%4 a village caU-Mî e'! ri à ËÏèdle of tire eastern uh( &Mk1iFomb@ in tire adjacent w md tire village iound a ut -4z wulüting Mie &tory of th 2 "t%. tonrbs--hee tonibs wa luMcaves or ù ecsSes' ee* j Lh t-b with ce upt- their therex pion of t-he dead. Su canàijW be traced in more lis tb'rVnes on.tire easetrn sih be1-ai' i..A mnn-*Matt oe, prcibaby t-he tierc ou iiu deny-ing tirat lu hbealed..e,, Unélean spir't-"Cailei -becar the spirit defil1 bth souIç4ht1e &xt.ward filt-h be"n tàè-IXar deilment. Tht y 1an nelus.pirit, in 1 of ,'r the influence and doi K id bind hirn-Attempts Ta bind i hm because hi cee t ierce (Mlatt. -iii. td that hle was naked. an ins-Fetters n-ere for - r any otbetipait4el t] Tanue him-'Tt wa3 te bis n-tit, avage nat !r .- t;Theýs-e eats et sIx of ibited by mad men. 6 t and day-He was d se Mountains ..... trnbe' hitd bis hezneý fozr' w teasts as seou ' '-I for liaI age had no for f-rtutr1 Are- - - ret ~9m. o ethtie spirit t poduc,^e lhem.". ing2.Ço i=eus yei'ie. Cuttinig himse' '-w5nç, .picture of' wbI -W-o me udri ~~ 1e fSata-n. The. demoniae goeis te Ci As e','1~IatttO tbut'*ie -un e le ' th deuons i des~ires 'o suit! 7. And cried, etc.-It il ' .- accut.for-hi$s-A ao esof ia wonderful J for. the uflergnoe ci w Co . es, au ilwe1d-1r4 th t e eU lrdeirly, tb f tW f~pOssessioni,or'-1 paof 4iedVi'outý 9f4 to LwIM by tIi9,cxpregs-7pq ils on anv otier- hYpoties ex -ce o' etleingm ein m ed7on. _To do -with t m atbV*C1 in rf rert-.hoiu wti ~ evils at once recegnize en withb divine p ie.-T Do ne erein thtiý ù e eJ 8 ut,. n-hic)> corutg -it no ne be ,* e -o terni sa x qùe r tq-4selW ne re per 0-t-wbete io

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